XCOMM! CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/bin/dtksh XCOMM $XConsortium: XdrawTest.src /main/3 1996/04/23 20:19:28 drk $ XCOMM ######################################################################### XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Unix System Labs, Inc., a subsidiary of XCOMM Novell, Inc. XCOMM ######################################################################### XCOMM XCOMM This sample shell script demonstrates the calling sequence for most of XCOMM the X drawing commands. XCOMM ExposeCallback() { XDrawRectangle $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ 10 20 100 200 \ 120 20 200 100 XFillRectangle $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -foreground red -background green 20 30 80 180 XClearArea $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ 30 40 60 40 false XDrawLine $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -foreground red -background white 130 22 130 117 XDrawLines $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ 140 30 140 101 \ 150 101 150 30 XDrawLines $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -CoordModePrevious -line_width 3 160 30 0 71 \ 10 0 0 -71 XDrawPoint $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ 180 30 180 101 XDrawPoints $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ 190 30 190 40 190 50 190 60 190 70 190 80 190 90 190 101 XDrawPoints $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -CoordModePrevious \ 200 30 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 XDrawSegments $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -function clear -foreground green -background red \ -line_width 3 \ 210 30 210 40 210 50 210 60 210 70 210 80 210 90 210 100 XDrawArc $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -line_width 3 20 300 100 150 300 5760 XFillArc $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -line_width 3 20 270 100 150 11520 5760 XDrawString $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -font fixed -foreground blue -background red 200 200 \ "XDrawString" XDrawImageString $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -foreground green -background red 200 250 \ "XDrawImageString" XFillPolygon $(XtDisplay "-" $CB_WIDGET) $(XtWindow "-" $CB_WIDGET) \ -Convex -CoordModePrevious \ 300 300 30 70 30 -140 XTextWidth "-" fixed "Hi Mom" } ClearWindow() { XClearWindow $(XtDisplay "-" $DRAWINGAREA) $(XtWindow "-" $DRAWINGAREA) } XCOMM ###################### Create the Main UI ############################### XtInitialize TOPLEVEL drawingArea DrawingArea "$0" "$@" XtCreateManagedWidget FORM form XmForm $TOPLEVEL XtCreateManagedWidget DRAWINGAREA drawingArea XmDrawingArea $FORM \ topAttachment:ATTACH_FORM \ leftAttachment:ATTACH_FORM \ rightAttachment:ATTACH_FORM XtAddCallback $DRAWINGAREA exposeCallback ExposeCallback XtCreateManagedWidget SEP sep XmSeparator $FORM \ topAttachment:ATTACH_WIDGET \ topWidget:$DRAWINGAREA \ leftAttachment:ATTACH_FORM \ rightAttachment:ATTACH_FORM XtCreateManagedWidget PB pb XmPushButton $FORM \ labelString:"Clear The Window" \ topAttachment:ATTACH_WIDGET \ topWidget:$SEP \ leftAttachment:ATTACH_FORM \ rightAttachment:ATTACH_FORM \ bottomAttachment:ATTACH_FORM XtAddCallback $PB activateCallback ClearWindow XtSetValues $DRAWINGAREA \ height:450 \ width:450 XtRealizeWidget $TOPLEVEL XtMainLoop