/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $XConsortium: dblock.h /main/2 1996/05/09 04:02:57 drk $ */ /* * COMPONENT_NAME: austext * * FUNCTIONS: FCNINIT * * ORIGINS: 157 * */ /* ********************** EDIT HISTORY ******************************* SCR DATE INI DESCRIPTION ----- --------- --- ----------------------------------------------------- 368 28-Jul-88 RSC Integrate BSD changes into code 115 16-Aug-88 RSC Integrate VAX/VMS changes into source code 423 09-Sep-88 RSC Change variables to be compatible with MULTI_TASK 420 07-Oct-88 RSC Unoptimized use of fl_list (full of bugs) 441 09-Dec-88 RSC Modified defn of FCNPID for general lockmgr */ /* Lock Manager/Runtime function interaction */ /* Network Bios Status codes */ #define N_BUSY 0xff #define N_OKAY 0x00 #define N_TIMEOUT 0x05 #define N_SESCLOSED 0x0a #define N_DUPNAME 0x0d #define N_TABFULL 0x11 #define N_OPENREJ 0x12 #define N_CALLNAME 0x14 #define N_NAMEUSED 0x16 #define N_NAMEDEL 0x17 #define N_SESABORT 0x18 #define N_INTFBUSY 0x21 #define N_COMMANDS 0x22 /* Function/Status codes */ #define L_RECOVER -5 #define L_QUEUEFULL -4 #define L_TIMEOUT -3 #define L_UNAVAIL -2 #define L_SYSERR -1 #define L_OKAY 0 #define L_DBOPEN 1 #define L_DBCLOSE 2 #define L_LOCK 3 #define L_FREE 4 #define L_TRCOMMIT 5 #define L_TREND 6 #define L_SETTIME 7 #define L_RECDONE 8 #define L_LOGIN 9 #define L_DELETE 10 #ifndef LOGFILELEN #define LOGFILELEN 48 #endif /* Macros for VMS mailbox usage */ typedef struct LM_LOCKREQ_S { INT fref; INT type; } LM_LOCKREQ; /* Message packets, Runtime to Lock Manager */ /* Some macro / typdefs to make this file much more readable */ #define PERMISSION 0666 #ifdef GENERAL /* Defines for GENERAL LOCKMGR */ #define FCNPID INT fcn; #define FCNDEF INT fcn; #define FCNINIT() 0 typedef char LM_FILEID; #else /* GENERAL */ /* Defines for UNIX SYS-V */ #define FCNPID LONG fcn;\ int pid; #define FCNDEF LONG fcn; #define FCNINIT() 0 /* Defines for both UNIX SYS-V and BSD */ typedef struct LM_FILEID_S { ino_t inode; dev_t device; } LM_FILEID; #endif /* GENERAL */ typedef struct LM_LOGIN_S { FCNPID char dbusrid[80]; } LM_LOGIN; typedef struct LM_DBOPEN_S { FCNPID INT nfiles; INT type; LM_FILEID fnames[1]; } LM_DBOPEN; typedef struct LM_DBCLOSE_S { FCNPID INT nfiles; INT frefs[1]; } LM_DBCLOSE; typedef struct LM_LOCK_S { FCNPID INT nfiles; LM_LOCKREQ locks[1]; } LM_LOCK; typedef struct LM_RECOVERED_S { FCNPID } LM_RECOVERED; typedef struct LM_FREE_S { FCNPID INT nfiles; INT frefs[1]; } LM_FREE; typedef struct LM_TRCOMMIT_S { FCNPID char logfile[LOGFILELEN]; } LM_TRCOMMIT; typedef struct LM_TREND_S { FCNPID } LM_TREND; typedef struct LM_SETTIME_S { FCNPID INT secs; } LM_SETTIME; /* Message packets, Lock Manager to Runtime */ typedef struct LR_DBOPEN_S { FCNDEF INT status; char logfile[LOGFILELEN]; INT nusers; INT nfiles; INT frefs[1]; } LR_DBOPEN; typedef struct LR_LOCK_S { FCNDEF INT status; char logfile[LOGFILELEN]; } LR_LOCK; #define DBLOCK_H /* vpp -nOS2 -dUNIX -nBSD -nVANILLA_BSD -nVMS -nMEMLOCK -nWINDOWS -nFAR_ALLOC -f/usr/users/master/config/nonwin dblock.h */