/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $TOG: cmncbs.c /main/8 1999/09/17 15:44:29 mgreess $ */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* cmncbs.c */ /* */ /* Common callbacks */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include
#include "dtcreate.h" #include "OpenFile.h" #include "cmncbs.h" #include "cmnrtns.h" #include "CreateActionAppShell.h" #include "af_aux.h" #include "ca_aux.h" #include "icon_selection_dialog.h" /* from main.c */ extern void UxDoEditPixmap(Widget wid, char *fname); /******************************************************************************/ /* Initialize global values. */ /******************************************************************************/ Boolean bRegisteredSignal = FALSE; int (*sigchildRoutine)(); /******************************************************************************/ /* activateCB_open_FindSet - Callback for the "Find Set" button on */ /* CreateActionAppShell and AddFiletype windows. */ /* This callback will pop up the Icon Selection */ /* dialog box. */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget filesel - file selection box widget id */ /* XtPointer cdata - client data */ /* XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cbstruct - callback data */ /* */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void activateCB_open_FindSet (Widget find_set_button, XtPointer cdata, XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cbstruct) { Widget filter; XtArgVal /* Boolean */ use_bm = False; static char *use_bm_filter = "*.m.bm"; static char *use_pm_filter = "*.m.pm"; char *search_path; char *filter_field_title = NULL; int use_filter_field = False; char *file_filter; char **directories_list = GetIconSearchPathList(); int numberOfTopButtons = 0; void *top_button_one_cb = NULL; void *top_button_two_cb = NULL; void *top_button_three_cb = NULL; char *top_button_one_label = NULL; char *top_button_two_label = NULL; char *top_button_three_label = NULL; int use_icon_name_field = True; int numberOfBottomButtons = 3; void *bottom_button_one_cb = (void *)load_icons; void *bottom_button_two_cb = NULL; void *bottom_button_three_cb = NULL; void *bottom_button_four_cb = NULL; char *bottom_button_one_label = NULL; /* use default */ char *bottom_button_two_label = NULL; /* use default */ char *bottom_button_three_label = NULL; /* use default */ char *bottom_button_four_label = NULL; /* use default */ char *name_field_title; char *container_title; char *directory_title; char *dialog_title, *pre, *suf; name_field_title = XtNewString(GETMESSAGE(11, 12, "Enter Icon Filename")); container_title = XtNewString(GETMESSAGE(11, 11, "Icon Files")); directory_title = XtNewString(GETMESSAGE(11, 30, "Icon Folders")); pre = GETMESSAGE(3, 10, "Create Action"); suf = GETMESSAGE(6, 18, "Find Set"); dialog_title = XtMalloc(strlen(pre) + strlen(suf) + 4); sprintf(dialog_title, "%s - %s", pre, suf); #ifdef DEBUG printf("activate Find Set button; client_data = %p\n", cdata); /* debug */ #endif XtVaGetValues (COLOR_MONO_OPTION, XmNset, &use_bm, NULL); if (use_bm) file_filter = use_bm_filter; else file_filter = use_pm_filter; #ifndef _ICONSELECTOR_DESTROY_ENABLED if (!IconSelector) { #endif /* _ICONSELECTOR_DESTROY_ENABLED */ IconSelector = create_icon_selection_dialog ((swidget) CreateActionAppShell, (unsigned char *)dialog_title, (unsigned char *)filter_field_title, use_filter_field, (unsigned char *)file_filter, (unsigned char *)directory_title, (unsigned char **)directories_list, (unsigned char *)container_title, numberOfTopButtons, (unsigned char *)top_button_one_label, (void (*)())top_button_one_cb, (unsigned char *)top_button_two_label, (void (*)())top_button_two_cb, (unsigned char *)top_button_three_label, (void (*)())top_button_three_cb, use_icon_name_field, (unsigned char *)name_field_title, numberOfBottomButtons, (unsigned char *)bottom_button_one_label, (void (*)())bottom_button_one_cb, (unsigned char *)bottom_button_two_label, (void (*)())bottom_button_two_cb, (unsigned char *)bottom_button_three_label, (void (*)())bottom_button_three_cb, (unsigned char *)bottom_button_four_label, (void (*)())bottom_button_four_cb); #ifndef _ICONSELECTOR_DESTROY_ENABLED } #endif /* _ICONSELECTOR_DESTROY_ENABLED */ XtFree(name_field_title); XtFree(container_title); XtFree(directory_title); XtFree(dialog_title); FreeIconSearchPathList(directories_list); XtVaSetValues (IconSelector, XmNuserData, cdata, NULL); UxPopupInterface (IconSelector, no_grab); XmProcessTraversal(ISD_SelectedIconTextField, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT); return; } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* createCB_IconGadget */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget wid - icon gadget windet id */ /* Boolean bActionIcons - is this an action widget */ /* enum icon_size_range - size of icon this widget represents */ /* */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void createCB_IconGadget(Widget wid, Boolean bActionIcons, enum icon_size_range IconSize) { SetIconData(wid, (char *)((bActionIcons) ? ca_full_icon_default : af_full_icon_default), IconSize); } /******************************************************************************/ /* activateCB_edit_icon - brings up icon editor with selected icon */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget wid - widget id */ /* XtPointer cd - client data */ /* XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cbs - callback data */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void activateCB_edit_icon (Widget wid, XtPointer client_data, XmPushButtonCallbackStruct *cbs) { char *pszIconToEdit; Boolean IsActionIcons; if (bIconEditorDisplayed) return; if ((int)(XtArgVal)client_data == CA_ACTION_ICONS) { IsActionIcons = True; widSelectedIcon = get_selected_action_icon(); widEditSource = CreateActionAppShell; } else { IsActionIcons = False; widSelectedIcon = (Widget)get_selected_filetype_icon(); widEditSource = AddFiletype; } XtVaGetValues (widSelectedIcon, XmNimageName, &pszIconToEdit, NULL); /***************************************************************/ /* Call routine to send tooltalk message to start icon editor. */ /***************************************************************/ UxDoEditPixmap(widSelectedIcon, pszIconToEdit); return; } /* We use this so we can reuse an open help dialog window. */ static Widget mainHelpDialog = NULL; /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* closeCB_mainHelpDialog */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget wid - widget id */ /* XtPointer cd - client data */ /* XtPointer cbs - callback data */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void closeCB_mainHelpDialog(Widget wid, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer *cbs) { XtDestroyWidget(wid); mainHelpDialog = NULL; } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DisplayHelpDialog */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget wid - widget id */ /* XtPointer cd - client data */ /* XtPointer cbs - callback data */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void DisplayHelpDialog(Widget wid, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer cbs) { Widget parent; int i; Arg args[10]; char pszTitle[MAXBUFSIZE]; char pszTopic[MAXBUFSIZE]; i = 0; /***********************************************************************/ /* Get help dialog window title. */ /***********************************************************************/ /* sprintf(pszTitle, "%s - %s", GETMESSAGE(3, 10, "Create Action"), GETMESSAGE(2, 53, "Help")); */ snprintf(pszTitle, sizeof(pszTitle), "%s - %s", GETMESSAGE(3, 10, "Create Action"), GETMESSAGE(2, 53, "Help")); XtSetArg(args[i], XmNtitle, pszTitle); i++; /***********************************************************************/ /* Now set the particular helpvolume and topic to view */ /***********************************************************************/ XtSetArg(args[i], DtNhelpType, DtHELP_TYPE_TOPIC); i++; XtSetArg(args[i], DtNhelpVolume, "CreatAct"); i++; XtSetArg(args[i], DtNlocationId, pszTopic); i++; switch ((XtArgVal)client_data) { case HELP_OVERVIEW: strcpy(pszTopic, "_hometopic"); break; case HELP_TASKS: strcpy(pszTopic, "Tasks"); break; case HELP_REFERENCE: strcpy(pszTopic, "Reference"); break; case HELP_USING: strcpy(pszTopic, "_HOMETOPIC"); XtSetArg(args[i], DtNhelpVolume, "Help4Help"); i++; break; case HELP_ABOUT: strcpy(pszTopic, "_copyright"); break; case HELP_ONITEM: strcpy(pszTopic, "CreateActionMainWindow"); break; case HELP_ADDFILETYPE: strcpy(pszTopic, "AddDatatypeWindow"); break; case HELP_FILECHAR: strcpy(pszTopic, "DatatypeCriteriaWindow"); break; case HELP_ICONSELECTOR: strcpy(pszTopic, "FindIconSetDialog"); break; case HELP_OPENFILE: strcpy(pszTopic, "openDialog"); break; } /***********************************************************************/ /* Create the Help dialog. */ /***********************************************************************/ /* **** old method of getting parent **** XtVaGetValues(wid, XmNuserData, &parent, NULL); if (!parent) { parent = wid; } */ parent = GetTrueToplevel(wid); TurnOnHourGlassAllWindows(); if ( mainHelpDialog == NULL ) { mainHelpDialog = DtCreateHelpDialog(parent, "mainHelpDialog", args, i); XtAddCallback(mainHelpDialog, DtNcloseCallback, (void (*)())closeCB_mainHelpDialog, (XtPointer)NULL); XtManageChild(mainHelpDialog); } else { XtSetValues( mainHelpDialog, args, i ); } TurnOffHourGlassAllWindows(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* helpCB_general */ /* */ /* INPUT: Widget wid - widget id */ /* XtPointer cd - client data */ /* XtPointer cbs - callback data */ /* OUTPUT: none */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void helpCB_general(Widget UxWidget, XtPointer UxClientData, XtPointer UxCallbackArg) { DisplayHelpDialog(UxWidget, UxClientData, UxCallbackArg); }