XCOMM!KORNSHELL XCOMM $XConsortium: Xsetup.src /main/8 1996/07/02 11:40:32 mgreess $ XCOMM ########################################################################## XCOMM XCOMM Common Desktop Environment XCOMM XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc. XCOMM XCOMM ************** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ************** XCOMM XCOMM CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/config/Xsetup is a factory-default file and will XCOMM be unconditionally overwritten upon subsequent installation. XCOMM Before making changes to the file, copy it to the configuration XCOMM directory, CDE_CONFIGURATION_TOP/config. You must also update the setup XCOMM resource in CDE_CONFIGURATION_TOP/config/Xconfig. XCOMM XCOMM ########################################################################## #if defined (_AIX) XCOMM XCOMM List of displays and keyboard languages XCOMM XCOMM This list is used to determine the keyboard language mapping for a XCOMM particular X station. Each item in the list is a display name XCOMM followed by a locale name to use for that display's keyboard XCOMM language mapping. To add a new mapping, simply add a new item to XCOMM the list. For example, if you have displays named chili:0, carp:0 XCOMM and pecos:0 with japanese, french and german keyboards, respectively, XCOMM your KBD_MAP list would be: XCOMM XCOMM KBD_MAP[0]="chili:0 Ja_JP" XCOMM KBD_MAP[1]="carp:0 Fr_FR" XCOMM KBD_MAP[2]="pecos:0 Gr_GR" XCOMM XCOMM KBD_MAP[0]="" #endif XCOMM ########################################################################## XCOMM XCOMM Directory specifications XCOMM XCOMM ########################################################################## #if defined (_AIX) && defined (AIXV4) XCOMM XCOMM Wait for boot sequence to end (if booting) XCOMM if [ "$LOCATION" != "remote" ]; then /usr/sbin/rc.bootx fi #endif #ifdef sun XDIR=/usr/openwin/bin #elif defined(__linux__) XDIR=/usr/bin #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) XDIR=/usr/X11R6/bin #elif defined(__NetBSD__) XDIR=/usr/X11R7/bin #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) XDIR=/usr/local/bin #else XDIR=/usr/bin/X11 #endif #define cpp_Xsetup #include "_common.ksh.src" #undef cpp_Xsetup #ifdef sun if [ ! -f /etc/pam.conf ]; then if [ -f CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/config/sys.pam.conf ]; then /bin/cp CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/config/sys.pam.conf /etc/pam.conf /bin/chmod 644 /etc/pam.conf fi fi #endif