]]> ]]> ttmedia_load_reply library call ttmedia_load_reply reply to a Display, Edit or Compose request #include <Tt/tttk.h> Tt_message ttmedia_load_reply Tt_message contract const unsigned char *new_contents int new_len int reply_and_destroy DESCRIPTION The ttmedia_load_reply function is used to reply to a Media Exchange request to display, edit or compose a document. The editor working on the request usually calls ttmedia_load_reply when the user has indicated in some way that he or she is finished viewing or modifying the document. If new_contents and new_len are non- NULL and non-zero, respectively, ttmedia_load_reply uses their values to set the new contents of the document back in the appropriate output argument of contract. If reply_and_destroy is True, ttmedia_load_reply replies to contract and then destroys it. RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, the ttmedia_load_reply function returns the created Tt_message; otherwise, it returns an error pointer. The application can use &cdeman.tt.ptr.error; to extract one of the following Tt_status values from the returned handle: TT_ERR_NOMP The &cdeman.ttsession; process is not running and the ToolTalk service cannot restart it. TT_ERR_NOTHANDLER This application is not the handler for this message. TT_ERR_NUM The integer value passed was invalid (out of range). TT_ERR_PROCID The specified process identifier is out of date or invalid. APPLICATION USAGE If contract is a Display request, then new_contents and new_len should be zero. SEE ALSO &cdeman.Tt.tttk.h;, &cdeman.ttmedia.load;, &cdeman.ttmedia.ptype.declare;, &cdeman.ttmedia.Deposit;.