ttsnoop demos ttsnoop send and receive ToolTalk messages interactively ttsnoop −t DESCRIPTION Then ttsnoop utility allows its user to create and send custom constructed ToolTalk messages, and to selectively monitor any or all ToolTalk messages on your system. ttsnoop menu options are as follows: Snoop — Turn on/off tracing; get version information Message — Create, open, receive, and destroy messages Pattern — Create, open, and destroy patterns File — Numerous tasks, including joining a file Session — Join a specific session; set the default session Ptype — Declare and undeclare a ptype; determine whether a ptype exists Types — Generate a list of declared types; generate a list of ToolTalk-based actions Procid — Open, close, suspend, and resume a procid libc — Call system(), putenv(), chdir(), pause(), and exit(); use exit() to exit ttsnoop OPTIONS The following command-line options are available: −t Print trace output. Of particular interest is that ttsnoop will print example ToolTalk API code in the invoking OpenWindows cmdtool (or console if ttsnoop is invoked via a menu choice) showing what ToolTalk API calls are being used to construct a particular pattern or message. SEE ALSO &cdeman.ttsession;