$ $XConsortium: dtsearch.msg /main/15 1996/10/30 17:29:27 cde-ibm $ $ $ (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. $ (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company. $ (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp. $ (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. $ (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. $ (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED. $ (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi. $ COMPONENT_NAME: austext $ $ FUNCTIONS: database $ $ ORIGINS: 27 $ $ IBM CONFIDENTIAL -- (IBM Confidential Restricted when $ combined with the aggregated modules for this product) $ OBJECT CODE ONLY SOURCE MATERIALS $ $ (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1994,1995 $ All Rights Reserved $ US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or $ disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. $ ********************** DTSEARCH.MSG ************************ $ $Id: dtsearch.msg /main/15 1996/10/30 17:29:27 cde-ibm $ $ December 1994. $ Messages specific to DtSearch. $ Symbolic msg sets replaced with numbers for portability. $ Basically there is a msgset for each module. $ $Log$ $ Revision 2.15 1996/04/10 22:54:07 miker $ Revision 2.14 1996/04/10 19:47:18 miker $ Revision 2.13 1996/03/20 19:32:13 miker $ Revision 2.12 1996/03/13 22:53:07 miker $ Revision 2.11 1996/03/05 16:04:30 miker $ Revision 2.10 1996/02/01 17:16:48 miker $ Revision 2.9 1995/12/27 21:17:19 miker $ Revision 2.8 1995/12/27 16:04:46 miker $ Revision 2.7 1995/12/07 23:26:31 miker $ Revision 2.6 1995/12/01 16:10:25 miker $ Revision 2.5 1995/10/26 16:21:21 miker $ Revision 2.4 1995/10/20 21:30:42 miker $ Revision 2.3 1995/10/19 20:52:30 miker $ Revision 2.2 1995/10/03 21:37:17 miker $ Revision 2.1 1995/09/22 17:54:34 miker $quote " $ General comments about all messages in this file: $ - Any message that begins with a %1$s or %s is using that variable $ to represent the name of the executable which is causing the $ message to be output. $ - Any variables specified in Usage messages should be translated $ consistently. $ **************************************************** $ set 1 formerly set MS_misc, used many places $set 1 1 "" $ message 2 can be translated to match local conventions. It is used $ in output files for information. 2 "%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S" 3 "*** %1$sOut of Memory at %2$s asking for %3$lu bytes! ***\n" 4 "%1$s Version %2$s.\n" $ message 6 refers to any value which is null when printing information. 6 "" 8 "%1$s No valid databases remain." 9 "%1$s Invalid command line argument '%2$s'.\n" 10 "%1$s Ignored unknown command line argument '%2$s'.\n" 11 "%1$s Invalid database name '%2$s'.\n" $ In message 13, do not translate "dtsrcreate." It is an executable name. 13 "%1$s No DB record in '%2$s' database.\n\ The usual cause is failure to initialize database (run dtsrcreate)." 14 "%1$s Program schema version '%2$s' incompatible with\n\ database '%3$s' version '%4$s'.\n" 15 "%1$s Received abort signal %2$d.\n" 16 "" 17 "" 18 "%1$s Database name not specified.\n" 19 " ,\t\n" 21 "%1$s Exit code = %2$d.\n" $ Message 22 can be translated. It represents a human-readable date like $ "Thursday, Jan 5, 1996, 6:30 pm". The "%I" is 12 hour clock time, but $ it could be changed to "%H" for 24 hour clock time. 22 "%A, %b %d %Y, %I:%M %p" 23 "%1$s: Version %2$s. Run %3$s.\n" $ Message 24 should not translate ".fzk". 24 "%1$s: current working directory = '%2$s', .fzk file = '%3$s'\n" 25 "%1$s Abort due to program error.\n" 27 "%1$s: %2$s: Invalid file format." 96 "%s Hitlist is empty." 301 "%1$s input text is %2$s." $ Msg 362 is a generic system message. The format is $ " : " where $ is a system errno which will already be translated. 362 "%1$s %2$s: %3$s" $ Msg 400 is like ": , line :..." 400 "%1$s: %2$s, line %3$ld: Invalid characters in word '%4$s'." $ Msg 423 is like " Word in is a duplicate." 423 "%1$s Word '%2$s' in %3$s is a duplicate." 1596 "%1$s %2$s Cannot open audit file %3$s: %4$s" $ **************************************************** $ set 2 formerly set MS_ausapi (ausapi.*) $set 2 1 "%1$s Invalid or unavailable database name '%2$s'." $ Msg 7 should not translate "dbnames" or "dbcount." 7 "%s dbnames specified but not dbcount." 20 "%1$s Invalid search_type '%2$c'." 30 "%s Null query. No search performed." $ Msg 37 should not translate "DtSearchInit." It is a function name. 37 "%s First API function call must be DtSearchInit().\n" 40 "%1$s Null cleartext. No highlighting performed." $ Msg 115 must have the date formatted in the way specified. 115 "%1$s '%2$s' is invalid or incomplete date string.\n\ The correct format is '[yy]yy [mm [dd]]'." $ Msg 187 must not translate "LOGNAME." It is an environment variable. 187 "%1$s Missing both userid and LOGNAME environment variable." 198 "%s 'Before' date is equal to or after 'After' date.\n\ No records would be returned." 216 "\n%1$s %2$s Caught signal %3$d.\n" 294 "%1$s Program Error in DtSearchResultsToText." 437 "%s Query contains invalid navigator string." 492 "%1$s There is no current hitlist." 498 "%1$s Invalid args for DtSearchResultsToText." 621 "%1$s %2$s has already been initialized." 806 "%1$s Query insufficient or search options\n\ incompatible with database '%2$s' to commence search." $ Msg 1072 "stem" is the root of a word. 1072 "%1$s Program Error: Stem count (%2$d) greater than maximum (%3$d)." 1342 "%1$s Search Engine Error %2$d for highlight request for\n\ database '%3$s', hit word count=%4$ld, search type='%5$c', text='%6$.30s'" $ **************************************************** $ set 5 formerly set MS_chandel, used in dtsrhan.c $set 5 3 "Output file '%1$s' already exists.\n" $ Msg 4 needs to use the same 2 characters from messages 4 and 5. $ The "q" is not needed because it is assumed that any character $ other than "a" or "o" means to quit the process. 4 "Append, overwrite, or quit? [a,o,q] " $ Msg 5 is the shortcut key for "a" or Append from message 4. 5 "a" $ Msg 6 is the shortcut key for "o" or overwrite from message 4. 6 "o" 7 "Unable to open output file '%1$s'.\n" 11 "\nError - unable to open profile file '%1$s'.\n" 12 "Error line %1$d: invalid identifier '%2$s'.\n" 13 "Error line %1$d - identifier '%2$s' missing value(s).\n" 14 "Error line %1$d - zero or bad value for '%2$s'.\noffensive token: %3$s.\n" $ Msg 15 should not translate "ANY." 15 "Error line %1$d - for identifier '%2$s', column has been set to ANY\n\ but there is no identifying signature string.\n" 16 "Error line %1$d - zero or bad value for identifier '%2$s'\n\ offensive token: %3$s.\n" 18 "Error line %1$d - missing value for identifier '%2$s'\n" 23 "Warning line %1$d: Delimiter redefined.\n" 25 "Error line %1$d: delimiter not specified as 'top' or 'bottom'.\n" 26 "Error line %1$d: invalid token '%1$s'.\n" 27 "Error line %1$d: invalid token '%2$s'.\n" $ Msg 34 needs to match the 'all' from msgs 36 and 37. 34 "all" $ Msg 35 needs to match the 'none' from msgs 36 and 37. 35 "none" $ Msg 36 needs 'all' to match msg 34 and 'none' to match msg 35. 36 "Error line %1$d: image mode must be 'all' or 'none' -'%2$s' not recognized.\n" $ Msg 37 needs "all" to match msg 34 and "none" to match msg 35. 37 "Error line %1$d: text mode must be 'all' or 'none' - '%2$s' not recognized.\n" 38 "Warning line %1$d: Key character redefined.\n" 39 "Error line %1$d: invalid Key Character:'%2$c'.\n" 40 "Warning line %1$d - key field redefined.\n" 43 "Error line %1$d - bad identifier '%2$s' for key.\n" $ Msg 45 should not translate "discard." 45 "Error line %1$d: unknown option for 'discard': '%2$s'.\n" $ Msg 46 should not translate "delblanklines." 46 "Error line %1$d: unknown option for 'delblanklines': '%2$s'.\n" 47 "Error line %1$d: Unknown option for abstract :'%2$s'\n" 48 "Error line %1$d -unknown identifier type '%2$s'.\n" 49 "Error - delimiter not defined.\n" 50 "Error - key-type character never defined.\n" 51 "Error - key never defined.\n" 52 "Error - delimiter defined as '%1$s' was never found.\n" 53 "Error - delimiter defined as '%1$s' references a physical line in the record.\n\ Since the delimiter defines the physical lines\n\ it cannot be referenced as a physical line.\n" 54 "Error - for field '%1$s', no line identifier matches '%2$s'.\n" 55 "Error - field include/exclude list included\n\ the field '%1$s', which was never defined.\n" 56 "Error - image include/exclude list included\n\ the line '%1$s', which was never defined.\n" 57 "Error - text include/exclude list included\n\ the line '%1$s', which was never defined.\n" 58 "Error - key definition references field '%1$s'\n\ which was never defined.\n" 59 "Error - abstract definition references field '%1$s'\n\ which was never defined.\n" 68 "Warning - fields necessary for key not found.\n\ discarding record %1$ld that began:\n\ %2$s\n" 69 "Warning - record %1$ld deemed meaningless, discarding...\n\ record began: %2$.60s\n" 70 " Unable to open input file '%1$s'.\n" $ Msg 71 should not translate ".fzk." 71 "\n\ USAGE: %1$s [options] []\n\ -m Turn off all but error messages.\n\ -w Change target screen width to .\n\ -oo Preapprove overwrite of outfile.\n\ -oa Preapprove append to outfile.\n\ Input file containing profile of records\n\ to be processed.\n\ Input file containing actual records.\n\ Output file name, .fzk format (%2$s).\n\n" 72 "Invalid screen width specified.\n" 75 "'%1$s' is invalid output mode.\n" 76 "Unknown command line argument '%1$s'.\n" 77 "Missing required profile-file name.\n" 78 "Missing required input-file name.\n" 79 "Error - using stdin as input, output filename is required!\n" 80 "Profile file and input file have same name:'%1$s'.\n" 81 "Input file and output file have same name:'%1$s'.\n" 82 "Profile file and output file have same name:'%1$s'.\n" 83 " Profile file: %1$s\n" $ Msg 84 should not translate "stdin." 84 " Input file: stdin\n" 85 " Input file: %1$s\n" $ Msg 86 should not translate "stdout." 86 " Output file: stdout\n" 87 " Output file: %1$s\n" 88 "%1$s. %2$s %3$s Text Filter.\n" 89 "\n Each dot is %ld records...\n" 90 "\nError closing output file - disk full?\n" 91 "Quitting due to errors in profile file.\n" 92 "\n%1$s: Normal completion. %2$ld records processed. Exit code = 0.\n" 93 "Error line %1$d - '%2$s' string not enclosed in double quotes.\n" 110 "Warning line %d - date field redefined.\n" 111 "Error line %1$d - bad identifier '%2$s' for date.\n" 115 "%1$s Default object dates will be '%2$s'.\n" 116 "Error - date references undefined field '%s'.\n" 124 "%1$s Unable to write to output file '%2$s':\n %3$s\n" $ Msg 125 should not be translated. 125 "JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC" 130 "%1$s Unable to load language processing files:\n%2$s\n" 133 "\n\ Warning - '%1$s' is invalid date specification.\n\ Using '%2$s' date for record number %3$ld that began: %4$.30s\n" $ **************************************************** $ set 6 formerly set MS_ve $set 6 26 "Called dummy_workproc().\n" 142 "%1$s Client Error: Requested record with invalid\n\ database addr %2$ld (%3$d:%4$ld, x'%5$08.8lx') for database '%6$s'." 156 "%1$s Incompatible data compression table used for database '%2$s'.\n\ Database compressed with %3$ld, engine decompressor is %4$ld.\n" 157 "DTSRVE157 Client Program Error: Null database address in usrblk.dba." 167 "%1$s No data in database '%2$s'." 178 "%1$s Database '%2$s' version '%3$s' incompatible\n\ with Engine version '%4$s'." 183 "%1$s Could not open user notes semaphore file '%2$s': %3$s.\n" 185 "%1$s Database '%2$s' maximum word size %3$d is too short." 199 "%1$s Could not acquire user notes semaphore '%2$s' within %3$d tries.\n" 230 "%1$s Could not open user notes backup file '%2$s': %3$s." 231 "%1$sDatabase '%2$s' has invalid abstract size %3$d." 251 "%1$s Database '%2$s' corrupted:\n\ Incompatible record counts and database addresses.\n" $ Msgs 310 and 311 can be appended to msg 309 to produce output. $ For example, one message might be $ " User notes disabled for entire Engine." 309 "%1$s User notes disabled " $ Msg 310 can be appended to msg 309 to produce output. 310 "for entire Engine." $ Msg 311 can be appended to msg 309 to produce output. 311 "for database '%1$s'." $ Msg 332 can be translated to local timestamp. It currently outputs $ something like "1996/03/04 at 16:40 CDT" 332 "%Y/%m/%d at %H:%M %Z" 333 "\n \n" 398 "DTSRVE398 NULL query string." $ **************************************************** $ set 7 formerly set MS_uiutil, no longer used in uiutil/dtsrutil.c. $ **************************************************** $ set 8 formerly set MS_loadocf, for module ocf.c. $ All words in set 8 which are capitalized should not be translated. $ They represent keywords in a configuration file. Words like PATH, $ SEARCH, MAXHITS, FILEIO, KEYTYPE, FILEPATH, KEYTYPES, KEYTYPE, $ UPPERKEYS, FALSE, and HOME. $set 8 $ Msg 1 is ": keyword is obsolete." 1 "%1$s%2$s: %3$s keyword is obsolete." $ Msg 140 "(missing)" refers to a token which is expected to be found but $ is missing. The token is from an input string of words being indexed. 140 "(missing)" $ Msgs 142-168 are combined into ": " where msg 142 or a $ default file name can be and msgs 143, 165, 166, and 168 $ can be . 142 "rest of line" 143 "is empty" 165 "unknown id" 166 "previously specified" 168 "missing path specification" 184 "%1$s %2$s: More than 8 characters in Database name '%3$.16s'.\n" $ Msg 221 should not translate "PATH." 221 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s', No PATH specified, statement ignored.\n" $ Msg 275 should not translate "SEARCH." 275 "%1$s %2$s: Invalid SEARCH value ignored." $ Msg 304 should not translate "MAXHITS." 304 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s', invalid MAXHITS value.\n" 352 "%1$s %2$s: Invalid %3$s value, line ignored.\n" 365 "%1$s %2$s: %3$s value is missing." 414 "%1$s Unable to open configuration file '%2$s':\n %3$s." 457 "'%1$c' Records" 477 "%1$s %2$s: Missing database name after '%3$s' keyword.\n" 495 "%1$s %2$s: '%3$.16s' is invalid keyword. Line %4$d ignored.\n" $ Msg 607 should not translate "FILEIO." 607 "%1$s %2$s: Invalid FILEIO value. User file reads and writes prohibited." 610 "%1$s %2$s: %3$s value is '%4$s'. Should be positive integer. Line ignored." $ Msg 684 should not translate "KEYTYPE." 684 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s', Invalid KEYTYPE character '%4$c'." 732 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s', No more than %4$d keytypes allowed.\n" $ Msg 903 should not translate "FILEPATH." 903 "%1$s %2$s: FILEPATH '%3$s' %4$s. Line ignored." 929 "%1$s Opened old style configuration file '%2$s'." $ Msg 986 should not translate "KEYTYPES." 986 "%1$s %2$s: KEYTYPES missing for database '%3$s'." $ Msg 1002 should not translate "KEYTYPE." 1002 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s', Duplicate KEYTYPE character '%4$c'.\n" 1007 "%1$s%2$s: Empty %3$s string ignored." $ Msg 1011 should not translate "KEYTYPE," "UPPERKEYS," or "FALSE." 1011 "%1$s %2$s: Database '%3$s': Records with lowercase\n\ KEYTYPE character '%4$c' will be inaccessible.\n\ Set UPPERKEYS = FALSE if lowercase keys are intended." 1404 "%1$s Status unavailable for configuration file '%2$s': %3$s" $ Msg 1643 should not translate "DTSROCFPATH," "HOME," "/etc/inittab," $ or "/etc/inetd.conf." 1643 "%1$sCannot find or open '%2$s'\n\ configuration file in any of the following locations:\n\ DTSROCFPATH directory = %3$s,\n\ current working directory = %4$s,\n\ HOME directory = %5$s,\n\ /etc/inittab directory = %6$s,\n\ /etc/inetd.conf directory = %7$s." 1869 "%1$s %2$s: Configuration file must specify at least one database." $ **************************************************** $ set 9 formerly set MS_oeinit, used in oeinit.c and opendblk.c. $set 9 $ Msg 99 should not translate "open_dblk". It is a function name. 99 "%s Programming Error: Invalid input to open_dblk()." 137 "%1$s User Interface version %2$s and Engine version %3$s are incompatible." 202 "%s Initialization failed due to errors in configuration file." 265 "%s No valid databases remain." 266 "%1$s Initialization failed due to errors in database,\n\ language, or related files." 317 "%1$s Cannot open database file '%2$s'\n\ Errno %3$d = %4$s\n\ %5$s is removing '%6$s' from list of available databases." 318 "\n This can usually be corrected by specifying a valid\n\ database PATH in the site configuration file." 1404 "%1$s Removing database '%2$s' from list of available databases because status is unavailable for file %3$s: %4$s" $ **************************************************** $ set 10 formerly set MS_oe, used in oe.c and dbchange.c. $set 10 48 "OE48 Request Aborted: '%1$s' database not available at this site." 71 "OE71 %1$s has expired." $ Msg 76 should not translate "dblk". It is a structure name. 76 "OE76 Program Error: Cannot find dblk for database '%1$s'." 217 "OE217 Program Error: record text too long." 367 "OE367: User Interface Error. %1$d is invalid request code.\n" 429 "OE429 Unable to open deletion file '%1$s': %2$s. Request ignored." 440 "OE440 No record keytypes were selected in database '%1$s'." 490 "OE490 %1$s Engine permanently disabled." 516 "OE516 No more than %1$d characters are allowed in the search string." 523 "OE523 Request Denied: First request must be Engine Initialization." 753 "%1$s Semantic categories are not defined for database '%2$s'." 1300 "%1$s Cannot access status of database file\n '%2$s': %3$s" 1313 "%1$s *** REQUEST CANCELED *** %2$s Engine reinitialized\n\ due to modification of file %3$s, probably caused by\n\ update to one or more databases." $ **************************************************** $ set 11 formerly set MS_cravel, used in dtsrload.c. $set 11 1 "\n\ USAGE: %1$s -d [options] \n\ Listed default file name extensions can be overridden.\n\ -d 1 - 8 character database name, include optional path prefix.\n\ File name extensions automatically appended.\n\ -t End of text document delimiter string. Default '\\f\\n'.\n\ -c Initialize database record count by counting records.\n\ -p Print a progress dot every records (default %2$d).\n\ -h Change duplicate record id hash table size from %3$ld to .\n\ -h0 means there are no duplicates, do not check for them.\n\ -e Path-filename of huffman encode table (default %4$s).\n\ Input [path]file name. Default extension %5%s.\n" 2 "%1$s: Exit code = %2$d\n" 13 "%1$s Duplicate record id checking disabled.\n" 14 "\n%1$s Unknown command line argument '%2$s'.\n" 15 "\nMissing required input file name." 16 "\nNo database name specified (-d argument).\07" 17 "%1$s Initializing total record count in database by actually counting...\n" 18 "%1$s: '%2$s' schema version = %3$s, record count = %4$ld, last slot = %5$ld.\n" 19 "%1$s: Final database record count = %2$ld, last slot = %3$ld.\n" 20 "%1$s %2$ld input records processed in %3$ldm %4$lds, (%5$ld%%).\n\ %6$ld duplicates, %7$ld new, %8$ld updates.\n" 29 "%1$s Unable to get status for %2$s: %3$s\n" 30 "%1$s File %2$s is empty.\n" 31 "%1$s: Each dot = %2$d records processed.\n" 33 "%1$s Discarded record number %2$ld: Key too long:\n '%3$s'.\n" 34 "%1$s Out of Memory! Set -h arg to a smaller number,\n\ or reduce the number of input records." 35 "%1$s: Discarded duplicate record number %2$ld '%3$s'.\n" 246 "\n%1$s '%2$s' is invalid path/dictionary name.\n" 522 "%s This version of %s does not support semantic databases.\n" $ Msg 579 should not translate ".fzk." 579 "%1$s Discarded record number %2$ld: Invalid .fzk file format.\n" 582 "%1$sIgnored invalid progress dot argument '%2$s'.\n" 666 "%1$sProgramming Error: Unknown state = %2$d.\n" 717 "%1$s Aborting: Uncompressed text not yet supported.\n" 844 "%1$sAborting at %2$ld warnings.\n\ Warning count is specified on command line.\n" 926 "%1$s Arg -m ignored: %2$s: %3$s.\n" 927 "%1$sDiscarded record number %2$ld: First character (keytype) of key\n\ '%3$s' is not alphanumeric.\n" 1048 "%1$sDatabase objects not changed because input file effectively empty.\n" 1086 "%1$s Record '%2$s' has invalid date format--using run date.\n" 1153 "%1$s Current data compression table id in '%2$s' is %3$ld.\n\ Database '%4$s' previously compressed with table %5$ld.\n" 1215 "%1$s Warning. Record '%2$s' has no text.\n" $ **************************************************** $ set 12 formerly set MS_initausd, used in dtsrcreate.c. $set 12 $ Msg 3 should not translate "dtsearch.dbd." 3 "\n\ USAGE: %1$s [options] \n\ Creates and initializes DtSearch/AusText database files.\n\ -q Do not print information messages.\n\ -o Ok to overwrite preexisting database.\n\ -a Set maximum abstract size to (default per flavor).\n\ -d Where to find dtsearch.dbd file if not in directory.\n\ -wn Change minimum word size to . Default %2$d.\n\ -wx Change maximum word size to . Default per language.\n\ ---------- Database Flavor ----------\n\ -fd DtSearch flavor. No documents, only document references\n\ in abstracts (default).\n\ -fa AusText flavor. Documents stored in central server repository.\n\ ------------ Supported Languages ------------\n\ -l Set language number to . Default is 0. Supported values:\n\ 0 English-ASCII\n\ 1 English-Latin1\n\ 2 Spanish\n\ 3 French\n\ 4 Italian\n\ 5 German\n\ 6 Japanese-autoknj\n\ 7 Japanese-knjlist\n\ Optional path prefix, then 1 - 8 character\n\ database name. Do not specify 'austext' or 'dtsearch'.\n" 5 "DTSRCREATE Minimum word size %1$d greater than maximum word size %2$d.\n" 6 "DTSRCREATE Adjusted minimum word size to %1$d.\n" 8 "DTSRCREATE Adjusted maximum word size to %1$d.\n" 9 "DTSRCREATE Specifying small minimum word sizes may require extensive\n\ editing of stopword file to prevent significantly\n\ increased index storage requirements.\n" 10 "DTSRCREATE Specifying large maximum word sizes may significantly\n\ increase storage requirements.\n" $ Msg 12 needs option "y" for "yes" to be translated the same as in msg 15. $ Option "n" does not need a translation because the code assumes anything $ other than the translated "y" option means "no." 12 "\nFile '%s' already exists.\n\ Is it ok to overwrite it and other database files? [y,n] " $ Msg 13 should not translate "load_custom_language." 13 "%s Warning! you have specified an unsupported, custom language.\n\ You will have to provide your own language loaders at run time\n\ in user function 'load_custom_language' to access this database.\07\n" 14 "\n\ %s semantic processing is only available for English language databases.\n\07" $ Msg 15 needs "y" to match the "yes" option in msg 12. 15 "y" 24 "DTSRCREATE Successfully initialized database '%1$s'.\n" 98 "DTSRCREATE %1$s Invalid Huffman compression table id." 186 "DTSRCREATE186 Unable to rename '%1$s' to '%2$s':\n %3$s\n" 205 "DTSRCREATE205 Unable to change permissions for '%1$s': %2$s\n" 213 "%1$s Unable to open '%2$s':\n %3$s.\07\n" 214 "%1$s Unable to copy '%2$s' to '%3$s':\n %4$s\n" 230 "DTSRCREATE230 Could not open database '%1$s'.\n" 239 "DTSRCREATE239 Could not initialize database '%1$s'.\n" 244 "DTSRCREATE244 Unable to remove '%1$s':\n %2$s\n" 326 "DTSRCREATE326 Unable to change permissions of '%1$s':\n %2$s\n\ All database files must be readable and writeable.\n\ May not be able to open or initialize database files.\n" 327 " However it may not be usable unless all database files\n\ have both read and write permissions." 433 "%1$sAdjusted maximum abstract size upward to %2$hd.\n" 509 "DTSRCREATE509 Could not initialize database header record.\n" $ **************************************************** $ set 13 formerly set MS_vista. $ Msg numbers 1-100 and 900-1000 match $ user_error[] and system_error[] respectively in dberr.h. $ Used in dberr.c, ausdopen.c, and opendblk.c. $ Msgs 1-100 and 900-1000 in set 13 are generated during database $ input/output. They are all fatal errors and should be treated as $ standalone messages. They are not combined with other messages to $ produce errors. The messages come from a third party vendor, so we $ do not intend to modify the vendor code and make complete sentences $ out of them. $set 13 $ For msgs 1-100, see comments at top of set 13. 1 "database not opened" 2 "invalid set" 3 "invalid record" 4 "invalid database" 5 "invalid field name" 6 "invalid db_address" 7 "no current record" 8 "set has no current owner" 9 "set has no current member" 10 "key value required" 11 "invalid lock value" 12 "record is owner of non-empty set(s)" 13 "record is member of set(s)" 14 "member already owned" 15 "field is a compound key" 16 "record not connected to set" 17 "field is not a valid key" 18 "record not legal owner of set" 19 "record not legal member of set" 20 "error in d_setpages (database open or bad param)" 21 "incompatible dictionary file" 22 "illegal attempt to delete system record" 23 "illegal attempt to lock locked set/record" 24 "attempt to access unlocked set/record" 25 "transaction id not supplied" 26 "transaction already active" 27 "transaction not active" 28 "transaction cannot begin due to locked files" 29 "cannot free locks within a transaction" 30 "too many changed database pages" 31 "cannot update database outside a transaction" 32 "exclusive access required" 33 "write locks not allowed on static files" 34 "unspecified or duplicate user id" 35 "database, path or file name too long" 36 "invalid file number was passed to d_renfile" 37 "field is not an optional key field" 38 "field is not defined in current record type" 39 "record/field has/in a compound key" 40 "invalid record or set number" 41 "record/set not timestamped" 42 "bad DBUSERID (contains non-alphanumeric)" 43 "NetBIOS has not been installed on machine" 44 "wrong number of elements in DBDPATH" 45 "wrong number of elements in DBFPATH" 46 "no current record type" 47 "invalid country table sort string" 48 "database not closed" $ Msg 301 should not translate "errno." 301 "\n*** System I/O errno %1$d = %2$s\n" 302 "\n\ *** The usual cause for this kind of error is a missing\n\ *** or read-only database file, or some system limit\n\ *** on the number of open files has been exceeded." 303 "(unspecified location)" $ Msg 304 should not translate "db_VISTA." 304 "\n*** db_VISTA auto recovery in process...\n" $ Msg 311 should not translate "db_status." 311 "*** Database error at %1$s, db_status = %2$d: %3$n" 312 "Programming Error." 313 "Unknown Error." 315 "Database not available because it is in use by other users." 348 "%1$s Invalid database name '%2$s'." 378 "%1$s Could not open following database name string:\n '%2$s'" 379 "%1$s Could not open database '%2$s':\n %3$s." $ For msgs 900-1000, see comments at top of set 13. 900 "no more space on file" 901 "system error" 902 "page fault" $ Msg 903 should not translate "dio." 903 "no working file in dio" 904 "unable to allocate sufficient memory" 905 "error opening file" 906 "unable to get access to database taf file" 907 "database taf/log file error" 908 "inconsistent database locks" 909 "file record limit exceeded" 910 "key file inconsistency" 911 "maximum concurrent user limit exceeded" 912 "error seeking in database file" 913 "invalid file specified" 914 "error reading from a database/overflow file" 915 "lock manager synchronization error" 916 "debug check interrupt" 917 "network communications error" 918 "auto-recovery in process" 919 "error writing to a database/overflow file" 920 "no lock manager is installed" 921 "DBUSERID is already being used" 922 "the lock manager is busy" $ **************************************************** $ set 14 formerly set MS_cborodin, used in dtsrindex.c. $set 14 1 "%1$s. Run %2$s.\n" 2 "%1$s: Warnings were detected." $ Msg 6 should not be translated. 6 "put_addrs_2_dtbs_addr_file() nitems=%1$d, batchsz=%2$ld\n" $ Msg 9 should not translate "d99." 9 "\n\ \n%1$s Corrupted d99 file for word '%2$s',\n\ database address %3$ld @ file position %4$ld => bitvector[%5$ld],\n\ but maximum bitvector allocation = %6$ld.\n" 15 "%1$s Fewer than 2 bytes in input.\n" 17 "\n\ USAGE: %1$s -d [options] \n\ Listed default file name extensions can be overridden.\n\ -d 1 - 8 character database name, include optional path prefix.\n\ -t End of text document delimiter string. Default '\\f\\n'.\n\ -r Change Pass 1 records-per-dot from %2$d to .\n\ -b Change max batch size from %3$ld to .\n\ -c Change database paging cache from %4$ld 1K pages to 1K pages.\n\ >= 16 by powers of 2. Initially try only small changes.\n\ -i Change (i)nput buffer size from default %5$d to .\n\ -h Change duplicate record id hash table size from %6$ld to .\n\ -h0 means there are no duplicates, do not check for them.\n\ Input [path]file name. Default extension %7$s.\n" 21 "\n\ \n%s '%1$s' record overflows word counter array.\n\ Record number %2$ld > maxdba %3$ld, dba=%4$ld, sld00=%5$d, offs=%6$d.\n" 22 "\n\ \n%1$s '%2$s' record in database (dba=%3$ld)\n\ overflows bitvector allocation (%4$ld >= %5$ld).\n" 33 "\n%1$s Number of incoming records exceeded %2$d.\n\ This will usually result in 'Out of Paging Space' error in Pass 2\n\ and corruption of database. Either split the incoming file to reduce\n\ record count or use the -b option, and rerun.\n" 40 "Ignored %1$ld duplicate records" 41 "No duplicate records found" 164 "\n%1$s: %2$s Abort due to signal %3$d. Database %4$s\n\ possibly corrupted. Restore backup database.\n" 206 "%1$s: Exit code = %2$d, Total elapsed time %3$ldm %4$lds.\n" $ Msg 280 should not be translated. 280 "\n%1$s num_addrs_for_word (%2$ld) >= batchsz (%3$ld).\n" 288 "%1$s Abort. There are no words in the input file %2$s.\n" 374 "\n%1$s Out of Memory!\n\ Split the incoming file into several smaller files and try again.\n" 539 "%1$s Duplicate record id checking disabled.\n" 550 "%1$s '%2$s' is invalid path/database name.\n" 558 "%1$s Invalid input buffer size '%2$s'.\n" 567 "%1$s Unknown command line argument '%2$s'.\n" 577 "%1$s Invalid arg '%2$s'. Using default -r%3$d.\n" 580 "%1$s Missing required input file name.\n" 589 "%1$s No database name specified (-d argument).\07\n" 595 "%1$s Invalid batch size argument '%2$s'.\n" 600 "%1$sCache size readjusted to %2$d.\n" 659 "\n%1$s: %2$s Discarding record, key too long:\n '%3$s'.\n" 713 "\n%1$s Word '%2$s' occurs in %3$ld records,\n\ but there are only %4$ld records in database!\n\ (This may be a good candidate for the stoplist).\n" 727 "\n%1$s Number of dbaddr records (%2$ld)\n\ exceeds bitvector allocation (%3$ld).\n" $ Msg 776 should not translate "d99." 776 "%1$s Write Failure d99 file: %2$s\n" $ Msg 848 should not translate "d99." 848 "\n%1$s Could not fread %2$ld bytes (%3$ld dba's) of d99 file\n\ at offset %4$ld. Number of dba's read (return code) = %5$ld.\n" 849 "\n%1$s: Word number %2$ld, %3$.0f%% done. Est %4$lum %5$02lus to completion.\n" $ Msg 875 should not translate "fseek" or "d99." 875 "\n%1$s Could not fseek d99 file to offset %2$ld.\n" 1068 "%1$s Cannot open new inverted index file '%2$s': %3$s\n" 1083 "%1$s Cannot read input file '%2$s': %3$s\n" 1097 "%1$s Aborting due to errors in loading language files.\n" 1108 "%1$s: Beginning Pass 1, reading records from '%2$s'.\n\ Each dot = %3$d records.\n" $ Msg 1129 should not translate ".fzk." 1129 "%1$s: %2$s Invalid .fzk file format.\n" 1168 "%1$s: %2$s Discarded '%3$s', key not in database.\n" 1190 "\n%1$s: Record number%2$lu, %3$.0f%% done. Est %4$lum %5$02lus to end Pass 1.\n" 1225 "%1$s: Pass 1 completed in %2$lum %3$lus, read %4$lu records.\n\ %5$s, parsed %6$lu words.\n" 1233 "%1$s: Beginning Pass 2: batch index traversal and database update.\n\ Each dot = %2$d words.\n" 1246 "%1$s: Pass 2 completed in %2$lum %3$lus, updated %4$lu words.\n" 1402 "%1$s: Discarded duplicate record number%2$lu '%3$s'.\n" $ **************************************************** $ set 15 formerly set MS_delsfx, now MS_lang, used in lang.c and jpn.c $set 15 $ Msg 4 should not translate "dblk." It is a structure name. 4 "%s dblk not initialized.\n" $ Msg 5 should not translate "parg." 5 "%s Program Error: parg contains neither file nor string.\n" 8 "\n\ %1$s '%2$.*s...' is larger\n\ than the maximum word size of database '%3$s'." 10 "%s Program Error: Unknown parser state.\n" 12 "%1$s '%2$.120s' is not a valid word in database '%3$s'." 17 "\n\ %1$s '%2$s' is less than the\n\ minimum word size of database '%3$s'." 19 "%1$s The word '%2$s' is not indexed in database '%3$s'." 20 "%1$s Program Error: Unknown jstate %2$d.\n" 21 "%1$s '%2$.*s' is not a valid Japanese word." 23 "%1$s Word '%2$s' on line %3$ld is too short." 24 "%1$s No Japanese words in word file '%2$s'." 25 "%1$s Database '%2$s' path too long: '%3$s'." 31 "%s Stemmer suffixes file never loaded.\n" $ Msg 41 should not translate "Paice." 41 "%1$s %2$s: Invalid Paice Rule starting at '%3$s'." $ Msg 42 should not translate "Paice." 42 "%1$s %2$s: Paice Rules out of order starting at '%3$s'." 45 "%s Out of Memory.\n" 50 "English-ASCII" $ Msg 51 refers to the Latin 1 codeset. 51 "English-Latin1" 52 "Spanish" 53 "French" 54 "Italian" 55 "German" 56 "Japanese-comp" 57 "Japanese-.knj" $ **************************************************** $ set 16 formerly set MS_vewords, now MS_boolsrch, used in boolsrch.c. $set 16 $ Msg 2 is like " Part of ... term which is $ not in database ." 2 "\n\ %1$s Part of a collocation operation includes\n\ term '%2$s' which is not in database '%3$s'." $ Msg 6, variable 3 is the database name. 6 "\n\ %1$s Database Error. Word '%2$s' is\n\ listed in database '%3$s' but has no index record." $ Msg , variable 3 is the database name. 11 "%1$s Word '%2$s' was not found in database '%3$s'." $ Msg 14 should not translate "WHITLIM." The message is like $ " has more than hits." 14 "\n\ %1$s '%2$s' has more than %3$ld hits.\n\ Please remove it from the query or raise the WHITLIM\n\ value in the search engine configuration file." 15 "\n\ %s This query requires retrieving every\n\ document in the database that does not have any of\n\ the query words. This type of search may take an\n\ unusually long time." $ Msg 28 should not translate "d99." Variable 2 is the database name. 28 "%1$s Database Read Error in %2$s.d99." $ Msg 32 should not translate "d99." The message is formed using either $ msg 33 or 34 as variable 2, and it is like " Database $ Error: Word in database has invalid d99 record $ number ." 32 "\n\ %1$s Database Error: %2$s '%3$s'\n\ in database '%4$s' has invalid d99 record number %5$ld." $ Msg 33 is used for variable 2 of message 32. 33 "Word" $ Msg 34 is used for variable 2 of message 32. 34 "Stem of" $ Msg 35 should not translate "stemct," and "pmsz." 35 "%1$s Program Error: stemct=%2$d pmsz=%3$d\n" $ **************************************************** $ set 17 formerly set MS_vestatis $set 17 104 "Cannot detach shared memory." 107 "Qsort stack overflow.\n" 110 "Cannot remove shared memory." 115 "No shared memory available" 310 "%1$s Out of Memory. Need %2$ld bytes.\n" 314 "Out of Memory.\n" 421 "Total Number Hits = %1$ld. Discarded hits beyond maximum number specified." $ Msg 437 should not be translated. 437 "%1$s db_status = %2$d, dba = %3$d:%4$ld (x'%5$08.8lx'), vistano = %6$d.\n" 504 "Cannot allocate cur_ditto.\n" 677 "Query field is empty." 990 "The system is now sorting. Please wait." $ **************************************************** $ set 23 formerly set MS_dbrec $ Set 23 has several words in parenthesis which should not be translated. $ For example, msg 3: "objkey," msg 5: "fzkeysz," msg 12: "abstrsz," $ msg 24: "minwordsz," msg 26: "maxwordsz," ... The single words in $ parenthesis should not be translated. $ Msgs like 10, where the entire text is in parentheses should be translated. $set 23 1 "---------- System Values for Database '%1$s' ----------\n" 2 "Schema version number (version) is '%1$s'.\n" $ Msg 3 should not translate "sizeof" or "objkey." 3 "Maximum object key size (sizeof(objkey)) is %1$ld bytes.\n" $ Msg 4 "Huge" means very, very large. 4 "Optional 'Huge' keys enabled.\n" 5 "Maximum number of semantic categories (fzkeysz) is %1$d.\n" 10 " (Semantic access to objects is disabled)." 12 "Maximum length of an abstract string (abstrsz) is %1$d.\n" 14 " (Abstracts are not used in this database)." 20 "Abstracts are %1$scompressed.\n" 22 "Parsing language is number %1$d, %2$s.\n" 24 "Minimum word length (minwordsz) is %1$d.\n" 26 "Maximum word length (maxwordsz) is %1$d.\n" 30 "Number of .d00 slots per object (recslots) is %1$d.\n" 36 " (Maximum number of database objects is %1$ld).\n" 40 "Huffman compression table id (hufid) is %1$ld.\n" 42 " (Compression is disabled in this database)." 44 " (Specific compression table is not yet determined)." 50 "Engine accessibility to data may vary from object to object." 54 "Data objects are not directly accessible from the engine." 56 "Data objects are stored internally as compressed text." 60 "Only server file references to objects are stored in the compressed text." 64 "Only client file references to objects are stored in the compressed text." 68 "Object keys are server file references to the objects." 72 "Object keys are client file references to the objects." 74 "Server file references to objects are stored in the 'huge' keys." 80 "Server file references to objects are stored in the abstracts." 86 "Client file references to objects are stored in the abstracts." 90 "Error: meaning of or_dbaccess value (%1$hd) is unknown.\n" 100 "Repository compressed text is %1$scompressed.\n" 110 "Repository compressed text is not used in this database." 120 "Database switches (dbflags) are 0x%1$lx:\n" $ Msgs 124 and 125 are used in the variable in messages 130 and 140. $ For example: "Inverted index INCLUDES words exactly as parsed." 124 "INCLUDES" 125 "EXCLUDES" $ Msgs 126 and 127 are used in the variable in messages 160, 162, 164. $ For example, "Use of optional 'huge' keys is ENABLED." 126 "ENABLED" 127 "DISABLED" $ Msg 130 uses msgs 124 and 125 in the variable. 130 " Inverted index %1$s words exactly as parsed.\n" $ Msg 140 uses msgs 124 and 125 in the variable. 140 " Inverted index %1$s word stems.\n" $ Msg 160 uses msgs 126 and 127 in the variable. 160 " Use of optional 'huge' keys is %1$s.\n" $ Msg 162 uses msgs 126 and 127 in the variable. 162 " Mark-for-deletion is %1$s.\n" $ Msg 164 uses msgs 126 and 127 in the variable. 164 " Appendable user notes are %1$s.\n" $ Msg 170 is followed by either msg 172 or msg 174. $ For example, "Text characters are a SINGLE byte wide." 170 " Text characters are %1$s wide.\n" 172 "TWO bytes" 174 "a SINGLE byte" 200 "Current number of database objects (reccount) is %1$ld.\n" 210 "Last currently used slot number (maxdba) is %1$ld.\n" 310 "\n\ USAGE: %1$s \n" 330 "Could not open '%1$s' database.\n%2$s\n" 340 "No dbrec record in database '%1$s'.\n" 350 "Cannot read dbrec record in database '%1$s'.\n%2$s\n" $ **************************************************** $ set MS_dtsrkdump is set 25. 5/20/96. dtsrkdump.c $set 25 1 "%s Program Error Abort.\07\n" $ Msg 2 should not be translated 2 "%1$c dba=%2$d:%3$-7ld ofs=%4$-9ld adr=%5$-6ld fre=%6$ld\n" $ Msg 3 is like " , engine $ .