/* * CDE - Common Desktop Environment * * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these libraries and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $TOG: PrintSetupB.c /main/27 1998/08/06 17:28:56 mgreess $ */ /* * DtPrint/PrintSetupB.c */ /* (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * (c) Copyright 1989, 1996 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS. * (c) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, * HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY * (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp. * (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. * (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED. * (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi. */ /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Include Files * */ #include
#ifdef MAXINT #undef MAXINT #endif #include #include #if defined(CSRG_BASED) #define MAXINT INT_MAX #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
/* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Constant Definitions * */ #define IsButton(w) \ (((XtPointer) XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass((w)), XmQTactivatable) != NULL)) #define IsAutoButton(psub, w) ( \ w == PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_PrintButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_SetupButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_CancelButton(psub) || \ w == PSUB_HelpButton(psub)) /* * value to indicate initially unspecified resources */ #define DtUNSPECIFIED (~0) /* * limits */ #define MAX_COPIES MAXINT /* * defaults */ #define WORK_AREA_DEFAULT DtWORK_AREA_BOTTOM #define SETUP_MODE_DEFAULT DtPRINT_SETUP_XP #define DESCRIPTION_COLUMNS 35 #define FILE_NAME_COLUMNS 27 #define PRINTER_NAME_COLUMNS 25 /* * Xp Attributes */ #define XpATTR_DESCRIPTOR "descriptor" #define XpATTR_DOC_ATTRS_SUPPORTED "document-attributes-supported" #define XpATTR_COPY_COUNT "copy-count" #define XpATTR_SETUP_PROVISO "xp-setup-proviso" #define XpATTR_SETUP_STATE "xp-setup-state" /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Type Definitions * */ typedef enum { DtPRINT_NULL_CHILD, DtPRINT_CANCEL_BUTTON, DtPRINT_FILES_BUTTON, DtPRINT_HELP_BUTTON, DtPRINT_INFO_BUTTON, DtPRINT_PRINT_BUTTON, DtPRINT_PRINTERS_BUTTON, DtPRINT_SETUP_BUTTON } DtPrintSetupBoxChild; /* * column oriented geometry definitions */ #define PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT 3 #define PSUB_GEO_MAX_ROW 4 typedef enum { PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_LEFT = 0, /* default */ PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_RIGHT, PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_EXPAND } PSUB_GeoBoxAlignment; typedef struct { XmKidGeometry geo; PSUB_GeoBoxAlignment align; Dimension orig_width; } PSUB_GeoBoxRec, *PSUB_GeoBox; typedef struct { int row_count; PSUB_GeoBoxRec pbox[PSUB_GEO_MAX_ROW][PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT]; XmGeoRowLayout layout_ptr[PSUB_GEO_MAX_ROW]; Dimension col_width[PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT]; } PSUB_GeoExtensionRec, *PSUB_GeoExtension ; /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * External Function Declarations * */ /* * Geometry management functions defined in Xm/GeoUtils */ extern XmGeoMatrix _XmGeoMatrixAlloc( unsigned int numRows, unsigned int numBoxes, unsigned int extSize); extern Boolean _XmGeoSetupKid( XmKidGeometry geo, Widget kidWid); /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Static Function Declarations * */ static void ClassInitialize( void); static void ClassPartInitialize( WidgetClass w_class); static void ClosePrintConnection( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String old_printer_name, Boolean update_gui); static void ClosePrintConnectionCallback(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data); static void ColumnGeoFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr); static void ColumnGeoPreSet( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row); static void ColumnGeoRestoreWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row); static void ColumnGeoSaveWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row); static void ColumnGeoSetPreferredWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row); static Boolean ConvertStringToEnum( Display *dpy, XrmValuePtr args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValuePtr from, XrmValuePtr to, XtPointer *data); static void CopiesTextValueChangedCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data); static Widget CreateButton(Widget parent, String label, String name, XmNavigationType nav_type); static Widget CreateButtonGadget( Widget parent, String label, String name, XmNavigationType nav_type); static Widget CreateLabelGadget( Widget parent, String label, String name); static String CreateModalPrinterSpec( XtEnum name_mode, const String full_printer_name); static void DeleteChild( Widget child); static void DestinationChangedCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data); static void Destroy( Widget w); static XtEnum EstablishPrinter( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, DtPrintSetupData* psd); static void GetPrintAttributes( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub); static void Initialize( Widget rw, Widget nw, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args); static void InsertChild( Widget child); static Boolean IsSetupRequired( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub); static void MenuBarFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr); static void PrintSetupBoxCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data); static void SeparatorFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr); static void SetNewPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String new_printer_name, String old_printer_name); static void SetPrintAttributes( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub); static void SetPSDDestination( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, DtPrintSetupData* psd); static XmImportOperator SetSyntheticResForChild( Widget widget, int offset, XtArgVal *value); static Boolean SetValues( Widget cw, Widget rw, Widget nw, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) ; static int SpanNonWhitespace( const char* string); static int SpanWhitespace( const char* string); static void SynthGetFileName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub); static void SynthGetPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub); static void SynthSetCopies( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current); static void SynthSetFileName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current); static void SynthSetPrintDestination( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current); static void SynthSetPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String new_printer_name, String old_printer_name); static void UpdatePrinterNameCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data); static void UpdatePrinterNameTimeoutProc(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId* id); static void UpdateString( Widget w, XmString string, XmStringDirection direction) ; static void ValidatePrintSetupMode( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current); static void ValidateWorkAreaLocation( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current); /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Static Global Variable Definitions * */ /* * Synthetic Resource Definitions */ static XmSyntheticResource syn_resources[] = { { DtNcopies, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.copies), _DtPrintSetupBoxGetCopies, SetSyntheticResForChild }, { DtNdescription, sizeof(XmString), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.description_string), _DtPrintSetupBoxGetDescription, SetSyntheticResForChild }, { DtNfileName, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.file_name), _DtPrintSetupBoxGetFileName, SetSyntheticResForChild }, { DtNprinterName, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.printer_name), _DtPrintSetupBoxGetPrinterName, SetSyntheticResForChild } }; /* * Resource Definitions */ static XtResource resources[] = { { XmNnoResize, XmNnoResize, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmBulletinBoardRec, bulletin_board.no_resize), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True }, { DtNcancelCallback, DtCCancelCallback, XmRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.cancel_callback), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback, DtCClosePrintDisplayCallback, XmRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.close_display_callback), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNcopies, DtCCopies, XmRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.copies), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 1 }, { DtNdescription, DtCDescription, XmRXmString, sizeof(XmString), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.description_string), XmRString, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNfileName, DtCFileName, XmRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.file_name), XmRString, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNminimizeButtons, DtCMinimizeButtons, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.minimize_buttons), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False }, { DtNprintCallback, DtCPrintCallback, XmRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.print_callback), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNoptionCount, DtCOptionCount, XmRCardinal, sizeof(Cardinal), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.option_count), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 }, { DtNoptions, DtCOptions, XmRPointer, sizeof(XtPointer), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.options), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNprintDestination, DtCPrintDestination, XmREnum, sizeof(XtEnum), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.print_destination), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER, }, { DtNprinterInfoProc, DtCPrinterInfoProc, DtRPrintSetupProc, sizeof(DtPrintSetupProc), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.printer_info_proc), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)DtUNSPECIFIED }, { DtNprinterName, DtCPrinterName, XmRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.printer_name), XmRString, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNprintSetupMode, DtCPrintSetupMode, XmREnum, sizeof(XtEnum), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.print_setup_mode), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)SETUP_MODE_DEFAULT, }, { DtNselectFileProc, DtCSelectFileProc, DtRPrintSetupProc, sizeof(DtPrintSetupProc), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.select_file_proc), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) _DtPrintSetupBoxSelectFileProc }, { DtNselectPrinterProc, DtCSelectPrinterProc, DtRPrintSetupProc, sizeof(DtPrintSetupProc), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.select_printer_proc), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)DtUNSPECIFIED }, { DtNsetupCallback, DtCSetupCallback, XmRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.setup_callback), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL }, { DtNverifyPrinterProc, DtCVerifyPrinterProc, DtRPrintSetupProc, sizeof(DtPrintSetupProc), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.verify_printer_proc), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)DtUNSPECIFIED }, { DtNworkAreaLocation, DtCWorkAreaLocation, XmREnum, sizeof(XtEnum), XtOffsetOf(DtPrintSetupBoxRec, print_setup_box.work_area_location), XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)WORK_AREA_DEFAULT, }, }; externaldef(dtprintsetupboxclassrec) DtPrintSetupBoxClassRec dtPrintSetupBoxClassRec = { { /* superclass */ (WidgetClass)&xmBulletinBoardClassRec, /* class_name */ "DtPrintSetupBox", /* widget_size */ sizeof(DtPrintSetupBoxRec), /* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize, /* chained class init */ ClassPartInitialize, /* class_inited */ FALSE, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize hook */ NULL, /* realize */ XtInheritRealize, /* actions */ NULL, /* num_actions */ 0, /* resources */ resources, /* num_resources */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ TRUE, /* compress_exposure */ XtExposeCompressMaximal, /* compress enter/exit*/ TRUE, /* visible_interest */ FALSE, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ XtInheritResize, /* expose */ XtInheritExpose, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersion, /* callback_offsets */ NULL, /* tm_table */ XtInheritTranslations, /* query_geometry */ XtInheritGeometryManager, /* display_accelerator*/ NULL, /* extension */ NULL, }, { /* composite class record */ /* childrens geo mgr proc */ XtInheritGeometryManager, /* set changed proc */ XtInheritChangeManaged, /* insert_child */ InsertChild, /* delete_child */ DeleteChild, /* extension */ NULL, }, { /* constraint class record */ /* no additional resources */ NULL, /* num additional resources */ 0, /* size of constraint rec */ 0, /* constraint_initialize */ NULL, /* constraint_destroy */ NULL, /* constraint_setvalue */ NULL, /* extension */ NULL, }, { /* manager class record */ XmInheritTranslations, /* default translations */ syn_resources, /* syn_resources */ XtNumber (syn_resources), /* num_syn_resources */ NULL, /* syn_cont_resources */ 0, /* num_syn_cont_resources */ XmInheritParentProcess, /* parent_process */ NULL, /* extension */ }, { /* bulletin board class record */ TRUE, /*always_install_accelerators*/ _DtPrintSetupBoxGeoMatrixCreate, /* geo_matrix_create */ XmInheritFocusMovedProc, /* focus_moved_proc */ NULL, /* extension */ }, { /* print setup box class record */ NULL, /* extension */ }, }; externaldef(dtprintsetupboxwidgetclass) WidgetClass dtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &dtPrintSetupBoxClassRec ; /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ClassInitialize - Core class method * * Description: * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ClassInitialize(void) { /* * Register a type converter for String to Enum */ XtSetTypeConverter("String", "Enum", ConvertStringToEnum, NULL, 0, XtCacheAll, NULL); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ClassPartInitialize - Core class method * * Description: * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ClassPartInitialize(WidgetClass w_class) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass wc = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass) w_class; DtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass super = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass) wc->core_class.superclass; if (wc->print_setup_box_class.list_callback == XmInheritCallbackProc) wc->print_setup_box_class.list_callback = super->print_setup_box_class.list_callback; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ClosePrintConnection * * Description: * * Call the DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback list, and destroy the print * context and X print display connection managed by the widget. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ClosePrintConnection( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String old_printer_name, Boolean update_gui) { DtPrintSetupCallbackStruct cbs; DtPrintSetupData psd; XmString empty_label; memset(&cbs, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupCallbackStruct)); memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); cbs.print_data = &psd; /* * call DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback before closing the * current print display */ cbs.reason = DtPRINT_CR_CLOSE_PRINT_DISPLAY; psd.printer_name = old_printer_name; psd.print_display = PSUB_Display(psub); #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) psd.print_context = PSUB_Context(psub); #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ XtCallCallbackList((Widget)psub, PSUB_CloseDisplayCallback(psub), (XtPointer)&cbs); /* * unset the printer description */ if(update_gui) { empty_label = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)"", (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); UpdateString(PSUB_Description((Widget)psub), empty_label, PSUB_StringDirection((Widget)psub)); XmStringFree(empty_label); } /* * reset copy_count_supported flag */ if(!PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub)) { PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub) = True; if(PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER && update_gui) { if(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), True); if(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub)) { Widget copies_label = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub), "CopiesLabel"); XtSetSensitive(copies_label, True); } } } /* * destroy the print context */ #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) XpDestroyContext(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub)); PSUB_Context(psub) = (XPContext)NULL; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ /* * close the print display */ XtCloseDisplay(PSUB_Display(psub)); PSUB_Display(psub) = (Display*)NULL; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ClosePrintConnectionCallback * * Description: * * Calls ClosePrintConnection if there is an existing connection. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ClosePrintConnectionCallback(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)client_data; /* * close the Xp connection if open */ if(PSUB_Display(psub) != (Display*)NULL) { ClosePrintConnection(psub, PSUB_PrinterName(psub), True); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ColumnGeoFixUp * * Description: * * This routine is a fixup routine which can be used for groups of * rows containing entries that can be organized into columns. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ColumnGeoFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geo_spec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layout_ptr, XmKidGeometry row_ptr) { PSUB_GeoExtension ext = geo_spec->extension; int row; /* * determine which row we're on */ for(row = 0; row < ext->row_count; row++) if((ext->layout_ptr)[row] == &(layout_ptr->row)) break; if(row == ext->row_count) /* * shouldn't happen */ return; switch(action) { case XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE: ColumnGeoSaveWidths(ext, row); ColumnGeoSetPreferredWidths(ext, row); break; case XmGEO_PRE_SET: ColumnGeoPreSet(ext, row); break; case XmGEO_POST_SET: ColumnGeoRestoreWidths(ext, row); break; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ColumnGeoPreSet * * Description: * * Update origins and widths based on alignment. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ColumnGeoPreSet( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row) { Dimension delta = 0; Dimension slack = 0; int col; for(col = 0; col < PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT; col++) { PSUB_GeoBox pbox = &(ext->pbox)[row][col]; if(pbox->geo) { pbox->geo->box.x += slack; switch(pbox->align) { case PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_RIGHT: delta += (ext->col_width)[col] - pbox->geo->box.width; pbox->geo->box.x += (ext->col_width)[col] - pbox->orig_width; pbox->geo->box.width = pbox->orig_width; break; case PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_LEFT: pbox->geo->box.x += delta; delta += (ext->col_width)[col] - pbox->geo->box.width; pbox->geo->box.width = pbox->orig_width; break; case PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_EXPAND: pbox->geo->box.x += delta; pbox->geo->box.width = (ext->col_width)[col]; break; } } else slack += (ext->col_width)[col]; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ColumnGeoRestoreWidths * * Description: * * Restore the original widths for items in the current row. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ColumnGeoRestoreWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row) { int col; for(col = 0; col < PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT; col++) { PSUB_GeoBox pbox = &(ext->pbox)[row][col]; if(pbox->geo) { /* * restore the original box width */ pbox->geo->box.width = pbox->orig_width; } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ColumnGeoSaveWidths * * Description: * * Save the original widths for items in the current row, and * increase a given column width if an item in a corresponding column * in this row is wider. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ColumnGeoSaveWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row) { int col; for(col = 0; col < PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT; col++) { PSUB_GeoBox pbox = &(ext->pbox)[row][col]; if(pbox->geo) { /* * save the original box width */ pbox->orig_width = pbox->geo->box.width; /* * update the overall column width */ if(pbox->geo->box.width > (ext->col_width)[col]) (ext->col_width)[col] = pbox->geo->box.width; } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ColumnGeoSetPreferredWidths * * Description: * * Ensure the overall width of the current row is equal to the * overall width of all of the columns. * * Assumes at least one box is defined in the row. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ColumnGeoSetPreferredWidths( PSUB_GeoExtension ext, int row) { Dimension slack = 0; int last_non_empty_col = 0; int col; for(col = 0; col < PSUB_GEO_COL_COUNT; col++) { PSUB_GeoBox pbox = &(ext->pbox)[row][col]; if(pbox->geo) { pbox->geo->box.width = (ext->col_width)[col] + slack; slack = 0; last_non_empty_col = col; } else { slack += (ext->col_width)[col]; } } if(slack) (ext->pbox)[row][last_non_empty_col].geo->box.width += slack; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ConvertStringToEnum * * Description: * * This type converter converts from type String to Enum. It is * used for the DtNprintDestination, DtNworkAreaLocation, and * DtNprintSetupMode resources. * */ static Boolean ConvertStringToEnum( Display *dpy, XrmValuePtr args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValuePtr from, XrmValuePtr to, XtPointer *data) { char *from_str; static unsigned char to_value; if(*num_args !=0 ) { XtError(WARN_CONVERSION_ARGS); } from_str = (char *)from->addr; if(strcmp(from_str, "PRINT_TO_FILE")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtPRINT_TO_FILE")==0) to_value = DtPRINT_TO_FILE; else if(strcmp(from_str, "PRINT_TO_PRINTER")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER")==0) to_value = DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER; else if(strcmp(from_str, "PRINT_SETUP_PLAIN")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtPRINT_SETUP_PLAIN")==0) to_value = DtPRINT_SETUP_PLAIN; else if(strcmp(from_str, "PRINT_SETUP_XP")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtPRINT_SETUP_XP")==0) to_value = DtPRINT_SETUP_XP; else if(strcmp(from_str, "WORK_AREA_BOTTOM")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtWORK_AREA_BOTTOM")==0) to_value = DtWORK_AREA_BOTTOM; else if(strcmp(from_str, "WORK_AREA_TOP")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtWORK_AREA_TOP")==0) to_value = DtWORK_AREA_TOP; else if(strcmp(from_str, "WORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtWORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM")==0) to_value = DtWORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM; else if(strcmp(from_str, "SHORT_NAME")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtSHORT_NAME")==0) to_value = DtSHORT_NAME; else if(strcmp(from_str, "MEDIUM_NAME")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtMEDIUM_NAME")==0) to_value = DtMEDIUM_NAME; else if(strcmp(from_str, "LONG_NAME")==0 || strcmp(from_str, "DtLONG_NAME")==0) to_value = DtLONG_NAME; else { XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(dpy, from->addr, "Enum"); return False; } if(to->addr == NULL) to->addr = (caddr_t) &to_value; else if(to->size addr, "Enum"); return False; } else *(unsigned char *) to->addr = to_value; to->size = sizeof(unsigned char); return True; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: CopiesTextValueChangedCallback * * Description: * * Process a change in the textfield of the copies simple spin box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void CopiesTextValueChangedCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)client_data; XmAnyCallbackStruct* cbs = (XmAnyCallbackStruct*)call_data; if (NULL == psub || NULL == cbs) return; if(XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED == cbs->reason) { char *value = NULL; int value_int = 0; XtVaGetValues(w, XmNvalue, &value, NULL); if (value) value_int = strtol(value, (char**)NULL, 10); if (1 <= value_int || value_int <= MAX_COPIES) { PSUB_Copies(psub) = value_int; XtVaSetValues( PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), XmNposition, value_int, NULL); } else { XmeWarning((Widget)w, WARN_COPY_COUNT); XtVaGetValues( PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), XmNposition, &value_int, NULL); value = (char*) XtMalloc(64); if (value) { sprintf(value, "%d", value_int); XtVaSetValues(w, XmNvalue, value, NULL); XtFree(value); } } if (value) XtVaSetValues(w, XmNcursorPosition, strlen(value), NULL); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: CreateButton * * Description: * * Return value: * * Widget ID of the new button widget. * */ static Widget CreateButton(Widget parent, String label, String name, XmNavigationType nav_type) { XmString label_string; Widget w; XmTakesDefaultTrait trait_default ; label_string = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)label, (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); w = XtVaCreateWidget(name, xmPushButtonWidgetClass, parent, XmNlabelString, label_string, XmNnavigationType, nav_type, NULL); if(label_string) XmStringFree(label_string); trait_default = (XmTakesDefaultTrait) XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)XtClass(w), XmQTtakesDefault) ; if(trait_default) trait_default->showAsDefault(w, XmDEFAULT_READY); return w; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: CreateButtonGadget * * Description: * * Return value: * * Widget ID of the new button gadget. * */ static Widget CreateButtonGadget(Widget parent, String label, String name, XmNavigationType nav_type) { XmString label_string; Widget w; XmTakesDefaultTrait trait_default ; label_string = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)label, (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); w = XtVaCreateWidget(name, xmPushButtonGadgetClass, parent, XmNlabelString, label_string, XmNnavigationType, nav_type, NULL); if(label_string) XmStringFree(label_string); trait_default = (XmTakesDefaultTrait) XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)XtClass(w), XmQTtakesDefault) ; if(trait_default) trait_default->showAsDefault(w, XmDEFAULT_READY); return w; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: CreateLabelGadget * * Description: * * Return value: * * Widget ID of the new label gadget. * */ static Widget CreateLabelGadget( Widget parent, String label, String name) { XmString label_string; Widget w; label_string = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)label, (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); w = XtVaCreateWidget(name, xmLabelGadgetClass, parent, XmNlabelString, label_string, NULL); if(label_string) XmStringFree(label_string); return w; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: CreateModalPrinterSpec * * Arguments: * * name_mode * A valid X Printer Specifier Display Mode (see the * XpPrinterNameMode resource definition). * * full_printer_name * The fully qualified printer name * * Description: * * Creates an X Printer Specifier appropriate to an X Printer * Specifier Display Mode, given a full printer name * * Return value: * * A newly allocated string containing the resulting X Printer * specifier. It is the resposibility of the caller to free the * memory using XtFree(1). * * NULL is returned if: * * the passed printer_name is NULL * * if memory allocation fails. * */ static String CreateModalPrinterSpec( XtEnum name_mode, const String full_printer_name) { String modal_printer_spec; String printer_name; String display_spec; /* * check for NULL passed parms */ if(full_printer_name == (String)NULL) { return (String)NULL; } /* * break the fully qualified printer name into printer and display * name components */ _DtPrintParseXPrinterSpecifier(full_printer_name, &printer_name, &display_spec); /* * if display mode is SHORT, just the printer name will do */ if(name_mode == DtSHORT_NAME) { modal_printer_spec = XtNewString(printer_name); } else { String host_name; DtPrintSpecNet spec_net; int display_num; int screen_num; /* * break up the display specifier */ _DtPrintParseXDisplaySpecifier(display_spec, &host_name, &spec_net, &display_num, &screen_num); /* * create the modal specifier */ switch(name_mode) { case DtMEDIUM_NAME: modal_printer_spec = _DtPrintCreateXPrinterSpecifier(printer_name, host_name, DtPRINT_NET_UNSPECIFIED, -1, -1); break; case DtLONG_NAME: modal_printer_spec = _DtPrintCreateXPrinterSpecifier(printer_name, host_name, spec_net, display_num, screen_num); break; default: /* * invalid name mode; default to short name */ modal_printer_spec = XtNewString(printer_name); break; } XtFree(host_name); } /* * clean up and return */ XtFree(printer_name); XtFree(display_spec); return modal_printer_spec; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DeleteChild - Composite class method * * Description: * * Remove child from setup box widget * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void DeleteChild( Widget child) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub ; XtWidgetProc delete_child; if(XtIsRectObj(child)) { psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) XtParent(child); /* * Clear widget fields (BulletinBoard does default and cancel). */ if(child == PSUB_BottomSeparator(psub)) { PSUB_BottomSeparator(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_ButtonSeparator(psub)) { PSUB_ButtonSeparator(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_DescriptionLabel(psub)) { PSUB_DescriptionLabel(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_Description(psub)) { PSUB_Description(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_PrinterNameLabel(psub)) { PSUB_PrinterNameLabel(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_CopiesControl(psub)) { PSUB_CopiesControl(psub) = NULL; PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub)) { PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub)) { PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_PrintButton(psub)) { PSUB_PrintButton(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub)) { PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub)) { PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub) = NULL; PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_SetupButton(psub)) { PSUB_SetupButton(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_HelpButton(psub)) { PSUB_HelpButton(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_TopSeparator(psub)) { PSUB_TopSeparator(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub)) { PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub)) { PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_FileNameText(psub)) { PSUB_FileNameText(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub)) { PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub) = NULL; } else if(child == PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub)) { PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub) = NULL; } } _DtPrintProcessLock(); delete_child = ((XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass) ->composite_class.delete_child; _DtPrintProcessUnlock(); (*delete_child)(child) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DestinationChangedCallback * * Description: * * Process a change in the print destination generated by the GUI user. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void DestinationChangedCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)client_data; XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct* cbs = (XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct*)call_data; if(cbs->set) { XtPointer user_data; /* * set the print destination according to the selected radio * button */ XtVaGetValues(w, XmNuserData, &user_data, NULL); PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) = (XtEnum) (intptr_t) user_data; /* * Update the print setup box controls sensitivity accordingly */ if(PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub), PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_FILE); if(PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub), PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_FILE); if(PSUB_FileNameText(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_FileNameText(psub), PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_FILE); if(PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub)) { if(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER); if(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub)) { Widget copies_label = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub), "CopiesLabel"); XtSetSensitive(copies_label, PSUB_PrintDestination(psub) == DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER); } } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: Destroy - Core class method * * Description: * * Clean up resources allocated by the PrintSetupBox widget. * * Return Value: * * None. */ static void Destroy( Widget w) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)w; /* * close the Xp connection */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP && PSUB_Display(psub) != (Display*)NULL) { ClosePrintConnection(psub, PSUB_PrinterName(psub), False); } /* * synthetic resources */ XtFree(PSUB_FileName(psub)); XtFree(PSUB_PrinterName(psub)); /* * internal data */ XtFree(PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub)); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: EstablishPrinter * * Description: * * * Return Value: * * DtPRINT_SUCCESS * if a valid printer has been established * (i.e. for Xp, a connection has been set up) * * DtPRINT_FAILURE * if the printer could not be established * * DtPRINT_BAD_PARM * if any passed parameter is invalid * */ static XtEnum EstablishPrinter( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, DtPrintSetupData* psd) { switch(PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub)) { case DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED: /* * if there's a printer connection timer waiting, remove it * to avoid conflict */ if(PSUB_TimeoutId(psub) != (XtIntervalId)NULL) { XtRemoveTimeOut(PSUB_TimeoutId(psub)); PSUB_TimeoutId(psub) = (XtIntervalId)NULL; } /* * call the verify printer proc for the new printer */ if(PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(psub) != NULL) { int status; psd->printer_name = PSUB_PrinterName(psub); PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_IN_VERIFY; status = (*PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(psub))((Widget)psub, psd); if(status != DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { /* * the printer isn't valid - set the verify printer state * back to "not verified" and return */ PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED; return status; } PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_VERIFIED; if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { /* * set the new display and context in the widget */ PSUB_Display(psub) = psd->print_display; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) PSUB_Context(psub) = psd->print_context; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ /* * initialize the display for use with Xt */ { String *argv = NULL, *argv_copy; int argc = 0, i; String video_name, video_class; Widget video_widget = (Widget)psub; XtAppContext app_context; /* * get to the video app root shell */ while((Widget)NULL != video_widget) { if(XtIsApplicationShell(video_widget)) break; else video_widget = XtParent(video_widget); } if((Widget)NULL == video_widget) video_widget = (Widget)psub; /* * if not an applicationShell, argc/argv will stay * NULL in the GetValues call, no need to check * explicitly */ XtVaGetValues(video_widget, XmNargc, &argc, XmNargv, &argv, NULL); /* copy argv, modified by XtDisplayInitialize below */ argv_copy = (String *) XtMalloc(sizeof(String) * (argc + 1)); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { argv_copy[i] = argv[i]; } argv_copy[argc] = NULL; /* * now add the print display in our app context, so * that event dispatching works */ XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(XtDisplay(video_widget), &video_name, &video_class); app_context = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(video_widget); XtDisplayInitialize(app_context, PSUB_Display(psub), video_name, video_class, PSUB_Options(psub), PSUB_OptionCount(psub), &argc, argv_copy); XtFree((char *) argv_copy); } /* * pick up attributes for the new printer */ GetPrintAttributes(psub); } } else { PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_VERIFIED; } /* * no break */ case DtPRINT_VERIFIED: /* * fill out current printer info in setup data */ psd->printer_name = PSUB_PrinterName(psub); if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { psd->print_display = PSUB_Display(psub); #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) psd->print_context = PSUB_Context(psub); #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ } break; case DtPRINT_IN_VERIFY: /* * EstablishPrinter should not be called recursively */ return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; break; } return DtPRINT_SUCCESS; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: GetPrintAttributes * * Description: * * Get printing attributes relevant to the PrintSetupBox from the * current print context. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void GetPrintAttributes( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) char* attr_value; XTextProperty text_prop; char** list; int count; XmString description = (XmString)NULL; char* ptr; /* * get the printer description, and set the description field */ attr_value = XpGetOneAttribute(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub), XPPrinterAttr, XpATTR_DESCRIPTOR); if(attr_value != (char*)NULL) { /* * convert the description from COMPOUND_TEXT into the * codeset of the current locale */ text_prop.value = (unsigned char*)attr_value; text_prop.encoding = XInternAtom(XtDisplay((Widget)psub), "COMPOUND_TEXT", False); text_prop.format = 8; text_prop.nitems = strlen((char*)text_prop.value); if(Success == XmbTextPropertyToTextList(XtDisplay((Widget)psub), &text_prop, &list, &count)) { if(count > 0) { if((String)NULL != list[0] && '\0' != *(list[0])) { /* * chop the description after the 1st line */ char* ptr = Dt_strchr(list[0], '\n'); if((char*)NULL != ptr) *ptr = '\0'; } description = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)list[0], (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); } XFreeStringList(list); } else { XmeWarning((Widget)psub, WARN_CT_CONVERSION); } XFree(attr_value); } /* * update the printer description */ if((XmString)NULL == description) description = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)"", (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); UpdateString(PSUB_Description(psub), description, PSUB_StringDirection(psub)); XmStringFree(description); /* * determine if copy-count is supported */ PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub) = False; attr_value = XpGetOneAttribute(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub), XPPrinterAttr, XpATTR_DOC_ATTRS_SUPPORTED); if(attr_value != (char*)NULL) { int token_len; for(ptr = attr_value + SpanWhitespace(attr_value); *ptr != '\0'; ptr += SpanWhitespace(ptr+=token_len)) { token_len = SpanNonWhitespace(ptr); if(0 == strncmp(ptr, XpATTR_COPY_COUNT, token_len)) { PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub) = True; break; } } XFree(attr_value); } if(!PSUB_CopyCountSupported(psub)) { /* * copy-count not supported; disable the copies control */ if(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub)) XtSetSensitive(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), False); if(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub)) { Widget copies_label = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub), "CopiesLabel"); XtSetSensitive(copies_label, False); } } #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: Initialize - Core class method * * Description: * * Create a PrintSetupBox widget instance. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void Initialize( Widget rw, Widget nw, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) nw ; /* * Validate the Print Setup Mode */ ValidatePrintSetupMode(new_w, (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL); /* * set the Xp-mode default resource procedure if the resource is * unspecified */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(new_w) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { if(PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(new_w) = _DtPrintSetupBoxXPrinterInfoProc; if(PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(new_w) = _DtPrintSetupBoxSelectXPrinterProc; if(PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(new_w) = _DtPrintSetupBoxVerifyXPrinterProc; } else { /* * for the plain setup mode, unspecified procedure resources * default to NULL */ if(PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(new_w) = (DtPrintSetupProc)NULL; if(PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(new_w) = (DtPrintSetupProc)NULL; if(PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(new_w) == (DtPrintSetupProc)DtUNSPECIFIED) PSUB_VerifyPrinterProc(new_w) = (DtPrintSetupProc)NULL; } /* * initialize internal flags */ PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(new_w) = DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED; PSUB_CopyCountSupported(new_w) = True; /* * initialize internal data */ PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(new_w) = (String)NULL; PSUB_Display(new_w) = (Display*)NULL; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) PSUB_Context(new_w) = (XPContext)NULL; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ PSUB_TimeoutId(new_w) = (XtIntervalId)NULL; /* * retrieve the XpPrinterNameMode application resource for this * widget */ { XtResource res_struct; res_struct.resource_name = "xpPrinterNameMode"; res_struct.resource_class = "XpPrinterNameMode"; res_struct.resource_type = XmREnum; res_struct.resource_size = sizeof(XtEnum); res_struct.resource_offset = 0; res_struct.default_type = XmRImmediate; res_struct.default_addr = (XtPointer)DtSHORT_NAME; XtGetApplicationResources(nw, (XtPointer)&PSUB_XpPrinterNameMode(new_w), &res_struct, 1, (ArgList)NULL, 0); } /* * Initialize work area children variables */ PSUB_TopWorkArea(new_w) = (Widget)NULL; PSUB_BottomWorkArea(new_w) = (Widget)NULL; ValidateWorkAreaLocation(new_w, (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL); /* * Initialize default resource procedures private data */ _DtPrintDefProcInitialize((Widget)new_w); /* * Create child widgets. */ PSUB_AddingSelWidgets(new_w) = True; _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateTopSeparator(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescriptionLabel(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescription(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterInfoButton (new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameLabel(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameCombo(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectPrinterButton(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameLabel(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameText(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectFileButton(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDestinationRadioBox(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCopiesControl(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateBottomSeparator(new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateButtonSeparator (new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrintButton (new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSetupButton (new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCancelButton (new_w); _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateHelpButton (new_w); /* * Validate/update copies spin box */ SynthSetCopies(new_w, (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL); /* * Update Printer Description */ if((XmString)NULL != PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w)) { UpdateString(PSUB_Description(new_w), PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w), PSUB_StringDirection(new_w)); PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w) = NULL ; } /* * Initialize printer information */ SynthSetPrinterName(new_w, XtNewString(PSUB_PrinterName(new_w)), (String)NULL); /* * Validate print destination / update print to file checkbox */ SynthSetPrintDestination(new_w, (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL); /* * Update the file name text box */ SynthSetFileName(new_w, (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL); /* * specify the Print button as the default button */ BB_DefaultButton(new_w) = PSUB_PrintButton(new_w) ; _XmBulletinBoardSetDynDefaultButton((Widget) new_w, BB_DefaultButton(new_w)) ; PSUB_AddingSelWidgets(new_w) = False; XtManageChildren (new_w->composite.children, new_w->composite.num_children) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: InsertChild - Composite class method * * Description: * * The Print Setup widget supports up to TWO work area children. This * routine handles adding a child to the Print Setup widget. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void InsertChild( Widget child) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub ; XtWidgetProc insert_child; /* * Use the dialog class insert proc to do all the dirty work */ _DtPrintProcessLock(); insert_child = ((XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass) ->composite_class.insert_child; _DtPrintProcessUnlock(); (*insert_child)(child) ; if(!XtIsRectObj(child)) { return ; } psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) XtParent(child) ; /* * check if this child is to be the one of the work areas */ if(!PSUB_AddingSelWidgets(psub) && !(XmIsRowColumn(child) && ((XmRowColumnWidget)child)->row_column.type == XmMENU_BAR ) && !XtIsShell(child) && !IsButton(child)) { if(PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) == (Widget)NULL && (PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(psub) == DtWORK_AREA_TOP || PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(psub) == DtWORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM) ) { PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) = child; } else if(PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) == (Widget)NULL && (PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(psub) == DtWORK_AREA_BOTTOM || PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(psub) == DtWORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM) ) { PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) = child; } } } static Boolean IsSetupRequired( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) char* setup_proviso; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ Boolean required = False; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) setup_proviso = XpGetOneAttribute(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub), XPPrinterAttr, XpATTR_SETUP_PROVISO); if((char*)NULL != setup_proviso) { char* ptr; int token_len; ptr = setup_proviso + SpanWhitespace(setup_proviso); token_len = SpanNonWhitespace(ptr); if(token_len && 0 == strncmp(ptr, "xp-setup-mandatory", token_len)) { char* setup_state; /* * setup is mandatory; check to see if it has been performed */ setup_state = XpGetOneAttribute(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub), XPJobAttr, XpATTR_SETUP_STATE); if((char*)NULL == setup_state) required = True; else { ptr = setup_state + SpanWhitespace(setup_state); token_len = SpanNonWhitespace(ptr); if(token_len) { /* * if the value of the setup state attribute is * xp-setup-ok then setup is not required */ if(0 != strncmp(ptr, "xp-setup-ok", token_len)) required = True; } else required = True; XFree(setup_state); } } XFree(setup_proviso); } #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ return required; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: MenuBarFixUp * * Description: * * This routine is a fixup routine which can be used for rows which * consist of a single MenuBar RowColumn. The effect of this routine * is to have the RowColumn ignore the margin width and height. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void MenuBarFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr) { Dimension marginW ; Dimension marginH ; Dimension twoMarginW ; marginW = geoSpec->margin_w ; twoMarginW = (marginW << 1) ; marginH = geoSpec->margin_h ; switch( action ) { case XmGEO_PRE_SET: { rowPtr->box.x -= marginW ; rowPtr->box.width += twoMarginW ; rowPtr->box.y -= marginH ; break ; } default: { if( rowPtr->box.width > twoMarginW ) { /* * Avoid subtracting a margin from box width which would * result in underflow. */ rowPtr->box.x += marginW ; rowPtr->box.width -= twoMarginW ; } if( action == XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE ) { /* * Set width to some small value so it does not effect * total width of matrix. */ rowPtr->box.width = 1 ; } break ; } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: PrintSetupBoxCallback * * Description: * * Call the callbacks for a PrintSetupBox button. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void PrintSetupBoxCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxChild which_button = (DtPrintSetupBoxChild)client_data; DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)XtParent(w); XmAnyCallbackStruct* callback = (XmAnyCallbackStruct*)call_data; DtPrintSetupCallbackStruct cbs; DtPrintSetupData psd; memset(&cbs, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupCallbackStruct)); memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); cbs.print_data = &psd; cbs.event = callback->event; /* * we want to see any error messages that may pop up when * establishing the printer connection */ psd.messages_hint = DtPRINT_HINT_MESSAGES_OK; switch(which_button) { case DtPRINT_CANCEL_BUTTON: cbs.reason = DtPRINT_CR_CANCEL; XtCallCallbackList((Widget)psub, PSUB_CancelCallback(psub), (XtPointer)&cbs); break; case DtPRINT_FILES_BUTTON: if(PSUB_SelectFileProc(psub)) { /* * setup the destination info */ SetPSDDestination(psub, &psd); /* * call select file proc */ (*PSUB_SelectFileProc(psub))((Widget)psub, &psd); } break; case DtPRINT_HELP_BUTTON: /* * Invoke the help system. */ _XmManagerHelp((Widget)psub, callback->event, NULL, NULL) ; break; case DtPRINT_INFO_BUTTON: if(PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(psub)) { /* * pick up the printer name from the widget's Printer Name text * field */ SynthGetPrinterName(psub); /* * establish a connection to the X printer */ if(EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd) == DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { /* * For X printing, set printing attributes */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { SetPrintAttributes(psub); } /* * call printer info proc */ (*PSUB_PrinterInfoProc(psub))((Widget)psub, &psd); } } break; case DtPRINT_PRINT_BUTTON: /* * pick up the printer name from the widget's Printer Name text * field */ SynthGetPrinterName(psub); /* * establish a connection to the X printer */ if(EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd) == DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { /* * For X printing, set printing attributes */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { SetPrintAttributes(psub); } /* * setup the destination info */ SetPSDDestination(psub, &psd); if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP && IsSetupRequired(psub)) { /* * setup is needed; call the setup callback instead */ cbs.reason = DtPRINT_CR_SETUP; XtCallCallbackList((Widget)psub, PSUB_SetupCallback(psub), (XtPointer)&cbs); } else { /* * The printer name is OK. Go ahead and unmanage the print * setup box if the auto-unmanage resource is set. */ if(PSUB_AutoUnmanage(psub) && PSUB_Shell(psub)) XtUnmanageChild((Widget)psub); /* * call the Print callback list */ cbs.reason = DtPRINT_CR_PRINT; XtCallCallbackList((Widget)psub, PSUB_PrintCallback(psub), (XtPointer)&cbs); } } break; case DtPRINT_PRINTERS_BUTTON: if(PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(psub)) { /* * call the printer selection proc */ psd.printer_name = PSUB_PrinterName(psub); (*PSUB_SelectPrinterProc(psub))((Widget)psub, &psd); } break; case DtPRINT_SETUP_BUTTON: /* * pick up the printer name from the widget's Printer Name text * field */ SynthGetPrinterName(psub); /* * establish a connection to the X printer */ if(EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd) == DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { /* * For X printing, set printing attributes */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { SetPrintAttributes(psub); } /* * setup the destination info */ SetPSDDestination(psub, &psd); /* * Call setup callback */ cbs.reason = DtPRINT_CR_SETUP; XtCallCallbackList((Widget)psub, PSUB_SetupCallback(psub), (XtPointer)&cbs); } break; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SeparatorFixUp * * Description: * * This routine is a fixup routine which can be used for rows which * consist of a single separator widget. The effect of this routine * is to have the separator ignore the margin width. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SeparatorFixUp( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action, XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr ) { Dimension marginW ; Dimension twoMarginW ; marginW = geoSpec->margin_w ; twoMarginW = (marginW << 1) ; switch( action ) { case XmGEO_PRE_SET: { rowPtr->box.x -= marginW ; rowPtr->box.width += twoMarginW ; break ; } default: { if( rowPtr->box.width > twoMarginW ) { /* * Avoid subtracting a margin from box width which would * result in underflow. */ rowPtr->box.x += marginW ; rowPtr->box.width -= twoMarginW ; } if( action == XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE ) { /* * Set width to some small value so it does not * effect total width of matrix. */ rowPtr->box.width = 1 ; } break ; } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SetNewPrinterName * * Description: * * For Xp, if there is an existing open Xp connection, the * connection is closed, and the DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback list is * called using old_printer_name. * * old_printer_name is then freed using XtFree. * * The printer_name instance variable is set to new_printer_name * which must point to memory previously allocated using one of the * Xt memory allocation functions. * * This function unsets the printer name verified flag. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SetNewPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String new_printer_name, String old_printer_name) { /* * close the existing Xp connection */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP && PSUB_Display(psub) != (Display*)NULL) { ClosePrintConnection(psub, old_printer_name, True); } /* * free the old printer name */ XtFree(old_printer_name); /* * update the printer name instance data */ PSUB_PrinterName(psub) = new_printer_name; /* * ensure the new printer name will be verified */ if(PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) == DtPRINT_VERIFIED) PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SetPrintAttributes * * Description: * * Set printing attributes relevant to the PrintSetupBox into the * current print context. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SetPrintAttributes( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { /* * Set the copy-count document attribute in the current context */ if((Widget)NULL != PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub)) { char str[48]; XtVaGetValues(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), XmNposition, &PSUB_Copies(psub), NULL); sprintf(str, "*%s: %d\n", XpATTR_COPY_COUNT, PSUB_Copies(psub)); #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) XpSetAttributes(PSUB_Display(psub), PSUB_Context(psub), XPDocAttr, str, XPAttrMerge); #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SetPSDDestination * * Description: * * Set print destination information in the passed setup data * struct for use in callbacks. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SetPSDDestination( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, DtPrintSetupData* psd) { psd->destination = PSUB_PrintDestination(psub); switch(PSUB_PrintDestination(psub)) { case DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER: psd->dest_info = PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub); break; case DtPRINT_TO_FILE: SynthGetFileName(psub); psd->dest_info = PSUB_FileName(psub); break; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SetSyntheticResForChild * * Description: * * Indicate to the synthetic resource mechanism that it should copy * the resource value. * * Return value: * * Always XmSYNTHETIC_LOAD. * */ static XmImportOperator SetSyntheticResForChild( Widget widget, int offset, XtArgVal *value) { return XmSYNTHETIC_LOAD; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SetValues - Core class method * * Description: * * Update widget when values change. * * Return value: * * Always False, because this widget will redraw itself. * */ static Boolean SetValues( Widget cw, Widget rw, Widget nw, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) cw ; DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) nw ; Boolean need_layout = False; BB_InSetValues(new_w) = True; /* * Validate the Print Setup Mode */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(new_w) != PSUB_PrintSetupMode(current)) ValidatePrintSetupMode(new_w, current); /* * Validate work area location */ if(PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(new_w) != PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(current)) ValidateWorkAreaLocation(new_w, current); /* * Update Printer Description */ if(PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w) != PSUB_DescriptionString(current)) { UpdateString(PSUB_Description(new_w), PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w), PSUB_StringDirection(new_w)); PSUB_DescriptionString(new_w) = NULL ; } /* * Validate print destination / update print to file checkbox */ if(PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w) != PSUB_PrintDestination(current)) SynthSetPrintDestination(new_w, current); /* * Update the file name */ if(PSUB_FileName(new_w) != PSUB_FileName(current)) SynthSetFileName(new_w, current); /* * Validate/update copies spin box */ if(PSUB_Copies(new_w) != PSUB_Copies(current)) SynthSetCopies(new_w, current); /* * Update the Printer Name text field */ if(PSUB_PrinterName(new_w) != PSUB_PrinterName(current)) { if((PSUB_PrinterName(new_w) == NULL || PSUB_PrinterName(current) == NULL) ? True : strcmp(PSUB_PrinterName(new_w), PSUB_PrinterName(current)) != 0) { /* * the printer names are different; set the new printer name * into the instance structure and the printer name text * field */ SynthSetPrinterName(new_w, XtNewString(PSUB_PrinterName(new_w)), PSUB_PrinterName(current)); } else { /* * printer names are identical; keep current */ PSUB_PrinterName(new_w) = PSUB_PrinterName(current); } } if(PSUB_MinimizeButtons(new_w) != PSUB_MinimizeButtons(current)) { need_layout = True; } /* * finished setting values */ BB_InSetValues (new_w) = False; /* * If this is the instantiated class then do layout. */ if(need_layout && XtClass(new_w) == dtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass) { _XmBulletinBoardSizeUpdate((Widget) new_w) ; } return False; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SpanNonWhitespace * * Description: * * Returns the length of the initial segment of the passed string * that consists entirely of non-whitespace characters. * * */ static int SpanNonWhitespace(const char* string) { const char* ptr; for(ptr = string; *ptr != '\0' && !DtIsspace((char*)ptr); ptr = DtNextChar((char*)ptr)); return ptr - string; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SpanWhitespace * * Description: * * Returns the length of the initial segment of the passed string * that consists entirely of whitespace characters. * * */ static int SpanWhitespace(const char* string) { const char* ptr; for(ptr = string; *ptr != '\0' && DtIsspace((char*)ptr); ptr = DtNextChar((char*)ptr)); return ptr - string; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthGetFileName * * Description: * * Updates the file_name element of the PrintSetupBox instance * structure based on the current state of the File Name text field. * * Return Value: * * None. * */ static void SynthGetFileName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { /* * free the existing file name */ XtFree(PSUB_FileName(psub)); /* * set the file name widget instance value based on the File Name * text field value */ if(PSUB_FileNameText(psub) != (Widget)NULL) XtVaGetValues((Widget)PSUB_FileNameText(psub), XmNvalue, &PSUB_FileName(psub), NULL); else PSUB_FileName(psub) = (String)NULL; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthGetPrinterName * * Description: * * Updates the modal_printer_spec and the printer_name elements of * the PrintSetupBox instance structure based on the current state of * the Printer Name text field. The verify printer state will be set * to "not verified" if the printer_name is updated. * * Return Value: * * None. * */ static void SynthGetPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { Boolean printer_spec_changed = False; String previous_modal_spec; if(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub) != (Widget)NULL) { /* * get the modal Printer Specifier from the Printer Name text * field */ previous_modal_spec = PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub); XtVaGetValues((Widget)PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub), XmNvalue, &PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub), NULL); /* * determine if we have a new printer name */ switch(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub)) { case DtPRINT_SETUP_PLAIN: if((PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub) == (String)NULL || PSUB_PrinterName(psub) == (String)NULL)) { printer_spec_changed = True; } else if(strcmp(PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub), PSUB_PrinterName(psub)) != 0) { printer_spec_changed = True; } break; case DtPRINT_SETUP_XP: if(PSUB_PrinterName(psub) == (String)NULL || PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub) == (String)NULL || (Display*)NULL == PSUB_Display(psub) || strcmp(previous_modal_spec, PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub)) != 0) { printer_spec_changed = True; } break; } XtFree(previous_modal_spec); } if(printer_spec_changed) { SetNewPrinterName(psub, XtNewString(PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub)),/*new name*/ PSUB_PrinterName(psub)); /* old name */ } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthSetCopies * * Description: * * Validate the DtNcopies resource, and use it to update the Copies * spin box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SynthSetCopies( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current) { if(PSUB_Copies(new_w) < 1 || PSUB_Copies(new_w) > MAX_COPIES) { XmeWarning((Widget)new_w, WARN_COPY_COUNT); if(current == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) PSUB_Copies(new_w) = 1; else PSUB_Copies(new_w) = PSUB_Copies(current); } if(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(new_w) != (Widget)NULL) XtVaSetValues(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(new_w), XmNposition, PSUB_Copies(new_w), NULL); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthSetFileName * * Description: * * Update the file name text field. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SynthSetFileName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current) { /* * free the old file name */ if(current != (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) { XtFree(PSUB_FileName(current)); } /* * make a copy of the new file name */ PSUB_FileName(new_w) = XtNewString(PSUB_FileName(new_w)); /* * update the file name text box */ if(PSUB_FileNameText(new_w) != (Widget)NULL) { XmTextPosition last_position; XmTextFieldSetString(PSUB_FileNameText(new_w), PSUB_FileName(new_w)); last_position = XmTextFieldGetLastPosition(PSUB_FileNameText(new_w)); XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(PSUB_FileNameText(new_w), last_position); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthSetPrintDestination * * Description: * * Validate the DtNprintDestination resource, and use it to update * the print destination radio buttons. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SynthSetPrintDestination( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current) { if(PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w) != DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER && PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w) != DtPRINT_TO_FILE) { XmeWarning((Widget)new_w, WARN_PRINT_DESTINATION); if(current == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w) = DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER; else PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w) = PSUB_PrintDestination(current); } if((Widget)NULL != PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(new_w)) { Widget button; switch(PSUB_PrintDestination(new_w)) { case DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER: button = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(new_w), "button_0"); XmToggleButtonSetState(button, True, True); break; case DtPRINT_TO_FILE: button = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(new_w), "button_1"); XmToggleButtonSetState(button, True, True); break; } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: SynthSetPrinterName * * Description: * * Set the passed new_printer_name into the print setup box by * updating the Printer Name text field and the modal_printer_name * and printer_name instance variables. The verify printer state will * be set to DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED if the printer_name was updated. * * new_printer_name must have been previously allocated using one of * the Xt memory allocation functions. If the passed new_printer_name * is NULL, a default printer name will be used. * * The old_printer_name is passed to the DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback * list, if it is called. The old_printer_name is freed using XtFree. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void SynthSetPrinterName( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub, String new_printer_name, String old_printer_name) { /* * update the printer name in the widget instance structure */ SetNewPrinterName(psub, new_printer_name, old_printer_name); /* * create a new modal printer name */ XtFree(PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub)); switch(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub)) { case DtPRINT_SETUP_PLAIN: /* * Ignore the name mode */ PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub) = XtNewString(PSUB_PrinterName(psub)); break; case DtPRINT_SETUP_XP: /* * Create a modal X Printer Specifier */ PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub) = CreateModalPrinterSpec(PSUB_XpPrinterNameMode(psub), PSUB_PrinterName(psub)); break; } /* * Set the modal printer specifier in the Printer Name text field */ if(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub)) { XtVaSetValues(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub), XmNvalue, PSUB_ModalPrinterSpec(psub), NULL); XmComboBoxUpdate(PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub)); } /* * verify the printer; get intial attributes for a new X printer * connection */ if(PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) == DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED) { DtPrintSetupData psd; Window window; memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); /* * don't show any messages if this widget isn't mapped */ psd.messages_hint = DtPRINT_HINT_NO_MESSAGES; window = XtWindow((Widget)psub); if(window) { XWindowAttributes attr; Status status = XGetWindowAttributes(XtDisplay((Widget)psub), window, &attr); if(status != 0 && attr.map_state == IsViewable) psd.messages_hint = DtPRINT_HINT_MESSAGES_OK; } /* * establish a connection to the X printer */ EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: UpdatePrinterNameCallback * * Description: * * Kick off a timer proc to establish the selected printer in the * widget. This allows the hourglass to be visible while the * connection is being established. The hourglass can't be set inside * the callback because the combo box list is still popped up with * the pointer grabbed... Of course if the user is traversing through * the list with the cursor keys, ie. without popping it down, * there's nothing we can do to change the cursor... * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void UpdatePrinterNameCallback( Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)client_data; if(PSUB_TimeoutId(psub) != (XtIntervalId)NULL) XtRemoveTimeOut(PSUB_TimeoutId(psub)); PSUB_TimeoutId(psub) = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w), (unsigned long)0, UpdatePrinterNameTimeoutProc, (XtPointer)psub); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: UpdatePrinterNameCallback * * Description: * * Timeout proc that establishes a printer connection in response to * a user selection in the printer name combo box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void UpdatePrinterNameTimeoutProc(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId* id) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)client_data; DtPrintSetupData psd; /* * the timeout seems to happen before expose events from the * popdown */ XmUpdateDisplay((Widget)psub); /* * the timeout proc is only called once per XtAppAddTimeOut */ PSUB_TimeoutId(psub) = (XtIntervalId)NULL; /* * check to see if the printer name has changed (if so, * SynthGetPrinterName will close an existing print connection) */ SynthGetPrinterName(psub); /* * try to establish a connection to a new printer name * (the message hint is set so that we don't see error messages from * here) */ memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); psd.messages_hint = DtPRINT_HINT_NO_MESSAGES; EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: UpdateString * * Description: * * Set the label string of a label or button * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void UpdateString( Widget w, XmString string, XmStringDirection direction) { Arg al[3]; int ac = 0; if (w) { XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNstringDirection, direction); ac++; XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNlabelString, string); ac++; XtSetValues (w, al, ac); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ValidatePrintSetupMode * * Description: * * Validate the DtNprintSetupMode resource. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ValidatePrintSetupMode( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current) { if(current == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) { switch(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(new_w)) { case DtPRINT_SETUP_PLAIN: case DtPRINT_SETUP_XP: break; default: PSUB_PrintSetupMode(new_w) = SETUP_MODE_DEFAULT; XmeWarning((Widget)new_w, WARN_SETUP_MODE); break; } } else { /* * prevent changes to the mode */ PSUB_PrintSetupMode(new_w) = PSUB_PrintSetupMode(current); XmeWarning((Widget)new_w, WARN_SETUP_MODE_CHANGE); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: ValidateWorkAreaLocation * * Description: * * Validate the DtNworkAreaLocation resource. * * Return value: * * None. * */ static void ValidateWorkAreaLocation( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget new_w, DtPrintSetupBoxWidget current) { switch(PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(new_w)) { case DtWORK_AREA_NONE: case DtWORK_AREA_TOP: case DtWORK_AREA_TOP_AND_BOTTOM: case DtWORK_AREA_BOTTOM: break; default: XmeWarning((Widget)new_w, WARN_WORK_AREA_LOCATION); if(current == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(new_w) = WORK_AREA_DEFAULT; else PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(new_w) = PSUB_WorkAreaLocation(current); break; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateBottomSeparator * * Description: * * Create the Separator displayed above the bottom work area * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateBottomSeparator(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { Arg al[10]; int ac = 0; XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); ac++; PSUB_BottomSeparator(psub) = XmCreateSeparatorGadget((Widget) psub, "BottomWorkAreaSeparator", al, ac); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateButtonSeparator * * Description: * * Create the Separator displayed above the buttons. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateButtonSeparator(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget sel) { Arg al[10]; int ac = 0; XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); ac++; PSUB_ButtonSeparator(sel) = XmCreateSeparatorGadget((Widget) sel, "ButtonSeparator", al, ac); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCancelButton * * Description: * * Create the "Cancel" PushButton. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCancelButton( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_CancelButton(psub) = CreateButtonGadget((Widget)psub, CANCEL_LABEL, "Cancel", XmNONE); XtAddCallback(PSUB_CancelButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_CANCEL_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCopiesControl * * Description: * * Create the copy count label and spin box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateCopiesControl(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { Widget copies_label; Widget copies_text; Boolean copies_text_editable; /* * create a row column to contain the copy count label and spin box */ PSUB_CopiesControl(psub) = XtVaCreateWidget("CopiesControl", xmRowColumnWidgetClass, (Widget)psub, XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL, NULL); /* * create the label */ copies_label = CreateLabelGadget(PSUB_CopiesControl(psub), COPIES_LABEL, "CopiesLabel"); XtManageChild(copies_label); /* * spin box */ PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub) = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Copies", xmSimpleSpinBoxWidgetClass, PSUB_CopiesControl(psub) , XmNspinBoxChildType, XmNUMERIC, XmNminimumValue, 1, XmNmaximumValue, MAX_COPIES, XmNposition, 1, XmNpositionType, XmPOSITION_VALUE, XmNcolumns, 5, XmNwrap, False, NULL); copies_text = NULL; copies_text_editable = FALSE; XtVaGetValues( PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), XmNtextField, &copies_text, XmNeditable, &copies_text_editable, NULL); if (copies_text && copies_text_editable) XtAddCallback( copies_text, XmNvalueChangedCallback, CopiesTextValueChangedCallback, (XtPointer) psub); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescription * * Description: * * Create the printer description. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescription( DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { XmRenderTable render_table; XFontStruct* font; unsigned long char_width; XmString empty_label; /* * create the description label gadget */ empty_label = XmStringCreateLocalized(" "); PSUB_Description(psub) = XtVaCreateWidget("Description", xmLabelWidgetClass, (Widget)psub, XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING, XmNlabelString, empty_label, NULL); XmStringFree(empty_label); /* * get the maximum character width for the default font of the gadget */ XtVaGetValues(PSUB_Description(psub), XmNrenderTable, &render_table, NULL); if(XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont(render_table, &font)) { Bool success; success = XGetFontProperty(font, XA_QUAD_WIDTH, &char_width); if(!success || char_width == 0) { if(font->per_char && font->min_char_or_byte2 <= '0' && font->max_char_or_byte2 >= '0' ) char_width = font->per_char['0' - font->min_char_or_byte2].width; else char_width = font->max_bounds.width; } /* * set and lock the width of description gadget */ XtVaSetValues(PSUB_Description(psub), XmNwidth, (Dimension)(DESCRIPTION_COLUMNS*char_width), XmNrecomputeSize, False, NULL); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescriptionLabel * * Description: * * Create the Label for the printer description. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDescriptionLabel(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_DescriptionLabel(psub) = CreateLabelGadget((Widget) psub, DESCRIPTION_LABEL, "DescriptionLabel") ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDestinationRadioBox * * Description: * * Create the "Print to Printer" and "Print to File" radio buttons. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateDestinationRadioBox(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { Widget button; XmString label; PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub) = XtVaCreateWidget( "DestRadioBox", xmRowColumnWidgetClass, (Widget)psub, XmNradioBehavior, True, XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL, XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT, NULL); label = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)PRINT_TO_PRINTER_LABEL, (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("button_0", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub), XmNlabelString, label, XmNuserData, (XtPointer)DtPRINT_TO_PRINTER, NULL); XmStringFree(label); XtAddCallback(button, XmNvalueChangedCallback, DestinationChangedCallback, (XtPointer)psub); label = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)PRINT_TO_FILE_LABEL, (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("button_1", xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub), XmNlabelString, label, XmNuserData, (XtPointer)DtPRINT_TO_FILE, NULL); XmStringFree(label); XtAddCallback(button, XmNvalueChangedCallback, DestinationChangedCallback, (XtPointer)psub); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameLabel * * Description: * * Create the "Print to File" check box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameLabel(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub) = CreateLabelGadget((Widget)psub, FILE_NAME_LABEL, "FileNameLabel") ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameText * * Description: * * Create the print to file name text field. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateFileNameText(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_FileNameText(psub) = XtVaCreateWidget("FileName", xmTextFieldWidgetClass, (Widget)psub, XmNcolumns, FILE_NAME_COLUMNS, NULL); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateHelpButton * * Description: * Create the "Help" PushButton. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateHelpButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_HelpButton(psub) = CreateButtonGadget((Widget)psub, HELP_LABEL, "Help", XmNONE) ; /* * Remove BulletinBoard Unmanage callback */ XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_HelpButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback) ; XtAddCallback(PSUB_HelpButton (psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer)DtPRINT_HELP_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrintButton * * Description: * Create the "Print" PushButton. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrintButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_PrintButton(psub) = CreateButton((Widget)psub, PRINT_LABEL, "Print", XmNONE) ; /* * Remove the BulletinBoard unmanage callback. The * PrintSetupBoxCallback routine will unmanage the widget if the * AutoUnmanage resource is set, but only if the printer name is * successfully verified. */ XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_PrintButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback); XtAddCallback(PSUB_PrintButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer)DtPRINT_PRINT_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterInfoButton * * Description: * * Create the "Info..." PushButton * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterInfoButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub) = CreateButton((Widget)psub, PRINTER_INFO_LABEL, "Info", XmTAB_GROUP); XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback); XtAddCallback(PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_INFO_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameCombo * * Description: * * Create the combo box containing the printer name text field and * the short printer list. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameCombo(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub) = XtVaCreateWidget("Name", xmComboBoxWidgetClass, (Widget)psub, XmNcomboBoxType, XmDROP_DOWN_COMBO_BOX, XmNcolumns, PRINTER_NAME_COLUMNS, XmNpositionMode, XmZERO_BASED, NULL); PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub) = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub), "*Text"); /* * add a selection callback to the combo box that will cause the * selected printer to be set in the PSUB (verified, etc). */ XtAddCallback(PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub), XmNselectionCallback, UpdatePrinterNameCallback, (XtPointer)psub); /* * Xp Setup Mode specific initialization */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) == DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { String* printer_list; Boolean hide_arrow = True; /* * add a callback to close an existing connection whenever the * user modifies the text field. */ XtAddCallback(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub), XmNvalueChangedCallback, ClosePrintConnectionCallback, (XtPointer)psub); /* * initialize the combo box list */ printer_list = _DtPrintGetXpPrinterList((Widget)psub); if(printer_list != (String*)NULL) { int count; /* * count the number of printer names in the returned list, */ for(count = 0; printer_list[count] != (String)NULL; count++); if(count > 0) { XmString* printer_xmstr_list; int i; Widget combo_list; /* * build a XmString version of the printer list */ printer_xmstr_list = (XmString*)XtCalloc(count, sizeof(XmString)); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) printer_xmstr_list[i] = XmStringGenerate((XtPointer)printer_list[i], (XmStringTag)NULL, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT, (XmStringTag)NULL); /* * get the widget ID of the combo box list */ combo_list = XtNameToWidget(PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub), "*List"); if(combo_list) { int visible_item_count; /* * get the initial visible item count */ XtVaGetValues(combo_list, XmNvisibleItemCount, &visible_item_count, NULL); /* * reduce the visible item count if needed */ if(count < visible_item_count) visible_item_count = count; /* * set the XmString printer list in the combo box list */ XtVaSetValues(combo_list, XmNitemCount, count, XmNitems, printer_xmstr_list, XmNvisibleItemCount, visible_item_count, NULL); hide_arrow = False; } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) XmStringFree(printer_xmstr_list[i]); XtFree((char*)printer_xmstr_list); } _DtPrintFreeStringList(printer_list); } if(hide_arrow) { Dimension text_shadow_thickness; XtVaGetValues(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub), XmNshadowThickness, &text_shadow_thickness, NULL); XtVaSetValues(PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub), XmNarrowSize, 0, XmNarrowSpacing, 0, XmNmarginWidth, 0, XmNmarginHeight, 0, XmNshadowThickness, 0, NULL); XtVaSetValues(PSUB_PrinterNameText(psub), XmNshadowThickness, text_shadow_thickness, NULL); } } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameLabel * * Description: * * Create the Label for the printer name. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreatePrinterNameLabel(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_PrinterNameLabel(psub) = CreateLabelGadget((Widget) psub, PRINTER_NAME_LABEL, "NameLabel") ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectFileButton * * Description: * * Create the "Select File..." PushButton * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectFileButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub) = CreateButtonGadget((Widget)psub, SELECT_FILE_LABEL, "SelectFile", XmTAB_GROUP); XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback) ; XtAddCallback(PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_FILES_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectPrinterButton * * Description: * * Create the "Select Printer..." PushButton * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSelectPrinterButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub) = CreateButtonGadget((Widget)psub, SELECT_PRINTER_LABEL, "SelectPrinter", XmTAB_GROUP); XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback); XtAddCallback(PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_PRINTERS_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSetupButton * * Description: * * Create the "Setup" PushButton. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateSetupButton(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { PSUB_SetupButton(psub) = CreateButton((Widget) psub, SETUP_LABEL, "Setup", XmNONE); /* * Remove BulletinBoard Unmanage callback from Setup button */ XtRemoveAllCallbacks(PSUB_SetupButton(psub), XmNactivateCallback) ; XtAddCallback(PSUB_SetupButton (psub), XmNactivateCallback, PrintSetupBoxCallback, (XtPointer) DtPRINT_SETUP_BUTTON) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateTopSeparator * * Description: * * Create the Separator displayed below the top work area * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxCreateTopSeparator(DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub) { Arg al[10]; int ac = 0; XtSetArg(al[ac], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); ac++; PSUB_TopSeparator(psub) = XmCreateSeparatorGadget((Widget) psub, "TopWorkAreaSeparator", al, ac); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxGeoMatrixCreate - BulletinBoard class method * * Description: * * Return value: * */ XmGeoMatrix _DtPrintSetupBoxGeoMatrixCreate( Widget wid, Widget instigator, XtWidgetGeometry *desired) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) wid ; XmGeoMatrix geoSpec ; XmGeoRowLayout layoutPtr ; XmKidGeometry boxPtr ; XmKidGeometry firstButtonBox ; XmKidGeometry boxMark; Dimension vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); int i; PSUB_GeoExtension ext; int psub_geo_fill = XmGEO_PACK; int psub_geo_fit = XmGEO_PROPORTIONAL; /* * Layout PrintSetupBox XmGeoMatrix. * Each row is terminated by leaving an empty XmKidGeometry and * moving to the next XmGeoRowLayout. */ geoSpec = _XmGeoMatrixAlloc(DtPSUB_MAX_WIDGETS_VERT, psub->composite.num_children, sizeof(PSUB_GeoExtensionRec)); ext = geoSpec->extension; geoSpec->composite = (Widget) psub ; geoSpec->instigator = (Widget) instigator ; if(desired) { geoSpec->instig_request = *desired ; } geoSpec->margin_w = BB_MarginWidth(psub) + psub->manager.shadow_thickness; geoSpec->margin_h = BB_MarginHeight(psub) + psub->manager.shadow_thickness; geoSpec->no_geo_request = _DtPrintSetupBoxNoGeoRequest ; layoutPtr = &(geoSpec->layouts->row) ; boxPtr = geoSpec->boxes ; /* * menu bar */ for (i = 0; i < psub->composite.num_children; i++) { Widget w = psub->composite.children[i]; if(XmIsRowColumn(w) && ((XmRowColumnWidget)w)->row_column.type == XmMENU_BAR && w != PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) && w != PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) && _XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, w)) { layoutPtr->fix_up = MenuBarFixUp; boxPtr += 2; ++layoutPtr; vspace = 0; /* fixup space_above of next row. */ break; } } /* * top work area + separator */ if(PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) != (Widget)NULL) { if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub))) { layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); boxPtr += 2; ++layoutPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_TopSeparator(psub))) { layoutPtr->fix_up = SeparatorFixUp; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); boxPtr += 2 ; ++layoutPtr ; } } /* * printer description label, printer description and printer info * button */ boxMark = boxPtr; if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_DescriptionLabel(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_RIGHT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_Description(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_LEFT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_PrinterInfoButton(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_EXPAND; ++boxPtr; } if(boxPtr != boxMark) { (ext->layout_ptr)[ext->row_count++] = layoutPtr; layoutPtr->fix_up = ColumnGeoFixUp; layoutPtr->even_width = 0; layoutPtr->even_height = 0; layoutPtr->fill_mode = psub_geo_fill ; layoutPtr->fit_mode = psub_geo_fit ; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); ++boxPtr; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * printer name label, printer name, select printer button */ boxMark = boxPtr; if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_PrinterNameLabel(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_RIGHT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_PrinterNameCombo(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_LEFT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_SelectPrinterButton(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_EXPAND; ++boxPtr; } if(boxPtr != boxMark) { (ext->layout_ptr)[ext->row_count++] = layoutPtr; layoutPtr->fix_up = ColumnGeoFixUp; layoutPtr->even_width = 0; layoutPtr->even_height = 0; layoutPtr->fill_mode = psub_geo_fill ; layoutPtr->fit_mode = psub_geo_fit ; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); ++boxPtr; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * file name label, file name text, select file button */ boxMark = boxPtr; if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_FileNameLabel(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][0].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_RIGHT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_FileNameText(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][1].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_LEFT; ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_SelectFileButton(psub))) { (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].geo = boxPtr; (ext->pbox)[ext->row_count][2].align = PSUB_GEO_ALIGN_EXPAND; ++boxPtr; } if(boxPtr != boxMark) { (ext->layout_ptr)[ext->row_count++] = layoutPtr; layoutPtr->fix_up = ColumnGeoFixUp; layoutPtr->even_width = 0; layoutPtr->even_height = 0; layoutPtr->fill_mode = psub_geo_fill ; layoutPtr->fit_mode = psub_geo_fit ; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); ++boxPtr; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * copies label and copies field */ boxMark = boxPtr; if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_DestinationRadioBox(psub))) { ++boxPtr; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_CopiesControl(psub))) { ++boxPtr; } if(boxPtr != boxMark) { layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER ; layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP ; layoutPtr->even_width = 0; layoutPtr->even_height = 0; layoutPtr->space_between = 10; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); ++boxPtr; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * bottom work area + separator */ if(PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) != (Widget)NULL) { if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_BottomSeparator(psub))) { layoutPtr->fix_up = SeparatorFixUp; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); boxPtr += 2 ; ++layoutPtr ; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub))) { layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); boxPtr += 2; ++layoutPtr; } } /* * button separator */ if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_ButtonSeparator(psub))) { layoutPtr->fix_up = SeparatorFixUp; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); boxPtr += 2 ; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * button row */ firstButtonBox = boxPtr ; if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_PrintButton(psub))) { ++boxPtr ; } for(i = 0; i < psub->composite.num_children; i++) { Widget w = psub->composite.children[i]; if(IsButton(w) && !IsAutoButton(psub,w) && w != PSUB_TopWorkArea(psub) && w != PSUB_BottomWorkArea(psub) ) { if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, w)) { ++boxPtr ; } } } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_SetupButton(psub))) { ++boxPtr ; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_CancelButton(psub))) { ++boxPtr ; } if(_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, PSUB_HelpButton(psub))) { ++boxPtr ; } if(boxPtr != firstButtonBox) { layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER ; layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP ; layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; vspace = BB_MarginHeight(psub); if(!(psub->print_setup_box.minimize_buttons)) { layoutPtr->even_width = 1 ; } layoutPtr->even_height = 1 ; ++layoutPtr ; } /* * the end. */ layoutPtr->space_above = vspace; layoutPtr->end = TRUE ; return(geoSpec) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxNoGeoRequest * * Description: * * Return value: * */ Boolean _DtPrintSetupBoxNoGeoRequest( XmGeoMatrix geoSpec) { if(BB_InSetValues(geoSpec->composite) && (XtClass(geoSpec->composite) == dtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass)) { return(TRUE) ; } return(FALSE) ; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxGetCopies * * Description: * * Update the location pointed to by "value" with the current value * of the Copies spin box. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxGetCopies( Widget wid, int resource_offset, XtArgVal *value) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) wid ; int copies; if(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub) != (Widget)NULL) { XtVaGetValues(PSUB_CopiesSpinBox(psub), XmNposition, &copies, NULL); *value = (XtArgVal)copies; } else { *value = (XtArgVal)PSUB_Copies(psub); } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxGetDescription * * Description: * * Update the description instance variable based on the current * value of the Printer Description label gadget. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxGetDescription( Widget wid, int resource_offset, XtArgVal *value) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget) wid ; XmString data ; if(PSUB_Description(psub) != (Widget)NULL) { XtVaGetValues((Widget)PSUB_Description(psub), XmNlabelString, &data, NULL); *value = (XtArgVal)data; } else { *value = (XtArgVal)NULL; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxGetFileName * * Description: * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxGetFileName( Widget w, int resource_offset, XtArgVal *value) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)w; SynthGetFileName(psub); *value = (XtArgVal)PSUB_FileName(psub); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: _DtPrintSetupBoxGetPrinterName * * Description: * * Return value: * * None. * */ void _DtPrintSetupBoxGetPrinterName( Widget w, int resource_offset, XtArgVal *value) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)w; SynthGetPrinterName(psub); *value = (XtArgVal)PSUB_PrinterName(psub); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtCreatePrintSetupBox * * Description: * * DtCreatePrintSetupBox is a convenience function that creates an * unmanaged instance of a DtPrintSetupBox widget, and returns its * widget ID. * * Arguments: * * parent * Specifies the parent widget ID. * * name * Specifies the name of the created widget. * * args * Specifies the argument list. * * n * Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in arglist. * * Return value: * * Returns the DtPrintSetupBox widget ID. * */ Widget DtCreatePrintSetupBox( Widget p, String name, ArgList args, Cardinal n) { return XtCreateWidget(name, dtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass, p, args, n); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtCreatePrintSetupDialog * * Description: * * DtCreatePrintSetupDialog is a convenience function that creates an * instance of a dialog containing a DtPrintSetupBox widget, and * returns the DtPrintSetupBox widget ID. * * Arguments: * * parent * Specifies the parent widget ID. * * name * Specifies the name of the created widget. * * args * Specifies the argument list. * * n * Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in arglist. * * Return value: * * Returns the DtPrintSetupBox widget ID. * */ Widget DtCreatePrintSetupDialog( Widget parent, String name, ArgList args, Cardinal n) { return XmeCreateClassDialog(dtPrintSetupBoxWidgetClass, parent, name, args, n); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtPrintCopySetupData * * Description: * * DtPrintCopySetupData is used to copy the DtPrintSetupData * structure pointed to by 'source' to the DtPrintSetupData structure * pointed to by 'target'. Elements in 'target' are updated only if * different than the corresponding element in 'source'. For elements * that point to allocated memory, DtPrintCopySetupData allocates new * memory for those elements updated in 'target'. Existing elements * in 'target' are freed using XtFree. All elements in a * DtPrintSetupData structure can be freed by calling * DtPrintFreeSetupData. * * If 'source' or 'target' is NULL the copy will not be performed. * * Arguments: * * target * A pointer to the DtPrintSetupData structure to copy to. * * source * A pointer to the DtPrintSetupData structure to copy from. * * Return value: * * The target pointer. * */ DtPrintSetupData* DtPrintCopySetupData( DtPrintSetupData* target, const DtPrintSetupData* source) { if(source != (DtPrintSetupData*)NULL && target != (DtPrintSetupData*)NULL) { if((source->printer_name == (String)NULL || target->printer_name == (String)NULL) ? True : strcmp(source->printer_name, target->printer_name) != 0) { XtFree(target->printer_name); target->printer_name = XtNewString(source->printer_name); } target->print_display = source->print_display; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) target->print_context = source->print_context; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ target->destination = source->destination; target->messages_hint = source->messages_hint; if((source->dest_info == (String)NULL || target->dest_info == (String)NULL) ? True : strcmp(source->dest_info, target->dest_info) != 0) { XtFree(target->dest_info); target->dest_info = XtNewString(source->dest_info); } } return target; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtPrintFillSetupData * * Description: * * DtPrintFillSetupData is used to obtain an X printer connection in * order to initiate an X printing job in situations other than * direct interaction with a DtPrintSetupBox (e.g. a "quick print" * button on a toolbar). This printer connection information can be * obtained from an existing DtPrintSetupBox widget instance, or if a * DtPrintSetupBox widget instance is unavailable, * DtPrintFillSetupData will provide a new X printer connection. * * Arguments: * * psub * The widget ID of a DtPrintSetupBox, or NULL if no * DtPrintSetupBox is available. * * print_data * A pointer to an existing DtPrintSetupData structure that * DtPrintFillSetupData will update with valid X printer * connection information. * * Return value: * * DtPRINT_SUCCESS * The X printer connection was successfully obtained. * * DtPRINT_FAILURE * The X printer connection could not be established. The * specific reason has been reported by the print setup box to * the user. * * DtPRINT_INVALID_DISPLAY * The indicated X print server could not be found. * * DtPRINT_NOT_XP_DISPLAY * The indicated X server does not support the X Printing * Extension. * * DtPRINT_NO_PRINTER * The indicated printer could not be found on the X print * server. * * DtPRINT_NO_DEFAULT * A default printer could not be determined. * * DtPRINT_BAD_PARM * The value passed for print_data is NULL. * */ XtEnum DtPrintFillSetupData( Widget w, DtPrintSetupData* print_data) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)w; if(print_data == (DtPrintSetupData*)NULL) return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; if(psub == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) { XtEnum status; String new_printer_spec; Display* new_display; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) XPContext new_context; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ /* * GUI-less printing; verify the printer name and establish the * print connection without involving the print setup box. */ status = _DtPrintVerifyXPrinter(NULL, print_data->printer_name, &new_printer_spec, &new_display #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) ,&new_context #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ ); if(status == DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { print_data->print_display = new_display; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) print_data->print_context = new_context; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ } if(new_printer_spec != (String)NULL) { XtFree(print_data->printer_name); print_data->printer_name = new_printer_spec; } return status; } else { DtPrintSetupData psd; XtEnum status; _DtPrintWidgetToAppContext((Widget)psub); /* * return if the passed widget's setup mode is not Xp */ if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) != DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; /* * intialize an internal version of the print setup data struct */ memset(&psd, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); /* * get the latest printer name from the widget */ _DtPrintAppLock(app); SynthGetPrinterName(psub); /* * check to see if the passed printer name is different than * the psub printer name */ if(print_data->printer_name != (String)NULL) { if((PSUB_PrinterName(psub) == NULL) ? True : strcmp(print_data->printer_name, PSUB_PrinterName(psub)) != 0) { /* * if different, set the passed printer name into the * passed print setup box widget */ SynthSetPrinterName(psub, XtNewString(print_data->printer_name), PSUB_PrinterName(psub)); } } /* * establish a connection to the X printer */ psd.messages_hint = DtPRINT_HINT_NO_MESSAGES; status = EstablishPrinter(psub, &psd); if(status == DtPRINT_SUCCESS) { /* * set printing attributes */ SetPrintAttributes(psub); /* * setup the destination info */ SetPSDDestination(psub, &psd); /* * update the passed print setup data struct based on the * internal version of the print setup data struct */ DtPrintCopySetupData(print_data, &psd); } else { /* * Unable to establish the printer connection; manage the * print setup box in order to present the error box created * by EstablishPrinter() to the user, allowing the user to * select a new printer or cancel. */ XtManageChild((Widget)psub); /* * if the default verifyPrintProc created an error box, * display it. If the app installed its own verify proc, the * app will need to check the return status of * DtPrintFillSetupData, and manage its error dialog itself. */ _DtPrintDefProcManageErrorBox(&PSUB_DefaultProcData(psub)); } _DtPrintAppUnlock(app); return status; } } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtPrintFreeSetupData * * Description: * * DtPrintFreeSetupData calls XtFree to deallocate memory pointed to * by elements of the DtPrintSetupData structure indicated by * 'target'. 'target' is then re-initialized to zeros. * * Arguments: * * target * points to the DtPrintSetupData structure whose elements are to * be freed. * * Return value: * * None. * */ void DtPrintFreeSetupData( DtPrintSetupData* target) { XtFree(target->printer_name); XtFree(target->dest_info); memset(target, 0, sizeof(DtPrintSetupData)); } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: DtPrintResetConnection * * Arguments: * * psub * The DtPrintSetupBox widget ID. * * mode * Indicates whether DtPrintResetConnection should close the X * print server connection, or simply cause the DtPrintSetupBox * to cease managing the connection. * * Description: * * DtPrintResetConnection is intended to be used by applications that * fork a child process to perform the print rendering * operation. After the fork is performed, the parent process will * close its X print server connection, and maintain its connection * to the video X server. The forked child on the other hand will * close its video X server connection and perform the rendering * operation on the X print server connection. * * Valid values for the 'mode' parameter are: * * DtPRINT_CLOSE_CONNECTION * Set by the parent process when the application forks a * child to perform the print rendering. This will cause the * DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback list set for the passed * DtPrintSetupBox to be called. * * DtPRINT_RELEASE_CONNECTION * Set when the application wishes to destroy the * DtPrintSetupBox widget instance and still perform print * rendering using the X print server connection initiated by * the widget. For example, the child process of an * application that forks to perform print rendering will * close the video display connection (thereby destroying the * DtPrintSetupBox widget) prior to print rendering. * * Return value: * * DtPRINT_SUCCESS * DtPrintResetConnection was successful. * * DtPRINT_NO_CONNECTION * An open X print server connection is not currently being * managed by the DtPrintSetupBox. * * DtPRINT_BAD_PARM * The value passed for wid is NULL, or an invalid mode was * passed. * */ XtEnum DtPrintResetConnection( Widget w, DtPrintResetConnectionMode mode) { DtPrintSetupBoxWidget psub = (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)w; _DtPrintWidgetToAppContext((Widget)psub); if(psub == (DtPrintSetupBoxWidget)NULL) return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; _DtPrintAppLock(app); if(PSUB_PrintSetupMode(psub) != DtPRINT_SETUP_XP) { _DtPrintAppUnlock(app); return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; } if(PSUB_Display(psub) == (Display*)NULL) { _DtPrintAppUnlock(app); return DtPRINT_NO_CONNECTION; } switch(mode) { case DtPRINT_RELEASE_CONNECTION: /* * simply disavow knowledge of the X print connection */ PSUB_Display(psub) = (Display*)NULL; #if 0 && defined(PRINTING_SUPPORTED) PSUB_Context(psub) = (XPContext)NULL; #endif /* PRINTING_SUPPORTED */ break; case DtPRINT_CLOSE_CONNECTION: /* * call the widget's close print connection routine */ ClosePrintConnection(psub, PSUB_PrinterName(psub), True); break; default: _DtPrintAppUnlock(app); return DtPRINT_BAD_PARM; } /* * cause the printer to be re-verified if new connection is * is required later, and return */ PSUB_VerifyPrinterState(psub) = DtPRINT_NOT_VERIFIED; _DtPrintAppUnlock(app); return DtPRINT_SUCCESS; }