]]> ]]> Get_Sysinfo special file Get_Sysinfo get information about a tool's host Get_Sysinfo(out string sysname, out string nodename, out string release, out string version, out string machine); DESCRIPTION The Get_Sysinfo request gets information about the handler's host. The sysname argument is the name of the host's operating system. The nodename argument is the name of the host. The release and version arguments are implementation-specific information about the host's operating system. The machine argument is an implementation-specific name that identifies the hardware on which the operating system is running. APPLICATION USAGE The &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;, function can be used to register for, and transparently process, the Get_Sysinfo request. EXAMPLES The Get_Sysinfo message can be sent as in the following example: Tt_message msg = tttk_message_create(0, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION, the_recipient_procid, TTDT_GET_SYSINFO, my_callback); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_OUT, Tttk_string, 0); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_OUT, Tttk_string, 0); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_OUT, Tttk_string, 0); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_OUT, Tttk_string, 0); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_OUT, Tttk_string, 0); tt_message_send(msg); SEE ALSO uname(2) &cdeman.tt.message.arg.add;, &cdeman.tt.message.send;, &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;.