]]> ]]> Set_Iconified special file Set_Iconified set a tool's iconic state Set_Iconified(in boolean iconic [in messageID commission]); DESCRIPTION The Set_Iconified request sets the iconic state of the optionally specified window, or of the window primarily associated with the handling procid (if no window is specified). The iconic argument is a Boolean value indicating whether the specified window is (to be) iconified. The commission argument is the ID of the ongoing request, if any, that resulted in the creation of the window(s) in question. APPLICATION USAGE The &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;, and &cdeman.ttdt.message.accept;, functions can be used by Xt applications to register for, and transparently process, the Set_Iconified request. If the handler does not map window-system windows one-to-one to commissions or procids, then it may interpret ``iconic state'' liberally. For example, consider a Display request on an ISO_Latin_1 file, handled by a gnuemacs instance that then devotes an emacs ``window'' to the file. ``Windows'' in gnuemacs are not separate X11 windows, and are not separately iconifiable. However, a Set_Iconified request issued with respect to the ongoing Display request could be liberally interpreted by gnuemacs to mean it should minimize the screen real estate devoted to the operation, perhaps by ``burying'' the buffer or dividing its window's real estate among neighboring windows. And, if the Display request happens to be the only thing emacs is working on at the moment, it could instead take a literal interpretation, and actually iconify itself. EXAMPLES The Set_Iconified request can be sent as in the following example: Tt_message msg = tttk_message_create(0, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION, the_recipient_procid, TTDT_SET_ICONIFIED, my_callback); tt_message_iarg_add(msg, TT_IN, Tttk_boolean, 1); tt_message_send(msg); WARNINGS Set_Iconified can also be sent as a multicast notice, as an edict to all tools in the scope of the message. The consequences of doing so can be severe and unexpected. ]]> SEE ALSO &cdeman.tt.message.iarg.add;, &cdeman.tt.message.send;, &cdeman.ttdt.message.accept;, &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;; Get_Iconified request.