]]> ]]> Set_Locale special file Set_Locale set a tool's locale Set_Locale(in string category, in string locale [...]); DESCRIPTION The Set_Locale request reports the locale of the indicated locale categories. The category argument is the locale category to set. A locale category is a group of data types whose output formatting varies according to locale in a similar way. ISO C and &str-XX; locale categories are: LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME The locale argument is the name of the locale to set the indicated category to. The value of locale is implementation-defined. C, de, fr, it, etc. ]]> ERRORS The ToolTalk service may return the following error in processing the Set_Locale request: TT_DESKTOP_EINVAL The locale argument is not valid on the handler's host. APPLICATION USAGE The &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;, function can be used to register for, and transparently process, the Set_Locale request. EXAMPLES The Set_Locale request can be sent as in the following example: Tt_message msg = tttk_message_create(0, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION, the_recipient_procid, TTDT_SET_LOCALE, my_callback); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_IN, Tttk_string, "LC_MONETARY"); tt_message_arg_add(msg, TT_IN, Tttk_string, "de"); tt_message_send(msg); WARNINGS Set_Locale can also be sent as a multicast notice, as an edict to all tools in the scope of the message. The consequences of doing so can be severe and unexpected. ]]> SEE ALSO setlocale3C Solaris 2.3 Developer's Guide to Internationalization; ]]>&cdeman.tt.message.arg.add;, &cdeman.tt.message.send;, &cdeman.ttdt.sender.imprint.on;, &cdeman.ttdt.session.join;; Get_Locale request.