]]> ]]> Generalized Locator Format special file Generalized Locator Format address infolibs as document collections with external navigation references <GLF> ::= <MMDB> | <ULV> | <URI> <MMDB> ::= mmdb: <IBL> | <IB> | <IL> | <INFOLIB> | <BL> | <BOOKCASE> | <LOCATOR> <IBL> ::= <INFOLIB> & <BOOKCASE> & <LOCATOR> <IB> ::= <INFOLIB> & <BOOKCASE> <IL> ::= <INFOLIB> & <LOCATOR> <BL> ::= <BOOKCASE> & <LOCATOR> <INFOLIB> ::= INFOLIB= <NAME> <BOOKCASE> ::= BOOKCASE= <NAME> <LOCATOR> ::= LOCATOR= <ULV> <NAME> <ULV> ::= uuid_ | xsm_ | isbn_ <NAME> ::= <CHAR> { <CHAR> ) <CHAR> ::= a-z | A-Z | 0-9 | <SPECIAL_CHAR> <SPECIAL_CHAR> ::= everything but ":" and "&" <URI> ::= Uniform Resource Identifier (as defined by the Web Consortium) DESCRIPTION For the purpose of addressing infolibs as document collections with external navigation references, a generalized locator format is defined for use in applications and by the end-user. This mechanism is more precise than those that operate on the DtInfoLib level. This mechanism can be used by applications that want to tightly integrate to their on- line documentation, within the action system, or for printing specific sections from a command line. The syntax of a generalized locator format string is defined above. As shown above, there are several reserved terms that are used to identify locator format including uuid (for DCE style Unique ID), xsm (for XSession Manager style Unique ID), and ISBN (for International Standard Book Number). Of these only xsm is supported directly in the sample implementation.