XCOMM $XConsortium: dt.softinit.src /main/3 1996/04/23 17:35:08 drk $ XCOMM XCOMM XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993 Hewlett-Packard Company XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993 International Business Machines Corp. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993 Sun Microsystems, Inc. XCOMM XCOMM XCOMM #################################################################### XCOMM ## ### XCOMM ## Invocation Specifications for the DT Applications ### XCOMM ## ### XCOMM #################################################################### XCOMM XCOMM XCOMM Tool Type Scope Filetypes ExecHost Invocation XCOMM The following tools are visible to users. XCOMM FILEMGR TOOL NET * %Local% CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/bin/dtfile -noview HELPMGR TOOL NET * %Local% dthelp -unmapped STYLEMGR COMMAND NET * %Local% CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/bin/dtstyle ANNOTATOR TOOL NET * %Local% CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/bin/dtannotator DTPAD TOOL NET * %Local% CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/bin/dtpad -server XCOMM The following tools are special cases that should never be auto-started XCOMM due to a request message. If they were not started during the normal XCOMM DT start-up, requests for them should be ignored instead of causing XCOMM them to be started. This is because starting them in the middle of XCOMM a session can cause havoc. XCOMM XCOMM To keep them from being auto-started, a "fake" exec-string of /bin/true XCOMM is used. One side-effect of this is that if these tools aren't running, XCOMM requests messages to them will be held forever in the Execution Manger. XCOMM This is a memory leak, though it is expected to be quite small. XCOMM XCOMM The alternative solution of not listing these tools at all cannot be XCOMM used because the Softbench Tool Manager will produce warning dialog XCOMM boxes for unknown tools. XCOMM SESSIONMGR TOOL NET * %Local% /bin/true WORKSPACEMGR TOOL NET * %Local% /bin/true