# $XConsortium: nlsREADME.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:32:25 drk $ ############################################################################# # # Component: types - The DT 3.0 action and filetype definitions. # ############################################################################ Introduction: ------------ The files in this directory contain the DT 3.0 action and filetype definitions. The syntax for the DT 3.0 definitions is much different than the DT 2.0 syntax. The most significant change is that the each field in a definition is on a separate line and each field is identified by a keyword. Other important changes are: filetype and action definitions may be in the same file; some fields are optional and each definition may have a "DESCRIPTION" field. See the file "uxstd.vf" for an example of a DT database file that has both filetype and action definitions in the same file and uses the "DESCRIPTION" field. There are NO screendumps for this component. There is NO message catalog for this component. There is NO app-defaults file for this component. This component contains a Dialog Description File (DDF). See the section on "Localizing Dtdialog DDF Files" in the NLS Cookbook for general information. Files to be localized: --------------------- File Name Target Name --------- ----------- 1. laserrom.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/laserrom.vf 2. print.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/print.vf 3. printerNN.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/printerNN.vf 4. unsupported.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/unsupported.vf 5. user-prefs.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/user-prefs.vf 6. uxstd.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/uxstd.vf 7. dt.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/dt.vf 8. vhelp.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/vhelp.vf 9. dt20.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/dt20.vf 10. dtfile.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/dtfile.vf 11. dtpad.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/dtpad.vf 12. xclients.vf /usr/dt/types/%L/xclients.vf 13. actions.ddf /usr/dt/dialogs/%L/actions.ddf What to localize in the .vf files: --------------------------------- NOTE: do NOT localize action and filetype names. 1. The "DESCRIPTION" field in every action and filetype definition should be localized. The information in this field can be displayed to the user by selecting a file in the File Manager and then pressing the "F1" key. 2. Some action definitions contain "prompt strings" that ask the user for input. The prompt strings should be localized. Prompt strings are always embedded in a pair of '"' characters which are embedded in a pair of '%' characters. For example, in the following EXEC-STRING field, the prompt string is "Some String:": EXEC-STRING %(File)Arg_1"Some String:"% To change the prompt to "String Some:", use: EXEC-STRING %(File)Arg_1"String Some:"% Prompt strings are only used in the "EXEC-STRING" and "EXEC-HOST" fields of action definitions. To find the actions which contain prompts, The EXEC-STRING and EXEC-HOST field may contain "keywords" that should NOT be localized. These keywords are the same keywords that were used with DT 2.*, so for more infomation, see the reference "HP Visual User Environment User's Guide". Do NOT localize the following keywords: (File)Arg_1 (File)Args %LocalHost% Arg_1 Args 3. The "L-ICON" and "S-ICON" fields may be localized. These fields are for the large and small icons, respectively. How to test the localization changes: ------------------------------------ 1. To test the DESCRIPTION field changes: To test the action definition changes, select the action and then press the "F1" key. The localized description should get displayed. To test the filetype definition changes, create a file of that filetype, select that file and then press the "F1" key. The localized description should get displayed. 2. To test the prompt string changes: For every action definition that was changed in step #2 above, double click the action in the File Manager. The prompt string that is displayed should be localized. 3. To test the icon changes: For every action whose icon was changed, display the action in the File Manager. The icon displayed should be the localized icon. For every filetype whose icon was changed, create a file of that filetype and display the file in the File Manager. The icon displayed should be the localized icon. # #