1. This is the release history file for CDE. It will detail each
  2. release version and date, along with the highlights of the release.
  3. For more detailed information on changes between any given release,
  4. use 'git log', or peruse the commit history at:
  5. https://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/code/commit_browser
  6. # 2.2.3 05/09/2015
  7. This release incorporates several hundred fixes identified by various
  8. Coverity scans and patches supplied by users. In addition,
  9. OpenIndiana/OpenSolaris support was significantly enhanced thanks to
  10. Ulrich Wilkens, and a few hundred compiler warnings were squashed.
  11. There is also a new default CDE logo :)
  12. Here is the shortlog:
  13. Edmond ORIGNAC (1):
  14. Fix dtprintinfo parser
  15. Isaac Dunham (1):
  16. contrib/rc/linux/dtlogin: Make the init script work.
  17. Johannes von Rotz (1):
  18. Let "make World" run through on OpenBSD
  19. Jon Trulson (63):
  20. contrib/rc/freebsd: Add FreeBSD start script from Douglas Carmichael
  21. Add new Dtlogo from Jeff Pierquet. Original renamed to TOGDtlogo.pm
  22. dtmail: MotifCmds.C: NULL is not False
  23. ttsnoop: NULL is not 0
  24. Revert "ttsnoop: NULL is not 0"
  25. dtappbuilder/dtcodegen: Fix up some warnings, remove use of sys_errlist[].
  26. dthelp: fixup some warnings with special.h(s)
  27. dttypes: use regex on linux too.
  28. dtappbuilder: abmf.c: more warnings killed
  29. it_IT.ISO8859-1/types/_common.dt.tmsg: Apply manual one-line patch
  30. DtHelp: Coverity (memory corruption)
  31. DtSvc: Coverity (memory corruption)
  32. DtSvc: Coverity (memory corruption)
  33. DtTerm: Coverity (memory corruption)
  34. DtWidget: Coverity (memory corruption)
  35. ttauth: Coverity (memory corruption)
  36. dtappbuilder: Coverity (memory corruption)
  37. dtsession: Coverity (memory corruption)
  38. dtsession: Coverity (memory corruption)
  39. imake: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  40. DtHelp: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  41. DtHelp: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  42. DtSearch: remove bogus debug block
  43. DtSvc: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  44. DtSvc/DtEncap: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  45. DtSvc/DtUtil1: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  46. DtSvc/DtUtil2: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  47. DtTerm: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  48. DtTerm: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  49. csa: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  50. ttauth: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  51. ttsession: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  52. tt/mini_isam: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  53. tt/mini_isam: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  54. dtcalc: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  55. dtcalc: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  56. dtlogin: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  57. dtlogin: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  58. dtprintinfo: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  59. dtscreen: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  60. dtsession: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  61. dtwm/PopUpMenu: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  62. dtwm/WmFP: Coverity (memory corruption, moderate)
  63. dtlogin/xdmcp: fixup many warnings and a possible declaration bug
  64. DtXinerama: no need to check unsigned int < 0 (CID:86121)
  65. Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/cdesktopenv/code
  66. dtsession/SmGlobals: fixup 17 coverity issues.
  67. dtsession/SmCommun: fix bogus check (CID 89326)
  68. dtsession/SmDB: error handling issues (CID 87778, 87926)
  69. dtsession/SmLock: potential null deref (CID 87561, 87957, 88181)
  70. dtsession/SmGlobals: use of tainted string (CID 89450)
  71. dtsession/SmGlobals: unlink mkstemp generated files.
  72. dtsession/SmGlobals: re-add smGD.savePath to generated paths, was lost in mkstemp changes.
  73. dtsession/SmRestore: fixup 8 coverity issues.
  74. dtsession/SmRestore: redo defaultCwd detection in StartClient() to be safer
  75. dtsession/SmSave: get rid of use of tempnam (CID 89359)
  76. dtsession/SmSave: use absolute path to rm in system()
  77. dtsession/SmUI: fix tainted var (CID 88216)
  78. dtsession/SrvFile_io: fix CID's 88299 and 89441
  79. dtsession/SrvPalette: fix CID 89227
  80. Merge branch 'coverity_dtsession'
  81. dtscreen: don't use old version of round() on linux either
  82. cde: change revision to 2.2.3
  83. Matthew Howkins (3):
  84. libtt: Fix 'Missing return statement' errors detected by static analysis
  85. libtt: Fix some uninitialized variables detected by Coverity
  86. libtt: Change to standard function prototypes in ttauth. Fix some compiler warnings by adding #includes
  87. Peter Howkins (53):
  88. dtlogin: start to resolve static analysis warnings
  89. libDtWidget: Resolve some static analyser warnings
  90. dtlogin: Resolve 27 compiler warnings
  91. dtlogin: resolve 8 compiler warnings.
  92. dtlogin: resolve more static analysis warnings
  93. Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/cdesktopenv/code
  94. dtcalc: resolve 13 compiler warnings on 64 bit builds.
  95. dsdm: resolve coverity warnings CID 86139 86255 86331 86345 86418 86517 86526 86567 86590 86616
  96. dsdm: convert k&r function declarations to ansi, and correct the warnings this then uncovered.
  97. dtaction: resolve 2 compiler warnings.
  98. dtwm: resolve 92 compiler warnings (related to 64 bit pointer to int coversions)
  99. dtstyle: resolve 30 compiler warnings.
  100. dtsr: resolve all 12 compiler warnings.
  101. dtmail: Resolve 50 compiler warnings.
  102. dtdocbook: resolve 49 compiler warnings.
  103. dticon: resolve 3 compiler warnings
  104. dtfile: resolve 19 compiler warnings.
  105. dtmail: add a stdint.h include for openbsd, as reported by Daniel Diaz via the wiki.
  106. dtstyle: Fix CID 100252
  107. dtcm: Resolve 303 compiler warnings.
  108. dtpad: Resolve 7 compiler warnings.
  109. dthello: Resolve 8 compiler warnings that would be introduced with -Wall
  110. libDtHelp: Resolve 11 compiler warnings.
  111. libDtPrint: Resolve the 1 remaining compiler warning.
  112. libDtSvc: Resolve 28 compiler warnings.
  113. dtscreen: convert K&R prototypes to ansi C
  114. dtcm: Resolve CID 87384
  115. dtcm: Resolve CID 87408
  116. dtcm: Resolve CID 87562
  117. dtcm: Resolve CID 87713
  118. dtcm: Resolve CID 87801
  119. dtcm: Resolve CID 87822
  120. dtcm: Resolve CID 87983
  121. dtcm: Resolve CID 88003
  122. dtfile: Resolve CID 87308
  123. dtfile: Resolve CID 87776. OkCallback is of type XtCallbackProc, it doesn't return one
  124. dtfile: Resolve CID 88133, 88261
  125. dtfile: Resolve CID 88199
  126. dtfile: Resolve CID 89319
  127. dtfile: Resolve CID 89009
  128. dtfile: Resolve CID 88830
  129. dtfile: Resolve CID 89277
  130. dtprintinfo: Resolve CID 87253
  131. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86153
  132. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86232
  133. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86389
  134. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86280
  135. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86328
  136. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86391
  137. dtudecfonted: Resolve CID 86417
  138. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86495
  139. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86547
  140. dtudcfonted: Resolve CID 86560
  141. Stuart Brady (1):
  142. DtTerm: fix formatted text in history buffer
  143. Ulrich Wilkens (7):
  144. Fix panel right click
  145. Resolve many build warnings
  146. OpenIndiana and Solaris port
  147. Fix FreeBSD 10.1 build
  148. Support for new Solaris/OpenIndiana versions
  149. Fix broken build on OpenBSD
  150. Remove warnings on Linux with glibc 2.20
  151. alx (1):
  152. dtcopy: Fix file removal
  153. # 2.2.2 07/27/2014
  154. A lot of fixes and improvements in this release. CDE can be built on
  155. more modern Linuxes and BSDs. An initial stab at illimios support is
  156. also present.
  157. Here is the shortlog:
  158. Eugene Doudine (7):
  159. Fixes the bug #17 dtsession can't validate passwords longer than 8 characters when the session is locked
  160. Fixed bug #27 dtfile space handling bug
  161. Fixed bug #32 dtfile table formatting bug with non-latin filenames
  162. Fixes the off-by-one bug in RegisterInGrid(), which caused dtfile's desktop icons on the right edge of the screen (if desktop width is not a multiple of icon with) to be registered on the next workspace or (in the case of the last workspace) beyond the desktop_grid array (possibly causing segfaults).
  163. Fixes several issues with grid registration of the dtwm panel on dtfile startup and on workspace addition:
  164. Fixes a small bug in grid registration: when an object is placed over another object (can be done manually) and then removed from there, the registration of the covered object is removed as well (that is it's cell is considered empty).
  165. Fixes the bug, which caused dtterm to show stripes of wrong color between text lines when using fontsets that include fonts of slightly different heights.
  166. Jon Trulson (52):
  167. update HISTORY file for 2.2.1, though a little too late :)
  168. building_release_archive: add some steps and clean up
  169. linux depend: stop using makedepend, use gcc instead
  170. libDtTerm: add include <stdio.h> so FILE is properly defined.
  171. linux: Use installed X11 header files rather than requiring /imports/x11/include
  172. nsgmls: fix up some gcc 4.8 warnings.
  173. linux.cf: fix typo and some formatting.
  174. linux: move dependancy handling out of linux.cf and into new lnxDep.rules file.
  175. mp_rpc_server.C: limit iteration of svc_fdset to FD_SETSIZE, as per spec.
  176. dtdocbook/instant: *always* link with local libtcl.a
  177. dtpad: stub out XmPrint stuff if there is no XmPrint support.
  178. dtmail: stub out XmPrint stuff if there is no XmPrint support.
  179. dtcm: stub out XmPrint stuff if there is no XmPrint support.
  180. dtinfo: stub out XmPrint stuff if there is no XmPrint support.
  181. linux: libDtSearch requires linking with -lm
  182. libcsa: fix up some stupidness.
  183. tt_xdr_utils.h: fix build error on linux/bsd introduced with illumos initial patch.
  184. Updated Greek (el_GR.UTF-8) translations from Antonis Tsolomitis.
  185. PrintTopics.c: fix up some warnings
  186. pax.h: include stdio.h
  187. getdate.y: include string.h
  188. Icon.c: include stdlib.h
  189. localized/util/merge.h: include string.h and fix up some warnings
  190. Threads.C: NULL is not 0
  191. MotifUI.C: NULL is not 0
  192. dtcm/server/: just return NULL, not the address of a dummy local variable. Geez.
  193. cleanup: eliminate "implicit declaration" warnings.
  194. linux.cf: turn off writable strings warnings (write-strings)
  195. linux: build with thread safety and REENTRANT enabled.
  196. dtcm/reminders.c: NULL is not 0
  197. dtcm/rfp.c: NULL is not 0
  198. cleanup: eliminate missing sentinel warnings
  199. xtclient.c, spcd_event.c: stop referencing fds_bits directly
  200. linux.cf: with fds_bits fixes, stop using _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L and _XOPEN_SOURCE defines
  201. xtclient.c: fix debug statement regarding fd number
  202. dtsession: screensaver don't pass random attributes to XScreenSaverSetAttributes()
  203. InterruptibleCmd.C, WorkingDialogManager.C: NULL is not 0
  204. AttachArea.C: NULL is not 0, sprintf needs a format
  205. RoamInterruptibleCmd.C: NULL is not 0
  206. RoamMenuWindow.C: NULL is not 0
  207. SendMsgDialog.C: NULL is not 0
  208. WMSaveSession.C: NULL is not 0
  209. ttsnoop.C.src: NULL is not 0
  210. dtappbuilder: bil_store.c: don't return local variables
  211. fr_FR.ISO8859-1/types/_common.dt.tmsg: Fix up a couple of backslash errors.
  212. contrib/: add vcal2xapia from Edmond Orignac
  213. Added additional info to vcal2xapia/README
  214. contrib/: add desktop2dt from Isaac Dunham
  215. el_GR _common.dt.tmsg: fix corrupted msg line at line 1763
  216. site.def: create new DtDocLocalesToBuild define
  217. Version change to 2.2.2
  218. Fixup UDB databases to fix a problem introduced with FreeBSD 10 patch.
  219. Peter Tribble (1):
  220. initial illumos port
  221. Ulrich Wilkens (4):
  222. Fix dtfile and dtterm on NetBSD
  223. Fix cpp output on Ubuntu 13
  224. Fix dtinfo search engine
  225. FreeBSD 10 clang port
  226. alx (2):
  227. dtstyle: enable palette editor on true/direct color screens
  228. DtWidget: Don't free random pointer on Control widget destruction
  229. # 2.2.1 03/01/2014
  230. - Forgot to update this file for the release. Oops. At any rate,
  231. only the git shortlogs for each release will be listed here in the
  232. future.
  233. Shortlog:
  234. Eugene Doudine (5):
  235. Bugfix for #9 Cut off fonts in titles
  236. Fix for several segfaults in dtwm that happen with UTF-8 locale and were caused by unckeked XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont return value
  237. Fixes segfault in dtprintinfo when used UTF-8 locale, bug was caused by unchecked return value of XmeRenderTableGetDefaultFont()
  238. addition of en_US.UTF-8 locale: fonts.alias and fonts.dir files
  239. Addition of the en_US.UTF-8 locale: installation support
  240. Isaac Dunham (2):
  241. dtlogin: use proper path to getty and /usr/local/bin in path on Linux
  242. Add -quiet option to dtlogin.
  243. Jon Trulson (9):
  244. dtinfogen_worker: don't free variables then use them later.
  245. Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/cdesktopenv/code
  246. Add dtwm.mgg Greek UTF translation from Antonis Tsolomitis
  247. dtexec: fix a case on linux where an infinite loop could occur.
  248. dtexec: use proper FD_CLOEXEC rather than a hardcoded 1
  249. Fix for xorg-xkb partially freezes dtwm when keyboard layout is changed.
  250. Re-add NO_DTINFO blocks removed in NetBSD port patch
  251. admin: add a BuildNotes dir for documenting release proceedures, etc
  252. Version change to 2.2.1
  253. Pascal Stumpf (22):
  254. Kill lots of warnings in DtSvc.
  255. Kill most warnings in lib/DtTerm.
  256. Do not use -fpermissive in programs/nsgmls. It's not needed.
  257. sync warning flags betseen cc and c++ on OpenBSD
  258. kill a few more warnings in DtPrint
  259. Silence lots of warnings in lib/DtHelp.
  260. Do not hardcode /usr/dt in print.dt.
  261. Xreset.src: Do not hardcode /usr/dt.
  262. s,/usr/dt,CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP,g in dtlogin/config
  263. Simplify programs/Imakefile a bit. dtksh, dtlogin and dtcm build everywhere.
  264. Adapt dtlogin/config/_common.ksh.src for OpenBSD:
  265. error.ds.src: don't hardcode /usr/dt
  266. SECURITY fix for dtappintegrate: Use mktemp(1) to generate a template.
  267. Kill iostream.h deprecation warnings on *BSD.
  268. ttsnoop: deal with iostream.h and missing sentinels.
  269. OpenBSD.cf: don't include xorg.cf (leftover)
  270. Make dtksh build on OpenBSD/powerpc.
  271. include unistd.h for read(2) prototype. Fixes dtdocbook on PowerPC.
  272. dtlogin: correct path to getty.
  273. dtlp: Fix the path to DtFuncs.dtsh if CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP != /usr/dt.
  274. Do not install symlinks to libraries on OpenBSD.
  275. Fix dtcm build on OpenBSD-current.
  276. Peter Howkins (2):
  277. dtstyle: Alphabetically sort the backdrops in the backdrop list.
  278. dtstyle: Resolve 70 compiler warnings
  279. Ulrich Wilkens (16):
  280. lib/DtHelp: added missing include.
  281. avoid identical Vector instantiations.
  282. Remove installation of motif man pages.
  283. dtinfo subdirectory DtMmdb
  284. dtinfo subdirectory dtinfo
  285. dtinfo subdirectory dtinfogen
  286. dtinfo subdirectory mmdb
  287. documents for dtinfo
  288. dtinfo other files
  289. dtinfo activation
  290. No symlinks to libraries on OpenBSD (default install)
  291. correction of message files
  292. Introduction of BSDArchitecture
  293. NetBSD port
  294. Fix for dtinfo segfaults
  295. Fix UTF8 problem on non-linux systems
  296. alx (4):
  297. dticon: fixed "rubber string" drawing on high/true color displays
  298. dtfile: fclose called twice on same handle
  299. dtscreen: cosmic flame fractals missing drawing code
  300. wwl: fixed dtinfo segfault due to missing copy constructor in WArgList
  301. # 2.2.0d (beta) 05/30/2013
  302. - We are being bold this time, and promoting CDE to Beta.
  303. - More work on dtinfo. It now mostly compiles but is not quite ready
  304. for prime time. It is not built be default.
  305. - dtksh now builds on linux systems.
  306. - We do not build Motif man pages anymore.
  307. - X11 screensaver extension support now works in dtsession on Linux.
  308. - Some screen locking issues on the BSD's have been fixed.
  309. - /usr/sbin/sendmail is now the default mailer on OpenBSD
  310. - Basic support for Xinerama has been added to dtlogin and dtsession
  311. using a new DtXinerama library.
  312. - Resolve many more more compiler warnings
  313. # 2.2.0c (alpha) 10/4/2012
  314. - Many 64b issues have been fixed, related to XtVaGetValues(), missing
  315. prototypes, erroneous assumptions regarding the size of ints and
  316. pointers, etc. Many still lurk in the shadows.
  317. - help files should build now on 64b systems with compiler
  318. optimization enabled.
  319. - FreeBSD is pretty much fully functional now. OpenBSD and NetBSD are
  320. close behind.
  321. - FreeBSD uses a authorized FreeBSD Foundation specific logo on
  322. dtlogin.
  323. - a few hundred more compiler warnings fixed :)
  324. - more missing prototypes added to XmPrivate.h
  325. # 2.2.0b (alpha) 9/6/2012
  326. - This release incoporates approximately 200 patches from various
  327. people around the planet.
  328. - initial BSD (OpenBSD, FreeBSD) support.
  329. - wider support for various Linux distributions - Redhat, Arch,
  330. Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu. See a full list of currently operational
  331. platforms and their statuses at:
  332. https://sourceforge.net/p/cdesktopenv/wiki/SupportedPlatforms/
  333. - many fixes to better support 64b systems. There is still much work
  334. needed in this regard.
  335. - most modules are operational. dtinfo is not operational on any
  336. platform yet. dtksh is not yet operational on linux systems.
  337. - several thousand compiler warnings have been addressed.
  338. Unfortunately, there are still several thousand more waiting :(
  339. Some of this code is *old*.
  340. # 2.2.0a (alpha) 8/6/2012
  341. - This is the initial release of CDE form The Open Group based on
  342. 2.1.30.
  343. Minimal changes to get it compiling on some common linux distros,
  344. primarily 32bit.