DtStrDefs.h 17 KB

  1. /*
  2. * CDE - Common Desktop Environment
  3. *
  4. * Copyright (c) 1993-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
  5. *
  6. * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
  7. * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
  8. * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
  9. * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
  10. * any later version.
  11. *
  12. * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
  13. * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
  15. * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
  16. * details.
  17. *
  18. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  19. * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
  20. * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
  21. * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  22. */
  23. /* $XConsortium: DtStrDefs.h /main/4 1996/03/25 11:18:44 rswiston $ */
  24. /* This file is automatically generated. */
  25. /* Do not edit. */
  26. #ifndef _DtStrDefs_h_
  27. #define _DtStrDefs_h_
  29. #define DtCAlternateImage "AlternateImage"
  30. #define DtCBehavior "Behavior"
  31. #define DtRBehavior "Behavior"
  32. #define DtCBorderType "BorderType"
  33. #define DtRBorderType "BorderType"
  34. #define DtCBoxType "BoxType"
  35. #define DtRBoxType "BoxType"
  36. #define DtCButtonLabelStrings "ButtonLabelStrings"
  37. #define DtCControlType "ControlType"
  38. #define DtRControlType "ControlType"
  39. #define DtCCursorFont "CursorFont"
  40. #define DtCDrawShadow "DrawShadow"
  41. #define DtCDropAction "DropAction"
  42. #define DtCDropCallback "DropCallback"
  43. #define DtCFillMode "FillMode"
  44. #define DtRFillMode "FillMode"
  45. #define DtCFormat "Format"
  46. #define DtCHighResFontList "HighResFontList"
  47. #define DtCLowResFontList "LowResFontList"
  48. #define DtCMediumResFontList "MediumResFontList"
  49. #define DtCPixmapPosition "PixmapPosition"
  50. #define DtRPixmapPosition "PixmapPosition"
  51. #define DtCPushArgument "PushArgument"
  52. #define DtCPushFunction "PushFunction"
  53. #define DtCStringPosition "StringPosition"
  54. #define DtRStringPosition "StringPosition"
  55. #define DtCSubpanel "Subpanel"
  56. #define DtCTitleSpacing "TitleSpacing"
  57. #define DtCTitlePosition "TitlePosition"
  58. #define DtRTitlePosition "TitlePosition"
  59. #define DtCUnderline "Underline"
  60. #define DtNalternateImage "alternateImage"
  61. #define DtNbehavior "behavior"
  62. #define DtNbottomInset "bottomInset"
  63. #define DtNborderType "borderType"
  64. #define DtNboxType "boxType"
  65. #define DtNbuttonLabelStrings "buttonLabelStrings"
  66. #define DtNchime "chime"
  67. #define DtNclientTimeoutInterval "clientTimeoutInterval"
  68. #define DtNclockInterval "clockInterval"
  69. #define DtNcontrolType "controlType"
  70. #define DtNcursorFont "cursorFont"
  71. #define DtNdrawShadow "drawShadow"
  72. #define DtNdropAction "dropAction"
  73. #define DtNdropCallback "dropCallback"
  74. #define DtNfileName "fileName"
  75. #define DtNfillMode "fillMode"
  76. #define DtNformat "format"
  77. #define DtNheightIncrement "heightIncrement"
  78. #define DtNhighResFontList "highResFontList"
  79. #define DtNimageName "imageName"
  80. #define DtNleftInset "leftInset"
  81. #define DtNlowResFontList "lowResFontList"
  82. #define DtNmediumResFontList "mediumResFontList"
  83. #define DtNmonitorTime "monitorTime"
  84. #define DtNpixmapForeground "pixmapForeground"
  85. #define DtNpixmapBackground "pixmapBackground"
  86. #define DtNmaxPixmapWidth "maxPixmapWidth"
  87. #define DtNmaxPixmapHeight "maxPixmapHeight"
  88. #define DtNpixmapPosition "pixmapPosition"
  89. #define DtNpushArgument "pushArgument"
  90. #define DtNpushButtonClickTime "pushButtonClickTime"
  91. #define DtNpushFunction "pushFunction"
  92. #define DtNrightInset "rightInset"
  93. #define DtNstringPosition "stringPosition"
  94. #define DtNsubpanel "subpanel"
  95. #define DtNresolution "resolution"
  96. #define DtNtitleSpacing "titleSpacing"
  97. #define DtNtitlePosition "titlePosition"
  98. #define DtNtitleAlignment "titleAlignment"
  99. #define DtNtopInset "topInset"
  100. #define DtNunderline "underline"
  101. #define DtNuseEmbossedText "useEmbossedText"
  102. #define DtNwaitingBlinkRate "waitingBlinkRate"
  103. #define DtNwidthIncrement "widthIncrement"
  104. #define DtSicon_label "icon_label"
  105. #define DtSicon_button "icon_button"
  106. #define DtSicon_toggle "icon_toggle"
  107. #define DtSicon_drag "icon_drag"
  108. #define DtSwork_area "work_area"
  109. #define DtStitle_area "title_area"
  110. #define DtSseparator "separator"
  111. #define DtSbutton "button"
  112. #define DtSfill_none "fill_none"
  113. #define DtSfill_parent "fill_parent"
  114. #define DtSfill_transparent "fill_transparent"
  115. #define DtSfill_self "fill_self"
  116. #define DtSpixmap_top "pixmap_top"
  117. #define DtSpixmap_bottom "pixmap_bottom"
  118. #define DtSpixmap_left "pixmap_left"
  119. #define DtSpixmap_right "pixmap_right"
  120. #define DtSstring_top "string_top"
  121. #define DtSstring_bottom "string_bottom"
  122. #define DtSstring_left "string_left"
  123. #define DtSstring_right "string_right"
  124. #define DtStitle_top "title_top"
  125. #define DtStitle_bottom "title_bottom"
  126. #define DtNformatJP "formatJP"
  127. #define DtCFormatJP "FormatJP"
  128. #else
  129. #ifndef _DtConst
  130. #define _DtConst /**/
  131. #endif
  132. extern _DtConst char _DtStrings[];
  133. #ifndef DtCAlternateImage
  134. #define DtCAlternateImage ((char*)&_DtStrings[0])
  135. #endif
  136. #ifndef DtCBehavior
  137. #define DtCBehavior ((char*)&_DtStrings[15])
  138. #endif
  139. #ifndef DtRBehavior
  140. #define DtRBehavior ((char*)&_DtStrings[24])
  141. #endif
  142. #ifndef DtCBorderType
  143. #define DtCBorderType ((char*)&_DtStrings[33])
  144. #endif
  145. #ifndef DtRBorderType
  146. #define DtRBorderType ((char*)&_DtStrings[44])
  147. #endif
  148. #ifndef DtCBoxType
  149. #define DtCBoxType ((char*)&_DtStrings[55])
  150. #endif
  151. #ifndef DtRBoxType
  152. #define DtRBoxType ((char*)&_DtStrings[63])
  153. #endif
  154. #ifndef DtCButtonLabelStrings
  155. #define DtCButtonLabelStrings ((char*)&_DtStrings[71])
  156. #endif
  157. #ifndef DtCControlType
  158. #define DtCControlType ((char*)&_DtStrings[90])
  159. #endif
  160. #ifndef DtRControlType
  161. #define DtRControlType ((char*)&_DtStrings[102])
  162. #endif
  163. #ifndef DtCCursorFont
  164. #define DtCCursorFont ((char*)&_DtStrings[114])
  165. #endif
  166. #ifndef DtCDrawShadow
  167. #define DtCDrawShadow ((char*)&_DtStrings[125])
  168. #endif
  169. #ifndef DtCDropAction
  170. #define DtCDropAction ((char*)&_DtStrings[136])
  171. #endif
  172. #ifndef DtCDropCallback
  173. #define DtCDropCallback ((char*)&_DtStrings[147])
  174. #endif
  175. #ifndef DtCFillMode
  176. #define DtCFillMode ((char*)&_DtStrings[160])
  177. #endif
  178. #ifndef DtRFillMode
  179. #define DtRFillMode ((char*)&_DtStrings[169])
  180. #endif
  181. #ifndef DtCFormat
  182. #define DtCFormat ((char*)&_DtStrings[178])
  183. #endif
  184. #ifndef DtCHighResFontList
  185. #define DtCHighResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[185])
  186. #endif
  187. #ifndef DtCLowResFontList
  188. #define DtCLowResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[201])
  189. #endif
  190. #ifndef DtCMediumResFontList
  191. #define DtCMediumResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[216])
  192. #endif
  193. #ifndef DtCPixmapPosition
  194. #define DtCPixmapPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[234])
  195. #endif
  196. #ifndef DtRPixmapPosition
  197. #define DtRPixmapPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[249])
  198. #endif
  199. #ifndef DtCPushArgument
  200. #define DtCPushArgument ((char*)&_DtStrings[264])
  201. #endif
  202. #ifndef DtCPushFunction
  203. #define DtCPushFunction ((char*)&_DtStrings[277])
  204. #endif
  205. #ifndef DtCStringPosition
  206. #define DtCStringPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[290])
  207. #endif
  208. #ifndef DtRStringPosition
  209. #define DtRStringPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[305])
  210. #endif
  211. #ifndef DtCSubpanel
  212. #define DtCSubpanel ((char*)&_DtStrings[320])
  213. #endif
  214. #ifndef DtCTitleSpacing
  215. #define DtCTitleSpacing ((char*)&_DtStrings[329])
  216. #endif
  217. #ifndef DtCTitlePosition
  218. #define DtCTitlePosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[342])
  219. #endif
  220. #ifndef DtRTitlePosition
  221. #define DtRTitlePosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[356])
  222. #endif
  223. #ifndef DtCUnderline
  224. #define DtCUnderline ((char*)&_DtStrings[370])
  225. #endif
  226. #ifndef DtNalternateImage
  227. #define DtNalternateImage ((char*)&_DtStrings[380])
  228. #endif
  229. #ifndef DtNbehavior
  230. #define DtNbehavior ((char*)&_DtStrings[395])
  231. #endif
  232. #ifndef DtNbottomInset
  233. #define DtNbottomInset ((char*)&_DtStrings[404])
  234. #endif
  235. #ifndef DtNborderType
  236. #define DtNborderType ((char*)&_DtStrings[416])
  237. #endif
  238. #ifndef DtNboxType
  239. #define DtNboxType ((char*)&_DtStrings[427])
  240. #endif
  241. #ifndef DtNbuttonLabelStrings
  242. #define DtNbuttonLabelStrings ((char*)&_DtStrings[435])
  243. #endif
  244. #ifndef DtNchime
  245. #define DtNchime ((char*)&_DtStrings[454])
  246. #endif
  247. #ifndef DtNclientTimeoutInterval
  248. #define DtNclientTimeoutInterval ((char*)&_DtStrings[460])
  249. #endif
  250. #ifndef DtNclockInterval
  251. #define DtNclockInterval ((char*)&_DtStrings[482])
  252. #endif
  253. #ifndef DtNcontrolType
  254. #define DtNcontrolType ((char*)&_DtStrings[496])
  255. #endif
  256. #ifndef DtNcursorFont
  257. #define DtNcursorFont ((char*)&_DtStrings[508])
  258. #endif
  259. #ifndef DtNdrawShadow
  260. #define DtNdrawShadow ((char*)&_DtStrings[519])
  261. #endif
  262. #ifndef DtNdropAction
  263. #define DtNdropAction ((char*)&_DtStrings[530])
  264. #endif
  265. #ifndef DtNdropCallback
  266. #define DtNdropCallback ((char*)&_DtStrings[541])
  267. #endif
  268. #ifndef DtNfileName
  269. #define DtNfileName ((char*)&_DtStrings[554])
  270. #endif
  271. #ifndef DtNfillMode
  272. #define DtNfillMode ((char*)&_DtStrings[563])
  273. #endif
  274. #ifndef DtNformat
  275. #define DtNformat ((char*)&_DtStrings[572])
  276. #endif
  277. #ifndef DtNheightIncrement
  278. #define DtNheightIncrement ((char*)&_DtStrings[579])
  279. #endif
  280. #ifndef DtNhighResFontList
  281. #define DtNhighResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[595])
  282. #endif
  283. #ifndef DtNimageName
  284. #define DtNimageName ((char*)&_DtStrings[611])
  285. #endif
  286. #ifndef DtNleftInset
  287. #define DtNleftInset ((char*)&_DtStrings[621])
  288. #endif
  289. #ifndef DtNlowResFontList
  290. #define DtNlowResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[631])
  291. #endif
  292. #ifndef DtNmediumResFontList
  293. #define DtNmediumResFontList ((char*)&_DtStrings[646])
  294. #endif
  295. #ifndef DtNmonitorTime
  296. #define DtNmonitorTime ((char*)&_DtStrings[664])
  297. #endif
  298. #ifndef DtNpixmapForeground
  299. #define DtNpixmapForeground ((char*)&_DtStrings[676])
  300. #endif
  301. #ifndef DtNpixmapBackground
  302. #define DtNpixmapBackground ((char*)&_DtStrings[693])
  303. #endif
  304. #ifndef DtNpixmapPosition
  305. #define DtNpixmapPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[710])
  306. #endif
  307. #ifndef DtNpushArgument
  308. #define DtNpushArgument ((char*)&_DtStrings[725])
  309. #endif
  310. #ifndef DtNpushButtonClickTime
  311. #define DtNpushButtonClickTime ((char*)&_DtStrings[738])
  312. #endif
  313. #ifndef DtNpushFunction
  314. #define DtNpushFunction ((char*)&_DtStrings[758])
  315. #endif
  316. #ifndef DtNrightInset
  317. #define DtNrightInset ((char*)&_DtStrings[771])
  318. #endif
  319. #ifndef DtNstringPosition
  320. #define DtNstringPosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[782])
  321. #endif
  322. #ifndef DtNsubpanel
  323. #define DtNsubpanel ((char*)&_DtStrings[797])
  324. #endif
  325. #ifndef DtNresolution
  326. #define DtNresolution ((char*)&_DtStrings[806])
  327. #endif
  328. #ifndef DtNtitleSpacing
  329. #define DtNtitleSpacing ((char*)&_DtStrings[817])
  330. #endif
  331. #ifndef DtNtitlePosition
  332. #define DtNtitlePosition ((char*)&_DtStrings[830])
  333. #endif
  334. #ifndef DtNtitleAlignment
  335. #define DtNtitleAlignment ((char*)&_DtStrings[844])
  336. #endif
  337. #ifndef DtNtopInset
  338. #define DtNtopInset ((char*)&_DtStrings[859])
  339. #endif
  340. #ifndef DtNunderline
  341. #define DtNunderline ((char*)&_DtStrings[868])
  342. #endif
  343. #ifndef DtNuseEmbossedText
  344. #define DtNuseEmbossedText ((char*)&_DtStrings[878])
  345. #endif
  346. #ifndef DtNwaitingBlinkRate
  347. #define DtNwaitingBlinkRate ((char*)&_DtStrings[894])
  348. #endif
  349. #ifndef DtNwidthIncrement
  350. #define DtNwidthIncrement ((char*)&_DtStrings[911])
  351. #endif
  352. #ifndef DtSicon_label
  353. #define DtSicon_label ((char*)&_DtStrings[926])
  354. #endif
  355. #ifndef DtSicon_button
  356. #define DtSicon_button ((char*)&_DtStrings[937])
  357. #endif
  358. #ifndef DtSicon_toggle
  359. #define DtSicon_toggle ((char*)&_DtStrings[949])
  360. #endif
  361. #ifndef DtSicon_drag
  362. #define DtSicon_drag ((char*)&_DtStrings[961])
  363. #endif
  364. #ifndef DtSwork_area
  365. #define DtSwork_area ((char*)&_DtStrings[971])
  366. #endif
  367. #ifndef DtStitle_area
  368. #define DtStitle_area ((char*)&_DtStrings[981])
  369. #endif
  370. #ifndef DtSseparator
  371. #define DtSseparator ((char*)&_DtStrings[992])
  372. #endif
  373. #ifndef DtSbutton
  374. #define DtSbutton ((char*)&_DtStrings[1002])
  375. #endif
  376. #ifndef DtSfill_none
  377. #define DtSfill_none ((char*)&_DtStrings[1009])
  378. #endif
  379. #ifndef DtSfill_parent
  380. #define DtSfill_parent ((char*)&_DtStrings[1019])
  381. #endif
  382. #ifndef DtSfill_transparent
  383. #define DtSfill_transparent ((char*)&_DtStrings[1031])
  384. #endif
  385. #ifndef DtSfill_self
  386. #define DtSfill_self ((char*)&_DtStrings[1048])
  387. #endif
  388. #ifndef DtSpixmap_top
  389. #define DtSpixmap_top ((char*)&_DtStrings[1058])
  390. #endif
  391. #ifndef DtSpixmap_bottom
  392. #define DtSpixmap_bottom ((char*)&_DtStrings[1069])
  393. #endif
  394. #ifndef DtSpixmap_left
  395. #define DtSpixmap_left ((char*)&_DtStrings[1083])
  396. #endif
  397. #ifndef DtSpixmap_right
  398. #define DtSpixmap_right ((char*)&_DtStrings[1095])
  399. #endif
  400. #ifndef DtSstring_top
  401. #define DtSstring_top ((char*)&_DtStrings[1108])
  402. #endif
  403. #ifndef DtSstring_bottom
  404. #define DtSstring_bottom ((char*)&_DtStrings[1119])
  405. #endif
  406. #ifndef DtSstring_left
  407. #define DtSstring_left ((char*)&_DtStrings[1133])
  408. #endif
  409. #ifndef DtSstring_right
  410. #define DtSstring_right ((char*)&_DtStrings[1145])
  411. #endif
  412. #ifndef DtStitle_top
  413. #define DtStitle_top ((char*)&_DtStrings[1158])
  414. #endif
  415. #ifndef DtStitle_bottom
  416. #define DtStitle_bottom ((char*)&_DtStrings[1168])
  417. #endif
  418. #ifndef DtNmaxPixmapWidth
  419. #define DtNmaxPixmapWidth ((char*)&_DtStrings[1181])
  420. #endif
  421. #ifndef DtNmaxPixmapHeight
  422. #define DtNmaxPixmapHeight ((char*)&_DtStrings[1196])
  423. #endif
  424. #endif
  425. extern _DtConst char _AIXJPStrings[];
  426. #ifndef DtNformatJP
  427. #define DtNformatJP ((char*)&_AIXJPStrings[0])
  428. #endif
  429. #ifndef DtCFormatJP
  430. #define DtCFormatJP ((char*)&_AIXJPStrings[9])
  431. #endif
  432. /*
  433. * Resource name mapping to Xm prefix. If Motif defines on of these
  434. * resources, the redefined resource definition should be removed.
  435. */
  436. #define XmCAlternateImage DtCAlternateImage
  437. #define XmCBehavior DtCBehavior
  438. #define XmRBehavior DtRBehavior
  439. #define XmCBorderType DtCBorderType
  440. #define XmRBorderType DtRBorderType
  441. #define XmCBoxType DtCBoxType
  442. #define XmRBoxType DtRBoxType
  443. #define XmCButtonLabelStrings DtCButtonLabelStrings
  444. #define XmCControlType DtCControlType
  445. #define XmRControlType DtRControlType
  446. #define XmCCursorFont DtCCursorFont
  447. #define XmCDrawShadow DtCDrawShadow
  448. #define XmCDropAction DtCDropAction
  449. #define XmCDropCallback DtCDropCallback
  450. #define XmCFillMode DtCFillMode
  451. #define XmRFillMode DtRFillMode
  452. #define XmCFormat DtCFormat
  453. #define XmCHighResFontList DtCHighResFontList
  454. #define XmCLowResFontList DtCLowResFontList
  455. #define XmCMediumResFontList DtCMediumResFontList
  456. #define XmCPixmapPosition DtCPixmapPosition
  457. #define XmRPixmapPosition DtRPixmapPosition
  458. #define XmCPushArgument DtCPushArgument
  459. #define XmCPushFunction DtCPushFunction
  460. #define XmCStringPosition DtCStringPosition
  461. #define XmRStringPosition DtRStringPosition
  462. #define XmCSubpanel DtCSubpanel
  463. #define XmCTitleSpacing DtCTitleSpacing
  464. #define XmCTitlePosition DtCTitlePosition
  465. #define XmRTitlePosition DtRTitlePosition
  466. #define XmCUnderline DtCUnderline
  467. #define XmNalternateImage DtNalternateImage
  468. #define XmNbehavior DtNbehavior
  469. #define XmNbottomInset DtNbottomInset
  470. #define XmNborderType DtNborderType
  471. #define XmNboxType DtNboxType
  472. #define XmNbuttonLabelStrings DtNbuttonLabelStrings
  473. #define XmNchime DtNchime
  474. #define XmNclientTimeoutInterval DtNclientTimeoutInterval
  475. #define XmNclockInterval DtNclockInterval
  476. #define XmNcontrolType DtNcontrolType
  477. #define XmNcursorFont DtNcursorFont
  478. #define XmNdrawShadow DtNdrawShadow
  479. #define XmNdropAction DtNdropAction
  480. #define XmNdropCallback DtNdropCallback
  481. #define XmNfileName DtNfileName
  482. #define XmNfillMode DtNfillMode
  483. #define XmNformat DtNformat
  484. #define XmNheightIncrement DtNheightIncrement
  485. #define XmNhighResFontList DtNhighResFontList
  486. #define XmNimageName DtNimageName
  487. #define XmNleftInset DtNleftInset
  488. #define XmNlowResFontList DtNlowResFontList
  489. #define XmNmediumResFontList DtNmediumResFontList
  490. #define XmNmonitorTime DtNmonitorTime
  491. #define XmNpixmapForeground DtNpixmapForeground
  492. #define XmNpixmapBackground DtNpixmapBackground
  493. #define XmNmaxPixmapWidth DtNmaxPixmapWidth
  494. #define XmNmaxPixmapHeight DtNmaxPixmapHeight
  495. #define XmNpixmapPosition DtNpixmapPosition
  496. #define XmNpushArgument DtNpushArgument
  497. #define XmNpushButtonClickTime DtNpushButtonClickTime
  498. #define XmNpushFunction DtNpushFunction
  499. #define XmNrightInset DtNrightInset
  500. #define XmNstringPosition DtNstringPosition
  501. #define XmNsubpanel DtNsubpanel
  502. #define XmNresolution DtNresolution
  503. #define XmNtitleSpacing DtNtitleSpacing
  504. #define XmNtitlePosition DtNtitlePosition
  505. #define XmNtitleAlignment DtNtitleAlignment
  506. #define XmNtopInset DtNtopInset
  507. #define XmNunderline DtNunderline
  508. #define XmNuseEmbossedText DtNuseEmbossedText
  509. #define XmNwaitingBlinkRate DtNwaitingBlinkRate
  510. #define XmNwidthIncrement DtNwidthIncrement
  511. #define XmNformatJP DtNformatJP
  512. #define XmCFormatJP DtCFormatJP
  513. /*
  514. * String defines for converter string names.
  515. */
  516. #define STR_ICON_LABEL DtSicon_label
  517. #define STR_ICON_BUTTON DtSicon_button
  518. #define STR_ICON_TOGGLE DtSicon_toggle
  519. #define STR_ICON_DRAG DtSicon_drag
  520. #define STR_WORK_AREA DtSwork_area
  521. #define STR_TITLE_AREA DtStitle_area
  522. #define STR_SEPARATOR DtSseparator
  523. #define STR_BUTTON DtSbutton
  524. #define STR_FILL_NONE DtSfill_none
  525. #define STR_FILL_PARENT DtSfill_parent
  526. #define STR_FILL_TRANSPARENT DtSfill_transparent
  527. #define STR_FILL_SELF DtSfill_self
  528. #define STR_PIXMAP_TOP DtSpixmap_top
  529. #define STR_PIXMAP_BOTTOM DtSpixmap_bottom
  530. #define STR_PIXMAP_LEFT DtSpixmap_left
  531. #define STR_PIXMAP_RIGHT DtSpixmap_right
  532. #define STR_STRING_TOP DtSstring_top
  533. #define STR_STRING_BOTTOM DtSstring_bottom
  534. #define STR_STRING_LEFT DtSstring_left
  535. #define STR_STRING_RIGHT DtSstring_right
  536. #define STR_TITLE_TOP DtStitle_top
  537. #define STR_TITLE_BOTTOM DtStitle_bottom
  538. #endif