3.6 KB

  1. XCOMM platform: $TOG: /main/57 1997/12/04 11:03:33 kaleb $
  2. #ifndef OSName
  3. #define OSName DefaultOSName
  4. #endif
  5. #ifndef OSMajorVersion
  6. #define OSMajorVersion DefaultOSMajorVersion
  7. #endif
  8. #ifndef OSMinorVersion
  9. #define OSMinorVersion DefaultOSMinorVersion
  10. #endif
  11. #ifndef OSTeenyVersion
  12. #define OSTeenyVersion DefaultOSTeenyVersion
  13. #endif
  14. XCOMM operating system: OSName OSMajorVersion./**/OSMinorVersion
  15. #ifndef CompilerMajorVersion
  16. /* 0 == NT 3.1 Win32 SDK, 2 == MSVC++ 2, 4 == MSVC 4 */
  17. #define CompilerMajorVersion 4
  18. #endif
  19. #define BootstrapCFlags -DWIN32
  20. #ifdef _M_IX86
  21. #define CpuDefines -D_X86_
  22. #endif
  23. /* brain-damaged windows headers will not compile with -Za */
  24. #define StandardDefines -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_DLL -D_MT -D__STDC__ CpuDefines
  25. #if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
  26. #define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -batch -G4 -W2
  27. #else
  28. #define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -G4 -W2
  29. #endif
  30. #if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
  31. #define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi
  32. #else
  33. #define DebuggableCDebugFlags -Zi -Od
  34. #endif
  35. #define ThreadedX YES
  36. #define HasThreadSafeAPI NO
  37. #define CpCmd copy
  38. #define LnCmd copy
  39. #define MvCmd ren
  40. #define RmCmd del
  41. #ifndef RmTreeCmd
  42. XCOMM choices here include:
  43. XCOMM o `del /q /s` and live with pressing the "any" key
  44. XCOMM o `deltree, copied from MS-DOS 5
  45. XCOMM o `rm -rfx` from the SDK Subscription (MSTOOLS in your Path)
  46. XCOMM o `rm -rf` from the GNU file utilities
  47. XCOMM We're using the GNU file utilities
  48. #define RmTreeCmd rm -rf
  49. #endif
  50. #define CcCmd cl
  51. #define HasCplusplus YES
  52. #define CplusplusCmd cl
  53. #if CompilerMajorVersion < 4
  54. #define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -batch -EP
  55. #define CppCmd CcCmd -nologo -batch -E
  56. #else
  57. #define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo -EP
  58. #define CppCmd CcCmd -nologo -E
  59. #endif
  60. #define PatheticCpp YES
  61. #define ConstructMFLAGS YES
  62. #if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
  63. #define ArCmdBase lib32
  64. #else
  65. #define ArCmdBase lib
  66. #endif
  67. #define ArCmd ArCmdBase
  68. #define CplusplusCmd cl
  69. #define MkdirHierCmd $(CONFIGSRC:/=\)\util\mkdirhier
  70. #define InstallCmd copy
  71. #define InstPgmFlags /**/
  72. #define InstBinFlags /**/
  73. #define InstUidFlags /**/
  74. #define InstLibFlags /**/
  75. #define InstIncFlags /**/
  76. #define InstManFlags /**/
  77. #define InstDatFlags /**/
  78. #define InstallFlags /**/
  79. #if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
  80. #define ExtraLibraries crtdll.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
  81. #elif (CompilerMajorVersion < 4)
  82. #define ExtraLibraries msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
  83. #else
  84. #define ExtraLibraries msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib -link -nodefaultlib:libc
  85. #endif
  86. #define MakeCmd nmake -nologo
  87. #if (CompilerMajorVersion == 0)
  88. #define LdCmd link32
  89. #else
  90. #define LdCmd link
  91. #endif
  92. #define MathLibrary
  93. #define HasSymLinks NO
  94. #define HasVarDirectory NO
  95. #define HasPutenv YES
  96. #define Osuf obj
  97. #ifndef CCsuf
  98. #define CCsuf cxx
  99. #endif
  100. #define BuildServer NO
  101. #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN
  102. /* override as necessary in site.def/host.def */
  103. #ifndef StdIncDir
  104. #define StdIncDir C:/MSDEVSTD/INCLUDE
  105. #endif
  106. #define LdPreLib /**/
  107. #define LdPostLib /**/
  108. #ifndef UseInstalled
  109. #define ImakeCmd $(IMAKESRC:/=\)\imake
  110. #define DependCmd $(DEPENDSRC:/=\)\makedepend
  111. #endif
  112. #define DependFlags -D_WIN32
  113. #define FilesToClean *.bak *.obj *.lib make.log
  114. #define ShLibDir $(BINDIR)
  115. #define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;S)
  116. #define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H
  117. #define UseRgbTxt YES
  118. #define HasCbrt NO
  119. #define HasFfs NO
  120. #define HasXdmAuth NO
  121. /* the following components haven't been ported yet */
  122. #define BuildLBX NO
  123. #define BuildXprint NO
  124. #define XprtServer NO
  125. #include <Win32.rules>