dtksh.msg 19 KB

  1. $ $XConsortium: dtksh.msg /main/3 1995/11/01 15:53:40 rswiston $
  2. $set 1
  3. 1 DtkshCvtStringToPixel: The color '%s' is not defined
  4. $set 5
  5. 1 Too many resource parameters have been specified; skipping '%s'
  6. 2 Bad resource specification; should be of the form 'name:value' : %s
  7. 3 The resource separator is ':' but you used '=' : %s
  8. 4 The toolkit has already been initialized
  9. 5 Usage: XtInitialize variable applicationName applicationClass [args ...]
  10. 6 Usage: %s variable name class parent [arg:val ...]
  11. 7 Usage: XtCreateApplicationShell variable name class [arg:val ...]
  12. 8 Usage: XtPopup widget GrabNone|GrabNonexclusive|GrabExclusive
  13. 9 The grab type '%s' is not recognized; using 'GrabNone'
  14. 10 Usage: XtIsShell widget
  15. 11 Usage: XtMapWidget widget
  16. 12 Usage: XtUnmapWidget widget
  17. 13 Usage: %s variable widget
  18. 14 Usage: XtScreen variable widget
  19. 15 Usage: XtWindow variable widget
  20. 16 Usage: XtCallCallbacks widget callbackName
  21. 17 Usage: XtHasCallbacks variable widget callbackName
  22. 18 Usage: XtAddCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
  23. 19 Usage: XtRemoveCallback widget callbackName ksh-command
  24. 20 The following is an invalid callback handle: %s
  25. 21 The specified callback is not registered
  26. 22 Usage: XtAddEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
  27. 23 Usage: XtRemoveEventHandler widget mask nonMaskable ksh-command
  28. 24 The specified event handler is not registered
  29. 25 Usage: XtGetValues widget resource:variable ...
  30. 26 The following resource parameter is incorrectly formed: %s
  31. 27 Usage: XtSetValues widget arg:val ...
  32. 28 Usage: XtAddWorkProc variable command
  33. 29 Usage: XtRemoveWorkProc workProcId
  34. 30 The workProcId parameter must be a hex number: %s
  35. 31 Usage: XtAddTimeOut variable milliseconds command
  36. 32 The milliseconds parameter must be greater than zero
  37. 33 Usage: XtRemoveTimeOut intervalId
  38. 34 The intervalId parameter must be a hex number: %s
  39. 35 Usage: %s widget ...
  40. 36 Usage: XBell display volume
  41. 37 Usage: %s variable screen
  42. 38 The screen parameter is invalid: %s
  43. 39 Usage: XDefineCursor display window cursorId
  44. 40 The cursorId parameter is invalid: %s
  45. 41 Usage: XUndefineCursor display window
  46. 42 Usage: XtRemoveAllCallbacks widget callbackName
  47. 43 Usage: XTextWidth variable fontName string
  48. 44 Usage: %s display drawable [args ...]
  49. 45 The drawable parameter is invalid: %s
  50. 46 The destination parameter is invalid: %s
  51. 47 Unrecognized graphics function name: %s
  52. 48 Unrecognized line style: %s
  53. 49 Unrecognized drawing option: %s
  54. 50 There were left over points which were ignored
  55. 51 Usage: XCopyArea display source dest sourceX sourceY width height destX destY [args ...]
  56. 52 Unable to convert resource type '%s' to 'String'
  57. 53 Unable to convert resource type 'String' to type '%s'
  58. 54 Usage: XtAddInput variable [-r] fileDescriptor kshCommand
  59. 56 Usage: XtRemoveInput inputId
  60. 57 The inputId parameter must be a hex number: %s
  61. 59 Usage: XFlush display
  62. 60 Usage: XSync display discard
  63. 61 Usage: XRaiseWindow display window
  64. 62 Usage: %s widget [True|False]
  65. 63 Usage: %s widget translations
  66. 64 Usage: XtUninstallTranslations widget
  67. 65 Usage: XtParent variable widget
  68. 66 Usage: XtLastTimestampProcessed variable display
  69. 67 Usage: DtSessionRestorePath widget pathVariable saveFile
  70. 68 Usage: DtSessionSavePath widget pathVariable fileVariable
  71. 69 Usage: DtShellIsIconified widget
  72. 70 Usage: DtSetStartupCommand widget command
  73. 71 Usage: DtSetIconifyHint widget boolean
  74. 73 The rootWindow parameter is invalid: %s
  75. 74 Usage: DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace widget atom
  76. 75 The workspace atom is invalid: %s
  77. 78 Usage: DtWsmSetWorkspacesOccupied display window workspaceList
  78. 79 Usage: DtGetHourGlassCursor variable display
  79. 80 Usage: DtWsmAddCurrentWorkspaceCallback variable widget ksh-command
  80. 81 Usage: DtWsmRemoveWorkspaceCallback handle
  81. 82 Usage: XtNameToWidget variable referenceWidget names
  82. 83 Usage: DtDbLoad
  83. 84 Usage: DtDbReloadNotify ksh-command
  84. 85 Usage: DtActionExists actionName
  85. 86 Usage: DtActionLabel variable actionName
  86. 87 Usage: DtActionDescription variable actionName
  87. 88 Usage: DtActionInvoke widget actionName termParms execHost contextDir useIndicator ksh-command ["FILE" fileName] ...
  88. 89 Usage: DtDtsLoadDataTypes
  89. 90 Usage: DtDtsFileToDataType variable fileName
  90. 91 Usage: DtDtsFileToAttributeValue variable fileName attrName
  91. 92 Usage: DtDtsFileToAttributeList variable fileName
  92. 93 Usage: DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeValue variable dataType attrName optName
  93. 94 Usage: DtDtsDataTypeToAttributeList variable dataType optName
  94. 95 Usage: DtDtsFindAttribute variable name value
  95. 96 Usage: DtDtsDataTypeNames variable
  96. 97 Usage: DtDtsSetDataType variable fileName dataType override
  97. 98 Usage: DtDtsDataTypeIsAction dataType
  98. 99 Usage: ttdt_open variable status variable2 toolname vendor version sendStarted
  99. 100 Usage: tttk_Xt_input_handler procId source id
  100. 101 The source parameter must be an integer: %s
  101. 102 The id parameter must be a hex number: %s
  102. 103 Usage: ttdt_close status procId newProcId sendStopped
  103. 104 Usage: ttdt_session_join variable status sessId shellWidgetHandle join
  104. 105 Usage: ttdt_session_quit status sessId sessPatterns quit
  105. 106 The sessPatterns parameter is invalid: %s
  106. 107 Usage: ttdt_file_event status op patterns send
  107. 108 Usage: ttdt_file_quit status patterns quit
  108. 109 Usage: ttdt_Get_Modified pathName scope timeout
  109. 110 Usage: %s status pathName scope timeout
  110. 112 Usage: tt_error_pointer variable ttStatus
  111. 113 Usage: %s status msg
  112. 114 Usage: %s status msg msgStatus msgStatusString destroy
  113. 115 Usage: ttdt_file_join variable status pathName scope join ksh-command
  114. 116 Usage: tt_file_netfile variable status filename
  115. 117 Usage: tt_netfile_file variable status netfilename
  116. 118 Usage: tt_host_file_netfile variable status host filename
  117. 119 Usage: tt_host_netfile_file variable status host netfilename
  118. 120 Usage: XtIsSubclass widget class
  119. 121 %s is not a valid widget class name
  120. 122 Usage: XtClass variable widget
  121. $set 6
  122. 1 DtkshCvtWindowToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  123. 2 DtkshCvtHexIntToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  124. 3 DtkshCvtIntToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  125. 4 DtkshCvtBooleanToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  126. 5 DtkshCvtStringToWidget: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  127. 6 DtkshCvtStringToWidget: Unable to find a widget named '%s'
  128. 7 DtkshCvtStringToCallback: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  129. 8 DtkshCvtCallbackToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  130. 9 DtkshCvtWidgetToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  131. 10 DtkshCvtWidgetToString: Unable to find a name for the widget
  132. 11 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  133. 12 DtkshCvtWidgetClassToString: Unknown widget class
  134. 13 DtkshCvtStringToWidgetClass: Unknown widget class name
  135. 14 DtkshCvtScreenToString: The 'from' value is an invalid size
  136. $set 11
  137. 1 Cannot find a field named '%s' in the structure '%s'
  138. 2 DtkshCvtCallbackToString: An internal conversion buffer overflowed
  139. 3 Hashing failure for resource '%s' in widget class '%s'
  140. 4 No function name was supplied
  141. 5 The command cannot be executed; the toolkit has not been initialized
  142. 6 The creation of widget '%s' failed
  143. 7 The display parameter is invalid: %s
  144. 8 The following property atom is invalid: %s
  145. 9 The following resource is not defined for widget '%s': %s
  146. 10 The position specified is invalid: %s
  147. 11 The specified font is invalid: %s
  148. 12 The widget handle '%s' does not refer to an existing widget
  149. 13 The widget must be a 'command' widget
  150. 14 The widget must be a 'mainWindow' widget
  151. 15 The widget must be a 'scale' widget
  152. 16 The widget must be a 'scrollBar' widget
  153. 17 The widget must be a 'toggleButton' widget or gadget
  154. 18 The window parameter is invalid: %s
  155. 19 Unable to allocate required memory; exiting
  156. 20 Unable to find the parent widget
  157. 21 Unable to locate the symbol '%s'
  158. 22 Unable to locate the type '%s'
  159. 23 Unable to parse the declaration '%s'; using 'unsigned long'
  160. 24 Unknown child type: %s
  161. 25 Unrecognized option flag: %s
  162. 26 Usage: %s widget position
  163. 27 Usage: %s widget time
  164. 28 Usage: %s widget
  165. 29 dtksh error
  166. 30 dtksh warning
  167. 31 Usage: %s display window
  168. 32 Usage: %s display window variable
  169. 33 Usage: %s display rootWindow variable
  170. 34 The timeout parameter is invalid: %s
  171. 35 The msg parameter is invalid: %s
  172. 36 The patterns parameter is invalid: %s
  173. $set 14
  174. 1 Internal hash table failure during widget class initialization; exiting
  175. 2 Could not find a widget class named '%s'
  176. 3 The identifier '%s' is not a valid widget handle
  177. 4 Unable to find the widget class
  178. 5 Usage: DtLoadWidget widgetClassName widgetClassRecordName
  179. 6 Unable to locate a widget class record named '%s'
  180. 7 Internal hash table failure during initialization of widget class '%s'
  181. 8 \n%sRESOURCES FOR %s%s%s:\n
  183. 10 R
  184. 11 M
  185. 12 S
  186. 13 %-15s %-6s %-6s %-18s %-6s %s\n
  188. 15 \nUsage:\tDtWidgetInfo [widgetHandle]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -r <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -R <widgetHandle|className>\n\tDtWidgetInfo -c [className]\n\tDtWidgetInfo -h [widgetHandle]
  189. $set 15
  190. 1 Unable to initialize the Toolkit
  191. 2 The following resource cannot be set at widget\ncreation time. Use XtSetValues after creation instead: %s
  192. 3 Usage: %s variable parent name [argument:value ...]
  193. 4 Usage: DtHelpReturnSelectedWidgetId variable widget variable
  194. 5 Usage: DtHelpSetCatalogName catalogName
  195. 6 Usage: DtHelpQuickDialogGetChild variable quickHelpWidget child
  196. 7 The widget must be a 'quickHelp' widget
  197. 8 The widget must be a 'list' widget
  198. 9 Usage: %s widget position item
  199. 10 Usage: %s widget position itemList
  200. 11 Usage: %s widget item
  201. 12 Usage: XmListDeleteItemsPos widget count position
  202. 13 Usage: XmListDeleteItems widget itemList
  203. 14 Usage: XmListDeletePositions widget positionList
  204. 15 Usage: XmListGetKbdItemPos variable widget
  205. 16 Usage: XmListItemExists widget item
  206. 17 Usage: XmListItemPos variable widget item
  207. 18 Usage: XmListPosSelected widget position
  208. 19 Usage: XmListPosToBounds widget position variable variable variable variable
  209. 20 Usage: %s widget position notifyFlag
  210. 21 Usage: %s widget item notifyFlag
  211. 22 Usage: XmListSetAddMode widget boolean
  212. 23 Usage: XmListSetKbdItemPos widget position
  213. 24 Usage: XmMainWindowSetAreas mainwindow menu command hscroll vscroll work
  214. 25 The 'mainWindow' handle is NULL
  215. 26 Usage: %s variable mainwindow
  216. 27 Usage: XmProcessTraversal widget direction
  217. 28 Unknown traversal direction: %s
  218. 29 Usage: XmInternAtom variable display name onlyIfExists
  219. 30 Usage: XmGetAtomName variable display atom
  220. 31 The specified atom is invalid: %s
  221. 32 Usage: XmGetColors widget background foreground topshadow bottomshadow select
  222. 33 The background pixel is invalid: %s
  223. 34 Usage: XmUpdateDisplay widget
  224. 35 Usage: %s widget protocol [protocol ...]
  225. 36 The atom specified is invalid: %s
  226. 37 Usage: XmAddWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
  227. 38 Usage: XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback widget protocol ksh-command
  228. 39 Usage: XmMenuPosition menu event
  229. 40 The specified event is invalid: %s
  230. 41 Usage: XmCommandAppendValue commandWidget string
  231. 42 Usage: XmCommandError commandWidget errorMessage
  232. 43 Usage: XmCommandSetValue commandWidget command
  233. 44 Usage: XmCommandGetChild variable commandWidget child
  234. 45 Usage: XmMessageBoxGetChild variable commandWidget child
  235. 46 The widget must be a 'messageBox' widget
  236. 47 Usage: XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
  237. 48 The widget must be a 'file selection box' widget
  238. 49 Usage: XmSelectionBoxGetChild variable widget child
  239. 50 The widget must be a 'selection box' widget
  240. 51 Usage: XmScaleGetValue scaleWidget variable
  241. 52 Usage: XmScaleSetValue scaleWidget value
  242. 53 The scale value specified is invalid: %s
  243. 54 Usage: XmScrollBarGetValues scrollbar variable variable variable variable
  244. 55 Usage: XmScrollBarSetValues scrollbar value sliderSize increment pageIncrement notify
  245. 56 The value specified is invalid: %s
  246. 57 The slider size specified is invalid: %s
  247. 58 The increment specified is invalid: %s
  248. 59 The page increment specified is invalid: %s
  249. 60 Usage: XmScrollVisible scrolledWin widget leftRightMargin topBottomMargin
  250. 61 The widget must be a 'scrolledWindow' widget
  251. 62 The widget to be made visible does not exist.
  252. 63 The left/right margin specified is invalid: %s
  253. 64 The top/bottom margin specified is invalid: %s
  254. 65 Usage: %s widget state notify
  255. 66 Usage: catopen variable catName
  256. 67 Usage: catclose catId
  257. 68 Usage: catgets variable catId setNum msgNum dftMsg
  258. 69 The widget must be a 'text' or 'textField' widget
  259. 70 Usage: %s variable widget
  260. 71 Usage: %s widget boolean
  261. 72 The parameter specified is invalid: %s
  262. 73 Usage: %s widget lines
  263. 74 Usage: %s widget maxLength
  264. 75 Usage: %s widget string
  265. 76 Usage: %s widget variable variable
  266. 77 Usage: %s widget position string
  267. 78 Usage: %s widget position variable variable
  268. 79 Usage: %s widget fromPosition toPosition string
  269. 80 The 'from' position specified is invalid: %s
  270. 81 The 'to' position specified is invalid: %s
  271. 82 Usage: %s widget firstPosition lastPosition time
  272. 83 The first position specified is invalid: %s
  273. 84 The last position specified is invalid: %s
  274. 85 The time specified is invalid: %s
  275. 86 Usage: %s variable widget x y
  276. 87 The x position specified is invalid: %s
  277. 88 The y position specified is invalid: %s
  278. 89 Usage: %s widget left right mode
  279. 90 The left position specified is invalid: %s
  280. 91 The right position specified is invalid: %s
  281. 92 Usage: %s widget start string direction variable
  282. 93 The start position specified is invalid: %s
  283. 94 Usage: XmListGetSelectedPos variable widget
  284. 95 Usage: XmListGetMatchPos variable widget item
  285. 96 Usage: XmOptionLabelGadget variable widget
  286. 97 Usage: XmOptionButtonGadget variable widget
  287. 98 Usage: XmGetVisibility variable widget
  288. 99 Usage: XmGetTearOffControl variable widget
  289. 100 Usage: XmGetTabGroup variable widget
  290. 101 Usage: XmGetPostedFromWidget variable widget
  291. 102 Usage: XmGetFocusWidget variable widget
  292. 103 Usage: XmFileSelectionDoSearch widget directoryMask
  293. $set 16
  294. 1 DtkshCvtNamedValueToString: No match found
  295. 2 DtkshCvtStringToNamedValue: Unable to convert the string '%s'
  296. $ The following messages are for ksh93 itself. The message numbers must
  297. $ match those specified in the MsgStr array allmsgs in
  298. $ ksh93/src/cmd/ksh93/sh/init.c, as must the set number.
  299. $set 25
  300. 1 Done
  301. 3 Running
  302. 4 [-n] [arg...]
  303. 5 [arg...]
  304. 6 [dir] [list]
  305. 7 [job...]
  306. 8 [n]
  307. 9 [name [pathname] ]
  308. 10 [name]
  309. 11 [top] [base]
  310. 12 expr...
  311. 13 format [arg...]
  312. 14 is a function
  313. 15 is a keyword
  314. 16 is a shell builtin
  315. 17 is an exported function
  316. 18 is an undefined function
  317. 19 name [arg...]
  318. 20 :a:[name] optstring name [args...]
  319. 21 seconds
  320. 23 ${HOME:-.}/.profile
  321. 24 %c: invalid character in expression - %s
  322. 25 %c: unknown format specifier
  323. 26 %d-%d: invalid range
  324. 27 %d: invalid binary script version
  325. 28 %s is an alias for
  326. 29 %s is an exported alias for
  327. 30 %s missing
  328. 31 %s unknown base
  329. 32 %s: ':' expected for '?' operator
  330. 33 %s: Ambiguous
  331. 34 %s: Arguments must be %job or process ids
  332. 35 %s: alias not found\n
  333. 36 %s: arithmetic syntax error
  334. 37 %s: assignment requires lvalue
  335. 38 %s: bad file unit number
  336. 39 %s: bad format
  337. 40 %s: bad number
  338. 41 %s: bad option(s)
  339. 42 %s: bad substitution
  340. 43 %s: bad trap
  341. 44 %s: cannot create
  342. 45 %s: cannot execute
  343. 46 %s: cannot open
  344. 47 %s: divide by zero
  345. 48 %s: domain exception
  346. 49 %s: fails %s
  347. 50 %s: file already exists
  348. 51 %s: illegal function name
  349. 52 %s: invalid alias name
  350. 53 %s: invalid discipline function
  351. 54 %s: invalid export name
  352. 55 %s: invalid function name
  353. 56 %s: invalid name
  354. 57 %s: invalid regular expression
  355. 58 %s: invalid self reference
  356. 59 %s: invalid use of :
  357. 60 %s: invalid variable name
  358. 61 %s: is not an identifier
  359. 62 %s: is read only
  360. 63 %s: label not implemented
  361. 64 %s: limit exceeded
  362. 65 %s: more tokens expected
  363. 66 %s: no parent
  364. 67 %s: no reference name
  365. 68 %s: not found
  366. 69 %s: not implemented
  367. 70 %s: operands have incompatible types
  368. 71 %s: overflow exception
  369. 72 %s: parameter not set
  370. 73 %s: parameter null or not set
  371. 74 %s: recursion too deep
  372. 75 %s: reference variable cannot be an array
  373. 76 %s: requires pathname argument
  374. 77 %s: restricted
  375. 78 %s: singularity exception
  376. 79 %s: subscript out of range
  377. 80 %s: unbalanced parenthesis
  378. 81 %s: unknown function
  379. 82 %s: unknown locale
  380. 83 %s: unknown operator
  381. 84 %s: unknown signal name
  382. 85 %s: would cause loop
  383. 86 (coredump)
  384. 87 -c requires argument
  385. 88 -e - requires single argument
  386. 89 /vpix
  387. 90 <command unknown>
  388. 91 AC:E#?F#?H:[name]L#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
  389. 92 AE#?F#?HL#?R#?Z#?fi#?[base]lnprtux [name=[value]...]
  390. 93 Abort
  391. 94 Ad:[delim]prst#[timeout]u#[filenum] [name...]
  392. 95 Alarm call
  393. 96 Bad root node specification
  394. 97 Bad system call
  395. 98 Broken Pipe
  396. 99 Bus error
  397. 100 Cannot start job control
  398. 101 Current option settings
  399. 102 DIL signal
  400. 103 Death of Child
  401. 104 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCR:[file]o:?[option] [arg...]
  402. 105 DircabefhkmnpstuvxCo:?[option] [arg...]
  403. 106 EMT trap
  404. 107 Exceeded CPU time limit
  405. 108 Exceeded file size limit
  406. 109 Floating exception
  407. 110 HSacdfmnstv [limit]
  408. 111 Hangup
  409. 112 IO signal
  410. 113 Illegal instruction
  411. 114 Interrupt
  412. 115 Killed
  413. 116 LP [dir] [change]
  414. 117 Memory fault
  415. 118 Migrate process
  416. 119 No job control
  417. 120 Phone interrupt
  418. 121 Polling alarm
  419. 122 Power fail
  420. 123 Profiling time alarm
  421. 124 Quit
  422. 125 Resources lost
  423. 126 Reverting to old tty driver...
  424. 127 S [mask]
  425. 129 Security label changed
  426. 130 Socket interrupt
  427. 131 Sound completed
  428. 132 Stopped (signal)
  429. 133 Stopped (tty input)
  430. 134 Stopped process continued
  431. 135 Stopped
  432. 136 Stopped(tty output)
  433. 137 Switching to new tty driver...
  434. 138 System crash soon
  435. 139 Terminated
  436. 140 Trace/BPT trap
  437. 141 Unrecognized version
  438. 142 Use 'exit' to terminate this shell
  439. 143 User signal 1
  440. 144 User signal 2
  441. 145 Version not defined
  442. 146 Virtual time alarm
  443. 147 Window size change
  444. 148 You have running jobs
  445. 149 You have stopped jobs
  446. 150 [_[:alpha:]]*([_[:alnum:]])
  447. 151 \n@(#)Version 12/28/93\0\n
  448. 152 \n@(#)Version M-12/28/93\0\n
  449. 153 \nreal
  450. 154 \r\n\007shell will timeout in 60 seconds due to inactivity
  451. 155 a name...
  452. 156 a:[name]c [command [args...] ]
  453. 157 afpv name...
  454. 158 alarm %s %.3f\n
  455. 159 alarm -r %s +%.3g\n
  456. 160 argument expected
  457. 161 bad directory
  458. 162 bad file unit number
  459. 163 bad substitution
  460. 164 cannot access parent directories
  461. 165 cannot create pipe
  462. 166 cannot create tempory file
  463. 167 cannot fork
  464. 168 cannot get %s
  465. 169 cannot set %s
  466. 170 cannot set alarm
  467. 171 condition(s) required
  468. 172 dsf:[library] [name...]
  469. 173 e:[editor]lnrsN# [first] [last]
  470. 174 end of file
  471. 175 f:[format]enprsu:[filenum] [arg...]
  472. 176 fnv name...
  473. 177 hist -e "${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}"
  474. 178 history file cannot open
  475. 179 incorrect syntax
  476. 180 invalid argument of type %c
  477. 181 is a shell builtin version of
  478. 182 is a tracked alias for
  479. 183 kill
  480. 184 line %d: $ not preceded by \\
  481. 185 line %d: %c within ${} should be quoted
  482. 186 line %d: %s unknown label
  483. 187 line %d: %s within [[...]] obsolete, use ((...))
  484. 188 line %d: '=' obsolete, use '=='
  485. 189 line %d: -a obsolete, use -e
  486. 190 line %d: \\ in front of %c reserved for future use
  487. 191 line %d: `...` obsolete, use $(...)
  488. 192 line %d: escape %c to avoid ambiguities
  489. 193 line %d: label %s ignored
  490. 194 line %d: quote %c to avoid ambiguities
  491. 195 line %d: set %s obsolete
  492. 196 line %d: spaces required for nested subshell
  493. 197 line %d: use braces to avoid ambiguities with $id[...]
  494. 198 line %d: use space or tab to separate operators %c and %c
  495. 199 ln#[signum]s:[signame] sig...
  496. 200 login setuid/setgid shells prohibited
  497. 201 mapping
  498. 202 newline
  499. 203 nlp [job...]
  500. 204 no history file
  501. 205 no query process
  502. 206 no such job
  503. 207 no such process
  504. 208 not supported
  505. 209 off
  506. 210 on
  507. 211 open file limit exceeded
  508. 212 out of memory
  509. 213 p [action condition...]
  510. 214 p [name[=value]...]
  511. 215 parameter not set
  512. 216 permission denied
  513. 217 process already exists
  514. 218 ptx [name=[value]...]
  515. 219 pvV name [arg]...
  516. 220 r [varname seconds]
  517. 221 syntax error at line %d: `%s' %s
  518. 222 syntax error at line %d: duplicate label %s
  519. 223 syntax error: `%s' %s
  520. 224 sys
  521. 225 timed out waiting for input
  522. 226 unexpected
  523. 227 universe not accessible
  524. 228 unlimited
  525. 229 unmatched
  526. 230 user
  527. 231 versions
  528. 232 write to %d failed
  529. 233 you have mail in $_
  530. 234 zero byte