nlsREADME.txt 1010 B

  1. # $XConsortium: nlsREADME.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:23:55 drk $
  2. #############################################################################
  3. #
  4. # Component: dtcreate
  5. #
  6. ############################################################################
  7. Introduction
  8. ------------
  9. This directory contains the files for dtcreate. Dtcreate is
  10. the HP DT component which provides the CreateAction dialog
  11. box. Dtcreate is implemented as a ksh script which uses
  12. dtdialog for all of its dialogs.
  13. Because dtcreate uses dtdialog, all of the dtcreate dialog
  14. boxes are described in Dialog Description Files (DDF). For
  15. general information on localizing DDF's, see the "Localizing
  16. Dtdialog DDF Files" section in the NLS Cookbook.
  17. Each dialog that is defined in the dtcreate DDF is
  18. accompanied by comments describing how to cause the dialog to
  19. be posted in normal usage.
  20. Files to be localized
  21. ---------------------
  22. File Name Target Name
  23. --------- -----------
  24. dtcreate.ddf /usr/dt/dialogs/%L/dtcreate.ddf