dtfile.msg 61 KB

  1. $ "$TOG: dtfile.msg /main/10 1999/09/16 09:42:03 mgreess $"
  2. $ *************************************<+>*************************************
  3. $ *****************************************************************************
  4. $ **
  5. $ ** File: dtfile.msg
  6. $ **
  7. $ ** Project: Common Desktop Environment dtfile
  8. $ **
  9. $ ** Description:
  10. $ ** -----------
  11. $ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtfile
  12. $ ** Any additional messages are to be added to this file by hand,
  13. $ ** and the associated index number placed in the code.
  14. $ **
  15. $ *****************************************************************************
  16. $ **
  17. $ ** ORIGINS: 27,118,119,120,121
  18. $ **
  19. $ ** This module contains IBM CONFIDENTIAL code. -- (IBM
  20. $ ** Confidential Restricted when combined with the aggregated
  21. $ ** modules for this product)
  23. $ **
  24. $ ** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995
  25. $ ** All Rights Reserved
  26. $ ** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
  27. $ ** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
  28. $ **
  29. $ *****************************************************************************
  30. $ **
  31. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Hewlett-Packard Company
  32. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 International Business Machines Corp.
  33. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  34. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Novell, Inc.
  35. $ **
  36. $ *****************************************************************************
  37. $ *****************************************************************************
  38. $ *************************************<+>*************************************
  39. $ *************************************<L>*************************************
  40. $ ** -----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION---------------------
  41. $ * Comment lines begin with a $ except $set which indicates the start of a
  42. $ * new set.
  43. $ *
  44. $ * Do not delete any comments; you may add comments for your use.
  45. $ *
  46. $ ** ----------------GENERAL LOCALIZATION NOTES SECTION END------------------
  47. $ *************************************<L>*************************************
  48. $ *****************************************************************************
  49. $
  51. $
  52. $ There may be three types of messages in this file:
  53. $
  54. $ 1. Messages that appear in dialogs or are displayed to the user.
  55. $
  56. $ These messages are the default and they should ALL BE LOCALIZED.
  57. $ Note that these messages do NOT have any identification (see the
  58. $ comments for type 2 and 3 below).
  59. $
  60. $ 2. Messages that only appear in the DT error log file ($HOME?.dt/errorlog).
  61. $
  62. $ The localization of these messages is OPTIONAL. These messages are
  63. $ identified by the following:
  64. $
  66. $
  67. $ 3. Messages that should not be localized.
  68. $
  69. $ These messages are identified by the following:
  70. $
  72. $
  74. $
  75. $ ********** PROLOGUE ****************
  76. $ Date Name Note
  77. $ ======== ================= ===============================================
  78. $ 03/25/93 H. Amro removed the guilty $ from message 30
  79. $
  80. $
  81. $
  82. $ *****************************************************************************
  83. $set 2
  84. $ ****** Module: ChangeDir.c ****(developer comment only)********
  85. $ Messages 3 and 10 are titles for the Change Folder dialog, Message 3 is
  86. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  87. $ Messages 2 and 4 are labels for the Change Folder dialog
  88. $ Message 1 is the title for Change Folder errors
  89. $ Messages 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 are Change Folder error messages
  90. 1 Change Folder Error
  91. 2 New Folder:
  92. 3 Change Folder
  93. 4 Host:
  94. 7 The following folder name is invalid.\n\n%s:%s
  95. 8 You cannot switch to this folder. You are\n\
  96. allowed to view only folders beneath your\n\
  97. current folder. You cannot specify an absolute\n\
  98. path to the new folder.
  99. 9 This view is in restricted mode. You cannot go\n\
  100. to the specified folder because it is not in the\n\
  101. relative path of the restricted folder.\n
  102. 10 File Manager - Change Folder
  103. 11 Cannot get the new folder name.
  104. 12 Please enter folder name.
  105. 13 Go To Error
  106. 14 Destination Folder:
  107. 15 Go To
  108. 16 System Name:
  109. 17 File Manager - Go To
  110. 18 Destination Folder name is missing.\n\
  111. Type in a folder name or select a folder from the list.
  112. 19 The following folder name is invalid.\n\n%s
  113. 20 You cannot switch to folder:\n\n%s\n\n\
  114. You are not allowed to view this folder\n\
  115. because it is a restricted folder.
  116. $set 3
  117. $ ****** Module: ChangeDirP.c ****(developer comment only)********
  118. $ Messages 2-6 are labels for the folder Status Line
  119. $ Message 3 is required for SUN systems
  120. $ Message 2-9 are obsolete
  121. 2 %d Files %d Hidden
  122. 3 %1$d Files %2$d Hidden
  123. 4 %3d Files ...
  124. 5 Reading ...
  125. 6 %d Hidden
  126. 7 %d Items %d Hidden
  127. 8 %1$d Items %2$d Hidden
  128. 9 %3d Items ...
  129. 10 %d Item(s)
  130. 11 %d Item(s)...
  131. 12 %d Item(s) %d Hidden
  132. $set 4
  133. $set 5
  134. $set 6
  135. $set 7
  136. $set 8
  137. $set 9
  138. $ ****** Module: File.c ****(developer comment only)********
  139. $ Messages 6 and 7 are the title and text for an action error message
  140. $ Messages 8 and 9 are rename error messages
  141. $ Messages 11-19 are the title and text for warning messages displayed
  142. $ when an object/set of objects is moved/copied/linked to a folder
  143. $ containing object(s) with the same name
  144. 6 Action Error
  145. 7 There are no actions defined for %s\n
  146. 8 This file is represented on the Workspace and a file\n\
  147. already exists on the Workspace with this new name.\n\
  148. Please choose a different name.
  149. 9 A file with this name already exists.\n\
  150. Please choose a different name.
  151. 11 File Manager - Move/Copy/Link Warning
  152. $ Messages 12-15 deal with multiple files/folders
  153. 12 The following files (or folders)\n\
  154. already exist in\n\
  155. %s:
  156. 13 \nThe Copy operation will overwrite these files.\n\
  157. Do you wish to proceed?\n
  158. 14 \nThe Move operation will overwrite these files.\n\
  159. Do you wish to proceed?\n
  160. 15 \nThe Link operation will overwrite these files.\n\
  161. Do you wish to proceed?\n
  162. $ Messages 16&17 deal with a single file/folder
  163. 16 An object named\n%s\nalready exists inside the folder\n%s
  164. 17 A folder named\n%s\nalready exists inside the folder\n%s
  165. $ Labels in rename/replace and merge/replace dialogs
  166. 20 What do you want to do?
  167. 21 Replace existing object
  168. 22 Rename existing object to:
  169. 24 Merge contents of the two folders
  170. 25 Replace existing folder
  171. 27 Ok
  172. 28 Cancel
  173. 29 Help
  174. 30 Cancel Move
  175. 31 Cancel Copy
  176. 32 Cancel Link
  177. $ Window title for overwrite dialogs
  178. 33 File Manager - Move/Copy/Link Warning
  179. 34 File Manager - Move Warning
  180. 35 File Manager - Copy Warning
  181. 36 File Manager - Link Warning
  182. 37 Object Rename - Error
  183. 38 %s\nalready exists: choose another name.
  184. 39 %s\ncannot be renamed to\n%s\n%s
  185. 40 Object Replace - Error
  186. $
  187. $ 41 Got obsoleted - Don't use.
  188. $
  189. 51 copying
  190. 52 moving
  191. 53 linking
  192. 54 changing
  193. 56 Replace existing objects
  194. 57 Rename existing objects by appending a number
  195. 58 copied
  196. 59 moved
  197. 60 linked
  198. 61 changed
  199. 68 1 object %s.
  200. 69 %d objects %s.
  201. 70 %s\n%d objects have the same name as objects in the folder\n%s
  202. 71 %s\n1 object has the same name as an object in the folder\n%s
  203. 72 Copy
  204. 73 Move
  205. 74 Link
  206. 75 Operation
  207. 76 copy
  208. 77 move
  209. 78 link
  210. 79 operation
  211. 80 %s Canceled - the folder was not %s.\n\nThe folder you want to replace could not be deleted\nbecause an object inside that folder could not be deleted.\nSome other objects inside that folder may have already been\ndeleted before the %s process was halted.
  212. 81 %s\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not\nhave Write permission for the object that could not be removed.\nChange Write permission or manually rename the folder you\nare %s so it no longer has the same name.
  213. 82 %s Canceled\n\n%s\ncannot be removed.\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that\nyou do not have Write permission for the file.\nChange Write permission or manually rename the\nfile you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  214. 83 %s Canceled - None of the objects were %s.\n\n The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n%d objects were renamed before the %s process was halted.
  215. 84 %s\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\npermission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\nrename the object you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  216. 85 %s Canceled - None of the objects were %s.\n\n The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n1 object was renamed before the %s process was halted.
  217. 86 %s Canceled - none of the objects were %s.\n\nA folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\nbefore the %s process was halted.\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\npermission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\nrename the folder you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  218. 87 %s Canceled - none of the objects were %s.\n\nA folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\nbefore the %s process was halted.\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\npermission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\nrename the folder you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  219. 88 %s Canceled - none of the objects were %s.\n\nA file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n File: %s\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\npermission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\nrename the file you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  220. 89 %s Canceled - none of the objects were %s.\n\nA file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n File: %s\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\nThe most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\npermission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\nrename the file you are %s so it no longer has the same name.
  221. 90 Name Conflict.\n\
  222. This object is out on the Workspace back drop.\n\
  223. Another object on the back drop already has the name you\n\
  224. are trying to enter.\n\
  225. Please choose a different name.
  226. 91 Stop Copy
  227. 92 Stop Link
  228. 93 Stop Move
  229. 94 Error
  230. 95 Move Canceled - the folder was not moved.\n\n\
  231. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted\n\
  232. because an object inside that folder could not be deleted.\n\
  233. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been\n\
  234. deleted before the move process was halted.\n\n\
  235. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not\n\
  236. have Write permission for the object that could not be removed.\n\
  237. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you\n\
  238. are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  239. 96 Copy Canceled - the folder was not copied.\n\n\
  240. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted\n\
  241. because an object inside that folder could not be deleted.\n\
  242. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been\n\
  243. deleted before the copy process was halted.\n\n\
  244. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not\n\
  245. have Write permission for the object that could not be removed.\n\
  246. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you\n\
  247. are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  248. 97 Link Canceled - the folder was not linked.\n\n\
  249. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted\n\
  250. because an object inside that folder could not be deleted.\n\
  251. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been\n\
  252. deleted before the link process was halted.\n\n\
  253. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not\n\
  254. have Write permission for the object that could not be removed.\n\
  255. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you\n\
  256. are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  257. 98 Operation Canceled - the folder was not changed.\n\n\
  258. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted\n\
  259. because an object inside that folder could not be deleted.\n\
  260. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been\n\
  261. deleted before the process was halted.\n\n\
  262. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not\n\
  263. have Write permission for the object that could not be removed.\n\
  264. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you\n\
  265. are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  266. 99 Move Canceled\n\n%s\ncannot be removed.\n\n\
  267. The most probable cause of this problem is that\n\
  268. you do not have Write permission for the file.\n\
  269. Change Write permission or manually rename the\n\
  270. file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  271. 100 Copy Canceled\n\n%s\ncannot be removed.\n\n\
  272. The most probable cause of this problem is that\n\
  273. you do not have Write permission for the file.\n\
  274. Change Write permission or manually rename the\n\
  275. file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  276. 101 Link Canceled\n\n%s\ncannot be removed.\n\n\
  277. The most probable cause of this problem is that\n\
  278. you do not have Write permission for the file.\n\
  279. Change Write permission or manually rename the\n\
  280. file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  281. 102 Operation Canceled\n\n%s\ncannot be removed.\n\n\
  282. The most probable cause of this problem is that\n\
  283. you do not have Write permission for the file.\n\
  284. Change Write permission or manually rename the\n\
  285. file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  286. 103 Move Canceled - None of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  287. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  288. %d objects were renamed before the move process was halted.\n\n\
  289. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  290. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  291. rename the object you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  292. 104 Copy Canceled - None of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  293. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  294. %d objects were renamed before the copy process was halted.\n\n\
  295. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  296. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  297. rename the object you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  298. 105 Link Canceled - None of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  299. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  300. %d objects were renamed before the link process was halted.\n\n\
  301. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  302. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  303. rename the object you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  304. 106 Operation Canceled - None of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  305. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  306. %d objects were renamed before the process was halted.\n\n\
  307. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  308. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  309. rename the object you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  310. 107 Move Canceled - None of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  311. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  312. 1 object was renamed before the move process was halted.\n\n\
  313. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  314. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  315. rename the object you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  316. 108 Copy Canceled - None of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  317. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  318. 1 object was renamed before the copy process was halted.\n\n\
  319. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  320. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  321. rename the object you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  322. 109 Link Canceled - None of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  323. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  324. 1 object was renamed before the link process was halted.\n\n\
  325. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  326. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  327. rename the object you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  328. 110 Operation Canceled - None of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  329. The following object could not be automatically renamed\n%s\n\n\
  330. 1 object was renamed before the process was halted.\n\n\
  331. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  332. permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  333. rename the object you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  334. 111 Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  335. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  336. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  337. before the move process was halted.\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  338. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  339. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  340. rename the folder you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  341. 112 Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  342. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  343. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  344. before the copy process was halted.\n\n\
  345. %d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  346. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  347. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  348. rename the folder you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  349. 113 Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  350. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  351. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  352. before the link process was halted.\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  353. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  354. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  355. rename the folder you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  356. 114 Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  357. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  358. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  359. before the process was halted.\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  360. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  361. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  362. rename the folder you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  363. 115 Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  364. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  365. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  366. before the move process was halted.\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  367. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  368. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  369. rename the folder you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  370. 116 Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  371. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  372. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  373. before the copy process was halted.\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  374. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  375. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  376. rename the folder you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  377. 117 Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  378. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  379. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  380. before the link process was halted.\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  381. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  382. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  383. rename the folder you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  384. 118 Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  385. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  386. Folder: %s\n\nSome objects inside this folder may have been deleted\n\
  387. before the process was halted.\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  388. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  389. permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  390. rename the folder you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  391. 119 Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  392. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  393. File: %s\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  394. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  395. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  396. rename the file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  397. 120 Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  398. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  399. File: %s\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  400. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  401. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  402. rename the file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  403. 121 Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  404. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  405. File: %s\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  406. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  407. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  408. rename the file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  409. 122 Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  410. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  411. File: %s\n\n%d other objects have been deleted.\n\n\
  412. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  413. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  414. rename the file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  415. 123 Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved.\n\n\
  416. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  417. File: %s\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  418. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  419. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  420. rename the file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.
  421. 124 Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied.\n\n\
  422. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  423. File: %s\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  424. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  425. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  426. rename the file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.
  427. 125 Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked.\n\n\
  428. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  429. File: %s\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  430. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  431. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  432. rename the file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.
  433. 126 Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed.\n\n\
  434. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted.\n\
  435. File: %s\n\n1 other object has been deleted.\n\n\
  436. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write\n\
  437. permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually\n\
  438. rename the file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.
  439. 127 1 object moved.
  440. 128 %d objects moved.
  441. 129 1 object copied.
  442. 130 %d objects copied.
  443. 131 1 object linked.
  444. 132 %d objects linked.
  445. 133 1 object changed.
  446. 134 %d objects changed.
  447. 135 Cannot move object %s onto itself.
  448. 136 Cannot copy object %s onto itself.
  449. 137 Cannot link object %s onto itself.
  450. 138 Failed to rename the following object(s)\n\n%s\n\n\
  451. The most likely cause is that you do not have\n\
  452. permission to rename these object(s).
  453. 139 Failed to replace the following object(s)\n\n%s\n\n\
  454. The most likely cause is that you do not have\n\
  455. permission to replace these object(s).
  456. 140 Rename new object to:
  457. 141 Rename new objects by appending a number
  458. $set 10
  459. $ ****** Module: FileDialog.c ****(developer comment only)********
  460. $ Messages 1, 2, 20, and 21 are titles for error dialogs
  461. $ Message 3 is an error message for dialogs requiring new file names
  462. $ Messages 5 and 27 are titles for the Copy File dialog, Message 5 is used
  463. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  464. $ Messages 6-9 are labels for the File Copy, New Dir, and New File dialogs
  465. $ Messages 10-13 and 25 are error messages for the file copy operation
  466. $ Messages 14 and 28 are titles for the New Folder dialog, Message 14 is
  467. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  468. $ Message 16 is a label for the New Folder dialog
  469. $ Messages 22-24 are error messages for the New File/Folder operations
  470. $ Messages 26 and 29 are titles for the New File dialog, Message 26 is used
  471. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  472. $ Messages 30 and 31 are titles for the Move File dialog, Message 30 is used
  473. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  474. $ Messages 32 and 33 are titles for the Link File dialog, Message 32 is used
  475. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  476. 1 File Rename Error
  477. 2 File Copy Error
  478. 3 Spaces are not allowed in a file or folder name.
  479. 5 Copy File
  480. 6 Current File Name:
  481. 7 New File Name:
  482. 8 File Type
  483. 9 Show File Type
  484. 10 The originally selected file no longer exists.
  485. 11 A file or folder cannot have a blank name.
  486. 13 Invalid file or folder name.
  487. 14 New Folder
  488. 16 New Folder Name:
  489. 20 Create Folder Error
  490. 21 Create File Error
  491. 22 Cannot create a file or folder with a blank name.
  492. 23 Invalid folder name.
  493. 24 Invalid file name.
  494. 25 You cannot use the copy command to copy a\n\
  495. file to the Workspace. You must use the\n\
  496. `Put In Workspace` command in the File menu, or\n\
  497. drop the file on the Workspace.
  498. 26 New File
  499. 27 File Manager - Copy File
  500. 28 File Manager - New Folder
  501. 29 File Manager - New File
  502. 30 Move File
  503. 31 File Manager - Move File
  504. 32 Link File
  505. 33 File Manager - Link File
  506. 34 Destination Folder:
  507. 35 Object Name:
  508. 36 Show Icon
  509. 37 Selected object:
  510. 38 Name for copy:
  511. 39 Rename error
  512. 40 This object is an Action.\n\
  513. Action icon labels cannot be directly renamed.
  514. 41 The correct icon for this datatype is already shown.
  515. 42 Move Object
  516. 43 File Manager - Move Object
  517. 44 Copy Object
  518. 45 File Manager - Copy Object
  519. 46 Link Object
  520. 47 File Manager - Link Object
  521. 48 New Object Name:
  522. $set 11
  523. $ ****** Module: FileManip.c ****(developer comment only)********
  524. $ Message 6 is the title for an error dialog
  525. $ Messages 9, 14, 16, 28, and 30-36 are file manipulation error messages
  526. 6 File Manipulation Error
  527. 9 You can't drop files from\n\
  528. the Trash Can on to the Workspace.
  529. 14 Cannot find the folders location.
  530. 16 A folder cannot be moved into itself.\n%s
  531. 28 %s cannot be found.
  532. $
  533. $ 29 Got obsoleted - Don't use.
  534. $
  535. 30 Cannot move or rename the folder %s.\n\
  536. All File Manager views displayed for a folder or its sub-folders\n\
  537. must be closed before a folder can be moved or renamed.
  538. 31 Error while reading %s
  539. 32 Cannot rename %s
  540. 33 Cannot open %s
  541. 34 You do not have permission to move %s\n\
  542. However, you can copy the file (use <CTRL>\n\
  543. while you drag the file).
  544. 35 Cannot copy a folder into itself.
  545. 36 Cannot create child process.
  546. 37 You can't drop files from\n\
  547. the Trash Can on to the Workspace.\n\
  548. To remove an object from Trash,\n\
  549. -Select the object, and\n\
  550. -Choose 'Put Back'\n\
  551. from the File menu or the object's popup menu.\n\
  552. You can then drag the object out of File Manager and drop it on\n\
  553. the Workspace backdrop.
  554. 38 You do not have permission to move %s\n\
  555. However, you can copy the object.\n\
  556. To copy an object:\n\
  557. - press and hold the <Ctrl> key, and\n\
  558. - drag the object with your mouse.\n\
  559. Or\n\
  560. - use 'Copy To' in the 'Selected' menu popup of the menu bar.
  561. 39 Cannot create child process.\n\
  562. The maximum number of processes for this system has been reached.\n\
  563. Stop some of the processes or programs that are currently\n\
  564. running and then retry this function.
  565. 40 Source and destination objects are the same.\n%s
  566. 41 The folder\n%s\ndoes not exist.
  567. 42 No space available on the\n\
  568. device you are copying to.
  569. 43 No space available on the\n\
  570. device you are moving to.
  571. 44 No Move Operation performed on object %s.\n\
  572. You cannot move an object to the folder it is\n\
  573. already in. You must enter a different Destination\n\
  574. Folder name before the object can be moved.
  575. 45 No Copy Operation performed on object %s.\n\
  576. You must change either the Destination Folder\n\
  577. or the Name for Copy before a copy can be created.
  578. 46 No Link Operation performed on object %s.\n\
  579. You must change either the Destination Folder\n\
  580. or the Name for Copy before a link can be created.
  581. 47 Cannot move a folder into itself.
  582. 48 Cannot copy the following objects to folder "%s"\n\n%s\n\n\
  583. The most likely cause is that you do not have\n\
  584. write permission for the target folder.
  585. 49 Cannot move the following objects to folder "%s"\n\n%s\n\n\
  586. The most likely cause is that you do not have\n\
  587. write permission for the target folder.
  588. 50 Cannot move the following objects to folder "%s"\n\n%s\n\n\
  589. The most likely cause is that you do not have\n\
  590. permission to move source object.
  591. $
  592. $ Messages 51 - 56 are new since CDE/SI.
  593. $
  594. 51 Unable to copy the file/folder because\n\
  595. the disk quota will be exceeded on the disk\n\
  596. you are copying it to.
  597. 52 Unable to move the file/folder because\n\
  598. the disk quota will be exceeded on the disk\n\
  599. you are moving it to.
  600. 53 The copy of the file/folder failed\n\
  601. due to some internal error. The internal\n\
  602. error given is:
  603. 54 The move of the file/folder failed\n\
  604. due to some internal error. The internal\n\
  605. error given is:
  606. 55 Please see your System Administrator
  607. 56 (Unknown):
  608. 57 You do not have permission to move the folder\n\
  609. %s\n\
  610. Write permission is required.
  611. 58 Process Create Error
  612. 59 Cannot create a child process to delete the dropped files.
  613. $
  614. $set 12
  615. $ ****** Module: FileMgr.c ****(developer comment only)********
  616. $ Message 3 is a dialog title
  617. $ Messages 4-6 are movement warning or error messages
  618. $ Message 7 is the title for the folder popup menus
  619. 3 Move File(s)
  620. 4 The object %s is currently in folder %s.\n\
  621. You are moving the object to folder %s.\n\
  622. Is this what you want to do?
  623. 5 The object %1$s is currently in folder %2$s.\n\
  624. You are moving the object to folder %3$s.\n\
  625. Is this what you want to do?
  626. 6 At least one of the files you dropped is from a different\n\
  627. folder. You are moving all these files to %s.\n\
  628. Is this what you want to do?
  629. 7 File Manager
  630. 18 The folder %s is empty.
  631. 19 The folder %s contains no subdirectories.
  632. $set 13
  633. $ ****** Module: Filter.c ****(developer comment only)********
  634. $ Messages 11 and 21-22 are button labels for the Modify Filter List dialog
  635. $ Messages 19 and 24 are titles for the Link File dialog, Message 19 is used
  636. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  637. $ Message 23 is a text field label for the Modify Filter List dialog
  638. $ Message 25 is a label for the Modify Filter List dialog
  639. 11 Defaults
  640. 19 Set Filter Options
  641. 21 Select All
  642. 22 Deselect All
  643. 23 Filter String (Optional):
  644. 24 File Manager - Set Filter Options
  645. 25 Select Filetypes to be Hidden:
  646. 26 Also hide (Optional):
  647. 27 Shown
  648. 28 Hidden
  649. 29 Also show (Optional):
  650. 30 Select Datatypes to be Hidden:
  651. 31 Select Datatypes to be:
  652. $set 14
  653. $set 15
  654. $ ****** Module: Find.c ****(developer comment only)********
  655. $ Message 1 is the title for an error dialog
  656. $ Messages 14 and 15 are button labels for the Find Files dialog
  657. $ Messages 23, 26, and 27 are Find Files error messages
  658. $ Messages 29 and 41 are titles for the Find Files dialog, Message 29 is used
  659. $ when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  660. $ Messages 30-40 and 42 are labels for the Find Files dialog
  661. 1 Find File Error
  662. 14 Start
  663. 15 Stop
  664. $
  665. $ 18 Got obsoleted - Don't use.
  666. $
  667. $
  668. $ 19 Got obsoleted - Don't use.
  669. $
  670. 23 Invalid Find Information.\n\n\
  671. A search folder must be specified.
  672. 26 Invalid Find Information.\n\n\
  673. The selected file no longer exists.
  674. 27 No files were found that match the search data.
  675. 29 Find Files or Folders
  676. 30 Fill in one or more fields to specify which files to find:
  677. 31 File or Folder Name:
  678. 32 File Contents:
  679. $ Messages 33-35 are used on hpux systems
  680. 33 On
  681. 34 Off
  682. 35 Follow Links:
  683. 36 Open New View
  684. 37 Put In Workspace
  685. 38 Files Found (by Contents):
  686. 39 Files Found (by Name and Contents):
  687. 40 Files Found (by Name):
  688. 41 File Manager - Find Files or Folders
  689. 42 Search Folder:
  690. 43 Find Error
  691. 44 Search Folder name argument is missing.\n\
  692. Type in the name of the folder where you want the search to begin.
  693. 45 The selected file no longer exists.\n\n\
  694. Someone deleted the file after the search process completed.
  695. 46 Find
  696. 47 Fill in one or more fields to specify which items to find:
  697. 48 Open Folder
  698. 49 File Manager - Find
  699. 50 Search Folder name or File Content argument is missing\n\
  700. Type in the name of the folder where you want the search to begin.\n\
  701. Or type in the string that you want to search.
  702. $set 16
  703. $set 17
  704. $set 18
  705. $ ****** Module: Main.c ****(developer comment only)********
  706. $ Message 1 is a blank line
  707. $ Messages 2, 6, 17-18 and 27-28 are error messages which will ONLY APPEAR
  708. $ in the DT ERRORLOG FILE
  709. $ Messages 16 and 32 are titles for the Save Settings dialog, Message 16 is
  710. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  711. $ Messages 19-21 are error messages for invalid directory input.
  712. $ Message 22 is the title for an error dialog
  713. $ Messages 25 and 26 are usage strings
  714. $ Messages 29 and 30 are text for the Save Settings dialog
  715. $ Messages 34 and 35 are drag/drop error messages
  717. $quote "
  718. 1 ""
  719. $quote
  721. $ above no longer true - it will be displayed - see CDExc21626
  722. 2 Could not create the ~/.dt folder or sub folders.
  724. 6 An X Toolkit error occurred... Exiting.\n
  725. 16 Save As Default Options
  727. 17 Unable to create a file to store the default options.
  728. 18 Could not open the session file.
  729. 19 The folder specification,\n\
  730. %s\n\
  731. is not a folder.
  732. 20 The folder specification,\n\
  733. %s\n\
  734. does not exist.
  735. 21 Invalid folder specification, %s:%s.
  736. 22 Drag Error
  737. 23 \nUsage: %s...\n\n\
  738. -noview\n\n\
  739. \tDtfile runs in server mode.\n\n\
  740. -session SessionFile\n\n\
  741. \tDtfile runs with the session file specified in the SessionFile\n\
  742. \tparameter.\n\n\
  743. -folder Folder[,Folder,Folder]\n\
  744. -dir Folder[,Folder,Folder]\n\n\
  745. \tDtfile displays a window for each folder specified in the\n\
  746. \tFolder parameter. The Folder parameter may contain many\n\
  747. \tfolders separated by commas. Folders may be in the form\n\
  748. \t'path'.\n\n\
  749. -title Title\n\n\
  750. \tDtfile uses the string specified in the Title parameter as the\n\
  751. \ttitle for its windows.\n\n\
  752. -help_volume HelpVolume\n\n\
  753. \tDtfile uses the help volume specified in the HelpVolume parameter.\n\n\
  754. -restricted\n\n\
  755. \tDtfile will not display folders above the restricted folder.\n\
  756. \tIf the -dir option is used, the folder specified in that option\n\
  757. \tis the restricted folder. If the -dir option is not used, the\n\
  758. \tuser's current folder is the restricted folder.\n\n\
  759. -grid on/off\n\n\
  760. \ton = Files are displayed in a grid pattern.\n\
  761. \toff = Files are displayed as placed.\n\n\
  762. -tree on/off\n\n\
  763. \ton = Files are displayed in single folder mode.\n
  764. 24 \toff = Files are displayed in folder tree mode.\n\n\
  765. -tree_files /never/always/choose\n\n\
  766. \tnever = Tree mode has two states: partially expanded or collapsed.\n\
  767. \talways = Tree mode has two states: fully expanded or collapsed.\n\
  768. \tchoose = Tree mode has three states: partially expanded, fully\n\
  769. \texpanded, or collapsed.\n\n\
  770. -order alphabetical/file_type/date/size\n\n\
  771. \tFiles are displayed in the specified order: alphabetical, by file\n\
  772. \ttype, by date, or by size.\n\n\
  773. -view no_icon/large_icon/small_icon/attributes\n\n\
  774. \tFiles are displayed in the specified format: text only, text and\n\
  775. \tlarge icons, text and small icons, with attributes.\n\n\
  776. -direction ascending/descending\n\n\
  777. \tFiles are displayed in the specified direction: ascending or\n\
  778. \tdescending.\n\n\
  779. -large_icon_width <size>\n\n\
  780. -large_icon_height <size>\n\n\
  781. -small_icon_width <size>\n\n\
  782. -small_icon_height <size>\n\n\
  783. The display area size for the icon images in File Manager\n\
  784. Icon images larger than this size will be clipped to this size\n\
  785. The default display area size for large is 38 and small is 24\n\n
  786. 26 \nRestricted Mode Usage: %s...\n\n\
  787. -folder Folder[,Folder,Folder]\n\
  788. -dir Folder[,Folder,Folder]\n\n\
  789. \tWhere Folder is a folder below and/or including\n\
  790. \tthe user's Home folder.\n\n
  792. 27 Unable to recover the saved default home settings file, will use default.\n
  793. 28 Unable to recover the saved default tool settings file, will use default.\n
  794. $ Messages 29-30 are the strings displayed in a question dialog
  795. 29 Save the current File Manager View window size,\n\
  796. preferences, and filter settings?\n\n\
  797. They will be used for any new File Manager View windows\n\
  798. started from the Front Panel.
  799. 30 Save the current Restricted File Manager View\n\
  800. window size, preferences, and filter settings?\n\n\
  801. They will be used for any new Restricted File Manager\n\
  802. View windows started from the Front Panel.
  803. 32 File Manager - Save As Default Options
  804. 34 You can't copy or link a file or\n\
  805. folder to the Trash Can.
  806. $ 35 You can't copy or link a file or\n\
  807. $ folder out of the Trash Can.
  808. 35 Save the current Application Manager View\n\
  809. window size, preferences, and filter settings?\n\n\
  810. They will be used for any new Application Manager\n\
  811. windows started from the Front Panel.
  812. 36 You can't copy or link a file or folder out of the Trash Can.\n\
  813. Move the object out of the Trash and put it into the File Manager.\n\
  814. You can then copy or link it from there.
  815. 37 You can't copy or link a file or folder out of the Trash Can.\n\
  816. Move the object out of the Trash and put it into the File Manager.\n\
  817. You can then copy or link it from there.
  818. 38 Invalid folder specification, %s
  820. 39 Cannot start a second File Manager session because a File Manager\n\
  821. session is already open on the desktop. If you want to start a new File\n\
  822. Manager session, you must first close all current File Manager windows\n\
  823. and remove all File Manager objects from the workspaces.
  824. $
  825. $ "-NEW"
  826. 40 "Could not connect to ToolTalk:\n%s\nExiting ..."
  827. $set 19
  828. $set 20
  829. $ ****** Module: Menu.c ****(developer comment only)********
  830. $
  831. $ IMPORTANT
  832. $ The mnemonic has to stay the same for Japanese and Chinese locale as it's in English
  833. $ In Japanese and Chinese locale, the text for the menu bar and menu item
  834. $ must have mnemonic character in it.
  835. $
  836. $ Messages 1-2 are the text and mnemonic for the menu bar File option
  837. 1 File
  838. 2 F
  839. $ Messages 3-4 are obsolete
  840. 3 Folder
  841. 4 D
  842. $ Messages 5-6 are the text and mnemonic for the menu bar View option
  843. $ Message 6 is also the mnemonic for the View.SetViewOptions menu option
  844. 5 View
  845. 6 V
  846. $ Messages 7-8 are the text and mnemonic for the menu bar Selected option
  847. 7 Selected
  848. 8 S
  849. $ Message 9 is the mnemonic for the menu bar Help option
  850. 9 H
  851. $ Messages 10-16 are obsolete
  852. 10 New...
  853. 11 N
  854. 16 Properties...
  855. $ Message 17 is the mnemonic for the Selected.ChangePermmisions menu option
  856. $ Message 17 is also the mnemonic for the popup ChangePermmisions menu option
  857. 17 P
  858. $ Messages 18-19 are the text and mnemonic for the File.Find menu option
  859. $ Messages 18-19 are also the text and mnemonic for the popup Find menu option
  860. 18 Find...
  861. 19 F
  862. $ Messages 22-23 are obsolete
  863. 22 Show Trash...
  864. 23 S
  865. $ Messages 30-33 are the text and mnemonic for the View.Update menu option
  866. 30 Update
  867. 33 U
  868. $ Messages 34-37 are obsolete
  869. 34 Change To...
  870. 37 C
  871. $ Messages 38-41 are the text and mnemonic for the File.GoHome menu option
  872. 38 Go Home
  873. 41 H
  874. $ Messages 42-47 are obsolete
  875. 42 Up
  876. 46 New
  877. 47 N
  878. $ Messages 48-51 are the text and mnemonic for the Selected.SelectAll menu option
  879. $ Messages 48-51 are also the text and mnemonic for the popup SelectAll menu
  880. $ option
  881. 48 Select All
  882. 51 S
  883. $ Messages 52-55 are the text and mnemonic for the Selected.DeselectAll menu
  884. $ option
  885. 52 Deselect All
  886. 55 D
  887. $ Messages 62-63 are obsolete
  888. 62 Save All Properties ...
  889. 63 t
  890. $ Messages 84-85 are the text and mnemonic for the Selected.PutinWorkspace menu
  891. $ option
  892. $ Messages 84-85 are also the text and mnemonic for the popup PutinWorkspace menu
  893. $ option
  894. 84 Put in Workspace
  895. 85 W
  896. $ Message 90 is obsolete
  897. 90 Delete To Trash
  898. $ Message 91 is the mnemonic for the Selected.PutinTrash menu option
  899. $ Message 91 is also the mnemonic for the object PutinTrash menu option
  900. 91 T
  901. $ Messages 92-93 are obsolete
  902. 92 Fast Change To
  903. 93 F
  904. $ Message 94 is the mnemonic for the File.GoUp menu option
  905. 94 U
  906. $ Messages 97-98 are obsolete
  907. 97 Terminal
  908. 98 T
  909. $ Messages 99-100 are the text and mnemonic for the View.CleanUp menu option
  910. $ Messages 99-100 are also the text and mnemonic for the popup CleanUp menu option
  911. 99 Clean Up
  912. 100 C
  913. $ Message 101 is obsolete
  914. 101 Show Hidden Files
  915. $ Message 102 is the mnemonic for the View.ShowHiddenObjects menu option
  916. $ Message 102 is also the mnemonic for the popup ShowHiddenObjects menu option
  917. $ Message 102 is also the mnemonic for the popup Help menu option
  918. 102 H
  919. $ Message 103 is obsolete
  920. 103 Modify Filter List...
  921. $ Message 104 is the mnemonic for the View.SetFilterOptions menu option
  922. 104 F
  923. $ Messages 105-106 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.Overview menu option
  924. 105 Overview
  925. 106 v
  926. $ Messages 107-108 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.Tasks menu option
  927. 107 Tasks
  928. 108 T
  929. $ Messages 109-110 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.Reference menu option
  930. $ Message 110 is also the mnemonic for the Selected.Rename menu option
  931. 109 Reference
  932. 110 R
  933. $ Messages 111-112 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.OnItem menu option
  934. $ Message 112 is also the mnemonic for the File.OpenTrash menu option
  935. 111 On Item
  936. 112 O
  937. $ Messages 113-114 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.UsingHelp menu option
  938. 113 Using Help
  939. 114 U
  940. $ Messages 115-116, and 157 are the texts and mnemonic for the Help.About menu
  941. $ option; Message 115 is used for File Manager help, Message 157 is used for
  942. $ App Manager help
  943. 115 About File Manager
  944. 116 A
  945. $ Messages 117-118 are the text and mnemonic for the File.Close menu option
  946. 117 Close
  947. 118 C
  948. $ Messages 119-122 are obsolete
  949. 119 Set View Properties...
  950. 120 P
  951. 121 Copy...
  952. 122 y
  953. $ Message 123 is the text for the menu bar Help option
  954. $ Message 123 is also the text for the popup Help option
  955. 123 Help
  956. $ Message 124 is obsolete
  957. 124 Move...
  958. $ Message 125 is the mnemonic for the Selected.Moveto menu option
  959. 125 M
  960. $ Message 126 is obsolete
  961. 126 Link...
  962. $ Message 127 is the mnemonic for the Selected.CopyAsLink menu option
  963. 127 L
  964. $ Messages 128-129 are the text and mnemonic for the workspace popup Rename menu
  965. $ option
  966. 128 Rename
  967. 129 n
  968. $ Messages 130-131 are the text and mnemonic for the File.NewFolder menu option
  969. 130 New Folder...
  970. 131 N
  971. $ Messages 132-133 are the text and mnemonic for the File.NewFile menu option
  972. 132 New File...
  973. 133 w
  974. $ Messages 134-135 are the text and mnemonic for the File.GoTo menu option
  975. 134 Go To...
  976. 135 G
  977. $ Message 136 is the text for the File.OpenTrash menu option
  978. 136 Open Trash
  979. $ Message 137 is the text for the Selected.Rename menu option
  980. 137 Rename...
  981. $ Messages 138-139 are the text and mnemonic for the View.OpenNewView menu option
  982. 138 Open New View
  983. 139 O
  984. $ Message 140 is obsolete
  985. 140 Copy As Link...
  986. $ Message 141 is the text for the View.SetViewOptions menu option
  987. 141 Set View Options...
  988. $ Messages 142-143 are the text and mnemonic for the View.SaveAsDefaultOptions
  989. $ menu option
  990. 142 Save As Default Options...
  991. 143 S
  992. $ Message 144 is the mnemonic for the View.SetFilterOptions menu option
  993. 144 Set Filter Options...
  994. $ Message 145 is the mnemonic for the Selected.Copyto menu option
  995. 145 C
  996. $ Messages 146-147 are the text and mnemonic for the File.OpenTerminal menu option
  997. 146 Open Terminal
  998. 147 O
  999. $ Messages 148-149 are the text and mnemonic for the Help.TableOfContents menu option
  1000. 148 Table Of Contents
  1001. 149 C
  1002. $ Message 150 is the text for the Selected.ChangePermissions menu option
  1003. $ Message 150 is also the text for the popup ChangePermissions menu option
  1004. 150 Change Permissions...
  1005. $ Message 151 is the text for the Selected.PutinTrash menu option
  1006. $ Message 151 is the also text for the popup PutinTrash menu option
  1007. 151 Put in Trash
  1008. $ Message 152 is the text for the Selected.Moveto menu option
  1009. 152 Move to...
  1010. $ Message 153 is the text for the Selected.Copyto menu option
  1011. 153 Copy to...
  1012. $ Message 154 is the text for the Selected.CopyAsLink menu option
  1013. 154 Copy As Link...
  1014. $ Message 155 is the text for the File.GoUp menu option
  1015. 155 Go Up
  1016. $ Message 156 is the text for the View.ShowHiddenObjects menu option
  1017. $ Message 156 is also the text for the popup ShowHiddenObjects menu option
  1018. 156 Show Hidden Objects
  1019. 157 About Application Manager
  1020. $set 21
  1021. $ ****** Module: ModAttr.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1022. $ Messages 1 and 21 are titles for the File Properties dialog, Message 1 is
  1023. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  1024. $ Messages 2-13 and 18 are labels for the File Properties dialog
  1025. $ Message 14 is the output of the file modification date; DO NOT LOCALIZE
  1026. $ Messages 15 and 16 are file properties error messages
  1027. $ Message 17 is the title for an error dialog
  1028. $ Message 19 is the default file owner/group, if real one can't be determined
  1029. $ Messages 22-28 are error messages that can be generated when dtfile
  1030. $ tries to use the dtfile.config configuration file, this file is
  1031. $ used to customize the File Properties dialog
  1032. 1 File Permissions
  1033. 2 File Name:
  1034. 3 Owner Name:
  1035. 4 Group Name:
  1036. 5 Permissions:
  1037. 6 Read
  1038. 7 Write
  1039. 8 Execute
  1040. 9 Owner:
  1041. 10 Group:
  1042. 11 Other:
  1043. 12 Size (in bytes):
  1044. 13 Modified:
  1046. 14 %x %X
  1047. 15 Invalid File Attribute Information.\n\n\
  1048. The specified user does not exist.
  1049. 16 Invalid File Attribute Information.\n\n\
  1050. The specified group does not exist.
  1051. 17 Properties Error
  1052. 18 Is Linked To:
  1053. 19 Unknown
  1054. 21 File Manager - File Permissions
  1055. 22 Cannot open file manager configuration file:
  1056. 24 Unknown field label in file manager configuration file:
  1057. 25 No information found in file manager configuration file for file-system identifier
  1058. 26 Unable to create a process for file system dialog
  1059. 27 Error executing file system dialog
  1060. 28 Attempting to execute:
  1061. $ do not localize "fsDialog"
  1062. 29 No value was provided for the fsDialog field in dtfile's configuration file
  1063. 30 Name:
  1064. 31 Owner Name is invalid.\n\
  1065. The specified user does not exist.
  1066. 32 Group Name is invalid.\n\n\
  1067. No group of users with this name has been created on your system.\n\
  1068. Use your system administration software if you want to create\n\
  1069. a user group with this name.
  1070. 33 Permissions Error
  1071. 34 File Manager - Permissions
  1072. 35 The Permissions dialog for the object\n\n%s/%s\n\n\
  1073. has been closed because this object has been deleted\n\
  1074. from your system.
  1075. 36 Change Permissions Warning
  1076. 37 You are changing the permissions on the Current\n\
  1077. Folder in a way that won't allow you to view\n\
  1078. this folder any longer. It will be automatically\n\
  1079. closed and you will no longer be able to reopen\n\
  1080. the folder.\n\n\
  1081. Is this what you want to do?
  1082. 38 File Manager Error
  1083. 39 File Open Error
  1084. $set 22
  1085. $ ****** Module: ModAttrP.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1086. $ Messages 1 and 3 are file properties error messages
  1087. $ Message 2 is the title for the properties error dialog
  1088. 1 Cannot open file, operation aborted
  1089. 2 Properties Error
  1090. 3 Cannot change properties for %s
  1091. 4 Cannot open object.
  1092. 5 Set Permissions Error
  1093. $set 23
  1094. $ ****** Module: Prefs.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1095. $ Messages 1 and 22 are titles for the Set Preferences dialog, Message 1 is
  1096. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  1097. $ Messages 2-20 and 23-29 are labels for the Set Preferences dialog
  1098. 1 Set View Options
  1099. 2 View
  1100. 3 By Name
  1101. 4 By Name and Icon
  1102. 5 By Name and Small Icon
  1103. 6 By Name, date, size ...
  1104. 7 Show
  1105. 8 By Single Folder
  1106. 9 By Tree
  1107. 10 Order
  1108. 11 By File Type
  1109. 12 Alphabetically
  1110. 13 By Date
  1111. 14 By Size
  1112. 15 Direction
  1113. 16 Ascending
  1114. 17 Descending
  1115. 18 Placement
  1116. 19 Sorted Grid
  1117. 20 As Placed
  1118. 22 File Manager - Set View Options
  1119. 23 Headers
  1120. 24 Iconic Path
  1121. 25 Current Folder
  1122. 26 Status Line
  1123. 27 Folders only
  1124. 28 Folders, then Files
  1125. 29 Folders and Files
  1126. 30 Defaults
  1127. 31 Representation
  1128. 32 By Name Only
  1129. 33 By Large Icons
  1130. 34 By Small Icons
  1131. 35 Rows and Columns
  1132. 36 Text Path
  1133. 37 Message Line
  1134. $set 24
  1135. $set 25
  1136. $set 26
  1137. $set 27
  1138. $ ****** Module: Trash.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1139. $ Messages 3, 4, and 81 are titles for error warning dialogs
  1140. $ Message 5-8, 56, 58, 78, 82, and 83 are trash error messages
  1141. $ Message 9 is the title of the trash container
  1142. $ Messages 24/26 and 28/30 are the text and mnemonics for the File pulldown
  1143. $ menu
  1144. $ Message 73 is an error dialog title
  1145. $ Messages 74, 75, 79, and 80 are trash warning messages
  1146. 3 Trash Can Error
  1147. 4 Trash Can Warning
  1148. 5 The following files or folders could not be placed in the trash can: \n
  1149. 6 Each of the following is either a non-empty folder, \n \
  1150. or a file for which you do not have write permission. \n \
  1151. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1152. 7 You do not have write permission for the following files. \n \
  1153. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1154. 8 The following folders are not empty. \n \
  1155. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1156. 9 Trash Can
  1157. $ Messages 24-26 are the text and mnemonic for the trash popup Putback option
  1158. 24 Put back
  1159. 26 P
  1160. $ Messages 28-30 are the text and mnemonic for the trash popup Shred option
  1161. 28 Shred
  1162. 30 h
  1163. 56 The following files could not be put back:\n
  1164. $ Message 58 supplements Message 56
  1165. 58 (Plus %d additional files)
  1166. 73 Shred File(s)
  1167. 74 The following file is also on the Workspace:\n\
  1168. %s\n\
  1169. Moving the file to the trash will remove it from\n\
  1170. the Workspace.
  1171. 75 The following files are also on the Workspace:\n\
  1172. %s\n\
  1173. Moving the files to the trash will remove them from\n\
  1174. the Workspace.
  1175. 78 The File Manager does not support Files or\n\
  1176. Folders with spaces in their names,\n\
  1177. so we cannot delete them.\n
  1178. 79 The Workspace file %s is also in your file system at:\n\
  1179. %s\n\
  1180. Moving the file to the trash will remove it from\n\
  1181. the file system.
  1182. 80 The Workspace objects are also in your file system at:\n\
  1183. %s\n\
  1184. Moving the files to the trash will remove them from\n\
  1185. the file system.
  1186. 81 Shred File/Folder Error
  1187. 82 The following file could not be removed from the file system: \n
  1188. 83 The .trashinfo file in $HOME/.dt/Trash can not be opened.\n\
  1189. You need access to this for Trash to work.\n\
  1190. Check the permissions on that file and its folder.\n
  1191. 84 When trash objects are shredded, they are permanently\n\
  1192. removed from your system.\n\n\
  1193. Are you sure you want to shred?
  1194. 85 The Workspace object you are deleting is a linked copy of \n\
  1195. an object inside the File Manager at\n\
  1196. %s\n\
  1197. If you click OK, both the linked copy and the original object\n\
  1198. will be deleted.\n\
  1199. If you just want to delete the Workspace object,\n\
  1200. 1) click Cancel on this dialog\n\
  1201. 2) then select 'Remove From Workspace'\n\
  1202. from the Workspace object's popup menu.
  1203. 86 The Workspace objects you are deleting are linked copies of\n\
  1204. objects inside the File Manager at\n\
  1205. %s\n\
  1206. If you click OK, both the linked copies and the original objects\n\
  1207. will be deleted.\n\
  1208. If you just want to delete the Workspace objects,\n\
  1209. 1) click Cancel on this dialog\n\
  1210. 2) then select 'Remove From Workspace'\n\
  1211. from the Workspace objects' popup menu.
  1212. 87 Object in the Trash cannot be opened.\n\n\
  1213. To open an object use 'Put Back' to return it to the\n\
  1214. File Manager then open it there.
  1215. 88 Cannot write to a temporary file.\n\
  1216. Perhaps your file system is full.
  1217. 89 Unable to open the Trash directory\n\
  1218. %s\n\
  1219. (Authentication, access permission problem)\n\n\
  1220. All trash operations will not be performed.
  1221. 90 The 'Trash Can' cannot be initialized.\n\
  1222. Please check:\n\
  1223. 1)$HOME/.dt/Trash for permissions.\n\
  1224. 2)Available disk space.\n\
  1225. 3)Authentication.
  1226. $ 91 is not used
  1227. 91 A linked copy of the following object is on\n\
  1228. the Workspace backdrop:\n\
  1229. Moving the object to the trash will remove it from\n\
  1230. both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.
  1231. $ 92 is not used
  1232. 92 A linked copy of the following objects are also on\n\
  1233. the Workspace backdrop:\n\
  1234. Moving the objects to the trash will remove them from\n\
  1235. both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.
  1236. 93 Unable to access this trash information file:\n\
  1237. %s\n\
  1238. All trash operations will not be performed.\n\
  1239. The most common causes are:\n\
  1240. - Network authentication.\n\
  1241. - Insufficient disk space.\n\
  1242. - Wrong permissions $HOME/.dt/Trash.
  1243. 94 The File Manager does not support objects\n\
  1244. with spaces in their names, so we cannot delete them.\n\
  1245. To delete these objects:\n\
  1246. - select 'Open Terminal' from the File Manager menu bar\n\
  1247. - then issue the remove command to delete them.
  1248. 95 Unable to access the Trash directory:\n\
  1249. %s\n\
  1250. All trash operations will not be performed.\n\
  1251. The most common causes are:\n\
  1252. - Network authentication.\n\
  1253. - Insufficient disk space.\n\
  1254. - Wrong permissions.
  1255. 96 The following objects could not be removed from the file system: \n
  1256. 97 The following objects could not be placed in the trash can: \n
  1257. 98 (Plus %d additional object(s))
  1258. $ message 99 is not used
  1259. 99 You do not have write permission for the following file(s):\n\
  1260. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1261. 100 The following folder(s) are not empty.\n\
  1262. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1263. 101 The following object(s) could not be put back:\n
  1264. 102 A linked copy of the following object is on\n\
  1265. the Workspace backdrop:\n\
  1266. %s\n\
  1267. Moving the object to the trash will remove it from\n\
  1268. both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.
  1269. 103 A linked copy of the following objects are also on\n\
  1270. the Workspace backdrop:\n\
  1271. %s\n\
  1272. Moving the objects to the trash will remove them from\n\
  1273. both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.
  1274. 104 You do not have write permission for the following file(s):\n\
  1275. Do you want to proceed?\n
  1276. 105 Default action of a trash object will not be executed.\n\n\
  1277. To execute the default action of this object \n\
  1278. use 'Put Back' to return it to the File Manager\n\
  1279. then execute it there.
  1280. 106 About Trash Can
  1281. 107 At least one object in the following Folder cannot be deleted.\n\n%s\n\n\
  1282. The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to \n\
  1283. delete that object.
  1284. 108 The following file cannot be deleted. \n\n%s\n\n\
  1285. The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to\n\
  1286. delete that object.
  1287. 109 Put Back Warning
  1288. 110 There is already an object named\n\n\
  1289. %s\n\n\
  1290. Select Ok if you want to replace the object\n\
  1291. with the object from the Trash.\n\n\
  1292. Select Cancel if you want to keep the object.\n\
  1293. If you then rename the object, you will be able\n\
  1294. to repeat the Put Back and keep both objects.
  1295. 111 Put Back Error
  1296. 112 The following object(s) cannot be deleted.\n\
  1297. The most likely cause is that these object(s)\n\
  1298. have already been deleted.\n\n
  1299. 113 At least one object in the following Folder(s) or \n\
  1300. the folder itself cannot be deleted.\n\
  1301. The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions\n\
  1302. to delete that object.\n\n
  1303. 114 The following file(s) cannot be deleted. The most likely cause \n\
  1304. is that you do not have permissions to delete the file(s).\n\n
  1305. 115 The following object(s) cannot be deleted.\n\
  1306. The desktop cannot function properly without this object(s).\n\n
  1307. $set 28
  1308. $ ****** Module: Desktop.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1309. $ Messages 1-3 Workspace error messages
  1310. $ Message 4 is the title for the Workspace popup menus
  1311. $ Messages 5-8 are the labels and mnemonics for the Workspace obj popup menu
  1312. 1 A file with this name already exists on the Workspace.\n\
  1313. Please choose a different name.
  1314. 2 A file with this name already exists in the original folder\n\
  1315. (The folder where the file came from).\n\
  1316. Please choose a different name.
  1317. 3 A file named %s already exists on the Workspace in this workspace.\n\
  1318. You cannot put another file with the same name on the Workspace.\n\
  1319. To place both files on the Workspace, rename one of them.
  1320. 4 Workspace Object
  1321. $ Messages 5-6 are the text and mnemonic for the workspace popup
  1322. $ RemoveFromWorkspace menu option
  1323. 5 Remove From Workspace
  1324. 6 R
  1325. $ Messages 7-8 are the text and mnemonic for the workspace popup i
  1326. $ OpenParentFolder menu option
  1327. 7 Open Parent Folder
  1328. 8 O
  1329. 9 An object with this name already exists on the Workspace.\n\
  1330. Please choose a different name.
  1331. 10 An object with this name already exists in the original folder\n\
  1332. (The folder this object came from).\n\
  1333. Please choose a different name.
  1334. 11 An object named:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1335. already exists on the backdrop in this Workspace.\n\
  1336. You cannot put another object with the same name on the Workspace.\n\
  1337. To have both objects on the Workspace, rename one of them.
  1338. $
  1339. $ Messages 12 and 13 are new messages since the CDE/Sample.
  1340. $
  1341. 12 An invalid workspace was passed. The default workspace will be\n\
  1342. workspace one and an object named:\n\n\
  1343. %s\n\n\
  1344. already exists on the backdrop in this Workspace.\n\
  1345. You cannot put another object with the same name on the Workspace.\n\
  1346. To have both objects on the Workspace, rename one of them.
  1347. 13 Object:\n\n\
  1348. %s\n\n\
  1349. does not exist in the file system.
  1350. $set 29
  1351. $ ****** Module: Help.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1352. $ Message 1 is the title for the dtfile help dialog
  1353. $ Messages 1 and 2 are titles for the Help dialog, Message 2 is
  1354. $ used when the user has specified a title for dtfile windows
  1355. $ Message 3 is the text for help on the "Open New View" action
  1356. $ Message 4 is the text for help on the "Open In Place" action
  1357. $ Messages 5-6 are help error messages
  1358. 1 File Manager Help
  1359. 2 %s Help
  1360. 3 The `%s` action opens a new File Manager view of the requested folder.
  1361. 4 The `%s` action displays the requested folder in the current File Manager view.
  1362. 5 There is no help available for the %s action
  1363. 6 There is no help available for the %s filetype
  1364. 7 The `%s` action opens a new File Manager view window\n\
  1365. of the requested folder.
  1366. 8 The `%s` action displays the requested folder in\n\
  1367. the current File Manager view window.
  1368. 9 Trash Can Help
  1369. 10 Help is not available for multiple selected objects.
  1370. $set 30
  1371. $ ****** Module: SharedMsgs.c ****(developer comment only)********
  1372. $ The following messages are used in more than one place within the
  1373. $ dtfile source. Unless otherwise specified, they are error messages.
  1374. 1 Cannot read from %s
  1375. $ Message 2 is used to format the file attributes in 'by attributes' mode
  1376. 2 %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y
  1377. 3 Cannot move or copy file %s from host %s.\n\
  1378. Host %s may not be properly mounted to your file system.
  1379. 4 Cannot move or copy file %1$s from host %2$s.\n\
  1380. Host %3$s may not be properly mounted to your file system.
  1381. 5 Cannot read %s
  1382. 6 Cannot write in folder %s
  1383. 7 Cannot create %s
  1384. 8 Cannot delete %s
  1385. 9 A folder or file with the name\n\
  1386. %s\n\
  1387. already exists and cannot be overwritten.\n\
  1388. Enter a different name.
  1389. $ Message 10 is the help topic string for help on a file icon or action
  1390. 10 Description Of Filetype/Action
  1391. 11 You cannot specify a path as part of the filename.
  1392. 12 Invalid Find Information.\n\n\
  1393. The following folder does not exist, or is not accessible:\n\n\
  1394. %s\n
  1395. $ Messages 13-16 are dialog titles
  1396. 13 %s Overview
  1397. 14 %s Tutorial
  1398. 15 About %s
  1399. 16 File Manager
  1400. $ Message 18 is appended to ".." folders
  1401. 18 (go up)
  1402. $ Messages 19 and 20 are messages which appear when a user clicks item help
  1403. $ outside the application. 19 is the title, while 20 is the message.
  1404. 19 Help On Item Error
  1405. 20 You must select a component\n\
  1406. within the File Manager.
  1407. $ Messages 21 and 22 are titles for error dialogs
  1408. 21 File Move Error
  1409. 22 File Link Error
  1410. 23 Cannot create '%s'\n\n\
  1411. The most common cause is that you do not have\n\
  1412. the correct permissions for the involved\n\
  1413. files or folders.\n\n\
  1414. To view permissions, select the object and\n\
  1415. then select 'Change Permissions...'
  1416. 24 You must select an object within the File Manager.\n\
  1417. 'On Item' help only works within the application where\n\
  1418. you launched it.
  1419. 25 Cannot create '%s'\n\n\
  1420. The most common cause is that you do not have\n\
  1421. the correct permissions for the involved\n\
  1422. files or folders.\n\n\
  1423. To view permissions, select the object and\n\
  1424. then select 'Change Permissions...' from the\n\
  1425. Selected or popup menu.
  1426. 26 You must select an object within the Application Manager.\n\
  1427. 'On Item' help only works within the application where\n\
  1428. you launched it.
  1429. $set 31
  1430. $set 32
  1431. $ ****** Module: dterror.src ****(developer comment only)********
  1432. $ Message 1 is a title for dterror
  1433. 1 dt Error
  1434. 2 File Manager Open Directory Error
  1435. $set 33
  1436. 1 Multiple Objects
  1437. 2 Current Folder
  1438. 3 Move Object Error
  1439. 4 Copy Object Error
  1440. 5 Link Object Error
  1441. 6 The location you are trying to Move to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1442. does not exist in the file system.
  1443. 7 The location you are trying to Copy to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1444. does not exist in the file system.
  1445. 8 The location you are trying to Link to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1446. does not exist in the file system.
  1447. 9 The location you are trying to Move to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1448. is not a folder.
  1449. 10 The location you are trying to Copy to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1450. is not a folder.
  1451. 11 The location you are trying to Link to:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1452. is not a folder.
  1453. 12 The object you are to trying Move:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1454. does not exist in the file system.
  1455. 13 One of the objects you are trying to Move:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1456. does not exist in the file system.\nNot Moving any of them.
  1457. 14 The object you are to trying Copy:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1458. does not exist in the file system.
  1459. 15 One of the objects you are trying to Copy:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1460. does not exist in the file system.\nNot Copying any of them.
  1461. 16 The object you are trying to Link:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1462. does not exist in the file system.
  1463. 17 One of the objects you are trying to Link:\n\n %s\n\n\
  1464. does not exist in the file system.\nNot Linking any of them.
  1465. $set 99
  1466. $ ****** Version Information ********
  1470. $ These messages are used for the version information.
  1471. $quote "
  1472. 1 "@(#)version_goes_here"
  1473. 2 "\n@(#)_DtMessage catalog source $TOG: dtfile.msg /main/10 1999/09/16 09:42:03 mgreess $"