Xservers.src 5.3 KB

  1. XCOMM ##########################################################################
  2. XCOMM
  3. XCOMM Xservers
  4. XCOMM
  5. XCOMM Common Desktop Environment
  6. XCOMM
  7. XCOMM Configuration file for all Xservers started or managed by the Login Manager
  8. XCOMM
  9. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  10. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company
  11. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp.
  12. XCOMM (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc.
  13. XCOMM
  14. XCOMM BEST TO NOT EDIT CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/config/Xservers directly.
  15. XCOMM
  16. XCOMM CDE_INSTALLATION_TOP/config/Xservers is a factory-default file and will
  17. XCOMM be unconditionally overwritten upon subsequent installation.
  18. XCOMM Before making changes to the file, should copy it to the configuration
  19. XCOMM directory, CDE_CONFIGURATION_TOP/config.
  20. XCOMM
  21. XCOMM $XConsortium: Xservers.src /main/7 1996/08/25 02:01:08 cde-fuj $
  22. XCOMM
  23. XCOMM ##########################################################################
  24. XCOMM
  25. XCOMM This file should contain an entry to start the server on the
  26. XCOMM local display. If you have more than one display (not screen),
  27. XCOMM add entries to the list (one per line).
  28. XCOMM
  29. XCOMM If the local display has an associated character device, it should be
  30. XCOMM specified here also. This allows Dtlogin to correctly monitor that
  31. XCOMM device when [No Windows] mode is selected from the login screen. If
  32. XCOMM no character device is available, then "none" should be specified.
  33. XCOMM
  34. XCOMM By default, the ":0" display is associated with the "/dev/console"
  35. XCOMM character device. If the true console on the system is not the same
  36. XCOMM as the ":0" graphics display, then the appropriate device or "none"
  37. XCOMM should be specified for the ":0" display.
  38. XCOMM
  39. XCOMM If you want multiple-displays running dtlogin then make sure the
  40. XCOMM connection number matches the display name, for example.
  41. XCOMM
  42. XCOMM <HostName>:1 local@none /usr/openwin/bin/X :1 <options>
  43. XCOMM
  44. XCOMM This means the X-server is started on connection number "1" and the
  45. XCOMM display is connecting to the X-server on "1" through display name
  46. XCOMM "LocalHost:1".
  47. XCOMM
  48. XCOMM If you have some X terminals connected which do not support XDMCP,
  49. XCOMM you can add them here as well. Using XDMCP is recommended over
  50. XCOMM entries in this file and should be used whenever possible.
  51. XCOMM
  52. XCOMM Example Syntax, the items between "< >" are optional:
  53. XCOMM
  54. XCOMM <HostName>:0 <class> local@console /usr/openwin/bin/X :0 <options>
  55. XCOMM <HostName>:1 <class> local@none /usr/openwin/bin/X :1 <options>
  56. XCOMM <HostName>:0 <class> local_uid@console <uid> /usr/openwin/bin/X :0 <options>
  57. XCOMM XTermName:0 <class> foreign
  58. XCOMM
  59. XCOMM A "*" in the first field of the entry for a local server
  60. XCOMM will be expanded to "<hostname>:0" by Dtlogin. This
  61. XCOMM syntax is valid only within this file.
  62. XCOMM
  63. XCOMM * Local local@console /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0
  64. XCOMM
  65. XCOMM If the display type of "local_uid" is used, a user name such as "root"
  66. XCOMM must follow in next field. In this example, by placing "root" here,
  67. XCOMM Login will start a local Xserver under the user id of "root". On Sun
  68. XCOMM system's this will give Xserver the ability to raise interactive
  69. XCOMM scheduling priority of a client with mouse/keyboard focus to increase
  70. XCOMM performance of the application.
  71. XCOMM
  72. XCOMM :0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0
  73. XCOMM
  74. XCOMM In limited situations, the Xserver should not be run under a "root" id
  75. XCOMM for security reasons. Examples are usually specific to Xserver extensions.
  76. XCOMM On Sun Xservers one example involves the Display Postscript extension.
  77. XCOMM If the DPS extension is granted access (via Xserver option line) to read
  78. XCOMM and write Unix files via the "-dpsfileops" option (see Xsun man page) it
  79. XCOMM should not be run under a "root" user id. For increaseced security,
  80. XCOMM could instead run it as the "nobody" user.
  81. XCOMM
  82. XCOMM :0 Local local_uid@console nobody /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 -dpsfileops
  83. XCOMM
  84. XCOMM Another options of interest here for Sun's Xserver is how to start on
  85. XCOMM two or more screens. A two screen example follows.
  86. XCOMM
  87. XCOMM :0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/X -dev /dev/fb0 -dev /dev/fb1
  88. XCOMM
  89. XCOMM See the Xsun.1 and Xserver.1 man pages for additional options of
  90. XCOMM interest.
  91. XCOMM
  92. XCOMM ##########################################################################
  93. #if defined (_AIX) && defined (AIXV4)
  94. :0 Local local@console /usr/lpp/X11/defaults/xserverrc -T -force :0
  95. #elif defined (_AIX)
  96. :0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X -T -force :0
  97. #elif defined (sun)
  98. :0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/X :0 -nobanner
  99. #elif defined (__hpux)
  100. * Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0
  101. #elif defined (_NO_CONSOLE)
  102. XCOMM * Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0
  103. #elif defined (__linux__)
  104. :0 Local local_uid@tty1 root /usr/bin/X :0
  105. #elif defined (__OpenBSD__)
  106. :0 Local local@console /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0
  107. #elif defined (__NetBSD__)
  108. :0 Local local@console /usr/X11R7/bin/X :0
  109. #elif defined (__FreeBSD__)
  110. :0 Local local@console /usr/local/bin/X :0
  111. #else
  112. * Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0
  113. #endif