nlsREADME.txt 3.9 KB

  1. # $XConsortium: nlsREADME.txt /main/2 1996/11/11 11:30:53 drk $
  2. # * *
  3. # * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company *
  4. # * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. *
  5. # * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. *
  6. # * (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc. *
  7. # *
  8. #############################################################################
  9. #
  10. # Component: Dtlogin
  11. #
  12. ############################################################################
  13. _DtMessage catalog source:
  14. File name: dtlogin.msg
  15. Target: /usr/lib/nls/%L/
  16. If additional files are to be localized, for each file include:
  17. File name: Xresources
  18. Target: /usr/dt/config/Xresources
  19. Purpose:
  20. This file contains the appearance resources for the login screen. The
  21. traditional 'app-defaults' technology is not used since these resources
  22. are specified on a per-display rather than a per-user basis. When the
  23. login screen is drawn, the user that will eventually log in is not yet
  24. known.
  25. There is only one file containing the login appearance resources to
  26. service all languages, rather than an individual file per language.
  27. Before the login screen is drawn, this file is scanned (with the xrdb
  28. program) and the appropriate resources are used. The current value of
  29. the $LANG variable is available so that language specified resources
  30. (such as font) can be selected.
  31. Instructions:
  32. If the font to be used for the localized login screen is different from
  33. the default, then an entry must be made in this file to indicate the
  34. desired font.
  35. At the end of the section labeled...
  36. !!#################################################################
  37. !!
  38. !! FONTS
  39. !!
  40. 1. add...
  41. #ifdef <LANG>
  42. where <LANG> is replaced by the value of the $LANG
  43. variable appropriate for this language.
  44. 2. add...
  45. Dtlogin.labelFont: <font for button labels>
  46. Dtlogin.textFont: <font for dialog & help text>
  47. Dtlogin.greeting.fontList: <font for greeting text>
  48. 3. add...
  49. #endif
  50. ex. for LANG=japanese
  51. #ifdef japanese
  52. Dtlogin*labelFont: jpn.16x32
  53. Dtlogin*textFont: jpn.12x24
  54. Dtlogin.greeting.fontList: <italic font of equivalent size>
  55. #endif
  56. The message catalog contains the text for the first part of the
  57. greeting message displayed below the HP logo. This text is "Welcome
  58. to" (set 1,16). Dtlogin appends the system name to the text to
  59. generate the complete greeting message.
  60. This text can be overridden by the user via a resource in the
  61. Xresources file. The file is shipped with the resource commented out
  62. so that the message catalog takes precedence. The resource value
  63. should be localized identically to the message catalog.
  64. At the end of the section labeled...
  65. !!#################################################################
  66. !!
  67. !! GREETING
  68. !!
  69. 1. add...
  70. #ifdef <LANG>
  71. where <LANG> is replaced by the value of the $LANG
  72. variable appropriate for this language.
  73. 2. add...
  74. !! Dtlogin*greeting.labelString: <Welcome to> %LocalHost%
  75. ^^^^^^^^^^
  76. localized value
  77. 3. add...
  78. #endif
  79. ex. for LANG=japanese
  80. #ifdef japanese
  81. !! Dtlogin*greeting.labelString: <Welcome to> %LocalHost%
  82. #endif
  83. To test this text, remove the comment characters "!!" from the line. To
  84. test the text in the message catalog, insert the comment characters.
  85. The localized Xresources file along with the message catalog should be
  86. returned to the DT development team. In addition, it may be necessary
  87. for the customize script (run after installing a language) to contain
  88. instructions that would append the above lines to an existing
  89. Xresources.