dtprintinfo.msg 8.2 KB

  1. $ $XConsortium: dtprintinfo.msg /main/2 1996/07/24 19:01:49 drk $
  2. $quote "
  4. $ ----- These are the titles that appear on dialogs and the main window -----
  5. ApplicationName1L "打印管理器"
  6. ApplicationName2L "打印作业"
  7. $ Do not translate ApplicationName3L for this release
  8. ApplicationName3L "Desktop Printers"
  9. $ ----- Common Dialog Buttons -----
  10. YesL "是"
  11. NoL "否"
  12. OKL "确认"
  13. ApplyL "作用"
  14. CancelL "取消"
  15. HelpL "提示"
  16. $ ----- Find dialog -----
  17. FindTitleL "%s - 查找打印作业"
  18. MyJobNameL "我的作业名"
  19. OnlyRootJobsL "仅根作业"
  20. IgnoreCaseL "忽略大小写"
  21. ExactMatchL "确切匹配"
  22. GotoL "转至"
  23. CancelPrintJobsL "取消打印作业"
  24. PositionL "位置"
  25. CloseL "关闭"
  26. StartFindL "开始查找"
  27. StopFindL "停止查找"
  28. SearchL "\
  29. 正在搜索 %s...\n\
  30. \n\
  31. 按‘停止’中断操作"
  32. $ Find Information dialog messages
  33. NoMatchesL "没有匹配的打印作业"
  34. NotFoundMessageL "\
  35. 该打印作业不再存在或者\n\
  36. 打印机关闭了。"
  37. $ ----- Modify Show Dialog -----
  38. ModifyShowTitleL "%s - 修改显示列表"
  39. SelectPrintersToBeShowL "选择要显示的打印机"
  40. SelectAllL "选择所有的"
  41. DeselectAllL "去除所有的选择"
  42. $ ----- Set Options Dialog -----
  43. SetOptionsTitleL "%s - 设置选项"
  44. RepresentationL "表示"
  45. LargeIconL "大图标"
  46. SmallIconL "小图标"
  47. NameOnlyL "仅名字"
  48. DetailsL "细节"
  49. ShowLabelsL "显示标号"
  50. JobsToShowL "要显示的作业"
  51. OnlyMineL "仅我的"
  52. EveryoneL "所有人的"
  53. StatusL "状态"
  54. ProblemFlagL "问题标志"
  55. InformationLineL "消息行"
  56. UpdateIntervalL "更新"
  57. IntervalL "间隔 (按秒计)"
  58. $ ----- Print Job Properties Dialog -----
  59. PrintJobPropsTitleL "%s - 打印作业特性"
  60. PrinterL "打印机"
  61. JobName1L "作业名"
  62. SubmittedL "提交的"
  63. BytesL "字节"
  64. Position1L "位置:"
  65. JobNameL "作业名:"
  66. JobNumberL "作业号:"
  67. OwnerL "属主:"
  68. DateL "日期:"
  69. TimeL "时间:"
  70. SizeL "大小:"
  71. $ ----- Printer Properties Dialog -----
  72. PrinterPropsTitleL "%s - 打印机特性"
  73. IconLabelL "图标标号:"
  74. IconGroupTitleL "图标:"
  75. FindSetL "查找设置..."
  76. DescriptionL "描述:"
  77. PrinterStatusL "状态:"
  78. PrintQueueL "打印机队列:"
  79. DeviceL "设备名:"
  80. DeviceNL "设备 %d:"
  81. UpL "上 - 在服务"
  82. DownL "下 - 不在服务"
  83. PrinterOnServerL "%1$s 在 %2$s 上"
  84. DefaultDescriptionL "这是 %s 打印机队列。"
  85. $ %1 is the printer name and %2 is the server name, ex: "lp0 on warpspeed"
  86. $ This is the value of the device field when the printer is on a remote system
  87. $ ----- Find Set Dialog -----
  88. FindSetTitleL "%s - 查找设置"
  89. IconFoldersL "图标文件夹:"
  90. IconTitleL "图标"
  91. LoadingIconsL "装载图标 %1$d 个(共 %2$d 个)..."
  92. $ %1 is a counter and %2 is the total number of icons
  93. $ ----- "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation Dialog -----
  94. CancelTitleL "%s - 取消 %s"
  95. CancelQuestionL "你确实要取消 %s 吗ⅶ"
  96. $ ----- Printer "Status" Dialog -----
  97. PrinterStatusTitleL "%s - 打印机状态"
  98. PrinterDownL "%s 打印机队列不在服务。"
  99. DeviceDownL "%s 设备不在服务。"
  100. $ ----- Failed Action Dialog -----
  101. FailedActionTitleL "%s - %s 失败"
  102. FailedMessageL "不能将动作‘%s’作用到\n\
  103. %s。参见下面的原因。\n\n%s"
  104. $ ----- Main Window Information Line Messages -----
  105. GettingHelpL "获得联机提示..."
  106. SearchingL "搜索打印机..."
  107. ShowingMyJobsL "仅显示我的作业"
  108. PrintersHiddenL "%d 个打印机 %d 个隐藏"
  109. JobsL "%d 个作业"
  110. UpdatingActionsL "更新动作数据库..."
  111. UpdatingL "更新 %s..."
  112. $ Do not translate EditLangL for this release
  113. EditLangL "Editing in /etc/dt/appconfig/types/%s"
  114. $ %s is the name of the printer
  115. $ ----- Printer Menu Messages -----
  116. PrinterMenuL "打印机[P]"
  117. PrinterAcceleratorL "P"
  118. FindChoiceL "查找[F]..."
  119. FindMnemonicL "F"
  120. FindAcceleratorL "Ctrl+F"
  121. ExitChoiceL "退出[x]"
  122. ExitMnemonicL "x"
  123. ExitAcceleratorL "Alt+F4"
  124. $ ----- Selected Menu Messages -----
  125. SelectedMenuL "选择的[S]"
  126. SelectedAcceleratorL "S"
  127. $ For Print Jobs Only - "Cancel" means to remove a print job from the printer.
  128. $ This choice pops up the "Cancel" Print Job Confirmation
  129. $ Dialog.
  130. CancelChoiceL "取消[C]"
  131. CancelMnemonicL "C"
  132. CancelAcceleratorL "Del"
  133. $ For Printers Only
  134. OpenChoiceL "打开[O]"
  135. OpenMnemonicL "O"
  136. CloseChoiceL "关闭[C]"
  137. CloseMnemonicL "C"
  138. HideChoiceL "隐藏[e]"
  139. HideMnemonicL "e"
  140. $ Do not translate RenameChoiceL for this release
  141. RenameChoiceL "Rename"
  142. $ Do not translate RenameMnemonicL for this release
  143. RenameMnemonicL "R"
  144. $ Do not translate StartChoiceL for this release
  145. StartChoiceL "Start queuing"
  146. $ Do not translate StartMnemonicL for this release
  147. StartMnemonicL "S"
  148. $ Do not translate StopChoiceL for this release
  149. StopChoiceL "Stop queuing"
  150. $ Do not translate StopMnemonicL for this release
  151. StopMnemonicL "t"
  152. $ Do not translate EnableChoiceL for this release
  153. EnableChoiceL "Enable printing"
  154. $ Do not translate EnableMnemonicL for this release
  155. EnableMnemonicL "E"
  156. $ Do not translate DisableChoiceL for this release
  157. DisableChoiceL "Disable printing"
  158. $ Do not translate DisableMnemonicL for this release
  159. DisableMnemonicL "D"
  160. $ For Both Printers and Print Jobs
  161. PropertiesChoiceL "特性[P]..."
  162. PropertiesMnemonicL "P"
  163. PropertiesAcceleratorL "Ctrl+退格键"
  164. HelpChoiceL "提示[H]"
  165. HelpMnemonicL "H"
  166. $ ----- View Menu Messages -----
  167. ViewMenuL "观看[V]"
  168. ViewAcceleratorL "V"
  169. SetOptionsChoiceL "设置选项[O]..."
  170. SetOptionsMnemonicL "O"
  171. ModifyShowChoiceL "修改显示列表[M]..."
  172. ModifyShowMnemonicL "M"
  173. $ ----- Help Menu Messages -----
  174. $ "Help" Menu uses the "HelpChoiceL" message
  175. $ "Help" Accelerator uses the "HelpMnemonicL" message
  176. OverviewChoiceL "概述[v]"
  177. OverviewMnemonicL "v"
  178. TaskChoiceL "任务[T]"
  179. TaskMnemonicL "T"
  180. ReferenceChoiceL "参考[R]"
  181. ReferenceMnemonicL "R"
  182. OnItemChoiceL "针对项[O]"
  183. OnItemMnemonicL "O"
  184. UsingHelpChoiceL "使用提示[U]"
  185. UsingHelpMnemonicL "U"
  186. AboutChoice1L "关于打印管理器"
  187. AboutChoice2L "关于打印机作业"
  188. $ Do not translate AboutChoice3L for this release
  189. AboutChoice3L "About Desktop Printers"
  190. AboutMnemonicL "A"
  191. $ ----- Misc Messages -----
  192. EmptyL "[ 空 ]"
  193. FoundNoPrintersL "没有找到打印机。"
  194. NotAvailableL "无可用的"
  195. NoDefaultPrinter1L "没有系统默认打印机。"
  196. NoDefaultPrinter2L "\
  197. 参见〈用户指南〉如何设置\n\
  198. 默认打印机 LPDEST 环境。"
  199. $ %1 is the name of the program, and %2 is either '-edit' or '-populate'.
  200. RootUserL "%1$s: 你必须是根才可使用 %2$s 选项。"
  201. $ ----- Command Line Help -----
  202. $ This message is show when the user enters 'dtprintinfo -help'
  203. $ on the command line. The %s is a printer list generated by the program.
  204. CommandLineHelpL "\
  205. dtprintinfo\n\
  206. \n\
  207. 启动 dtprintinfo 不带任何选项,将显示 LPDEST 打印机,\n\
  208. 或者在 LPDEST 没有设置时显示系统默认打印机。\n\
  209. \n\
  210. dtprintinfo -p <打印机>\n\
  211. \n\
  212. 要查看一个特定的打印机,使用 -p 选项和下列打印\n\
  213. 队列名之一:\n\
  214. \n\
  215. %s\
  216. \n\
  217. dtprintinfo -all\n\
  218. \n\
  219. 要查看所有的打印机,使用 -all 选项。\n\
  220. \n\
  221. dtprintinfo -populate\n\
  222. \n\
  223. 只有根才可使用 -populate 选项。此选项对在\n\
  224. /etc/dt/appconfig/types/LANG 中的所有的打印机\n\
  225. 创建默认打印机动作。如果 LANG 没有定义,动作就\n\
  226. 创建到 /etc/dt/appconfig/types/C 中。"