1. # The following people have contributed code or other changes to the
  2. # CDE project following its release as Open Source software in 2012.
  3. #
  4. # For the rest of the contributors to the code before the Open Source release
  5. # see copyright and copyright.old.
  6. #
  7. # Please keep this list in order by given-name
  8. Aaron W. Hsu <arcfide@sacrideo.us>
  9. Adam Robinson <adamrobinson@comcast.net>
  10. alx <alx@fastestcode.org>
  11. Anthony Perkins <anthony@muzz.co.uk>
  12. Chris Wareham <chris@chriswareham.net>
  13. Christopher Turkel <turkelchris@aol.com>
  14. David Cantrell <david.l.cantrell@gmail.com>
  15. David J.McBrayer <D9J0M.dev@gmail.com>
  16. Douglas Mencken <dougmencken@gmail.com>
  17. Ecmel Ercan <ecmel.ercan@gmail.com>
  18. Frederic Koehler <f.koehler427@gmail.com>
  19. ibid_ag@lavabit.com <ibid_ag@lavabit.com>
  20. James Woodcock <james_woodcock@yahoo.co.uk>
  21. Jelle Hermsen <jelle@jellehermsen.nl>
  22. Jon Trulson <jon@radscan.com>
  23. Karsten Pedersen <kpedersen@hotmail.co.uk>
  24. Marc Balmer <marc@msys.ch>
  25. Marcin Cieslak <saper@saper.info>
  26. Matthew Howkins
  27. Mike Stroyan <mike@stroyan.net>
  28. Pascal Stumpf <Pascal.Stumpf@cubes.de>
  29. Peter Howkins <peter.howkins@marutan.net>
  30. Robert Tomsick <robert@tomsick.net>
  31. Ulrich Wilkens <mail@uwilkens.de>
  32. William Schaub <wschaub@genesi-tech.com>