ifprnial.sgm 2.8 KB

  1. <!-- $XConsortium: ifprnial.sgm /main/7 1996/08/30 15:16:12 rws $ -->
  2. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. -->
  3. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company. -->
  4. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp. -->
  5. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. -->
  6. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. -->
  7. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED. -->
  8. <!-- (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi. -->
  9. <![ %CDE.C.CDE; [<RefEntry Id="CDE.INFO.DtInfoPrintInfoAtLoc">]]>
  10. <![ %CDE.C.XO; [<RefEntry Id="XCSA.INFO.DtInfoPrintInfoAtLoc">]]>
  11. <RefMeta>
  12. <RefEntryTitle>DtInfo_PrintInfoAtLoc</RefEntryTitle>
  13. <ManVolNum>special file</ManVolNum>
  14. </RefMeta>
  15. <RefNameDiv>
  16. <RefName><Symbol Role="Message">DtInfo_PrintInfoAtLoc</Symbol></RefName>
  17. <RefPurpose>print a section or a list
  18. of sections from an infolib
  19. </RefPurpose>
  20. </RefNameDiv>
  21. <RefSynopsisDiv>
  22. <Synopsis>DtInfo_PrintInfoAtLoc
  23. Class: TT_REQUEST
  24. File: <Symbol Role="Variable">temp_file</Symbol>
  25. Operation: DtInfo_PrintInfoAtLoc
  26. Disposition: TT_START
  27. Address: TT_PROCEDURE
  29. </Synopsis>
  30. </RefSynopsisDiv>
  31. <RefSect1>
  32. <Title>DESCRIPTION</Title>
  33. <Para>The
  34. <Symbol Role="Message">DtInfo_PrintInfoAtLoc</Symbol> request
  35. routes print requests back
  36. to the requesting <command>dtinfo</command> process
  37. after the end-user drags one or more
  38. sections from the book list and drops them on the printer icon in the
  39. front panel.
  40. </para>
  41. <para>This message includes a file attribute that defines the
  42. name of a temporary file that contains a list of the sections to be
  43. printed. The syntax of the file list is show below:
  44. </para>
  45. <para><emphasis>section</emphasis>[- <emphasis>section</emphasis>] {, <emphasis>section</emphasis>[- <emphasis>section</emphasis>}
  46. </para>
  47. <para>Each section is represented by a generalized locator. See
  48. &cdeman.DtInfo.ShowInfoAtLoc; for a description
  49. of the generalized locator format.
  50. Sections can be specified using the hyphen character to represent a
  51. range of sections or by a comma-separated list of sections.
  52. </para>
  53. <para>The temporary file is included in the scope to guarantee that the
  54. message is returned to this instance of the <command>dtinfo</command> process.
  55. </para>
  56. </RefSect1>
  57. <RefSect1>
  58. <Title>ARGUMENTS</Title>
  59. <para>None.</para>
  60. </RefSect1>
  61. <RefSect1>
  62. <Title>ATTRIBUTES</Title>
  63. <variablelist>
  64. <varlistentry><term>File <symbol role="Variable">temp_file</symbol></term>
  65. <listitem>
  66. <para>Specifies a file path to a temporary file that contains a list
  67. of the sections to be printed.
  68. </para>
  69. </listitem>
  70. </varlistentry>
  71. </variablelist>
  72. </RefSect1>
  73. <RefSect1>
  75. <para>None.</para>
  76. </RefSect1>
  77. <RefSect1>
  78. <Title>SEE ALSO</Title>
  79. <Para>&cdeman.dtinfo;,
  80. <Function>DtInfo_ShowInfoAtLoc</Function> 4
  81. </Para>
  82. </RefSect1>
  83. </RefEntry>