dtpad.msg 25 KB

  1. $ $TOG: dtpad.msg /main/16 1999/09/15 14:23:53 mgreess $
  2. $ *************************************<+>*************************************
  3. $ *****************************************************************************
  4. $ **
  5. $ ** File: dtpad.msg
  6. $ **
  7. $ ** Project: DT Text Editor client (sometimes called dtpad)
  8. $ **
  9. $ ** Description:
  10. $ ** -----------
  11. $ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for dtpad
  12. $ **
  13. $ **
  14. $ *****************************************************************************
  15. $ **
  16. $ ** (c) Copyright 1992, 1993 Hewlett-Packard Company
  17. $ ** All Rights reserved
  18. $ **
  19. $ **
  20. $ *****************************************************************************
  21. $ **
  22. $ *****************************************************************************
  23. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company
  24. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp.
  25. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  26. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc.
  27. $ *****************************************************************************
  28. $ **
  29. $quote "
  30. $set 2
  31. $ **********************************************
  32. $ ** General messages used in multiple files **
  33. $ **********************************************
  34. $ Label used for all "Help" buttons in all DIALOGS.
  35. $ It is not used for the Help menu.
  36. $quote
  37. 1 Help
  38. $ Unrecognized arguments
  39. 2 dtpad: illegal option: %s
  40. $ Extra arguments
  41. 3 dtpad: extra argument: %s
  42. $set 4
  43. $ *****************************************************************
  44. $ ** fileCB.c **
  45. $ ** These are the strings which change between the Open dialog **
  46. $ ** and the Include dialog. These two operations use the same **
  47. $ ** Motif dialog, and simply change these two labels. **
  48. $ *****************************************************************
  49. $ Title of the Open dialog
  50. 1 Open a File
  51. $ label for the File text field in the file selection box
  52. $ ***UNUSED*** This label is no longer used and need not be localized.
  53. 2 File to Open:
  54. $ Title of the Include dialog
  55. 3 Include a File
  56. $ Label for the File text field in the file selection box
  57. $ ***UNUSED*** This label is no longer used and need not be localized.
  58. 4 File to Include:
  59. $ Error when printing a file and a temporary copy can not be saved.
  60. 5 Unable to create a temporary file.
  61. $set 5
  62. $ ***************************************************************************
  63. $ ** dtpad.c **
  64. $ ** fileDlg.c **
  65. $ ** **
  66. $ ** Messages and strings used in dialogs for all operations involving the **
  67. $ ** "File" menu items. **
  68. $ ***************************************************************************
  69. $ These compose the dialog which appears if the user attempts to exit, open
  70. $ a different file, drop a file, or start a "New" session with unsaved
  71. $ changes to the current file.
  72. $ This is used to build: "Save changes to FILENAME?"
  73. 1 Save changes to %s?
  74. $ This is used as-is, whenever the current file is unnamed.
  75. 2 The current file has no name.\nDo you want to save it?
  76. $ This is used to build a message like "Do you want to save the current
  77. $ copy of FILENAME before you Edit NEWFILENAME?" when a new file is droped
  78. $ on the edit window.
  79. $ ***UNUSED*** Currently, dropped files are INSERTED in the text rather than
  80. $ opened for editing so this message is no longer used and need
  81. $ not be localized.
  82. 3 Do you want to save the current\ncopy of %s\nbefore you Edit %s?
  83. $ Used when about to write over an existing file.
  84. $ The "%s" is replaced by the file name.
  85. 5 The file %s already exists.\nDo you want to over write that file\nwith the contents within this edit session?
  86. $ Title of "file already exists" dialog. Also used for other "Warning" type
  87. $ dialogs.
  88. 6 Warning
  89. $ Title of "Save As" dialog.
  90. 7 Save As
  91. $ Labels for add/don't-add newlines radio buttons in the Save As dialog
  92. $ ***UNUSED*** These labels are no longer used and need not be localized.
  93. $ They've been replaced by messages 44 and 45
  94. 8 Add newline characters to the end of word-wrapped lines.
  95. 9 Do not add newlines. Only line breaks created by [Return]\nwill be preserved.
  96. $ Labels for the Save Warning dialog. Also used in the confirmation, or
  97. $ Editor Return dialog.
  98. 14 No
  99. 15 Yes
  100. $ Title of the dialog - used when user selects "New", "Open", or "Exit" with
  101. $ unsaved changes in the text.
  102. 16 Save?
  103. $ Title of general error dialog
  104. 17 Error
  105. $ Title of the resource-specified "confirmation" dialog
  106. $ This dialog is generally specified by programs such as mailers, which
  107. $ want to know if the user wants to send the message.
  108. $ There is no default message for the dialog, since it is _only_ posted if
  109. $ the message string is specified via a resource (dtpad*confirmationString:)
  110. $ This message is only used if the "dtpad*mainTitle:" resource is not set.
  111. $ If this resource _is_ set, the the mainTitle is also used as the title
  112. $ for the exit confirmation dialog.
  113. $ DO NOT LOCALIZE - the user should never see this message
  114. 18 Exit Confirmation
  115. $ Title for general information dialog. e.g. Find dialog can't find word in
  116. $ file.
  117. 20 Information
  118. $ Default file name in Save As dialog box.
  119. 21 UNTITLED
  120. $ Error message when a file can not be saved. The "%1$s" gets replaced by
  121. $ the file name and the "%2$s" gets replaced by the reason why the file could
  122. $ not be saved (messages 31-39).
  123. 30 Unable to save %1$s.\n%2$s
  124. $ Messages 31-39 are reasons why a file could not be saved.
  125. $ Messages 34-39 are substitued in message 30 for "%2$s".
  126. 31 Unable to save file.\nFile name was not specified.
  127. 34 File does not allow writing by anyone.
  128. 35 File is a directory.
  129. 36 File is a character special device.
  130. 37 File is a block mode device.
  131. $ ***UNUSED*** This message should never appear since currently there is
  132. $ only one supported file format - text. And this type is
  133. $ hard coded into dtpad.
  134. 38 Invalid file format.
  135. $ This is a "catch all" when the file can not be saved and none of the above
  136. $ errors apply.
  137. 39 Unknown reason - possibly not enough disk space.
  138. $ This is displayed when a ToolTalk edit request on a buffer is received,
  139. $ a Save operation is done and there are unsaved changes.
  140. 40 Save changes?
  141. $ This is displayed when a ToolTalk edit request on a file or buffer is
  142. $ received with a document name specified in the request, a Save operation
  143. $ is done and there are unsaved changes. The "%s" in the message is
  144. $ replaced by the document name (instead of the filename).
  145. 41 Save changes to "%s"?
  146. $ Title of "Copy As" dialog which is substitued for the "Save As" dialog
  147. $ when file name changes are disallowd. This should match the menu button
  148. $ label specified in message 108 of set 11.
  149. $ ***UNUSED*** This title is no longer used and need not be localized.
  150. 42 Copy As
  151. $ Title of "Copy To File" dialog which is substitued for the "Save As" dialog
  152. $ when file name changes are disallowd. This should match the menu button
  153. $ label specified in message 110 of set 11.
  154. 43 Copy To File
  155. $ Labels for add/don't-add newlines radio buttons in the SaveAs and Save dialogs
  156. 44 Add newline characters to the end of wrap-to-fit lines.
  157. 45 Do not add newlines. Only line breaks created by [Return]\nwill be preserved.
  158. $
  159. $ New message as of 5/31/95 (i.e. new since Sample Implementation). This
  160. $ new message is in response to bug DTS CISlx19530.
  161. $
  162. 46 Either file is unwritable or path to\nfile does not exist.
  163. $
  164. $ "-NEW"
  165. $
  166. 47 "Operation failed due to insufficient memory.\nTry increasing swap space."
  167. $
  168. $ "-NEW"
  169. $
  170. 48 "Format operation failed."
  171. $set 6
  172. $ ************************************************************************
  173. $ ** fileIo.c **
  174. $ ** **
  175. $ ** Error messages generated when there are problems reading a file. **
  176. $ ************************************************************************
  177. 1 This file has been opened for reading only.
  178. 2 This file does not exist.
  179. 3 Unable to edit a Directory.
  180. 4 Unable to edit a character special device file.
  181. 5 Unable to edit a block mode device file.
  182. 6 Embedded Nulls stripped from file.
  183. 7 Unable to load file (insufficient memory).
  184. 8 Unable to access file (can't determine it's status).
  185. 9 Unable to read from file (probably no read permission).
  186. $ Message placed in the status line message area based on the -viewOnly
  187. $ resource and whether or not the file being edited is read only
  188. 10 View Only
  189. 11 Read Only
  190. 12 Unable to read from the file (unknown reason).
  191. $set 7
  192. $ ************************************
  193. $ ** main.c **
  194. $ ** dtpad.c **
  195. $ ** Prefix string for all dialogs. **
  196. $ ************************************
  197. $ bogus?? blank string gotten but otherwise unused in main()
  198. $ DO NOT LOCALIZE string 1
  199. $quote "
  200. 1 ""
  201. $quote
  202. $ The name used in the title bar of every window.
  203. $ Be sure to end this message with a space character.
  204. 2 Text Editor -
  205. $ Default file name used in the main window title.
  206. $ ***UNUSED*** This message has been replaced by message 6 of this set and
  207. $ need not be localized.
  208. 3 (unnamed)
  209. $ Terminal error message displayed to stdout when the desk top services
  210. $ can not be initialized (via DtInitialize())
  211. 4 Unable to initialize Desktop services ... exiting Text Editor.
  212. $ Terminal error message displayed to stdout when a connection to the
  213. $ display can not be opend (via XtDisplay())
  214. 5 Can not open display ... exiting Text Editor.
  215. $ Default file name used in the main window title.
  216. $ This should correspond to the default file name used in the "Save As"
  217. $ dialog box - specified in message 21 of set 5.
  218. 6 (UNTITLED)
  219. $
  220. $ New messages (7,8) since CDE/SI - error gets displayed when user tries to run
  221. $ dtpad -server when and dtpad server process is already running on the
  222. $ $DISPLAY.
  223. 7 ERROR: A dtpad server on %s\n\
  224. is already serving this display.
  225. 8 ERROR: A dtpad server is already\n\
  226. serving this display.
  227. $
  228. $ Message 9 is also new since CDE/SI - new as of 5/22/95. It is a usage message
  229. $ for dtpad. Don't translate the '-OPTION' just the text explaining the
  230. $ option.
  231. $
  232. 9 '%s' is a bad option.\n\
  233. Usage: %s...\n\
  234. -saveOnClose\n\
  235. \tDtpad automatically and silently saves the current text when there\n\
  236. \tare unsaved changes and the Text Editor is closed.\n\n\
  237. -missingFileWarning\n\
  238. \tPosts a warning dialog whenever a file name is specified and\n\
  239. \tthe file dones not exist or cannot be accessed.\n\n\
  240. -noReadOnlyWarning\n\
  241. \tDisables the warning dialog posted whenever a file is\n\
  242. \tspecified for which the user does not have write permission.\n\n\
  243. -noNameChange\n\
  244. \tIndicates that the default file name associated with the\n\
  245. \tcurrent text is not to change when the text is saved under a\n\
  246. \tname different than what it was read in under.\n\n\
  247. -viewOnly\n\
  248. \tDisallows editing of text in the edit window, essentially\n\
  249. \tturning the Text Editor into a Text Viewer.\n\n\
  250. -statusLine\n\
  251. \tDisplays a status line at the bottom of the edit window. The\n\
  252. \tstatus line shows the line number of the line where the text\n\
  253. \tcursor is currently positioned.\n\n\
  254. -wrapToFit\n\
  255. \tInitially turns on wrap-to-fit mode.\n\n\
  256. -workspaceList WorkspaceList\n\
  257. \tDisplays the edit window for the current invocation of the\n\
  258. \tText Editor in the specified workspace or workspaces.\n\n\
  259. -session SessionFile\n
  260. 10 \tRestores the Text Editor to all text editing windows and\n\
  261. \tsettings that were in effect at a previous CDE shutdown. All\n\
  262. \tother command-line options are ignored when this option is\n\
  263. \tspecified.\n\n\
  264. -standAlone\n\
  265. \tForces the current invocation of the Text Editor to do its\n\
  266. \town text processing in its own window, independent of the\n\
  267. \tText Editor server.\n\n\
  268. -noBlocking\n\
  269. \tTerminates the Text Editor requestor process as soon as the\n\
  270. \tText Editor server determines that it can handle the\n\
  271. \trequestor's edit request.\n\n\
  272. -server\n\
  273. \tForces a Text Editor server to be started up (if one is not\n\
  274. \talready running) to process all subsequent edit requests for\n\
  275. \tthe display.\n\n\
  276. -exitOnLastClose\n\
  277. \tSpecifies that the Text Editor server process is to terminate\n\
  278. \twhen the last edit window for the display is closed. It\n\
  279. \tshould only be used with the -server option since it only\n\
  280. \tapplies to the server process.\n\n\
  281. See the dtpad man page for more details on any of these options.\n\n
  282. $ "NEW-"
  283. 11 "Exiting text editor ..."
  284. $ "NEW-"
  285. 12 "Running in standalone mode ..."
  286. $ "NEW-"
  287. 13 "Could not connect to ToolTalk service:\n%s\n%s\n"
  288. $
  289. $set 10
  290. $ ************************************************************************
  291. $ ** session.c **
  293. $ **
  294. $ ************************************************************************
  295. $ Strings used to build error messages issued when the session save
  296. $ file cannot be read or written.
  297. 1 Check the file permissions.
  298. 2 %s is the file that would have been used to save your session.
  299. $set 11
  300. $ ***********************************************************
  301. $ ** dtpad.c **
  302. $ ** **
  303. $ ** These are all of the menu button labels and mnemonics **
  304. $ ***********************************************************
  305. $ ***UNUSED*** Messages 1-14 are no longer used and need not be localized.
  306. $ All of the mnemonics and labels relating to the "Help" menu
  307. $ have been replaced by messages 81-96.
  308. $ *
  309. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Help" pulldown menu and items.
  310. $ *
  311. $ Mnemonic and label for the "Help" pulldown menu
  312. 1 H
  313. 2 Help
  314. $ mnemonic and label for the "Overview" item
  315. 3 V
  316. 4 Overview...
  317. $ mnemonic and label for the "Tasks" item
  318. 5 T
  319. 6 Tasks...
  320. $ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item are message nos. 71 & 72
  321. $ mnemonic and label for the "Reference" item
  322. 7 R
  323. 8 Reference...
  324. $ mnemonic and label for the "On Item" item
  325. 9 O
  326. 10 On Item
  327. $ mnemonic and label for "Using Help" item
  328. 11 U
  329. 12 Using Help...
  330. $ mnemonic and label for "About Text Editor" item
  331. 13 A
  332. 14 About Text Editor...
  333. $ *
  334. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "File" pulldown menu and items.
  335. $ *
  336. $ mnemonic and label for the "File" pulldown menu
  337. 15 F
  338. 16 File
  339. $ mnemonic and label for the "New" item
  340. 17 N
  341. 18 New
  342. $ mnemonic and label for the "Open" item
  343. 19 O
  344. 20 Open...
  345. $ mnemonic and label for the "Include" item
  346. 21 I
  347. 22 Include...
  348. $ mnemonic and label for the "Save" item
  349. $ NOTE: The "Save" label can be either Message 24 or message 73
  350. 23 S
  351. 24 Save
  352. $ mnemonic and label for the "Save As" item
  353. 25 A
  354. 26 Save As...
  355. $ mnemonic and label for the "Print..." item
  356. 27 P
  357. 28 Print...
  358. $ mnemonic and label for the "Close" item
  359. 29 C
  360. 30 Close
  361. $ *
  362. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Edit" pulldown menu and items.
  363. $ *
  364. $ mnemonic and label for the "Edit" pulldown menu
  365. 31 E
  366. 32 Edit
  367. $ mnemonic and label for the "Undo" menu item
  368. 33 U
  369. 34 Undo
  370. $ mnemonic and label for the "Cut" menu item
  371. 35 t
  372. 36 Cut
  373. $ mnemonic and label for the "Copy" menu item
  374. 37 C
  375. 38 Copy
  376. $ mnemonic and label for the "Paste" menu item
  377. 39 P
  378. 40 Paste
  379. $ mnemonic and label for the "Clear" menu item
  380. 41 e
  381. 42 Clear
  382. $ mnemonic and label for the "Delete" menu item
  383. 43 D
  384. 44 Delete
  385. $ ***UNUSED*** Messages 45-50 are no longer used and need not be localized.
  386. $ They have been replaced by messages 101-106 of this set.
  387. $ mnemonic and label for the "Select All" menu item
  388. $ 45 A
  389. $ 46 Select All
  390. $ mnemonic and label for the "Find/Change" menu item
  391. $ 47 F
  392. $ 48 Find/Change...
  393. $ mnemonic and label for the Check Spelling menu item
  394. $ 49 S
  395. $ 50 Check Spelling...
  396. $ *
  397. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Format" pulldown menu and items.
  398. $ *
  399. $ mnemonic and label for the "Format" pulldown menu
  400. 51 r
  401. 52 Format
  402. $ mnemonic and label for the "Settings..." menu item
  403. 53 S
  404. 54 Settings...
  405. $ mnemonic and label for the "Paragraph" menu item
  406. 55 P
  407. 56 Paragraph
  408. $ mnemonic and label for the "All" menu item
  409. 57 l
  410. 58 All
  411. $ *
  412. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Options" pulldown menu and items.
  413. $ *
  414. $ mnemonic and label for the "Format" pulldown menu
  415. 59 O
  416. 60 Options
  417. $ mnemonic and label for the "Overstrike" toggle button
  418. 61 O
  419. 62 Overstrike
  420. $ mnemonic and label for the "Word Wrap" toggle button
  421. $ ***UNUSED*** This label and mnemonic are no longer used and need not be
  422. $ localized. They've been replaced by messages 111 and 112.
  423. 63 W
  424. 64 Word Wrap
  425. $ mnemonic and label for the "Status Line" toggle button
  426. 65 S
  427. 66 Status Line
  428. $ *
  429. $ * Late additions.
  430. $ *
  431. $ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item of the "Help" menu
  432. $ ***UNUSED*** This nmemonic and label are no longer used and need not be
  433. $ localized. They've been replaced by messages 87 and 88.
  434. 71 C
  435. 72 Table of Contents...
  436. $ label for the "Save" item in the "File" pulldown menu
  437. $ NOTE: This label is used in place of message 24 when text has been
  438. $ changed but has not been saved
  439. 73 Save (needed)
  440. $ *
  441. $ * Mnemonics and labels for the "Help" pulldown menu and items.
  442. $ *
  443. $ Mnemonic and label for the "Help" pulldown menu
  444. 81 H
  445. 82 Help
  446. $ mnemonic and label for the "Overview" item
  447. 83 v
  448. 84 Overview
  449. $ mnemonic and label for the "Tasks" item
  450. 85 T
  451. 86 Tasks
  452. $ nmemonic and label for the "Table of Contents" item
  453. 87 C
  454. 88 Table of Contents
  455. $ mnemonic and label for the "Reference" item
  456. 89 R
  457. 90 Reference
  458. $ mnemonic and label for the "On Item" item
  459. 91 O
  460. 92 On Item
  461. $ mnemonic and label for "Using Help" item
  462. 93 U
  463. 94 Using Help
  464. $ mnemonic and label for "About Text Editor" item
  465. 95 A
  466. 96 About Text Editor
  467. $ *
  468. $ * Changes for "Edit" pulldown menu messages 45-50.
  469. $ *
  470. $ mnemonic and label for the "Select All" menu item
  471. 101 S
  472. 102 Select All
  473. $ mnemonic and label for the "Find/Change" menu item
  474. 103 F
  475. 104 Find/Change...
  476. $ mnemonic and label for the Check Spelling menu item
  477. 105 k
  478. 106 Check Spelling...
  479. $ mnemonic and label for the "Copy As" File menu item
  480. $ (should match the dialog title specified in message 42 of set 5)
  481. $ ***UNUSED*** This label is no longer used and need not be localized.
  482. 107 A
  483. 108 Copy As...
  484. $ mnemonic and label for the "Copy To File" File menu item
  485. $ (should match the dialog title specified in message 42 of set 5)
  486. 109 F
  487. 110 Copy To File...
  488. $ mnemonic and label for the "Wrap To Fit" toggle button
  489. 111 W
  490. 112 Wrap To Fit
  491. $ label for the "Print" item
  492. 113 Print
  493. $ ***********************************************************
  494. $ ** helpCB.c **
  495. $ ** **
  496. $ ** Messages and strings associated with online help. **
  497. $ ** **
  498. $ ***********************************************************
  499. $set 12
  500. $ Message used for "Help - On Item" if the user clicks outside application
  501. 1 You must select an item within the Text Editor.
  502. $ ***********************************************************
  503. $ ** ttMsgSupport.c **
  504. $ ** **
  505. $ ** Messages and strings associated with ToolTalk. **
  506. $ ** **
  507. $ ***********************************************************
  508. $set 13
  509. 1 Checkpoint save failed.
  510. 2 Checkpoint reply failed.
  511. $ NEW message after the SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION.... more errors/warnings can
  512. $ be detected while reading in a file via ToolTalk.
  513. 3 Unable to set contents of Text Editor (unknown reason).
  514. $ ****************************************************************************
  515. $ ****************************************************************************
  516. $ **
  518. $ **
  519. $ ** The following set was added to support CDEnext printing based on
  520. $ ** the Xp Print Server.
  521. $ **
  522. $ ****************************************************************************
  523. $ ****************************************************************************
  524. $ ****************************************************************************
  525. $ ****************************************************************************
  526. $ **
  527. $ ** SET 14
  528. $ **
  529. $ ****************************************************************************
  530. $ ****************************************************************************
  531. $set 14
  532. $
  533. $ Messages 1 - 17 are used in printJob.
  534. $
  535. $ This is warning message is displayed when the user has provided
  536. $ a margin specifier in the PrintSetup dialog which cannot be parsed.
  537. $
  538. $quote "
  539. 1 "One of the following margin specifiers \n has incorrect syntax: \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \nUse default margins instead?"
  540. $
  541. $ Messages 2 - 7 are messages for errors which can occur in the
  542. $ process of loading a dtpad document file for printing.
  543. $
  544. 2 "File does not exist."
  545. 3 "Specified file is a directory."
  546. 4 "File type error."
  547. 5 "File contains NULL characters."
  548. 6 "Unable to load file (insufficient memory)."
  549. 7 "File does not have read permissions"
  550. $ Messages 8 - 11 are format strings used to construct the header
  551. $ and footer strings which appear in the printing output.
  552. $
  553. $ Message 8 is the format string used to make a Date header/footer.
  554. $ Message 9 is the format string used to make a DocName header/footer.
  555. $ Message 10 is the format string used to make a Page# header/footer.
  556. $ Message 11 is the format string used to make a UserName header/footer.
  557. 8 "Date: %s"
  558. 9 "Document: %s"
  559. 10 "Page %d of %d"
  560. 11 "Document For: %s"
  561. $
  562. $ Messages 12 - 13 are used in printSetup to construct the
  563. $ app-specific printing options for DtMail which will be included
  564. $ in the DtPrintSetupBox.
  565. $
  566. $ Message 12 is the string labeling the field in the GUI which
  567. $ contains the name of the document.
  568. $ Message 13 is the label used on the Toggle Button to indicate that
  569. $ lines which would extend beyond the edge of the printed page be
  570. $ "wrapped" to the next line.
  571. 12 "Document Name: "
  572. 13 "Wrap To Fit"
  573. $ Messages 14 - 15 are status messages for the PrintToFile function.
  574. $
  575. $ Message 14 indicates that the PrintToFile function was unsuccessful.
  576. $ Message 15 indicates that the PrintToFile function was successful.
  577. $ NOTE: 'Print to File' should be translated as in
  578. $ DtPrint.msg:Set1, Msg3.
  579. 14 "'Print to File' was unsuccessful."
  580. 15 "'Print to File' completed successfully."
  581. $ Messages 16 - 19 are obsolete, and have been replaced by 25
  582. $
  583. $ Messages 16 - 19 are status messages for the popup PDM function.
  584. $
  585. $ Message 16 indicates that there was no pdm deamon running.
  586. $ Message 17 indicates that the pdm deamon was unable to start a pdm.
  587. $ Message 18 indicates that the pdm couldnt connect to the video display.
  588. $ Message 19 indicates that the pdm couldnt connect to the print display.
  589. 16 "No PDM found in the environment."
  590. 17 "Cannot start the PDM."
  591. 18 "PDM is not authorized to connect to Video display."
  592. 19 "PDM is not authorized to connect to Print display."
  593. $ Messages 20 - 22 are status messages displayed while printing
  594. $
  595. $ Message 20 indicates that the user has asked to close the editor
  596. $ window. Dtpad is prevented from doing so until the
  597. $ active print jobs have completed.
  598. $ Message 21 status message displayed when the print job is started.
  599. $ Message 22 status message displayed as the print job progresses.
  600. 20 "Close pending: waiting for task to terminate ..."
  601. 21 "Printing %s ..."
  602. 22 "Printing %s: page %d of %d ..."
  603. $ Message 23 is used in the construction of a title string for the
  604. $ Print Setup dialog.
  605. 23 "Print Setup - "
  606. $ Message 24 is used to alert the user to the fact that the X Print
  607. $ Server cannot complete the print request due to a lack
  608. $ of resources.
  609. $ "NEW-"
  610. 24 "The X Print Server is temporarily out of resources"
  611. $ Messages 25 is used to handle errors from the PDM
  612. 25 "Print Dialog Manager (PDM) error - setup failed."
  613. $ ****************************************************************************
  614. $ ****************************************************************************
  615. $ **
  616. $ ** SET 15
  617. $ **
  618. $ ****************************************************************************
  619. $ ****************************************************************************
  620. $
  621. $set 15
  622. $
  623. $ Messages 1-5 are used in printSetup.c in the pulldown menu for the
  624. $ header/footer options in the print setup dialog.
  625. $
  626. $ Message 1 specifies that the page header/footer field be empty.
  627. $ Message 2 put the Date in the page header/footer field.
  628. $ Message 3 put the Document Name in the page header/footer field.
  629. $ Message 4 put the Page Nmbr msg header in the page header/footer field.
  630. $ Message 5 put the User Name msg header in the page header/footer field.
  631. 1 "Empty"
  632. 2 "Date"
  633. 3 "Document Name"
  634. 4 "Page Number"
  635. 5 "User Name"
  636. $ Messages 6-9 are used to construct error messages informing users
  637. $ that they have input an invalid print page margin specification for
  638. $
  639. 6 "Top Margin specifier is invalid: "
  640. 7 "Right Margin specifier is invalid: "
  641. 8 "Bottom Margin specifier is invalid: "
  642. 9 "Left Margin specifier is invalid: "