1. ** Mail this report to: motif-defect@osf.org for Motif Release defects
  2. cde-defect@osf.org for CDE Release defects
  3. Please be aware that this file will be parsed by machine. Do not change the
  4. field names. Include all the Submitter Information lines and as much of the
  5. other sections as you can. Remove the brackets <> around any field that you
  6. fill in. Thank you!
  7. ------------------------------- CUT HERE --------------------------------------
  8. The Open Group Problem Report
  9. =================================
  10. Submitter Information (Include Email address at miminum)
  11. ---------------------
  12. Submitter Name: <your name - Required>
  13. Organization: <your company or institute - Required>
  14. Email Address: <your electronic mail address -- Required>
  15. Phone: <your phone number with extension - Required>
  16. OSF License Number: <license number (for release versions only)>
  17. Licensee's Defect Number: <your internal reference number>
  18. Hardware/Software Configuration
  19. -------------------------------
  20. Offering and Version: <examples: Motif 2.1.10, or CDE 2.1.10>
  21. Component (Module): <examples: src/usr/bin/mesg.c, or lib/Xm/FileSB.c>
  22. Client Hardware: <client machine type, memory, etc.>
  23. Client Software: <client OS and X windows version, if relevant>
  24. Server Hardware: <server machine type, memory, etc.> or SAME
  25. Server Software: <server OS and X version, if relevant> or SAME
  26. Compiler: <name of compiler and version>
  27. Problem Description
  28. -------------------
  29. Severity Level: <example: Incompatibility>
  30. <One of the severity level as described below -- delete before sending
  31. Incompatibility -- represents a problem which resulted from inability
  32. to install the software on the machine.
  33. Fatal -- represents a problem which resulted in a software crash or
  34. required reboot of the software.
  35. Critical -- represents a problem which resulted in software malfunction
  36. or a feature failure and has no work-around.
  37. Severe -- represents a problem which resulted in software functionality
  38. limitation but had alternative work-around.
  39. Minor -- represents a cosmetic type problem.
  40. Enhancement -- represents a request for enhancement of the software.>
  41. Date of First Occurrence: <Date problem was first noticed (optional)>
  42. One Line Description:
  43. <A one line description of the specifying the problem>
  44. Full Description:
  45. <A full description of the problem>
  46. Repeat By:
  47. <A description of how to reproduce the problem (optional)>
  48. Proposed Solution:
  49. <A short description of how to fix the problem/bug (optional)>