CDE.lcx 33 KB

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CDE Standard Lang_Terr and Codeset Strings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ! File: CDE.lcx
  3. ! Default location: /usr/dt/config/svc/CDE.lcx
  4. ! Purpose:
  5. ! Define the CDE standard set of locale-related strings.
  6. ! Description:
  7. ! This file contains the set of all locale-related strings that
  8. ! may result from a _DtLcxXlateOpToStd() call on any platform,
  9. ! anywhere. Note that platform-specific tables may include
  10. ! more than one translation to and from CDE standard strings
  11. ! if they can be distinguished by version, operation, or
  12. ! pattern matching, but that no new CDE standard strings are
  13. ! present in platform-specific tables.
  14. !
  15. ! The strings are organized as a table in format useful to
  16. ! _DtLcx. This allows a developer to query both a platform-
  17. ! specific table and this standard table as part of a
  18. ! _DtLcxXlateOpToStd() sequence, enabling the op-specific
  19. ! value to infact have already been translated to a CDE
  20. ! standard value.
  21. !
  22. ! It is important that additional CDE standard strings only
  23. ! be created by the CDE owner of the _DtLcx translation service
  24. ! and NOT be created by an individual vendor. This be because
  25. ! the purpose of adopting a set of CDE standard strings is to
  26. ! support interoperability across platforms. If individual vendors
  27. ! add their own "standard" strings and these strings are not
  28. ! known on other platforms, then the goal of interoperability
  29. ! will be defeated.
  30. !
  31. ! If you feel that a new CDE standard string is needed,
  32. ! contact your CDE representative/vendor with a specific
  33. ! proposal and justification and have them forward it to
  34. ! the owner of the CDE _DtLcx service.
  35. !
  36. ! Note that it is allowed for vendors and users to add new
  37. ! operations for which translations are specified and which
  38. ! utilize the standard strings. If the operations are of
  39. ! general utility, please bring them to the attention of
  40. ! your CDE representative/vendor for forwarding to the
  41. ! _DtLcx owner.
  42. ! Invoked by:
  43. ! This table is used by the _DtLcx translation service
  44. ! Product: @(#)CDE1
  45. ! Revision: $XConsortium: CDE.lcx /main/4 1996/07/03 11:09:44 mgreess $
  46. ! Defects:
  47. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  48. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  49. !!! Unified List of Language and Territory abbreviations
  50. !!! Update: February 15, 1995
  51. !!!
  52. !!! Name Language,Territory
  53. !!! ------ ---------------------
  54. !!! C Standards compliance
  55. !!! POSIX Standards compliance
  56. !!!
  57. !!! /* W European/Americas */
  58. !!! ca_ES Catalan, Spain
  59. !!! da_DK Danish, Denmark
  60. !!! de_AT German, Austria
  61. !!! de_CH German, Switzerland
  62. !!! de_DE German, Germany
  63. !!! en_AU English, Australia
  64. !!! en_CA English, Canada
  65. !!! en_DK English, Denmark
  66. !!! en_GB English, U.K.
  67. !!! en_IE English, Ireland
  68. !!! en_MY English, Malaysia
  69. !!! en_NZ English, New Zealand
  70. !!! en_US English, USA
  71. !!! es_AR Spanish, Argentina
  72. !!! es_BO Spanish, Bolivia
  73. !!! es_CL Spanish, Chile
  74. !!! es_CO Spanish, Columbia
  75. !!! es_CR Spanish, Costa Rica
  76. !!! es_EC Spanish, Ecuador
  77. !!! es_ES Spanish, Spain
  78. !!! es_GT Spanish, Guatemala
  79. !!! es_MX Spanish, Mexico
  80. !!! es_PE Spanish, Peru
  81. !!! es_UY Spanish, Uruguay
  82. !!! es_VE Spanish, Venezuela
  83. !!! et_EE Estonian, Estonia
  84. !!! fi_FI Finnish, Finland
  85. !!! fo_FO Faroese, Faeroe Island
  86. !!! fr_BE French, Belgium
  87. !!! fr_CA French, Canada
  88. !!! fr_CH French, Switzerland
  89. !!! fr_FR French, France
  90. !!! is_IS Icelandic, Iceland
  91. !!! it_CH Italian, Switzerland
  92. !!! it_IT Italian, Italy
  93. !!! kl_GL Greenlandic, Greenland
  94. !!! lt_LT Lithuanian, Lithuania
  95. !!! lv_LV Latvian, Latvia
  96. !!! nl_BE Dutch, Belgium
  97. !!! nl_NL Dutch, The Netherlands
  98. !!! no_NO Norwegian, Norway
  99. !!! pt_BR Portuguese, Brazil
  100. !!! pt_PT Portuguese, Portugal
  101. !!! sv_FI Swedish, Finland
  102. !!! sv_SE Swedish, Sweden
  103. !!!
  104. !!! /* E European */
  105. !!! cs_CS (1) Czech
  106. !!! hr_HR Croatian, Croatia
  107. !!! hu_HU Hungarian, Hungry
  108. !!! pl_PL Polish, Poland
  109. !!! ro_RO Rumanian, Romania
  110. !!! sh_YU (1) Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia
  111. !!! si_CS (1) Slovenian
  112. !!! si_SI (1) Slovenian
  113. !!! sk_SK Slovak
  114. !!!
  115. !!! /* Cyrillic */
  116. !!! bg_BG Bulgarian, Bulgaria
  117. !!! mk_MK Macedonian
  118. !!! ru_RU (1) Russian
  119. !!! ru_SU (1) Russian
  120. !!! sp_YU (1) Serbian, Yugoslavia
  121. !!!
  122. !!! /* Arabic */
  123. !!! ar_SA (2) Arabic
  124. !!! ar_DZ (2) Arabic
  125. !!!
  126. !!! /* Hebrew */
  127. !!! iw_IL Hebrew, Israel
  128. !!!
  129. !!! /* Greek */
  130. !!! el_GR Greek, Greece
  131. !!!
  132. !!! /* Turkish */
  133. !!! tr_TR Turkish, Turkey
  134. !!!
  135. !!! /* East Asia */
  136. !!! ja_JP Japanese, Japan
  137. !!! ko_KR Korean, Korea
  138. !!! zh_CN Chinese, China
  139. !!! zh_TW Chinese, Taiwan
  140. !!!
  141. !!! /* Thai */
  142. !!! th_TH Thai, Thailand
  143. !!!
  144. !!! ================================================================
  145. !!! NOTES:
  146. !!!
  147. !!! 1> These territory names may be subject to change
  148. !!!
  149. !!! 2> No ISO "territory" name exists for the Arabic-speaking regions of the
  150. !!! world as a whole. Vendors have sometimes supplied their own.
  151. !!!
  152. !!!
  153. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  154. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  155. !!! Unified List of Common Codeset Names
  156. !!! Update: February 16, 1995
  157. !!!
  158. !!! Name Codeset
  159. !!! ------ --------------
  160. !!! ! W European/Americas,
  161. !!! ISO-8859-1 ISO Latin 1
  162. !!! HP-ROMAN8 HP Roman8
  163. !!! IBM-437 PC (US): IBM PC Code Page 437
  164. !!! IBM-850 PC (Multi-lingual): IBM PC Code Page 850
  165. !!!
  166. !!! ! E European
  167. !!! ISO-8859-2 ISO Latin 2
  168. !!!
  169. !!! ! Cyrillic
  170. !!! ISO-8859-5 ISO Latin/Cyrillic
  171. !!!
  172. !!! ! Arabic
  173. !!! ISO-8859-6 ISO Latin/Arabic
  174. !!! HP-ARABIC8 HP Arabic8
  175. !!! IBM-1046 PC Arabic Code Set
  176. !!!
  177. !!! ! Hebrew
  178. !!! ISO-8859-8 ISO Latin/Hebrew
  179. !!! HP-HEBREW8 HP Hebrew8
  180. !!! IBM-856 PC Hebrew
  181. !!!
  182. !!! ! Greek
  183. !!! ISO-8859-7 ISO Latin/Greek
  184. !!! HP-GREEK8 HP Greek8
  185. !!!
  186. !!! ! Turkish
  187. !!! ISO-8859-9 ISO Latin 5
  188. !!! HP-TURKISH8 HP Turkish8
  189. !!!
  190. !!! ! Japan
  191. !!! EUC-JP Japanese EUC: JIS X0201, X0208-1990, X0212-1990
  192. !!! ISO-2022-JP Japanese JIS: JIS X0201, X0208-1990, X0212-1990 in form ISO-2022-JP (a 7 bit encoding)
  193. !!! HP-SJIS HP Japanese Shift JIS: JIS X0208-1990 + UDC, VDC for HP user
  194. !!! IBM-932 PC Japanese Shift JIS: JIS X0208-1990 + UDC, VDC for PC user
  195. !!! HP-KANA8 HP Japanese Katakana8: JIS X0201
  196. !!!
  197. !!! ! Korea
  198. !!! EUC-KR Korean EUC: KS C 5601
  199. !!! ISO-2022-KR Korean EUC in form ISO-2022-KR (a 7 bit encoding)
  200. !!!
  201. !!! ! Taiwan
  202. !!! EUC-TW Taiwan Chinese EUC: CNS-11643-1992 (Taiwan 4-byte EUC)
  203. !!! ISO-2022-TW Taiwan Chinese EUC in form ISO-2022-TW (a 7 bit encoding)
  204. !!! HP-BIG5 HP Big5 Chinese (Taiwan)
  205. !!! HP-CCDC HP CCDC Chinese (Taiwan)
  206. !!!
  207. !!! ! China
  208. !!! EUC-CN China Chinese EUC: GB2312 + UDC
  209. !!! ISO-2022-CN China Chinese EUC in form ISO-2022-CN (a 7 bit encoding)
  210. !!! HP-15CN HP EUC-CN: GB2312 + UDCs
  211. !!!
  212. !!! ! Thai
  213. !!! TIS-620 Thai
  214. !!!
  215. !!! ! ISO-10646
  216. !!! ! UCS = Universal character set; UTF = UCS Tranformation Format
  217. !!! UCS-2 Unicode (2-byte ISO-10646, group 0, plane 0)
  218. !!! UCS-4 4-byte ISO-10646
  219. !!! UTF-7 multibyte encoding of Unicode
  220. !!! UTF-8 multibyte encoding of Unicode
  221. !!! UTF-16 multibyte encoding of Unicode
  222. !!!
  223. !!! ! Symbol charsets
  224. !!! DT-SYMBOL-1 standard CDE Desktop symbol font
  225. !!!
  226. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  227. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CDE Version Identificaton !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  228. ! This translation is used by the _DtXlateGetXlateEnv()
  229. ! call to determine the version number to use. It
  230. ! is unlikely that this translation will be used, since
  231. ! there is no "CDE" platform, but it is provided for
  232. ! the unlikely possibility.
  233. !
  234. CDE.?.version.<.100: ".*" !! any CDE value
  235. ! uncomment this resource to debug/test the translation db
  236. !*debugDtXlate: True
  237. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CDE standard locale-related strings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  238. ! Unified list of locales and codesets
  239. ! Based on October, 14 1993, unified list of presently supported locales
  240. !
  241. ! Some language,territory combinations have the following comments:
  242. ! (1) These ISO territory names may be subject to change
  243. ! However, their CDE names will continue to be supported
  244. ! (2) No ISO "territory" name exists for the Arabic-speaking regions of the
  245. ! world as a whole. Vendors have sometimes supplied their own.
  246. ! Those names, when conformant to the ISO model, will be adopted for CDE.
  247. !
  248. !Platform Operation Lang_Terr Translation Language,Territory Who has
  249. !--- --------- ----- ----------- ------------------ -------
  250. ! Version Kind Codeset
  251. ! ---- - ---------
  252. ! Standards Compliance, Latin 1 codeset
  253. CDE.100+.standard.=.C.ISO-8859-1: C.ISO-8859-1 ! Standards compliance ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  254. CDE.100+.standard.=.POSIX.ISO-8859-1: POSIX.ISO-8859-1 ! Standards compliance ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  255. ! W European/Americas, Latin 1 codeset
  256. CDE.100+.standard.=.da_DK.ISO-8859-1: da_DK.ISO-8859-1 ! Danish, Denmark XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  257. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_AT.ISO-8859-1: de_AT.ISO-8859-1 ! German,Austria XoJIG, , , ,
  258. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_CH.ISO-8859-1: de_CH.ISO-8859-1 ! German,Switzerland XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  259. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_DE.ISO-8859-1: de_DE.ISO-8859-1 ! German, Germany XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("de"),
  260. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_AU.ISO-8859-1: en_AU.ISO-8859-1 ! English,Australia , , , ,
  261. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_CA.ISO-8859-1: en_CA.ISO-8859-1 ! English,Canada XoJIG, , , ,
  262. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_DK.ISO-8859-1: en_DK.ISO-8859-1 ! English, Denmark XoJIG, , , ,
  263. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_GB.ISO-8859-1: en_GB.ISO-8859-1 ! English, U.K. XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  264. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_JP.ISO-8859-1: en_JP.ISO-8859-1 ! English, Japan XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  265. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_IE.ISO-8859-1: en_IE.ISO-8859-1 ! English, Ireland XoJIG, , , ,
  266. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_KR.ISO-8859-1: en_KR.ISO-8859-1 ! English, Korea XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  267. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_MY.ISO-8859-1: en_MY.ISO-8859-1 ! English,Malaysia , , , ,
  268. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_NZ.ISO-8859-1: en_NZ.ISO-8859-1 ! English,New Zealand , , , ,
  269. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_TW.ISO-8859-1: en_TW.ISO-8859-1 ! English, Taiwan XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  270. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_US.ISO-8859-1: en_US.ISO-8859-1 ! English, USA XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  271. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_AR.ISO-8859-1: es_AR.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Argentina , , , Sun ,
  272. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_BO.ISO-8859-1: es_BO.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Bolivia , , , Sun
  273. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CL.ISO-8859-1: es_CL.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Chile , , , Sun ,
  274. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CO.ISO-8859-1: es_CO.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Columbia , , , Sun
  275. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CR.ISO-8859-1: es_CR.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Costa Rica , , , Sun
  276. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_EC.ISO-8859-1: es_EC.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Ecuador , , , Sun
  277. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_ES.ISO-8859-1: es_ES.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Spain XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  278. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_GT.ISO-8859-1: es_GT.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Guatemala , , , Sun
  279. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_MX.ISO-8859-1: es_MX.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Mexico , , , Sun ,
  280. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_PE.ISO-8859-1: es_PE.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Peru , , , Sun
  281. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_UY.ISO-8859-1: es_UY.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Uruguay , , , Sun
  282. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_VE.ISO-8859-1: es_VE.ISO-8859-1 ! Spanish, Venezuela , , , Sun ,
  283. CDE.100+.standard.=.et_EE.ISO-8859-1: et_EE.ISO-8859-1 ! Estonian, Estonia XoJIG,
  284. CDE.100+.standard.=.fi_FI.ISO-8859-1: fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 ! Finnish, Finland XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  285. CDE.100+.standard.=.fo_FO.ISO-8859-1: fo_FO.ISO-8859-1 ! Faroese, Faeroe Island XoJIG,
  286. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_BE.ISO-8859-1: fr_BE.ISO-8859-1 ! French,Belgium XoJIG, , , ,
  287. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CA.ISO-8859-1: fr_CA.ISO-8859-1 ! French, Canada XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  288. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CH.ISO-8859-1: fr_CH.ISO-8859-1 ! French, Switzerland XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  289. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_FR.ISO-8859-1: fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 ! French, France XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("fr"),
  290. CDE.100+.standard.=.is_IS.ISO-8859-1: is_IS.ISO-8859-1 ! Icelandic, Iceland XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  291. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_CH.ISO-8859-1: it_CH.ISO-8859-1 ! Italian,Switzerland , , , ,
  292. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_IT.ISO-8859-1: it_IT.ISO-8859-1 ! Italian, Italy XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("it"),
  293. CDE.100+.standard.=.kl_GL.ISO-8859-1: kl_GL.ISO-8859-1 ! Greenlandic, Greenland XoJIG,
  294. CDE.100+.standard.=.lt_LT.ISO-8859-1: lt_LT.ISO-8859-1 ! Lithuanian, Lithuania XoJIG,
  295. CDE.100+.standard.=.lv_LV.ISO-8859-1: lv_LV.ISO-8859-1 ! Latvian, Latvia XoJIG,
  296. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_BE.ISO-8859-1: nl_BE.ISO-8859-1 ! Dutch, Belgium XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  297. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_NL.ISO-8859-1: nl_NL.ISO-8859-1 ! Dutch, The Netherlands XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  298. CDE.100+.standard.=.no_NO.ISO-8859-1: no_NO.ISO-8859-1 ! Norwegian, Norway XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  299. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_BR.ISO-8859-1: pt_BR.ISO-8859-1 ! Portuguese,Brazil , , , ,
  300. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1: pt_PT.ISO-8859-1 ! Portuguese, Portugal XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  301. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_FI.ISO-8859-1: sv_FI.ISO-8859-1 ! Swedish, Finland XoJIG,
  302. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_SE.ISO-8859-1: sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 ! Swedish, Sweden XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("sv"),
  303. ! Standards Compliance, HP-ROMAN8 codeset
  304. CDE.100+.standard.=.C.HP-ROMAN8: C.HP-ROMAN8 ! Standards compliance , , HP,
  305. CDE.100+.standard.=.POSIX.HP-ROMAN8: POSIX.HP-ROMAN8 ! Standards compliance , , HP,
  306. ! W European/Americas, HP-ROMAN8 codeset
  307. CDE.100+.standard.=.da_DK.HP-ROMAN8: da_DK.HP-ROMAN8 ! Danish, Denmark , , HP,
  308. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_AT.HP-ROMAN8: de_AT.HP-ROMAN8 ! German,Austria , , ,
  309. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_CH.HP-ROMAN8: de_CH.HP-ROMAN8 ! German,Switzerland , , ,
  310. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_DE.HP-ROMAN8: de_DE.HP-ROMAN8 ! German, Germany , , HP,
  311. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_AU.HP-ROMAN8: en_AU.HP-ROMAN8 ! English,Australia , , ,
  312. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_CA.HP-ROMAN8: en_CA.HP-ROMAN8 ! English,Canada , , ,
  313. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_DK.HP-ROMAN8: en_DK.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, Denmark , , ,
  314. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_GB.HP-ROMAN8: en_GB.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, U.K. , , HP,
  315. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_JP.HP-ROMAN8: en_JP.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, Japan , , ,
  316. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_IE.HP-ROMAN8: en_IE.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, Ireland , , ,
  317. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_KR.HP-ROMAN8: en_KR.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, Korea , , ,
  318. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_MY.HP-ROMAN8: en_MY.HP-ROMAN8 ! English,Malaysia , , ,
  319. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_NZ.HP-ROMAN8: en_NZ.HP-ROMAN8 ! English,New Zealand , , ,
  320. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_TW.HP-ROMAN8: en_TW.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, Taiwan , , ,
  321. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_US.HP-ROMAN8: en_US.HP-ROMAN8 ! English, USA , , HP,
  322. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_AR.HP-ROMAN8: es_AR.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Argentina , , ,
  323. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_BO.HP-ROMAN8: es_BO.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Bolivia , , ,
  324. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CL.HP-ROMAN8: es_CL.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Chile , , ,
  325. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CO.HP-ROMAN8: es_CO.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Columbia , , ,
  326. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CR.HP-ROMAN8: es_CR.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Costa Rica , , ,
  327. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_EC.HP-ROMAN8: es_EC.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Ecuador , , ,
  328. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_ES.HP-ROMAN8: es_ES.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Spain , , HP,
  329. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_GT.HP-ROMAN8: es_GT.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Guatemala , , ,
  330. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_MX.HP-ROMAN8: es_MX.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Mexico , , ,
  331. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_PE.HP-ROMAN8: es_PE.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Peru , , ,
  332. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_UY.HP-ROMAN8: es_UY.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Uruguay , , ,
  333. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_VE.HP-ROMAN8: es_VE.HP-ROMAN8 ! Spanish, Venezuela , , ,
  334. CDE.100+.standard.=.et_EE.HP-ROMAN8: et_EE.HP-ROMAN8 ! Estonian, Estonia ,
  335. CDE.100+.standard.=.fi_FI.HP-ROMAN8: fi_FI.HP-ROMAN8 ! Finnish, Finland , , HP,
  336. CDE.100+.standard.=.fo_FO.HP-ROMAN8: fo_FO.HP-ROMAN8 ! Faroese, Faeroe Island ,
  337. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_BE.HP-ROMAN8: fr_BE.HP-ROMAN8 ! French,Belgium , , ,
  338. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CA.HP-ROMAN8: fr_CA.HP-ROMAN8 ! French, Canada , , HP,
  339. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CH.HP-ROMAN8: fr_CH.HP-ROMAN8 ! French, Switzerland , , ,
  340. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_FR.HP-ROMAN8: fr_FR.HP-ROMAN8 ! French, France , , HP,
  341. CDE.100+.standard.=.is_IS.HP-ROMAN8: is_IS.HP-ROMAN8 ! Icelandic, Iceland , , HP,
  342. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_CH.HP-ROMAN8: it_CH.HP-ROMAN8 ! Italian,Switzerland , , ,
  343. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_IT.HP-ROMAN8: it_IT.HP-ROMAN8 ! Italian, Italy , , HP,
  344. CDE.100+.standard.=.kl_GL.HP-ROMAN8: kl_GL.HP-ROMAN8 ! Greenlandic, Greenland ,
  345. CDE.100+.standard.=.lt_LT.HP-ROMAN8: lt_LT.HP-ROMAN8 ! Lithuanian, Lithuania ,
  346. CDE.100+.standard.=.lv_LV.HP-ROMAN8: lv_LV.HP-ROMAN8 ! Latvian, Latvia ,
  347. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_BE.HP-ROMAN8: nl_BE.HP-ROMAN8 ! Dutch, Belgium , , ,
  348. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_NL.HP-ROMAN8: nl_NL.HP-ROMAN8 ! Dutch, The Netherlands , , HP,
  349. CDE.100+.standard.=.no_NO.HP-ROMAN8: no_NO.HP-ROMAN8 ! Norwegian, Norway , , HP,
  350. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_BR.HP-ROMAN8: pt_BR.HP-ROMAN8 ! Portuguese,Brazil , , ,
  351. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_PT.HP-ROMAN8: pt_PT.HP-ROMAN8 ! Portuguese, Portugal , , HP,
  352. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_FI.HP-ROMAN8: sv_FI.HP-ROMAN8 ! Swedish, Finland ,
  353. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_SE.HP-ROMAN8: sv_SE.HP-ROMAN8 ! Swedish, Sweden , , HP,
  354. ! Standards Compliance, IBM-437 codeset
  355. CDE.100+.standard.=.C.IBM-437: C.IBM-437 ! Standards compliance ,IBM,
  356. CDE.100+.standard.=.POSIX.IBM-437: POSIX.IBM-437 ! Standards compliance ,IBM,
  357. ! Standards Compliance, IBM-850 codeset
  358. CDE.100+.standard.=.C.IBM-850: C.IBM-850 ! Standards compliance ,IBM,
  359. CDE.100+.standard.=.POSIX.IBM-850: POSIX.IBM-850 ! Standards compliance ,IBM,
  360. ! W European/Americas, IBM-850 codeset
  361. CDE.100+.standard.=.da_DK.IBM-850: da_DK.IBM-850 ! Danish, Denmark ,IBM,
  362. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_AT.IBM-850: de_AT.IBM-850 ! German,Austria , ,
  363. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_CH.IBM-850: de_CH.IBM-850 ! German,Switzerland ,IBM,
  364. CDE.100+.standard.=.de_DE.IBM-850: de_DE.IBM-850 ! German, Germany ,IBM,
  365. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_AU.IBM-850: en_AU.IBM-850 ! English,Australia , ,
  366. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_CA.IBM-850: en_CA.IBM-850 ! English,Canada , ,
  367. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_DK.IBM-850: en_DK.IBM-850 ! English, Denmark , ,
  368. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_GB.IBM-850: en_GB.IBM-850 ! English, U.K. ,IBM,
  369. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_JP.IBM-850: en_JP.IBM-850 ! English, Japan ,IBM,
  370. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_IE.IBM-850: en_IE.IBM-850 ! English, Ireland , ,
  371. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_KR.IBM-850: en_KR.IBM-850 ! English, Korea ,IBM,
  372. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_MY.IBM-850: en_MY.IBM-850 ! English,Malaysia , ,
  373. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_NZ.IBM-850: en_NZ.IBM-850 ! English,New Zealand , ,
  374. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_TW.IBM-850: en_TW.IBM-850 ! English, Taiwan ,IBM,
  375. CDE.100+.standard.=.en_US.IBM-850: en_US.IBM-850 ! English, USA ,IBM,
  376. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_AR.IBM-850: es_AR.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Argentina , ,
  377. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_BO.IBM-850: es_BO.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Bolivia , ,
  378. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CL.IBM-850: es_CL.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Chile , ,
  379. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CO.IBM-850: es_CO.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Columbia , ,
  380. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_CR.IBM-850: es_CR.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Costa Rica , ,
  381. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_EC.IBM-850: es_EC.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Ecuador , ,
  382. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_ES.IBM-850: es_ES.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Spain ,IBM,
  383. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_GT.IBM-850: es_GT.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Guatemala , ,
  384. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_MX.IBM-850: es_MX.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Mexico , ,
  385. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_PE.IBM-850: es_PE.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Peru , ,
  386. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_UY.IBM-850: es_UY.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Uruguay , ,
  387. CDE.100+.standard.=.es_VE.IBM-850: es_VE.IBM-850 ! Spanish, Venezuela , ,
  388. CDE.100+.standard.=.et_EE.IBM-850: et_EE.IBM-850 ! Estonian, Estonia ,
  389. CDE.100+.standard.=.fi_FI.IBM-850: fi_FI.IBM-850 ! Finnish, Finland ,IBM,
  390. CDE.100+.standard.=.fo_FO.IBM-850: fo_FO.IBM-850 ! Faroese, Faeroe Island ,
  391. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_BE.IBM-850: fr_BE.IBM-850 ! French,Belgium , ,
  392. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CA.IBM-850: fr_CA.IBM-850 ! French, Canada ,IBM,
  393. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_CH.IBM-850: fr_CH.IBM-850 ! French, Switzerland ,IBM,
  394. CDE.100+.standard.=.fr_FR.IBM-850: fr_FR.IBM-850 ! French, France ,IBM,
  395. CDE.100+.standard.=.is_IS.IBM-850: is_IS.IBM-850 ! Icelandic, Iceland ,IBM,
  396. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_CH.IBM-850: it_CH.IBM-850 ! Italian,Switzerland , ,
  397. CDE.100+.standard.=.it_IT.IBM-850: it_IT.IBM-850 ! Italian, Italy ,IBM,
  398. CDE.100+.standard.=.kl_GL.IBM-850: kl_GL.IBM-850 ! Greenlandic, Greenland ,
  399. CDE.100+.standard.=.lt_LT.IBM-850: lt_LT.IBM-850 ! Lithuanian, Lithuania ,
  400. CDE.100+.standard.=.lv_LV.IBM-850: lv_LV.IBM-850 ! Latvian, Latvia ,
  401. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_BE.IBM-850: nl_BE.IBM-850 ! Dutch, Belgium ,IBM,
  402. CDE.100+.standard.=.nl_NL.IBM-850: nl_NL.IBM-850 ! Dutch, The Netherlands ,IBM,
  403. CDE.100+.standard.=.no_NO.IBM-850: no_NO.IBM-850 ! Norwegian, Norway ,IBM,
  404. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_BR.IBM-850: pt_BR.IBM-850 ! Portuguese,Brazil , ,
  405. CDE.100+.standard.=.pt_PT.IBM-850: pt_PT.IBM-850 ! Portuguese, Portugal ,IBM,
  406. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_FI.IBM-850: sv_FI.IBM-850 ! Swedish, Finland ,
  407. CDE.100+.standard.=.sv_SE.IBM-850: sv_SE.IBM-850 ! Swedish, Sweden ,IBM,
  408. ! E European
  409. CDE.100+.standard.=.cs_CS.ISO-8859-2: cs_CS.ISO-8859-2 ! Czech(1) ,IBM, HP
  410. CDE.100+.standard.=.hr_HR.ISO-8859-2: hr_HR.ISO-8859-2 ! Croatian, Croatia ,IBM
  411. CDE.100+.standard.=.hu_HU.ISO-8859-2: hu_HU.ISO-8859-2 ! Hungarian, Hungry XoJIG,IBM, HP
  412. CDE.100+.standard.=.pl_PL.ISO-8859-2: pl_PL.ISO-8859-2 ! Polish, Poland XoJIG,IBM, HP
  413. CDE.100+.standard.=.ro_RO.ISO-8859-2: ro_RO.ISO-8859-2 ! Rumanian, Romania XoJIG,IBM, HP
  414. CDE.100+.standard.=.sh_YU.ISO-8859-2: sh_YU.ISO-8859-2 ! Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia(1) ,IBM, HP
  415. CDE.100+.standard.=.sl_CS.ISO-8859-2: sl_CS.ISO-8859-2 ! Slovenian ,IBM, HP
  416. CDE.100+.standard.=.si_SI.ISO-8859-2: sl_CS.ISO-8859-2 ! Slovenian ,IBM, HP
  417. CDE.100+.standard.=.sk_SK.ISO-8859-2: sk_SK.ISO-8859-2 ! Slovak ,IBM
  418. ! Cyrillic
  419. CDE.100+.standard.=.bg_BG.ISO-8859-5: bg_BG.ISO-8859-5 ! Bulgarian, Bulgaria ,IBM, HP
  420. CDE.100+.standard.=.mk_MK.ISO-8859-5: mk_MK.ISO-8859-5 ! Macedonian ,IBM
  421. CDE.100+.standard.=.ru_RU.ISO-8859-5: ru_RU.ISO-8859-5 ! Russian(1) ,IBM, HP
  422. CDE.100+.standard.=.ru_SU.ISO-8859-5: ru_SU.ISO-8859-5 ! Russian(1) ,IBM, HP
  423. CDE.100+.standard.=.sp_YU.ISO-8859-5: sp_YU.ISO-8859-5 ! Serbian,Yugoslavia(1) ,IBM
  424. ! Arabic
  425. CDE.100+.standard.=.ar_DZ.ISO-8859-6: ar_DZ.ISO-8859-6 ! Arabic(2) ,IBM, HP
  426. CDE.100+.standard.=.ar_DZ.HP-ARABIC8: ar_DZ.HP-ARABIC8 ! Arabic(2) , , HP
  427. CDE.100+.standard.=.ar_SA.ISO-8859-6: ar_SA.ISO-8859-6 ! Arabic(2) ,IBM, HP
  428. CDE.100+.standard.=.ar_SA.HP-ARABIC8: ar_SA.HP-ARABIC8 ! Arabic(2) , , HP
  429. ! Hebrew
  430. CDE.100+.standard.=.iw_IL.ISO-8859-8: iw_IL.ISO-8859-8 ! Hebrew, Israel ,IBM, HP
  431. CDE.100+.standard.=.iw_IL.HP-HEBREW8: iw_IL.HP-HEBREW8 ! Hebrew, Israel , , HP
  432. ! Greek
  433. CDE.100+.standard.=.el_GR.ISO-8859-7: el_GR.ISO-8859-7 ! Greek, Greece ,IBM, HP
  434. CDE.100+.standard.=.el_GR.HP-GREEK8: el_GR.HP-GREEK8 ! Greek, Greece , , HP
  435. ! Turkish
  436. CDE.100+.standard.=.tr_TR.ISO-8859-9: tr_TR.ISO-8859-9 ! Turkish, Turkey ,IBM, HP
  437. CDE.100+.standard.=.tr_TR.HP-TURKISH8: tr_TR.HP-TURKISH8 ! Turkish, Turkey , , HP
  438. ! East Asia
  439. CDE.100+.standard.=.ja_JP.EUC-JP: ja_JP.EUC-JP ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ja"),
  440. CDE.100+.standard.=.ja_JP.ISO-2022-JP: ja_JP.ISO-2022-JP ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, SUN , ???
  441. CDE.100+.standard.=.ja_JP.IBM-932: ja_JP.IBM-932 ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM,
  442. CDE.100+.standard.=.ja_JP.HP-SJIS: ja_JP.HP-SJIS ! Japanese, Japan , , HP, ,
  443. CDE.100+.standard.=.ja_JP.HP-KANA8: ja_JP.HP-KANA8 ! Japanese, Japan , , HP, ,
  444. CDE.100+.standard.=.ko_KR.EUC-KR: ko_KR.EUC-KR ! Korean, Korea ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ko"),
  445. CDE.100+.standard.=.ko_KR.ISO-2022-KR: ko_KR.ISO-2022-KR ! Korean, Korea ,???, ??, SUN , ???
  446. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_CN.EUC-CN: zh_CN.EUC-CN ! Chinese, China ,IBM, HP, Sun ("zh"),
  447. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_CN.UTF-8: zh_CN.UTF-8 ! Chinese, China ,IBM, , ,
  448. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_CN.ISO-2022-CN: zh_CN.ISO-2022-CN ! Chinese, China ,IBM, ??, SUN , ???
  449. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_CN.HP-15CN: zh_CN.HP-15CN ! Chinese, China , , HP
  450. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_TW.EUC-TW: zh_TW.EUC-TW ! Chinese, Taiwan ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  451. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_TW.ISO-2022-TW: zh_TW.ISO-2022-TW ! Chinese, Taiwan ,IBM, ??, SUN , ???
  452. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_TW.HP-BIG5: zh_TW.HP-BIG5 ! Chinese, Taiwan , , HP, ,
  453. CDE.100+.standard.=.zh_TW.HP-CCDC: zh_TW.HP-CCDC ! Chinese, Taiwan , , HP, ,
  454. ! Thai
  455. CDE.100+.standard.=.th_TH.TIS-620: th_TH.TIS-620 ! Thai, Thailand ,IBM, HP
  456. ! Needs to be commmunicated to CDE coordinator.
  457. ! Unicode
  458. CDE.100+.standard.=.UNIVERAL.UTF-8: UNIVERSAL.UTF-8 ! Multilingual, Unicode ,IBM, HP
  459. ! Symbol charsets
  460. CDE.100+.standard.=.?.DT-SYMBOL-1: DT-SYMBOL-1 ! standard CDE Desktop symbol font
  461. !! Codeset identifiers for use with MIME messages. The .~. translations
  462. !! are used by dtmail and adhere to the MIME standard, RFC 1521.
  463. !! Note that the MIME standard states that codeset identifiers are
  464. !! case-insensitive. The operation-specific values on the right-hand-side
  465. !! of the translations below, however, ARE case sensitive. Before
  466. !! doing a OpToStd translation, first convert the MIME codeset identifier
  467. !! to uppercase. Alternatively, one could provide lower-case versions
  468. !! of the translations (right-hand-side only should be in lower-case).
  469. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-1: ISO-8859-1 ! ISO Latin 1
  470. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-ROMAN8: X-HP-ROMAN8 ! HP Roman8
  471. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.IBM-437: X-IBM-437 ! PC (US)
  472. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.IBM-850: X-IBM-850 ! PC (Multi-lingual)
  473. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-2: ISO-8859-2 ! ISO Latin 2
  474. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-5: ISO-8859-5 ! ISO Latin/Cyrillic
  475. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-6: ISO-8859-6 ! ISO Latin/Arabic
  476. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-ARABIC8: X-HP-ARABIC8 ! HP Arabic8
  477. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.IBM-1046: X-IBM-1046 ! PC Arabic Code Set
  478. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-8: ISO-8859-8 ! ISO Latin/Hebrew
  479. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-HEBREW8: X-HP-HEBREW8 ! HP Hebrew8
  480. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.IBM-856: X-IBM-856 ! PC Hebrew
  481. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-7: ISO-8859-7 ! ISO Latin/Greek
  482. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-GREEK8: X-HP-GREEK8 ! HP Greek8
  483. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-9: ISO-8859-9 ! ISO Latin 5
  484. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-TURKISH8: X-HP-TURKISH8 ! HP Turkish8
  485. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.EUC-JP: X-EUC-JP ! Japanese EUC
  486. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-2022-JP: ISO-2022-JP ! Japanese JIS with 7-bit encoding per ISO-2022-JP
  487. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-SJIS: X-HP-SJIS ! HP Japanese Shift JIS
  488. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.IBM-932: X-IBM-932 ! PC Japanese Shift JIS
  489. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-KANA8: X-HP-KANA8 ! HP Japanese Katakana8
  490. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.EUC-KR: X-EUC-KR ! Korean EUC
  491. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-2022-KR: ISO-2022-KR ! Korean with 7-bit encoding per ISO-2022-KR
  492. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.EUC-CN: X-EUC-CN ! China Chinese EUC
  493. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-2022-CN: ISO-2022-CN ! China Chinese with 7-bit encoding per ISO-2022-CN
  494. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-15CN: X-HP-15CN ! HP China Chinese EUC
  495. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.EUC-TW: X-EUC-TW ! Taiwan Chinese EUC
  496. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.ISO-2022-TW: ISO-2022-TW ! Taiwan Chinese with 7-bit encoding per ISO-2022-TW
  497. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-BIG5: X-HP-BIG5 ! HP Big5 Taiwan Chinese
  498. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.HP-CCDC: X-HP-CCDC ! HP CCDC Taiwan Chinese
  499. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.TIS-620: X-TIS-620 ! Thai
  500. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.UCS-2: X-UCS-2 ! Unicode; group 0, plane 0 of ISO-10646
  501. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.UCS-4: X-UCS-4 ! ISO-10646
  502. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.UTF-7: X-UTF-7 ! multibyte encoding of Unicode
  503. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.UTF-8: X-UTF-8 ! multibyte encoding of Unicode
  504. CDE.100+.mime.~.?.UTF-16: X-UTF-16 ! multibyte encoding of Unicode
  505. !! If other mailers are using other codeset identifiers in their MIME
  506. !! messages, dtmail will not be able to process them correctly.
  507. !! To correct this, additional .<. translations for these identifiers
  508. !! can be added to a <platform>.lcx file in the /etc/dt/config/svc
  509. !! or $HOME/.dt/config/svc directories. Such translations should read:
  510. !! <platform>.100+.mime.<.?.<CDE std codeset>: <mailer identifier for the codeset>
  511. !!
  512. !! ***NEVER*** use a .~. translation, such as we use above, as this could
  513. !! cause dtmail to send unexpected identifier strings by overriding the
  514. !! above definition. Further, never use .=. or .>. translations.
  515. !!
  516. !! These two identifiers are in common usage, as they derive from RFC1521.
  517. CDE.100+.mime.<.?.ISO-8859-1: us-ascii ! ISO Latin 1
  518. CDE.100+.mime.<.?.ISO-8859-1: US-ASCII ! ISO Latin 1