SunOS.lcx 29 KB

  1. !
  2. ! (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company
  3. ! (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp.
  4. ! (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  5. ! (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc.
  6. !
  7. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! SunOS Locale-Related Translations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. ! File: SunOS.lcx
  9. ! Default location: /usr/dt/config/svc/SunOS.lcx
  10. ! Purpose:
  11. ! Define the SunOS-specific set of locale-related translations.
  12. ! Description:
  13. ! This file contains the set of all locale-related translations
  14. ! that can occur during _DtLcxXlateOpToStd() and _DtLcxStdToOp()
  15. ! calls on SunOS platforms. Note that platform-specific tables may
  16. ! include more than one translation to and from CDE standard
  17. ! strings if they can be distinguished by version, operation, or
  18. ! pattern matching.
  19. !
  20. ! It is important that additional CDE standard strings only
  21. ! be created by the CDE owner of the _DtLcx translation service
  22. ! and NOT be created by an individual vendor or user. This be because
  23. ! the purpose of adopting a set of CDE standard strings is to
  24. ! support interoperability across platforms. If individual vendors
  25. ! add their own "standard" strings and these strings are not
  26. ! known on other platforms, then the goal of interoperability
  27. ! will be defeated.
  28. !
  29. ! If you feel that a new CDE standard string is needed,
  30. ! contact your CDE representative/vendor with a specific
  31. ! proposal and justification and have them forward it to
  32. ! the owner of the CDE _DtLcx service.
  33. !
  34. ! Note that it is allowed for vendors and users to add new
  35. ! operations for which translations are specified and which
  36. ! utilize the standard strings. If the operations are of
  37. ! general utility, please bring them to the attention of
  38. ! your CDE representative/vendor for forwarding to the
  39. ! _DtLcx owner.
  40. ! Invoked by:
  41. ! This table is used by the _DtLcx translation service
  42. ! Product: @(#)Cde1
  43. ! Revision: $XConsortium: SunOS.lcx /main/5 1996/10/26 11:33:33 rws $
  44. ! Defects:
  45. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  46. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! translation specification syntax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  47. ! Introductory fields:
  48. ! ====================
  49. ! The _DtLcx translation specifications have a fixed number of
  50. ! introductory fields followed by a several standard value
  51. ! fields and the operation-specific value.
  52. ! The introductory fields are:
  53. ! <platform>.<version range>.<operation(s)>.<kind>
  54. !
  55. ! Platform generally is the same string as uname(1) -s.
  56. ! Version range utilizes normalized version numbers that
  57. ! are acquired using the 'version' translations.
  58. ! Operations are one or more comma-separated strings that
  59. ! uniquely identify the operation associated with the
  60. ! operation-specific value. This string is specified
  61. ! as part of the request for a translation.
  62. !
  63. ! Kinds of translations allow the mechanism to support several modes
  64. ! of operation, each useful for different purposes. When
  65. ! reading or writing a specification, pay particular attention
  66. ! to the kind of specification, as this guides the usage of it.
  67. !
  68. ! Specification kinds:
  69. ! .=. means a valid bi-directional translation requiring the op-value
  70. ! in the translation specification to exactly match the op-value of
  71. ! the call to _DtLcxXlateOpToStd(), e.g. foo matches only foo
  72. ! .~. means a valid bi-directional translation requiring the op-value
  73. ! in the translation specification to match the beginning of the
  74. ! op-value of the call to _DtLcxXlateOpToStd(), e.g. foo matches
  75. ! foo@bar. This is often useful, e.g. for operation-specific
  76. ! locale strings that may also contain modifier suffixes.
  77. ! .>. means only from standard to op-specific (generally a
  78. ! compatibility translation, meaning on op-specific value
  79. ! that will work for the standard, although that is not
  80. ! the straight mapping)
  81. ! .<. means only from op-specific to standard (generally a
  82. ! regex in the op-value which is used to map a class of
  83. ! op values to a standard value)
  84. ! .0. means that translation is not supported and if a translation
  85. ! request matches the specification, the request will fail.
  86. ! Because there is no way to turn off a translation marked
  87. ! with .0. once it is specified, the preferred method of
  88. ! indicating that a translation is not supported --at the moment--
  89. ! is just to comment out the translation rather than use .0.
  90. !
  91. ! Standard values:
  92. ! ================
  93. ! _DtLcx defines the order of the standard values in the
  94. ! translations it utilizes. All translation specifications
  95. ! must adhere to this order.
  96. ! <std lang_terr>.<std codeset>.<std modifier>
  97. ! In CDE 1.0, no modifiers are standardized and that
  98. ! portion of the table is unspecified. This means
  99. ! that no CDE standard modifiers are available across
  100. ! platforms. Operations that use only the <std codeset>
  101. ! should specify the wildcard character ("?") for the
  102. ! <std lang_terr> value.
  103. !
  104. ! Operation-specific value:
  105. ! =========================
  106. ! The operation-specific value is a string that is used
  107. ! according to the kind of translation. The syntax is
  108. ! : <op-string>
  109. ! or : "<op-string>", if it contains white space
  110. !
  111. ! Filling in the table of translations:
  112. ! =====================================
  113. ! The person preparing the translation table should know
  114. ! the minimum version of the target platform that is
  115. ! be supported. For example, assume that we must
  116. ! complete the table for all versions 9.00 and higher.
  117. !
  118. ! The objective is then to provide two sets of translations:
  119. ! a full set of translations from CDE standard locales to
  120. ! valid platform locales, and a full set of translations
  121. ! from valid platform locales to some or all CDE standard
  122. ! locales.
  123. !
  124. ! Translations from CDE standard locales to valid platform
  125. ! locales must use the .~. .=. or .>. mappings. When there
  126. ! is a 1:1 mapping between a CDE locale and a platform locale,
  127. ! use the .~. or .=. mapping. See the comment below to
  128. ! decide which to use. When there is no 1:1 mapping between
  129. ! CDE locale and platform locale, use the .>. mapping. This
  130. ! provides a valid translation from the CDE locale to the
  131. ! best-suitable platform locale, but never translates from
  132. ! that platform locale to the CDE locale.
  133. !
  134. ! Translations from every platform locale to the appropriate
  135. ! CDE locale must use the .~. .=. or .<. mappings.
  136. ! When there is a 1:1 mapping between a platform locale and
  137. ! a CDE standard locale, use the .~. or .=. mapping. See the
  138. ! comment below to decide which to use. If there is a 1:1
  139. ! mapping, but the platform locale pattern uses a regular
  140. ! expression, or if more than one platform locale can
  141. ! be translated to one CDE standard locale, the .<. mapping must
  142. ! be used.
  143. !
  144. ! If no appropriate CDE standard locale can be found, you have
  145. ! identified the need for a new CDE standard locale. Refer to
  146. ! the instructions at the head of this file for how to go about
  147. ! registering a new CDE standard locale. You should not create
  148. ! a new "standard" locale (the left hand side of the translation
  149. ! specification) without registering it with CDE, because this
  150. ! will hinder the free exchange of information across locales
  151. ! and platforms.
  152. !
  153. ! The .=. and .~. mappings are similar. The difference is
  154. ! that the .=. mapping requires an exact string match between
  155. ! the platform locale and the string provided to the
  156. ! translation routine. Generally speaking, this mapping
  157. ! is risky unless exact matchings can be guaranteed in
  158. ! all DtLcx clients for the particular operation in question.
  159. ! The .~. mapping is to be preferred, but the .=. translation
  160. ! is useful in limited situations, where similar strings may
  161. ! occur.
  162. !
  163. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  164. ! uncomment this resource to debug/test translation
  165. !*debugDtXlate: True
  166. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SunOS Version Identificaton !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  167. ! These translations are used by the _DtXlateGetXlateEnv()
  168. ! call to determine the version number to use.
  169. !
  170. ! To understand the translation, realize that the
  171. ! operation-specific regexp(5) pattern on the right
  172. ! hand side is matched against the strings returned
  173. ! by uname(2). The best match determines the "normalized"
  174. ! version number of the platform, which should range from
  175. ! 001 and up. By convention, major release numbers
  176. ! map to centuries and minor release numbers to within
  177. ! the century.
  178. !
  179. ! To determine the string that the regular expression on the
  180. ! right hand side is matching against, use uname(1) and run
  181. ! 'uname -r' and 'uname -v' and note the strings. During execution,
  182. ! the strings returned by this command are retrieved and
  183. ! concatenated "rv"--in that order, no extra spaces.
  184. ! This is the string that the pattern must match.
  185. !
  186. ! Sometimes this string may not be intuitive. For example,
  187. ! note that AIX 3.2 returns 2 for 'uname -r' and 3 for 'uname -v'.
  188. ! So the pattern string must be 23, not 32. Do not go by
  189. ! the order of 'uname -rv' or 'uname -vr', as that is not used.
  190. !!!
  191. SunOS.?.version.<.5120: "5\\.12.*"
  192. SunOS.?.version.<.5110: "5\\.11.*"
  193. SunOS.?.version.<.5100: "5\\.10.*"
  194. SunOS.?.version.<.590: "5\\.9.*"
  195. SunOS.?.version.<.580: "5\\.8.*"
  196. SunOS.?.version.<.570: "5\\.7.*"
  197. SunOS.?.version.<.560: "5\\.6.*"
  198. SunOS.?.version.<.550: "5\\.5.*"
  199. SunOS.?.version.<.540: "5\\.4.*"
  200. SunOS.?.version.<.530: "5\\.3.*"
  201. SunOS.?.version.<.500: "5\\..*"
  202. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SunOS-specific setlocale translations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  203. ! These translations are for the string returned by the
  204. ! getlocale() or setlocale(LC_xxx,NULL) operations, but not
  205. ! setlocale(LC_ALL,NULL) operation.
  206. !
  207. ! It provides translations from Sun operation-specific
  208. ! to CDE standard strings and back again.
  209. !
  210. ! Some language,territory combinations have the following comments:
  211. ! (1) These ISO territory names may be subject to change
  212. ! However, their CDE names will continue to be supported
  213. ! (2) No ISO "territory" name exists for the Arabic-speaking regions of the
  214. ! world as a whole. Vendors have sometimes supplied their own.
  215. ! Those names, when conformant to the ISO model, will be adopted for CDE.
  216. !
  217. !Platform Operation Lang_Terr Op-Value Language,Territory Who has
  218. !--- --------- ----- -------- ------------------ -------
  219. ! Version Kind Codeset
  220. ! ---- - ---------
  221. ! setlocales Compliance
  222. SunOS.520+.setlocale.=.C.ISO-8859-1: C ! setlocales compliance ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  223. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.POSIX.ISO-8859-1: POSIX ! setlocales compliance ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  224. ! W European/Americas, Latin 1 codeset
  225. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.da_DK.ISO-8859-1: de ! Danish, Denmark XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  226. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.de_AT.ISO-8859-1: de ! German,Austria XoJIG, , , ,
  227. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.de_CH.ISO-8859-1: de ! German,Switzerland XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  228. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.de_DE.ISO-8859-1: de ! German, Germany XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("de"),
  229. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_AU.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,Australia , , , ,
  230. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_AU.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,Australia , , , ,
  231. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_CA.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,Canada XoJIG, , , ,
  232. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_CA.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,Canada XoJIG, , , ,
  233. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_DK.ISO-8859-1: en ! English, Denmark XoJIG, , , ,
  234. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_DK.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English, Denmark XoJIG, , , ,
  235. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_GB.ISO-8859-1: en ! English, U.K. XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  236. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_GB.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English, U.K. XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  237. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_JP.ISO-8859-1: en ! English, Japan XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  238. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_JP.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English, Japan XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  239. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_IE.ISO-8859-1: en ! English, Ireland XoJIG, , , ,
  240. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_IE.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English, Ireland XoJIG, , , ,
  241. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_MY.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,Malaysia , , , ,
  242. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_MY.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,Malaysia , , , ,
  243. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_NZ.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,New Zealand , , , ,
  244. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_NZ.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,New Zealand , , , ,
  245. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_KR.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,Korea , , , ,
  246. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_KR.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,Korea , , , ,
  247. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.>.en_TW.ISO-8859-1: en ! English,Taiwan , , , ,
  248. SunOS.540+.setlocale.>.en_TW.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English,Taiwan , , , ,
  249. SunOS.520-539.setlocale.~.en_US.ISO-8859-1: en ! English, USA XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  250. SunOS.540+.setlocale.~.en_US.ISO-8859-1: en_US ! English, USA XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  251. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_AR.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Argentina , , , Sun
  252. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_AR.ISO-8859-1: es_AR ! Spanish, Argentina , , , Sun
  253. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_BO.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Bolivia , , , Sun
  254. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_BO.ISO-8859-1: es_BO ! Spanish, Bolivia , , , Sun
  255. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_CL.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Chile , , , Sun ,
  256. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_CL.ISO-8859-1: es_CL ! Spanish, Chile , , , Sun ,
  257. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_CO.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Columbia , , , Sun
  258. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_CO.ISO-8859-1: es_CO ! Spanish, Columbia , , , Sun
  259. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_CR.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Costa Rica , , , Sun
  260. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_CR.ISO-8859-1: es_CR ! Spanish, Costa Rica , , , Sun
  261. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_EC.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Ecuador , , , Sun
  262. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_EC.ISO-8859-1: es_EC ! Spanish, Ecuador , , , Sun
  263. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.es_ES.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Spain XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  264. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_GT.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Guatemala , , , Sun
  265. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_GT.ISO-8859-1: es_GT ! Spanish, Guatemala , , , Sun
  266. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_MX.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Mexico , , , Sun ,
  267. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_MX.ISO-8859-1: es_MX ! Spanish, Mexico , , , Sun ,
  268. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_PE.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Peru , , , Sun
  269. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_PE.ISO-8859-1: es_PE ! Spanish, Peru , , , Sun
  270. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_UY.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Uruguay , , , Sun
  271. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_UY.ISO-8859-1: es_UY ! Spanish, Uruguay , , , Sun
  272. SunOS.520-529.setlocale.>.es_VE.ISO-8859-1: es ! Spanish, Venezuela , , , Sun ,
  273. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.es_VE.ISO-8859-1: es_VE ! Spanish, Venezuela , , , Sun ,
  274. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.et_EE.ISO-8859-1: ! Estonian, Estonia XoJIG,
  275. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.fi_FI.ISO-8859-1: ! Finnish, Finland XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  276. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.fo_FO.ISO-8859-1: ! Faroese, Faeroe Island XoJIG,
  277. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.fr_BE.ISO-8859-1: fr ! French,Belgium XoJIG, , , ,
  278. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.fr_CA.ISO-8859-1: fr ! French, Canada XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  279. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.fr_CH.ISO-8859-1: fr ! French, Switzerland XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  280. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.fr_FR.ISO-8859-1: fr ! French, France XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("fr"),
  281. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.is_IS.ISO-8859-1: ! Icelandic, Iceland XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  282. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.it_CH.ISO-8859-1: it ! Italian,Switzerland , , , ,
  283. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.it_IT.ISO-8859-1: it ! Italian, Italy XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("it"),
  284. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.kl_GL.ISO-8859-1: ! Greenlandic, Greenland XoJIG,
  285. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.lt_LT.ISO-8859-1: ! Lithuanian, Lithuania XoJIG,
  286. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.lv_LV.ISO-8859-1: ! Latvian, Latvia XoJIG,
  287. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.nl_BE.ISO-8859-1: ge ! Dutch, Belgium XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  288. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.nl_BE.ISO-8859-1: nl_BE ! Dutch, Belgium XoJIG,IBM, , ,
  289. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.nl_NL.ISO-8859-1: ge ! Dutch, The Netherlands XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  290. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.nl_NL.ISO-8859-1: nl ! Dutch, The Netherlands XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  291. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.no_NO.ISO-8859-1: ge ! Norwegian, Norway XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  292. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.no_NO.ISO-8859-1: no ! Norwegian, Norway XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  293. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.pt_BR.ISO-8859-1: es ! Portuguese,Brazil , , , ,
  294. !SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.pt_BR.ISO-8859-1: pt ! Portuguese,Brazil , , , ,
  295. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.pt_PT.ISO-8859-1: pt ! Portuguese, Portugal XoJIG,IBM, HP, ,
  296. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.sv_FI.ISO-8859-1: sv ! Swedish, Finland XoJIG,
  297. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.sv_SE.ISO-8859-1: sv ! Swedish, Sweden XoJIG,IBM, HP, Sun ("sv"),
  298. ! E European
  299. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.cs_CS.ISO-8859-2: cs ! Czech(1) ,IBM, HP
  300. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.hr_HR.ISO-8859-2: ! Croatian, Croatia ,IBM
  301. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.hu_HU.ISO-8859-2: hu ! Hungarian, Hungry XoJIG,IBM, HP
  302. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.pl_PL.ISO-8859-2: pl ! Polish, Poland XoJIG,IBM, HP
  303. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ro_RO.ISO-8859-2: ! Rumanian, Romania XoJIG,IBM, HP
  304. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.sh_YU.ISO-8859-2: ! Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia(1) ,IBM, HP
  305. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.sl_CS.ISO-8859-2: ! Slovenian , , HP
  306. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.si_SI.ISO-8859-2: ! Slovenian ,IBM,
  307. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.sk_SK.ISO-8859-2: ! Slovak ,IBM
  308. ! Cyrillic
  309. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.bg_BG.ISO-8859-5: ! Bulgarian, Bulgaria ,IBM, HP
  310. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.mk_MK.ISO-8859-5: ! Macedonian ,IBM
  311. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ru_RU.ISO-8859-5: ru ! Russian(1) ,IBM,
  312. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ru_SU.ISO-8859-5: ! Russian(1) , , HP
  313. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.sp_YU.ISO-8859-5: ! Serbian,Yugoslavia(1) ,IBM
  314. ! Arabic
  315. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ar_DZ.ISO-8859-6: ! Arabic(2) , , HP
  316. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ar_SA.ISO-8859-6: ! Arabic(2) , , HP
  317. ! Hebrew
  318. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.iw_IL.ISO-8859-8: ! Hebrew, Israel ,IBM, HP
  319. ! Greek
  320. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.el_GR.ISO-8859-7: ! Greek, Greece ,IBM, HP
  321. ! Turkish
  322. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.tr_TR.ISO-8859-9: ! Turkish, Turkey ,IBM, HP
  323. ! East Asia
  324. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.ja_JP.EUC-JP: ja ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ja"),
  325. ! Commented out the above line because the following 2 are needed
  326. ! so that ja and japanese refer to the same common Japanese locale name.
  327. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.=.ja_JP.EUC-JP: ja ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ja"),
  328. SunOS.520+.setlocale.=.ja_JP.EUC-JP: japanese ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ja"),
  329. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.ja_JP.SJIS: ja_JP.SJIS ! Japanese, Japan ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ja"),
  330. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.ko_KR.EUC-KR: ko ! Korean, Korea ,IBM, HP, Sun ("ko"),
  331. SunOS.520+.setlocale.~.zh_CN.EUC-CN: zh ! Chinese, China ,IBM, , Sun ("zh"),
  332. SunOS.520.setlocale.~.zh_TW.EUC-TW: zh_TW ! Chinese, Taiwan ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  333. SunOS.530+.setlocale.~.zh_TW.EUC-TW: zh_TW ! Chinese, Taiwan ,IBM, HP, Sun ,
  334. SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.zh_CN.HP-15CN: zh ! Chinese, China , , HP
  335. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.0.zh_TW.HP-BIG5: ! Chinese, Taiwan , , HP, ,
  336. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.zh_TW.HP-CCDC: ! Chinese, Taiwan , , HP, ,
  337. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ja_JP.HP-SJIS: ! Japanese, Japan aka
  338. japanese 15 , , HP,
  339. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.ja_JP.HP-KANA8: ! Japanese, Japan
  340. , , HP, ,
  341. ! Thai
  342. ! SunOS.520+.setlocale.>.th_TH.TIS-620: ! Thai, Thailand ,IBM, HP
  343. ! Sun mime names (for V3 compat)
  344. ! MIME names should be in upper case.
  345. SunOS.500+.mime.~.ISO-8859-1: ISO-8859-1 ! ISO Latin 1
  346. SunOS.500+.mime.~.?.ISO-8859-1: ISO-8859-1 ! ISO Latin 1
  347. ! The following should work but does not.
  348. !SunOS.500+.mime.<.?.EUC-JP: JA_JP.ISO2022-7 ! V3 ja charset
  349. SunOS.500+.mime.~.?.ISO-2022-JP: JA_JP.ISO2022-7 ! V3 ja charset
  350. SunOS.500+.mime.~.?.EUC-JP: ISO-2022-JP ! ja charset
  351. ! Added to support mail with no charset
  352. ! Need DEFAULT-ja
  353. ! The following should work but does not.
  354. !SunOS.500+.mime.<.?.EUC-JP: DEFAULT.EUC-JP ! ja charset
  355. SunOS.500+.mime.~.DEFAULT.EUC-JP: DEFAULT.EUC-JP ! ja charset
  356. SunOS.500+.mime.~.DEFAULT.ISO-8859-1: DEFAULT.ISO-8859-1 ! 8859 charset
  357. ! For Sending V3 compatibility
  358. SunOS.500+.mime.~.2022-JP-V3: ja_JP.iso2022-7 ! ja charset
  359. SunOS.500+.mime.~.?.ja_JP.SJIS: SJIS ! ja charset
  360. ! Only iconv names can be in lower case.
  361. ! codesets supported for iconv(1); iconv(3) & nl_langinfo not supported
  362. SunOS.520+.iconv1,iconv3.=.C.ISO-8859-1:
  363. SunOS.520+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-1: 8859
  364. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.EUC-JP: eucJP
  365. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.<.?.EUC-JP: ja_JP.euc
  366. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.ja_JP.EUC-JP: eucJP
  367. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.ja_JP.SJIS: SJIS
  368. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.ISO-2022-JP: ISO-2022-JP
  369. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.<.?.ISO-2022-JP: JIS7
  370. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-2022-7: ISO-2022-JP
  371. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.<.?.ISO-2022-7: ja_JP.iso2022-7
  372. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-SJIS: SJIS
  373. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.IBM-932: ibmj
  374. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-2022-KR: ko_KR.iso2022-7
  375. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-2022-TW: zh_TW.iso2022-7
  376. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-BIG5: zh_TW.big5
  377. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-2022-CN: zh_CN.iso2022-7
  378. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.EUC-KR: ko_KR.euc
  379. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.EUC-TW: zh_TW.euc
  380. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.EUC-CN: zh_CN.euc
  381. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.>.?.HP-15CN: zh_CN.euc
  382. SunOS.540+.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.UTF-8: UTF2
  383. ! codesets not supported by SunOS iconv(1)
  384. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-2:
  385. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-5:
  386. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-6:
  387. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-7:
  388. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-8:
  389. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.ISO-8859-9:
  390. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.IBM-437:
  391. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.IBM-850:
  392. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.IBM-856:
  393. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.IBM-1046:
  394. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-ARABIC8:
  395. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-GREEK8:
  396. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-HEBREW8
  397. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-ROMAN8:
  398. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-TURKISH8:
  399. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.TIS-620:
  400. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-KANA8:
  401. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.HP-CCDC:
  402. ! SunOS.?.iconv1,iconv3.~.?.UCS-2:
  403. ! multibyte codesets
  404. ! This translation provides an alternative to a call to
  405. ! using setlocale() and MB_CUR_MAX to determine this.
  406. SunOS.520+.multibyte.=.?.EUC-KR: 2
  407. SunOS.520+.multibyte.=.?.EUC-JP: 2
  408. SunOS.520+.multibyte.=.?.EUC-TW: 4
  409. SunOS.520+.multibyte.=.?.EUC-CN: 2
  410. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.HP-SJIS: 2
  411. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.IBM-932: 2
  412. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.HP-CCDC: 2
  413. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.HP-BIG5: 2
  414. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.TIS-620: 2
  415. ! SunOS.?.multibyte.~.?.HP-15CN: 2
  416. ! Translations from predefined CCDF-locales to CDE Standard Locales
  417. SunOS.?.ccdf.=.?.HP-ROMAN8: hp-roman8
  418. SunOS.?.ccdf.=.?.ISO-8859-1: iso8859-1
  419. SunOS.?.ccdf.=.ko_KR.EUC-KR: hp-korean15
  420. SunOS.?.ccdf.=.ja_JP.HP-SJIS: hp-japanese15
  421. SunOS.?.ccdf.=.?.DT-SYMBOL-1: symbol !!! standard Dt symbol font
  422. ! These CDE standard locales may have CCDF-locales, but they are defined by localizers
  423. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.ar_SA.HP-ARABIC8: arabic8
  424. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.el_GR.HP-GREEK8: greek8
  425. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.iw_IL.HP-HEBREW8: hebrew8
  426. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.tr_TR.HP-TURKISH8: turkish8
  427. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.<.ja_JP.HP-SJIS: sjis
  428. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.ja_JP.HP-KANA8: kana8
  429. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.<.ja_JP.EUC-JP: ujis
  430. ! SunOS.?.ccdf.=.zh_CN.HP-CCDC: roc15
  431. ! Codesets that require multibyte parsing to avoid confusion with shell special chars
  432. ! Sun doesn't have these codesets
  433. !SunOS.?.dtkshSpecialParse.=.ja_JP.HP-SJIS: True
  434. !SunOS.?.dtkshSpecialParse.=.ja_JP.IBM-932: True
  435. !SunOS.?.dtkshSpecialParse.=.zh_TW.HP-BIG5: True
  436. !SunOS.?.dtkshSpecialParse.=.zh_TW.HP-CCDC: True
  437. SunOS.?.dtkshSpecialParse.=.zh_TW.EUC-TW: True
  438. !! When content is exchanged with other platforms, the interchange codeset
  439. !! may be different that the codeset used locally. In CDE1, these translations
  440. !! are used by dtmail, but other clients may use the same translations
  441. !! in the future. For example, to improve interoperability of 8-bit mail,
  442. !! the mail messages of users working in codesets such as HP-ROMAN8 or IBM-850
  443. !! are translated to the interchangeCodeset (in this case, ISO-8859-1) before
  444. !! they are sent. Similarly, the mail of Japanese users is translated to ISO-2022-JP
  445. !! before it is sent.
  446. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-1: ISO-8859-1 ! ISO Latin 1
  447. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-ROMAN8: ISO-8859-1 ! HP Roman8
  448. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.IBM-437: ISO-8859-1 ! PC (US)
  449. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.IBM-850: ISO-8859-1 ! PC (Multi-lingual)
  450. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-2: ISO-8859-2 ! ISO Latin 2
  451. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-5: ISO-8859-5 ! ISO Latin/Cyrillic
  452. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-6: ISO-8859-6 ! ISO Latin/Arabic
  453. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-ARABIC8: ISO-8859-6 ! HP Arabic8
  454. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.IBM-1046: ISO-8859-6 ! PC Arabic Code Set
  455. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-8: ISO-8859-8 ! ISO Latin/Hebrew
  456. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-HEBREW8: ISO-8859-8 ! HP Hebrew8
  457. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.IBM-856: ISO-8859-7 ! PC Hebrew
  458. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-7: ISO-8859-7 ! ISO Latin/Greek
  459. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-GREEK8: ISO-8859-7 ! HP Greek8
  460. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-8859-9: ISO-8859-9 ! ISO Latin 5
  461. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-TURKISH8: ISO-8859-9 ! HP Turkish8
  462. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.~.?.EUC-JP: ISO-2022-JP ! Japanese EUC
  463. ! Add the following line -- hack to see if "japanese" works
  464. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.=.?.EUC-JP: ISO-2022-JP ! Japanese EUC
  465. ! For Sending V3 compatibility
  466. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.~.?.EUC-JP.V3: 2022-JP-V3 ! Japanese EUC
  467. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ja_JP.SJIS: ja_JP.SJIS ! Japanese EUC
  468. SunOS.500+.interchangeCodeset.~.?.ISO-2022-JP: ISO-2022-JP ! Japanese EUC
  469. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-SJIS: ISO-2022-JP ! HP Japanese Shift JIS
  470. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.IBM-932: ISO-2022-JP ! PC Japanese Shift JIS
  471. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-KANA8: ISO-2022-JP ! HP Japanese Katakana8
  472. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.EUC-KR: ISO-2022-KR ! Korean EUC
  473. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.EUC-CN: ISO-2022-CN ! China Chinese EUC
  474. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.EUC-TW: ISO-2022-TW ! Taiwan Chinese EUC
  475. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-BIG5: ISO-2022-TW ! HP Big5 Chinese
  476. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-CCDC: ISO-2022-TW ! HP CCDC Chinese
  477. !SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.HP-15CN: ISO-2022-CN ! HP Chinese EUC
  478. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.TIS-620: TIS-620 ! Thai
  479. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.>.?.UCS-2: UTF-8 ! Unicode
  480. SunOS.?.interchangeCodeset.~.?.UTF-8: UTF-8 ! multibyte Unicode