DtPrint.msg 4.4 KB

  1. $ *************************************<+>*************************************
  2. $ *****************************************************************************
  3. $ **
  4. $ ** File: DtPrint.msg
  5. $ **
  6. $ ** Project: DT
  7. $ **
  8. $ ** Description:
  9. $ ** -----------
  10. $ ** This file is the source for the message catalog for the Dt Print
  11. $ ** library.
  12. $ **
  13. $ **
  14. $ *****************************************************************************
  15. $ **
  16. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
  17. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
  18. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  19. $ ** (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1996 Novell, Inc.
  20. $ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation.
  21. $ ** (c) Copyright 1996 FUJITSU LIMITED.
  22. $ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi.
  23. $ **
  24. $ *****************************************************************************
  25. $ **
  26. $ **
  27. $ ** $XConsortium: DtPrint.msg /main/18 1996/10/31 02:08:59 cde-hp $
  28. $ *****************************************************************************
  29. $ *****************************************************************************
  30. $ *****************************************************************************
  31. $
  33. $
  34. $ There MAY be three types of messages in this file:
  35. $
  36. $ 1. Messages that appear in dialogs or are displayed to the user.
  37. $
  38. $ These messages are the default and they should ALL BE LOCALIZED.
  39. $ Note that these messages do NOT have any identification (see the
  40. $ comments for type 2 and 3 below).
  41. $
  42. $ 2. Messages that only appear in the DT error log file ($HOME/.dt/errorlog).
  43. $
  44. $ The localization of these messages is OPTIONAL. These messages are
  45. $ identified by the following:
  46. $
  48. $
  49. $ 3. Messages that should not be localized.
  50. $
  51. $ These messages are identified by the following:
  52. $
  53. $ DO NOT TRANSLATE or CHANGE or LOCALIZE MESSAGES xx-yy from set zz
  54. $
  56. $
  57. $ ******************************************************************************
  58. $quote "
  59. $set 1
  60. $ *************************************************************
  61. $ ** **
  62. $ ** PrintSetupBox messages and labels **
  63. $ ** **
  64. $ *************************************************************
  65. $ Warning messages
  66. $ Note: do not localize the chars %s
  67. $
  68. $quote
  69. 1 Invalid workAreaLocation resource setting.
  70. $ Label values
  71. $
  72. 2 More Printers...
  73. 3 Print to File
  74. 4 Select File...
  75. 5 Cancel
  76. 6 Copies:
  77. 7 Help
  78. 8 Print
  79. 9 Printer Name:
  80. 10 Setup...
  81. 11 Printer Description:
  82. $ Warning messages
  83. $ Note: do not localize the chars %s
  84. 12 Copy count out of range.
  85. 13 Invalid print setup mode.
  86. 14 Print setup mode cannot be changed.
  87. $ Label values
  88. $
  89. 15 Info...
  90. $ Warning messages
  91. $ Note: do not localize the chars %s
  92. 16 Invalid Printer
  93. 17 Printer %s not found on print server %s
  94. 18 Unable to connect to print server %s
  95. 19 X server %s does not support printing
  96. 20 A default printer could not be determined
  97. 21 An X print server for %s could not be found
  98. 22 Printer name missing from specifier: %s
  99. 23 Invalid print destination.
  100. 24 Unable to convert from compound text.
  101. 25 Arguments not needed for resource conversion.
  102. $ Label values
  103. $
  104. 26 Select Printer Error
  105. $ Warning messages
  106. $ Note: do not localize the chars %s
  107. 27 Unable to find any printers.
  108. $ Label values
  109. $
  110. 28 description unavailable
  111. 29 Select File
  112. 30 Printer Information
  113. 31 Format:
  114. 32 Printer Model:
  115. 33 Printers:
  116. 34 More Printers
  117. 35 Print to Printer
  118. 36 File Name:
  119. 37 Print Setup - Help
  120. $set 2
  121. $ *************************************************************
  122. $ ** **
  123. $ ** _DtPrint Frame GUI messages **
  124. $ ** **
  125. $ *************************************************************
  126. $
  127. $quote "
  128. $ Label values for Margin Frame
  129. $
  130. 1 "Margins"
  131. 2 "Top:"
  132. 3 "Right:"
  133. 4 "Bottom:"
  134. 5 "Left:"
  135. $
  136. $ Label values for Header/Footer Frame
  137. $
  138. 6 "Headers and Footers"
  139. 7 "Top Left:"
  140. 8 "Top Right:"
  141. 9 "Bottom Left:"
  142. 10 "Bottom Right:"
  143. $set 3
  144. $ *************************************************************
  145. $ ** **
  146. $ ** Dt Print Dialog Manager Job Options GUI messages **
  147. $ ** **
  148. $ *************************************************************
  149. $
  150. $quote
  151. $ Label values for Margin Frame
  152. 1 Send Mail When Done
  153. 2 Banner Page Title:
  154. 3 Print Command Options: