Overview.sgm 7.4 KB

  1. <!-- $XConsortium: Overview.sgm /main/7 1996/10/30 18:01:09 rws $ -->
  2. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. -->
  3. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Hewlett-Packard Company. -->
  4. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 International Business Machines Corp. -->
  5. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. -->
  6. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Novell, Inc. -->
  7. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 FUJITSU LIMITED. -->
  8. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Hitachi. -->
  9. <Chapter Id="quick-start">
  10. <Title>The Desktop at a Glance</Title>
  11. <IndexTerm>
  12. <Primary>overview of desktop</Primary>
  13. </IndexTerm>
  14. <IndexTerm>
  15. <Primary>desktop overview</Primary>
  16. </IndexTerm>
  17. <IndexTerm>
  18. <Primary>File Manager</Primary>
  19. </IndexTerm>
  20. <IndexTerm>
  21. <Primary>Style Manager</Primary>
  22. </IndexTerm>
  23. <IndexTerm>
  24. <Primary>Front Panel</Primary>
  25. </IndexTerm>
  26. <IndexTerm>
  27. <Primary>desktop</Primary>
  28. </IndexTerm>
  29. <Para>&newline;To help you organize and manage your work, the desktop provides windows,
  30. workspaces, controls, menus, and the Front Panel.</Para>
  31. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  32. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.1">
  33. <Para><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Windows</GlossTerm> contain software applications and are
  34. framed with controls so you can move them, size them, or place them in
  35. additional workspaces.
  36. <!-- See <xref survival-skills> and <xref ManagingWindowsSI>. --></Para>
  37. </ListItem>
  38. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.2">
  39. <Para><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Workspaces</GlossTerm> are the screen areas where you place the
  40. windows needed for your work, arrange them, and put them away when you're done.
  41. <!-- See <xref UsingWorkspacesSI>. --></Para>
  42. </ListItem>
  43. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.3">
  44. <Para><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Controls</GlossTerm> enable you to manipulate objects, select
  45. choices, or type information.
  46. <!-- See <xref SettingUpOrganizingWorkspacesSI>. --></Para>
  47. </ListItem>
  48. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.4">
  49. <Para><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Menus</GlossTerm> provide access to commands you use to manage
  50. windows and operate applications.
  51. <!-- See <xref UsingMenusSI>. --></Para>
  52. </ListItem>
  53. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.5">
  54. <Para>The <GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Front Panel</GlossTerm> is a collection of frequently used
  55. controls, available in every workspace.
  56. <!-- See <link hyperlink="FPanel _hometopic" JumpNewView>the Front Panel help
  57. volume<\link>. --></Para>
  58. </ListItem>
  59. </ItemizedList>
  60. <Para>Here are some of the windows, icons and objects you'll encounter as
  61. you use the desktop:</Para>
  62. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-icons"></InlineGraphic><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Window icons</GlossTerm>&newline;&newline;When you <Symbol Role="Variable">minimize</Symbol> a window, it becomes an icon on the
  63. workspace. Shown here are the window icons for File Manager, Style Manager,
  64. and Text Editor.&newline;&newline;To minimize a window, click the minimize button near the upper right
  65. corner of the window frame.&newline;&empty;<InlineGraphic Entityref="VI-ZoomedViewOfMinimizeButton" Id="HIMGR.QST.grph.1"></InlineGraphic>&sigspace; Minimize button
  66. &newline;To restore the window, <GlossTerm>double-click</GlossTerm> mouse button 1 on
  67. the icon.&newline;&newline;&empty;
  68. <GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Style Manager</GlossTerm>
  69. </Para>
  70. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-stylemanager"></InlineGraphic>&newline;&empty;</Para>
  71. <Para>Use Style Manager to easily customize many elements of the desktop including:
  72. </Para>
  73. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  74. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.6">
  75. <Para>Colors
  76. </Para>
  77. </ListItem>
  78. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.7">
  79. <Para>Workspace backdrops
  80. </Para>
  81. </ListItem>
  82. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.8">
  83. <Para>Font size
  84. </Para>
  85. </ListItem>
  86. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.9">
  87. <Para>Keyboard, mouse, and window behavior
  88. </Para>
  89. </ListItem>
  90. </ItemizedList>
  91. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="VI-StyleManagerFrontPanelControl"></InlineGraphic>To start Style
  92. Manager, click its Front Panel control.</Para>
  93. <Para>&empty;&newline;</Para>
  94. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-desktop-icons"></InlineGraphic><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Workspace objects</GlossTerm>&newline;&newline;You can place the files, folders, and <GlossTerm Role="baseform=action">actions</GlossTerm> you use
  95. frequently on the workspace backdrop as icons.&newline;&newline;To place an object on the workspace, <GlossTerm>drag</GlossTerm> its icon from a
  96. File Manager or Application Manager window and drop it directly on the
  97. workspace backdrop.&newline;&newline;A workspace object is a <Emphasis>reference</Emphasis> to the actual object,
  98. not a copy.&newline;&newline;&empty;
  99. </Para>
  100. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-filemanager"></InlineGraphic><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">File Manager</GlossTerm>&newline;&newline;File Manager displays the files, folders, and programs on your system as
  101. icons. Working with File Manager icons saves you from having to learn complex
  102. commands.&newline;</Para>
  103. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="VI-FileManagerFrontPanelControl"></InlineGraphic>&newline;To open a
  104. File Manager view of your home folder, click the File Manager control
  105. in the Front Panel.&newline;&empty;&newline;&newline;<GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Application Manager</GlossTerm>
  106. </Para>
  107. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-AppMgr"></InlineGraphic>&newline;&empty;</Para>
  108. <Para>Application Manager provides easy access to the applications and
  109. actions you use in your everyday work.&newline;&newline;You can place the applications and actions you use frequently on
  110. the workspace backdrop.&newline;</Para>
  111. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="VI-AppMgrIcon"></InlineGraphic>To open Application Manager,
  112. click its Front Panel control.&newline;&empty;&newline;&newline;<GlossTerm Role="nogloss">Front Panel</GlossTerm>
  113. </Para>
  114. <Para><InlineGraphic Remap="graphic" Role="left" Entityref="q-mini-frontpanel"></InlineGraphic>&newline;&empty;</Para>
  115. <Para>The Front Panel provides controls, applications, and indicators you use in
  116. your everyday work. The Front Panel also provides the <Emphasis>workspace
  117. switch</Emphasis> for selecting a workspace.&newline;&empty;&newline;</Para>
  118. <Procedure>
  119. <Title>More about the desktop ...</Title>
  120. <Step>
  121. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  122. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.10">
  123. <Para><XRef Linkend="survival-skills"></Para>
  124. </ListItem>
  125. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.11">
  126. <Para><XRef Linkend="survival-skills-mouse"></Para>
  127. </ListItem>
  128. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.12">
  129. <Para><XRef Linkend="survival-skills-keyboard"></Para>
  130. </ListItem>
  131. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.13">
  132. <Para><XRef Linkend="ManagingWindowsSI"></Para>
  133. </ListItem>
  134. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.14">
  135. <Para><XRef Linkend="UsingWorkspacesSI"></Para>
  136. </ListItem>
  137. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.15">
  138. <Para><XRef Linkend="SettingUpOrganizingWorkspacesSI"></Para>
  139. </ListItem>
  140. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.16">
  141. <Para><XRef Linkend="UsingMenusSI"></Para>
  142. </ListItem>
  143. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.17">
  144. <Para><XRef Linkend="getting-help"></Para>
  145. </ListItem>
  146. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.18">
  147. <Para><XRef Linkend="LogOutLockScreenTA"></Para>
  148. </ListItem>
  149. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.19">
  150. <Para><XRef Linkend="DesktopKeyboardNav">
  151. </Para>
  152. </ListItem>
  153. <ListItem Id="HIMGR.QST.item.20">
  154. <Para><OLink Type="JumpNewView" LocalInfo="Loginmgr SDL-RESERVED-hometopic">Login
  155. Manager Help</OLink>
  156. </Para>
  157. </ListItem>
  158. </ItemizedList>
  159. </Step>
  160. </Procedure>
  161. </Chapter>
  162. <!--fickle 1.15 help-to-docbook 1.4 01/17/96 16:37:38-->