Ref.sgm 112 KB

  1. <!-- $XConsortium: Ref.sgm /main/11 1996/10/28 19:18:09 cdedoc $ -->
  2. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. -->
  3. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Hewlett-Packard Company. -->
  4. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 International Business Machines Corp. -->
  5. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. -->
  6. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Novell, Inc. -->
  7. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 FUJITSU LIMITED. -->
  8. <!-- (c) Copyright 1995 Hitachi. -->
  9. <Chapter Id="Reference">
  10. <Title>Reference Information</Title>
  11. <Para>Click any of the topics listed below for help with that particular topic.
  12. </Para>
  13. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  14. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.1">
  15. <Para><XRef Linkend="manpage1x"></Para>
  16. </ListItem>
  17. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.2">
  18. <Para><XRef Linkend="EscapeSequences"></Para>
  19. </ListItem>
  20. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.3">
  21. <Para><XRef Linkend="Keyboard"></Para>
  22. </ListItem>
  23. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.4">
  24. <Para><XRef Linkend="GlobOpts"></Para>
  25. </ListItem>
  26. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.5">
  27. <Para><XRef Linkend="TermOpts"></Para>
  28. </ListItem>
  29. </ItemizedList>
  30. <Sect1 Id="manpage1x">
  31. <Title>dtterm (1X) Man Page</Title>
  32. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  33. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.6">
  34. <Para><XRef Linkend="Synopsis"></Para>
  35. </ListItem>
  36. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.7">
  37. <Para><XRef Linkend="Description"></Para>
  38. </ListItem>
  39. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.8">
  40. <Para><XRef Linkend="Options"></Para>
  41. </ListItem>
  42. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.9">
  43. <Para><XRef Linkend="Resources"></Para>
  44. </ListItem>
  45. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.10">
  46. <Para><XRef Linkend="pointerusage"></Para>
  47. </ListItem>
  48. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.11">
  49. <Para><XRef Linkend="actions"></Para>
  50. </ListItem>
  51. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.12">
  52. <Para><XRef Linkend="translations">
  53. <!-- *<xref xconsoles> --></Para>
  54. </ListItem>
  55. </ItemizedList>
  56. <Procedure>
  57. <Title>See Also</Title>
  58. <Step>
  59. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  60. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.13">
  61. <Para><XRef Linkend="EscapeSequences"></Para>
  62. </ListItem>
  63. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.14">
  64. <Para><OLink LocalInfo="X" Type="man"> X(1) </OLink>
  65. </Para>
  66. </ListItem>
  67. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.15">
  68. <Para><OLink LocalInfo="resize" Type="man"> resize(1) </OLink>
  69. </Para>
  70. </ListItem>
  71. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.16">
  72. <Para><OLink LocalInfo="xset" Type="man"> xset(1) </OLink>
  73. </Para>
  74. </ListItem>
  75. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.17">
  76. <Para><OLink LocalInfo="xterm" Type="man"> xterm(1) </OLink>
  77. </Para>
  78. </ListItem>
  79. </ItemizedList>
  80. </Step>
  81. </Procedure>
  82. <Sect2 Id="Synopsis">
  83. <Title>SYNOPSIS</Title>
  84. <Para><ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>
  85. [-options]</Para>
  86. </Sect2>
  87. <Sect2 Id="Description">
  88. <Title>DESCRIPTION</Title>
  89. <Para>The <Symbol Role="Variable">dtterm</Symbol> client provides runtime support of legacy applications
  90. written for ANSI X3.64-1979 and ISO 6429:1992(E) conformant character
  91. terminals such as the DEC VT220.</Para>
  92. </Sect2>
  93. <Sect2 Id="Options">
  94. <Title>OPTIONS</Title>
  95. <Para>The <Symbol Role="Variable">dtterm</Symbol> terminal emulator
  96. accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with
  97. additional options all of which are listed below (if the option begins
  98. with a `+' instead of a `-', the option is restored to its default value):</Para>
  99. <!-- spec pages 11 through 17 -->
  100. <Para Id="minus132"><ComputerOutput>-132</ComputerOutput>
  101. </Para>
  102. <Para Role="indent">Normally the DECCOLM escape sequence that switches between
  103. 80 and
  104. 132 column mode is ignored. This option causes the DECCOLM escape
  105. sequence to be recognized, and the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window will resize
  106. appropriately.<IndexTerm>
  107. <Primary>c132</Primary>
  108. </IndexTerm>
  109. </Para>
  110. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="c132"> <ComputerOutput>c132</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  111. <Para Id="plus132"><ComputerOutput>+132</ComputerOutput>
  112. </Para>
  113. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the DECCOLM
  114. escape sequence to be ignored. This is the
  115. default behavior.<IndexTerm>
  116. <Primary>c132</Primary>
  117. </IndexTerm>
  118. </Para>
  119. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="c132"> <ComputerOutput>c132</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  120. <Para Id="minusaw"><ComputerOutput>-aw</ComputerOutput>
  121. </Para>
  122. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that auto-wraparound
  123. should be allowed. This
  124. allows the cursor to automatically wrap to the beginning of the next
  125. line when it is at the right-most position of a line and text is output.
  126. This is the default behavior.
  127. </Para>
  128. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="autowrap"> <ComputerOutput>autoWrap</ComputerOutput></Link>.<IndexTerm>
  129. <Primary>autoWrap</Primary>
  130. </IndexTerm>
  131. </Para>
  132. <Para Id="plusaw"><ComputerOutput>+aw</ComputerOutput>
  133. </Para>
  134. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that auto-wraparound should not be allowed.
  135. </Para>
  136. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="autowrap"> <ComputerOutput>autoWrap</ComputerOutput></Link>.<IndexTerm>
  137. <Primary>autoWrap</Primary>
  138. </IndexTerm>
  139. </Para>
  140. <Para Id="bkgndopt"><ComputerOutput>-background</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">background_color</Symbol>
  141. </Para>
  142. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the background of the terminal window as well as the
  143. default background used for the scroll bar and the X11 pointer cursor.
  144. Under CDE, this option defaults to the primary
  145. colorset select pixel or background pixel(see
  146. <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bselect"><ComputerOutput>-bs</ComputerOutput></Link>. Without CDE, this option defaults to
  147. <ComputerOutput>*background/*Background</ComputerOutput> with an ultimate fallback color of black.
  148. </Para>
  149. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">background_color</Symbol> describes the background color to use.
  150. </Para>
  151. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  152. <Primary>background</Primary>
  153. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="background"><ComputerOutput>background</ComputerOutput></Link></Para>
  154. <Para><ComputerOutput>-bd <Symbol Role="Variable">border_color</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  155. </Para>
  156. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the border color for all windows. The shell widget's
  157. border
  158. may not be visible when reparenting window managers such as <ComputerOutput>dtwm(1X)</ComputerOutput>
  159. and <ComputerOutput>mwm(1X)</ComputerOutput> are used. The default color is black.
  160. </Para>
  161. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">border_color</Symbol> describes the border color to use.
  162. </Para>
  163. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  164. <Primary>borderColor</Primary>
  165. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bdrcol"> <ComputerOutput>borderColor</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  166. <Para Id="bgnd"><ComputerOutput>-bg</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">background_color</Symbol>
  167. </Para>
  168. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bkgndopt"><ComputerOutput>-background</ComputerOutput></Link>.
  169. </Para>
  170. <Para Role="indent"><ComputerOutput>background_color</ComputerOutput> describes the background color to use.
  171. </Para>
  172. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  173. <Primary>background</Primary>
  174. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="background"> <ComputerOutput>background</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  175. <Para><ComputerOutput>-bordercolor</ComputerOutput> <Emphasis>border_color</Emphasis>
  176. </Para>
  177. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to -bd above.
  178. </Para>
  179. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>border_color</Emphasis>
  180. Describes the border color to use
  181. </Para>
  182. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  183. <Primary>borderColor</Primary>
  184. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bdrcol"> <ComputerOutput>borderColor</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  185. <Para Id="bdrwidthopt"><ComputerOutput>-borderwidth</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">border_width</Symbol>
  186. </Para>
  187. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the border width of the shell widget's window.
  188. This value may be overridden by reparenting window managers such as
  189. <ComputerOutput>dtwm(1X)</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>mwm(1X)</ComputerOutput>. The default is 0.
  190. </Para>
  191. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">border_width</Symbol>
  192. Specifies the width of the window border in pixels.
  193. </Para>
  194. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  195. <Primary>borderwidth</Primary>
  196. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bwidth"> <ComputerOutput>borderWidth</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  197. <Para Id="bselect"><ComputerOutput>-bs</ComputerOutput>
  198. </Para>
  199. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the
  200. terminal window should use the Motif select color instead of the background
  201. color for the terminal window's background color. This is the default
  202. behavior.
  203. </Para>
  204. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  205. <Primary>backgroundIsSelect</Primary>
  206. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bgndIsSel"> <ComputerOutput>backgroundIsSelect</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  207. <Para><ComputerOutput>+bs</ComputerOutput>
  208. </Para>
  209. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the
  210. terminal window should not use the Motif select color instead of the
  211. background color for the terminal window's background color.
  212. </Para>
  213. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bgndIsSel"> <ComputerOutput>backgroundIsSelect</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  214. <Para><ComputerOutput>-bw <Symbol Role="Variable">border_width</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  215. </Para>
  216. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bdrwidthopt"><ComputerOutput>-borderwidth</ComputerOutput></Link> above.
  217. </Para>
  218. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bwidth"> <ComputerOutput>borderWidth</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  219. <Para><ComputerOutput>-C</ComputerOutput>
  220. </Para>
  221. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that output directed at <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> should be
  222. directed instead to the terminal window. It is provided as a way to
  223. prevent output that would normally be displayed on the ITE from
  224. overwriting the X server's display. It is not provided as a general mechanism to
  225. direct the output from an arbitrary system's <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> to an
  226. arbitrary X server. Note that you must have ownership of and read/write
  227. access to <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> for this option to work.</Para>
  228. <Para><ComputerOutput>-display <Symbol Role="Variable">display_name</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  229. </Para>
  230. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the X11 display server to be used by <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>.
  231. This defaults to the value in the $DISPLAY environment variable.
  232. </Para>
  233. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">display_name</Symbol> specifies the X11 server to connect to.<IndexTerm>
  234. <Primary>display</Primary>
  235. </IndexTerm>
  236. </Para>
  237. <Para><ComputerOutput>-e <Symbol Role="Variable">program_argument ...</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  238. </Para>
  239. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies an executable program to be invoked as a subprocess
  240. when <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> is started.
  241. This option must be the last option on
  242. the command line.
  243. </Para>
  244. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">program_argument ...</Symbol> specifies the program and command line arguments
  245. to execute.</Para>
  246. <Para><ComputerOutput>-fb</ComputerOutput> <Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis>
  247. </Para>
  248. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies an XFontSet to be used when displaying bold terminal
  249. text. It should be specified as a Motif XmFontList.
  250. Only character or mono spaced fonts are supported. The behavior when
  251. using proportional fonts is undefined.
  252. A default bold font will be generated based on the XLFD
  253. name of the userFont.
  254. If that font is not available, bold text
  255. will be generated by overstriking (with a one pixel offset) the
  256. userFont.
  257. </Para>
  258. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis> specifies the bold terminal XFontSet to use.
  259. </Para>
  260. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="userFont"> <ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  261. <Para Id="fgopt"><ComputerOutput>-fg</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">foreground_color</Symbol>
  262. </Para>
  263. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the foreground color of the terminal window as
  264. well as the default foreground color used for the scroll bar and the
  265. for the X11 pointer cursor. Under CDE, this resource
  266. will default to the primary color set foreground pixel. Without CDE,
  267. this resource will default to <ComputerOutput>*foreground</ComputerOutput> or <ComputerOutput>*Foreground</ComputerOutput> with
  268. an ultimate fallback color of white.
  269. </Para>
  270. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">foreground_color</Symbol> specifies the foreground color to use.
  271. </Para>
  272. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  273. <Primary>foreground</Primary>
  274. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="fg"> <ComputerOutput>foreground</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  275. <Para Id="fn"><ComputerOutput>-fn</ComputerOutput> <Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis>
  276. </Para>
  277. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies an XFontSet to be used when displaying terminal text.
  278. It should be specified as a Motif XmFontList.
  279. Only character or mono spaced fonts are supported. The behavior when
  280. using proportional fonts is undefined.
  281. This font will not be used
  282. to display non-terminal text (menu bar, popup menus, dialogs, etc.).
  283. The default is
  284. to use the XmNtextFontList value of the parent bulletin board (see
  285. XmBulletinBoard(3X)) in the same manner as the XmText widget.
  286. </Para>
  287. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis> Specifies the terminal XFontSet to use.
  288. Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="userFont"> <ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  289. <Para><ComputerOutput>-font</ComputerOutput> <Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis>
  290. </Para>
  291. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <ComputerOutput>-fn</ComputerOutput> above.
  292. </Para>
  293. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>fontset</Emphasis> Specifies the terminal XFontSet to use.</Para>
  294. <Para>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="userFont"> <ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput></Link>.
  295. </Para>
  296. <Para Id="foregndopt"><ComputerOutput>-foreground</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">foreground</Symbol>
  297. </Para>
  298. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <Link Type="jump" Linkend="fgopt"><ComputerOutput>-fg</ComputerOutput></Link> above.
  299. </Para>
  300. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">foreground</Symbol> Specifies the foreground color to use.
  301. </Para>
  302. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  303. <Primary>foreground</Primary>
  304. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="fg"> <ComputerOutput>foreground</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  305. <Para><ComputerOutput>-geometry <Symbol Role="Variable">geometry_string</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  306. </Para>
  307. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the preferred size and position of the terminal
  308. window. The default size is 24 lines of 80 characters each.
  309. There is no default position.
  310. </Para>
  311. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">geometry</Symbol> Specifies the terminal geometry to use.
  312. </Para>
  313. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  314. <Primary>geometry</Primary>
  315. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="geometry"> <ComputerOutput>geometry</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  316. <Para><ComputerOutput>-help</ComputerOutput>
  317. </Para>
  318. <Para Role="indent">Displays a message summarizing the usage of <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>.<IndexTerm>
  319. <Primary>help</Primary>
  320. </IndexTerm>
  321. </Para>
  322. <Para><ComputerOutput>-iconic</ComputerOutput>
  323. </Para>
  324. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the terminal emulator should initially be
  325. placed on the display iconified.
  326. </Para>
  327. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  328. <Primary>iconic</Primary>
  329. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="iconic"> <ComputerOutput>iconic</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  330. <Para><ComputerOutput>+iconic</ComputerOutput>
  331. </Para>
  332. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the terminal emulator should initially be
  333. placed on the display as a normal window. This is the default behavior.
  334. </Para>
  335. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="iconic"> <ComputerOutput>iconic</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  336. <Para><ComputerOutput>-j</ComputerOutput>
  337. </Para>
  338. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that jump scrolling should be used. Under jump
  339. scrolling, the screen may be scrolled more than one line at a time. This
  340. provides for faster screen updates when multiple lines of text are being
  341. sent to the terminal. The maximum number of lines that may be jump
  342. scrolled is limited to the number of lines in the terminal window. It is
  343. guaranteed that
  344. all lines will be displayed. This is the default behavior.
  345. </Para>
  346. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  347. <Primary>jumpScroll</Primary>
  348. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="jumpScroll"> <ComputerOutput>jumpScroll</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  349. <Para><ComputerOutput>+j</ComputerOutput>
  350. </Para>
  351. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that jump scrolling should not be used. For a
  352. description of jump scrolling, see <ComputerOutput>-j</ComputerOutput> above.
  353. </Para>
  354. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="jumpScroll"> <ComputerOutput>jumpScroll</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  355. <Para><ComputerOutput>-kshMode</ComputerOutput>
  356. </Para>
  357. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that ksh mode should be enabled.
  358. Under ksh mode, a key pressed with the extend modifier bit set will
  359. generate an escape character followed by the character generated by the
  360. un-extended keystroke. This option is provided for use with emacs and
  361. the emacs command line editor mode of <ComputerOutput>ksh(1)</ComputerOutput> or <ComputerOutput>ied(1)</ComputerOutput>. It
  362. conflicts with the normal use of the meta key for generating extended
  363. single byte characters, and for generating multi-byte Asian characters.<IndexTerm>
  364. <Primary>kshMode</Primary>
  365. </IndexTerm>
  366. </Para>
  367. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="kshMode"> <ComputerOutput>kshMode</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  368. <Para><ComputerOutput>+kshMode</ComputerOutput>
  369. </Para>
  370. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the ksh mode should not be enabled. This is
  371. the default behavior.
  372. </Para>
  373. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="kshMode"> <ComputerOutput>kshMode</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  374. <Para><ComputerOutput>-l</ComputerOutput>
  375. </Para>
  376. <Para Role="indent">This option enables output logging. When logging is enabled, all output
  377. received from the subprocess is logged either to a file or to a command
  378. pipeline (as specified via the <ComputerOutput>-lf</ComputerOutput> option below). Since the data is
  379. being logged directly from the subprocess, it includes all escape
  380. characters and carriage return/newline pairs sent by the terminal line
  381. discipline. Output may be enabled and disabled via
  382. escape sequences.
  383. </Para>
  384. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  385. <Primary>logging</Primary>
  386. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="logging"> <ComputerOutput>logging</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  387. <Para><ComputerOutput>+l</ComputerOutput>
  388. </Para>
  389. <Para Role="indent">This option disables output logging. For a description of output
  390. logging, see <ComputerOutput>-l</ComputerOutput> above. This option is the default.
  391. </Para>
  392. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  393. <Primary>logging</Primary>
  394. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="logging"> <ComputerOutput>logging</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  395. <Para><ComputerOutput>-lf <Symbol Role="Variable">file_name</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  396. </Para>
  397. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the name of the file to which the output log described
  398. above is written. If <Symbol Role="Variable">file_name</Symbol> begins with a pipe symbol (<ComputerOutput>|</ComputerOutput>), the rest of
  399. the string is assumed to be a command to be used as the endpoint of a pipe.
  400. The default filename is <ComputerOutput>DttermLog</ComputerOutput><Symbol Role="Variable">XXXXX</Symbol> (where <Symbol Role="Variable">XXXXX</Symbol>
  401. is the process id of <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>) and is created in the directory from which
  402. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> was started. If the last five characters are "XXXXX," they
  403. are replaced by the process ID.
  404. </Para>
  405. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">file_name</Symbol> specifies the log file name to use.
  406. </Para>
  407. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  408. <Primary>logFile</Primary>
  409. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="logfile"> <ComputerOutput>logFile</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  410. <Para><ComputerOutput>-ls</ComputerOutput>
  411. </Para>
  412. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that the shell that is started
  413. should be a login shell (i.e. the first character of <ComputerOutput>argv[0]</ComputerOutput> will be a dash,
  414. indicating to the shell that it should read the system's <ComputerOutput>profile</ComputerOutput>
  415. and the user's <ComputerOutput>$HOME/.profile</ComputerOutput> (for <ComputerOutput>ksh</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>sh</ComputerOutput>) or the system's
  416. <ComputerOutput>csh.login</ComputerOutput> and the user's
  417. <ComputerOutput>$HOME.login</ComputerOutput> (for <ComputerOutput>csh</ComputerOutput>).
  418. </Para>
  419. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  420. <Primary>loginShell</Primary>
  421. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="logShell"><ComputerOutput>loginShell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  422. <Para><ComputerOutput>+ls</ComputerOutput>
  423. </Para>
  424. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that a normal (non-login) shell should be started.
  425. This is the default behavior.
  426. </Para>
  427. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  428. <Primary>loginShell</Primary>
  429. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="logShell"><ComputerOutput>loginShell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  430. <Para><ComputerOutput>-map</ComputerOutput>
  431. </Para>
  432. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> should map (de-iconify) itself upon
  433. subprocess output if it is unmapped (iconified). An initial period of time
  434. during which <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> will not map itself upon subprocess output may be
  435. specified
  436. via the <Link Type="jump" Linkend="maponoutdlay"><ComputerOutput>mapOnOutputDelay</ComputerOutput></Link> resource.
  437. </Para>
  438. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  439. <Primary>mapOnOutput</Primary>
  440. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="maponout"> <ComputerOutput>mapOnOutput</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  441. <Para><ComputerOutput>+map</ComputerOutput>
  442. </Para>
  443. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that there should be no special mapping behavior.
  444. This is the default
  445. behavior.
  446. </Para>
  447. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  448. <Primary>mapOnOutput</Primary>
  449. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="maponout"> <ComputerOutput>mapOnOutput</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  450. <Para><ComputerOutput>-mb</ComputerOutput>
  451. </Para>
  452. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> should ring a margin bell when the user
  453. types near the right margin. The actual distance involved is specified by
  454. the <Link Type="jump" Linkend="nb"> <ComputerOutput>-nb</ComputerOutput></Link> option.
  455. </Para>
  456. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  457. <Primary>marginBell</Primary>
  458. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="marginBell"> <ComputerOutput>marginBell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  459. <Para><ComputerOutput>+mb</ComputerOutput>
  460. </Para>
  461. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that margin bell should not be rung when the user
  462. types near the right margin. This is the default.
  463. </Para>
  464. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  465. <Primary>marginBell</Primary>
  466. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="marginBell"> <ComputerOutput>marginBell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  467. <Para><ComputerOutput>-ms <Symbol Role="Variable">pointer_color</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  468. </Para>
  469. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the foreground color to use for the terminal window's
  470. (X11) pointer cursor. The default is to use the terminal window's
  471. foreground color. See <Link Type="jump" Linkend="foregndopt"><ComputerOutput>foreground</ComputerOutput></Link> above.
  472. </Para>
  473. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>pointer_color</Emphasis> specifies the pointer foreground color to use.
  474. </Para>
  475. <Para Role="indent">Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="pointcolor"> <ComputerOutput>pointerColor</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  476. <Para><ComputerOutput>-name <Symbol Role="Variable">prog_name</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  477. </Para>
  478. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the X11 name of the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  479. </Para>
  480. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>prog_name</Emphasis> the name to use.<IndexTerm>
  481. <Primary>name</Primary>
  482. </IndexTerm>
  483. </Para>
  484. <Para Id="nb"><ComputerOutput>-nb <Symbol Role="Variable">number</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  485. </Para>
  486. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the number of characters from the right margin
  487. at which the margin bell will ring, if enabled. The default is 10.
  488. </Para>
  489. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  490. <Primary>nMarginBell</Primary>
  491. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="nMarginBell"> <ComputerOutput>nMarginBell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  492. <Para><ComputerOutput>-r</ComputerOutput>
  493. </Para>
  494. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window to be displayed with the
  495. foreground and background colors reversed. This is identical to the
  496. <ComputerOutput>-r</ComputerOutput> and
  497. <ComputerOutput>-reverse</ComputerOutput> options.</Para>
  498. <Para><ComputerOutput>+r</ComputerOutput>
  499. </Para>
  500. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window to be displayed with the normal
  501. foreground and background colors. This is the default, and is also
  502. identical to the <ComputerOutput>+rv</ComputerOutput> option..</Para>
  503. <Para><ComputerOutput>-reverse</ComputerOutput>
  504. </Para>
  505. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window to be displayed with the
  506. foreground and background colors reversed. This is identical to the
  507. <ComputerOutput>-r</ComputerOutput> and
  508. <ComputerOutput>-rv</ComputerOutput> options.</Para>
  509. <Para><ComputerOutput>-rv</ComputerOutput>
  510. </Para>
  511. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window to be displayed with the
  512. foreground and background colors reversed. This is identical to choosing
  513. Options | Global Options, and then changing the "windowBackground" options
  514. menu to "Inverse." A <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window started with this option has the
  515. "Window Background" options menu set to "Inverse." See <Link Type="jump" Linkend="GlobOpts">"Global Options"</Link>.</Para>
  516. <Para><ComputerOutput>+rv</ComputerOutput>
  517. </Para>
  518. <Para Role="indent">This option causes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window to be displayed with the normal
  519. foreground and background colors. This is the default.</Para>
  520. <Para Id="minusrw"><ComputerOutput>-rw</ComputerOutput>
  521. </Para>
  522. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that reverse-wraparound should be enabled.
  523. </Para>
  524. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  525. <Primary>reverseWrap</Primary>
  526. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="reverseWrap"> <ComputerOutput>reverseWrap</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  527. <Para Id="plusrw"><ComputerOutput>+rw</ComputerOutput>
  528. </Para>
  529. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that reverse-wraparound should not be enabled. This
  530. is the default.
  531. </Para>
  532. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  533. <Primary>reverseWrap</Primary>
  534. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="reverseWrap"> <ComputerOutput>reverseWrap</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  535. <Para><ComputerOutput>-S<Symbol Role="Variable">ccn</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  536. </Para>
  537. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies that the terminal emulator should be run against
  538. a pre-opened pty or STREAMS device. This option is provided for use where
  539. the pty or STREAMS device's slave name is
  540. of the form <ComputerOutput>tty??</ComputerOutput> (i.e., exactly two characters following the
  541. <ComputerOutput>tty</ComputerOutput>). This option is intended for use when <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> is invoked
  542. programmatically from another application.
  543. </Para>
  544. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>cc</Emphasis> specifies the last two characters of the pty or STREAMS device's
  545. slave name, where the
  546. slave name is of the form <ComputerOutput>tty??</ComputerOutput>. This value is ignored, but must be
  547. exactly two characters in length.
  548. </Para>
  549. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">n</Symbol> specifies the number of the file descriptor that corresponds to the
  550. pty or STREAMS device's already-opened master side.</Para>
  551. <Para><ComputerOutput>-S<Symbol Role="Variable">c.n</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  552. </Para>
  553. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <ComputerOutput>-Sccn</ComputerOutput> above, but is provided for systems
  554. with a larger pty name space.
  555. </Para>
  556. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>c</Emphasis> specifies the last component of the pty slave name. This values is
  557. ignored and may be empty.
  558. </Para>
  559. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">n</Symbol> specifies the number of the file descriptor that corresponds to the
  560. pty's already-opened master side.</Para>
  561. <Para><ComputerOutput>-sb</ComputerOutput>
  562. </Para>
  563. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that a scrollbar should be displayed. This is the
  564. default.
  565. </Para>
  566. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  567. <Primary>scrollBar</Primary>
  568. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="scrollbar"> <ComputerOutput>scrollBar</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  569. <Para><ComputerOutput>+sb</ComputerOutput>
  570. </Para>
  571. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that a scrollbar should <Symbol Role="Variable">not</Symbol> be displayed.
  572. </Para>
  573. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  574. <Primary>scrollBar</Primary>
  575. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="scrollbar"> <ComputerOutput>scrollBar</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  576. <Para><ComputerOutput>-sf</ComputerOutput>
  577. </Para>
  578. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that Sun Function Key escape codes should be
  579. generated for function keys instead of standard VT220 escape sequences.
  580. </Para>
  581. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  582. <Primary>sunFunctionKeys</Primary>
  583. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="sunfnctk"> <ComputerOutput>sunFunctionKeys</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  584. <Para><ComputerOutput>+sf</ComputerOutput>
  585. </Para>
  586. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that the standard escape sequences should be
  587. generated for function keys instead of the Sun Function Key escape codes.
  588. This is the default behavior.
  589. </Para>
  590. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  591. <Primary>sunFunctionKeys</Primary>
  592. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="sunfnctk"> <ComputerOutput>sunFunctionKeys</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  593. <Para><ComputerOutput>-sl <Symbol Role="Variable">screens[s|l]</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  594. </Para>
  595. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the number of lines in the terminal buffer beyond the
  596. length of the window. The option value consists of a number followed by an
  597. optional suffix. If no suffix is included, or the suffix is "l" (ell), the
  598. total length of the terminal buffer will be <Symbol Role="Variable">screens</Symbol> plus the length of
  599. the terminal window. If the suffix is "s" (ess), the total length of the
  600. terminal buffer will be (<Symbol Role="Variable">screens</Symbol> plus one) times the length of the
  601. terminal window. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> will try to maintain the same buffer-to-window
  602. ratio when the window is resized larger. The default is "4s."
  603. </Para>
  604. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">screens</Symbol> specifies the number of screens or lines to save.
  605. </Para>
  606. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  607. <Primary>saveLines</Primary>
  608. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="savelines"> <ComputerOutput>saveLines</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  609. <Para><ComputerOutput>-ti</ComputerOutput> <Emphasis>term_id</Emphasis>
  610. </Para>
  611. <Para Role="indent">This option supplies the name used to select the correct response to
  612. terminal ID queries. Valid values are <ComputerOutput>vt100, vt101, vt102</ComputerOutput>, and
  613. <ComputerOutput>vt220</ComputerOutput>. The default is <ComputerOutput>vt220</ComputerOutput>.
  614. </Para>
  615. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>term_id</Emphasis> specifies the terminal ID to use.</Para>
  616. <Para><ComputerOutput>-title <Symbol Role="Variable">title_string</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  617. </Para>
  618. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies the window title. If the <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is
  619. used, the default will be the last component of the program's path. If
  620. the <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is not used, the default will be the last component of
  621. the name used to execute <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> (i.e., <ComputerOutput>argv[0]</ComputerOutput>).
  622. </Para>
  623. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>title_string</Emphasis> specifies the title to use.
  624. </Para>
  625. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  626. <Primary>title</Primary>
  627. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="title"> <ComputerOutput>title</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  628. <Para><ComputerOutput>-tm <Symbol Role="Variable">term_modes</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  629. </Para>
  630. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies a string containing terminal-setting keywords
  631. and the characters to which they may be bound. Allowable keywords
  632. include <ComputerOutput>intr</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>quit</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>erase</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>kill</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>eof</ComputerOutput>,
  633. <ComputerOutput>eol</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>swtch</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>start</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>stop</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>brk</ComputerOutput>,
  634. <ComputerOutput>susp</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>dsusp</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>rprnt</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>flush</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>weras</ComputerOutput>,
  635. and <ComputerOutput>lnext</ComputerOutput>. Keywords that do not apply
  636. to a specific architecture will be correctly parsed and ignored.
  637. Control characters may be specified as <ComputerOutput>^</ComputerOutput> followed by <ComputerOutput>char</ComputerOutput>
  638. (e.g. <ComputerOutput>^c</ComputerOutput> or <ComputerOutput>^u</ComputerOutput>), and <ComputerOutput>^?</ComputerOutput>
  639. may be used to indicate delete. This is useful for overridding the
  640. default terminal settings without having to do an <ComputerOutput>stty(1)</ComputerOutput> every time a
  641. terminal process is started. The default is NULL.
  642. </Para>
  643. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>term_modes</Emphasis> specifies the terminal mode string.
  644. </Para>
  645. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  646. <Primary>ttyModes</Primary>
  647. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="ttymodes"> <ComputerOutput>ttyModes</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  648. <Para><ComputerOutput>-tn <Symbol Role="Variable">term_name</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  649. </Para>
  650. <Para Role="indent">This option specifies a name to set the
  651. <ComputerOutput>$TERM</ComputerOutput> environment variable to. The default is <ComputerOutput>"vt220"</ComputerOutput>.
  652. </Para>
  653. <Para Role="indent"><Emphasis>term_name</Emphasis> specifies the terminal name to use.
  654. </Para>
  655. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  656. <Primary>termName</Primary>
  657. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="termname"> <ComputerOutput>termName</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  658. <Para><ComputerOutput>-usage</ComputerOutput>
  659. </Para>
  660. <Para Role="indent">Prints a usage message on the screen.</Para>
  661. <Para><ComputerOutput>-vb</ComputerOutput>
  662. </Para>
  663. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that a visual bell is preferred over an audible one.
  664. Instead of ringing the terminal bell whenever a Control-G is received, the
  665. window will be flashed.
  666. </Para>
  667. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  668. <Primary>visualBell</Primary>
  669. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="visbell"> <ComputerOutput>visualBell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  670. <Para><ComputerOutput>+vb</ComputerOutput>
  671. </Para>
  672. <Para Role="indent">This option indicates that an audio bell is preferred over a visual one.
  673. This is the default behavior.
  674. </Para>
  675. <Para Role="indent"><IndexTerm>
  676. <Primary>visualBell</Primary>
  677. </IndexTerm>Associated resource: <Link Type="jump" Linkend="visbell"> <ComputerOutput>visualBell</ComputerOutput></Link>.</Para>
  678. <Para><ComputerOutput>-w</ComputerOutput> <Symbol Role="Variable">border_width</Symbol>
  679. </Para>
  680. <Para Role="indent">This option is identical to <Link Type="jump" Linkend="bdrwidthopt"><ComputerOutput>-borderwidth</ComputerOutput></Link>
  681. above.
  682. </Para>
  683. <Para Role="indent"><Symbol Role="Variable">border_width</Symbol> specifies the width of the window border in pixels.</Para>
  684. <Para><ComputerOutput>-xrm <Symbol Role="Variable">resource_string</Symbol></ComputerOutput>
  685. </Para>
  686. <Para Role="indent">This option allows X11 Resource Manager-style resources to be specified on
  687. the command line. <Symbol Role="Variable">resource_string</Symbol> specifies an X11 resource string.</Para>
  688. <!-- spec pages 22 through 27 -->
  689. </Sect2>
  690. <Sect2 Id="Resources">
  691. <Title>RESOURCES</Title>
  692. <Para><ComputerOutput>allowSendEvents</ComputerOutput>
  693. </Para>
  694. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that the terminal emulator should allow
  695. synthetic events (generated and sent by another application). Enabling
  696. this resource opens up a possible security hole. The default is
  697. False.</Para>
  698. <Para><ComputerOutput>appCursorDefault</ComputerOutput>
  699. </Para>
  700. <Para Role="indent">If True, the cursor keys are initially in application mode. If False, they
  701. are initially in cursor mode. The
  702. default is False.</Para>
  703. <Para><ComputerOutput>appKeypadDefault</ComputerOutput>
  704. </Para>
  705. <Para Role="indent">If True, the keypad keys are initially in application mode. If False, they
  706. are initially in numeric mode. The
  707. default is False.</Para>
  708. <Para Id="autowrap"><ComputerOutput>autoWrap</ComputerOutput>
  709. </Para>
  710. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies whether or not auto-wraparound is initially
  711. enabled. The default is True.</Para>
  712. <Para Id="background"><ComputerOutput>background</ComputerOutput>
  713. </Para>
  714. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the background color of the terminal window as
  715. well as the default background color used for the scrollbar. Under CDE,
  716. this resource
  717. defaults to either the primary color set select pixel or the primary
  718. color set background pixe (see <ComputerOutput>backgroundIsSelect</ComputerOutput>). The default is the
  719. primary color set background pixel. Without CDE,
  720. this resource defaults to black.</Para>
  721. <Para Id="bgndIsSel"><ComputerOutput>backgroundIsSelect</ComputerOutput>
  722. </Para>
  723. <Para Role="indent">When True, this resource specifies that the terminal window should use the Motif
  724. select color instead of the background color for the terminal window's
  725. background color. The default is False.</Para>
  726. <Para><ComputerOutput>blinkRate</ComputerOutput>
  727. </Para>
  728. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the number of milliseconds the cursor is in the
  729. <ComputerOutput>"on"</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>"off"</ComputerOutput>
  730. states while blinking. A value of
  731. 250 will blink the cursor two times per second. A value of 0
  732. will turn blinking off. The default is 250.</Para>
  733. <Para Id="bdrcol"><ComputerOutput>borderColor</ComputerOutput>
  734. </Para>
  735. <Para Role="indent">This resource defines the border color for the window. The window border
  736. may not be visible when reparenting window managers such as <ComputerOutput>dtwm</ComputerOutput> and
  737. <ComputerOutput>mwm</ComputerOutput> are used. The
  738. default is <ComputerOutput>"black"</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  739. <Para Id="bwidth"><ComputerOutput>borderWidth</ComputerOutput>
  740. </Para>
  741. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the border width of the shell widget's window.
  742. This value may be overridden by reparenting window managers such as
  743. <ComputerOutput>dtwm</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>mwm</ComputerOutput>. The default is <ComputerOutput>0</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  744. <Para Id="c132"><ComputerOutput>c132</ComputerOutput>
  745. </Para>
  746. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies whether or not the DECCOLM escape sequence that
  747. switches to window with between 80 and 132 columns should be honored. The
  748. default is
  749. False.</Para>
  750. <Para><ComputerOutput>charCursorStyle</ComputerOutput>
  751. </Para>
  752. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the shape of the text cursor. A value of
  753. <ComputerOutput>char_cursor_box</ComputerOutput> specifies a cursor with the width and height of the
  754. base font's bounding box. A value of <ComputerOutput>char_cursor_bar</ComputerOutput> specifies a
  755. cursor with the width of the base font's bounding box, a height of two
  756. pixels, and drawn with it's top on the baseline. The default is
  757. <ComputerOutput>char_cursor_box</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  758. <Para><ComputerOutput>consoleMode</ComputerOutput>
  759. </Para>
  760. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that output directed at <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> should be
  761. directed instead to the terminal window. It is provided as a way to
  762. prevent output that would normally be displayed on the ITE from
  763. overwriting the X server's display. It is not provided as a
  764. general mechanism to
  765. direct the output from an arbitrary system's <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> to an
  766. arbitrary X server. Note that you must have ownership of and read/write
  767. access to <ComputerOutput>/dev/console</ComputerOutput> for this option to work.
  768. The default is False.</Para>
  769. <Para Id="fg"><ComputerOutput>foreground</ComputerOutput>
  770. </Para>
  771. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the foreground color of the terminal window as well as
  772. the default foreground color used for the scrollbar and the color used
  773. for the pointer
  774. cursor. Under CDE, this resource will default to the primary
  775. colorset foreground. Otherwise, it defaults to <ComputerOutput>"white"</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  776. <Para Id="geometry"><ComputerOutput>geometry</ComputerOutput>
  777. </Para>
  778. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the preferred size and position of the terminal
  779. window. The default size is 24 lines of 80 characters each. There is
  780. no default position.</Para>
  781. <Para Id="icongeom"><ComputerOutput>iconGeometry</ComputerOutput>
  782. </Para>
  783. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the preferred position of the terminal
  784. emulator's icon. Window managers may ignore this value.
  785. There is no default.</Para>
  786. <Para Id="iconic"><ComputerOutput>iconic</ComputerOutput>
  787. </Para>
  788. <Para Role="indent">If true, this resource specifies that the terminal emulator should
  789. initially be placed on the display iconified. Window managers (including
  790. <ComputerOutput>dtwm</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>mwm</ComputerOutput> may ignore this value.
  791. The default is False.</Para>
  792. <Para><ComputerOutput>iconicName</ComputerOutput>
  793. </Para>
  794. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the name for the icon. If the <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is
  795. used, the default will be the last component of the program's path. If
  796. the <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is not used, the default will be the base name of the
  797. name used to execute <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> (i.e., <ComputerOutput>argv[0]</ComputerOutput>).</Para>
  798. <Para Id="jumpScroll"><ComputerOutput>jumpScroll</ComputerOutput>
  799. </Para>
  800. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that jump scrolling should be used. Under jump
  801. scrolling, the screen may be scrolled more than one line at a time. This
  802. provides for faster screen updates when multiple lines of text are being
  803. sent to the terminal. The maximum number of lines that may be jump
  804. scrolled is limited to the number of lines in the display. It is guaranteed that
  805. all lines will be displayed. The default is True.</Para>
  806. <Para Id="kshMode"><ComputerOutput>kshMode</ComputerOutput>
  807. </Para>
  808. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that ksh mode should be enabled. Under ksh mode,
  809. a key pressed with the extend modifier bit set will generate an escape
  810. character followed by the character generated by the un-extended
  811. keystroke. This option is provided for use with emacs and emacs command
  812. line editor mode of <ComputerOutput>ksh(1)</ComputerOutput> or <ComputerOutput>ied(1)</ComputerOutput>. It conflicts with the
  813. normal use of the meta key for generating extended single byte
  814. characters and for generating multi-byte Asian characters. The default
  815. is False.</Para>
  816. <Para Id="logfile"><ComputerOutput>logFile</ComputerOutput>
  817. </Para>
  818. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the name of the file to which the output log described
  819. below is written. If the filename begins with a pipe symbol (<ComputerOutput>|</ComputerOutput>), the
  820. rest of the string is assumed to be a command to be used as the endpoint of
  821. a pipe. The default filename is <ComputerOutput>DttermLog</ComputerOutput><Symbol Role="Variable">XXXXX</Symbol> (where <Symbol Role="Variable">XXXXX</Symbol>
  822. is a unique character string) and is created in the directory from
  823. which the subprocess was started.
  824. If the last five characters are "XXXXX," they
  825. are replaced by a unique character string.
  826. </Para>
  827. <Para Id="logging"><ComputerOutput>logging</ComputerOutput>
  828. </Para>
  829. <Para Role="indent">This resource enables output logging. When logging is enabled, all
  830. output received from the subprocess is logged either to a file or to a
  831. command pipeline (as specified via the <ComputerOutput>logFile</ComputerOutput> option above). Since
  832. the data is being logged directly from the subprocess, it includes all
  833. escape characters and carriage return/newline pairs sent by the terminal
  834. line discipline. Output may be enabled and disabled via
  835. escape sequences. The default is
  836. False.</Para>
  837. <Para><ComputerOutput>logInhibit</ComputerOutput>
  838. </Para>
  839. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that device and file logging should be inhibited.
  840. The default is False.</Para>
  841. <Para Id="logShell"><ComputerOutput>loginShell</ComputerOutput>
  842. </Para>
  843. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that the shell that is started should be a login
  844. shell (i.e. the first character of <ComputerOutput>argv[0]</ComputerOutput> will be a dash, indicating
  845. to the shell that it should read the system's <ComputerOutput>profile</ComputerOutput> and the user's
  846. <ComputerOutput>$HOME/.profile</ComputerOutput> (for <ComputerOutput>ksh</ComputerOutput> and <ComputerOutput>sh</ComputerOutput>) or the system's <ComputerOutput>csh.login</ComputerOutput> and
  847. the user's <ComputerOutput>$HOME/.login</ComputerOutput> (for <ComputerOutput>csh</ComputerOutput>). The default is False.</Para>
  848. <Para Id="maponout"><ComputerOutput>mapOnOutput</ComputerOutput>
  849. </Para>
  850. <Para Role="indent">This resource indicates that the terminal emulator should map
  851. (de-iconify) itself upon subprocess output if it is unmapped (iconified). An
  852. initial period of time during which it will not map itself upon subprocess
  853. output may be specified via the <ComputerOutput>mapOnOutputDelay</ComputerOutput> resource (see
  854. below). The default is False.</Para>
  855. <Para Id="maponoutdlay"><ComputerOutput>mapOnOutputDelay</ComputerOutput>
  856. </Para>
  857. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the number of seconds after start-up that
  858. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> will not honor the <ComputerOutput>mapOnOutput</ComputerOutput> resource (see above). This
  859. allows for initial output (e.g., shell prompts) to be sent to the
  860. terminal without auto mapping the window. The default is <ComputerOutput>0</ComputerOutput> (no delay)</Para>
  861. <Para Id="marginBell"><ComputerOutput>marginBell</ComputerOutput>
  862. </Para>
  863. <Para Role="indent">Specifies whether or not the bell should be run when the user types near
  864. the right margin. The default is False.</Para>
  865. <Para Id="menuresource"><ComputerOutput>menuBar</ComputerOutput>
  866. </Para>
  867. <Para Role="indent">This resources specifies that a pulldown menu should be displayed. The
  868. default is True.</Para>
  869. <Para Id="menuPopup"><ComputerOutput>menuPopup</ComputerOutput>
  870. </Para>
  871. <Para Role="indent">This resources specifies that a popup menu should be enabled. The
  872. default is True.</Para>
  873. <Para Id="nMarginBell"><ComputerOutput>nMarginBell</ComputerOutput>
  874. </Para>
  875. <Para Role="indent">Specifies the number of characters from the right margin at which the
  876. margin bell should be rung, when enabled. The default is 10.</Para>
  877. <Para Id="pointblank"><ComputerOutput>pointerBlank</ComputerOutput>
  878. </Para>
  879. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that the pointer cursor should be put into
  880. blanking mode. In this mode, the cursor will turn on when the pointer is
  881. moved, and will be blanked either after a selectable number of seconds
  882. or after keyboard input has occurred. The delay is set via the
  883. <ComputerOutput>pointerBlankDelay</ComputerOutput> resource (see below). The default is False.</Para>
  884. <Para Id="pointblankdelay"><ComputerOutput>pointerBlankDelay</ComputerOutput>
  885. </Para>
  886. <Para Role="indent">This resource defines the number of seconds to wait before blanking the
  887. pointer cursor after the pointer has been moved. A value of 0 invokes
  888. pointer blanking only on keyboard input. The default is 2
  889. seconds.</Para>
  890. <Para Id="pointcolor"><ComputerOutput>pointerColor</ComputerOutput>
  891. </Para>
  892. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the foreground color to use for the terminal
  893. window's pointer (X11) cursor. The default is to use the terminal window's
  894. foreground color. See <Link Type="jump" Linkend="fg"><ComputerOutput>foreground</ComputerOutput></Link> above.</Para>
  895. <Para><ComputerOutput>pointerColorBackground</ComputerOutput>
  896. </Para>
  897. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the background color to use for the terminal
  898. windows pointer (X11) cursor. The default is to use the terminal windows
  899. background color See <Link Type="jump" Linkend="background"><ComputerOutput>background</ComputerOutput></Link> above.</Para>
  900. <Para><ComputerOutput>pointerShape</ComputerOutput>
  901. </Para>
  902. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the X cursor font character to use as the pointer
  903. cursor. It should be specified as a string from the include file
  904. <ComputerOutput>&lt;X11/cursorfont.h></ComputerOutput> with the leading <ComputerOutput>XC_</ComputerOutput> removed. The default is
  905. <ComputerOutput>xterm</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  906. <Para><ComputerOutput>reverseVideo</ComputerOutput>
  907. </Para>
  908. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies whether or not reverse video should be
  909. used. The default is False.</Para>
  910. <Para Id="reverseWrap"><ComputerOutput>reverseWrap</ComputerOutput>
  911. </Para>
  912. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies whether or not reverse-wraparound should be
  913. enabled. The default is False.</Para>
  914. <Para Id="savelines"><ComputerOutput>saveLines</ComputerOutput>
  915. </Para>
  916. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the number of lines in the terminal buffer beyond
  917. length of the window. The value value consists of a number followed by an
  918. optional suffix. If no suffix is included, or the suffix is "l" (ell), the
  919. total length of the terminal buffer will be <Symbol Role="Variable">screens</Symbol> plus the length of
  920. the terminal window. If the suffix is "s" (ess), the total length of the
  921. terminal buffer will be (<Symbol Role="Variable">screens</Symbol> plus one) times the length of the
  922. terminal window. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> will try to maintain the same buffer-to-window
  923. ratio when the window is resized larger. The default is "4s."</Para>
  924. <Para Id="scrollbar"><ComputerOutput>scrollBar</ComputerOutput>
  925. </Para>
  926. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies whether or not the scrollbar should be visible.
  927. The
  928. default is True.</Para>
  929. <Para Id="sunfnctk"><ComputerOutput>sunFunctionKeys</ComputerOutput>
  930. </Para>
  931. <Para Role="indent">Specifies whether or not Sun Function Key escape codes should be
  932. generated for function keys instead of standard VT220 escape sequences.
  933. The default is False.</Para>
  934. <Para Id="termid"><ComputerOutput>termId</ComputerOutput>
  935. </Para>
  936. <Para Role="indent">This resource supplies the name used to select the correct response to
  937. terminal ID queries. Valid values are <ComputerOutput>vt100</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>vt101</ComputerOutput>, <ComputerOutput>vt102</ComputerOutput>,
  938. and <ComputerOutput>vt220</ComputerOutput>. The default is <ComputerOutput>vt220</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  939. <Para Id="termname"><ComputerOutput>termName</ComputerOutput>
  940. </Para>
  941. <Para Role="indent">This resource defines the name for the
  942. <ComputerOutput>$TERM</ComputerOutput>
  943. environment variable. The default is <ComputerOutput>vt220</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  944. <Para Id="title"><ComputerOutput>title</ComputerOutput>
  945. </Para>
  946. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies the window title. If the <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is used,
  947. the default will be the last component of the program's path. If the
  948. <ComputerOutput>-e</ComputerOutput> option is not used, the default will be the last component of the
  949. name used to execute <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> (i.e., <ComputerOutput>argv[0]</ComputerOutput>).</Para>
  950. <Para Id="ttymodes"><ComputerOutput>ttyModes</ComputerOutput>
  951. </Para>
  952. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies a string containing terminal-setting keywords
  953. and the characters to which they may be bound. Allowable keywords
  954. include: <ComputerOutput>intr, quit, erase, kill, eof, eol, swtch, start, stop, brk,
  955. susp, dsusp, rprnt, flush, weras</ComputerOutput>, and <ComputerOutput>Inext</ComputerOutput>. Keywords that do not
  956. apply to a specific architecture will be correctly parsed and ignored. Control characters may
  957. be specified as <ComputerOutput>^</ComputerOutput>followed by <ComputerOutput>char</ComputerOutput> (e.g. <ComputerOutput>^c</ComputerOutput> or <ComputerOutput>^u)</ComputerOutput>, and <ComputerOutput>^?</ComputerOutput>
  958. may be used to indicate
  959. delete. This is very useful for overriding the default terminal
  960. settings without having to do an <ComputerOutput>stty</ComputerOutput> every time a terminal process
  961. is started. The default is NULL.</Para>
  962. <Para><ComputerOutput>userBoldFont</ComputerOutput>
  963. </Para>
  964. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies an XFontSet to be used when displaying bold
  965. terminal text. It should be specified as a Motif <ComputerOutput>XmFontList</ComputerOutput>. Only
  966. character or mono spaced fonts are supported. The behavior when using
  967. proportional fonts is undefined. A default bold font will be generated
  968. based on the XLFD name of the <ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput>. If that font is not available,
  969. bold text will be generated by overstriking (with a one pixel offset) the
  970. <ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  971. <Para Id="userFont"><ComputerOutput>userFont</ComputerOutput>
  972. </Para>
  973. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies an XFontSet to be used when displaying
  974. terminal text. It should be specified as a Motif <ComputerOutput>XmFontList</ComputerOutput>. Only
  975. character or mono spaced fonts are supported. The behavior when using
  976. proportional fonts is undefined. This font will not be used to display
  977. non-terminal text (menu bar, popup menu, dialog, etc.). The default is to
  978. use the <ComputerOutput>XmNtextFontList</ComputerOutput> value of the parent bulletin board (see
  979. XmBulletinBoard(3X)) in the same manner as the <ComputerOutput>XmText</ComputerOutput> widget.</Para>
  980. <Para Id="visbell"><ComputerOutput>visualBell</ComputerOutput>
  981. </Para>
  982. <Para Role="indent">This resource specifies that a visual bell is preferred over an audible
  983. one. Instead of ringing the terminal bell whenever a CTRL-G is received,
  984. the windows will be flashed. The default is False.</Para>
  985. </Sect2>
  986. <Sect2 Id="pointerusage">
  987. <Title>POINTER USAGE</Title>
  988. <Para><ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>
  989. allows you to select regions of text. Selection is based on the model
  990. specified in the <CiteTitle>Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual</CiteTitle>
  991. (ICCCM). <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> supports primary selection only. You can copy or
  992. paste selected text using primary transfer. Input is treated as keyboard
  993. input, and is inserted at the cursor. The select/insert operations and their
  994. default assignments are described below.</Para>
  995. <VariableList>
  996. <VarListEntry>
  997. <Term><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">select</GlossTerm></Term>
  998. <ListItem>
  999. <Para>The left button is used to select the text
  1000. to be copied. Move
  1001. the pointer to the beginning of the text to copy, press and hold the left
  1002. button, move the cursor to the end of the text to copy, and release the
  1003. button. Any currently selected text can be deselected by clicking the left
  1004. button once without moving the mouse.</Para>
  1005. </ListItem>
  1006. </VarListEntry>
  1007. <VarListEntry>
  1008. <Term><GlossTerm Role="nogloss">insert</GlossTerm></Term>
  1009. <ListItem>
  1010. <Para>The middle button pastes the text from the primary selection,
  1011. treating it as keyboard input.
  1012. </Para>
  1013. </ListItem>
  1014. </VarListEntry>
  1015. </VariableList>
  1016. </Sect2>
  1017. <Sect2 Id="actions">
  1018. <Title>ACTIONS</Title>
  1019. <Para>This topic describes the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> action routines.</Para>
  1020. <Para><ComputerOutput>bell</ComputerOutput> ([<Emphasis>Percentage</Emphasis>])
  1021. </Para>
  1022. <Para Role="indent">This action rings the keyboard bell at the specified <Symbol Role="Variable">percentage</Symbol> above or
  1023. below the base volume.</Para>
  1024. <Para><ComputerOutput>break ()</ComputerOutput>
  1025. </Para>
  1026. <Para Role="indent">This action send a break signal to the child process.</Para>
  1027. <Para><ComputerOutput>cancel ()</ComputerOutput>
  1028. </Para>
  1029. <Para Role="indent">This action sends a <ComputerOutput>CAN</ComputerOutput> (cancel) character to the child process.</Para>
  1030. <Para><ComputerOutput>do ()</ComputerOutput>
  1031. </Para>
  1032. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the <ComputerOutput>Do</ComputerOutput> key
  1033. to the child process.</Para>
  1034. <Para><ComputerOutput>edit-key</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">string</Symbol>)
  1035. </Para>
  1036. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the corresponding
  1037. edit key to the child process. The interpretation of these keys is
  1038. application specific.
  1039. Valid values for <Symbol Role="Variable">string</Symbol> are
  1040. <ComputerOutput>find</ComputerOutput>,
  1041. <ComputerOutput>insert</ComputerOutput>,
  1042. <ComputerOutput>next</ComputerOutput>,
  1043. <ComputerOutput>prior</ComputerOutput>,
  1044. <ComputerOutput>remove</ComputerOutput>, and
  1045. <ComputerOutput>select</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1046. <Para><ComputerOutput>extend-start()</ComputerOutput>
  1047. </Para>
  1048. <Para Role="indent">Start the extension of the currently selected text.</Para>
  1049. <Para><ComputerOutput>extend-end ()</ComputerOutput>
  1050. </Para>
  1051. <Para Role="indent">Extends the current selection. The amount of text selected depends on
  1052. the number of mouse clicks.</Para>
  1053. <Para><ComputerOutput>function-key-execute</ComputerOutput> (<Emphasis>num</Emphasis> [,<Symbol Role="Variable">type</Symbol>])
  1054. </Para>
  1055. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the corresponding
  1056. function key <Emphasis>num</Emphasis> to the child process. Valid values for <Emphasis>num</Emphasis>
  1057. are<ComputerOutput>1</ComputerOutput> through<ComputerOutput>35</ComputerOutput>. If <Symbol Role="Variable">type</Symbol> is set to <ComputerOutput>function</ComputerOutput>
  1058. (or not set at all), the escape sequence associated with function
  1059. key <Emphasis>num</Emphasis> is sent to the child process. If <Symbol Role="Variable">type</Symbol> is set to
  1060. <ComputerOutput>UDK</ComputerOutput>, then the string associated with user defined key <Emphasis>num</Emphasis>
  1061. is sent to the child process.</Para>
  1062. <Para><ComputerOutput>grab-focus ()</ComputerOutput>
  1063. </Para>
  1064. <Para Role="indent">This action performs one of the following depending on the number of
  1065. multiple mouse clicks. One click will deselect any selected text and
  1066. set the selection anchor at the pointer position, two clicks will select
  1067. a word, three clicks will select a line of text, and four clicks will
  1068. select all text.</Para>
  1069. <Para><ComputerOutput>hard-reset ()</ComputerOutput>
  1070. </Para>
  1071. <Para Role="indent">This action will perform a hard reset on the terminal emulator.</Para>
  1072. <Para><ComputerOutput>help ()</ComputerOutput>
  1073. </Para>
  1074. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the <ComputerOutput>DEC VT220</ComputerOutput>
  1075. Help key to the child process.
  1076. The interpretation of this key is application specific.</Para>
  1077. <Para><ComputerOutput>keymap</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">name</Symbol>)
  1078. </Para>
  1079. <Para Role="indent">This action dynamically defines a new translation table whose resource
  1080. name is name with the suffix Keymap (case is significant). The name
  1081. <ComputerOutput>None</ComputerOutput> restores the original translation table.</Para>
  1082. <Para><ComputerOutput>keypad-key-execute</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">string</Symbol>)
  1083. </Para>
  1084. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the corresponding
  1085. keypad key to the child process. The interpretation of these keys are
  1086. application specific. Valid values for <Symbol Role="Variable">string</Symbol> include:
  1087. <ComputerOutput>f1</ComputerOutput>-
  1088. <ComputerOutput>f4</ComputerOutput>,
  1089. <ComputerOutput>space</ComputerOutput>,
  1090. <ComputerOutput>tab</ComputerOutput>,
  1091. <ComputerOutput>enter</ComputerOutput>,
  1092. <ComputerOutput>equal</ComputerOutput>,
  1093. <ComputerOutput>multiply</ComputerOutput>,
  1094. <ComputerOutput>add</ComputerOutput>,
  1095. <ComputerOutput>separator</ComputerOutput>,
  1096. <ComputerOutput>subtract</ComputerOutput>,
  1097. <ComputerOutput>decimal</ComputerOutput>,
  1098. <ComputerOutput>divide</ComputerOutput>, and
  1099. <ComputerOutput>0</ComputerOutput> -
  1100. <ComputerOutput>9</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1101. <Para><ComputerOutput>move-cursor</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">direction</Symbol>)
  1102. </Para>
  1103. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the escape sequence associated with the corresponding
  1104. cursor motion to the child process. The interpretation of these keys are
  1105. application specific. Valid values for <Symbol Role="Variable">direction</Symbol> include:
  1106. <ComputerOutput>up</ComputerOutput>,
  1107. <ComputerOutput>down</ComputerOutput>,
  1108. <ComputerOutput>backward</ComputerOutput>, and
  1109. <ComputerOutput>forward</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1110. <Para><ComputerOutput>redraw-display ()</ComputerOutput>
  1111. </Para>
  1112. <Para Role="indent">This action redraws the contents of the text window.</Para>
  1113. <Para><ComputerOutput>scroll</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">count</Symbol> [,<Symbol Role="Variable">units</Symbol>])
  1114. </Para>
  1115. <Para Role="indent">This action will scroll the display memory down if <Symbol Role="Variable">count</Symbol> is less than
  1116. zero, or up if <Symbol Role="Variable">count</Symbol> is ggeater than zero. The number of lines scrolled is
  1117. based on count and units. Valid values for <Symbol Role="Variable">units</Symbol> are
  1118. <ComputerOutput>page</ComputerOutput>,
  1119. <ComputerOutput>halfpage</ComputerOutput>, or
  1120. <ComputerOutput>line</ComputerOutput>.
  1121. The default for units is <ComputerOutput>line</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1122. <Para><ComputerOutput>select-adjust ()</ComputerOutput>
  1123. </Para>
  1124. <Para Role="indent">This action extends the selection. The amount of text selected depends on the
  1125. number of mouse clicks:
  1126. </Para>
  1127. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  1128. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.18">
  1129. <Para>1 click = char
  1130. </Para>
  1131. </ListItem>
  1132. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.19">
  1133. <Para>2 clicks = word
  1134. </Para>
  1135. </ListItem>
  1136. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.20">
  1137. <Para>3 clicks = line
  1138. </Para>
  1139. </ListItem>
  1140. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.21">
  1141. <Para>4 clicks = buffer
  1142. </Para>
  1143. </ListItem>
  1144. </ItemizedList>
  1145. <Para><ComputerOutput>select-all ()</ComputerOutput>
  1146. </Para>
  1147. <Para Role="indent">This action selects all text.</Para>
  1148. <Para><ComputerOutput>select-page ()</ComputerOutput>
  1149. </Para>
  1150. <Para Role="indent">This action selects all text on the screen.</Para>
  1151. <Para><ComputerOutput>self-insert ()</ComputerOutput>
  1152. </Para>
  1153. <Para Role="indent">This action sends the character associated with the key pressed to the child
  1154. process.</Para>
  1155. <Para><ComputerOutput>soft-reset ()</ComputerOutput>
  1156. </Para>
  1157. <Para Role="indent">This action perform a soft reset of the terminal.</Para>
  1158. <Para><ComputerOutput>stop</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">state</Symbol>)
  1159. </Para>
  1160. <Para Role="indent">This action either toggles, starts, or stops the process of reading data
  1161. from the child process. Valid values for <Symbol Role="Variable">state</Symbol> are
  1162. <ComputerOutput>toggle</ComputerOutput>,
  1163. <ComputerOutput>on</ComputerOutput>, and
  1164. <ComputerOutput>off</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1165. <Para><ComputerOutput>string</ComputerOutput> (<Symbol Role="Variable">string</Symbol>)
  1166. </Para>
  1167. <Para Role="indent">This action insert the specified text string as if it had been typed.
  1168. The string must be quoted if it contains whitespace or non-alphanumeric
  1169. characters. The string is interpreted as a hex character constant if it
  1170. begins with the characters <ComputerOutput>0x</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1171. <Para><ComputerOutput>tab ()</ComputerOutput>
  1172. </Para>
  1173. <Para Role="indent">This action sends a tab to the child process.</Para>
  1174. <Para><ComputerOutput>visual-bell ()</ComputerOutput>
  1175. </Para>
  1176. <Para Role="indent">This action flashes the window quickly.</Para>
  1177. <Procedure>
  1178. <Title>Virtual Bindings</Title>
  1179. <Step>
  1180. <Para>The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific.
  1181. Virtual bindings do not apply when the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> widget has input focus.
  1182. For information about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see <ComputerOutput>VirtualBindings(3X)</ComputerOutput>.</Para>
  1183. </Step>
  1184. </Procedure>
  1185. </Sect2>
  1186. <Sect2 Id="translations">
  1187. <Title>TRANSLATIONS</Title>
  1188. <Para><ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> includes translations from Primitive.
  1189. Note that altering translations in <ComputerOutput>#override</ComputerOutput>
  1190. or <ComputerOutput>#augment</ComputerOutput> mode is undefined.</Para>
  1191. <VariableList>
  1192. <VarListEntry>
  1193. <Term>Shift~Ctrl&lt;Key>KP_Multiply:</Term>
  1194. <ListItem>
  1195. <Para>XtDisplayInstalledAccelerators()
  1196. </Para>
  1197. </ListItem>
  1198. </VarListEntry>
  1199. <VarListEntry>
  1200. <Term>~ShiftCtrl&lt;Key>KP_Multiply:</Term>
  1201. <ListItem>
  1202. <Para>XtDisplayAccelerators()
  1203. </Para>
  1204. </ListItem>
  1205. </VarListEntry>
  1206. <VarListEntry>
  1207. <Term>ShiftCtrl&lt;Key>KP_Multiply:</Term>
  1208. <ListItem>
  1209. <Para>XtDisplayTranslations()
  1210. </Para>
  1211. </ListItem>
  1212. </VarListEntry>
  1213. <VarListEntry>
  1214. <Term>&lt;Key>osfCancel:</Term>
  1215. <ListItem>
  1216. <Para>process-cancel()
  1217. </Para>
  1218. </ListItem>
  1219. </VarListEntry>
  1220. <VarListEntry>
  1221. <Term>&lt;Key>osfCopy:</Term>
  1222. <ListItem>
  1223. <Para>copy-clipboard()
  1224. </Para>
  1225. </ListItem>
  1226. </VarListEntry>
  1227. <VarListEntry>
  1228. <Term>&lt;Key>osfCut:</Term>
  1229. <ListItem>
  1230. <Para>copy-clipboard()
  1231. </Para>
  1232. </ListItem>
  1233. </VarListEntry>
  1234. <VarListEntry>
  1235. <Term>&lt;Key>osfPaste:</Term>
  1236. <ListItem>
  1237. <Para>paste-clipboard()
  1238. </Para>
  1239. </ListItem>
  1240. </VarListEntry>
  1241. <VarListEntry>
  1242. <Term>&lt;Key>osfBeginLine:</Term>
  1243. <ListItem>
  1244. <Para>beginning-of-buffer()
  1245. </Para>
  1246. </ListItem>
  1247. </VarListEntry>
  1248. <VarListEntry>
  1249. <Term>&lt;Key>osfEndLine:</Term>
  1250. <ListItem>
  1251. <Para>end-of-buffer()
  1252. </Para>
  1253. </ListItem>
  1254. </VarListEntry>
  1255. <VarListEntry>
  1256. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>osfUp:</Term>
  1257. <ListItem>
  1258. <Para>scroll(1,line)
  1259. </Para>
  1260. </ListItem>
  1261. </VarListEntry>
  1262. <VarListEntry>
  1263. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>osfDown:</Term>
  1264. <ListItem>
  1265. <Para>scroll(-1,line)
  1266. </Para>
  1267. </ListItem>
  1268. </VarListEntry>
  1269. <VarListEntry>
  1270. <Term>&lt;Key>osfUp:</Term>
  1271. <ListItem>
  1272. <Para>move-cursor(up)
  1273. </Para>
  1274. </ListItem>
  1275. </VarListEntry>
  1276. <VarListEntry>
  1277. <Term>&lt;Key>osfDown:</Term>
  1278. <ListItem>
  1279. <Para>move-cursor(down)
  1280. </Para>
  1281. </ListItem>
  1282. </VarListEntry>
  1283. <VarListEntry>
  1284. <Term>&lt;Key>osfLeft:</Term>
  1285. <ListItem>
  1286. <Para>move-cursor(backward)
  1287. </Para>
  1288. </ListItem>
  1289. </VarListEntry>
  1290. <VarListEntry>
  1291. <Term>&lt;Key>osfRight:</Term>
  1292. <ListItem>
  1293. <Para>move-cursor(forward)
  1294. </Para>
  1295. </ListItem>
  1296. </VarListEntry>
  1297. <VarListEntry>
  1298. <Term>&lt;Key>Find:</Term>
  1299. <ListItem>
  1300. <Para>vt-edit-key(find)
  1301. </Para>
  1302. </ListItem>
  1303. </VarListEntry>
  1304. <VarListEntry>
  1305. <Term>&lt;Key>Insert:</Term>
  1306. <ListItem>
  1307. <Para>vt-edit-key(insert)
  1308. </Para>
  1309. </ListItem>
  1310. </VarListEntry>
  1311. <VarListEntry>
  1312. <Term>&lt;Key>Select:</Term>
  1313. <ListItem>
  1314. <Para>vt-edit-key(select)
  1315. </Para>
  1316. </ListItem>
  1317. </VarListEntry>
  1318. <VarListEntry>
  1319. <Term>&lt;Key>Do:</Term>
  1320. <ListItem>
  1321. <Para>vt-edit-key(do)
  1322. </Para>
  1323. </ListItem>
  1324. </VarListEntry>
  1325. <VarListEntry>
  1326. <Term>&lt;Key>Help:</Term>
  1327. <ListItem>
  1328. <Para>vt-edit-key(help)
  1329. </Para>
  1330. </ListItem>
  1331. </VarListEntry>
  1332. <VarListEntry>
  1333. <Term>&lt;Key>Menu:</Term>
  1334. <ListItem>
  1335. <Para>vt-edit-key(menu)
  1336. </Para>
  1337. </ListItem>
  1338. </VarListEntry>
  1339. <VarListEntry>
  1340. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>osfPageUp:</Term>
  1341. <ListItem>
  1342. <Para>vt-edit-key(prior)
  1343. </Para>
  1344. </ListItem>
  1345. </VarListEntry>
  1346. <VarListEntry>
  1347. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>osfPageDown:</Term>
  1348. <ListItem>
  1349. <Para>vt-edit-key(next)
  1350. </Para>
  1351. </ListItem>
  1352. </VarListEntry>
  1353. <VarListEntry>
  1354. <Term>&lt;Key>osfPageUp:</Term>
  1355. <ListItem>
  1356. <Para>scroll(-1,page)
  1357. </Para>
  1358. </ListItem>
  1359. </VarListEntry>
  1360. <VarListEntry>
  1361. <Term>&lt;Key>osfPageDown:</Term>
  1362. <ListItem>
  1363. <Para>scroll(1,page)
  1364. </Para>
  1365. </ListItem>
  1366. </VarListEntry>
  1367. <VarListEntry>
  1368. <Term>Mod1&lt;Key>Break:</Term>
  1369. <ListItem>
  1370. <Para>soft-reset()
  1371. </Para>
  1372. </ListItem>
  1373. </VarListEntry>
  1374. <VarListEntry>
  1375. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>Break:</Term>
  1376. <ListItem>
  1377. <Para>hard-reset()
  1378. </Para>
  1379. </ListItem>
  1380. </VarListEntry>
  1381. <VarListEntry>
  1382. <Term>~Shift ~Mod1&lt;Key>Break:</Term>
  1383. <ListItem>
  1384. <Para>vt-break()
  1385. </Para>
  1386. </ListItem>
  1387. </VarListEntry>
  1388. <VarListEntry>
  1389. <Term>Ctrl&lt;Key>Cancel:</Term>
  1390. <ListItem>
  1391. <Para>stop(long)
  1392. </Para>
  1393. </ListItem>
  1394. </VarListEntry>
  1395. <VarListEntry>
  1396. <Term>~Ctrl&lt;Key>Cancel:</Term>
  1397. <ListItem>
  1398. <Para>stop()
  1399. </Para>
  1400. </ListItem>
  1401. </VarListEntry>
  1402. <VarListEntry>
  1403. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>Tab:</Term>
  1404. <ListItem>
  1405. <Para>tab()
  1406. </Para>
  1407. </ListItem>
  1408. </VarListEntry>
  1409. <VarListEntry>
  1410. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Space:</Term>
  1411. <ListItem>
  1412. <Para>keypad-key-execute(space)
  1413. </Para>
  1414. </ListItem>
  1415. </VarListEntry>
  1416. <VarListEntry>
  1417. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Tab:</Term>
  1418. <ListItem>
  1419. <Para>keypad-key-execute(tab)
  1420. </Para>
  1421. </ListItem>
  1422. </VarListEntry>
  1423. <VarListEntry>
  1424. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Enter:</Term>
  1425. <ListItem>
  1426. <Para>keypad-key-execute(enter)
  1427. </Para>
  1428. </ListItem>
  1429. </VarListEntry>
  1430. <VarListEntry>
  1431. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_F1:</Term>
  1432. <ListItem>
  1433. <Para>keypad-key-execute(f1)
  1434. </Para>
  1435. </ListItem>
  1436. </VarListEntry>
  1437. <VarListEntry>
  1438. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_F2:</Term>
  1439. <ListItem>
  1440. <Para>keypad-key-execute(f2)
  1441. </Para>
  1442. </ListItem>
  1443. </VarListEntry>
  1444. <VarListEntry>
  1445. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_F3:</Term>
  1446. <ListItem>
  1447. <Para>keypad-key-execute(f3)
  1448. </Para>
  1449. </ListItem>
  1450. </VarListEntry>
  1451. <VarListEntry>
  1452. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_F4:</Term>
  1453. <ListItem>
  1454. <Para>keypad-key-execute(f4)
  1455. </Para>
  1456. </ListItem>
  1457. </VarListEntry>
  1458. <VarListEntry>
  1459. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Equal:</Term>
  1460. <ListItem>
  1461. <Para>keypad-key-execute(equal)
  1462. </Para>
  1463. </ListItem>
  1464. </VarListEntry>
  1465. <VarListEntry>
  1466. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Multiply:</Term>
  1467. <ListItem>
  1468. <Para>keypad-key-execute(multiply)
  1469. </Para>
  1470. </ListItem>
  1471. </VarListEntry>
  1472. <VarListEntry>
  1473. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Add:</Term>
  1474. <ListItem>
  1475. <Para>keypad-key-execute(add)
  1476. </Para>
  1477. </ListItem>
  1478. </VarListEntry>
  1479. <VarListEntry>
  1480. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Separator:</Term>
  1481. <ListItem>
  1482. <Para>keypad-key-execute(separator)
  1483. </Para>
  1484. </ListItem>
  1485. </VarListEntry>
  1486. <VarListEntry>
  1487. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Subtract:</Term>
  1488. <ListItem>
  1489. <Para>keypad-key-execute(subtract)
  1490. </Para>
  1491. </ListItem>
  1492. </VarListEntry>
  1493. <VarListEntry>
  1494. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Decimal:</Term>
  1495. <ListItem>
  1496. <Para>keypad-key-execute(decimal)
  1497. </Para>
  1498. </ListItem>
  1499. </VarListEntry>
  1500. <VarListEntry>
  1501. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_Divide:</Term>
  1502. <ListItem>
  1503. <Para>keypad-key-execute(divide)
  1504. </Para>
  1505. </ListItem>
  1506. </VarListEntry>
  1507. <VarListEntry>
  1508. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_0:</Term>
  1509. <ListItem>
  1510. <Para>keypad-key-execute(0)
  1511. </Para>
  1512. </ListItem>
  1513. </VarListEntry>
  1514. <VarListEntry>
  1515. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_1:</Term>
  1516. <ListItem>
  1517. <Para>keypad-key-execute(1)
  1518. </Para>
  1519. </ListItem>
  1520. </VarListEntry>
  1521. <VarListEntry>
  1522. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_2:</Term>
  1523. <ListItem>
  1524. <Para>keypad-key-execute(2)
  1525. </Para>
  1526. </ListItem>
  1527. </VarListEntry>
  1528. <VarListEntry>
  1529. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_3:</Term>
  1530. <ListItem>
  1531. <Para>keypad-key-execute(3)
  1532. </Para>
  1533. </ListItem>
  1534. </VarListEntry>
  1535. <VarListEntry>
  1536. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_4:</Term>
  1537. <ListItem>
  1538. <Para>keypad-key-execute(4)
  1539. </Para>
  1540. </ListItem>
  1541. </VarListEntry>
  1542. <VarListEntry>
  1543. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_5:</Term>
  1544. <ListItem>
  1545. <Para>keypad-key-execute(5)
  1546. </Para>
  1547. </ListItem>
  1548. </VarListEntry>
  1549. <VarListEntry>
  1550. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_6:</Term>
  1551. <ListItem>
  1552. <Para>keypad-key-execute(6)
  1553. </Para>
  1554. </ListItem>
  1555. </VarListEntry>
  1556. <VarListEntry>
  1557. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_7:</Term>
  1558. <ListItem>
  1559. <Para>keypad-key-execute(7)
  1560. </Para>
  1561. </ListItem>
  1562. </VarListEntry>
  1563. <VarListEntry>
  1564. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_8:</Term>
  1565. <ListItem>
  1566. <Para>keypad-key-execute(8)
  1567. </Para>
  1568. </ListItem>
  1569. </VarListEntry>
  1570. <VarListEntry>
  1571. <Term>~Mod1&lt;Key>KP_9:</Term>
  1572. <ListItem>
  1573. <Para>keypad-key-execute(9)
  1574. </Para>
  1575. </ListItem>
  1576. </VarListEntry>
  1577. <VarListEntry>
  1578. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F1:</Term>
  1579. <ListItem>
  1580. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(1, UDK)
  1581. </Para>
  1582. </ListItem>
  1583. </VarListEntry>
  1584. <VarListEntry>
  1585. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F2:</Term>
  1586. <ListItem>
  1587. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(2, UDK)
  1588. </Para>
  1589. </ListItem>
  1590. </VarListEntry>
  1591. <VarListEntry>
  1592. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F3:</Term>
  1593. <ListItem>
  1594. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(3, UDK)
  1595. </Para>
  1596. </ListItem>
  1597. </VarListEntry>
  1598. <VarListEntry>
  1599. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F4:</Term>
  1600. <ListItem>
  1601. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(4, UDK)
  1602. </Para>
  1603. </ListItem>
  1604. </VarListEntry>
  1605. <VarListEntry>
  1606. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F5:</Term>
  1607. <ListItem>
  1608. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(5, UDK)
  1609. </Para>
  1610. </ListItem>
  1611. </VarListEntry>
  1612. <VarListEntry>
  1613. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F6:</Term>
  1614. <ListItem>
  1615. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(6, UDK)
  1616. </Para>
  1617. </ListItem>
  1618. </VarListEntry>
  1619. <VarListEntry>
  1620. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F7:</Term>
  1621. <ListItem>
  1622. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(7, UDK)
  1623. </Para>
  1624. </ListItem>
  1625. </VarListEntry>
  1626. <VarListEntry>
  1627. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F8:</Term>
  1628. <ListItem>
  1629. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(8, UDK)
  1630. </Para>
  1631. </ListItem>
  1632. </VarListEntry>
  1633. <VarListEntry>
  1634. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F9:</Term>
  1635. <ListItem>
  1636. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(9, UDK)
  1637. </Para>
  1638. </ListItem>
  1639. </VarListEntry>
  1640. <VarListEntry>
  1641. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F10:</Term>
  1642. <ListItem>
  1643. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(10, UDK)
  1644. </Para>
  1645. </ListItem>
  1646. </VarListEntry>
  1647. <VarListEntry>
  1648. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F11:</Term>
  1649. <ListItem>
  1650. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(11, UDK)
  1651. </Para>
  1652. </ListItem>
  1653. </VarListEntry>
  1654. <VarListEntry>
  1655. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F12:</Term>
  1656. <ListItem>
  1657. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(12, UDK)
  1658. </Para>
  1659. </ListItem>
  1660. </VarListEntry>
  1661. <VarListEntry>
  1662. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F13:</Term>
  1663. <ListItem>
  1664. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(13, UDK)
  1665. </Para>
  1666. </ListItem>
  1667. </VarListEntry>
  1668. <VarListEntry>
  1669. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F14:</Term>
  1670. <ListItem>
  1671. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(14, UDK)
  1672. </Para>
  1673. </ListItem>
  1674. </VarListEntry>
  1675. <VarListEntry>
  1676. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F15:</Term>
  1677. <ListItem>
  1678. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(15, UDK)
  1679. </Para>
  1680. </ListItem>
  1681. </VarListEntry>
  1682. <VarListEntry>
  1683. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F16:</Term>
  1684. <ListItem>
  1685. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(16, UDK)
  1686. </Para>
  1687. </ListItem>
  1688. </VarListEntry>
  1689. <VarListEntry>
  1690. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F17:</Term>
  1691. <ListItem>
  1692. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(17, UDK)
  1693. </Para>
  1694. </ListItem>
  1695. </VarListEntry>
  1696. <VarListEntry>
  1697. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F18:</Term>
  1698. <ListItem>
  1699. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(18, UDK)
  1700. </Para>
  1701. </ListItem>
  1702. </VarListEntry>
  1703. <VarListEntry>
  1704. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F19:</Term>
  1705. <ListItem>
  1706. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(19, UDK)
  1707. </Para>
  1708. </ListItem>
  1709. </VarListEntry>
  1710. <VarListEntry>
  1711. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F20:</Term>
  1712. <ListItem>
  1713. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(20, UDK)
  1714. </Para>
  1715. </ListItem>
  1716. </VarListEntry>
  1717. <VarListEntry>
  1718. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F21:</Term>
  1719. <ListItem>
  1720. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(21, UDK)
  1721. </Para>
  1722. </ListItem>
  1723. </VarListEntry>
  1724. <VarListEntry>
  1725. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F22:</Term>
  1726. <ListItem>
  1727. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(22, UDK)
  1728. </Para>
  1729. </ListItem>
  1730. </VarListEntry>
  1731. <VarListEntry>
  1732. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F23:</Term>
  1733. <ListItem>
  1734. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(23, UDK)
  1735. </Para>
  1736. </ListItem>
  1737. </VarListEntry>
  1738. <VarListEntry>
  1739. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F24:</Term>
  1740. <ListItem>
  1741. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(24, UDK)
  1742. </Para>
  1743. </ListItem>
  1744. </VarListEntry>
  1745. <VarListEntry>
  1746. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F25:</Term>
  1747. <ListItem>
  1748. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(25, UDK)
  1749. </Para>
  1750. </ListItem>
  1751. </VarListEntry>
  1752. <VarListEntry>
  1753. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F26:</Term>
  1754. <ListItem>
  1755. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(26, UDK)
  1756. </Para>
  1757. </ListItem>
  1758. </VarListEntry>
  1759. <VarListEntry>
  1760. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F27:</Term>
  1761. <ListItem>
  1762. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(27, UDK)
  1763. </Para>
  1764. </ListItem>
  1765. </VarListEntry>
  1766. <VarListEntry>
  1767. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F28:</Term>
  1768. <ListItem>
  1769. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(28, UDK)
  1770. </Para>
  1771. </ListItem>
  1772. </VarListEntry>
  1773. <VarListEntry>
  1774. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F29:</Term>
  1775. <ListItem>
  1776. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(29, UDK)
  1777. </Para>
  1778. </ListItem>
  1779. </VarListEntry>
  1780. <VarListEntry>
  1781. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F30:</Term>
  1782. <ListItem>
  1783. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(30, UDK)
  1784. </Para>
  1785. </ListItem>
  1786. </VarListEntry>
  1787. <VarListEntry>
  1788. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F31:</Term>
  1789. <ListItem>
  1790. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(31, UDK)
  1791. </Para>
  1792. </ListItem>
  1793. </VarListEntry>
  1794. <VarListEntry>
  1795. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F32:</Term>
  1796. <ListItem>
  1797. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(32, UDK)
  1798. </Para>
  1799. </ListItem>
  1800. </VarListEntry>
  1801. <VarListEntry>
  1802. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F33:</Term>
  1803. <ListItem>
  1804. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(33, UDK)
  1805. </Para>
  1806. </ListItem>
  1807. </VarListEntry>
  1808. <VarListEntry>
  1809. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F34:</Term>
  1810. <ListItem>
  1811. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(34, UDK)
  1812. </Para>
  1813. </ListItem>
  1814. </VarListEntry>
  1815. <VarListEntry>
  1816. <Term>Shift&lt;Key>F35:</Term>
  1817. <ListItem>
  1818. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(35, UDK)
  1819. </Para>
  1820. </ListItem>
  1821. </VarListEntry>
  1822. <VarListEntry>
  1823. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F1:</Term>
  1824. <ListItem>
  1825. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(1, function)
  1826. </Para>
  1827. </ListItem>
  1828. </VarListEntry>
  1829. <VarListEntry>
  1830. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F2:</Term>
  1831. <ListItem>
  1832. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(2, function)
  1833. </Para>
  1834. </ListItem>
  1835. </VarListEntry>
  1836. <VarListEntry>
  1837. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F3:</Term>
  1838. <ListItem>
  1839. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(3, function)
  1840. </Para>
  1841. </ListItem>
  1842. </VarListEntry>
  1843. <VarListEntry>
  1844. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F4:</Term>
  1845. <ListItem>
  1846. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(4, function)
  1847. </Para>
  1848. </ListItem>
  1849. </VarListEntry>
  1850. <VarListEntry>
  1851. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F5:</Term>
  1852. <ListItem>
  1853. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(5, function)
  1854. </Para>
  1855. </ListItem>
  1856. </VarListEntry>
  1857. <VarListEntry>
  1858. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F6:</Term>
  1859. <ListItem>
  1860. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(6, function)
  1861. </Para>
  1862. </ListItem>
  1863. </VarListEntry>
  1864. <VarListEntry>
  1865. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F7:</Term>
  1866. <ListItem>
  1867. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(7, function)
  1868. </Para>
  1869. </ListItem>
  1870. </VarListEntry>
  1871. <VarListEntry>
  1872. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F8:</Term>
  1873. <ListItem>
  1874. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(8, function)
  1875. </Para>
  1876. </ListItem>
  1877. </VarListEntry>
  1878. <VarListEntry>
  1879. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F9:</Term>
  1880. <ListItem>
  1881. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(9, function)
  1882. </Para>
  1883. </ListItem>
  1884. </VarListEntry>
  1885. <VarListEntry>
  1886. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F10:</Term>
  1887. <ListItem>
  1888. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(10, function)
  1889. </Para>
  1890. </ListItem>
  1891. </VarListEntry>
  1892. <VarListEntry>
  1893. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F11:</Term>
  1894. <ListItem>
  1895. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(11, function)
  1896. </Para>
  1897. </ListItem>
  1898. </VarListEntry>
  1899. <VarListEntry>
  1900. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F12:</Term>
  1901. <ListItem>
  1902. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(12, function)
  1903. </Para>
  1904. </ListItem>
  1905. </VarListEntry>
  1906. <VarListEntry>
  1907. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F13:</Term>
  1908. <ListItem>
  1909. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(13, function)
  1910. </Para>
  1911. </ListItem>
  1912. </VarListEntry>
  1913. <VarListEntry>
  1914. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F14:</Term>
  1915. <ListItem>
  1916. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(14, function)
  1917. </Para>
  1918. </ListItem>
  1919. </VarListEntry>
  1920. <VarListEntry>
  1921. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F15:</Term>
  1922. <ListItem>
  1923. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(15, function)
  1924. </Para>
  1925. </ListItem>
  1926. </VarListEntry>
  1927. <VarListEntry>
  1928. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F16:</Term>
  1929. <ListItem>
  1930. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(16, function)
  1931. </Para>
  1932. </ListItem>
  1933. </VarListEntry>
  1934. <VarListEntry>
  1935. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F17:</Term>
  1936. <ListItem>
  1937. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(17, function)
  1938. </Para>
  1939. </ListItem>
  1940. </VarListEntry>
  1941. <VarListEntry>
  1942. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F18:</Term>
  1943. <ListItem>
  1944. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(18, function)
  1945. </Para>
  1946. </ListItem>
  1947. </VarListEntry>
  1948. <VarListEntry>
  1949. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F19:</Term>
  1950. <ListItem>
  1951. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(19, function)
  1952. </Para>
  1953. </ListItem>
  1954. </VarListEntry>
  1955. <VarListEntry>
  1956. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F20:</Term>
  1957. <ListItem>
  1958. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(20, function)
  1959. </Para>
  1960. </ListItem>
  1961. </VarListEntry>
  1962. <VarListEntry>
  1963. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F21:</Term>
  1964. <ListItem>
  1965. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(21, function)
  1966. </Para>
  1967. </ListItem>
  1968. </VarListEntry>
  1969. <VarListEntry>
  1970. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F22:</Term>
  1971. <ListItem>
  1972. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(22, function)
  1973. </Para>
  1974. </ListItem>
  1975. </VarListEntry>
  1976. <VarListEntry>
  1977. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F23:</Term>
  1978. <ListItem>
  1979. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(23, function)
  1980. </Para>
  1981. </ListItem>
  1982. </VarListEntry>
  1983. <VarListEntry>
  1984. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F24:</Term>
  1985. <ListItem>
  1986. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(24, function)
  1987. </Para>
  1988. </ListItem>
  1989. </VarListEntry>
  1990. <VarListEntry>
  1991. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F25:</Term>
  1992. <ListItem>
  1993. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(25, function)
  1994. </Para>
  1995. </ListItem>
  1996. </VarListEntry>
  1997. <VarListEntry>
  1998. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F26:</Term>
  1999. <ListItem>
  2000. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(26, function)
  2001. </Para>
  2002. </ListItem>
  2003. </VarListEntry>
  2004. <VarListEntry>
  2005. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F27:</Term>
  2006. <ListItem>
  2007. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(27, function)
  2008. </Para>
  2009. </ListItem>
  2010. </VarListEntry>
  2011. <VarListEntry>
  2012. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F28:</Term>
  2013. <ListItem>
  2014. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(28, function)
  2015. </Para>
  2016. </ListItem>
  2017. </VarListEntry>
  2018. <VarListEntry>
  2019. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F29:</Term>
  2020. <ListItem>
  2021. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(29, function)
  2022. </Para>
  2023. </ListItem>
  2024. </VarListEntry>
  2025. <VarListEntry>
  2026. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F30:</Term>
  2027. <ListItem>
  2028. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(30, function)
  2029. </Para>
  2030. </ListItem>
  2031. </VarListEntry>
  2032. <VarListEntry>
  2033. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F31:</Term>
  2034. <ListItem>
  2035. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(31, function)
  2036. </Para>
  2037. </ListItem>
  2038. </VarListEntry>
  2039. <VarListEntry>
  2040. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F32:</Term>
  2041. <ListItem>
  2042. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(32, function)
  2043. </Para>
  2044. </ListItem>
  2045. </VarListEntry>
  2046. <VarListEntry>
  2047. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F33:</Term>
  2048. <ListItem>
  2049. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(33, function)
  2050. </Para>
  2051. </ListItem>
  2052. </VarListEntry>
  2053. <VarListEntry>
  2054. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F34:</Term>
  2055. <ListItem>
  2056. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(34, function)
  2057. </Para>
  2058. </ListItem>
  2059. </VarListEntry>
  2060. <VarListEntry>
  2061. <Term>~Shift&lt;Key>F35:</Term>
  2062. <ListItem>
  2063. <Para>vt-function-key-execute(35, function)
  2064. </Para>
  2065. </ListItem>
  2066. </VarListEntry>
  2067. <VarListEntry>
  2068. <Term>&lt;KeyRelease>:</Term>
  2069. <ListItem>
  2070. <Para>key-release()
  2071. </Para>
  2072. </ListItem>
  2073. </VarListEntry>
  2074. <VarListEntry>
  2075. <Term>&lt;KeyPress>:</Term>
  2076. <ListItem>
  2077. <Para>insert()
  2078. </Para>
  2079. </ListItem>
  2080. </VarListEntry>
  2081. <VarListEntry>
  2082. <Term>~Shift~Ctrl&lt;Btn1Down>:</Term>
  2083. <ListItem>
  2084. <Para>grab-focus()
  2085. </Para>
  2086. </ListItem>
  2087. </VarListEntry>
  2088. <VarListEntry>
  2089. <Term>Shift~Ctrl&lt;Btn1Down>:</Term>
  2090. <ListItem>
  2091. <Para>extend-start()
  2092. </Para>
  2093. </ListItem>
  2094. </VarListEntry>
  2095. <VarListEntry>
  2096. <Term>~Ctrl&lt;Btn1Motion>:</Term>
  2097. <ListItem>
  2098. <Para>select-adjust()
  2099. </Para>
  2100. </ListItem>
  2101. </VarListEntry>
  2102. <VarListEntry>
  2103. <Term>~Ctrl&lt;Btn1Up>:</Term>
  2104. <ListItem>
  2105. <Para>extend-end()
  2106. </Para>
  2107. </ListItem>
  2108. </VarListEntry>
  2109. <VarListEntry>
  2110. <Term>~Shift&lt;Btn2Down>:</Term>
  2111. <ListItem>
  2112. <Para>process-bdrag()
  2113. </Para>
  2114. </ListItem>
  2115. </VarListEntry>
  2116. <VarListEntry>
  2117. <Term>~Shift&lt;Btn2Up>:</Term>
  2118. <ListItem>
  2119. <Para>copy-to()
  2120. </Para>
  2121. </ListItem>
  2122. </VarListEntry>
  2123. <VarListEntry>
  2124. <Term>&lt;EnterWindow>:</Term>
  2125. <ListItem>
  2126. <Para>enter()
  2127. </Para>
  2128. </ListItem>
  2129. </VarListEntry>
  2130. <VarListEntry>
  2131. <Term>&lt;LeaveWindow>:</Term>
  2132. <ListItem>
  2133. <Para>leave()
  2134. </Para>
  2135. </ListItem>
  2136. </VarListEntry>
  2137. <VarListEntry>
  2138. <Term>&lt;FocusIn>:</Term>
  2139. <ListItem>
  2140. <Para>focus-in()
  2141. </Para>
  2142. </ListItem>
  2143. </VarListEntry>
  2144. <VarListEntry>
  2145. <Term>&lt;FocusOut>:</Term>
  2146. <ListItem>
  2147. <Para>focus-out()
  2148. </Para>
  2149. </ListItem>
  2150. </VarListEntry>
  2151. </VariableList>
  2152. </Sect2>
  2153. </Sect1>
  2154. <Sect1 Id="EscapeSequences">
  2155. <Title>dtterm Escape Sequences</Title>
  2156. <Para>Each of the topics below contains a list of applicable escape sequences.
  2157. See the <ComputerOutput>dtterm(5x)</ComputerOutput> man page for more detailed information.</Para>
  2158. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;">
  2159. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.22">
  2160. <Para><XRef Linkend="CursorKeys"></Para>
  2161. </ListItem>
  2162. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.23">
  2163. <Para><XRef Linkend="AuxKeypad"></Para>
  2164. </ListItem>
  2165. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.24">
  2166. <Para><XRef Linkend="FunctionKeys"></Para>
  2167. </ListItem>
  2168. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.25">
  2169. <Para><XRef Linkend="SunFunctionKeys"></Para>
  2170. </ListItem>
  2171. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.26">
  2172. <Para><XRef Linkend="ReceivedEscapeSequences"></Para>
  2173. </ListItem>
  2174. </ItemizedList>
  2175. <Sect2 Id="CursorKeys">
  2176. <Title>Cursor Keys, VT220 Mode</Title>
  2177. <Para>The table below shows the key press and the corresponding escape sequences
  2178. sent for Normal and Application modes.
  2179. </Para>
  2180. <ProgramListing>Cursor Key Mode
  2181. KEY Normal Application
  2182. ========= ====== ===========
  2183. Cursor Up Esc[A EscOA
  2184. Cursor Down Esc[B EscOB
  2185. Cursor Right Esc[C EscOC
  2186. Cursor Left Esc[D EscOD
  2187. </ProgramListing>
  2188. </Sect2>
  2189. <Sect2 Id="AuxKeypad">
  2190. <Title>Auxiliary Keypad, ANSI Mode</Title>
  2191. <Para>The table below shows the key press and the corresponding escape sequences
  2192. sent for Numeric and Application modes.
  2193. </Para>
  2194. <ProgramListing>Application Keypad Mode
  2195. KEY Normal Application
  2196. ========= ====== ===========
  2197. space space EscOA
  2198. tab tab EscOI
  2199. Enter CR/CR-LF EscOM
  2200. PF1 EscOP EscOP
  2201. PF2 EscOQ EscOQ
  2202. PF3 EscOR EscOR
  2203. PF4 EscOS EscOS
  2204. * (multiply) * EscOj
  2205. + (add) + EscOk
  2206. , (comma) , EscOl
  2207. - (minus) - EscOm
  2208. . (period) . EscOn
  2209. / (divide) / EscOo
  2210. 0 0 EscOp
  2211. 1 1 EscOq
  2212. 2 2 EscOr
  2213. 3 3 EscOs
  2214. 4 4 EscOt
  2215. 5 5 EscOu
  2216. 6 6 EscOv
  2217. 7 7 EscOw
  2218. 8 8 EscOx
  2219. 9 9 EscOy
  2220. =(equal) = EscOX
  2221. </ProgramListing>
  2222. </Sect2>
  2223. <Sect2 Id="FunctionKeys">
  2224. <Title>Function Keys, VT220 Mode</Title>
  2225. <Para>The table below shows the key press and the corresponding escape sequences
  2226. sent.
  2227. </Para>
  2228. <ProgramListing>KEY Escape Sequence Sent
  2229. ========= ====================
  2230. F1 Esc[11~
  2231. F2 Esc[12~
  2232. F3 Esc[13~
  2233. F4 Esc[14~
  2234. F5 Esc[15~
  2235. F6 Esc[17~
  2236. F7 Esc[18~
  2237. F8 Esc[19~
  2238. F9 Esc[20~
  2239. F10 Esc[21~
  2240. F11 Esc[23~
  2241. F12 Esc[24~
  2242. F13 Esc[25~
  2243. F14 Esc[26~
  2244. F15 Esc[28~
  2245. F16 Esc[29~
  2246. F17 Esc[31~
  2247. F18 Esc[32~
  2248. F19 Esc[33~
  2249. F20 Esc[34~
  2250. Help Esc[28~
  2251. Menu Esc[29~
  2252. Find Esc[1~
  2253. Insert Esc[2~
  2254. Remove Esc[3~
  2255. Select Esc[4~
  2256. Prior Esc[5~
  2257. Next Esc[6~
  2258. </ProgramListing>
  2259. </Sect2>
  2260. <Sect2 Id="SunFunctionKeys">
  2261. <Title>Function Keys, sunFunctionKeys Mode</Title>
  2262. <Para>The table below shows the key press and the corresponding escape sequences
  2263. sent.
  2264. </Para>
  2265. <ProgramListing>KEY Escape Sequence Sent
  2266. ========= ====================
  2267. F1 Esc[224z
  2268. F2 Esc[225z
  2269. F3 Esc[226z
  2270. F4 Esc[227z
  2271. F5 Esc[228z
  2272. F6 Esc[229z
  2273. F7 Esc[230z
  2274. F8 Esc[231z
  2275. F9 Esc[232z
  2276. F10 Esc[233z
  2277. F11 Esc[192z
  2278. F12 Esc[193z
  2279. F13 Esc[194z
  2280. F14 Esc[195z
  2281. F15 Esc[196z
  2282. F16 Esc[197z
  2283. F17 Esc[198z
  2284. F18 Esc[199z
  2285. F19 Esc[200z
  2286. F20 Esc[201z
  2287. F21 (R1) Esc[208z
  2288. F22 (R2) Esc[209z
  2289. F23 (R3) Esc[210z
  2290. F24 (R4) Esc[211z
  2291. F25 (R5) Esc[212z
  2292. F26 (R6) Esc[213z
  2293. F27 (R7) Esc[214z
  2294. F28 (R8) Esc[215z
  2295. F29 (R9) Esc[216z
  2296. F30 (R10) Esc[217z
  2297. F31 (R11) Esc[218z
  2298. F32 (R12) Esc[219z
  2299. F33 (R13) Esc[220z
  2300. F34 (R14) Esc[221z
  2301. F35 (R15) Esc[222z
  2302. Help Esc[196z
  2303. Menu Esc[197z
  2304. Find Esc[1z
  2305. Insert Esc[2z
  2306. Remove Esc[3z
  2307. Select Esc[4z
  2308. Prior Esc[5z
  2309. Next Esc[6z
  2310. </ProgramListing>
  2311. </Sect2>
  2312. <Sect2 Id="ReceivedEscapeSequences">
  2313. <Title>Received Escape Sequences</Title>
  2314. <Para>The following table describes the received escape sequences supported by dtterm.
  2315. </Para>
  2316. <ProgramListing>Escape
  2317. Sequence Description
  2318. ======== ===========
  2319. Ctrl-G Bell (Ctrl-G)
  2320. Ctrl-H Backspace (Ctrl-H)
  2321. Ctrl-I Horizontal Tab (HT) (Ctrl-I)
  2322. Ctrl-J Line Feed or New Line (NL) (Ctrl-J)
  2323. Ctrl-K Vertical Tab same as Line Feed
  2324. Ctrl-L Form Feed or New Page same as Line Feed
  2325. Ctrl-M Carriage Return (Ctrl-M)
  2326. Esc ( B Designate ASCII (base font) as G0.
  2327. Esc ( 0 Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G0.
  2328. Esc ) B Designate ASCII (base font) as G1.
  2329. Esc ) 0 Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G1.
  2330. Esc * B Designate ASCII (base font) as G2.
  2331. Esc * 0 Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G2.
  2332. Esc + B Designate ASCII (base font) as G3.
  2333. Esc + 0 Designate DEC Special Graphic (line draw) as G3.
  2334. Ctrl-N Map G1 into GL.
  2335. Ctrl-O Map G0 into GL.
  2336. Esc n Map G2 into GL.
  2337. Esc o Map G3 into GL.
  2338. Esc N Map G2 into GL for the next character.
  2339. Esc O Map G3 into GL for the next character.
  2340. Esc Space F Select 7-bit C1 Control Characters. In this mode, the
  2341. dtterm utility sends all C1 Control Characters to the
  2342. host as 7-bit escape sequences. That is, CSI is sent to
  2343. the host as <ComputerOutput>&newline;f2Esc&newline;fP [</ComputerOutput>.
  2344. Esc Space G Select 8-bit C1 Control Characters. In this mode, the
  2345. dtterm utility sends all C1 Control Characters to the
  2346. host as 8-bit control codes. That is, CSI is sent back
  2347. as the hexadecimal value 0x9B.
  2348. Esc#8 DEC Screen Align Test (DECALN)
  2349. Esc7 Save Cursor (DECSC)
  2350. Esc8 Restore Cursor (DECRC)
  2351. Esc= Application Keypad (DECPAM)
  2352. Esc> Normal Keypad (DECPNM)
  2353. EscD Index (IND)
  2354. EscE Next Line (NEL)
  2355. EscH Tab Set (HTS)
  2356. EscM Reverse Index (RI)
  2357. EscP<Symbol Role="Variable">pi;pi|pi/hex digits;pi/hex digits;...</Symbol>Esc&newline;
  2358. Device Control String (DCS)
  2359. EscZ Return Terminal ID (DECID)
  2360. Escc Full Reset (RIS)
  2361. Escn Select the G2 Character Set (LS2)
  2362. Esco Select the G3 Character Set (LS3)
  2363. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>"p Select Compatibility Level (DECSCL)
  2364. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>@ Insert Blank Characters (ICH)
  2365. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>A Cursor Up (CUU)
  2366. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>B Cursor Down (CUD)
  2367. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>C Cursor Forward (CUF)
  2368. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>D Cursor Backward (CUB)
  2369. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>F Cursor to <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>th preceding line (CPL)
  2370. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>G Cursor to Column p (CHA)
  2371. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi;</Symbol> <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>H Cursor Position (CUP)
  2372. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>J Erase in Display (ED)
  2373. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>K Erase in Line (EL)
  2374. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>L Insert Lines (IL)
  2375. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>M Delete Lines (DL)
  2376. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>P Delete Characters (DCH)
  2377. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>S Scroll up p lines (SU)
  2378. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>T Scroll Down (SD)
  2379. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>X Erase <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol> characters (ECH)
  2380. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>c Send Device Attributes
  2381. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi;</Symbol> <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>f Horizontal and Vertical Position (HVP)
  2382. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>g Tab Clear (TBC)
  2383. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>h Set Mode (SM)
  2384. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>l Reset Mode (RM)
  2385. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>m Character Attributes (SGR)
  2386. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>n Device Status Report (DSR)
  2387. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi;</Symbol> <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>r Set Scrolling Region (DECSTBM)
  2388. Esc[<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>x Request Terminal Parameters
  2389. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>h DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET)
  2390. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>l DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRSET)
  2391. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>n DEC Private Mode Status (DSR)
  2392. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>r Restore DEC Private Mode Values
  2393. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>s Save DEC Private Mode Values
  2394. Esc]?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi;</Symbol> <Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>Ctrl-G
  2395. Set Text Parameters
  2396. Esc]<Symbol Role="Variable">p1;p2;p3t</Symbol> Sun Escape Sequences
  2397. Esc_<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>Esc&bsol; Application Program
  2398. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>K Selective erase in line (DECSEL)
  2399. Esc[?<Symbol Role="Variable">pi</Symbol>J Selective erase in display (DECSED)
  2400. Esc!p Soft Terminal Reset (DECSTR)
  2401. </ProgramListing>
  2402. </Sect2>
  2403. </Sect1>
  2404. <Sect1 Id="Keyboard">
  2405. <Title>dtterm Keyboard Information</Title>
  2406. <IndexTerm>
  2407. <Primary>keyboard information</Primary>
  2408. </IndexTerm>
  2409. <Para>This topic contains a list of keyboard functionality associated with dtterm.
  2410. It
  2411. includes only the keys that are special for dtterm. They apply only
  2412. when the terminal text area has the keyboard focus. They do <Symbol Role="Variable">not</Symbol>
  2413. apply when a dialog, pulldown, or popup menu has the keyboard focus.
  2414. In some cases, additional modifiers
  2415. are ignored. For example, the description for F1 does not apply to Shift
  2416. F1, but the description of Tab applies to both Tab and Shift Tab.</Para>
  2417. <ProgramListing>&lt;Key>Home Scroll to beginning of the buffer
  2418. Shift&lt;Key>Home Scroll to the end of the buffer
  2419. Shift&lt;Key>Prior Scroll up one page
  2420. Shift&lt;Key>Next Scroll down one page
  2421. &lt;Key>Up Sends the escape sequence as described
  2422. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2423. &lt;Key>Down Sends the escape sequence as described
  2424. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2425. &lt;Key>Left Sends the escape sequence as described
  2426. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2427. &lt;Key>Right Sends the escape sequence as described
  2428. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2429. CTRL&lt;Key>Up Sends the escape sequence as described
  2430. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2431. CTRL&lt;Key>Down Sends the escape sequence as described
  2432. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2433. CTRL&lt;Key>Left Sends the escape sequence as described
  2434. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2435. CTRL&lt;Key>Right Sends the escape sequence as described
  2436. in dtterm Escape Sequences
  2437. &lt;Key>Prior
  2438. &lt;Key>Next
  2439. &lt;Key>Find
  2440. &lt;Key>Insert
  2441. &lt;Key>Select
  2442. &lt;Key>Cancel Toggles on/off subprocess output.
  2443. &lt;Key>Tab Sends a tab character.
  2444. &lt;Key>Break Sends an RS232 break to the subprocess.
  2445. Meta&lt;Key>Break Soft Reset as described in dtterm Escape Sequences.
  2446. Shift&lt;Key>Break Hard Reset as described in dtterm Escape Sequences.
  2447. &lt;Key>F1 Sends the function key escape sequence
  2448. through as described in dtterm Escape Sequences.
  2449. &lt;Key>F35
  2450. Shift&lt;Key>F1 Sends the user defined sequence (if any)
  2451. through for that key.
  2452. Shift&lt;Key>F35
  2453. Esc Sends the escape character
  2454. &lt;Key>KP_F1 Sends the escape sequence as described
  2455. through in dtterm Escape Sequences.
  2456. &lt;Key>KP_F4
  2457. &lt;Key>KP_0 Sends either the char or escape sequence
  2458. through as described in dtterm Escape Sequences.
  2459. &lt;Key>KP_9
  2460. &lt;Key>KP_Equal
  2461. &lt;Key>KP_Multiply
  2462. &lt;Key>KP_Add
  2463. &lt;Key>KP_Separator
  2464. &lt;Key>KP_Subtract
  2465. &lt;Key>KP_Decimal
  2466. &lt;Key>KP_Divide
  2467. &lt;Key>KP_Space
  2468. &lt;Key>KP_Tab
  2469. &lt;Key>KP_Enter
  2470. </ProgramListing>
  2471. <para>Note that not all vendors' keyboards supply these keys.
  2472. Please see your local vendor's documentation for alternate key bindings.
  2473. </para>
  2474. </Sect1>
  2475. <Sect1 Id="GlobOpts">
  2476. <Title>Global Options Dialog Box</Title>
  2477. <Para>There are four areas that you can control from the Global Options dialog
  2478. box:
  2479. </Para>
  2480. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2481. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.27">
  2482. <Para><XRef Linkend="CursorControl"></Para>
  2483. </ListItem>
  2484. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.28">
  2485. <Para><XRef Linkend="ColorControl"></Para>
  2486. </ListItem>
  2487. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.29">
  2488. <Para><XRef Linkend="ScrollBehavior"></Para>
  2489. </ListItem>
  2490. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.30">
  2491. <Para><XRef Linkend="BellControl"></Para>
  2492. </ListItem>
  2493. </ItemizedList>
  2494. <Para>Each of these areas contains one or more option menus from which you can
  2495. choose values for a particular option.</Para>
  2496. <Note>
  2497. <Para>Any changes made in the Global Options dialog box apply only to the
  2498. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window from which you accessed the dialog box.
  2499. </Para>
  2500. </Note>
  2501. <Graphic Entityref="globopts" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.1"></Graphic>
  2502. <Sect2 Id="CursorControl">
  2503. <Title>Cursor Control</Title>
  2504. <Para>All of the cursor aspects are controlled by selecting a choice in an options
  2505. menu button or, in the case of the Blink Rate option, entering a value in
  2506. the text
  2507. field.
  2508. </Para>
  2509. <Graphic Entityref="curscont" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.2"></Graphic>
  2510. <Procedure>
  2511. <Title>To Change the Cursor Appearance</Title>
  2512. <IndexTerm>
  2513. <Primary>cursor:appearance</Primary>
  2514. </IndexTerm>
  2515. <Step>
  2516. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2517. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.31">
  2518. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2519. </ListItem>
  2520. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.32">
  2521. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Cursor Style list and drag to the cursor
  2522. type you want (Box, Underline, or Invisible).</Para>
  2523. </ListItem>
  2524. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.33">
  2525. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2526. the dialog box.
  2527. </Para>
  2528. </ListItem>
  2529. </OrderedList>
  2530. </Step>
  2531. </Procedure>
  2532. <Procedure>
  2533. <Title>To Stop the Cursor from Blinking</Title>
  2534. <IndexTerm>
  2535. <Primary>cursor:blinking</Primary>
  2536. </IndexTerm>
  2537. <IndexTerm>
  2538. <Primary>blinking cursor</Primary>
  2539. </IndexTerm>
  2540. <Step>
  2541. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2542. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.34">
  2543. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2544. </ListItem>
  2545. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.35">
  2546. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Blinking Cursor menu button and drag to
  2547. the cursor behavior you want.</Para>
  2548. <Para>Enabled (the default) means the cursor will blink; Disabled stops the
  2549. blinking.</Para>
  2550. </ListItem>
  2551. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.36">
  2552. <Para>If you set the cursor to blink and want the blink rate to be
  2553. different from the default 250 milliseconds, type the rate you want in
  2554. the Blink Rate text field.</Para>
  2555. </ListItem>
  2556. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.37">
  2557. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2558. the dialog box.
  2559. </Para>
  2560. </ListItem>
  2561. </OrderedList>
  2562. </Step>
  2563. </Procedure>
  2564. </Sect2>
  2565. <Sect2 Id="ColorControl">
  2566. <Title>Color Control</Title>
  2567. <Para>The Color Control option enables you to switch your <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> foreground and
  2568. background colors. The default option is Normal; the foreground
  2569. and background colors you choose are displayed normally.</Para>
  2570. <Procedure>
  2571. <Title>To Switch Foreground and Background Colors</Title>
  2572. <Step>
  2573. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2574. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.38">
  2575. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2576. </ListItem>
  2577. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.39">
  2578. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Window Background menu button and drag
  2579. to determine how the colors will appear.</Para>
  2580. <Para>Normal (the default) keeps the colors as assigned; Inverse switches
  2581. them.</Para>
  2582. </ListItem>
  2583. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.40">
  2584. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2585. the dialog box.
  2586. </Para>
  2587. </ListItem>
  2588. </OrderedList>
  2589. <Graphic Entityref="colrcont" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.3"></Graphic>
  2590. </Step>
  2591. </Procedure>
  2592. </Sect2>
  2593. <Sect2 Id="ScrollBehavior">
  2594. <Title>Scroll Behavior</Title>
  2595. <Para>The Scroll Behavior option allows you to enable and disable smooth scrolling.
  2596. The default is disabled.
  2597. </Para>
  2598. <Procedure>
  2599. <Title>To Make Scrolling Smooth</Title>
  2600. <Step>
  2601. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2602. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.41">
  2603. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2604. </ListItem>
  2605. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.42">
  2606. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Smooth Scrolling menu button and drag to
  2607. the type of scrolling you want.</Para>
  2608. <Para>Disabled (the default) scrolls a page at a time, and Enabled scrolls a
  2609. single line at a time, which makes
  2610. scrolling smoother.</Para>
  2611. </ListItem>
  2612. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.43">
  2613. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2614. the dialog box.
  2615. </Para>
  2616. </ListItem>
  2617. </OrderedList>
  2618. <Graphic Entityref="scrlbeh" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.4"></Graphic>
  2619. </Step>
  2620. </Procedure>
  2621. </Sect2>
  2622. <Sect2 Id="BellControl">
  2623. <Title>Bell Control</Title>
  2624. <Para>All of the Bell Control options are controlled by selecting a choice in an
  2625. options menu button or, in the case of the Margin Distance option, entering
  2626. a value in the text field space.
  2627. </Para>
  2628. <Graphic Entityref="bellcont" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.5"></Graphic>
  2629. <Procedure>
  2630. <Title>To Make the Bell Blink Rather than Ring</Title>
  2631. <IndexTerm>
  2632. <Primary>bell type</Primary>
  2633. </IndexTerm>
  2634. <Step>
  2635. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2636. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.44">
  2637. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2638. </ListItem>
  2639. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.45">
  2640. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Bell Type menu button and drag to the
  2641. bell type you want.</Para>
  2642. <Para>Audible (the default) means the bell will ring; Visible means the bell
  2643. will blink the background color rather than ringing.</Para>
  2644. </ListItem>
  2645. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.46">
  2646. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2647. the dialog box.
  2648. </Para>
  2649. </ListItem>
  2650. </OrderedList>
  2651. </Step>
  2652. </Procedure>
  2653. <Procedure>
  2654. <Title>To Sound a Margin Warning</Title>
  2655. <Step>
  2656. <Para>The Margin Warning Option is either disabled (the default) or enabled.
  2657. </Para>
  2658. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2659. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.47">
  2660. <Para>Choose Global from the Options menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.</Para>
  2661. </ListItem>
  2662. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.48">
  2663. <Para>Press mouse button 1 on the Margin Warning menu button and drag to
  2664. the choice you want.</Para>
  2665. <Para>Disabled (the default) means there will be no margin warning; Enabled
  2666. means a margin warning will sound.</Para>
  2667. </ListItem>
  2668. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.49">
  2669. <Para>If you enable the margin warning bell and want a margin distance
  2670. other than the default 10 characters, type the distance you want in the
  2671. Margin Distance text field.</Para>
  2672. </ListItem>
  2673. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.50">
  2674. <Para>Click Apply to save your change, or OK to save your change and quit
  2675. the dialog box.
  2676. </Para>
  2677. </ListItem>
  2678. </OrderedList>
  2679. </Step>
  2680. </Procedure>
  2681. </Sect2>
  2682. </Sect1>
  2683. <Sect1 Id="TermOpts">
  2684. <Title>Terminal Options Dialog Box</Title>
  2685. <Para>There are two areas that you can control from the "Terminal Options" dialog
  2686. box:
  2687. </Para>
  2688. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2689. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.51">
  2690. <Para><XRef Linkend="KeyboardControl"></Para>
  2691. </ListItem>
  2692. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.52">
  2693. <Para><XRef Linkend="ScreenControl"></Para>
  2694. </ListItem>
  2695. </ItemizedList>
  2696. <Para>Each of these areas contains several option menus from which you can
  2697. choose values for a particular option.</Para>
  2698. <Note>
  2699. <Para>Any changes made in the Terminal Options dialog box apply only to the
  2700. <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window from which you accessed the dialog box.
  2701. </Para>
  2702. </Note>
  2703. <Graphic Entityref="termopts" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.6"></Graphic>
  2704. <Sect2 Id="KeyboardControl">
  2705. <Title>Keyboard Control</Title>
  2706. <Para>You can control four aspects of your keyboard when using <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> by
  2707. setting values from the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> Terminal
  2708. Options dialog box:
  2709. </Para>
  2710. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2711. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.53">
  2712. <Para><XRef Linkend="CursorKeyMode"></Para>
  2713. </ListItem>
  2714. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.54">
  2715. <Para><XRef Linkend="KeypadMode"></Para>
  2716. </ListItem>
  2717. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.55">
  2718. <Para><XRef Linkend="NewlineSequence"></Para>
  2719. </ListItem>
  2720. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.56">
  2721. <Para><XRef Linkend="UserFunctionKeys"></Para>
  2722. </ListItem>
  2723. </ItemizedList>
  2724. <Graphic Entityref="keybcont" Id="HTRM.REF.fig.7"></Graphic>
  2725. <Sect3 Id="CursorKeyMode">
  2726. <Title>To Change Cursor Key Mode</Title>
  2727. <IndexTerm>
  2728. <Primary>cursor key mode</Primary>
  2729. </IndexTerm>
  2730. <Para>Cursor Key Mode (see <Link Type="jump" Linkend="CursorKeys">"Cursor Keys, VT220 Mode"</Link>)
  2731. is either Normal (the default) or Application. In Normal
  2732. mode, the cursor keys move the cursor in the specified direction. In
  2733. Application mode, the cursor keys generate escape sequences that the
  2734. application uses for its own purpose.</Para>
  2735. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2736. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.57">
  2737. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2738. </Para>
  2739. </ListItem>
  2740. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.58">
  2741. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2742. "Cursor Key Mode" in the Keyboard Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2743. dialog box.
  2744. </Para>
  2745. </ListItem>
  2746. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.59">
  2747. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2748. </Para>
  2749. </ListItem>
  2750. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.60">
  2751. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2752. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2753. </Para>
  2754. </ListItem>
  2755. </OrderedList>
  2756. </Sect3>
  2757. <Sect3 Id="KeypadMode">
  2758. <Title>To Change Keypad Mode</Title>
  2759. <IndexTerm>
  2760. <Primary>keypad mode</Primary>
  2761. </IndexTerm>
  2762. <Para>Keypad Mode is either Numeric (the default) or Application (see
  2763. <Link Type="jump" Linkend="AuxKeypad">"Auxiliary Keypad, ANSI Mode"</Link>). In Numeric
  2764. mode, when keys on the numeric keypad are pressed, the corresponding
  2765. numeral is displayed in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window. In Application mode, the
  2766. key presses generate escape sequences that the application uses for its own
  2767. purpose.</Para>
  2768. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2769. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.61">
  2770. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2771. </Para>
  2772. </ListItem>
  2773. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.62">
  2774. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2775. "Keypad Mode" in the Keyboard Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2776. dialog box.
  2777. </Para>
  2778. </ListItem>
  2779. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.63">
  2780. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2781. </Para>
  2782. </ListItem>
  2783. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.64">
  2784. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2785. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2786. </Para>
  2787. </ListItem>
  2788. </OrderedList>
  2789. </Sect3>
  2790. <Sect3 Id="NewlineSequence">
  2791. <Title>To Change Newline Sequence</Title>
  2792. <Para>The Newline Sequence option lets you choose from Return Only (the default)
  2793. or Return/Line Feed. The former option generates only a carriage return, while
  2794. the latter option generates both a carriage return and a line feed.
  2795. </Para>
  2796. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2797. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.65">
  2798. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2799. </Para>
  2800. </ListItem>
  2801. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.66">
  2802. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2803. "Newline Sequence" in the Keyboard Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2804. dialog box.
  2805. </Para>
  2806. </ListItem>
  2807. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.67">
  2808. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2809. </Para>
  2810. </ListItem>
  2811. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.68">
  2812. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2813. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2814. </Para>
  2815. </ListItem>
  2816. </OrderedList>
  2817. </Sect3>
  2818. <Sect3 Id="UserFunctionKeys">
  2819. <Title>To Change User Function Keys</Title>
  2820. <Para>The User Function Keys option allows you to have the user function keys
  2821. locked or unlocked (the default).
  2822. </Para>
  2823. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2824. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.69">
  2825. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2826. </Para>
  2827. </ListItem>
  2828. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.70">
  2829. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2830. "User Function Keys" in the Keyboard Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2831. dialog box.
  2832. </Para>
  2833. </ListItem>
  2834. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.71">
  2835. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2836. </Para>
  2837. </ListItem>
  2838. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.72">
  2839. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2840. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2841. </Para>
  2842. </ListItem>
  2843. </OrderedList>
  2844. </Sect3>
  2845. </Sect2>
  2846. <Sect2 Id="ScreenControl">
  2847. <Title>Screen Control</Title>
  2848. <IndexTerm>
  2849. <Primary>Screen Control</Primary>
  2850. </IndexTerm>
  2851. <Para>You have control of three aspects of screen control in a <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput>
  2852. window:
  2853. </Para>
  2854. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2855. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.73">
  2856. <Para><XRef Linkend="ColSwitch"></Para>
  2857. </ListItem>
  2858. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.74">
  2859. <Para><XRef Linkend="EOLWrap"></Para>
  2860. </ListItem>
  2861. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.75">
  2862. <Para><XRef Linkend="RevEOLWrap"></Para>
  2863. </ListItem>
  2864. </ItemizedList>
  2865. <Figure Id="HTRM.REF.fig.8">
  2866. <Title>Screen Control Options</Title>
  2867. <Graphic Entityref="scrncont" Id="HTRM.REF.grph.1"></Graphic>
  2868. </Figure>
  2869. <Sect3 Id="ColSwitch">
  2870. <Title>To Change 132-Column Switching</Title>
  2871. <Para>The 132 Column Switching option allows you to toggle this capability. The
  2872. default is Disabled. When disabled and an application switches to 132
  2873. columns, nothing happens. When enabled and an application switches to 132
  2874. columns, the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window automatically enlarges to display 132 columns.</Para>
  2875. <Para>This option corresponds to the following <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> command-line options
  2876. and resource:</Para>
  2877. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2878. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.76">
  2879. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="minus132">"-132"</Link> (command-line option)
  2880. </Para>
  2881. </ListItem>
  2882. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.77">
  2883. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="plus132">"+132"</Link> (command-line option)
  2884. </Para>
  2885. </ListItem>
  2886. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.78">
  2887. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="c132">"c132"</Link> (resource)
  2888. </Para>
  2889. </ListItem>
  2890. </ItemizedList>
  2891. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2892. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.79">
  2893. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2894. </Para>
  2895. </ListItem>
  2896. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.80">
  2897. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2898. "132 Column Switching" in the Screen Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2899. dialog box.
  2900. </Para>
  2901. </ListItem>
  2902. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.81">
  2903. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2904. </Para>
  2905. </ListItem>
  2906. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.82">
  2907. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2908. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2909. </Para>
  2910. </ListItem>
  2911. </OrderedList>
  2912. </Sect3>
  2913. <Sect3 Id="EOLWrap">
  2914. <Title>To Change End-of-Line Wrapping</Title>
  2915. <Para>The End-of-Line Wrapping option allows you to toggle this capability. The
  2916. default is Enabled. When enabled, characters automatically wrap to the
  2917. next line when the end-of-line is reached. When disabled, no wrapping
  2918. occurs.</Para>
  2919. <Para>This option corresponds to the following <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> command-line options
  2920. and resource:</Para>
  2921. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2922. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.83">
  2923. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="minusaw">"-aw"</Link> (command-line option)
  2924. </Para>
  2925. </ListItem>
  2926. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.84">
  2927. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="plusaw">"+aw"</Link> (command-line option)
  2928. </Para>
  2929. </ListItem>
  2930. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.85">
  2931. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="autowrap">"autoWrap"</Link> (resource)
  2932. </Para>
  2933. </ListItem>
  2934. </ItemizedList>
  2935. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2936. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.86">
  2937. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2938. </Para>
  2939. </ListItem>
  2940. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.87">
  2941. <Para>Click the options menu button next to
  2942. "End-of-line Wrapping" in the Screen Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2943. dialog box.
  2944. </Para>
  2945. </ListItem>
  2946. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.88">
  2947. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2948. </Para>
  2949. </ListItem>
  2950. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.89">
  2951. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  2952. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  2953. </Para>
  2954. </ListItem>
  2955. </OrderedList>
  2956. </Sect3>
  2957. <Sect3 Id="RevEOLWrap">
  2958. <Title>To Change Reverse End-of-Line Wrapping</Title>
  2959. <IndexTerm>
  2960. <Primary>Reverse End-of-Line Wrapping</Primary>
  2961. </IndexTerm>
  2962. <Para>The reverse End-of-Line Wrapping option allows you to toggle this capability.
  2963. The default is Disabled. When enabled, backspace characters automatically
  2964. wrap to the
  2965. next higher line when the end-of-line is reached. When disabled, no wrapping
  2966. occurs.</Para>
  2967. <Para>This option corresponds to the following <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> command-line options
  2968. and resource:</Para>
  2969. <ItemizedList Mark="&bull;" Role="tight">
  2970. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.90">
  2971. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="minusrw">"-rw"</Link> (command-line option)
  2972. </Para>
  2973. </ListItem>
  2974. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.91">
  2975. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="plusrw">"+rw"</Link> (command-line option)
  2976. </Para>
  2977. </ListItem>
  2978. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.92">
  2979. <Para><Link Type="jump" Linkend="reverseWrap">"reverseWrap"</Link> (resource)
  2980. </Para>
  2981. </ListItem>
  2982. </ItemizedList>
  2983. <OrderedList Role="tight">
  2984. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.93">
  2985. <Para>Choose Terminal from the Options Menu in the <ComputerOutput>dtterm</ComputerOutput> window.
  2986. </Para>
  2987. </ListItem>
  2988. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.94">
  2989. <Para>Click the options menu button next to "Reverse End-of-line Wrapping"
  2990. in the Screen Control Section of the Terminal Options
  2991. dialog box.
  2992. </Para>
  2993. </ListItem>
  2994. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.95">
  2995. <Para>Drag the pointer to the mode you want.
  2996. </Para>
  2997. </ListItem>
  2998. <ListItem Id="HTRM.REF.item.96">
  2999. <Para>Click Apply to save your
  3000. changes, or OK to save your changes and quit the dialog box.
  3001. </Para>
  3002. </ListItem>
  3003. </OrderedList>
  3004. </Sect3>
  3005. </Sect2>
  3006. </Sect1>
  3007. </Chapter>
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