880 B

  1. XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: /main/38 1996/09/28 16:12:05 rws $
  2. #ifndef OSName
  3. #define OSName UTek 4.0
  4. #endif
  5. XCOMM operating system: OSName
  6. #ifndef OSMajorVersion
  7. #define OSMajorVersion 4
  8. #endif
  9. #ifndef OSMinorVersion
  10. #define OSMinorVersion 0
  11. #endif
  12. #define HasNdbm YES
  13. #define HasVoidSignalReturn NO
  14. #define BootstrapCFlags -DM4310 -DUTEK
  15. #define StandardDefines -DM4310 -DUTEK -Dpegasus
  16. #if HasGcc
  17. /* put back all of the -Ds which -ansi removes */
  18. #define CcCmd gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Dmc68000 -Dtektronix -Dutek -Dunix -Dm68k
  19. #endif
  20. #define BuildServer NO
  21. /* #define XtekServer YES */
  22. #define ServerExtraDefines -DM4310 -DM4317
  23. #define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME
  24. #define FontFilters BDFTOSNFFILT SHELLPATH
  25. #define PrimaryScreenResolution 95
  26. .DIRECTORIES: /* Turn off directory search for RCS */