// FinalsClub Server // // This file consists of the main webserver for FinalsClub.org // and is split between a standard CRUD style webserver and // a websocket based realtime webserver. // // A note on house keeping: Anything with XXX is marked // as such because it should be looked at and possibly // revamped or removed depending on circumstances. // Module loading var sys = require( 'sys' ); var os = require( 'os' ); var url = require( 'url' ); var express = require( 'express' ); var mongoStore = require( 'connect-mongo' ); var async = require( 'async' ); var db = require( './db.js' ); var mongoose = require( './models.js' ).mongoose; var Mailer = require( './mailer.js' ); var hat = require('hat'); var connect = require( 'connect' ); var Session = connect.middleware.session.Session; var parseCookie = connect.utils.parseCookie; var Backchannel = require('../bc/backchannel'); // Depracated // Used for initial testing var log3 = function() {} // Create webserver var app = module.exports = express.createServer(); // Load Mongoose Schemas // The actual schemas are located in models.j var User = mongoose.model( 'User' ); var School = mongoose.model( 'School' ); var Course = mongoose.model( 'Course' ); var Lecture = mongoose.model( 'Lecture' ); var Note = mongoose.model( 'Note' ); // More schemas used for legacy data var ArchivedCourse = mongoose.model( 'ArchivedCourse' ); var ArchivedNote = mongoose.model( 'ArchivedNote' ); var ArchivedSubject = mongoose.model( 'ArchivedSubject' ); // XXX Not sure if necessary var ObjectId = mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId; // Configuration // Use the environment variable DEV_EMAIL for testing var ADMIN_EMAIL = process.env.DEV_EMAIL || 'info@finalsclub.org'; // Set server hostname and port from environment variables, // then check if set. // XXX Can be cleaned up var serverHost = process.env.SERVER_HOST; var serverPort = process.env.SERVER_PORT; if( serverHost ) { console.log( 'Using server hostname defined in environment: %s', serverHost ); } else { serverHost = os.hostname(); console.log( 'No hostname defined, defaulting to os.hostname(): %s', serverHost ); } // Express configuration depending on environment // development is intended for developing locally or // when not in production, otherwise production is used // when the site will be run live for regular usage. app.configure( 'development', function() { // In development mode, all errors and stack traces will be // dumped to the console and on page for easier troubleshooting // and debugging. app.set( 'errorHandler', express.errorHandler( { dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true } ) ); // Set database connection information from environment // variables otherwise use localhost. app.set( 'dbHost', process.env.MONGO_HOST || 'localhost' ); app.set( 'dbUri', 'mongodb://' + app.set( 'dbHost' ) + '/fc' ); // Set Amazon access and secret keys from environment // variables. These keys are intended to be secret, so // are not included in the source code, but set on the server // manually. app.set( 'awsAccessKey', process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ); app.set( 'awsSecretKey', process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ); // If a port wasn't set earlier, set to 3000 if ( !serverPort ) { serverPort = 3000; } }); // Production configuration settings app.configure( 'production', function() { // At the moment we have errors outputting everything // so if there are any issues it is easier to track down. // Once the site is more stable it will be prudent to // use less error tracing. app.set( 'errorHandler', express.errorHandler( { dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true } ) ); // Disable view cache due to stale views. // XXX Disable view caching temp app.disable( 'view cache' ) // Against setting the database connection information // XXX Can be cleaned up or combined app.set( 'dbHost', process.env.MONGO_HOST || 'localhost' ); app.set( 'dbUri', 'mongodb://' + app.set( 'dbHost' ) + '/fc' ); // XXX Can be cleaned up or combined app.set( 'awsAccessKey', process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ); app.set( 'awsSecretKey', process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ); // Set to port 80 if not set through environment variables if ( !serverPort ) { serverPort = 80; } }); // General Express configuration settings app.configure(function(){ // Views are housed in the views folder app.set( 'views', __dirname + '/views' ); // All templates use jade for rendering app.set( 'view engine', 'jade' ); // Bodyparser is required to handle form submissions // without manually parsing them. app.use( express.bodyParser() ); app.use( express.cookieParser() ); // Sessions are stored in mongodb which allows them // to be persisted even between server restarts. app.set( 'sessionStore', new mongoStore( { 'url' : app.set( 'dbUri' ) })); // This is where the actual Express session handler // is defined, with a mongoStore being set as the // session storage versus in memory storage that is // used by default. app.use( express.session( { // A secret 'password' for encrypting and decrypting // cookies. // XXX Should be handled differently 'secret' : 'finalsclub', // The max age of the cookies that is allowed // 60 (seconds) * 60 (minutes) * 24 (hours) * 30 (days) * 1000 (milliseconds) 'maxAge' : new Date(Date.now() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1000)), 'store' : app.set( 'sessionStore' ) })); // methodOverride is used to handle PUT and DELETE HTTP // requests that otherwise aren't handled by default. app.use( express.methodOverride() ); // Sets the routers middleware to load after everything set // before it, but before static files. app.use( app.router ); // Static files are loaded when no dynamic views match. app.use( express.static( __dirname + '/public' ) ); // This is the errorHandler set in configuration earlier // being set to a variable to be used after all other // middleware is loaded. Error handling should always // come last or near the bottom. var errorHandler = app.set( 'errorHandler' ); app.use( errorHandler ); }); // Mailer functions and helpers // These are helper functions that make for cleaner code. // sendUserActivation is for when a user registers and // first needs to activate their account to use it. function sendUserActivation( user ) { var message = { 'to' : user.email, 'subject' : 'Activate your FinalsClub.org Account', // Templates are in the email folder and use ejs 'template' : 'userActivation', // Locals are used inside ejs so dynamic information // can be rendered properly. 'locals' : { 'user' : user, 'serverHost' : serverHost } }; // Email is sent here mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if( err ) { // XXX: Add route to resend this email console.log( 'Error sending user activation email\nError Message: '+err.Message ); } else { console.log( 'Successfully sent user activation email.' ); } }); } // sendUserWelcome is for when a user registers and // a welcome email is sent. function sendUserWelcome( user, school ) { // If a user is not apart of a supported school, they are // sent a different template than if they are apart of a // supported school. var template = school ? 'userWelcome' : 'userWelcomeNoSchool'; var message = { 'to' : user.email, 'subject' : 'Welcome to FinalsClub', 'template' : template, 'locals' : { 'user' : user, 'serverHost' : serverHost } }; mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if( err ) { // XXX: Add route to resend this email console.log( 'Error sending user welcome email\nError Message: '+err.Message ); } else { console.log( 'Successfully sent user welcome email.' ); } }); } // Helper middleware // These functions are used later in the routes to help // load information and variables, as well as handle // various instances like checking if a user is logged in // or not. function loggedIn( req, res, next ) { // If req.user is set, then pass on to the next function // or else alert the user with an error message. if( req.user ) { next(); } else { req.flash( 'error', 'You must be logged in to access that feature!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } } // This loads the user if logged in function loadUser( req, res, next ) { var sid = req.sessionID; console.log( 'got request from session ID: %s', sid ); // Find a user based on their stored session id User.findOne( { session : sid }, function( err, user ) { log3(err); log3(user); // If a user is found then set req.user the contents of user // and make sure req.user.loggedIn is true. if( user ) { req.user = user; req.user.loggedIn = true; log3( 'authenticated user: '+req.user._id+' / '+req.user.email+''); // Check if a user is activated. If not, then redirec // to the homepage and tell them to check their email // for the activation email. if( req.user.activated ) { // Is the user's profile complete? If not, redirect to their profile if( ! req.user.isComplete ) { if( url.parse( req.url ).pathname != '/profile' ) { req.flash( 'info', 'Your profile is incomplete. Please complete your profile to fully activate your account.' ); res.redirect( '/profile' ); } else { next(); } } else { next(); } } else { req.flash( 'info', 'This account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation URL.' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } } else { // If no user record was found, then we store the requested // path they intended to view and redirect them after they // login if it is requred. var path = url.parse( req.url ).pathname; req.session.redirect = path; // Set req.user to an empty object so it doesn't throw errors // later on that it isn't defined. req.user = {}; next(); } }); } // loadSchool is used to load a school by it's id function loadSchool( req, res, next ) { var user = req.user; var schoolId = req.params.id; School.findById( schoolId, function( err, school ) { if( school ) { req.school = school; // If a school is found, the user is checked to see if they are // authorized to see or interact with anything related to that // school. school.authorize( user, function( authorized ){ req.school.authorized = authorized; next(); }); } else { // If no school is found, display an appropriate error. req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid school specified!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } }); } // loadSchool is used to load a course by it's id function loadCourse( req, res, next ) { var user = req.user; var courseId = req.params.id; Course.findById( courseId, function( err, course ) { if( course && !course.deleted ) { req.course = course; // If a course is found, the user is checked to see if they are // authorized to see or interact with anything related to that // school. course.authorize( user, function( authorized ) { req.course.authorized = authorized; next(); }); } else { // If no course is found, display an appropriate error. req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid course specified!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } }); } // loadLecture is used to load a lecture by it's id function loadLecture( req, res, next ) { var user = req.user; var lectureId = req.params.id; Lecture.findById( lectureId, function( err, lecture ) { if( lecture && !lecture.deleted ) { req.lecture = lecture; // If a lecture is found, the user is checked to see if they are // authorized to see or interact with anything related to that // school. lecture.authorize( user, function( authorized ) { req.lecture.authorized = authorized; next(); }); } else { // If no lecture is found, display an appropriate error. req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid lecture specified!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } }); } // loadNote is used to load a note by it's id // This is a lot more complicated than the above // due to public/private handling of notes. function loadNote( req, res, next ) { var user = req.user ? req.user : false; var noteId = req.params.id; Note.findById( noteId, function( err, note ) { // If a note is found, and user is set, check if // user is authorized to interact with that note. if( note && user && !note.deleted ) { note.authorize( user, function( auth ) { if( auth ) { // If authorzied, then set req.note to be used later req.note = note; next(); } else if ( note.public ) { // If not authorized, but the note is public, then // designate the note read only (RO) and store req.note req.RO = true; req.note = note; next(); } else { // If the user is not authorized and the note is private // then display and error. req.flash( 'error', 'You do not have permission to access that note.' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } }) } else if ( note && note.public && !note.deleted ) { // If note is found, but user is not set because they are not // logged in, and the note is public, set the note to read only // and store the note for later. req.note = note; req.RO = true; next(); } else if ( note && !note.public && !note.deleted ) { // If the note is found, but user is not logged in and the note is // not public, then ask them to login to view the note. Once logged // in they will be redirected to the note, at which time authorization // handling will be put in effect above. req.session.redirect = '/note/' + note._id; req.flash( 'error', 'You must be logged in to view that note.' ); res.redirect( '/login' ); } else { // No note was found req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid note specified!' ); res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }); } // Dynamic Helpers are loaded automatically into views app.dynamicHelpers( { // express-messages is for flash messages for easy // errors and information display 'messages' : require( 'express-messages' ), // By default the req object isn't sen't to views // during rendering, this allows you to use the // user object if available in views. 'user' : function( req, res ) { return req.user; }, // Same, this allows session to be available in views. 'session' : function( req, res ) { return req.session; } }); // Routes // The following are the main CRUD routes that are used // to make up this web app. // Homepage // Public app.get( '/', loadUser, function( req, res ) { log3("get / page"); res.render( 'index' ); }); // Schools list // Used to display all available schools and any courses // in those schools. // Public with some private information app.get( '/schools', loadUser, function( req, res ) { var user = req.user; // Find all schools and sort by name // XXX mongoose's documentation on sort is extremely poor, tread carefully School.find( {} ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, schools ) { if( schools ) { // If schools are found, loop through them gathering any courses that are // associated with them and then render the page with that information. async.forEach( schools, function( school, callback ) { // Check if user is authorized with each school school.authorize( user, function( authorized ) { // This is used to display interface elements for those users // that are are allowed to see them, for instance a 'New Course' button. school.authorized = authorized; // Find all courses for school by it's id and sort by name Course.find( { 'school' : school._id } ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, courses ) { // If any courses are found, set them to the appropriate school, otherwise // leave empty. if( courses.length > 0 ) { school.courses = courses.filter(function(course) { if (!course.deleted) return course; }); } else { school.courses = []; } // This tells async (the module) that each iteration of forEach is // done and will continue to call the rest until they have all been // completed, at which time the last function below will be called. callback(); }); }); }, // After all schools and courses have been found, render them function( err ) { res.render( 'schools', { 'schools' : schools } ); } ); } else { // If no schools have been found, display none res.render( 'schools', { 'schools' : [] } ); } }); }); // New course page // Displays form to create new course // Private, requires user to be authorized app.get( '/:id/course/new', loadUser, loadSchool, function( req, res ) { // Load school from middleware var school = req.school; // If school was not loaded for whatever reason, or the user is not authorized // then redirect to the main schools page. if( ( ! school ) || ( ! school.authorized ) ) { return res.redirect( '/schools' ); } // If they are authorized and the school exists, then render the page res.render( 'course/new', { 'school': school } ); }); // Recieves new course form app.post( '/:id/course/new', loadUser, loadSchool, function( req, res ) { var school = req.school; // Creates new course from Course Schema var course = new Course; // Gathers instructor information from form var instructorEmail = req.body.email.toLowerCase(); var instructorName = req.body.instructorName; // If school doesn't exist or user is not authorized redirect to main schools page if( ( ! school ) || ( ! school.authorized ) ) { res.redirect( '/schools' ); } // If instructorEmail isn't set, or name isn't set, display error and re-render the page. if ( !instructorEmail || !instructorName ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ) return res.render( 'course/new' ); } // Fill out the course with information from the form course.number = req.body.number; course.name = req.body.name; course.description = req.body.description; course.school = school._id; course.creator = req.user._id; course.subject = req.body.subject; course.department = req.body.department; // Check if a user exists with the instructorEmail, if not then create // a new user and send them an instructor welcome email. User.findOne( { 'email' : instructorEmail }, function( err, user ) { if ( !user ) { var user = new User; user.name = instructorName user.email = instructorEmail; user.affil = 'Instructor'; user.school = school.name; user.activated = false; // Validate instructorEmail // XXX Probably could be done before checking db if ( ( user.email === '' ) || ( !isValidEmail( user.email ) ) ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Please enter a valid email' ); // XXX This needs to be fixed, this is not the proper flow return res.redirect( '/register' ); } // Once the new user information has been completed, save the user // to the database then email them the instructor welcome email. user.save(function( err ) { // If there was an error saving the instructor, prompt the user to fill out // the information again. if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ) return res.render( 'course/new' ); } else { var message = { to : user.email, 'subject' : 'A non-profit open education initiative', 'template' : 'instructorInvite', 'locals' : { 'course' : course, 'school' : school, 'user' : user, 'serverHost' : serverHost } }; mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if( err ) { console.log( 'Error inviting instructor to course!' ); } else { console.log( 'Successfully invited instructor to course.' ); } }); // After emails are sent, set the courses instructor to the // new users id and then save the course to the database. course.instructor = user._id; course.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { // XXX better validation req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ); return res.render( 'course/new' ); } else { // Once the course has been completed email the admin with information // on the course and new instructor var message = { to : ADMIN_EMAIL, 'subject' : school.name+' has a new course: '+course.name, 'template' : 'newCourse', 'locals' : { 'course' : course, 'instructor' : user, 'user' : req.user, 'serverHost' : serverHost } }; mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if ( err ) { console.log( 'Error sending new course email to info@finalsclub.org' ) } else { console.log( 'Successfully invited instructor to course') } }) // Redirect the user to the schools page where they can see // their new course. // XXX Redirect to the new course instead res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }); } }) } else { // If the user exists, then check if they are already and instructor if (user.affil === 'Instructor') { // If they are an instructor, then save the course with the appropriate // information and email the admin. course.instructor = user._id; course.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { // XXX better validation req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ); return res.render( 'course/new' ); } else { var message = { to : ADMIN_EMAIL, 'subject' : school.name+' has a new course: '+course.name, 'template' : 'newCourse', 'locals' : { 'course' : course, 'instructor' : user, 'user' : req.user, 'serverHost' : serverHost } }; mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if ( err ) { console.log( 'Error sending new course email to info@finalsclub.org' ) } else { console.log( 'Successfully invited instructor to course') } }) // XXX Redirect to the new course instead res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }); } else { // The existing user isn't an instructor, so the user is notified of the error // and the course isn't created. req.flash( 'error', 'The existing user\'s email you entered is not an instructor' ); res.render( 'course/new' ); } } }) }); // Individual Course Listing // Public with private information app.get( '/course/:id', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var userId = req.user._id; var course = req.course; // Check if the user is subscribed to the course // XXX Not currently used for anything var subscribed = course.subscribed( userId ); // Find lectures associated with this course and sort by name Lecture.find( { 'course' : course._id } ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, lectures ) { // Get course instructor information using their id User.findById( course.instructor, function( err, instructor ) { // Render course and lectures res.render( 'course/index', { 'course' : course, 'instructor': instructor, 'subscribed' : subscribed, 'lectures' : lectures } ); }) }); }); // Edit Course app.get( '/course/:id/edit', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res) { var course = req.course; var user = req.user; if ( user.admin ) { res.render( 'course/new', {course: course} ) } else { req.flash( 'error', 'You don\'t have permission to do that' ) res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }) // Recieve Course Edit Form app.post( '/course/:id/edit', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var course = req.course; var user = req.user; if (user.admin) { var courseChanges = req.body; course.number = courseChanges.number; course.name = courseChanges.name; course.description = courseChanges.description; course.department = courseChanges.department; course.save(function(err) { if (err) { req.flash( 'error', 'There was an error saving the course' ); } res.redirect( '/course/'+ course._id.toString()); }) } else { req.flash( 'error', 'You don\'t have permission to do that' ) res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }); // Delete Course app.get( '/course/:id/delete', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res) { var course = req.course; var user = req.user; if ( user.admin ) { course.delete(function( err ) { if ( err ) req.flash( 'info', 'There was a problem removing course: ' + err ) else req.flash( 'info', 'Successfully removed course' ) res.redirect( '/schools' ); }); } else { req.flash( 'error', 'You don\'t have permission to do that' ) res.redirect( '/schools' ); } }) // Subscribe to course // XXX Not currently used for anything app.get( '/course/:id/subscribe', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var course = req.course; var userId = req.user._id; course.subscribe( userId, function( err ) { if( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Error subscribing to course!' ); } res.redirect( '/course/' + course._id ); }); }); // Unsubscribe from course // XXX Not currently used for anything app.get( '/course/:id/unsubscribe', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var course = req.course; var userId = req.user._id; course.unsubscribe( userId, function( err ) { if( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Error unsubscribing from course!' ); } res.redirect( '/course/' + course._id ); }); }); // Create new lecture app.get( '/course/:id/lecture/new', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var courseId = req.params.id; var course = req.course; var lecture = {}; // If course isn't valid or user isn't authorized for course, redirect if( ( ! course ) || ( ! course.authorized ) ) { return res.redirect( '/course/' + courseId ); } // Render new lecture form res.render( 'lecture/new', { 'lecture' : lecture } ); }); // Recieve New Lecture Form app.post( '/course/:id/lecture/new', loadUser, loadCourse, function( req, res ) { var courseId = req.params.id; var course = req.course; // Create new lecture from Lecture schema var lecture = new Lecture; if( ( ! course ) || ( ! course.authorized ) ) { res.redirect( '/course/' + courseId ); return; } // Populate lecture with form data lecture.name = req.body.name; lecture.date = req.body.date; lecture.course = course._id; lecture.creator = req.user._id; // Save lecture to database lecture.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { // XXX better validation req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ); res.render( 'lecture/new', { 'lecture' : lecture } ); } else { // XXX Redirect to new lecture instead res.redirect( '/course/' + course._id ); } }); }); // Display individual lecture and related notes app.get( '/lecture/:id', loadUser, loadLecture, function( req, res ) { var lecture = req.lecture; // Grab the associated course // XXX this should be done with DBRefs eventually Course.findById( lecture.course, function( err, course ) { if( course ) { // If course is found, find instructor information to be displayed on page User.findById( course.instructor, function( err, instructor ) { // Pull out our notes Note.find( { 'lecture' : lecture._id } ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, notes ) { if ( !req.user.loggedIn || !req.lecture.authorized ) { // Loop through notes and only return those that are public if the // user is not logged in or not authorized for that lecture notes = notes.filter(function( note ) { if ( note.public ) return note; }) } // Render lecture and notes res.render( 'lecture/index', { 'lecture' : lecture, 'course' : course, 'instructor' : instructor, 'notes' : notes, 'counts' : counts, 'javascripts' : [ 'counts.js' ] }); }); }) } else { // XXX with DBRefs we will be able to reassign orphaned courses/lecture/pads req.flash( 'error', 'That lecture is orphaned!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } }); }); // Display new note form app.get( '/lecture/:id/notes/new', loadUser, loadLecture, function( req, res ) { var lectureId = req.params.id; var lecture = req.lecture; var note = {}; if( ( ! lecture ) || ( ! lecture.authorized ) ) { res.redirect( '/lecture/' + lectureId ); return; } res.render( 'notes/new', { 'note' : note } ); }); // Recieve new note form app.post( '/lecture/:id/notes/new', loadUser, loadLecture, function( req, res ) { var lectureId = req.params.id; var lecture = req.lecture; if( ( ! lecture ) || ( ! lecture.authorized ) ) { res.redirect( '/lecture/' + lectureId ); return; } // Create note from Note schema var note = new Note; // Populate note from form data note.name = req.body.name; note.date = req.body.date; note.lecture = lecture._id; note.public = req.body.private ? false : true; note.creator = req.user._id; // Save note to database note.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { // XXX better validation req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid parameters!' ); res.render( 'notes/new', { 'note' : note } ); } else { // XXX Redirect to new note instead res.redirect( '/lecture/' + lecture._id ); } }); }); // Display individual note page app.get( '/note/:id', loadUser, loadNote, function( req, res ) { var note = req.note; // Set read only id for etherpad-lite or false for later check var roID = note.roID || false; var lectureId = note.lecture; // Count the amount of visits, but only once per session if ( req.session.visited ) { if ( req.session.visited.indexOf( note._id.toString() ) == -1 ) { req.session.visited.push( note._id ); note.addVisit(); } } else { req.session.visited = []; req.session.visited.push( note._id ); note.addVisit(); } // If a read only id exists process note if (roID) { processReq(); } else { // If read only id doesn't, then fetch the read only id from the database and then // process note. // XXX Soon to be depracated due to a new API in etherpad that makes for a // much cleaner solution. db.open('mongodb://' + app.set( 'dbHost' ) + '/etherpad/etherpad', function( err, epl ) { epl.findOne( { key: 'pad2readonly:' + note._id }, function(err, record) { if ( record ) { roID = record.value.replace(/"/g, ''); } else { roID = false; } processReq(); }) }) } function processReq() { // Find lecture Lecture.findById( lectureId, function( err, lecture ) { if( ! lecture ) { req.flash( 'error', 'That notes page is orphaned!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } // Find notes based on lecture id, which will be displayed in a dropdown // on the page Note.find( { 'lecture' : lecture._id }, function( err, otherNotes ) { if( !req.RO ) { // User is logged in and sees full notepad res.render( 'notes/index', { 'layout' : 'noteLayout', 'host' : serverHost, 'note' : note, 'lecture' : lecture, 'otherNotes' : otherNotes, 'RO' : false, 'roID' : roID, 'stylesheets' : [ 'dropdown.css', 'fc2.css' ], 'javascripts' : [ 'dropdown.js', 'counts.js', 'backchannel.js', 'jquery.tmpl.min.js' ] }); } else { // User is not logged in and sees notepad that is public res.render( 'notes/public', { 'layout' : 'noteLayout', 'host' : serverHost, 'note' : note, 'otherNotes' : otherNotes, 'roID' : roID, 'lecture' : lecture, 'stylesheets' : [ 'dropdown.css', 'fc2.css' ], 'javascripts' : [ 'dropdown.js', 'counts.js', 'backchannel.js', 'jquery.tmpl.min.js' ] }); } }); }); } }); // Static pages and redirects app.get( '/about', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.redirect( 'http://blog.finalsclub.org/about.html' ); }); app.get( '/press', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.render( 'static/press' ); }); app.get( '/conduct', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.render( 'static/conduct' ); }); app.get( '/legal', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.redirect( 'http://blog.finalsclub.org/legal.html' ); }); app.get( '/contact', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.redirect( 'http://blog.finalsclub.org/contact.html' ); }); app.get( '/privacy', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.render( 'static/privacy' ); }); // Authentication routes // These are used for logging in, logging out, registering // and other user authentication purposes // Render login page app.get( '/login', function( req, res ) { log3("get login page") res.render( 'login' ); }); // Recieve login form app.post( '/login', function( req, res ) { var email = req.body.email; var password = req.body.password; log3("post login ...") // Find user from email User.findOne( { 'email' : email.toLowerCase() }, function( err, user ) { log3(err) log3(user) // If user exists, check if activated, if not notify them and send them to // the login form if( user ) { if( ! user.activated ) { // (undocumented) markdown-esque link functionality in req.flash req.flash( 'error', 'This account isn\'t activated. Check your inbox or [click here](/resendActivation) to resend the activation email.' ); req.session.activateCode = user._id; res.render( 'login' ); } else { // If user is activated, check if their password is correct if( user.authenticate( password ) ) { log3("pass ok") var sid = req.sessionID; user.session = sid; // Set the session then save the user to the database user.save( function() { var redirect = req.session.redirect; // login complete, remember the user's email for next time req.session.email = email; // alert the successful login req.flash( 'info', 'Successfully logged in!' ); // redirect to profile if we don't have a stashed request res.redirect( redirect || '/profile' ); }); } else { // Notify user of bad login req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid login!' ); res.render( 'login' ); } } } else { // Notify user of bad login log3("bad login") req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid login!' ); res.render( 'login' ); } }); }); // Request reset password app.get( '/resetpw', function( req, res ) { log3("get resetpw page"); res.render( 'resetpw' ); }); // Display reset password from requested email app.get( '/resetpw/:id', function( req, res ) { var resetPassCode = req.params.id res.render( 'resetpw', { 'verify': true, 'resetPassCode' : resetPassCode } ); }); // Recieve reset password request form app.post( '/resetpw', function( req, res ) { log3("post resetpw"); var email = req.body.email // Search for user User.findOne( { 'email' : email.toLowerCase() }, function( err, user ) { if( user ) { // If user exists, create reset code var resetPassCode = hat(64); user.setResetPassCode(resetPassCode); // Construct url that the user can then click to reset password var resetPassUrl = 'http://' + serverHost + ((app.address().port != 80)? ':'+app.address().port: '') + '/resetpw/' + resetPassCode; // Save user to database user.save( function( err ) { log3('save '+user.email); // Construct email and send it to the user var message = { 'to' : user.email, 'subject' : 'Your FinalsClub.org Password has been Reset!', 'template' : 'userPasswordReset', 'locals' : { 'resetPassCode' : resetPassCode, 'resetPassUrl' : resetPassUrl } }; mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if( err ) { // XXX: Add route to resend this email console.log( 'Error sending user password reset email!' ); } else { console.log( 'Successfully sent user password reset email.' ); } }); // Render request success page res.render( 'resetpw-success', { 'email' : email } ); }); } else { // Notify of error res.render( 'resetpw-error', { 'email' : email } ); } }); }); // Recieve reset password form app.post( '/resetpw/:id', function( req, res ) { log3("post resetpw.code"); var resetPassCode = req.params.id var email = req.body.email var pass1 = req.body.pass1 var pass2 = req.body.pass2 // Find user by email User.findOne( { 'email' : email.toLowerCase() }, function( err, user ) { var valid = false; // If user exists, and the resetPassCode is valid, pass1 and pass2 match, then // save user with new password and display success message. if( user ) { var valid = user.resetPassword(resetPassCode, pass1, pass2); if (valid) { user.save( function( err ) { res.render( 'resetpw-success', { 'verify' : true, 'email' : email, 'resetPassCode' : resetPassCode } ); }); } } // If there was a problem, notify user if (!valid) { res.render( 'resetpw-error', { 'verify' : true, 'email' : email } ); } }); }); // Display registration page app.get( '/register', function( req, res ) { log3("get reg page"); // Populate school dropdown list School.find( {} ).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, schools ) { res.render( 'register', { 'schools' : schools } ); }) }); // Recieve registration form app.post( '/register', function( req, res ) { var sid = req.sessionId; // Create new user from User schema var user = new User; // Populate user from form user.email = req.body.email.toLowerCase(); user.password = req.body.password; user.session = sid; // If school is set to other, then fill in school as what the // user entered user.school = req.body.school === 'Other' ? req.body.otherSchool : req.body.school; user.name = req.body.name; user.affil = req.body.affil; user.activated = false; // Validate email if ( ( user.email === '' ) || ( !isValidEmail( user.email ) ) ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Please enter a valid email' ); return res.redirect( '/register' ); } // Check if password is greater than 6 characters, otherwise notify user if ( req.body.password.length < 6 ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Please enter a password longer than eight characters' ); return res.redirect( '/register' ); } // Pull out hostname from email var hostname = user.email.split( '@' ).pop(); // Check if email is from one of the special domains if( /^(finalsclub.org|sleepless.com)$/.test( hostname ) ) { user.admin = true; } // Save user to database user.save( function( err ) { // If error, check if it is because the user already exists, if so // get the user information and let them know if ( err ) { if( /dup key/.test( err.message ) ) { // attempting to register an existing address User.findOne({ 'email' : user.email }, function(err, result ) { if (result.activated) { // If activated, make sure they know how to contact the admin req.flash( 'error', 'There is already someone registered with this email, if this is in error contact info@finalsclub.org for help' ) return res.redirect( '/register' ) } else { // If not activated, direct them to the resendActivation page req.flash( 'error', 'There is already someone registered with this email, if this is you, please check your email for the activation code' ) return res.redirect( '/resendActivation' ) } }); } else { // If any other type of error, prompt them to enter the registration again req.flash( 'error', 'An error occurred during registration.' ); return res.redirect( '/register' ); } } else { // send user activation email sendUserActivation( user ); // Check if the hostname matches any in the approved schools School.findOne( { 'hostnames' : hostname }, function( err, school ) { if( school ) { // If there is a match, send associated welcome message sendUserWelcome( user, true ); log3('school recognized '+school.name); // If no users exist for the school, create empty array if (!school.users) school.users = []; // Add user to the school school.users.push( user._id ); // Save school to the database school.save( function( err ) { log3('school.save() done'); // Notify user that they have been added to the school req.flash( 'info', 'You have automatically been added to the ' + school.name + ' network. Please check your email for the activation link' ); res.redirect( '/' ); }); // Construct admin email about user registration var message = { 'to' : ADMIN_EMAIL, 'subject' : 'FC User Registration : User added to ' + school.name, 'template' : 'userSchool', 'locals' : { 'user' : user } } } else { // If there isn't a match, send associated welcome message sendUserWelcome( user, false ); // Tell user to check for activation link req.flash( 'info', 'Your account has been created, please check your email for the activation link' ) res.redirect( '/' ); // Construct admin email about user registration var message = { 'to' : ADMIN_EMAIL, 'subject' : 'FC User Registration : Email did not match any schools', 'template' : 'userNoSchool', 'locals' : { 'user' : user } } } // Send email to admin mailer.send( message, function( err, result ) { if ( err ) { console.log( 'Error sending user has no school email to admin\nError Message: '+err.Message ); } else { console.log( 'Successfully sent user has no school email to admin.' ); } }) }); } }); }); // Display resendActivation request page app.get( '/resendActivation', function( req, res ) { var activateCode = req.session.activateCode; // Check if user exists by activateCode set in their session User.findById( activateCode, function( err, user ) { if( ( ! user ) || ( user.activated ) ) { res.redirect( '/' ); } else { // Send activation and redirect to login sendUserActivation( user ); req.flash( 'info', 'Your activation code has been resent.' ); res.redirect( '/login' ); } }); }); // Display activation page app.get( '/activate/:code', function( req, res ) { var code = req.params.code; // XXX could break this out into a middleware if( ! code ) { res.redirect( '/' ); } // Find user by activation code User.findById( code, function( err, user ) { if( err || ! user ) { // If not found, notify user of invalid code req.flash( 'error', 'Invalid activation code!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } else { // If valid, then activate user user.activated = true; // Regenerate our session and log in as the new user req.session.regenerate( function() { user.session = req.sessionID; // Save user to database user.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Unable to activate account.' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } else { req.flash( 'info', 'Account successfully activated. Please complete your profile.' ); res.redirect( '/profile' ); } }); }); } }); }); // Logut user app.get( '/logout', function( req, res ) { var sid = req.sessionID; // Find user by session id User.findOne( { 'session' : sid }, function( err, user ) { if( user ) { // Empty out session id user.session = ''; // Save user to database user.save( function( err ) { res.redirect( '/' ); }); } else { res.redirect( '/' ); } }); }); // Display users profile page app.get( '/profile', loadUser, loggedIn, function( req, res ) { var user = req.user; res.render( 'profile/index', { 'user' : user } ); }); // Recieve profile edit page form app.post( '/profile', loadUser, loggedIn, function( req, res ) { var user = req.user; var fields = req.body; var error = false; var wasComplete = user.isComplete; if( ! fields.name ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Please enter a valid name!' ); error = true; } else { user.name = fields.name; } if( [ 'Student', 'Teachers Assistant' ].indexOf( fields.affiliation ) == -1 ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Please select a valid affiliation!' ); error = true; } else { user.affil = fields.affiliation; } if( fields.existingPassword || fields.newPassword || fields.newPasswordConfirm ) { // changing password if( ( ! user.hashed ) || user.authenticate( fields.existingPassword ) ) { if( fields.newPassword === fields.newPasswordConfirm ) { // test password strength? user.password = fields.newPassword; } else { req.flash( 'error', 'Mismatch in new password!' ); error = true; } } else { req.flash( 'error', 'Please supply your existing password.' ); error = true; } } user.major = fields.major; user.bio = fields.bio; user.showName = ( fields.showName ? true : false ); if( ! error ) { user.save( function( err ) { if( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Unable to save user profile!' ); } else { if( ( user.isComplete ) && ( ! wasComplete ) ) { req.flash( 'info', 'Your account is now fully activated. Thank you for joining FinalsClub!' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } else { res.render( 'info', 'Your profile was successfully updated!' ); res.render( 'profile/index', { 'user' : user } ); } } }); } else { res.render( 'profile/index', { 'user' : user } ); } }); // Old Notes function loadSubject( req, res, next ) { if( url.parse( req.url ).pathname.match(/subject/) ) { ArchivedSubject.findOne({id: req.params.id }, function(err, subject) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Subject with this ID does not exist' ) res.redirect( '/archive' ); } else { req.subject = subject; next() } }) } else { next() } } function loadOldCourse( req, res, next ) { if( url.parse( req.url ).pathname.match(/course/) ) { ArchivedCourse.findOne({id: req.params.id }, function(err, course) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'Course with this ID does not exist' ) res.redirect( '/archive' ); } else { req.course = course; next() } }) } else { next() } } var featuredCourses = [ {name: 'The Human Mind', 'id': 1563}, {name: 'Justice', 'id': 797}, {name: 'Protest Literature', 'id': 1681}, {name: 'Animal Cognition', 'id': 681}, {name: 'Positive Psychology', 'id': 1793}, {name: 'Social Psychology', 'id': 660}, {name: 'The Book from Gutenberg to the Internet', 'id': 1439}, {name: 'Cyberspace in Court', 'id': 1446}, {name: 'Nazi Cinema', 'id': 2586}, {name: 'Media and the American Mind', 'id': 2583}, {name: 'Social Thought in Modern America', 'id': 2585}, {name: 'Major British Writers II', 'id': 869}, {name: 'Civil Procedure', 'id': 2589}, {name: 'Evidence', 'id': 2590}, {name: 'Management of Industrial and Nonprofit Organizations', 'id': 2591}, ]; app.get( '/learn', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.render( 'archive/learn', { 'courses' : featuredCourses } ); }) app.get( '/learn/random', loadUser, function( req, res ) { res.redirect( '/archive/course/'+ featuredCourses[Math.floor(Math.random()*featuredCourses.length)].id); }) app.get( '/archive', loadUser, function( req, res ) { ArchivedSubject.find({}).sort( 'name', '1' ).run( function( err, subjects ) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'There was a problem gathering the archived courses, please try again later.' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } else { res.render( 'archive/index', { 'subjects' : subjects } ); } }) }) app.get( '/archive/subject/:id', loadUser, loadSubject, function( req, res ) { ArchivedCourse.find({subject_id: req.params.id}).sort('name', '1').run(function(err, courses) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'There are no archived courses' ); res.redirect( '/' ); } else { res.render( 'archive/courses', { 'courses' : courses, 'subject': req.subject } ); } }) }) app.get( '/archive/course/:id', loadUser, loadOldCourse, function( req, res ) { ArchivedNote.find({course_id: req.params.id}).sort('name', '1').run(function(err, notes) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'There are no notes in this course' ); res.redirect( '/archive' ); } else { res.render( 'archive/notes', { 'notes' : notes, 'course' : req.course } ); } }) }) app.get( '/archive/note/:id', loadUser, function( req, res ) { ArchivedNote.findById(req.params.id, function(err, note) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'This is not a valid id for a note' ); res.redirect( '/archive' ); } else { ArchivedCourse.findOne({id: note.course_id}, function(err, course) { if ( err ) { req.flash( 'error', 'There is no course for this note' ) res.redirect( '/archive' ) } else { res.render( 'archive/note', { 'layout' : 'notesLayout', 'note' : note, 'course': course } ); } }) } }) }) // socket.io server // The finalsclub backchannel server uses socket.io to handle communication between the server and // the browser which facilitates near realtime interaction. This allows the user to post questions // and comments and other users to get those almost immediately after they are posted, without // reloading the page or pressing a button to refresh. // // The server code itself is fairly simple, mainly taking incomming messages from client browsers, // saving the data to the database, and then sending it out to everyone else connected. // // Data types: // Posts - Posts are the main items in backchannel, useful for questions or discussion points // [[ example object needed with explanation E.G: /* Post: { postID: '999-1', userID: '1234', userName: 'Bob Jones', userAffil: 'Instructor', body: 'This is the text content of the post.', comments: { {, , ...}, public: true, votes: [ , , ...], reports: [ , , ...] } Comment: { body: 'foo bar', userName: 'Bob Jones', userAffil: 'Instructor' } if anonymous: userName => 'Anonymous', userAffil => 'N/A' */ // // // // Comments - Comments are replies to posts, for clarification or answering questions // [[ example object needed]] // Votes - Votes signifyg a users approval of a post // [[ example object needed]] // Flags - Flagging a post signifies that it is against the rules, 2 flags moves it to the bottomw // [[ example object needed]] // // // Post Schema // body - Main content of the post // userId - Not currently used, but would contain the users id that made the post // userName - Users name that made post // userAffil - Users affiliation to their school // public - Boolean which denotes if the post is public to everyone, or private to school users only // date - Date post was made, updates when any comments are made for the post // comments - An array of comments which contain a body, userName, and userAffil // votes - An array of user ids which are the users that voted // [[ example needed ]] // reports - An array of user ids which are the users that reported the post // [[ reports would be "this post is flagged as inappropriate"? ]] // [[ bruml: consistent terminology needed ]] // // Posts and comments can be made anonymously. When a post is anonymous, the users info is stripped // from the post and the userName is set to Anonymous and the userAffil to N/A. This is to allow // users the ability to make posts or comments that they might not otherwise due to not wanting // the content of the post/comment to be attributed to them. // // Each time a user connects to the server, it passes through authorization which checks for a cookie // that is set by Express. If a session exists and it is for a valid logged in user, then handshake.user // is set to the users data, otherwise it is set to false. handshake.user is used later on to check if a // user is logged in, and if so display information that otherwise might not be visible to them if they // aren't apart of a particular school. // // After the authorization step, the client browser sends the lecture id which is rendered into the html // page on page load from Express. This is then used to assign a 'room' for the user which is grouped // by lecture. All posts are grouped by lecture, and only exist for that lecture. After the user is // grouped into a 'room', they are sent a payload of all existing posts for that lecture, which are then // rendered in the browser. // // Everything else from this point on is handled in an event form and requires a user initiating it. The // events are as follows. // // Post event // A user makes a new post. A payload of data containing the post and lecture id is sent to the server. // The server recieves the data, assembles a new post object for the database and then fills it with // the appropriate data. If a user selected for the post to be anonymous, the userName and userAffil are // replaced. If the user chose for the post to be private, then public will be set to false and it // will be filtered from being sent to users not logged into and not having access to the school. Once // the post has been created and saved into the database, it is sent to all connected users to that // particular lecture, unless it is private, than only logged in users will get it. // // Vote event // A user votes for a post. A payload of data containing the post id and lecture id are sent along with // the user id. A new vote is created by first fetching the parent post, then adding the user id to the // votes array, and then the post is subsequently saved back to the database and sent to all connected // users unless the post is private, which then it will be only sent to logged in users. // // Report event // Similar to the vote event, reports are sent as a payload of a post id, lecture id, and user id, which // are then used to fetch the parent post, add the user id to the reports array, and then saved to the db. // Then the report is sent out to all connected users unless it is a private post, which will be only sent // to logged in users. On the client, once a post has more two (2) or more reports, it will be moved to the // bottom of the interface. // // Comment event // A user posts a comment to a post. A payload of data containing the post id, lecture id, comment body, // user name, and user affiliation are sent to the server, which are then used to find the parent post // and then a new comment object is assembled. When new comments are made, it updates the posts date // which allows the post to be sorted by date and the posts with the freshest comments would be pushed // to the top of the interface. The comment can be anonymous, which then will have the user // name and affiliation stripped before saving to the database. The comment then will be sent out to all // connected users unless the post is private, then only logged in users will recieve the comment. var io = require( 'socket.io' ).listen( app ); var Post = mongoose.model( 'Post' ); io.set('authorization', function ( handshake, next ) { var rawCookie = handshake.headers.cookie; if (rawCookie) { handshake.cookie = parseCookie(rawCookie); handshake.sid = handshake.cookie['connect.sid']; if ( handshake.sid ) { app.set( 'sessionStore' ).get( handshake.sid, function( err, session ) { if( err ) { handshake.user = false; return next(null, true); } else { // bake a new session object for full r/w handshake.session = new Session( handshake, session ); User.findOne( { session : handshake.sid }, function( err, user ) { if( user ) { handshake.user = user; return next(null, true); } else { handshake.user = false; return next(null, true); } }); } }) } } else { data.user = false; return next(null, true); } }); var backchannel = new Backchannel(app, io.of('/backchannel'), { subscribe: function(lecture, send) { Post.find({'lecture': lecture}, function(err, posts) { send(posts); }); }, post: function(fillPost) { var post = new Post; fillPost(post, function(send) { post.save(function(err) { send(); }); }); }, items: function(postId, addItem) { Post.findById(postId, function( err, post ) { addItem(post, function(send) { post.save(function(err) { send(); }); }) }) } }); var counters = {}; var counts = io .of( '/counts' ) .on( 'connection', function( socket ) { // pull out user/session information etc. var handshake = socket.handshake; var userID = handshake.user._id; var watched = []; var noteID = null; var timer = null; socket.on( 'join', function( note ) { if (handshake.user === false) { noteID = note; // XXX: replace by addToSet (once it's implemented in mongoose) Note.findById( noteID, function( err, note ) { if( note ) { if( note.collaborators.indexOf( userID ) == -1 ) { note.collaborators.push( userID ); note.save(); } } }); } }); socket.on( 'watch', function( l ) { var sendCounts = function() { var send = {}; Note.find( { '_id' : { '$in' : watched } }, function( err, notes ) { async.forEach( notes, function( note, callback ) { var id = note._id; var count = note.collaborators.length; send[ id ] = count; callback(); }, function() { socket.emit( 'counts', send ); timer = setTimeout( sendCounts, 5000 ); } ); }); } Note.find( { 'lecture' : l }, [ '_id' ], function( err, notes ) { notes.forEach( function( note ) { watched.push( note._id ); }); }); sendCounts(); }); socket.on( 'disconnect', function() { clearTimeout( timer ); if (handshake.user === false) { // XXX: replace with $pull once it's available if( noteID ) { Note.findById( noteID, function( err, note ) { if( note ) { var index = note.collaborators.indexOf( userID ); if( index != -1 ) { note.collaborators.splice( index, 1 ); } note.save(); } }); } } }); }); // Exception Catch-All process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) { console.log("!!!!!! UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION\n" + e.stack); }); // Launch mongoose.connect( app.set( 'dbUri' ) ); mongoose.connection.db.serverConfig.connection.autoReconnect = true var mailer = new Mailer( app.set('awsAccessKey'), app.set('awsSecretKey') ); app.listen( serverPort, function() { console.log( "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode", app.address().port, app.settings.env ); // if run as root, downgrade to the owner of this file if (process.getuid() === 0) { require('fs').stat(__filename, function(err, stats) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } process.setuid(stats.uid); }); } }); function isValidEmail(email) { var re = /[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?/; return email.match(re); }