#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Author: Joseph Snow (snow@sleepless.com) 11/10/2011 ## script to check local disk space and submit data to AWS cloudwatch ## VARS export FC_HOME=~/fc export AWS_CLOUDWATCH_HOME=$FC_HOME/util/CloudWatch- export PATH=$AWS_CLOUDWATCH_HOME/bin:$PATH export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre ## cron example ## ## this script updates custom disk space stats to AWS cloudwatch. this script should be run every 5 minutes ## */5 * * * * /home/ec2-user/fc/util/mon-disk-space.sh ## this scripts expects these vars to be set ## export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= ## export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= if test -e "$FC_HOME/fcbackups/.fcbackup.env" ; then source "$FC_HOME/fcbackups/.fcbackup.env" fi path='/' if [ -n "$1" ]; then path=$1 fi # get ec2 instance id instanceid=`wget -q -O -` freespace=`df --local --block-size=1M $path | grep $path | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 4` usedpercent=`df --local $path | grep $path | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 5 | grep -o "[0-9]*"` echo "mon-disk-space AWS cloudwatch custom diskspace monitor" echo "instanceid: $instanceid" echo "freespace: $freespace" echo "usedpercent: $usedpercent" # send the stats to AWS cloudwatch using the CloudWatch tools mon-put-data --I $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --S $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --region "$EC2_REGION" --metric-name "FreeSpaceMBytes" --namespace "System/Linux" --dimensions "InstanceId=$instanceid,Path=$path" --value "$freespace" --unit "Megabytes" mon-put-data --I $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --S $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --metric-name "UsedSpacePercent" --namespace "System/Linux" --dimensions "InstanceId=$instanceid,Path=$path" --value "$usedpercent" --unit "Percent" echo "done"