var MAXPOSTS = 10; var posts = []; var sortedBy = 'votes'; var socket; var mobile = (/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())); // note that this array applies only to this browser session! // ==> could vote twice on same post during different sessions. // use local storage?? var postsVoted = []; var userObj = { userID: null, userName: null, userAffil: null }; var loggedIn = false; // the Post object is modelled on EtherPad: // [the schoolid and courseid are implied in the meetingid]; function assembleNewPostObj(msgBody) { // the postid is assigned at the server; var postObj = {}; postObj.userid = userObj.userID; postObj.userName = userObj.userName; postObj.userAffil = userObj.userAffil; postObj.body = msgBody; postObj.reports = 0; return postObj; } function renderPosts(fresh, post) { if (fresh) $('#posts .postContainer').remove(); //$('#total_posts').text(posts.length); // truncate long array of Posts; var sortedPosts = sortedBy == 'created' ? posts.sort(createdDesc) : posts.sort(votesDesc); var displayPosts = sortedPosts//.slice(0, MAXPOSTS - 1); if (post) $("#postTemplate").tmpl(post).appendTo("#posts"); if (fresh) $("#postTemplate").tmpl(displayPosts).appendTo("#posts"); else $('#posts').reOrder(displayPosts, 'post-') posts.forEach(function(post) { renderComments(post._id) var $post = $('#post-'+post._id); if ($post !== []) { if (post.reports.length >= 2) { if ($('#reportedContainer').length === 0) { $('#posts').append('

Flagged Posts

') $('#reportedContainer h1').click(function() { $('.reportedPosts').toggleClass('hidden') }) } $post.addClass('flagged'); $('#reportedContainer .reportedPosts').append($post) } if (post.votes.indexOf(userID) == -1) { if (!public) $post.find('.postVoteContainer').addClass('unvoted') } else { $post.find('.vote-tally-rect').die() $post.find('.vote-tally-rect').css('cursor', 'default') } if (post.reports.indexOf(userID) !== -1) { $post.find('.voteFlag').css('cursor', 'default') $post.find('.voteFlag').css('background', '#888') } if (post.userAffil === 'Instructor') { $post.addClass('instructor'); } if (public) { $post.find('.voteFlag').css({ 'cursor': 'default', 'background': '#888' }) $post.find('.vote-tally-rect').css('cursor', 'default'); if (!post.public) $post.remove(); } else { if (!post.public) $post.find('.privacy').text('Private') } } }) } function renderComments(id) { var comments = []; $.each(posts, function(i, post) { if (post._id == id) { comments = post.comments; if (comments.length >= 1) { $('#post-'+id+' .commentContainer').empty(); $('#post-'+id+' .commentAmt').text(comments.length+' '); $('#commentTemplate').tmpl(comments).appendTo('#post-'+id+' .commentContainer'); } } }) if (loggedIn) { $( '.commentForm :input' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } $.fn.reOrder = function(_array, prefix) { var array = $.extend([], _array, true); return this.each(function() { prefix = prefix || ""; if (array) { var reported = $('#reportedContainer'); for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { var sel = '#' + prefix + array[i]._id; if ($(sel).length === 0) array[i] = $("#postTemplate").tmpl(array[i]) else array[i] = $(sel); } $(this).find('.postContainer').remove(); for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { $(this).append(array[i]); } $(this).append(reported) } }); } function assembleVoteObj(postid, upOrDown) { return { "parentid": postid, "direction": upOrDown }; } function votesDesc(a, b) { if (a.reports >= 2) { return 1; } else if (b.reports >= 2) { return -1; } else { // for descending, reverse usual order; return b.votes.length - a.votes.length; } } function createdDesc(a, b) { if (a.reports >= 2) { return 1; } else if (b.reports >= 2) { return -1; } else { // for descending, reverse usual order; return new Date( - new Date(; } } function refreshRO() { if (roID !== false || public === true) { $('#editor div').load(rourl, function() { $('#editor').find('style').remove(); }) } } $(document).ready(function(){ userObj.userName = public ? null : userName; userObj.userAffil = public ? null : userAffil; userObj.userID = public ? null : userID; loggedIn = public ? false : true; if (public) { $('#editor').css('overflow-y', 'auto') refreshRO(); setInterval(function() { refreshRO(); }, 10*1000) } else if (RO === true) { $('#editor').empty().append('
'); $('#editor').css('overflow-y', 'auto') refreshRO(); setInterval(function() { refreshRO(); }, 10*1000) } $('#userBox').removeClass('hidden'); $( '.commentForm :input' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); // add event handlers; $('#backchatHeader input[type="button"]').click(function() { $('#backchatHeaderInstructions').toggle(); }); $('#enterPostTextarea').keyup(function() { var charLimit = 250; var charsUsed = $(this).val().length; if (charsUsed > 25) { $('#charsLeftMsg').text("characters left: " + (charLimit - charsUsed).toString()); } else { $('#charsLeftMsg').text(" "); } }); $('#submitPost').click(function() { var form = $( this ); var body = $('#enterPostTextarea').val(); if (body !== '') { var newPost = assembleNewPostObj(body); var anonymous = $('#enterPostForm').find( 'input[name=anonymous]' ).is(':checked') ? true : false; var public = $('#enterPostForm').find( 'input[name=private]' ).is(':checked') ? false : true; newPost.anonymous = anonymous; newPost.public = public; socket.emit('post', {post: newPost, lecture: lectureID}); $('#enterPostTextarea').val(''); } }); if (!public) { $('.vote-tally-rect').live("click", function() { var that = this; var postid = $(this).parent().attr('data-postid'); posts.forEach(function(post) { if (post._id === postid) { if (post.votes.indexOf(userID) == -1) { var newVoteObj = {parentid: postid, userid: userID}; socket.emit('vote', {vote: newVoteObj, lecture: lectureID}); $(that).die() $(that).css('cursor', 'default') $(that).parent().removeClass('unvoted'); } } }) }); } $('#amountPosts').change(function() { MAXPOSTS = $(this).val(); renderPosts(); }); $('#sortPosts').change(function() { var sort = $(this).val(); sortedBy = sortedBy !== sort ? sort : sortedBy; renderPosts(); }); $('.commentForm').live('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var body = $(this).find('#commentText').val(); var anonymous = $( this ).find( 'input[name=anonymous]' ).is(':checked') ? true : false; if (body !== '') { var comment = { userName: userObj.userName, userAffil: userObj.userAffil, body: body, anonymous: anonymous, parentid: $(this).find('[name=postid]').val() } socket.emit('comment', {comment: comment, lecture: lectureID}); $(this).find('#commentText').val(''); } }) $('.comments').live('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('post-', ''); $('#post-'+id+' .commentContainer').toggleClass('hidden'); if (!public) $('#post-'+id+' .commentForm').toggleClass('hidden'); }) if (!public) { $('.voteFlag').live('click', function() { var that = this; var id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').replace('post-', ''); $.each(posts, function(i, post){ if (post._id == id) { if (post.reports.indexOf(userID) == -1) { if(confirm('By flagging a comment, you are identifying it as a violation of the FinalsClub Code of Conduct: Keep it academic.')) { socket.emit('report', {report: {parentid: id, userid: userID}, lecture: lectureID}); $(that).die() $(that).css('cursor', 'default') $(that).css('background', '#888') } } } }) }) } // XXX for demonstration purposes only $('.readonlylink').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault() $.get('/logout', function() { location.reload(true) }) }) //===================================================================== // create socket to server; note that we only permit websocket transport // for this demo; var loc = document.location; var port = loc.port == '' ? (loc.protocol == 'https:' ? 443 : 80) : loc.port; var url = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname + ':' + port; socket = io.connect(url + '/backchannel'); // incoming messages are objects with one property whose value is the // type of message: // { "posts": [ ] } // { "recentPosts": [ ] } // { "vote": [ "postid": , "direction": <"up"|"down"> ] } // Unresolved: whether to send vote messages for local change of display // or new arrays of posts with updated vote counts. Vote message would not // be adequate if it changed order of posts. For now, send two new // arrays with updated vote counts and refrain from sending vote message. var messagesArrived = 0; socket.on('connect', function(){ socket.emit('subscribe', lectureID, function(_posts) { posts = _posts; renderPosts(true); }); }); socket.on('post', function(post) { posts.push(post); renderPosts(false, post); }) socket.on('vote', function(vote) { posts = { if(post._id == vote.parentid) { if (!public || (public && post.public)) { post.votes.push(vote.userid); $('#post-'+vote.parentid).find('.vote-tally-rect').text(post.votes.length); renderPosts(); } } return post; }); }) socket.on('report', function(report) { posts = { if(post._id == report.parentid) { if (!public || (public && post.public)) { post.reports.push(report.userid); if (post.reports.length >= 2) { $('#post-'+post._id).addClass('flagged'); } renderPosts(); } } return post; }); }) socket.on('comment', function(comment) { posts = { if (post._id == comment.parentid) { if (!public || (public && post.public)) { if (!post.comments) { post.comments = []; } post.comments.push(comment); = new Date(); if (sortedBy == 'created') renderPosts(); renderComments(comment.parentid); } } return post; }); }) socket.on('disconnect', function(){ // XXX something here }); $('#enterPostTextarea').val(""); });