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  42. <h1 class="large-huge spaced centered">Welcome to FinalsClub! <span class="small">Collaborate. Learn. Share.</span></h1>
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  48. Thank you for visiting, a 501(c)(3) non-profit open education
  49. project dedicated to helping college students share knowledge freely online. While you learn better, faster, and smarter by using FinalsClub with your classmates,
  50. we also encourage you to share your scholarship to benefit curious minds everywhere.
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  53. Getting started is easy. Just register with your school email address and confirm
  54. your account. Then find your courses or add a new ones. You can also browse our
  55. Library to learn something new. Thank you for helping us improve access to education,
  56. one lecture at a time.
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  76. <h3 class="heading">We currently support the following schools</h3>
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  87. <li><em class="sprite-school cal">Cal Tech Logo</em></li>
  88. <li><em class="sprite-school texas">University of Texas Logo</em></li>
  89. <li><em class="sprite-school yale">Yale Logo</em></li>
  90. <li><em class="sprite-school penn">Penn Logo</em></li>
  91. <li><em class="sprite-school harvard">Harvad Logo</em></li>
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