bcfunctions.demo.html 3.3 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <!-- taken from http://backchan.nl/meetings/view/926 -->
  3. <!-- May 4, 2011 -->
  4. <html>
  5. <head>
  6. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  7. <title>FinalsClub -- BC functions</title>
  8. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/backchannl.generic.css" />
  9. <script type="text/javascript">
  10. //<![CDATA[
  11. var initialPosts={"Post":[]};
  12. var showAdmin=true;
  13. var showIdentityDialog=false;
  14. //]]>
  15. </script>
  16. </head>
  17. <body class="yui-skin-sam">
  18. <div id="container">
  19. <!-- back to margin inside "container" -->
  20. <div id="meetingHeader">
  21. <h1>The Human Mind</h1>
  22. <h2>Lecture #6: April 3, 2001: Evolution</h2>
  23. <p>Use this section to react to the lecture: your posts will be seen by others <strong>immediately</strong>, and they can <strong>respond</strong> or <strong>vote your post up or down</strong>. Your post can be a <strong>question</strong>, <strong>comment</strong>, <strong>link to something related to the lecture</strong>, or whatever else you think other people might be interested in.</p>
  24. <p>Even if you don't have anything to say, you can <strong>vote posts up or down</strong> that you think are useful or problematic. Highly ranked and comments will get brought up during the discussion section of the panel.</p>
  25. </div>
  26. <div id="UserBox">
  27. <div id="UserInfoHeader">
  28. <div id="UserInfoName">Beardsley</div>
  29. <div id="UserInfoAffiliation">student</div>
  30. <div id="UserButtons">
  31. <input type="button" id="AdminPassword" value="" />
  32. <input type="button" id="EditUser" value="Edit User" />
  33. </div>
  34. </div>
  35. <div id="EnterUser">
  36. <div class="hd">Who are you?</div>
  37. <div class="bd">
  38. <form id="UserAddForm" method="POST" action="/users/add">
  39. <table>
  40. <tr>
  41. <td><label for="name">Name:</label></td>
  42. <td>
  43. <input type="text" id="UserName"
  44. name="data[User][name]" value=""
  45. maxlength="28" size="20" />
  46. </td>
  47. </tr>
  48. <tr>
  49. <td><label for="affiliation">Affiliation:</label></td>
  50. <td>
  51. <input type="text" id="UserAffiliation"
  52. name="data[User][affiliation]" value=""
  53. maxlength="48" size="20" />
  54. </td>
  55. </tr>
  56. </table>
  57. </form>
  58. </div>
  59. </div>
  60. <div id="AdminUser">
  61. <div class="hd">Conference Administration Password</div>
  62. <div class="bd">
  63. <form id="AdminUserForm" method="POST" action="/conferences/admin/346">
  64. <table>
  65. <tr>
  66. <td><label for="conference">Conference:</label></td>
  67. <td>
  68. Demo Conference </td>
  69. </tr>
  70. <tr>
  71. <td><label for="AdminPassword">Password:</label></td>
  72. <td>
  73. <input type="password" id="AdminPassword"
  74. name="data[adminPassword]" value=""
  75. maxlength="48" size="20" />
  76. </td>
  77. </tr>
  78. </table>
  79. </form>
  80. </div>
  81. </div>
  82. <div id="EnterPost">
  83. <form id="PostAddForm">
  84. <!-- onkeyup for cut or copy&paste, onkeypress for hold key down -->
  85. <textarea id="PostBody" name="data[Post][body]"
  86. onkeyup="updatePostCharCount();"
  87. onkeypress="updatePostCharCount();"></textarea>
  88. characters left: <span id="CharCount" class="char-count-good"></span>
  89. <input type="hidden" id="PostMeetingId"
  90. name="data[Post][meeting_id]"
  91. value="926" />
  92. <input type="button" id="SubmitPost"
  93. name="SubmitPost" value="Submit Post" />
  94. </form>
  95. </div>
  96. </div>
  97. <br class="clear"/>
  98. <div id="alert" class="empty"></div>
  99. <br class="clear"/>
  100. <div class="hr"></div>