548 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
  3. ## this script assumes it is running as root
  4. rm /data/db/mongod.lock
  5. /usr/local/bin/mongod -v --rest --replSet finalsclubset &> /var/log/mongod.log &
  6. ## optional, if arbiter db is running on this machine
  7. ## rm /data/arbiterdb/mongod.lock
  8. ## /usr/local/bin/mongod -v --dbpath /data/arbiterdb --port 27021 --rest --replSet finalsclubset &> /var/log/mongod-arbiter.log &
  9. pushd .
  10. cd /home/ec2-user/fc
  11. ## start the node apps
  12. ./restart
  13. ## run the EPL monitor
  14. ./util/ &
  15. popd