756 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Start Script for running app.js and Etherpad-lite in development mode
  3. # TODO Merge with start as an argument option
  4. # Kill all node instances
  5. echo "FinalsClub, NOT doing a killall node, do it yourself if you need it"
  6. echo ""
  7. export NODE_PATH="`pwd`/etherpad-lite/node_modules:`pwd`/node_modules:$NODE_PATH"
  8. echo $NODE_PATH
  9. # Set Env. Vars.
  10. #export NODE_PATH=/home/risci_atom/fc/node_modules/:/home/risci_atom/fc/etherpad-lite/node_modules:$NODE_PATH
  11. export MONGO_HOST_URI=mongodb://localhost/fc
  12. export MONGO_HOST=localhost
  13. export SERVER_HOST=localhost
  14. export SERVER_PORT=3000
  15. export NODE_ENV=development
  16. echo "starting etherpad-lite"
  17. cd etherpad-lite
  18. ./bin/ &> ../epl.log &
  19. echo "starting fc"
  20. cd ../
  21. node ./app.js &> app.log &