schools.jade 1.0 KB

  1. div.content
  2. div.container1
  3. h1 Universities
  4. p
  5. | Please pardon our appearance as we actively develop this free and open source project to help students learn better. This is where you can create courses or lectures and begin to take notes together for the following schools. If you don't see your school here and would like to help raise the requisite interest to get started at your campus, please
  6. a(href="/contact") contact us.
  7. - if ( schools.length > 0 )
  8. - each school in schools
  9. div(class='school')
  10. - if ( school.url )
  11. h2
  12. a( href = school.url, target = '_blank' )=
  13. - else
  14. h2=
  15. ul
  16. - if ( > 0 )
  17. - each course in
  18. li
  19. a( href = 'course/#{ course._id }' ) #{ course.displayName }
  20. - else
  21. li No courses found.
  22. - if ( school.authorized )
  23. div
  24. span(class='sub_menu')
  25. a( href = '/#{ school._id }/course/new' ) New Course
  26. - else
  27. p
  28. | You do not belong to any school networks.