@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import * as program from 'commander'
+import { PluginType } from '../../shared/models/plugins/plugin.type'
+import { getAccessToken } from '../../shared/extra-utils/users/login'
+import { getMyUserInformation } from '../../shared/extra-utils/users/users'
+import { installPlugin, listPlugins, uninstallPlugin } from '../../shared/extra-utils/server/plugins'
+import { getServerCredentials } from './cli'
+import { User, UserRole } from '../../shared/models/users'
+import { PeerTubePlugin } from '../../shared/models/plugins/peertube-plugin.model'
+import { isAbsolute } from 'path'
+const Table = require('cli-table')
+ .name('plugins')
+ .usage('[command] [options]')
+ .command('list')
+ .description('List installed plugins')
+ .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url')
+ .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username')
+ .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password')
+ .option('-t, --only-themes', 'List themes only')
+ .option('-P, --only-plugins', 'List plugins only')
+ .action(() => pluginsListCLI())
+ .command('install')
+ .description('Install a plugin or a theme')
+ .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url')
+ .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username')
+ .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password')
+ .option('-P --path <path>', 'Install from a path')
+ .option('-n, --npm-name <npmName>', 'Install from npm')
+ .action((options) => installPluginCLI(options))
+ .command('uninstall')
+ .description('Uninstall a plugin or a theme')
+ .option('-u, --url <url>', 'Server url')
+ .option('-U, --username <username>', 'Username')
+ .option('-p, --password <token>', 'Password')
+ .option('-n, --npm-name <npmName>', 'NPM plugin/theme name')
+ .action(options => uninstallPluginCLI(options))
+if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) {
+ program.outputHelp()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+async function pluginsListCLI () {
+ const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(program)
+ const accessToken = await getAdminTokenOrDie(url, username, password)
+ let type: PluginType
+ if (program['onlyThemes']) type = PluginType.THEME
+ if (program['onlyPlugins']) type = PluginType.PLUGIN
+ const res = await listPlugins({
+ url,
+ accessToken,
+ start: 0,
+ count: 100,
+ sort: 'name',
+ type
+ })
+ const plugins: PeerTubePlugin[] = res.body.data
+ const table = new Table({
+ head: ['name', 'version', 'homepage'],
+ colWidths: [ 50, 10, 50 ]
+ })
+ for (const plugin of plugins) {
+ const npmName = plugin.type === PluginType.PLUGIN
+ ? 'peertube-plugin-' + plugin.name
+ : 'peertube-theme-' + plugin.name
+ table.push([
+ npmName,
+ plugin.version,
+ plugin.homepage
+ ])
+ }
+ console.log(table.toString())
+ process.exit(0)
+async function installPluginCLI (options: any) {
+ if (!options['path'] && !options['npmName']) {
+ console.error('You need to specify the npm name or the path of the plugin you want to install.\n')
+ program.outputHelp()
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ if (options['path'] && !isAbsolute(options['path'])) {
+ console.error('Path should be absolute.')
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(options)
+ const accessToken = await getAdminTokenOrDie(url, username, password)
+ try {
+ await installPlugin({
+ url,
+ accessToken,
+ npmName: options['npmName'],
+ path: options['path']
+ })
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error('Cannot install plugin.', err)
+ process.exit(-1)
+ return
+ }
+ console.log('Plugin installed.')
+ process.exit(0)
+async function uninstallPluginCLI (options: any) {
+ if (!options['npmName']) {
+ console.error('You need to specify the npm name of the plugin/theme you want to uninstall.\n')
+ program.outputHelp()
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ const { url, username, password } = await getServerCredentials(options)
+ const accessToken = await getAdminTokenOrDie(url, username, password)
+ try {
+ await uninstallPlugin({
+ url,
+ accessToken,
+ npmName: options[ 'npmName' ]
+ })
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error('Cannot uninstall plugin.', err)
+ process.exit(-1)
+ return
+ }
+ console.log('Plugin uninstalled.')
+ process.exit(0)
+async function getAdminTokenOrDie (url: string, username: string, password: string) {
+ const accessToken = await getAccessToken(url, username, password)
+ const resMe = await getMyUserInformation(url, accessToken)
+ const me: User = resMe.body
+ if (me.role !== UserRole.ADMINISTRATOR) {
+ console.error('Cannot list plugins if you are not administrator.')
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ return accessToken