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Update translations from zanata and add cs and eo

Chocobozzz 5 years ago
30 changed files with 8280 additions and 683 deletions
  1. 371 1
  2. 3628 0
  3. 135 0
  4. 757 6
  5. 12 1
  6. 367 0
  7. 376 5
  8. 214 10
  9. 1345 61
  10. 36 0
  11. 90 0
  12. 252 0
  13. 28 0
  14. 0 474
  15. 27 0
  16. 132 0
  17. 107 0
  18. 0 0
  19. 109 0
  20. 0 0
  21. 1 0
  22. 142 70
  23. 0 0
  24. 23 48
  25. 0 0
  26. 22 3
  27. 99 0
  28. 1 1
  29. 5 2
  30. 1 1

+ 371 - 1

@@ -219,6 +219,46 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Canvia la llengua</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>
+               El meu perfil públic
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                El meu compte
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Tanca sessió
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
         <target>Iniciar sessió</target>
@@ -303,6 +343,24 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
+        <source>
+  About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <target>
+  Quant a la instància <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
@@ -324,13 +382,304 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      aquesta instància proporciona una quota bàsica de <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> d''espai per els vídeos dels seus usuaris.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      aquesta instància proporciona espai il·limitat per els vídeos del seus usuaris.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    El registre d'usuaris actualment no és permès.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
+        <source>
+  About PeerTube
+        <target>
+  Quant a PeerTube
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
+        <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
+        <target>PeerTube és una plataforma de transmissió de vídeo federada (ActivityPub) que utilitza P2P (WebTorrent) directament al navegador web </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
+        <source>
+    It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    És un programari lliure i de codi obert, sota la <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>llicència AGPLv3<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
+        <source>
+    For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Per a més informació si us plau visita <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
-        <target>P2P &amp; Privacitat</target>
+        <target>P2P i Privacitat</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+      <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
+    This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube utilitza el protocol BitTorrent per compartir l'ample de banda entre els usuaris.
+     Això implica que la teva adreça IP s'emmagatzema al rastrejador BitTorrent de la instància sempre que descarreguis o miris el vídeo.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
+        <source>What are the consequences?</source>
+        <target>Quines conseqüències?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
+        <source>
+    In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
+    In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    En teoria, algú amb prou habilitats tècniques podria crear un script que rastreja quina IP està descarregant el vídeo.
+     A la pràctica, això és molt més difícil perquè:
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
+        <source>
+      An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
+      If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      S'ha d'enviar una sol · licitud HTTP a cada seguidor per espiar cada vídeo.
+       Si volem espiar tots els vídeos de PeerTube, hem d'enviar tantes sol · licituds com vídeos hi ha (molt potencialment)
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
+        <source>
+      For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
+      For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Per a cada sol·licitud enviada, el seguidor retorna els punts aleatoris en un nombre limitat.
+       Per exemple, si hi ha 1000 punts en la munió i el rastrejador envia només 20 per cada sol licitud, ha d'haver almenys 50 sol·licituds enviades per conèixer tots els punts   </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
+        <source>
+      Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Aquestes sol·licituds s'han d'enviar regularment per saber qui comença / deixa de veure un vídeo. És fàcil detectar aquest tipus de comportament
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
+        <source>
+      If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Si una adreça IP s'emmagatzema al rastrejador, no vol dir que la persona darrere de la IP (si aquesta persona existeix) ha vist el vídeo
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
+        <source>
+      The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+    </source>
+        <target>
+     L'adreça IP és una informació vaga: en general, canvia regularment i pot representar moltes persones o entitats
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c5e62151cca9610f4248c9616909f7acaf5e5a32">
+        <source>
+      Web peers are not directly sent by the tracker: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+      When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to.
+      See <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>this document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> for more information
+    </source>
+        <target>
+     Els seguidors del lloc web no s'envien directament: perquè utilitzem WebRTC dins del navegador web, el protocol és diferent al de BitTorrent clàssic.
+       Quan et trobes en un navegador web, envia una senyal al rastrejador que conté la teva adreça IP, que seleccionarà aleatòriament altres punts per a reenviar la informació.
+      Veure <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>aquest document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> per a més informació
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50d8e8388f5ceab292850ed828f306c9f2cab389">
+        <source>
+    The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
+    There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    L'escenari més greu d'una persona mitjana que espia als seus amics és força improbable.
+     Hi ha maneres molt més eficaces d'obtenir aquest tipus d'informació.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7801222ec2b04de2f61d3ff01d18a04bfa17505">
+        <source>How does PeerTube compares to YouTube?</source>
+        <target>Com es compara PeerTube amb YouTube?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2432705cbabcb92a8677338901dd5d655383ef4c">
+        <source>
+    The threats to privacy in YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
+    In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
+    Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Les amenaces a la privadesa a YouTube són diferents de les de PeerTube.
+     En el cas de YouTube, la plataforma recull una gran quantitat de la vostra informació personal (no només la vostra IP) per analitzar-los i fer-ne un seguiment.
+     D'altra banda, YouTube és propietat de Google / Alphabet, una empresa que fa el seguiment de molts llocs web (mitjançant AdSense o Google Analytics).
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">69</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
+        <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
+        <target>Què puc fer per limitar l'exposició de la meva adreça IP?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
+        <source>
+    Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
+    PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
+    Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+   La teva adreça IP és pública, així que cada vegada que consultes un lloc web, hi ha diversos actors (a més del lloc web final) que veuen la teva IP als registres de connexió: ISP / routers / trackers / CDN i molt més.
+     PeerTube és transparent al respecte: t'avisem que si vols mantenir la teva IP privada, has d'utilitzar un navegador VPN o Tor.
+     Pensant que eliminar P2P de PeerTube et retornarà l'anonimat no té sentit.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
+        <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
+        <target>Què es farà per mitigar aquest problema?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
+    In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube només està en fase beta i vol oferir les millors contramesures possibles en el moment de llançar el estable.
+     Mentrestant, volem provar diferents idees relacionades amb aquest tema:
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
+        <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
+        <target>Estableix un límit al nombre de punts enviats pel rastrejador</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
+        <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Estableix un límit a la freqüència de sol·licitud rebuda pel rastrejador (en proves)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
+        <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Toca una campana si hi ha peticions inusuals (en proves)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
+        <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
+        <target>Desactiva P2P des de la interfície d'administració</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
+        <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
+        <target>Un programa automàtic de redundància de vídeo: no sabríem si l'IP descarregava el vídeo a propòsit o si era el programa automatitzat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscriptors</target>
@@ -671,6 +1020,13 @@ Marca aquesta casella, desa la configuració i prova amb una URL de vídeo de la
           <context context-type="linenumber">276</context>
+      <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
+        <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
+        <target>Sembla que la configuració no és vàlida. Cerca possibles errors a les diferents pestanyes.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">277</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
@@ -1415,6 +1771,13 @@ Quan pugis un vídeo en aquest canal, el camp d'assistència de vídeo s'omplir
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6ac01cebf6f87418b309a83d5ce965d77b4ab740">
+        <source>Torrent (magnet)</source>
+        <target>Torrent (magnet)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="dc75033a5238fdc4f462212c847a45ba8018a3fd">
@@ -3119,6 +3482,13 @@ Quan pugis un vídeo en aquest canal, el camp d'assistència de vídeo s'omplir
           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6d0fdbf0a14c9ac51e12b52f8781152ba5c87793">
+        <source>This image is too large.</source>
+        <target>Aquesta imatge és massa gran.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="1e876f14d96cdf3b334c080fe795a2e0ab53aa3a">
         <source>Your video was uploaded in your account and is private.</source>
         <target>El teu vídeo s'ha penjat al teu compte i és privat.</target>

+ 3628 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3628 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
+<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="cs-CZ">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="17a9d3860d9ad593dd09a9f934e03999d9e76a7a">
+        <source>
+            Cancel
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Zrušit
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">40</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9d5f16f0233b39fa2cd843321407a7358c323ad8">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> shlédnutí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="28f86ffd419b869711aa13f5e5ff54be6d70731c">
+        <source>Edit</source>
+        <target>Upravit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="961a134583d6256df39fbc520d020ebc48e3128d">
+        <source>Truncated preview</source>
+        <target>Rychlý náhled</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f82f53a2544638939a8ba93c0fb1b0a4419c3196">
+        <source>Complete preview</source>
+        <target>Náhled</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9c71feb04c2beab559f79c41c6127815fb9c1a6f">
+        <source>Get help</source>
+        <target>Získat pomoc</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
+        <source>
+    Login
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Přihlášení
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e08a77594f3d89311cdf6da5090044270909c194">
+        <source>User</source>
+        <target>Uživatel</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="51ef29329faccb28d94369897068897d1b3d0478">
+        <source>Username or email address</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno nebo email</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="02c4360c2d956e74ed6bb1f71e86812af0e19b87">
+        <source>
+          or create an account
+        </source>
+        <target>
+          nebo si vytvořte účet
+        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d6290381021b16febc426d3e3a52dda83991ce0b">
+        <source>
+          or create an account on another instance
+        </source>
+        <target>
+          nebo si vytvořte účet na jiné instanci
+        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="76e1f485e6ead4c84b606f46d413878881d66ad3">
+        <source>User registration is not allowed on this instance, but you can register on many others!</source>
+        <target>Registrace uživatelů není na této instanci povolena, ale můžete se registrovat na spoustě jiných!</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
+        <source>Password</source>
+        <target>Heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">28</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b87e81682959464211443afc3e23c506865d2eda">
+        <source>I forgot my password</source>
+        <target>Zapomněl jsem heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d2eb6c5d41f70d4b8c0937e7e19e196143b47681">
+        <source>Forgot your password</source>
+        <target>Zapomenuté heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
+        <source>Email</source>
+        <target>Email</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="69b6ac577a19acc39fc0c22342092f327fff2529">
+        <source>Email address</source>
+        <target>Emailová adresa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">66</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="78be69e4d26b3b654c49962839d8545e61bf8b55">
+        <source>Send me an email to reset my password</source>
+        <target>Poslat email pro resetování hesla</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2ba14c37f3b23553b2602c5e535d0ff4916f24aa">
+        <source>
+    Reset my password
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Resetovat heslo
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7f3bdcce4b2e8c37cd7f0f6c92ef8cff34b039b8">
+        <source>Confirm password</source>
+        <target>Potvrdit heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3652e5c6e33165264d5271d06cc04ab7123b6df1">
+        <source>Confirmed password</source>
+        <target>Potvrzené heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8bdf8db5eeeaef83184b489b80c1557b516fb3c3">
+        <source>Reset my password</source>
+        <target>Resetovat moje heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">29</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4499806949402133d08a5029cb5462c5ea25336d">
+        <source>
+    Create an account
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Vytvořit účet
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6807b834e01ce165aa61fad157b0ff4288b6bf1">
+        <source>Initial video quota:</source>
+        <target>Výchozí limit na video:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="87b6b2c26215c5e712d3bfe4cc86ba53bc23451c">
+        <source>
+      Unlimited
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Neomezený
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="08c74dc9762957593b91f6eb5d65efdfc975bf48">
+        <source>Username</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="717a5e3574fec754fbeb348c2d5561c4d81facc4">
+        <source>Signup</source>
+        <target>Registrovat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Vytvořit účet</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>
+               Zobrazovaný profil
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Správa mého profilu
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Odhlásit
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
+        <source>Login</source>
+        <target>Přihlásit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d207cc1965ec0c29e594e0e9917f39bfc276ed87">
+        <source>Create an account</source>
+        <target>Vytvořit účet</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">37</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a52dae09be10ca3a65da918533ced3d3f4992238">
+        <source>Videos</source>
+        <target>Videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b6b7986bc3721ac483baf20bc9a320529075c807">
+        <source>Trending</source>
+        <target>Trendy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">45</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8d20c5f5dd30acbe71316544dab774393fd9c3c1">
+        <source>Recently added</source>
+        <target>Nedávno přidané</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">50</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="eadc17c3df80143992e2d9028dead3199ae6d79d">
+        <source>Local</source>
+        <target>Místní</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7648e7aced164498aa843b5c4e8f2f1c36a7919">
+        <source>Administration</source>
+        <target>Administrace</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">64</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="004b222ff9ef9dd4771b777950ca1d0e4cd4348a">
+        <source>About</source>
+        <target>O službě</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8aa58cf00d949c509df91c621ab38131df0a7599">
+        <source>Search...</source>
+        <target>Hledat...</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4b3972c3e9485218508a95f7a4ce7758e3f09ced">
+        <source>Upload</source>
+        <target>Nahrát video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c31161d1661884f54fbc5635aad5ce8d4803897e">
+        <source>No results.</source>
+        <target>Žádné výsledky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ff78f059449d44322f627d0f66df07abe476962b">
+        <source>Instance</source>
+        <target>Instance</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
+        <source>
+  About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <target>
+  O instanci <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
+        <source>Description</source>
+        <target>Popis</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="69580f2c2dbf4edf7096820ba8c393367352d774">
+        <source>Terms</source>
+        <target>Podmínky</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9c6e6db693ab265457c6578df179c65694141d27">
+        <source>User registration is allowed and</source>
+        <target>Registrace uživatelů je povolena a</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      tato instance poskytuje základní limit <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> místa pro videa svým uživatelům.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      tato instance poskytuje neomezený prostor pro videa svých uživatelů.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Registrace uživatelů není momentálně povolena.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
+        <source>
+  About PeerTube
+        <target>
+  O PeerTube
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
+        <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
+        <target>PeerTube je federovaná (ActivityPub) platforma pro video streaming používající P2P (WebTorrent) přímo v prohlížeči uživatele.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
+        <source>
+    It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Jde o svobodný software zveřejněný pod <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licencí<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
+        <source>
+    For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Pro více informací navštivte <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
+        <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
+        <target>P2P &amp; soukromí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
+    This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube používá BitTorrent protokol pro sdílení pásma mezi uživateli.
+    To znamená, že vaše IP adresa je uložena v BitTorrent trackeru služby po dobu stahování nebo sledování videa.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
+        <source>What are the consequences?</source>
+        <target>Co to má za následky?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
+        <source>
+    In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
+    In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Teoreticky, někdo s dostatečným technickým vzdělání může vytvořit skript sledující, jaká IP adresa stahuje které video.
+    V praxi to však není tak jednoduché, protože:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
+        <source>
+      An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
+      If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      HTTP požadavek musí být zaslán na každý tracker pro každé špehované video.
+      Pokud bychom chtěli špehovat všechna videa na PeerTube, museli bychom poslat tolik požadavků, kolik je zde uloženo video (tedy potenciálně hodně)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
+        <source>
+      For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
+      For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Pro každý odeslaný požadavek vrátí tracker limitovaný počet náhodných peerů.
+      Pro příklad, pokud je zde 1000 peerů ve skupině a tracker pošle pouze 20 peerů pro každý požadavek, muselo být odesláno alespoň 50 požadavků na získání všech peerů ve skupině</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
+        <source>
+      Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+    </source>
+        <target>
+    Pro zjištění, kdo začíná nebo končí sledování videa, musí být tyto požadavky odesílány pravidelně. Takové chování je jednoduše detekováno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
+        <source>
+      If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Pokud je IP adresa uložena v trackeru, neznamená to, že osoba za IP adresou (pokud nějaká existuje) opravdu shlédla dané video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
+        <source>
+      The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      IP adresa je nedostatečná informace : obyčejně se pravidelně mění a může za ní tak vystupovat více osob nebo entit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c5e62151cca9610f4248c9616909f7acaf5e5a32">
+        <source>
+      Web peers are not directly sent by the tracker: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+      When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to.
+      See <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>this document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> for more information
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Webový peeři nejsou odesílání přímo trackerem: jelikož používáme WebRTC uvnitř prohlížeče, protokol je odlišný od klasického BitTorrentu.
+      Když jste ve webovém prohlížeči, odešlete signál obsahující vaši IP adresu do trackeru, který náhodně vybírá ostatní uživatele, kteří budou předávat informace.
+      Pro více informací si přečtěte <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>tento dokument<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50d8e8388f5ceab292850ed828f306c9f2cab389">
+        <source>
+    The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
+    There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Nejhorší možný scénář: člověk, který špehuje své kamarády, je nepravděpodobný.
+    Existují mnohem účinnější způsoby, jak získat takové informace.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7801222ec2b04de2f61d3ff01d18a04bfa17505">
+        <source>How does PeerTube compares to YouTube?</source>
+        <target>Jak si stojí PeerTube ve srovnání s YouTube?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2432705cbabcb92a8677338901dd5d655383ef4c">
+        <source>
+    The threats to privacy in YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
+    In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
+    Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Ohrožení soukromí je na YouTube odlišné od toho na PeerTube.
+    V případě YouTube, služba o vás sbírá obrovské mnžoství osobních informací (nejen vaší IP adresu), aby je poté analyzovala a sledovala vás.
+    Kromě toho, YouTube je vlastněn Google/Alphabet, společností, která vás sleduje napříč různými webslužbami (skrze AdSense nebo Google Analytics).
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">69</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
+        <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
+        <target>Co mohu dělat pro zkrácení doby uložení mé IP adresy?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
+        <source>
+    Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
+    PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
+    Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Vaše IP adresa je veřejná, takže při každé návštěvě nějaké webslužby je vaše IP adresa zapsána do logů všech přesměrujících zařízení (routery, brány, ...).
+    PeerTube je otevřený. Pokud si chcete zachovat vaši IP adresu nezjistitelnou, musíte použít VPN nebo TorBrowser.
+    Myslet si, že odstraněním P2P z PeerTube získáte zpět anonymitu, je nesmysl.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
+        <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
+        <target>Co budete dělat pro zmírnění tohoto problému?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
+    In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube je pouze v beta verzi a snaží se přinést pouze ta nejlepší možná opatření v době vydání stabilní verze.
+    Mezitím, chceme otestovat různé návrhy řešení tohoto problému:
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
+        <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
+        <target>Nastavit limit počtu peerů odeslaných trackerem</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
+        <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Nastavit limit opakování požadavků přijatých trackerem (v testování)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
+        <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Zazvonit na zvon v případě podezřelých požadavků na tracker (v testování)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
+        <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
+        <target>Možnost zákazu P2P z administračního panelu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
+        <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
+        <target>Automatické rozpoznávání redundantních videií: nelze poznat, zda byly nahrány záměrně člověkem nebo šlo o automatizovaný útok</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> odběratelů</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6f5a458f827503ac7b8697688ecf3e0490818ee8">
+        <source>Video channels</source>
+        <target>Video kanály</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="299f97b8ee9c62d45f2cc01961aa1e5101d6d05a">
+        <source>Stats</source>
+        <target>Statistiky</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8bc634cd9d8c9b684dbfaaf17a522f894bedbffc">
+        <source>Joined <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></source>
+        <target>Registrován od <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.createdAt | date }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8fef247fd0c5bf790151f7661cafc4b7fd0397f3">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.followersCount }}"/> odběratelů</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f36bd6a1570cb9b0a5023870f35160957cad2a8f">
+        <source>See this video channel</source>
+        <target>Zobrazit tento video kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cff1428d10d59d14e45edec3c735a27b5482db59">
+        <source>Name</source>
+        <target>Jméno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="512b045163a7187b2fc5d554e5f59fb3e49e174b">
+        <source>Short description</source>
+        <target>Krátký popis</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="554488d11165f38b27b8fe230aba8a2e30d57003">
+        <source>Default client route</source>
+        <target>Výchozí hlavní stránka</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">54</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1cbeb1eb589bfbe5efce94184cacd3095ca26948">
+        <source>Videos Trending</source>
+        <target>Trendy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">57</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1861c96217213992e02dcb77e15ea69e718c9883">
+        <source>Videos Recently Added</source>
+        <target>Naposledy přidaná videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">58</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b6307f83d9f43bff8d5129a7888e89964ddc3f7f">
+        <source>Local videos</source>
+        <target>Místní videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8551afadb69b3fef89e191f507e8ac84e624e8b9">
+        <source>Policy on videos containing sensitive content</source>
+        <target>Pravidla pro videa obsahující citlivý obsah</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">68</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aa3ef567a1ea22c1e4d0acfdc8f80bc636bf12df">
+        <source>With &lt;strong&gt;Do not list&lt;/strong&gt; or &lt;strong&gt;Blur thumbnails&lt;/strong&gt;, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video.</source>
+        <target>Při nastavení &lt;strong&gt;Nezobrazovat&lt;/strong&gt; nebo &lt;strong&gt;Rozmlžit náhledy&lt;/strong&gt; bude požadováno potvrzení pro přehrání videa.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5e155c34fb3ed8159bf0a486a366cfbc6874f9fe">
+        <source>Do not list</source>
+        <target>Nezobrazovat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aaa900149c2ca1575ac1918d1ded33fb69830ab2">
+        <source>Blur thumbnails</source>
+        <target>Rozmlžit náhledy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="010d24ef3c43b2d8f45a4d6cba7d73e12ee1557e">
+        <source>Display</source>
+        <target>Zobrazit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ca53e66e68986546b7ef820c934145fd7c9c4247">
+        <source>Signup enabled</source>
+        <target>Povolit registrace</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="68bda70e0dd4f7f91549462e55f1b2a1602d8402">
+        <source>Signup limit</source>
+        <target>Limit registrací</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">96</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ca2283fc765b9f44b69f0175d685dc2443da6011">
+        <source>Administrator</source>
+        <target>Administrátor</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">106</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="55a0f51e38679d3141841e8333da5779d349c587">
+        <source>Admin email</source>
+        <target>Email administrátora</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">109</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4d13a9cd5ed3dcee0eab22cb25198d43886942be">
+        <source>Users</source>
+        <target>Uživatelé</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">119</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="31b3275d999af45fe64c6824e6e017d2e2704f09">
+        <source>User default video quota</source>
+        <target>Výchozí limit na uživatele</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">122</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50247a2f9711ea9e9a85aacc46668131e9b424a5">
+        <source>Basic configuration</source>
+        <target>Základní nastavení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="99cb827741e93125476a0f5b676372d85d15b5fc">
+        <source>Twitter</source>
+        <target>Twitter</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">138</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7fdb41bbf2ee042ec5f68725a1c16a1c97f3e524">
+        <source>Your Twitter username</source>
+        <target>Váš účet na Twitteru</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">141</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6e671e839ca889feef0d8ed525d1a44b4b10870c">
+        <source>Indicates the Twitter account for the website or platform on which the content was published.</source>
+        <target>Uveďte Twitter účet stránky nebo služby, na které byl obsah publikován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">144</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c0716c28b9d4c9e0b2fd6031334394214e5f9605">
+        <source>Instance whitelisted by Twitter</source>
+        <target>Twitter povolil tuto instanci</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">159</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3f008a1a07ca42c6ad258fde1bbd80ed74ada19b">
+        <source>If your instance is whitelisted by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share.&lt;br /&gt;
+If the instance is not whitelisted, we use an image link card that will redirect on your PeerTube instance.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance ( on &lt;a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''&gt;;/a&gt; to see if you instance is whitelisted.</source>
+        <target>Pokud je vaše instance povolena Twitterem, videopřehrávač bude přiložen ve feedu.&lt;br /&gt;
+Pokud instance není povolena, bude zobrazen obrázek vedoucí jako link na vaši PeerTube instanci.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+Zakšrtněne tuto možnost, uložte nastavení a vyzkoušejte adresu videa z vaší instance ( na &lt;a target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''&gt;;/a&gt; pro zjištění, zda je vaše instance povolená.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">162</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="419d940613972cc3fae9c8ea0a4306dbf80616e5">
+        <source>Services</source>
+        <target>Služby</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">136</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fe22d2c0020e913ee4b75ec22a3abc8814810490">
+        <source>Transcoding</source>
+        <target>Překódování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">172</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fca29003c4ea1226ff8cbee89481758aab0e2be9">
+        <source>Transcoding enabled</source>
+        <target>Překódování povoleno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">178</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6ef2ab819d4441fa8bddf6759b6936783d06616f">
+        <source>If you disable transcoding, many videos from your users will not work!</source>
+        <target>Pokud zakážete překódování, mnoho videí od vašich uživatelů nebude fungovat!</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">180</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a33feadefbb776217c2db96100736314f8b765c2">
+        <source>Transcoding threads</source>
+        <target>Vlákna na překódování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">186</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6aff7f4b4f140702c4ce791cc9990932623862f0">
+        <source>Resolution <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ resolution }}"/> enabled</source>
+        <target>Rozlišení <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ resolution }}"/> povoleno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">205</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1fa92c6ce274f878b2625587daa7e08b2a3a8b38">
+        <source>Cache</source>
+        <target>Mezipaměť</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">209</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d00f6c2dcb426440a0a8cd8eec12d094fbfaf6f7">
+        <source>Previews cache size</source>
+        <target>Velikost mezipaměti náhledů</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">212</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bf91318659ada3d3ad1b0ca1e63ae427e5a857d5">
+        <source>Previews are not federated. We fetch them directly from the origin instance and cache them.</source>
+        <target>Náhledy nejsou federovány. Získáváme je přímo z původní instrance a ukládáme do mezipaměti.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">215</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e3a65df2560e99864bbde695da3a7bdf743a184c">
+        <source>Customizations</source>
+        <target>Přizpůsobení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">227</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0da9752916950ce6890d897b835c923a71ad9c5c">
+        <source>JavaScript</source>
+        <target>JavaScript</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">230</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fda2339a6e6ba017ee43b560caf660ed4022333c">
+        <source>Write directly JavaScript code.&lt;br /&gt;Example: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('my instance is amazing');&lt;/pre&gt;</source>
+        <target>Pište přímo JavaScript kód.&lt;br /&gt;Například: &lt;pre&gt;console.log('moje instance je úžasná');&lt;/pre&gt;</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">233</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f133b08d6519081bfb8ef51cff4bf2b3af23dde6">
+        <source>
+              Write directly CSS code. Example:&lt;br /&gt;
+              &lt;pre&gt;
+    body <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
+      background-color: red;
+    <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
+              &lt;/pre&gt;
+              Prepend with &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; to override styles. Example:
+              &lt;pre&gt;
+    #custom-css .logged-in-email <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
+      color: red;
+    <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
+              &lt;/pre&gt;
+            </source>
+        <target>
+              Pište přímo CSS kód. Například:&lt;br /&gt;
+              &lt;pre&gt;
+    body <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
+      background-color: red;
+    <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
+              &lt;/pre&gt;
+              Předřaďtě &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; pro přepsání stylů. Například:
+              &lt;pre&gt;
+    #custom-css .logged-in-email <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
+      color: red;
+    <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
+              &lt;/pre&gt;
+            </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">249</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6c44844ebdb7352c433b7734feaa65f01bb594ab">
+        <source>Advanced configuration</source>
+        <target>Pokročilá nastavení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">170</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dad5a5283e4c853c011a0f03d5a52310338bbff8">
+        <source>Update configuration</source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat nastavení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">276</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
+        <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
+        <target>Zdá se, že vaše konfigurace není validní. Prosím, vyhledejte potencialní chyby v jiné záložce.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">277</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
+        <source>
+      Users
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Uživatelé
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0315abd64e35510ed0534f597130ef781aca175a">
+        <source>
+      Manage follows
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Spravovat odběry
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1c9406213cf05033eda4d3df678217b5eb822315">
+        <source>
+      Video abuses
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Nahlášená videa
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="96ccede058f0022f34230c3adc09e60076b6d037">
+        <source>
+      Video blacklist
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Černá listina
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7bea88c54fdccfdc9f687b0ffe9bf6a653d19368">
+        <source>
+      Jobs
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Úlohy
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9c6ce37623b626a102002901ca12c37e7a3a7f13">
+        <source>
+      Configuration
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Nastavení
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4e8635c108375983b42229df44bda8c0af84f396">
+        <source>1 host (without "http://") per line</source>
+        <target>1 host (bez "http://") na řádek</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f7a7a00999ccbd126cbb8e74f5dd1724942dd507">
+        <source>
+    It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Zdá se, že nejste na HTTPS serveru. Pokud chcete odebírat jiné servery, váš webserver musí mít aktivováno TLS.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="456c6383d8e7cd15aadbcdc196d4ae7a70092437">
+        <source>Add following</source>
+        <target>Přidat k odeběrům</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="45cc8ca94b5a50842a9a8ef804a5ab089a38ae5c">
+        <source>ID</source>
+        <target>ID</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="380e20a1e13d9489c69f6dbea7da19025ab6eb25">
+        <source>Score</source>
+        <target>Skóre</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fe22ca53e651df951dac25b67c17894b0980f767">
+        <source>Host</source>
+        <target>Host</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="873b72903b1858a9cd6c8967521030b4d7d1435b">
+        <source>State</source>
+        <target>Stav</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ff3173170e5b03536dd3b3e1afbae1f55356eb1b">
+        <source>Created <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></source>
+        <target>Vytvořeno <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5fccee488a9ea908c16d2ab9dbdaf264f1aac479">
+        <source>Manage follows</source>
+        <target>Spravovat odběry</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a9f2501fcb2ff71f1376c2d2fbbbd49f200e6c8f">
+        <source>Jobs list</source>
+        <target>Seznam úloh</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f61c6867295f3b53d23557021f2f4e0aa1d0b8fc">
+        <source>Type</source>
+        <target>Typ</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9da0107a35751e722c8b4bca7636fc7645dbdbdc">
+        <source>Updated</source>
+        <target>Aktualizováno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">22</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="31cf824034489eb42f6a388d5980b98b8e1de015">
+        <source>Create user</source>
+        <target>Vytvořit uživatele</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2788d9a67ed2b6f35c85818e6af1871317c57a7e">
+        <source>Edit user <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ username }}"/></source>
+        <target>Upravit uživatele <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ username }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1bd571d8f3981f6043b0df3402cc3d97e0d7ad2a">
+        <source>john</source>
+        <target>john</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bb3542ff8e5defa6d0c773799e5c8fe399605d05">
+        <source></source>
+        <target></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c36a66f2107e8da5371ebc9d15c2008dff567f46">
+        <source>Role</source>
+        <target>Role</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="15f046007e4fca2e8477966745e2ec4e3e81bc3b">
+        <source>Video quota</source>
+        <target>Limit na videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="42e3c0e89177ca135974221eaf0e4e836c32e345">
+        <source>
+      Transcoding is enabled on server. The video quota only take in account <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="&lt;strong&gt;"/>original<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="&lt;/strong&gt;"/> video. <x id="LINE_BREAK" ctype="lb" equiv-text="&lt;br/&gt;"/>
+      At most, this user could use ~ <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ computeQuotaWithTranscoding() | bytes: 0 }}"/>.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Překódování je povoleno. Limit videí na tomto účtu je <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="&lt;strong&gt;"/>original<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="&lt;/strong&gt;"/> video. <x id="LINE_BREAK" ctype="lb" equiv-text="&lt;br/&gt;"/>
+      Nejvíce může tento uživatel použít ~ <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ computeQuotaWithTranscoding() | bytes: 0 }}"/>.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">65</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5e8b4663c17c337a1f11160c0a683350936faa1f">
+        <source>Users list</source>
+        <target>Seznam uživatelů</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="08ea8692dc2a7050026df26fc39b22960bde9de5">
+        <source>Username <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0c7e8870481f1287af6a142f538391d8c16c2408">
+        <source>Video abuses list</source>
+        <target>Seznam nahlášených videí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4ba250869daa372b54d24fafc0ea934769ee4076">
+        <source>Reason</source>
+        <target>Důvod</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2bf5a31043ff476ca081a4080f3f3f17518dc6f2">
+        <source>Reporter</source>
+        <target>Autor nahlášení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2d1ea268a6a9f483dbc2cbfe19bf4256a57a6af4">
+        <source>Video</source>
+        <target>Video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c6ab75e099e131d7a4f94e1732e7436d8fc386c7">
+        <source>Go to the account</source>
+        <target>Přejít na účet</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">22</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1cb8348c199d03e297d165e262237194f25fe3f5">
+        <source>Go to the video</source>
+        <target>Přejít na video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">28</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="00ecde6001106fe7406a34cc3459cc5b88e4aec1">
+        <source>Blacklisted videos</source>
+        <target>Videa na černé listině</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7c02d113e9b7884037834cddecf2a32a5538b35b">
+        <source>Name <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></source>
+        <target>Jméno <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cd5ca5da9e2fa21571e9f86a24a5c3b45a3ddc51">
+        <source>Views <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></source>
+        <target>Shlednutí <x id="START_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;p-sortIcon&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_TAG_P-SORTICON" ctype="x-p-sortIcon" equiv-text="&lt;/p-sortIcon&gt;"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d4717113115ca7106a354a5aac54d1c0126261d9">
+        <source>NSFW</source>
+        <target>Citlivý obsah</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8c87d9527af7ff2ada84c911516a9e43a352e401">
+        <source>UUID</source>
+        <target>UUID</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="86f26b106c67be3c2e98b82766656e5d9da86dff">
+        <source>Unblacklist</source>
+        <target>Odebrat z černé listiny</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="efad4be364b8fb5c73cbfcc7acccd542f9d84ad6">
+        <source>My settings</source>
+        <target>Moje nastavení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="520d68b2c9f7dacaf2a5073716cad9bd328ea7e7">
+        <source>My video channels</source>
+        <target>Mé video kanály</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d02888c485d3aeab6de628508f4a00312a722894">
+        <source>My videos</source>
+        <target>Moje videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7cadf30b337f4ef9b05b7d02e13ec3cf79de9dba">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ user.account?.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ user.account?.followersCount }}"/> odběratelů</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3fb9a5f7268114445d8c109a8f48102e93471f5a">
+        <source>Change your avatar</source>
+        <target>Změnit avatar</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c860c88df9ad58b1187084251340b232cdf0a7f9">
+        <source>(extensions: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ avatarExtensions }}"/>, max size: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxAvatarSize | bytes }}"/>)</source>
+        <target>(typ souboru: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ avatarExtensions }}"/>, maximální velikost: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxAvatarSize | bytes }}"/>)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9518d3fb042d551167c1701ddeb88a1374cf1e48">
+        <source>Video quota:</source>
+        <target>Limit na videa:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="994363f08f9fbfa3b3994ff7b35c6904fdff18d8">
+        <source>Profile</source>
+        <target>Profil</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b5398623f87ee72ed23f5023918db1707771e925">
+        <source>Video settings</source>
+        <target>Nastavení videí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8057bddbed23d6cd911df8cc3a4ec24d1f258b79">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.createdAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.createdAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> shlédnutí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="826b25211922a1b46436589233cb6f1a163d89b7">
+        <source>Delete</source>
+        <target>Odstranit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="73c1cefc348a6f361497210dea1ed79499fd1260">
+        <source>Create another video channel</source>
+        <target>Vytvořit další video kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="30fcac6c20aac1f24e000efc4a889cbb93d4baf2">
+        <source>Go to the channel</source>
+        <target>Přejít na video kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9dbe4718a5611fbc611fc6b5e0b27df813372c68">
+        <source>Create a video channel</source>
+        <target>Vytořit video kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9277e6f7b8ed9538d1f6ad812b620384252ffe56">
+        <source>Update <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel?.displayName }}"/></source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel?.displayName }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bc155f9fc3be3f32083f19b2c77d4ad3b696d9b9">
+        <source>Display name</source>
+        <target>Zobrazované jméno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="74728de5289ea2ff3f553bc2b48f1811680b931a">
+        <source>Short text to tell people how they can support your channel (membership platform...).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+When you will upload a video in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text.</source>
+        <target>Krátký text, kterým sdělíte lidem, jak mohou podporovat tento kanál (členství...).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+        Když nahrajete video na tento kanál, text bude přiložen.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">32</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="739516c2ca75843d5aec9cf0e6b3e4335c4227b9">
+        <source>Change password</source>
+        <target>Změnit heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e70e209561583f360b1e9cefd2cbb1fe434b6229">
+        <source>New password</source>
+        <target>Nové heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ede41f01c781b168a783cfcefc6fb67d48780d9b">
+        <source>Confirm new password</source>
+        <target>Potvrďte nové heslo</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="20f62f24170d57b1efeb2387a0949f482cd4d129">
+        <source>Default policy on videos containing sensitive content</source>
+        <target>Vychozí nastavení pro videa obsahující citlivý materiál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fb17c44abac2d1ed2a54cdd28bae289dc0b9a1c2">
+        <source>Automatically plays video</source>
+        <target>Automaticky přehrávat videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="52c9a103b812f258bcddc3d90a6e3f46871d25fe">
+        <source>Save</source>
+        <target>Uložit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d2fa66a905b6b7f691c83be681d18188cbe4a8ba">
+        <source>Update my profile</source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat můj profil</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e242e3e8608a3c4a944327eb3d5c221dc6e4e3cd">
+        <source>
+  Sorry, but we couldn't find the page you were looking for.
+        <target>
+  Omlouváme se, ale stránku nelze zobrazit.
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c65641c36859c328928e6b0f14c3f913886f8add">
+        <source>Created by <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.ownerBy }}"/></source>
+        <target>Autor: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.ownerBy }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e006ed166ce188cab168e1ca90435b33d042d913">
+        <source>Go the owner account page</source>
+        <target>Přejít na autorův profil</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1380539d91f77f565de6e21ce210da891e6644b8">
+        <source>Support this channel</source>
+        <target>Podpořit tento kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5523952d0300c96cfba2ec5a693c95f923e90c40">
+        <source>Created <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.createdAt | date }}"/></source>
+        <target>Vytvořeno <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoChannel.createdAt | date }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d4dcf74163f127ca9afa84d55b5d95846958faa0">
+        <source>Upload your video</source>
+        <target>Nahrejte vaše video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1af3dcf5aad5b7f4b3251da88a89dc9a184445dd">
+        <source>Upload <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoFileName }}"/></source>
+        <target>Nahráno <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoFileName }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="21add64f0f3ebbedf1150ca822c6e149494ab7a9">
+        <source>Select the file to upload</source>
+        <target>Zvolte soubor k nahrání</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0cc554f4d7bb6a87515d2d95438e183b50702071">
+        <source>Channel</source>
+        <target>Kanál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">35</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3c78b53bca33467190c0b7a01320bc093a2b1427">
+        <source>Privacy</source>
+        <target>Soukromí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f7ac2376749c7985f94f0fc89ba75ea624de1215">
+        <source>Publish will be available when upload is finished</source>
+        <target>Publikovat lze jakmile bude dokončeno nahrávání</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">53</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="223aae0477f79f0bc4436c1c57619415f04cbbb3">
+        <source>Publish</source>
+        <target>Publikovat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">60</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fdf7cbdc140d0aab0f0b6c06065a0fd448ed6a2e">
+        <source>Title</source>
+        <target>Nadpis</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cafc87479686947e2590b9f588a88040aeaf660b">
+        <source>Tags</source>
+        <target>Tagy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="935e7146fe6c12169abfda18536c5856935cfd82">
+        <source>(press Enter to add)</source>
+        <target>(stiskněte Enter pro přidání)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">15</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50f53834157770b8205ada0e7a6e235211e4765e">
+        <source>Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them.</source>
+        <target>Popisy videí jsou ve výchozím stavu sbaleny a rozbalují se kliknutím.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="607de17c2a755f65775881c19e276e7c933bcf94">
+        <source>Category</source>
+        <target>Kategorie</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">44</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="78d6d3ea26777cd0dad8ddbf9b314151678da46c">
+        <source>Licence</source>
+        <target>Licence</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">58</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fe46ccaae902ce974e2441abe752399288298619">
+        <source>Language</source>
+        <target>Jazyk</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">72</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d69f4fafc780cc7dbafb063ca5f11e6f7c91b0c5">
+        <source>Schedule publication (<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ calendarTimezone }}"/>)</source>
+        <target>Naplánovat publikování (<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ calendarTimezone }}"/>)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">101</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5ef7108218e096d09f4ee8525a05a8c90d7b95ee">
+        <source>This video contains mature or explicit content</source>
+        <target>Video obsahující citlivý materiál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">116</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9daabdcaa2bbd83597099b10db22d056cf491644">
+        <source>Some instances do not list videos containing mature or explicit content by default.</source>
+        <target>Některé instance nezobrazují videa s citlivým materiálem.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">119</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3549ee96125a43181f80712ed744ee223a0e645a">
+        <source>Enable video comments</source>
+        <target>Povolit komentáře</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">126</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7e549f41b715552ffe69b85c14a690d9d81c85f0">
+        <source>Wait transcoding before publishing the video</source>
+        <target>Čekat na překódování před publikováním videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">132</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0001ec53fe3dfd603b7ad80fd32d262170e3d9a5">
+        <source>If you decide to not wait transcoding before publishing the video, it can be unplayable until it transcoding ends.</source>
+        <target>Pokud se rozhodnete nečekat na překódování před publikování, video může zůstat nepřehratelné do dokončení překódování.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">135</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c7742322b1d3dbc921362058d1747c7ec2adbec7">
+        <source>Basic info</source>
+        <target>Základní údaje</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">4</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1dd793abd1cb8d16a7a2cb71ca5549a7111ee513">
+        <source>Upload thumbnail</source>
+        <target>Nahrát miniaturu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">146</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9df3f57e251c077bef7e7da81677cb971c55b639">
+        <source>Upload preview</source>
+        <target>Nahrát náhled</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">153</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b5629d298ff1a69b8db19a4ba2995c76b52da604">
+        <source>Support</source>
+        <target>Podpora</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f61f989de6fc12f99369a90800e4b5462d3f10a0">
+        <source>Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...).</source>
+        <target>Krátký text, co řekne lidem, jak vás mohou podpořit.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">160</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d91da0abc638c05e52adea253d0813f3584da4b1">
+        <source>Advanced settings</source>
+        <target>Rozšířená nastavení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">142</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c07377d8b52fde03fcf70824a980346b9222d056">
+        <source>(extensions: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoImageExtensions }}"/>, max size: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxVideoImageSize | bytes }}"/>)</source>
+        <target>(typ souboru: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoImageExtensions }}"/>, maximální velikost: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ maxVideoImageSize | bytes }}"/>)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2335f0bd17c63d835b50cfbbcea6c459cb1314c0">
+        <source>
+    Update <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video?.name }}"/>
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Aktualizovat <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video?.name }}"/>
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="047f50bc5b5d17b5bec0196355953e1a5c590ddb">
+        <source>Update</source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9aafb2a928664aa7a9375fd37c533f0375f8b611">
+        <source>Download video</source>
+        <target>Stáhnout video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b92eaf680d6d1cd83e1bc61c3ee88b1b7754eb66">
+        <source>Torrent</source>
+        <target>Torrent</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8d6a41c2703bed3edfc76e1df0b1ca203404c17c">
+        <source>Direct download</source>
+        <target>Přímý odkaz</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6ac01cebf6f87418b309a83d5ce965d77b4ab740">
+        <source>Torrent (magnet)</source>
+        <target>Torrent (magnet)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dc75033a5238fdc4f462212c847a45ba8018a3fd">
+        <source>Download</source>
+        <target>Stáhnout</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="11749f4fc0aa1b5e37f38575e4d4e3b1b7e0e96b">
+        <source>Report video</source>
+        <target>Nahlásit video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bb44873ad8d4c5dbad0ac2a6a50e0ceee9119125">
+        <source>Reason...</source>
+        <target>Důvod...</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0e6b8229bd65f93bc8040d0fb598967f220740c7">
+        <source>
+              Cancel
+            </source>
+        <target>
+              Zrušit
+            </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">22</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="71c77bb8cecdf11ec3eead24dd1ba506573fa9cd">
+        <source>Submit</source>
+        <target>Odeslat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0bd8b27f60a1f098a53e06328426d818e3508ff9">
+        <source>Share</source>
+        <target>Sdílet</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">64</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="801b98c6f02fe3b32f6afa3ee854c99ed83474e6">
+        <source>URL</source>
+        <target>URL</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d3b15c3bf4a7ea38d6002d2d2c4781642d30e79c">
+        <source>Embed</source>
+        <target>Vložit do stránky</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">24</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="239fe0316cfe91aa6e1e7bf1ef19e3b7772131f8">
+        <source>
+          The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites).
+        </source>
+        <target>
+          URL není zabezpečená (žádné HTTPS), takže vložené video nebude fungovat na HTTPS stránkách (prohlížeče zablokují nezabezpečené HTTP požadavky na HTTPS stránkách).
+        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">35</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9ed65ae88f6c982bc44d6fed2796e55f47dbf304">
+        <source>
+    The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Probíhá překódování videa, nemusí proto fungovat správně.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fbc205ea3d06fa8f65973fa3b490ae172f71c087">
+        <source>
+    This video will be published on <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.scheduledUpdate.updateAt | date: 'full' }}"/>
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Toto video bude publikováno <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.scheduledUpdate.updateAt | date: 'full' }}"/>
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="643ab402461b1169eebbe2ed790e12a9a83551aa">
+        <source>
+            <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> views
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ video.publishedAt | myFromNow }}"/> - <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}"/> shlédnutí
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5cb397241041f7ad70997806227bafcdf7eb1b33">
+        <source>Go the channel page</source>
+        <target>Přejít na stránku kanálu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="57075c778cf28b81272df4eb17da944366c98e51">
+        <source>You can subscribe to this account via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type in the search box &lt;strong&gt;@<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{}}"/>@<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{}}"/>&lt;/strong&gt; and subscribe there. Subscription as a PeerTube user is being worked on in &lt;a href=''&gt;#470&lt;/a&gt;.</source>
+        <target>Tento účet můžete odebírat přes kteroukoliv instanci obsahující ActivityPub federaci. V instancích s Mastodon nebo Pleroma můžete napsat do vyhledávacího pole &lt;strong&gt;@<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{}}"/>@<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{}}"/>&lt;/strong&gt; a přidat odběr. Na odběrech jako PeerTube uživatel se pracuje: &lt;a href=''&gt;#470&lt;/a&gt;.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ccc07df383b7a32be3e2e105faa5488caf261c1c">
+        <source>By <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ }}"/></source>
+        <target>Autor: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">35</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="be73b652c2707f42b5d780d0c7b8fc5ea0b1706c">
+        <source>Go to the account page</source>
+        <target>Přejít na stránku kanálu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">34</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="82b59049f3f89d900c98da9319e156dd513e3ced">
+        <source>Like this video</source>
+        <target>To se mi líbí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="623698f075025b2b2fc2e0c59fd95f4f4662a509">
+        <source>Dislike this video</source>
+        <target>To se mi nelíbí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">54</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="144fff5c40b85414d59e644d8dee7cfefba925a2">
+        <source>Download the video</source>
+        <target>Stáhnout video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">74</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f72992030f134408b675152c397f9d0ec00f3b2a">
+        <source>Report</source>
+        <target>Nahlásit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">81</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2f4894617d9c44010f87473e583bd4604b7d6ecf">
+        <source>Report this video</source>
+        <target>Nahlásit toto video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">80</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="007ab5fa2aae8a7372307d3fc45a2dbcb11ffd61">
+        <source>Blacklist</source>
+        <target>Černá listina</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">87</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="803c6317abd2dbafcc93226c4e273c62932e3037">
+        <source>Blacklist this video</source>
+        <target>Přidat toto video na černou listinu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cd27f761b923a5bdb16ba9844da632edd878f1b1">
+        <source>Update this video</source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3dbfdc68f83d91cb360172eb65578cae94e7cbe5">
+        <source>Delete this video</source>
+        <target>Odstranit video</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">98</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f0c5f6f270e70cbe063b5368fcf48f9afc1abd9b">
+        <source>Show more</source>
+        <target>Zobrazit více</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">118</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5403a767248e304199592271bba3366d2ca3f903">
+        <source>Show less</source>
+        <target>Zobrazit méně</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">124</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8057a9b7f9e908ff350edfd71417b96c174e5911">
+        <source>
+            Privacy
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Soukromí
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">131</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd407eca607a8905a26a9e30c9d0cd70f4465db8">
+        <source>
+            Category
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Kategorie
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">140</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="af5072bd79ea3cd767ab74a6622d2eee791b3832">
+        <source>
+            Licence
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Licence
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">149</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a911eee019174741b0aec6fcf3fbd5752fab3e67">
+        <source>
+            Language
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Jazyk
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">158</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ecf7007c2842cc26a7b91d08d48c7a4f5f749fb3">
+        <source>
+            Tags
+          </source>
+        <target>
+            Tagy
+          </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">167</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7ce8b0d7cc34d4c1ef4a21e990b0a001337bedd1">
+        <source>
+        Other videos
+      </source>
+        <target>
+        Další videa
+      </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">181</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fb779d2b25c4d0ffa7d52c823a240717e8c1fe6c">
+        <source>Friendly Reminder:</source>
+        <target>Přátelské připomenutí:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">193</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4c2fca29fd9d7e85abe85a206958a4226f403be2">
+        <source>
+        The sharing system used by this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be accessed publicly.
+      </source>
+        <target>
+        Systém sdílení použitý u tohoto videa zahrnuje některé technické informace o vašem systéme (jako je například IP adresa), které mohou být přístupné veřejně.
+      </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">195</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e60c11e1b1dfbbeda577364b8de39ded2d796c5e">
+        <source>More information</source>
+        <target>Více informací</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">198</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd499ca7913bb5408fd139a4cb4f863852d5f318">
+        <source>Get more information</source>
+        <target>Získat více informací</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">198</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="20fc98888baf65b5ba9fe9622dc036fa8dec6a5f">
+        <source>
+      OK
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      OK
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">201</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b5f5df598f2d75640849b2a7744f91e5dbd390e7">
+        <source>
+      Comments
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Komentáře
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="da8a38f72f92714cf8680560c99982dc651480d5">
+        <source>You can either comment on the page of your instance where this video is federated with your PeerTube account, or via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance. For instance with Mastodon or Pleroma you can type in the search box &lt;strong&gt;@<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{}}"/>@<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{}}"/>&lt;/strong&gt; and find back the video. Direct commenting capabilities are being worked on in &lt;a href=''&gt;#224&lt;/a&gt;.</source>
+        <target>Můžete komentovat video na stránkách instance, kde je vaše video federováno s PeerTube účtem nebo pomocí kterékoliv instance obsahující ActivityPub federaci. V instantích s Mastodon nebo Pleroma napište do vyhledávacího pole &lt;strong&gt;@<x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{}}"/>@<x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{}}"/>&lt;/strong&gt; a najděte video. Na přímém komentování se pracuje: &lt;a href=''&gt;#224&lt;/a&gt;.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="17810e68b0ba21e62e61eecfaf0a93b2c91033b4">
+        <source>No comments.</source>
+        <target>Žádné komentáře</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="69c081796209e45e26af91152ec9bd0a65ec261e">
+        <source>View all <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ comment.totalReplies }}"/> replies</source>
+        <target>Zobrazit všech <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ comment.totalReplies }}"/> odpovědí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">56</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7fccd922d6473725247ed85a9fdf96fe6794828">
+        <source>
+    Comments are disabled.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Komentáře k tomuto video nejsou povoleny.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">65</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="db79255cb8757e9e945ba5f901a2b67e4189016e">
+        <source>Add comment...</source>
+        <target>Přidat komentář...</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="26fa50ba8e69b53162b348d98e25f8b76c81343e">
+        <source>
+      Post comment
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Odeslat komentář
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a607fab03e11b0e07c1640e11a1b02d7af06b285">
+        <source>Highlighted comment</source>
+        <target>Zvýrazněné komentáře</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">5</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cb23d4d98007aa4d7123837f4c17a671848377d6">
+        <source>Reply</source>
+        <target>Odpovědět</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">14</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="814d28bf9dcbd3122254e664b446ac8e0442bc08">
+        <source>Error getting about from server</source>
+        <target>Chyba při získávání popisu</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="37b56526e384f843a15323dc730b484a97b4c968">
+        <source>No description</source>
+        <target>Žádný popis</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2f03e577e8f81a9f8be0095f93e1f9376c6eedc9">
+        <source>Published videos</source>
+        <target>Publikovaná videa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="369ef5e9c0dd1251abdbf699a5db408bca10777f">
+        <source>Published <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{totalVideos}}"/> videos</source>
+        <target>Publikováno <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{totalVideos}}"/> videí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6080b77234e92ad41bb52653b239c4c4f851317d">
+        <source>Error</source>
+        <target>Chyba</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="27a71a0aee65258179e90ecf0841c0a68f95beed">
+        <source>You set custom <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{customizationsText}}"/>. </source>
+        <target>Nastaveno vlastní <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{customizationsText}}"/>. </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="865bc18d22e223101ede0916967ead0abd515d0e">
+        <source>This could lead to security issues or bugs if you do not understand it. </source>
+        <target>Tato akce může vést k bezpečnostním problémům nebo chybám, pokud jí nerozumíte.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="262e18b2efb5912651684a522fc08d77c99972d0">
+        <source>Are you sure you want to update the configuration?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete aktualizovat nastavení?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1ae0ab69f5c19d179282c8d882fd2f3c00e29119">
+        <source>Please type</source>
+        <target>Prosím napište</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="75f4bb68ee4c6b282abfd9d8d32be22c6202794d">
+        <source>to confirm.</source>
+        <target>pro potvrzení.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1e035e6ccfab771cad4226b2ad230cb0d4a88cba">
+        <source>Success</source>
+        <target>Úspěšně</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b9e64712e3e5c342ce9cd32eec6cd7d6c00f4048">
+        <source>Configuration updated.</source>
+        <target>Nastavení aktualizováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fc5731a28a99b25c62d43333ceebb250d60aff84">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/> is not valid</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/> není platný</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e02f50674f1d96966384dc096beb42d4973997df">
+        <source>You need to specify hosts to follow.</source>
+        <target>Specifikujte odebírané instance.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2a114eb000e7c38e8ad4b1768821bdf6e946d71">
+        <source>Hosts need to be unique.</source>
+        <target>Instance musí být unikátní.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6718d6aaf5bcd1692eed48daa61d2bed62c1f50">
+        <source>If you confirm, you will send a follow request to:<x id="LINE_BREAK" ctype="lb" equiv-text="&lt;br/&gt;"/> - </source>
+        <target>Potvrzením odešlete požadavek na odběr z instance: <x id="LINE_BREAK" ctype="lb" equiv-text="&lt;br/&gt;"/> - </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1266acb081ef0324c4a38ae2d514dd75d8b38409">
+        <source>Follow new server(s)</source>
+        <target>Odebírat nové servery</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="950f5111d567e5c0e971f07c26e8c2be1d919a8e">
+        <source>Follow request(s) sent!</source>
+        <target>Požadavek odeslán!</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5729c34a858c78daa1aa606f62a3665527cf97e6">
+        <source>Do you really want to unfollow <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/>?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete zrušit odběr <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/>?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a89875525c82ab81ffe32e481a5475b43d0c2902">
+        <source>Unfollow</source>
+        <target>Zrušit odběr</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fb4e35e2b0ea2abc1f71295a4b34830e57c07bd0">
+        <source>You are not following <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/> anymore.</source>
+        <target>Už dále neodebíráte <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{host}}"/>.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f995df052a1dfc675c2a21926420a707d9601936">
+        <source>Following</source>
+        <target>Odebíráno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d29764bcbaad3ef69b6be92be35bdf25972ce246">
+        <source>Follow</source>
+        <target>Odebírat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9bee670725966ed477b4c33a545c8b5436b0065e">
+        <source>Followers</source>
+        <target>Odběratelé</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aa6fb95c355f172bda303de1ce2f38c251a149cf">
+        <source>Unlimited</source>
+        <target>Neomezeně</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="364463fab6c5714118d6449561a0f8de1cc10bfa">
+        <source>User <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> created.</source>
+        <target>Uživatel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> vytvořen.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="964865a3cd90b4af99902f071644a4b2aede4c32">
+        <source>User <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> updated.</source>
+        <target>Uživatel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> aktualizován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9910122dfedd2eaa544a990f1430e5b82a76d99f">
+        <source>Update user</source>
+        <target>Aktualizovat uživatele</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="911fc197949e47aa5f0541627bc319f59edd9d11">
+        <source>You cannot delete root.</source>
+        <target>Uživatel root nelze odstranit.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9ef88654aab4b2df4fa2083f33caa0c5419c1a60">
+        <source>Do you really want to delete this user?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto uživatele?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="28220fae6799ab98ef6b41af449aa9680082357a">
+        <source>User <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> deleted.</source>
+        <target>Uživatel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> odstraněn.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4733ad1d7e63960438c0203b9a64f165b5fc84f2">
+        <source>Do you really want to remove this video from the blacklist ? It will be available again in the videos list.</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odebrat toto video z černé listiny? Tato akce jej učiní znovu dostupným v seznamu videí.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1585babc36806e20e225ac27dbba0e7c7cd09e0f">
+        <source>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{name}}"/> removed from the blacklist.</source>
+        <target>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{name}}"/> odebráno z černé listiny.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2db8f1f93a5485c32267762a3bf4da499832e732">
+        <source>The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond.</source>
+        <target>Nové heslo a jeho potvrzení nesouhlasí.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="19508af0dfbc685cbf10cf02061bb5a0f423b6fc">
+        <source>Password updated.</source>
+        <target>Heslo aktualizováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="db4ff52375f6a25ad0472e92754c8c265ae47c6b">
+        <source>Profile updated.</source>
+        <target>Profil aktualizován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1e003ad599ef836949b9f4dad3037a58ef3ff8d1">
+        <source>Avatar changed.</source>
+        <target>Avatar změněn.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="214b802dfd6f544003147a7a68938ec1055c8f32">
+        <source>Information updated.</source>
+        <target>Informace aktualizovány.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3ef8bf973a9a481a08c6f0aaa875f0259b3ea645">
+        <source>Video channel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> created.</source>
+        <target>Video kanál <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> vytvořen.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="70a67e04629f6d412db0a12d51820b480788d795">
+        <source>Create</source>
+        <target>Vytvořit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="98ab64f0af924a60a48b40835c1b655bd17c6559">
+        <source>Video channel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> updated.</source>
+        <target>Video kanál <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> aktualizován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d5adc9efad0469fc3e1503d68c4ec2ff4453a814">
+        <source>Do you really want to delete <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/>? It will delete all videos uploaded in this channel too.</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odstranit <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/>? Tato akce odstraní i veškerá videa na tomto kanálu.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="703dee7f3e693f9c77ef17c46f9fa71999609f8e">
+        <source>Please type the name of the video channel to confirm</source>
+        <target>Prosím, napište název tohoto kanálu pro potvrzení</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a81a33275b683729ad938b6102e7e34a057537a2">
+        <source>Video channel <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> deleted.</source>
+        <target>Video kanál <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoChannelName}}"/> odstraněn.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="00e16d1f1c5cc936ec0881cd02cbf66aa1b4cddd">
+        <source>Do you really want to delete <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{deleteLength}}"/> videos?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odstranit <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{deleteLength}}"/> videí?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dff7d4574cfaa785cbd4c0a5ffb5befec19a5d83">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{deleteLength}}"/> videos deleted.</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{deleteLength}}"/> videí odstraněno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4ec5852c869b2fb4ae0e564b51278d7be8013fc7">
+        <source>Do you really want to delete <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/>?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odstranit <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/>?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d39a0bfa616a9a8473b2e379eefe17d8ed1af118">
+        <source>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/> deleted.</source>
+        <target>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/> odstraněno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9f3264feed4935008861c15d81c947124e4ac3">
+        <source>Published</source>
+        <target>Publikováno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8e6d54c4f760d9e90518eef5334211c48c0b71e2">
+        <source>Publication scheduled on </source>
+        <target>Publikování naplánováno na </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4a7e91ebe1cf184db5f2bfecf9c16ff81c9e2c02">
+        <source>Waiting transcoding</source>
+        <target>Čekající překódování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="21f1c9d5c67346c830aced4f670045fcf0aeb83a">
+        <source>To transcode</source>
+        <target>K překódování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="edeaa933b09690523e46977e11064e9c655d77d7">
+        <source>Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{errorText}}"/>.
+        <target>&gt;Nelze získat OAuth Client pověření: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{errorText}}"/>.
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8d9b4f4b69108c3c9aa0f3b0dbde87786ba9b319">
+        <source>Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section.</source>
+        <target>Ujistěte se, že máte správně nakonfigurovaný PeerTube (config/ adresář), obzvláště "webserver" sekci.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e31bbf15d6ba5c7c0f17f89a98029cff0bd40b87">
+        <source>You need to reconnect.</source>
+        <target>Musíte se znovu připojit.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="68e710782ccb5398b3acb8844caf0b199da2c3da">
+        <source>Confirm</source>
+        <target>Potvrdit</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4fe245955c7ec7d53a4236fda7a985edcb63124c">
+        <source>An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ email }}"/>.</source>
+        <target>Email s instrukcemi pro reset hesla byl zaslán na <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ email }}"/>.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ccbf0490fb6b60d21e03bb2c9003df0ce1a58752">
+        <source>Unable to find user id or verification string.</source>
+        <target>Nelze najít uživatelovo id nebo verifikační řetězec.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b0f24b7136e551a0deba831f1525711245b31a26">
+        <source>Your password has been successfully reset!</source>
+        <target>Vaše heslo bylo úspěšně resetováno!</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b67c8e57904c67c4566610363b7f82c748d04323">
+        <source>Instance name is required.</source>
+        <target>Jméno instance je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="10a248adb1ee12830355a04ac3cde2bad2d41d7d">
+        <source>Short description should not be longer than 250 characters.</source>
+        <target>Krátký popis by neměl přesahovat 250 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="356e63270712273da168072ec0fc78a969919bf1">
+        <source>Twitter username is required.</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno pro Twitter je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dbb2ef02020afc05e146855f2e1dd7c9522d49b6">
+        <source>Previews cache size is required.</source>
+        <target>Mezipaměť pro náhledy je vyžadována.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="97836c6e698185b4ce357de9d4b2ab3e838f2459">
+        <source>Previews cache size must be greater than 1.</source>
+        <target>Velikost nezipaměti pro náhledy musí být větší než 1.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e7393dc4a4aa12d005582eb9e1ddc7e5ca5bebd3">
+        <source>Previews cache size must be a number.</source>
+        <target>Velikost mezipaměti pro náhledy musí být číslo.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2cdd5a8c604ef16c2f9a17ed81d73f4f9509e828">
+        <source>Signup limit is required.</source>
+        <target>Limit registrací je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0ca9f7ec55c9896add6e82d2b52e9217e1140cf7">
+        <source>Signup limit must be greater than 1.</source>
+        <target>Limit registrací musí být větší než 1.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="58c2f66ba74f1400914031ef4ed635938e9e8ced">
+        <source>Signup limit must be a number.</source>
+        <target>Limit registrací musí být číslo.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1245841647f9b42d3e7554903c1c50bdd80ab021">
+        <source>Admin email is required.</source>
+        <target>Email administrátora je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3fd2feb77dfe57fe82573e3cdf996105e2fafc66">
+        <source>Admin email must be valid.</source>
+        <target>Email administrátora musí být platný.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f15f2e02b1f6a96553e98ea4a969045d17ec1400">
+        <source>Transcoding threads is required.</source>
+        <target>Počet vláken pro překódování je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba88636d27c1a6a7e1f75ff57ec182b30b851c2e">
+        <source>Transcoding threads must be greater than 1.</source>
+        <target>Počet vláken pro překódování musí být větší než 1.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5db300f6fba918a35597160183205ede13e8e149">
+        <source>Username is required.</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4eb39d69b74d7a56652ec84fa6826994ee26c0e5">
+        <source>Password is required.</source>
+        <target>Heslo je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c90872a06666a51c2957c4b29724e68df5c67154">
+        <source>Confirmation of the password is required.</source>
+        <target>Potvrzení hesla je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="05ad6b99d9bf7b51968aa0b0b939e8627a329bea">
+        <source>Username must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d4b11fd0ddeea39b33f911d3aac1e82799cdaaef">
+        <source>Username cannot be more than 20 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno nemůže být delší než 20 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5acbe0aa7a7157b1f09057a98ba01ab578a303a9">
+        <source>Username should be only lowercase alphanumeric characters.</source>
+        <target>Uživatelské jméno by mělo obsahovat pouze malá písmena a číslice.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b6f52e19f074f77866fa03fabe1ddd5cdae346f0">
+        <source>Email is required.</source>
+        <target>Email je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bef8a36c3dffff15fb5faf3d20bdbbbc1af824c1">
+        <source>Email must be valid.</source>
+        <target>Email musí být platný.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1fe26e49476ac701885abc59127e96a3760847f0">
+        <source>Password must be at least 6 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Heslo musí mít délku minimálně 6 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0a154031f3e66985af96d5f903441cf84f0dc75e">
+        <source>Password cannot be more than 255 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Heslo nemůže být delší než 255 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="abede840116d58f04a55d99a6cbd68da8a3e1bbf">
+        <source>Video quota is required.</source>
+        <target>Limit na videa je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="93a6dc1d3aa0d3201c86ef1ec8adf5cf0ada3c80">
+        <source>Quota must be greater than -1.</source>
+        <target>Limit na videa musí být větší než -1.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="545e77fd5d9526228a2133109447c23225ed9c85">
+        <source>User role is required.</source>
+        <target>Role uživatele je vyžadována.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1c417b7aef730d6ef5d62fa8a0a7e25e3a2393e4">
+        <source>Display name is required.</source>
+        <target>Zobrazované jméno je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bdeb1a8e69e137572df795d64120ea85069b7674">
+        <source>Display name must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Zobrazované jméno musí mít delku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e81bda510399d52f26a44a15c3dbf4d6205d90a9">
+        <source>Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Zobrazované jméno nesmí být delší než 120 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d531c2261dc0c2739bd7cbb2bb175946b7eeb3ae">
+        <source>Description must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Popis musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="916a6e4fd83ece1dc54c6135eb3b8cd064b4bac3">
+        <source>Description cannot be more than 250 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Popis nesmí být delší než 250 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b3cf1889d2fdd6b15e697c270c9b80772fe2cae6">
+        <source>Report reason is required.</source>
+        <target>Důvod nahlášení je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="993f9f5703d449a1d467243db75253d288a2947e">
+        <source>Report reason must be at least 2 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Důvod nahlášení musí mít délku minimálně 2 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7de2178ed1036844fb1c3ad8b7899a039fcdcdb9">
+        <source>Report reason cannot be more than 300 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Důvod nahlášení nesmí být delší než 300 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fac936be125163a8494f3d7e7f21d65c7e4f1ff6">
+        <source>Description cannot be more than 500 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Popis nesmí být delší než 500 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e7182e21e9566cc81c83f92727461322f71fd69b">
+        <source>Support text must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Text pro podporu musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3fe80c71378e127dda2dda9dbcd66b059d362813">
+        <source>Support text cannot be more than 500 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Text pro podporu nesmí být delší než 500 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6ca60e0f6dfbc0073b0514bce7d273150b0b9e79">
+        <source>Comment is required.</source>
+        <target>Komentář je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f5a94cae76685e72f33541b977efdd7845cb0ed6">
+        <source>Comment must be at least 2 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Komentář musí mít délku minimálně 2 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7c194080446ee6901fd17a8b8648534ffe98b123">
+        <source>Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Komentář nesmí být delší než 3000 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cdc51eaeab88683610a28af8645cf91d136b39e1">
+        <source>Video name is required.</source>
+        <target>Jméno videa je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c27cc734f76efd221663921dd0898ea7c8bcbb5c">
+        <source>Video name must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Jméno videa musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0320d0f7f8eec2341e27ca53d7875217a3d99695">
+        <source>Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Jméno videa nesmí být delší než 120 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a627c58cf1849d7d838696e7f36c1bae1a8b31a4">
+        <source>Video privacy is required.</source>
+        <target>Ochrana soukromí videa je vyžadována.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="97afb789c1ab09074495d49aaadb92a1c3e71a16">
+        <source>Video channel is required.</source>
+        <target>Video kanál je vyžadován.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="af5e2d5f3ac817c735fb7ff9ca16322789f66fef">
+        <source>Video description must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Popis videa musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ce28a9403c2d7e5da2e59af27118f8b6d109e906">
+        <source>Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Popis videa nesmí být delší než 10000 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f1cffdc2e156716cd9880201d65ba457d11464f8">
+        <source>A tag should be more than 2 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Tag musí mít délku minimálně 2 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="34a0811f9a2a7366cc9efcdad52ea59b105326ea">
+        <source>A tag should be less than 30 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Tag nesmí být delší než 30 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="665092574f9af9fec262f8349b67b14192391ae6">
+        <source>Video support must be at least 3 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Text pro podporu videa musí mít délku minimálně 3 znaky.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e61f1c05121fa5effa6ccddf5be6dcf1c822ff4b">
+        <source>Video support cannot be more than 500 characters long.</source>
+        <target>Text pro podporu videa nesmí být delší než 500 znaků.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="453413bf387dea681958871319bab489dd5e6ec0">
+        <source>A date is required to schedule video update.</source>
+        <target>Datum k naplánování aktualizace videa je vyžadováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0bf41abaa85526711f7952b4600e4044bc7f04a4">
+        <source>All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?</source>
+        <target>Všechna neuložená data budou ztracena, opravdu chcete opustit tuto stránku?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a8059e31694578c1b0344a76a345357dd60e8f01">
+        <source>Warning</source>
+        <target>Varování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8339364b054610983b7f2334bb807fff7613bddf">
+        <source>Sunday</source>
+        <target>neděle</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a43c57a7cbebf57eb33a2eae5e994c91d9887596">
+        <source>Monday</source>
+        <target>pondělí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="48a2a35957ce394eb2c59ae35c99642360af70ee">
+        <source>Tuesday</source>
+        <target>úterý</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b0af441f9ba8b82952b9ec10fb8c62e8fec67df9">
+        <source>Wednesday</source>
+        <target>středa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="55c583b99c809818ec27df065ccf05357a6ac10b">
+        <source>Thursday</source>
+        <target>čtvrtek</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e91b54925dc5f490753f60f53ef6f8b4609e6215">
+        <source>Friday</source>
+        <target>pátek</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c0d2dd391a3eca8e841a5d0e035cd268280eb68e">
+        <source>Saturday</source>
+        <target>sobota</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6549890cd0d6b59fb0e1aa383b00483a68a55eef">
+        <source>Sun</source>
+        <target>Ne</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3382aa5d7f520e197fb59a4995fe1beffca2d0ff">
+        <source>Mon</source>
+        <target>Po</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f883ec926274974df0fc46c037cbffd6a863ebc9">
+        <source>Tue</source>
+        <target>Út</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="242b4f4b5651e24f9a9007ef153a57981e4b989d">
+        <source>Wed</source>
+        <target>St</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5a2c39d56b8f00a6a4670a63b53caacbda953be6">
+        <source>Thu</source>
+        <target>Čt</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4cdf23d523a0e52e0dec9cd650ffd9bd6952792c">
+        <source>Fri</source>
+        <target>Pá</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1283d165a942d7f4c469ba34f99dbb9e927d0261">
+        <source>Sat</source>
+        <target>So</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2fba8448ff13105c57665a9a6ffcfe9615d855dd">
+        <source>Su</source>
+        <target>ne</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="388144af7ac7651d2615b9be0e84f43ae71d9fb3">
+        <source>Mo</source>
+        <target>po</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d96313e42b5f0751ce2676a31d309b4d322ab462">
+        <source>Tu</source>
+        <target>út</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="06cc3d39f78c0615b707cef39cd4875599611fef">
+        <source>We</source>
+        <target>st</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="790894436cca9d675d59be9a8aafd58acccde2cd">
+        <source>Th</source>
+        <target>čt</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="42dfe37169f8471367c31489155229bbe1747ea5">
+        <source>Fr</source>
+        <target>pá</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1b64ea3e04ceeb512e8974eb0019dee4f211c7a0">
+        <source>Sa</source>
+        <target>so</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e7815f1c4a6d3cc157a16407a48865023cc35ec0">
+        <source>January</source>
+        <target>leden</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0393a96b58df82af39a2ec83deec624749e42036">
+        <source>February</source>
+        <target>únor</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ea41ee3743ec5bdbbf863ab793bbdd6e6d9af96e">
+        <source>March</source>
+        <target>březen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b87ee784d9e93b5557aca9bdc9464dbd4328920a">
+        <source>April</source>
+        <target>duben</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="862da1034ac2707cc44123ed963b2f42109b6b3e">
+        <source>May</source>
+        <target>květen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2f234249d4c3c39e27c0f05d4a6b73a7959caeb2">
+        <source>June</source>
+        <target>červen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="11447f95e83c8de675ab6c492150f88e4d9bd15e">
+        <source>July</source>
+        <target>červenec</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ddd9a3d59a8db4e822e54e9473c05b571aca9829">
+        <source>August</source>
+        <target>srpen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e21dc41f9b3fdaf35ab6b2d9e2e5e8a926fb1938">
+        <source>September</source>
+        <target>září</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="71f49c502d13e22079a958a5532afa28dbe98b3b">
+        <source>October</source>
+        <target>říjen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64b5ce921faa5e3d277d6d528ddcfc8c2bfe9f52">
+        <source>November</source>
+        <target>listopad</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2006e2aabb31714ebc684dc382539649f690ed5c">
+        <source>December</source>
+        <target>prosinec</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8270e687cfb5624b3f6fbb7991a2e916c96464b7">
+        <source>Jan</source>
+        <target>led</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="23544170afbb981dd52750b641576841cf5dcf60">
+        <source>Feb</source>
+        <target>úno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1f14355742459b7d6a0126a1564e1c18f39f86e7">
+        <source>Mar</source>
+        <target>bře</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="964a5f032bc846d32806a4838580a4f81cf14463">
+        <source>Apr</source>
+        <target>dub</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8f7274f606f71d9290ed01c5683092d701632d7f">
+        <source>Jun</source>
+        <target>čer</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7c3d8318d6d8d9920ae0a80350616732c33a3211">
+        <source>Jul</source>
+        <target>čvc</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="be1335ffd1c606321e2c020b638dd3c84b434212">
+        <source>Aug</source>
+        <target>srp</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4f739d03be1c936c58978739c317d91566348204">
+        <source>Sep</source>
+        <target>zář</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6607cacb987a588530a13de7018d959240d19153">
+        <source>Oct</source>
+        <target>říj</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e597400ded12a366855615e18fcc8f9ac05b72e0">
+        <source>Nov</source>
+        <target>lis</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="adf2dfa2a9cb490d6a4a74510b7b0846b62d429e">
+        <source>Dec</source>
+        <target>pro</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7fb1099e29660162f9154d5b2feee7743a423df6">
+        <source>Today</source>
+        <target>Dnes</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="99ee4faa69cd2ea8e3678c1f557c0ff1f05aae46">
+        <source>Clear</source>
+        <target>Vymazat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8fb519ba47ea7806beeacdcd44829d85a2aa0cc5">
+        <source>yy-mm-dd </source>
+        <target></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0b2054a863319d2cf59867addd125b6717cae41d">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> years ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> lety</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e622d3813449fe36371ea258281059306819199d">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> months ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> měsíci</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2f8a5a5f7efb521d7d89dc659ff65dd13cb7b17b">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> month ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> měsícem</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1d1a46543a29096d3c6676be2d561380a0bc94e1">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> weeks ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> týdny</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e1db0b98b6cdf817508195f3649c48475c32ae7e">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> week ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> týdnem</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a7654c3ece96e777527606f1c2870d6ee0b180f7">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> days ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> dny</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5b465235ae55091d32535e23dd180c407f1352d1">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> day ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> dnem</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dc7addf53bd6405a9c746db6dfca665c33679a84">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> hours ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> hodinami</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d54a610250ed38efccf0e3afdd0004f6ad83ea8d">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> hour ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> hodinou</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9704e5e3adce178c127ead05f7057d3fb827308a">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> min ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> minutami</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7a158a7555a44ea7eff9fa4988df9aa24d262ceb">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> sec ago</source>
+        <target>před <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{interval}}"/> sekundami</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="457f161d3ca706b8de263b0cd58e493d54e7d4c5">
+        <source><x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>Markdown<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> compatible that supports:</source>
+        <target><x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>Markdown<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> kompatibilní a podporuje:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ab4426b60f13c00b61d6b714d390dc629f314980">
+        <source>Emphasis</source>
+        <target>Styly písma</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dc60677d5a906e69f38a5cf9da7f2eb03931bea0">
+        <source>Links</source>
+        <target>Odkazy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="80220239e07f36ea8d5f10118dc52ce4b13bc15a">
+        <source>New lines</source>
+        <target>Odřádkování</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b15e7bec5c7833d2d9634946ccbed68967b1bee1">
+        <source>Lists</source>
+        <target>Seznamy</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b73f7f5060fb22a1e9ec462b1bb02493fa3ab866">
+        <source>Images</source>
+        <target>Obrázky</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0c0f5bbcd2386018ec057877f9d3c5c2c9880cac">
+        <source>Request is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size.</source>
+        <target>Požadavek je příliš velký. Prosím, kontaktujte administrátor pro navýšení limitu.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="58546fd4d14b2d9635ce3d28c216ac68587bb25b">
+        <source>Too many attempts, please try again after <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{minutesLeft}}"/> minutes.</source>
+        <target>Příliš mnoho pokusů, zkuste to prosím znovu za <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{minutesLeft}}"/> minut.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ab783a52f2df9ff7a20139cab0da6d0764f3cc5d">
+        <source>Too many attempts, please try again later.</source>
+        <target>Příliš mnoho pokusů, zkuste to prosím později.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="0f286a597f0053c3578a52e044769c204ee516fc">
+        <source>Server error. Please retry later.</source>
+        <target>Chyba serveru. Zkuste to prosím později.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="20deec13d8d4ff199aa04318818ca44dab0585be">
+        <source>Registration for <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> complete.</source>
+        <target>Registrace <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{username}}"/> dokončena.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7296e9f7cc4956b6d57c541728b0826e76d108ba">
+        <source>~ <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{minutes}}"/> <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural, =1 {...} other {...}}"/></source>
+        <target>~ <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{minutes}}"/> <x id="ICU" equiv-text="{minutes, plural, =1 {...} other {...}}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cf9ddbb55b25178660e09346209aedc10108aa24">
+        <source>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {minute} other {minutes} }</source>
+        <target>{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {minute} other {minutes} }</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="10ffa5c3dbcee491d66f80d8d4dce3e119a6ec86">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> of full HD videos</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> FullHD videí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="344ddae9f45b344e98e7b28cd5e33243982700f8">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> of HD videos</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> HD videí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="435c012df6dd990a1ccb7ee73dd79c488bde28b5">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> of average quality videos</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{seconds}}"/> videí průměrné kvality</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6d0fdbf0a14c9ac51e12b52f8781152ba5c87793">
+        <source>This image is too large.</source>
+        <target>Tento obrázek je moc velký.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1e876f14d96cdf3b334c080fe795a2e0ab53aa3a">
+        <source>Your video was uploaded in your account and is private.</source>
+        <target>Video bylo nahráno na váš účet a nyní je nastaveno jako soukromé.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="24840228f2826b66252cfcaab9820b1c7e0da264">
+        <source>But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page?</source>
+        <target>Přiřazená data (tagy, popis...) budou ztraceny, opravdu chcete opustit tuto stránku?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5af84926d631326e548573ebf0f6dff07845aeb4">
+        <source>Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page?</source>
+        <target>Video ještě nebylo nahráno, opravdu chcete opustit tuto stránku?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="321e4419a943044e674beb55b8039f42a9761ca5">
+        <source>Info</source>
+        <target>Info</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c5cb19aeb6447deda40cc1227ceca1359ab955e9">
+        <source>Upload cancelled</source>
+        <target>Nahrávání zrušeno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8b7132ca8401e9b847c242dc9a6b63cc63a80a74">
+        <source>We are sorry but PeerTube cannot handle videos &gt; 4GB</source>
+        <target>Omlouváme se, ale PeerTube nedokáže zpracovat videa větší než 4GB</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d31d39e8ee9b2f20bffb3468ee062eaa5409c59f">
+        <source>Your video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoSize }}"/>, used: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ videoQuotaUsed }}"/>, quota: <x id="INTERPOLATION_2" equiv-text="{{ videoQuota }}"/>)</source>
+        <target>Váš limit na videa byl překročen tímto videem (velikost videa: <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ videoSize }}"/>, použito: <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ videoQuotaUsed }}"/>, limit: <x id="INTERPOLATION_2" equiv-text="{{ videoQuota }}"/>)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="972fc644f847cf84e4732ec012915c4cdaf865ce">
+        <source>Video published.</source>
+        <target>Video publikováno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="757e9c083c8f3d578bd74f055cc337c72417e187">
+        <source>Video updated.</source>
+        <target>Video aktualizováno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aeb61b334cac080733c3e03766165a346bbf42fd">
+        <source> <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{totalReplies}}"/> replies will be deleted too.</source>
+        <target> <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{totalReplies}}"/> odpovědí bude také odstraněno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fa2601e52cbf5725a13d33fe14458823b882ea50">
+        <source>Video reported.</source>
+        <target>Video nahlášeno.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ef90545bc832876c0d7f9a10363c75137472bbb5">
+        <source>Copied</source>
+        <target>Zkopírováno</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="23b2c2f4dd69e29c3bff00469e259dcb01de5633">
+        <source>Do you really want to blacklist this video?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete přidat toto video na černou listinu?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="cafd8ec6020e69f241a107b1cb7081bd9e773d4e">
+        <source>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/> had been blacklisted.</source>
+        <target>Video <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{videoName}}"/> bylo přidáno na černou listinu.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f1abd89c9280323209e939fa9c30f6e5cda20c95">
+        <source>Do you really want to delete this video?</source>
+        <target>Opravdu chcete odstranit toto video?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d5a4811e15319ad9354e1b62e9ca0131192b489e">
+        <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{likesNumber}}"/> likes / <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{dislikesNumber}}"/> dislikes</source>
+        <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{likesNumber}}"/> se to líbí / <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{dislikesNumber}}"/> se to nelíbí</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4a400b174208188dcb46f2c23f4af9accfabaa3f">
+        <source>Cannot fetch video from server, maybe down.</source>
+        <target>Nelze získat video ze serveru.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ed013c2c29216501c688e9cb5f3a1c9fd9147b71">
+        <source>This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?</source>
+        <target>Toto video obsahuje citlivý materiál. Opravdu jej chcete přehrát?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5ba3d522e4146eefcbd5c222247c1e2423d27cd8">
+        <source>Mature or explicit content</source>
+        <target>Obsahuje citlivý materiál</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7e892ba15f2c6c17e83510e273b3e10fc32ea016">
+        <source>Search</source>
+        <target>Hledat</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
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+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
+        <source>Password</source>
+        <target>Passwort</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">28</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
+        <source>Email</source>
+        <target>E-Mail</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="69b6ac577a19acc39fc0c22342092f327fff2529">
+        <source>Email address</source>
+        <target>E-Mail Adresse</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">66</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4499806949402133d08a5029cb5462c5ea25336d">
+        <source>
+    Create an account
+  </source>
+        <target>
+Konto erstellen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="87b6b2c26215c5e712d3bfe4cc86ba53bc23451c">
+        <source>
+      Unlimited
+    </source>
+        <target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="08c74dc9762957593b91f6eb5d65efdfc975bf48">
+        <source>Username</source>
+        <target>Nutzername</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Sprache wechseln</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+Mein Konto</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
+        <source>Login</source>
+        <target>Anmelden</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d207cc1965ec0c29e594e0e9917f39bfc276ed87">
+        <source>Create an account</source>
+        <target>Konto erstellen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">37</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b6b7986bc3721ac483baf20bc9a320529075c807">
+        <source>Trending</source>
+        <target>Trend</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">45</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="004b222ff9ef9dd4771b777950ca1d0e4cd4348a">
+        <source>About</source>
+        <target>Info</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8aa58cf00d949c509df91c621ab38131df0a7599">
+        <source>Search...</source>
+        <target>Suche...</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4b3972c3e9485218508a95f7a4ce7758e3f09ced">
+        <source>Upload</source>
+        <target>Hochladen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c31161d1661884f54fbc5635aad5ce8d4803897e">
+        <source>No results.</source>
+        <target>Keine Ergebnisse</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ff78f059449d44322f627d0f66df07abe476962b">
+        <source>Instance</source>
+        <target>Instanz</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 757 - 6

+ 12 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
-        <target>Cancelar</target>
+        <target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">40</context>
@@ -33,6 +34,16 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+      <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
+        <source>
+    Login
+  </source>
+        <target>
+Iniciar sesión</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="e08a77594f3d89311cdf6da5090044270909c194">

+ 367 - 0

@@ -220,6 +220,46 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Aldatu hizkuntza</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>
+               Nire profil publikoa
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Nire kontua
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Amaitu saioa
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
         <target>Hasi saioa</target>
@@ -304,6 +344,24 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
+        <source>
+  About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <target>
+  <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instantziari buruz
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
@@ -325,6 +383,75 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      instantzia honek <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> eskaintzen ditu erabiltzaileen bideoetarako oinarrizko kuota gisa.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      instantzia honek mugagabeko espazioa eskaintzen du bere erabiltzaileen bideoetarako.     </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+Erabiltzaile berriek izena ematea ez da onartzen orain.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
+        <source>
+  About PeerTube
+        <target>PeerTube-ri buruz</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
+        <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
+        <target>PeerTube federatutako (ActivityPub) bideo banaketarako plataforma bat da, zuzenean web nabigatzailean P2P (BitTorrent) darabilena</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
+        <source>
+    It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Software libre eta kode irekikoa da, <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 lizentzia<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> du.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
+        <source>
+    For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Informazio gehiagorako bisitatu <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
         <target>P2P eta pribatutasuna</target>
@@ -332,6 +459,225 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+      <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
+    This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube-k BitTorrent protokoloa darabil banda-zabalera erabiltzaileen artean elkarbanatzeko.
+    Honek esan nahi duThis implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
+        <source>What are the consequences?</source>
+        <target>Zein dira ondorioak?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
+        <source>
+    In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
+    In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Teorian, teknikoki nahiko dakien batek IP bakoitza ze bideo ikusten dagoen jakiteko script bat idatzi lezake.
+    Praktikan hau zailagoa da::
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
+        <source>
+      An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
+      If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+    </source>
+        <target>
+     HTTP eskari bat bidali behar zaio tracker bakoitzari miatu nahi den bideo bakoitzeko.
+      PeerTubeko bideo guztiak miatzeko dauden bideo beste HTTP eskari bidali beharko lirateke (asko dira)
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
+        <source>
+      For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
+      For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Bidalitako eskari bakoitzeko, tracker-ak ausaz aukeratutako berdinen mugatutako kopuru bat bidaltzen du.
+      Adibidez 1000 berdin badaude eta tracker-ak eskariko 20 bidaltzen baditu 50 eskari behar dira gutxienez berdin guztiak ezagutzeko
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
+        <source>
+      Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Eskari hauek etengabe bidali behar dira bideo bat nor ikusten ari den jakiteko. Portaera mota hori erraz antzematen da
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
+        <source>
+      If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      IP helbide bat tracker-en gordeta egoteak, ez du esan nahi IP horren antzean dagoen pertsona (baldin eta existitzen bada) bideoa ikusi duenik
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
+        <source>
+      The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      IP helbidea ez da informazio zehatz bat: aldakorra da eta hainbat pertsona edo erakunde adierazi liteke
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c5e62151cca9610f4248c9616909f7acaf5e5a32">
+        <source>
+      Web peers are not directly sent by the tracker: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+      When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to.
+      See <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>this document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> for more information
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Web bitarteko berdinak ez ditu tracker-ak bidaltzen zuzenean, web nabigatzailean  WebRTC  erabiltzen dugulako, protokoloa BitTorrent klasikotik apur bat aldentzen da.
+      Web nabigatzaile batean zaudenean, zure IP helbidea barne hartzen duen seinale bidaltzen diozu tracker-ari eta ausaz aukeratuko ditu beste berin batzuk IP helbidea hara bidaltzeko.
+      Irakurri <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>dokumentu hau<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> informazio gehiagorako
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50d8e8388f5ceab292850ed828f306c9f2cab389">
+        <source>
+    The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
+    There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Inor bere lagunak miatzea kasu ez da oso gertagarria.
+    Badaude informazio mota hori lortzeko modu errazagoak.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7801222ec2b04de2f61d3ff01d18a04bfa17505">
+        <source>How does PeerTube compares to YouTube?</source>
+        <target>Zein da PeerTube eta YouTube-ren arteko aldea?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2432705cbabcb92a8677338901dd5d655383ef4c">
+        <source>
+    The threats to privacy in YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
+    In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
+    Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Pribatutasunari mehatxua desberdina da YouTube-n eta PeerTube-n.
+    YouTube-ren kasuan, plataformak zure informazio pertsonal eta datu mordoa metatzen ditu (es soilik zure IP-a) hauek aztertu eta zure jarraipena egiteko.
+    Are gehiago, YouTube Google/Alphabet enpresarena da, eta konpainia honek zure jarraipena webgune ugarien bitartez egiten du (AdSense edo Google Analytics bidez).
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">69</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
+        <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
+        <target>Zer egin dezaket nire IP helbidearen ikusgaitasuna mugatzeko?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
+        <source>
+    Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
+    PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
+    Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Zure IP helbidea publikoa da webgune bat bisitatzen duzun guztietan eta hainbatek ikusten dute (webgunea beraz gain) zure IP helbidea bere konexio egunkarietan: Hornitzailea, bideratzaileak, datu-zentruak, eta abar.
+    PeerTube gardena da honetan: ohartzen dizugu IP-a pribatu mantendu nahi baduzu VPN bat edo Tor nabigatzailea erabili behar dituzula.
+    PeerTube-tik P2P kentzeak pribatutasuna emango dizula pentsatzeak ez du zentzurik.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
+        <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
+        <target>Zer egingo da arazo hau gutxiagotzeko?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
+    In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube beta-n dago, eta ahalik eta babes onena ezartzeko gogoa dugu kaleratzen denerako.
+    Bitartean hainbat ideia saiatu nahi ditugu honetarako:
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
+        <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
+        <target>Tracker-ak bidaltzen dituen berdin kopurua mugatzea</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
+        <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Tracker-ak jasotzen dituen eskarien maitasuna mugatzea (probetan orain)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
+        <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Ezohiko eskariak badaude abisu ematea (probetan orain)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
+        <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
+        <target>P2P desgaitzea administrazio paneletik</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
+        <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
+        <target>Bideoen erredundantzia programa automatiko bat: ez genuke jakingo bideoa deskargatu duen IP-a nahita ala automatikoki egin duen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> harpidedun</target>
@@ -672,6 +1018,13 @@ Markatu kutxa hau, gorde konfigurazioa eta probatu zure instantziako bideo URL b
           <context context-type="linenumber">276</context>
+      <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
+        <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
+        <target>Konfigurazioa baliogabea dela dirudi. Bilatu zer egon daitekeen gaizki fitxa desberdinetan begiratuz.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">277</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
@@ -1416,6 +1769,13 @@ Ezin izan dugu bilatzen duzun orria aurkitu.
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6ac01cebf6f87418b309a83d5ce965d77b4ab740">
+        <source>Torrent (magnet)</source>
+        <target>Torrent (magnet)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="dc75033a5238fdc4f462212c847a45ba8018a3fd">
@@ -3120,6 +3480,13 @@ Ezin izan dugu bilatzen duzun orria aurkitu.
           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6d0fdbf0a14c9ac51e12b52f8781152ba5c87793">
+        <source>This image is too large.</source>
+        <target>Irudi hau handiegia da.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="1e876f14d96cdf3b334c080fe795a2e0ab53aa3a">
         <source>Your video was uploaded in your account and is private.</source>
         <target>Zure bideoa zure kontura igo da eta pribatua da.</target>

+ 376 - 5

@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="76e1f485e6ead4c84b606f46d413878881d66ad3">
         <source>User registration is not allowed on this instance, but you can register on many others!</source>
-        <target>L'enregistrement n'est pas permis sur cette instance, mais vous pouvez vous enregistrer sur beaucoup d'autres !</target>
+        <target>Vous ne pouvez pas créer de compte sur cette instance, mais vous pouvez en créer sur beaucoup d'autres !</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="8bdf8db5eeeaef83184b489b80c1557b516fb3c3">
         <source>Reset my password</source>
-        <target>Remettre à zéro mon mot de passe</target>
+        <target>Réinitialiser mon mot de passe</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">29</context>
@@ -213,14 +213,53 @@
       <trans-unit id="717a5e3574fec754fbeb348c2d5561c4d81facc4">
-        <target>Enregistrement</target>
+        <target>Créer un compte</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Changer la langue</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>
+               Mon profil public
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Mon compte
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Se déconnecter              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
-        <target>Connexion</target>
+        <target>Se connecter</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
@@ -302,6 +341,24 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
+        <source>
+  About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <target>
+  A propos de <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
@@ -318,11 +375,84 @@
       <trans-unit id="9c6e6db693ab265457c6578df179c65694141d27">
         <source>User registration is allowed and</source>
-        <target>L'enregistrement d'utilisateur est autorisé et</target>
+        <target>La création de compte utilisateurs est autorisée et</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      cette instance fournit un quota de base de <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> pour les vidéos de ses utilisateurs.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      cette instance met à disposition de ses utilisateurs un espace de stockage vidéo illimité.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Vous ne pouvez pas créer de comptes utilisateurs pour le moment.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
+        <source>
+  About PeerTube
+        <target>
+  A propos de PeerTube
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
+        <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
+        <target>PeerTube est une plateforme de streaming vidéo fédérée (ActivityPub) qui utilise P2P (WebTorrent) directement depuis le navigateur web.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
+        <source>
+    It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    C'est un logiciel libre et open-source, sous <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
+        <source>
+    For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Pour plus d'informations, merci de visiter <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
         <target>P2P &amp; Vie privée</target>
@@ -330,6 +460,226 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+      <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
+    This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+     PeerTube utilise le protocole BitTorrent afin de répartir l'utilisation de la bande passante entre les utilisateurs. 
+     Cela implique le stockage de votre adresse IP sur le tracker BitTorrent de l'instance utilisée lorsque vous téléchargez ou lorsque vous visionnez la vidéo.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
+        <source>What are the consequences?</source>
+        <target>Quelles sont les conséquences ? </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
+        <source>
+    In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
+    In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    En théorie, quelqu'un ayant suffisamment de compétences techniques pourrait créer un script qui suit quelle IP télécharge quelle vidéo.
+    Dans la pratique, c'est beaucoup plus difficile parce que :
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
+        <source>
+      An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
+      If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Une requête HTTP doit être envoyée sur chaque tracker pour chaque vidéo à espionner.
+      Si nous voulons espionner toutes les vidéos de PeerTube, nous devons envoyer autant de requêtes qu'il y a de vidéos (donc potentiellement beaucoup).
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
+        <source>
+      For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
+      For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Pour chaque requête envoyée, le tracker renvoie des pairs aléatoires en nombre limité.
+      Par exemple, s'il y a 1000 pairs dans l'essaim et que le traqueur n'envoie que 20 pairs pour chaque demande, il doit y avoir au moins 50 demandes envoyées pour connaître tous les pairs de l'essaim
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
+        <source>
+      Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Ces demandes doivent être envoyées régulièrement pour savoir qui commence/arrête de regarder une vidéo. Il est facile de détecter ce genre de comportement.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
+        <source>
+      If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Si une adresse IP est stockée dans le tracker, cela ne veut pas dire que la personne derrière cette IP (si cette personne existe) a vu la vidéo.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
+        <source>
+      The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Une adresse IP est une information assez vague : habituellement, cette adresse change régulièrement et peut représenter de nombreuses personnes ou entités.
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c5e62151cca9610f4248c9616909f7acaf5e5a32">
+        <source>
+      Web peers are not directly sent by the tracker: because we use WebRTC inside the web browser, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent.
+      When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to.
+      See <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>this document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> for more information
+    </source>
+        <target>
+      Les pairs Web ne sont pas envoyés directement par le tracker : parce que nous utilisons WebRTC à l'intérieur du navigateur Web, le protocole est différent de BitTorrent classique.
+      Lorsque vous êtes dans un navigateur Web, vous envoyez un signal contenant votre adresse IP au traqueur qui choisira au hasard d'autres pairs pour transmettre l'information.
+      Voir <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>ce document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/> pour plus d'information
+    </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="50d8e8388f5ceab292850ed828f306c9f2cab389">
+        <source>
+    The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely.
+    There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Le pire scénario où une personne quelconque espionne ses amis est peu probable.
+    Il existe des méthodes beaucoup plus efficaces pour obtenir ce genre d'informations.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">62</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b7801222ec2b04de2f61d3ff01d18a04bfa17505">
+        <source>How does PeerTube compares to YouTube?</source>
+        <target>Quelles sont les différences entre PeerTube et YouTube ?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">67</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2432705cbabcb92a8677338901dd5d655383ef4c">
+        <source>
+    The threats to privacy in YouTube are different from PeerTube's.
+    In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you.
+    Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics).
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Les menaces sur la vie privée sur YouTube sont différentes de celles de PeerTube.
+    Dans le cas de YouTube, la plate-forme recueille une énorme quantité de vos informations personnelles (pas seulement votre adresse IP) pour les analyser et vous tracker.
+    De plus, YouTube est la propriété de Google / Alphabet, une société qui vous suit sur de nombreux sites Web (via AdSense ou Google Analytics).
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">69</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3c2990d5e452bdf2317ff23745db70705d848d99">
+        <source>What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address?</source>
+        <target>Que puis-je faire pour limiter l'exposition de mon adresse IP ?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">75</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
+        <source>
+    Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
+    PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
+    Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    Votre adresse IP est publique, de sorte que chaque fois que vous consultez un site Web, un certain nombre d'acteurs (en plus du site Web final) voient votre IP dans leurs journaux de connexion : FAI (Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet) / routeurs / trackers / RDC (réseau de diffusion de contenu) et plus encore.
+    PeerTube est transparent à ce sujet : nous vous avertissons que si vous voulez garder votre IP privée, vous devez utiliser un VPN ou un navigateur Tor.
+    Penser que le retrait du P2P de PeerTube vous rendra l'anonymat n'a aucun sens.
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8ce78dd287b9a9dde5079916425ea66466530e41">
+        <source>What will be done to mitigate this problem?</source>
+        <target>Que fera-t-on pour atténuer ce problème ?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">83</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d8f1c6b816aaf1ebcb936a705dbe88bcef28eaa8">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube is only in beta, and want to deliver the best countermeasures possible by the time the stable is released.
+    In the meantime, we want to test different ideas related to this issue:
+  </source>
+        <target>
+    PeerTube n'est qu'en version bêta, et veut livrer les meilleures contre-mesures possibles d'ici la sortie de la version stable.
+    En attendant, nous voulons tester différentes idées liées à cette question :
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">85</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d32608aba08c6bb3cc4e4e8ec6223e5f4e78ca19">
+        <source>Set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker</source>
+        <target>Fixer une limite du nombre de pair envoyé par le tracker.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">91</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6d732b614143f862e69798046dc0868716547e5">
+        <source>Set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Définir une limite sur la fréquence de demande reçue par le tracker (en cours de test)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">92</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba77e356eaa5c06caaf5c8734c361d1a5415fe1c">
+        <source>Ring a bell if there are unusual requests (being tested)</source>
+        <target>Sonner une cloche s'il y a des demandes inhabituelles (en cours de test).</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">93</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="81861ff8a71c8a5881cdf66417f3bddb753f0e18">
+        <source>Disable P2P from the administration interface</source>
+        <target>Désactiver le P2P depuis l'interface d'administration</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">94</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="efde279863678ed95a8949a3712c99748bdabfe6">
+        <source>An automatic video redundancy program: we wouldn't know if the IP downloaded the video on purpose or if it was the automatized program</source>
+        <target>Un programme de redondance vidéo automatique : nous ne saurions pas si l'IP a téléchargé la vidéo intentionnellement ou si c'était le programme automatisé.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">95</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> abonnés</target>
@@ -670,6 +1020,13 @@ Cochez cette case, sauvegardez la configuration et testez avec l'URL d'une vidé
           <context context-type="linenumber">276</context>
+      <trans-unit id="3e459b5c3861d8c80084d21d233b7c8e2edd3cca">
+        <source>It seems the configuration is invalid. Please search potential errors in the different tabs.</source>
+        <target>Il semblerait que la configuration soit invalide. Merci de chercher des erreurs potentielles dans les différents onglets.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">277</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="80dbb8ba42b97a9ec035c0ba09f45c07ea07096c">
@@ -1414,6 +1771,13 @@ Quand vous mettrez en ligne une vidéo sur cette chaîne, la vidéo affichera au
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6ac01cebf6f87418b309a83d5ce965d77b4ab740">
+        <source>Torrent (magnet)</source>
+        <target>Torrent (lien magnet)</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">30</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="dc75033a5238fdc4f462212c847a45ba8018a3fd">
@@ -3117,6 +3481,13 @@ Quand vous mettrez en ligne une vidéo sur cette chaîne, la vidéo affichera au
           <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6d0fdbf0a14c9ac51e12b52f8781152ba5c87793">
+        <source>This image is too large.</source>
+        <target>Cette image est trop grande.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="1e876f14d96cdf3b334c080fe795a2e0ab53aa3a">
         <source>Your video was uploaded in your account and is private.</source>
         <target>Votre vidéo a été mise ligne sur votre compte de manière privée.</target>

+ 214 - 10

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-        <target>Inloggen</target>
+        <target>Aanmelden</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
           or create an account on another instance
-        <target>of maak een account aan op een andere instantie</target>
+        <target>of maak een account aan op een andere server</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
@@ -206,9 +206,43 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Taal veranderen</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>Mijn openbaar profiel</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>Mijn account</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>Afmelden</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
-        <target>Inloggen</target>
+        <target>Aanmelden</target>
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
@@ -290,6 +324,22 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5849c589454817c1e991639d3091d8da0e8d6bd2">
+        <source>
+  About <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/> instance
+        <target>Over de instantie <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ instanceName }}"/></target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">
@@ -311,6 +361,67 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+      <trans-unit id="ac324b07e7c3c972f1c33894eda02dc2917eda5e">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides a baseline quota of <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>deze instantie voorziet een basis-opslagquotum van <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ userVideoQuota | bytes: 0 }}"/> voor de video's van haar gebruikers.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a6865ec6abf6af58f808501d84c8ed6ff8ce46ae">
+        <source>
+      this instance provides unlimited space for the videos of its users.
+    </source>
+        <target>deze instantie voorziet onbeperkte opslagruimte voor de video's van haar gebruikers.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">31</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>Een account maken is momenteel niet toegelaten op deze instantie.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a11e3ba2c5aea841de67a3c85892bb61295e94dc">
+        <source>
+  About PeerTube
+        <target>Over PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="bd29138e1e17572596ce8f2fe61bcea6ac5fb0bf">
+        <source>PeerTube is a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (WebTorrent) directly in the web browser.</source>
+        <target>PeerTube is een gefedereerd (met ActivityPub) videostreamplatform dat peer-to-peer-technologie rechstreeks in de browser gebruikt (met WebTorrent).</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">6</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c2bc16265b72b9af4a4374b805931ae03e3f73a5">
+        <source>
+    It is a free and open-source software, under the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3 licence<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>Het is vrije en open-source software, beschikbaar onder de <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/>AGPLv3<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">8</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a10308f7ac111f5b66d08af0a24fc9ddf143931a">
+        <source>
+    For more information, please visit <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.
+  </source>
+        <target>Kijk voor meer informatie op <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;a&gt;"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="&lt;/a&gt;"/>.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">12</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
         <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
         <target>Peer-to-peer en privacy</target>
@@ -318,6 +429,93 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+      <trans-unit id="cd429d53cb8f4a87879301248e38cb85f07fa9d6">
+        <source>
+    PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users.
+    This implies that your IP address is stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video.
+  </source>
+        <target>PeerTube gebruikt het BitTorrent-protocol om bandbreedte tussen gebruikers te delen. Dat betekent ook dat jouw IP-adres bijgehouden wordt in de BitTorrent-tracker van de PeerTube-instantie zolang je de video aan het bekijken bent.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e4ce50f3019e3ebe9a479784c6cb68a31c7a8231">
+        <source>What are the consequences?</source>
+        <target>Wat zijn de gevolgen?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">25</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9a612748b059ad246935df17ef4ec4e6afb43a2a">
+        <source>
+    In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video.
+    In practice, this is much more difficult because:
+  </source>
+        <target>In theorie kan iemand met technische kennis een script maken dat bijhoudt welk IP-adres welke video aan het downloaden is. In de praktijk is dat wat moeilijker:</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="64f96be62df4a95a0615b6f630ad25d6348a29d3">
+        <source>
+      An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy.
+      If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot)
+    </source>
+        <target>Voor elke video waarvan hij de kijkers wil bespioneren, moet hij een apart HTTP-request sturen. Om dat voor alle PeerTube-videos te doen, moeten er dus evenveel HTTP-requests als video's gebruikt worden (dat kan hoog oplopen).</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">33</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="dd9a7a4ee66b0ff3fbb43ba8691ffcd042531611">
+        <source>
+      For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number.
+      For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peers in the swarm
+    </source>
+        <target>Voor elk request geeft de tracker een beperkt aantal willekeurige peers terug. Als er bijvoorbeeld 1000 peers beschikbaar zijn en de tracker steeds 20 peers teruggeeft, moeten er op zijn minst 50 requests gestuurd worden om alle peers te weten te komen.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">38</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="694cf53adfc2afe8afabf713ab00fa114d5d2f8e">
+        <source>
+      Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour
+    </source>
+        <target>Die requests moeten regelmatig herhaald worden om te kunnen achterhalen wie begint of stopt met een video te bekijken. Het is gemakkelijk om zulk gedrag te detecteren.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">43</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="44bbecddbdf2aad1f4bad97cb806560553fb2ab3">
+        <source>
+      If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video
+    </source>
+        <target>Als een IP-adres opgeslagen is in de tracker, betekent dat niet dat de persoon achter dat adres (als die persoon bestaat) de video bekeken heeft</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">47</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="fec3239a860de66c718e3442df836b692b8568c3">
+        <source>
+      The IP address is a vague information : usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities
+    </source>
+        <target>Een IP-adres is vage </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">51</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a545356de272b955258c2a2432b08ec637b65f7e">
+        <source>
+    Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more.
+    PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser.
+    Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense.
+  </source>
+        <target>Je IP-adres is geen privé-gegeven. Elke keer je een website bezoekt, is er een aantal entiteiten (bovenop de website die je effectief bezoekt) die je IP zien in hun logs: ISP's, routers, trackers, CDN's en meer.
+PeerTube is transparant: we waarschuwen je dat je, als je je IP-adres privé wil afschermen, je een VPN of de Tor-Browser moet gebruiken.
+Het Peer-to-Peer-mechanisme uit PeerTube halen zou je niet méér anonimiteit geven.</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="a835d8a12e14eb96919245a0bbafd8069c146578">
         <source><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> subscribers</source>
         <target><x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ account.followersCount }}"/> abonnees</target>
@@ -625,20 +823,19 @@ Vink dit hokje aan, sla de configuratie op en test met een video-URL van je inst
     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
-        <target>
-              Write CSS-code. Voorbeeld:&lt;br /&gt;
-              &lt;pre&gt;
+        <target>Schrijf CSS-code. Voorbeeld:&lt;br /&gt;
     body <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
       background-color: red;
     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
-              &lt;/pre&gt;
-              Laat er &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; aan voorafgaan om stijlen te overriden. Voorbeeld:
-              &lt;pre&gt;
+Laat er &lt;em&gt;#custom-css&lt;/em&gt; aan voorafgaan om stijlen te overriden. Voorbeeld:
     #custom-css .logged-in-email <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ '{' }}"/>
       color: red;
     <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ '}' }}"/>
-              &lt;/pre&gt;
         <context-group name="null">
           <context context-type="linenumber">249</context>
@@ -1354,6 +1551,13 @@ Als je een video uploadt in dit kanaal, wordt deze tekst ingevuld in het "onders
           <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+      <trans-unit id="8e6d54c4f760d9e90518eef5334211c48c0b71e2">
+        <source>Publication scheduled on </source>
+        <target>Publicatie uitgesteld tot</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="1c417b7aef730d6ef5d62fa8a0a7e25e3a2393e4">
         <source>Display name is required.</source>
         <target>Een weergavenaam is verplicht</target>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1345 - 61

+ 36 - 0

@@ -220,6 +220,35 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>Zmień język</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Moje konto
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                Wyloguj się
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
         <target>Zaloguj się</target>
@@ -304,6 +333,13 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+      <trans-unit id="6385c357c1de58ce92c0cf618ecf9cf74b917390">
+        <source>PeerTube</source>
+        <target>PeerTube</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="eec715de352a6b114713b30b640d319fa78207a0">

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
+<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="pt-BR">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="28f86ffd419b869711aa13f5e5ff54be6d70731c">
+        <source>Edit</source>
+        <target>Editar</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f82f53a2544638939a8ba93c0fb1b0a4419c3196">
+        <source>Complete preview</source>
+        <target>Pré-visualização completa</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9c71feb04c2beab559f79c41c6127815fb9c1a6f">
+        <source>Get help</source>
+        <target>Obter ajuda</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
+        <source>
+    Login
+  </source>
+        <target>Iniciar sessão</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="e08a77594f3d89311cdf6da5090044270909c194">
+        <source>User</source>
+        <target>Usuário</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">11</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="51ef29329faccb28d94369897068897d1b3d0478">
+        <source>Username or email address</source>
+        <target>Nome de usuário ou endereço de e-mail</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="02c4360c2d956e74ed6bb1f71e86812af0e19b87">
+        <source>
+          or create an account
+        </source>
+        <target>
+          ou crie uma conta
+        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
+        <source>Password</source>
+        <target>Senha</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">28</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b87e81682959464211443afc3e23c506865d2eda">
+        <source>I forgot my password</source>
+        <target>Esqueci minha senha</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
+        <source>Email</source>
+        <target>E-mail</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="69b6ac577a19acc39fc0c22342092f327fff2529">
+        <source>Email address</source>
+        <target>Endereço de e-mail</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">66</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

+ 252 - 0

@@ -28,6 +28,27 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+      <trans-unit id="961a134583d6256df39fbc520d020ebc48e3128d">
+        <source>Truncated preview</source>
+        <target>画面预览</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="f82f53a2544638939a8ba93c0fb1b0a4419c3196">
+        <source>Complete preview</source>
+        <target>完成预览</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">10</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="9c71feb04c2beab559f79c41c6127815fb9c1a6f">
+        <source>Get help</source>
+        <target>帮助</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">17</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="12910217fdcdbca64bee06f511639b653d5428ea">
@@ -53,6 +74,33 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">13</context>
+      <trans-unit id="02c4360c2d956e74ed6bb1f71e86812af0e19b87">
+        <source>
+          or create an account
+        </source>
+        <target>
+或创建一个帐户        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="d6290381021b16febc426d3e3a52dda83991ce0b">
+        <source>
+          or create an account on another instance
+        </source>
+        <target>
+或在另一个机器上创建一个帐户        </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">20</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="76e1f485e6ead4c84b606f46d413878881d66ad3">
+        <source>User registration is not allowed on this instance, but you can register on many others!</source>
+        <target>不允许用户注册,但您可以注册其他许多人!</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">26</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="c32ef07f8803a223a83ed17024b38e8d82292407">
@@ -67,6 +115,13 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">42</context>
+      <trans-unit id="d2eb6c5d41f70d4b8c0937e7e19e196143b47681">
+        <source>Forgot your password</source>
+        <target>忘记密码</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">59</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="244aae9346da82b0922506c2d2581373a15641cc">
@@ -81,6 +136,54 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">66</context>
+      <trans-unit id="78be69e4d26b3b654c49962839d8545e61bf8b55">
+        <source>Send me an email to reset my password</source>
+        <target>输入电子邮件 重置密码</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">77</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="2ba14c37f3b23553b2602c5e535d0ff4916f24aa">
+        <source>
+    Reset my password
+  </source>
+        <target>
+重置密码  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">2</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7f3bdcce4b2e8c37cd7f0f6c92ef8cff34b039b8">
+        <source>Confirm password</source>
+        <target>确认密码</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="3652e5c6e33165264d5271d06cc04ab7123b6df1">
+        <source>Confirmed password</source>
+        <target>确认密码</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8bdf8db5eeeaef83184b489b80c1557b516fb3c3">
+        <source>Reset my password</source>
+        <target>重置密码</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">29</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="4499806949402133d08a5029cb5462c5ea25336d">
+        <source>
+    Create an account
+  </source>
+        <target>
+创建一个帐户  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">3</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="a6807b834e01ce165aa61fad157b0ff4288b6bf1">
         <source>Initial video quota:</source>
@@ -113,6 +216,46 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">86</context>
+      <trans-unit id="aef5c45fb9c725573d20a6283492e6b80fd2ae96">
+        <source>Change the language</source>
+        <target>更改语音</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">76</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b8ccc4f1b3f839fca9bd59e072f715fd487d540f">
+        <source>
+               My public profile
+              </source>
+        <target>
+               我的公开资料
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">19</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c84b721e9325c9cce20d92f4dbd66898ab5ec947">
+        <source>
+                My account
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                我的账号
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">23</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ba7378cdaaa60b4fee17a551b232ad3512dac17d">
+        <source>
+                Log out
+              </source>
+        <target>
+                注销
+              </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">27</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="6765b4c916060f6bc42d9bb69e80377dbcb5e4e9">
@@ -120,6 +263,41 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+      <trans-unit id="d207cc1965ec0c29e594e0e9917f39bfc276ed87">
+        <source>Create an account</source>
+        <target>创建账号</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">37</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="a52dae09be10ca3a65da918533ced3d3f4992238">
+        <source>Videos</source>
+        <target>视频</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="b6b7986bc3721ac483baf20bc9a320529075c807">
+        <source>Trending</source>
+        <target>趋势</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">45</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="8d20c5f5dd30acbe71316544dab774393fd9c3c1">
+        <source>Recently added</source>
+        <target>最近添加</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">50</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="eadc17c3df80143992e2d9028dead3199ae6d79d">
+        <source>Local</source>
+        <target>本地</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">55</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="004b222ff9ef9dd4771b777950ca1d0e4cd4348a">
@@ -141,5 +319,79 @@
           <context context-type="linenumber">9</context>
+      <trans-unit id="c31161d1661884f54fbc5635aad5ce8d4803897e">
+        <source>No results.</source>
+        <target>没有结果</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ff78f059449d44322f627d0f66df07abe476962b">
+        <source>Instance</source>
+        <target>例</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">7</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5c856a6a233b6f6c4cc8eed46436d31d2da63fc1">
+        <source>
+    User registration is currently not allowed.
+  </source>
+        <target>
+   不允许注册
+  </target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">36</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="c02493cfa08b82c468233b83069b5baff23890e1">
+        <source>P2P &amp; Privacy</source>
+        <target>P2P隐私</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">18</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="299f97b8ee9c62d45f2cc01961aa1e5101d6d05a">
+        <source>Stats</source>
+        <target>统计</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">16</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="512b045163a7187b2fc5d554e5f59fb3e49e174b">
+        <source>Short description</source>
+        <target>简单说明</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">21</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="1cbeb1eb589bfbe5efce94184cacd3095ca26948">
+        <source>Videos Trending</source>
+        <target>视频</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">57</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="ed013c2c29216501c688e9cb5f3a1c9fd9147b71">
+        <source>This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?</source>
+        <target>此视频包含成人内容,确定继续播放吗?</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="5ba3d522e4146eefcbd5c222247c1e2423d27cd8">
+        <source>Mature or explicit content</source>
+        <target>成人内容</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="7e892ba15f2c6c17e83510e273b3e10fc32ea016">
+        <source>Search</source>
+        <target>搜索</target>
+        <context-group name="null">
+          <context context-type="linenumber">1</context>
+        </context-group>
+      </trans-unit>

+ 28 - 0

@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
+        <source>American Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Amerikanische Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Assamese">
@@ -63,6 +67,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
+        <source>British Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Englisch Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Bislama">
@@ -115,6 +123,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
+        <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Chinesiche Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Welsh">
@@ -179,6 +191,10 @@
         <source>Western Frisian</source>
+      <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
+        <source>French Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Französiche Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Fulah">
@@ -203,6 +219,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
+        <source>German Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Deutsche Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
@@ -279,6 +299,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
+        <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Japanische Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
@@ -503,6 +527,10 @@
+      <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
+        <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
+        <target>Russische Zeichensprache</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Rundi">

+ 0 - 474

@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
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-      <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
-        <source>Afrikaans</source>
-        <target>Afrikansa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Amharic">
-        <source>Amharic</source>
-        <target>Amhara</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Arabic">
-        <source>Arabic</source>
-        <target>Araba</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
-        <source>Aragonese</source>
-        <target>Aragona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
-        <source>American Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Usona gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Assamese">
-        <source>Assamese</source>
-        <target>Asama</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Aymara">
-        <source>Aymara</source>
-        <target>Ajmara</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
-        <source>Azerbaijani</source>
-        <target>Azerbajĝana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
-        <source>Bashkir</source>
-        <target>Baŝkira</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bambara">
-        <source>Bambara</source>
-        <target>Bambara</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
-        <source>Belarusian</source>
-        <target>Belorusa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bengali">
-        <source>Bengali</source>
-        <target>Bengala</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
-        <source>British Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Brita gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bislama">
-        <source>Bislama</source>
-        <target>Bislama</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
-        <source>Tibetan</source>
-        <target>Tibeta</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
-        <source>Bosnian</source>
-        <target>Bosna</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Breton">
-        <source>Breton</source>
-        <target>Bretona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
-        <source>Bulgarian</source>
-        <target>Bulgara</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
-        <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Brazila gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Catalan">
-        <source>Catalan</source>
-        <target>Kataluna</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Czech">
-        <source>Czech</source>
-        <target>Ĉeĥa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
-        <source>Chamorro</source>
-        <target>Ĉamora</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Chechen">
-        <source>Chechen</source>
-        <target>Ĉeĉena</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
-        <source>Chuvash</source>
-        <target>Ĉuvaŝa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Cornish">
-        <source>Cornish</source>
-        <target>Kornvala</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Corsican">
-        <source>Corsican</source>
-        <target>Korsika</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
-        <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Ĉeĥa gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
-        <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Ĉina gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Welsh">
-        <source>Welsh</source>
-        <target>Kimra</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Danish">
-        <source>Danish</source>
-        <target>Dana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="German">
-        <source>German</source>
-        <target>Germana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
-        <source>Dhivehi</source>
-        <target>Maldiva</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
-        <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Dana gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
-        <source>Dzongkha</source>
-        <target>Butana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Modern Greek (1453-)">
-        <source>Modern Greek (1453-)</source>
-        <target>Novgreka</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="English">
-        <source>English</source>
-        <target>Angla</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Estonian">
-        <source>Estonian</source>
-        <target>Estona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Basque">
-        <source>Basque</source>
-        <target>Eŭska</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Ewe">
-        <source>Ewe</source>
-        <target>Evea</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Faroese">
-        <source>Faroese</source>
-        <target>Feroa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Persian">
-        <source>Persian</source>
-        <target>Persa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Fijian">
-        <source>Fijian</source>
-        <target>Fiĝia</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="French">
-        <source>French</source>
-        <target>Franca</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
-        <source>Western Frisian</source>
-        <target>Okcidentfrisa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
-        <source>French Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Franca gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Irish">
-        <source>Irish</source>
-        <target>Irlanda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Galician">
-        <source>Galician</source>
-        <target>Galega</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Manx">
-        <source>Manx</source>
-        <target>Manksa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Guarani">
-        <source>Guarani</source>
-        <target>Gvarania</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
-        <source>German Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Germana gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Haitian">
-        <source>Haitian</source>
-        <target>Haitia</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
-        <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
-        <target>Kroatserba</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
-        <source>Hebrew</source>
-        <target>Hebrea</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Italian">
-        <source>Italian</source>
-        <target>Itala</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Javanese">
-        <source>Javanese</source>
-        <target>Java</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Japanese">
-        <source>Japanese</source>
-        <target>Japana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
-        <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Japana gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Kannada">
-        <source>Kannada</source>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
-        <source>Kashmiri</source>
-        <target>Kaŝmira</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Georgian">
-        <source>Georgian</source>
-        <target>Kartvela</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
-        <source>Kazakh</source>
-        <target>Kazaĥa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
-        <source>Kirghiz</source>
-        <target>Kirgiza</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Komi">
-        <source>Komi</source>
-        <target>Komia</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Korean">
-        <source>Korean</source>
-        <target>Korea</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
-        <source>Kurdish</source>
-        <target>Kurda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Lao">
-        <source>Lao</source>
-        <target>Laosa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Latvian">
-        <source>Latvian</source>
-        <target>Latva</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
-        <source>Limburgan</source>
-        <target>Limburga</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
-        <source>Lithuanian</source>
-        <target>Litova</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
-        <source>Luxembourgish</source>
-        <target>Luksemburga</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Romanian">
-        <source>Romanian</source>
-        <target>Rumana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
-        <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Rusa gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Russian">
-        <source>Russian</source>
-        <target>Rusa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
-        <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Saudarabuja gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
-        <source>South African Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Sudafrika gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
-        <source>Sinhala</source>
-        <target>Sinhala</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Slovak">
-        <source>Slovak</source>
-        <target>Slovaka</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
-        <source>Slovenian</source>
-        <target>Slovena</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
-        <source>Northern Sami</source>
-        <target>Nordlapona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Samoan">
-        <source>Samoan</source>
-        <target>Samoa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Shona">
-        <source>Shona</source>
-        <target>Ŝona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
-        <source>Sindhi</source>
-        <target>Sinda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Somali">
-        <source>Somali</source>
-        <target>Somala</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
-        <source>Southern Sotho</source>
-        <target>Sudsota</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Spanish">
-        <source>Spanish</source>
-        <target>Hispana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Albanian">
-        <source>Albanian</source>
-        <target>Albana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
-        <source>Sardinian</source>
-        <target>Sarda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Serbian">
-        <source>Serbian</source>
-        <target>Serba</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Swati">
-        <source>Swati</source>
-        <target>Svazia</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
-        <source>Sundanese</source>
-        <target>Sunda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
-        <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
-        <target>Svahila</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Swedish">
-        <source>Swedish</source>
-        <target>Sveda</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
-        <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
-        <target>Sveda gestlingvo</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
-        <source>Tahitian</source>
-        <target>Tahitia</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tamil">
-        <source>Tamil</source>
-        <target>Tamula</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tatar">
-        <source>Tatar</source>
-        <target>Tatara</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Telugu">
-        <source>Telugu</source>
-        <target>Telugua</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tajik">
-        <source>Tajik</source>
-        <target>Taĝika</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
-        <source>Tagalog</source>
-        <target>Tagaloga</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Thai">
-        <source>Thai</source>
-        <target>Taja</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Tswana">
-        <source>Tswana</source>
-        <target>Cvana</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
-        <source>Turkmen</source>
-        <target>Turkmena</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Turkish">
-        <source>Turkish</source>
-        <target>Turka</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Uighur">
-        <source>Uighur</source>
-        <target>Ujgura</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
-        <source>Ukrainian</source>
-        <target>Ukrajna</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Urdu">
-        <source>Urdu</source>
-        <target>Urdua</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
-        <source>Uzbek</source>
-        <target>Uzbeka</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Venda">
-        <source>Venda</source>
-        <target>Vendaa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
-        <source>Vietnamese</source>
-        <target>Vjetnama</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Walloon">
-        <source>Walloon</source>
-        <target>Valona</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Wolof">
-        <source>Wolof</source>
-        <target>Volofa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
-        <source>Xhosa</source>
-        <target>Kosa</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
-        <source>Yiddish</source>
-        <target>Jido</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
-        <source>Yoruba</source>
-        <target>Joruba</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
-        <source>Zhuang</source>
-        <target>Ĉuanga</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Chinese">
-        <source>Chinese</source>
-        <target>Ĉina</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Zulu">
-        <source>Zulu</source>
-        <target>Zulua</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-    </body>
-  </file></xliff>

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
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+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="es-ES">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="Breton">
+        <source>Breton</source>
+        <target>Bretón</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Catalan">
+        <source>Catalan</source>
+        <target>Catalán</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="German">
+        <source>German</source>
+        <target>Alemán</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="French">
+        <source>French</source>
+        <target>Francés</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Russian">
+        <source>Russian</source>
+        <target>Ruso</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

+ 132 - 0

@@ -3,6 +3,18 @@
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   <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="oc">
+      <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
+        <source>Afrikaans</source>
+        <target>Afrikaans</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Akan">
+        <source>Akan</source>
+        <target>Akan</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Amharic">
+        <source>Amharic</source>
+        <target>Amharic</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Arabic">
@@ -11,14 +23,82 @@
+      <trans-unit id="Assamese">
+        <source>Assamese</source>
+        <target>Assamés</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Avaric">
+        <source>Avaric</source>
+        <target>Avaric</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Aymara">
+        <source>Aymara</source>
+        <target>Aymara</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
+        <source>Azerbaijani</source>
+        <target>Azèri</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
+        <source>Bashkir</source>
+        <target>Bashkir</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bambara">
+        <source>Bambara</source>
+        <target>Bambara</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
+        <source>Belarusian</source>
+        <target>Bielorús</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bengali">
+        <source>Bengali</source>
+        <target>Bengalin</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bislama">
+        <source>Bislama</source>
+        <target>Bislama</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
+        <source>Tibetan</source>
+        <target>Tibetan</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
+        <source>Bosnian</source>
+        <target>Bosnian</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Breton">
+      <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
+        <source>Bulgarian</source>
+        <target>Bulgar</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Catalan">
+      <trans-unit id="Czech">
+        <source>Czech</source>
+        <target>Chèc</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
+        <source>Chamorro</source>
+        <target>Chamorro</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Chechen">
+        <source>Chechen</source>
+        <target>Chenchèn</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
+        <source>Chuvash</source>
+        <target>Chuvash</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Cornish">
+        <source>Cornish</source>
+        <target>Cornic</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="English">
@@ -27,10 +107,62 @@
+      <trans-unit id="Fulah">
+        <source>Fulah</source>
+        <target>Fulah</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
+        <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
+        <target>Gaelic escossés</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Irish">
+        <source>Irish</source>
+        <target>Irlandés</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Galician">
+        <source>Galician</source>
+        <target>Galician</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Manx">
+        <source>Manx</source>
+        <target>Manés</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Guarani">
+        <source>Guarani</source>
+        <target>Guaraní</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
+        <source>Gujarati</source>
+        <target>Gujarati</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Hausa">
+        <source>Hausa</source>
+        <target>Hausa</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
+        <source>Hebrew</source>
+        <target>Ebrieu</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Herero">
+        <source>Herero</source>
+        <target>Herero</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Hindi">
+        <source>Hindi</source>
+        <target>Indi</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Croatian">
+        <source>Croatian</source>
+        <target>Croat</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Italian">
+      <trans-unit id="Kongo">
+        <source>Kongo</source>
+        <target>Kongo</target>
+      </trans-unit>
       <trans-unit id="Occitan (post 1500)">
         <source>Occitan (post 1500)</source>

+ 107 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
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+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="zh-Hans-CN">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="Afar">
+        <source>Afar</source>
+        <target>英语</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
+        <source>Abkhazian</source>
+        <target>阿布哈兹</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
+        <source>Afrikaans</source>
+        <target>南非荷兰</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Akan">
+        <source>Akan</source>
+        <target>库阿</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Amharic">
+        <source>Amharic</source>
+        <target>阿姆哈拉</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Arabic">
+        <source>Arabic</source>
+        <target>阿拉伯</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
+        <source>Aragonese</source>
+        <target>阿拉贡</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
+        <source>American Sign Language</source>
+        <target>美国</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Assamese">
+        <source>Assamese</source>
+        <target>阿萨姆</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Avaric">
+        <source>Avaric</source>
+        <target>阿瓦尔</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Aymara">
+        <source>Aymara</source>
+        <target>艾马拉</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
+        <source>Azerbaijani</source>
+        <target>阿塞拜疆</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
+        <source>Bashkir</source>
+        <target>巴什基尔</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bambara">
+        <source>Bambara</source>
+        <target>班巴拉</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
+        <source>Belarusian</source>
+        <target>白俄罗斯</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bengali">
+        <source>Bengali</source>
+        <target>孟加拉</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
+        <source>British Sign Language</source>
+        <target>英国 手语</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bislama">
+        <source>Bislama</source>
+        <target>比斯拉马语</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
+        <source>Tibetan</source>
+        <target>藏文</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
+        <source>Bosnian</source>
+        <target>波斯尼亚</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Breton">
+        <source>Breton</source>
+        <target>布列塔尼</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
+        <source>Bulgarian</source>
+        <target>保加利亚</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
+        <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
+        <target>巴西</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Catalan">
+        <source>Catalan</source>
+        <target>加泰罗尼亚</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Czech">
+        <source>Czech</source>
+        <target>捷克</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
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+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="de-DE">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
+        <source>Audio Player</source>
+        <target>Audio-player</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Video Player">
+        <source>Video Player</source>
+        <target>Videospieler</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Play">
+        <source>Play</source>
+        <target>Spielen</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Pause">
+        <source>Pause</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Replay">
+        <source>Replay</source>
+        <target>Wiederholen</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Current Time">
+        <source>Current Time</source>
+        <target>Aktuelle Zeit</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Duration">
+        <source>Duration</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
+        <source>Remaining Time</source>
+        <target>Restliche Zeit</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="LIVE">
+        <source>LIVE</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Loaded">
+        <source>Loaded</source>
+        <target>Geladen</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Progress">
+        <source>Progress</source>
+        <target>Vorrücken</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
+        <source>Progress Bar</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
+        <source>Fullscreen</source>
+        <target>Vollbildschirm</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Mute">
+        <source>Mute</source>
+        <target>stumm</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Unmute">
+        <source>Unmute</source>
+        <target>laut</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
+        <source>Subtitles</source>
+        <target>Untertitel</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
+        <source>subtitles off</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Chapters">
+        <source>Chapters</source>
+        <target>Kapitel</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
+        <source>Descriptions</source>
+        <target>Beschreibung</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
+        <source>descriptions off</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
+        <source>Audio Track</source>
+        <target>Audiospur</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
+        <source>Volume Level</source>
+        <target>Lautstärke</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
+        <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
+        <target>Sie haben die Mediawiedergabe aufgehört</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
+        <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
+        <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
+        <target>Das Media konnte nicht geladen werden, entweder wegen server- oder Netzwerkfehler, oder weil das Format nicht unterstützt wird.</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
+        <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
+        <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
+        <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
         <source>{1} of {2}</source>
+        <target>{1} sus {2}</target>
       <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">

+ 142 - 70
client/src/locale/target/player_eo.xml → client/src/locale/target/player_zh_Hans_CN.xml

@@ -1,259 +1,331 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
 <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
-  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="eo">
+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="zh-Hans-CN">
       <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
         <source>Audio Player</source>
-        <target>Sonludilo</target>
+        <target>音乐播放器</target>
       <trans-unit id="Video Player">
         <source>Video Player</source>
-        <target>Filmludilo</target>
+        <target>视频播放器</target>
       <trans-unit id="Play">
-        <target>Ludi</target>
+        <target>播放</target>
       <trans-unit id="Pause">
-        <target>Paŭzigi</target>
+        <target>暂停</target>
       <trans-unit id="Replay">
-        <target>Reludi</target>
+        <target>重播</target>
       <trans-unit id="Current Time">
         <source>Current Time</source>
-        <target>Nuna tempo</target>
+        <target>当前时间</target>
       <trans-unit id="Duration">
-        <target>Daŭro</target>
+        <target>持续时间</target>
       <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
         <source>Remaining Time</source>
-        <target>Restanta tempo</target>
+        <target>剩余时间</target>
       <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
         <source>Stream Type</source>
-        <target>Speco de elsendo</target>
+        <target>流类型</target>
       <trans-unit id="LIVE">
-        <target>VIVE</target>
+        <target>LIVE</target>
       <trans-unit id="Loaded">
-        <target>Enlegita</target>
+        <target>加载</target>
       <trans-unit id="Progress">
-        <target>Plenumo</target>
+        <target>进度</target>
       <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
         <source>Progress Bar</source>
-        <target>Plenuma strio</target>
+        <target>进度条</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
+        <source>{1} of {2}</source>
+        <target>{1} 或 {2}</target>
       <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
-        <target>Tutekrana reĝimo</target>
+        <target>全屏</target>
       <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
-        <target>Partekrana reĝimo</target>
+        <target>非全屏</target>
       <trans-unit id="Mute">
-        <target>Silentigi</target>
+        <target>静音</target>
       <trans-unit id="Unmute">
-        <target>Malsilentigi</target>
+        <target>取消静音</target>
       <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
         <source>Playback Rate</source>
-        <target>Ludrapido</target>
+        <target>码率</target>
       <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
-        <target>Subteksto</target>
+        <target>字幕</target>
       <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
         <source>subtitles off</source>
-        <target>subtekstoj for</target>
+        <target>关闭字幕</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Captions">
+        <source>Captions</source>
+        <target>标题</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="captions off">
+        <source>captions off</source>
+        <target>关闭标题</target>
       <trans-unit id="Chapters">
-        <target>Ĉapitroj</target>
+        <target></target>
       <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
-        <target>Priskriboj</target>
+        <target>说明</target>
       <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
         <source>descriptions off</source>
-        <target>priskriboj for</target>
+        <target>关闭描述</target>
       <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
         <source>Volume Level</source>
-        <target>Laŭteco</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
-        <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
-        <target>Vi ĉesigis la ludadon</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
-        <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
-        <target>Reta eraro interrompis elŝuton de la aŭdvidaĵo.</target>
+        <target>音量</target>
       <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
         <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
-        <target>Ne povis enlegi aŭdvidaĵon, aŭ ĉar servilo aŭ reto fiaskis, aŭ ĉar la formo ne estas subtenata.</target>
+        <target>该视频没有被加载网络失败或格式不支持</target>
       <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
         <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
-        <target>Ludado de la aŭdvidaĵo ĉesis aŭ pro difekto, aŭ ĉar ĝi postulis funkciojn, kiujn via foliumilo ne havis.</target>
+        <target>播放被终止 或浏览器不支持</target>
       <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
         <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
-        <target>Neniu kongrua fonto troviĝis por tiu ĉi aŭdvidaĵo.</target>
+        <target>不支持视频格式</target>
       <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
         <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
-        <target>Ĉi tiu aŭdvidaĵo estas ĉifrita, kaj ni ne havas la ŝlosilojn por malĉifri ĝin.</target>
+        <target>视频被加密</target>
       <trans-unit id="Play Video">
         <source>Play Video</source>
-        <target>Ludi filmon</target>
+        <target>播放视频</target>
       <trans-unit id="Close">
-        <target>Fermi</target>
+        <target>关闭</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
+        <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
+        <target>关闭对话框</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
+        <source>Modal Window</source>
+        <target>模式</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
+        <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
+        <target>打开字幕</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id=", selected">
+        <source>, selected</source>
+        <target>选中</target>
       <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
         <source>subititles settings</source>
-        <target>agordoj pri subtekstoj</target>
+        <target>字幕设置</target>
       <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
         <source>descriptions settings</source>
-        <target>agordoj pri priskriboj</target>
+        <target>描述设置</target>
       <trans-unit id="Text">
-        <target>Teksto</target>
+        <target>文本</target>
       <trans-unit id="White">
-        <target>Blanka</target>
+        <target>白色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Black">
-        <target>Nigra</target>
+        <target>黑色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Red">
-        <target>Ruĝa</target>
+        <target>红色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Green">
-        <target>Verda</target>
+        <target>绿色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Blue">
-        <target>Blua</target>
+        <target>蓝色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Yellow">
-        <target>Flava</target>
+        <target>黄色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Magenta">
-        <target>Fuksia</target>
+        <target>品红</target>
       <trans-unit id="Cyan">
-        <target>Lazura</target>
+        <target>青色</target>
       <trans-unit id="Background">
-        <target>Fono</target>
+        <target>背景</target>
       <trans-unit id="Window">
-        <target>Fenestro</target>
+        <target>窗口</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Transparent">
+        <source>Transparent</source>
+        <target>透明</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
+        <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
+        <target>半透明</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Opaque">
+        <source>Opaque</source>
+        <target>不透明</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Font Size">
+        <source>Font Size</source>
+        <target>字体大小</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
+        <source>Text Edge Style</source>
+        <target>文字样式</target>
       <trans-unit id="None">
-        <target>Neniu</target>
+        <target>空</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Raised">
+        <source>Raised</source>
+        <target>增加</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Depressed">
+        <source>Depressed</source>
+        <target>减小</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Uniform">
+        <source>Uniform</source>
+        <target>均衡</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
+        <source>Dropshadow</source>
+        <target>阴影效果</target>
       <trans-unit id="Font Family">
         <source>Font Family</source>
-        <target>Tipara familio</target>
+        <target>字体系列</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Casual">
+        <source>Casual</source>
+        <target>临时</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Script">
+        <source>Script</source>
+        <target>脚本</target>
       <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
         <source>Small Caps</source>
-        <target>Majuskletoj</target>
+        <target>小写</target>
       <trans-unit id="Reset">
-        <target>Restarigi</target>
+        <target>重启</target>
       <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
         <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
-        <target>restarigi komencajn agordojn</target>
+        <target>恢复默认设置</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Done">
+        <source>Done</source>
+        <target>完成</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
+        <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
+        <target>标题设置</target>
       <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
         <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
-        <target>Komenco de interaga fenestro. Nuliga klavo nuligos kaj fermos la fenestron.</target>
+        <target>退出将取消并关闭窗口</target>
       <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
         <source>End of dialog window.</source>
-        <target>Fino de interaga fenestro.</target>
+        <target>结束对话框</target>
       <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
         <source>{1} is loading.</source>
-        <target>{1} estas enlegata.</target>
+        <target>{1} 正在加载.</target>
       <trans-unit id="Quality">
-        <target>Kvalito</target>
+        <target>质量</target>
       <trans-unit id="Auto">
-        <target>Memdecide</target>
+        <target>自动</target>
       <trans-unit id="Speed">
-        <target>Rapido</target>
+        <target>速度</target>
       <trans-unit id="peers">
-        <target>samtavolanoj</target>
+        <target>peers</target>
       <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
         <source>Go to the video page</source>
-        <target>Iri al paĝo de la filmo</target>
+        <target>进入视频页面</target>
       <trans-unit id="Settings">
-        <target>Agordoj</target>
+        <target>设置</target>
       <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
         <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
-        <target>Uzas samtavolan teĥnikaron; aliuloj eble scios, ke vi spektas la filmon.</target>
+        <target>使用P2P,其他人可能知道您正在观看此视频。</target>
       <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
         <source>Copy the video URL</source>
-        <target>Kopii ligilon al la filmo</target>
+        <target>复制视频网址</target>
       <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
         <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
-        <target>Kopii ligilon al nuna tempo en la filmo</target>
+        <target>复制网址的时间</target>
       <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
         <source>Copy embed code</source>
-        <target>Kopii enkorpigitan kodon</target>
+        <target>复制 嵌入 代码</target>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 23 - 48
client/src/locale/target/server_eo.xml → client/src/locale/target/server_de_DE.xml

@@ -1,120 +1,95 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
 <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
-  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="eo">
+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="de-DE">
       <trans-unit id="Music">
-        <target>Muziko</target>
+        <target>Musik</target>
       <trans-unit id="Films">
+        <target>Filme</target>
       <trans-unit id="Vehicles">
-        <target>Veturiloj</target>
+        <target>Fahrzeuge</target>
       <trans-unit id="Art">
-        <target>Arto</target>
+        <target>Kunst</target>
       <trans-unit id="Sports">
-        <target>Sporto</target>
+        <target>Sport</target>
       <trans-unit id="Travels">
-        <target>Vojaĝado</target>
+        <target>Reisen</target>
       <trans-unit id="Gaming">
-        <target>Ludoj</target>
+        <target>Spielen</target>
       <trans-unit id="People">
-        <target>Homoj</target>
+        <target>Leute</target>
       <trans-unit id="Comedy">
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
-        <source>Entertainment</source>
-        <target>Amuzo</target>
+        <target>Komödie</target>
       <trans-unit id="News">
-        <target>Novaĵoj</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="How To">
-        <source>How To</source>
-        <target>Instrukcioj</target>
+        <target>Nachrichten</target>
       <trans-unit id="Education">
-        <target>Instruado</target>
+        <target>Bildung</target>
       <trans-unit id="Activism">
-        <target>Aktivismo</target>
+        <target>Aktivismus</target>
       <trans-unit id="Science &amp; Technology">
         <source>Science &amp; Technology</source>
-        <target>Scienco ϗ teĥnikaro</target>
+        <target>Wißenschaft und Technologie</target>
       <trans-unit id="Animals">
-        <target>Bestoj</target>
+        <target>Tiere</target>
       <trans-unit id="Kids">
-        <target>Infanoj</target>
+        <target>Kinder</target>
       <trans-unit id="Food">
-        <target>Manĝo</target>
+        <target>Essen</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution">
-        <target>Atribuite</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
         <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
-        <target>Atribuite – Samkondiĉe</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
         <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
-        <target>Atribuite – Nemodifite</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung - Keine Bearbeitung</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
         <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
-        <target>Atribuite – Nekomerce</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung - nicht kommerziell</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
         <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
-        <target>Atribuite – Nekomerce – Samkondiĉe</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung - nicht kommerziell, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen</target>
       <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
         <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
-        <target>Atribuite – Nekomerce – Nemodifite</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
-        <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Public">
-        <source>Public</source>
-        <target>Publika</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
-        <source>Unlisted</source>
-        <target>Nelistigata</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Private">
-        <source>Private</source>
-        <target>Privata</target>
-      </trans-unit>
-      <trans-unit id="Misc">
-        <source>Misc</source>
-        <target>Diversaĵoj</target>
+        <target>Namensnennung - nicht kommerziell, keine Bearbeitung</target>

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 22 - 3

@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="Science &amp; Technology">
         <source>Science &amp; Technology</source>
-        <target>Cienca &amp; Tecnología
+        <target>Cienca &amp; Tecnología</target>
       <trans-unit id="Animals">
@@ -78,7 +77,27 @@
       <trans-unit id="Attribution">
-        <target>Asignación</target>
+        <target>Atribución</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
+        <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
+        <target>Atribución - Compartir Igual</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
+        <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
+        <target>Atribución - No Derivadas</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
+        <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
+        <target>Atribución - No Comercial</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
+        <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
+        <target>Atribución - No Comercial - Compartir Igual</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
+        <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
+        <target>Atribución - No Comercial - No Derivadas</target>
       <trans-unit id="Unknown">

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit for more infomation.-->
+<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
+  <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="zh-Hans-CN">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit id="Music">
+        <source>Music</source>
+        <target>音乐</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Films">
+        <source>Films</source>
+        <target>电影</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Vehicles">
+        <source>Vehicles</source>
+        <target>汽车</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Art">
+        <source>Art</source>
+        <target>艺术</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Sports">
+        <source>Sports</source>
+        <target>体育</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Travels">
+        <source>Travels</source>
+        <target>游记</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Gaming">
+        <source>Gaming</source>
+        <target>赌博</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="People">
+        <source>People</source>
+        <target>人物</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Comedy">
+        <source>Comedy</source>
+        <target>喜剧</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
+        <source>Entertainment</source>
+        <target>娱乐</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="News">
+        <source>News</source>
+        <target>新闻</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Education">
+        <source>Education</source>
+        <target>教育</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Activism">
+        <source>Activism</source>
+        <target>行动</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Science &amp; Technology">
+        <source>Science &amp; Technology</source>
+        <target>科学技术</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Animals">
+        <source>Animals</source>
+        <target>动物</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Kids">
+        <source>Kids</source>
+        <target>童装</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Food">
+        <source>Food</source>
+        <target>餐饮</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
+        <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
+        <target>非商业</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
+        <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
+        <target>公共领域</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Public">
+        <source>Public</source>
+        <target>公开</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
+        <source>Unlisted</source>
+        <target>不公开</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Private">
+        <source>Private</source>
+        <target>私人</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit id="Unknown">
+        <source>Unknown</source>
+        <target>空</target>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file></xliff>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ npm run ng build -- --output-path "dist/$defaultLanguage/" --deploy-url "/client
 mv "./dist/$defaultLanguage/assets" "./dist"
 # Supported languages
-languages=("fr_FR" "eu_ES" "ca_ES")
+languages=("fr_FR" "eu_ES" "ca_ES" "cs_CZ" "eo")
 for lang in "${languages[@]}"; do
     npm run ng build -- --prod --i18n-file "./src/locale/target/angular_$lang.xml" --i18n-format xlf --i18n-locale "$lang" \

+ 5 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ export const I18N_LOCALES = {
   'en-US': 'English',
   'fr-FR': 'Français',
   'eu-ES': 'euskara',
-  'ca-ES': 'català'
+  'ca-ES': 'català',
+  'cs-CZ': 'čeština',
+  'eo': 'Esperanto'
   // 'pl-PL': 'polski'
@@ -12,7 +14,8 @@ const I18N_LOCALE_ALIAS = {
   'en': 'en-US',
   'fr': 'fr-FR',
   'eu': 'eu-ES',
-  'ca': 'ca-ES'
+  'ca': 'ca-ES',
+  'cs': 'cs-CZ'
   // 'pl': 'pl-PL'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
 <config xmlns="">
-  <url></url>
+  <url></url>

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff