567 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -eu
  3. cd client
  4. npm run ng -- xi18n --i18n-locale "en-US" --output-path locale/source --out-file angular_en_US.xml
  5. npm run ngx-extractor -- --locale "en-US" -i 'src/**/*.ts' -f xlf -o src/locale/source/angular_en_US.xml
  6. # Zanata does not support inner elements in <source>, so we hack these special elements
  7. # This regex translate the Angular elements to special entities (that we will reconvert on pull)
  8. perl -pi -e 's|<x id=(.+?)/>|&lt;x id=\1/&gt;|g' src/locale/source/angular_en_US.xml
  9. # Add our strings too
  10. cd ../
  11. npm run i18n:create-custom-files