server-hook.model.ts 8.9 KB

  1. // {hookType}:{root}.{location}.{subLocation?}.{actionType}.{target}
  2. export const serverFilterHookObject = {
  3. // Filter params/result used to list videos for the REST API
  4. // (used by the trending page, recently-added page, local page etc)
  5. 'filter:api.videos.list.params': true,
  6. 'filter:api.videos.list.result': true,
  7. // Filter params/result used to list a video playlists videos
  8. // for the REST API
  9. '': true,
  10. '': true,
  11. // Filter params/result used to list account videos for the REST API
  12. 'filter:api.accounts.videos.list.params': true,
  13. 'filter:api.accounts.videos.list.result': true,
  14. // Filter params/result used to list channel videos for the REST API
  15. '': true,
  16. '': true,
  17. // Filter params/result used to list my user videos for the REST API
  18. '': true,
  19. '': true,
  20. // Filter params/result used to list overview videos for the REST API
  21. 'filter:api.overviews.videos.list.params': true,
  22. 'filter:api.overviews.videos.list.result': true,
  23. // Filter params/result used to list subscription videos for the REST API
  24. '': true,
  25. '': true,
  26. // Filter params/results to search videos/channels in the DB or on the remote index
  27. '': true,
  28. '': true,
  29. '': true,
  30. '': true,
  31. '': true,
  32. '': true,
  33. '': true,
  34. '': true,
  35. '': true,
  36. '': true,
  37. '': true,
  38. '': true,
  39. // Filter the result of the get function
  40. // Used to get detailed video information (video watch page for example)
  41. '': true,
  42. // Filter params/results when listing video channels
  43. '': true,
  44. '': true,
  45. // Filter the result when getting a video channel
  46. '': true,
  47. // Filter the result of the accept upload/live, import via torrent/url functions
  48. // If this function returns false then the upload is aborted with an error
  49. '': true,
  50. '': true,
  51. '': true,
  52. '': true,
  53. '': true,
  54. '': true,
  55. // Filter the result of the accept comment (thread or reply) functions
  56. // If the functions return false then the user cannot post its comment
  57. '': true,
  58. '': true,
  59. // Filter attributes when creating video object
  60. '': true,
  61. '': true,
  62. '': true,
  63. '': true,
  64. // Filter params/result used to list threads of a specific video
  65. // (used by the video watch page)
  66. '': true,
  67. '': true,
  68. // Filter params/result used to list replies of a specific thread
  69. // (used by the video watch page when we click on the "View replies" button)
  70. '': true,
  71. '': true,
  72. // Filter get stats result
  73. 'filter:api.server.stats.get.result': true,
  74. // Filter result used to check if we need to auto blacklist a video
  75. // (fired when a local or remote video is created or updated)
  76. '': true,
  77. // Filter result used to check if a user can register on the instance
  78. 'filter:api.user.signup.allowed.result': true,
  79. // Filter result used to check if a user can send a registration request on the instance
  80. // PeerTube >= 5.1
  81. 'filter:api.user.request-signup.allowed.result': true,
  82. // Filter result used to check if video/torrent download is allowed
  83. '': true,
  84. '': true,
  85. // Filter result to check if the embed is allowed for a particular request
  86. '': true,
  87. '': true,
  88. // Peertube >= 5.2
  89. 'filter:html.client.json-ld.result': true,
  90. 'filter:job-queue.process.params': true,
  91. 'filter:job-queue.process.result': true,
  92. 'filter:transcoding.manual.resolutions-to-transcode.result': true,
  93. '': true,
  94. 'filter:activity-pub.remote-video-comment.create.accept.result': true,
  95. '': true,
  96. // Filter the result of video JSON LD builder
  97. // You may also need to use to also update JSON LD context
  98. '': true,
  99. // Filter result to allow custom XMLNS definitions in podcast RSS feeds
  100. // Peertube >= 5.2
  101. 'filter:feed.podcast.rss.create-custom-xmlns.result': true,
  102. // Filter result to allow custom tags in podcast RSS feeds
  103. // Peertube >= 5.2
  104. '': true,
  105. // Peertube >= 5.2
  106. '': true
  107. }
  108. export type ServerFilterHookName = keyof typeof serverFilterHookObject
  109. export const serverActionHookObject = {
  110. // Fired when the application has been loaded and is listening HTTP requests
  111. 'action:application.listening': true,
  112. // Fired when a new notification is created
  113. 'action:notifier.notification.created': true,
  114. // API actions hooks give access to the original express `req` and `res` parameters
  115. // Fired when a local video is updated
  116. '': true,
  117. // Fired when a local video is deleted
  118. '': true,
  119. // Fired when a local video is uploaded
  120. '': true,
  121. // Fired when a local video is viewed
  122. '': true,
  123. // Fired when a video channel is created
  124. '': true,
  125. // Fired when a video channel is updated
  126. '': true,
  127. // Fired when a video channel is deleted
  128. '': true,
  129. // Fired when a live video is created
  130. '': true,
  131. // Fired when a live video starts or ends
  132. // Peertube >= 5.2
  133. '': true,
  134. // Fired when a thread is created
  135. '': true,
  136. // Fired when a reply to a thread is created
  137. '': true,
  138. // Fired when a comment (thread or reply) is deleted
  139. '': true,
  140. // Fired when a caption is created
  141. '': true,
  142. // Fired when a caption is deleted
  143. '': true,
  144. // Fired when a user is blocked (banned)
  145. 'action:api.user.blocked': true,
  146. // Fired when a user is unblocked (unbanned)
  147. 'action:api.user.unblocked': true,
  148. // Fired when a user registered on the instance
  149. 'action:api.user.registered': true,
  150. // Fired when a user requested registration on the instance
  151. // PeerTube >= 5.1
  152. 'action:api.user.requested-registration': true,
  153. // Fired when an admin/moderator created a user
  154. 'action:api.user.created': true,
  155. // Fired when a user is removed by an admin/moderator
  156. 'action:api.user.deleted': true,
  157. // Fired when a user is updated by an admin/moderator
  158. 'action:api.user.updated': true,
  159. // Fired when a user got a new oauth2 token
  160. 'action:api.user.oauth2-got-token': true,
  161. // Fired when a video is added to a playlist
  162. '': true,
  163. // Fired when a remote video has been created/updated
  164. 'action:activity-pub.remote-video.created': true,
  165. 'action:activity-pub.remote-video.updated': true
  166. }
  167. export type ServerActionHookName = keyof typeof serverActionHookObject
  168. export const serverHookObject = Object.assign({}, serverFilterHookObject, serverActionHookObject)
  169. export type ServerHookName = keyof typeof serverHookObject
  170. export interface ServerHook {
  171. runHook <T> (hookName: ServerHookName, result?: T, params?: any): Promise<T>
  172. }