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style(hooks): copyright year check as per author email

Add a check in pre-commit hook to check the
- copyright header is present for the authors organisation.
- the copyright year for the copyright header is updated.

The author email id is parsed to get the organization. Depending upon
the parsed info, the copyright header for the organization is checked
if its present in the file(s) or not.
If the copyright header is present in the file(s) then the copyright
year is checked.

If the copyright header is not present or the copyright year in the
header is not updated it is highlighted to the author
which the user then needs to incorporate in the change accordingly.

To enable this check, the case statement in
.husky/pre-commit.copyright needs to be modified to add the domain
from the email id and corresponding copyright header of the

Change-Id: I4dedb68248b3dae997d887dd380155fe326d071d
Signed-off-by: Akshay Belsare <akshay.belsare@amd.com>
Akshay Belsare vor 1 Jahr
1 geänderte Dateien mit 50 neuen und 22 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 50 22

+ 50 - 22

@@ -17,10 +17,24 @@ ARM_RGX="\(ARM\|Arm\|arm\)"
+ORG=`echo "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" | awk -F '[@]' '{ print $2;}'`
+case $ORG in
+	amd.com)
+		PLATPROV="Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved."
+		;;
+	*arm.com)
+		;;
+	*)
+		;;
 function user_warning() {
 	echo -e "Copyright of $RED$FILE$BLANK is out of date/incorrect"
 	echo -e "Updated copyright to"
-	grep -nr "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*$ARM_RGX" "$FILE"
+	grep -nr "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*$PLATPROV" "$FILE"
@@ -29,31 +43,45 @@ while read -r FILE; do
-	# Check if correct copyright notice is in file.
-	# To reduce false positives, we assume files with no
-	# copyright notice do not require it.
-	if ! grep "opyright.*$YEAR_NOW.*$ARM_RGX" "$FILE">/dev/null 2>&1
+	# Check if copyright header exists for the org
+	if ! grep "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*$PLATPROV" "$FILE">/dev/null 2>&1 && [[ $ORG != *arm* ]]
-		# If it is "from_date - to_date" type of entry - change to_date entry.
-		if grep "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*-.*$YEAR_RGX.*$ARM_RGX" "$FILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
-		then
-			exit_code=1
-			sed -i "s/\(opyright.*\)$YEAR_RGX\(.*$ARM_RGX\)/\1$(date +"%Y"), Arm/" $FILE
-			user_warning
-		# If it is single "date" type of entry - add the copyright extension to current year.
-		elif grep "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*$ARM_RGX" "$FILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
+		echo -e "Copyright header ""$RED""$PLATPROV""$BLANK"" is missing in ""$YELLOW""$FILE""$BLANK"
+	fi
+	# Check if the copyright year is updated for the org  and update it
+	if [ ! -z "$PLATPROV" ]
+	then
+		if ! grep "opyright.*$YEAR_NOW.*$PLATPROV" "$FILE">/dev/null 2>&1
-			exit_code=1
-			sed -i "s/\(opyright.*$YEAR_RGX\)\(.*$ARM_RGX\)/\1-$(date +"%Y"), Arm/" $FILE
-			user_warning
+			# If it is "from_date - to_date" type of entry - change to_date entry.
+			if grep "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*-.*$YEAR_RGX.*$PLATPROV" "$FILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
+			then
+				exit_code=1
+				sed -i "s/\(opyright.*\)$YEAR_RGX\(.*$PLATPROV\)/\1$(date +"%Y")\2/" $FILE
+				user_warning
+			# If it is single "date" type of entry - add the copyright extension to current year.
+			elif grep "opyright.*$YEAR_RGX.*$PLATPROV" "$FILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
+			then
+				exit_code=1
+				sed -i "s/\(opyright.*$YEAR_RGX\)\(.*$PLATPROV\)/\1-$(date +"%Y")\2/" $FILE
+				user_warning
+			fi
+			# Even if the year is correct - verify that Arm copyright is formatted correctly.
+			if [[ $ORG == *arm* ]]
+			then
+				if grep "opyright.*\(ARM\|arm\)" "$FILE">/dev/null 2>&1
+				then
+					exit_code=1
+					sed -i "s/\(opyright.*\)\(ARM\|arm\)/\1Arm/" $FILE
+					user_warning
+				fi
+			fi
-	# Even if the year is correct - verify that Arm copyright is formatted correctly.
-	elif grep "opyright.*\(ARM\|arm\)" "$FILE">/dev/null 2>&1
-	then
-		exit_code=1
-		sed -i "s/\(opyright.*\)\(ARM\|arm\)/\1Arm/" $FILE
-		user_warning
 done <<< "$FILES"
 if [ $exit_code -eq 1 ]