tox.ini 567 B

  1. [tox]
  2. envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311, py312, lint
  3. [testenv]
  4. allowlist_externals = poetry
  5. commands =
  6. poetry install -v --with dev
  7. poetry run pytest
  8. [testenv:format]
  9. description = Run linters and type checks
  10. skip_install = true
  11. allowlist_externals = poetry
  12. commands =
  13. poetry run black .
  14. poetry run isort .
  15. [testenv:lint]
  16. description = Run linters and type checks
  17. skip_install = true
  18. allowlist_externals = poetry
  19. commands =
  20. poetry run black --check .
  21. poetry run isort --check-only .
  22. poetry run mypy .
  23. poetry run darglint tlc tests