interface.html 991 B

  1. <html><head><title>The Common Gateway Interface Specification
  2. [http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/interface.html]
  3. </title></head><body><h1><img alt="" src="interface_files/CGIlogo.gif"> The CGI Specification</h1>
  4. <hr>
  5. This is the specification for CGI version 1.1, or CGI/1.1. Further
  6. revisions of this protocol are guaranteed to be backward compatible.
  7. <p>
  8. The server and the CGI script communicate in four major ways. Each of
  9. the following is a hotlink to graphic detail.</p><p>
  10. </p><ul>
  11. <li> <a href="env.html">Environment variables</a>
  12. </li><li> <a href="cl.html">The command line</a>
  13. </li><li> <a href="in.html">Standard input</a>
  14. </li><li> <a href="out.html">Standard output</a>
  15. </li></ul>
  16. <hr>
  17. <a href="http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/overview.html"><img alt="[Back]" src="interface_files/back.gif">Return to the overview</a> <p>
  18. CGI - Common Gateway Interface
  19. </p><address><a href="http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/mailtocgi.html">cgi@ncsa.uiuc.edu</a></address>
  20. </body></html>