Browse Source

netware: remove support

There are no current users and no Netware related changes done in the
code for over 13 years is a clear sign this is abandoned.

Closes #8358
Daniel Stenberg 2 years ago
13 changed files with 16 additions and 2126 deletions
  1. 1 26
  2. 2 2
  3. 0 436
  4. 7 9
  5. 0 725
  6. 0 8
  7. 1 7
  8. 0 327
  9. 0 88
  10. 2 2
  11. 0 474
  12. 2 2
  13. 1 20

+ 1 - 26

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 #                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -73,31 +73,6 @@ amiga:
 	cd ./lib && make -f makefile.amiga
 	cd ./src && make -f makefile.amiga
-	$(MAKE) -C lib -f Makefile.netware
-	$(MAKE) -C src -f Makefile.netware
-	$(MAKE) -C lib -f Makefile.netware clean
-	$(MAKE) -C src -f Makefile.netware clean
-	$(MAKE) -C docs/examples -f Makefile.netware clean
-netware-vclean netware-distclean:
-	$(MAKE) -C lib -f Makefile.netware vclean
-	$(MAKE) -C src -f Makefile.netware vclean
-	$(MAKE) -C docs/examples -f Makefile.netware vclean
-	$(MAKE) -C lib -f Makefile.netware install
-	$(MAKE) -C src -f Makefile.netware install
-	$(MAKE) -C docs/examples -f Makefile.netware CFG=$@
-	$(MAKE) -C lib -f Makefile.netware CFG=$@
-	$(MAKE) -C src -f Makefile.netware CFG=$@
 unix: all
 unix-ssl: ssl

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 #                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign nostdinc
 EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.example Makefile.m32 \
-  Makefile.netware $(COMPLICATED_EXAMPLES) .checksrc
 # Specify our include paths here, and do it relative to $(top_srcdir) and
 # $(top_builddir), to ensure that these paths which belong to the library

+ 0 - 436

@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-#                                  _   _ ____  _
-#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
-#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
-#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
-#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 2008 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at
-# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
-# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
-# KIND, either express or implied.
-## Makefile for building curl.nlm (NetWare version - gnu make)
-## Use: make -f Makefile.netware
-## Comments to: Guenter Knauf
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Novell NDK.
-ifndef NDKBASE
-NDKBASE = c:/novell
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources.
-ifndef ZLIB_PATH
-ZLIB_PATH = ../../../zlib-1.2.8
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package.
-OPENSSL_PATH = ../../../openssl-1.0.2a
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your LibSSH2 package.
-ifndef LIBSSH2_PATH
-LIBSSH2_PATH = ../../../libssh2-1.5.0
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your libidn package.
-LIBIDN_PATH = ../../../libidn-1.32
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your librtmp package.
-LIBRTMP_PATH = ../../../librtmp-2.4
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your fbopenssl package.
-FBOPENSSL_PATH = ../../fbopenssl-0.4
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your c-ares package.
-LIBCARES_PATH = ../../ares
-ifndef INSTDIR
-INSTDIR = ..$(DS)..$(DS)curl-$(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR)-bin-nw
-# Edit the vars below to change NLM target settings.
-TARGET  = examples
-DESCR   = curl ($(LIBARCH))
-STACK   = 8192
-SCREEN  = Example Program
-# Comment the line below if you don't want to load protected automatically.
-# LDRING = 3
-# Uncomment the next line to enable linking with POSIX semantics.
-# POSIXFL = 1
-# Edit the var below to point to your lib architecture.
-ifndef LIBARCH
-# must be equal to NDEBUG or DEBUG, CURLDEBUG
-ifndef DB
-# Optimization: -O<n> or debugging: -g
-ifeq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-  OPT = -O2
-  OBJDIR = release
-  OPT = -g
-  OBJDIR = debug
-# The following lines defines your compiler.
-ifdef CWFolder
-  METROWERKS = $(CWFolder)
-  # MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support
-  MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support/Metrowerks Support
-  CC = mwccnlm
-  CC = gcc
-PERL = perl
-# Here you can find a native Win32 binary of the original awk:
-AWK = awk
-CP = cp -afv
-MKDIR = mkdir
-# RM = rm -f
-# If you want to mark the target as MTSAFE you will need a tool for
-# generating the xdc data for the linker; here's a minimal tool:
-MPKXDC = mkxdc
-# LIBARCH_U = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print toupper(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-LIBARCH_L = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print tolower(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-# Include the version info retrieved from curlver.h
--include $(OBJDIR)/
-# Global flags for all compilers
-ifeq ($(CC),mwccnlm)
-  LD = mwldnlm
-  LDFLAGS = -nostdlib $< $(PRELUDE) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ -commandfile
-  LIBEXT  = lib
-  CFLAGS  += -gccinc -inline off -opt nointrinsics -proc 586
-  CFLAGS  += -relax_pointers
-  #CFLAGS += -w on
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.o
-    endif
-    CFLAGS += -align 4
-  else
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    PRELUDE = "$(MWCW_PATH)/libraries/runtime/prelude.obj"
-    # CFLAGS += -include "$(MWCW_PATH)/headers/nlm_clib_prefix.h"
-    CFLAGS += -align 1
-  endif
-  LD = nlmconv
-  LIBEXT  = a
-  CFLAGS  += -m32
-  CFLAGS  += -fno-builtin -fno-strict-aliasing
-  ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(CC)),gcc)
-    CFLAGS += -fpcc-struct-return
-  endif
-  CFLAGS += -Wall # -pedantic
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.gcc.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.gcc.o
-    endif
-  else
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.gcc.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    #
-    PRELUDE = $(NDK_ROOT)/pre/prelude.o
-    CFLAGS += -include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/genlm.h
-  endif
-ifndef NDK_CLIB
-NDK_CLIB = $(NDK_ROOT)/nwsdk
-ifndef NDK_LIBC
-NDK_LIBC = $(NDK_ROOT)/libc
-ifndef NDK_LDAP
-NDK_LDAP = $(NDK_ROOT)/cldapsdk/netware
-CURL_INC = ../../include
-CURL_LIB = ../../lib
-ifeq ($(findstring -static,$(CFG)),-static)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ares,$(CFG)),-ares)
-ifeq ($(findstring -rtmp,$(CFG)),-rtmp)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssh2,$(CFG)),-ssh2)
-WITH_SSH2 = 1
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssl,$(CFG)),-ssl)
-ifeq ($(findstring -zlib,$(CFG)),-zlib)
-ifeq ($(findstring -idn,$(CFG)),-idn)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ipv6,$(CFG)),-ipv6)
-  LDLIBS = $(CURL_LIB)/libcurl.$(LIBEXT)
-ifdef WITH_ARES
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBCARES_PATH)/libcares.$(LIBEXT)
-  MODULES = libcurl.nlm
-  IMPORTS = @$(CURL_LIB)/libcurl.imp
-ifdef WITH_SSH2
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/include
-  ifdef LINK_STATIC
-    LDLIBS += $(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.$(LIBEXT)
-  else
-    MODULES += libssh2.nlm
-    IMPORTS += @$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.imp
-  endif
-ifdef WITH_RTMP
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBRTMP_PATH)/librtmp/librtmp.$(LIBEXT)
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/ssl.$(LIBEXT)
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/crypto.$(LIBEXT)
-  IMPORTS += GetProcessSwitchCount RunningProcess
-ifdef WITH_ZLIB
-  LDLIBS += $(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.$(LIBEXT)
-  MODULES += libz.nlm
-  IMPORTS += @$(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.imp
-ifdef WITH_IDN
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(LIBIDN_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBIDN_PATH)/lib/libidn.$(LIBEXT)
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/nks
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/winsock
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include/nlm
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),YES)
-  XDCOPT = -n
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),NO)
-  XDCOPT = -u
-ifdef XDCOPT
-ifeq ($(findstring /sh,$(SHELL)),/sh)
-DL  = '
-DS  = /
-PCT = %
-#-include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/
-DS  = \\
-PCT = %%
-# provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines
-check_PROGRAMS := $(patsubst %,%.nlm,$(strip $(check_PROGRAMS)))
-.PRECIOUS: $(OBJDIR)/%.o $(OBJDIR)/%.def $(OBJDIR)/%.xdc
-all: prebuild $(check_PROGRAMS)
-prebuild: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)/
-$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
-	@echo Compiling $<
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-$(OBJDIR)/ $(CURL_INC)/curl/curlver.h $(OBJDIR)
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(AWK) -f ../../packages/NetWare/get_ver.awk $< > $@
-install: $(INSTDIR) all
-	@$(CP) $(check_PROGRAMS) $(INSTDIR)
-	-$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR)
-distclean vclean: clean
-	-$(RM) $(check_PROGRAMS)
-	@$(MKDIR) $@
-%.nlm: $(OBJDIR)/%.o $(OBJDIR)/%.def $(XDCDATA)
-	@echo Linking $@
-	@-$(RM) $@
-	@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/$(@:.nlm=.def)
-$(OBJDIR)/%.xdc: Makefile.netware
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(MPKXDC) $(XDCOPT) $@
-$(OBJDIR)/%.def: Makefile.netware
-	@echo $(DL)# DEF file for linking with $(LD)$(DL) > $@
-	@echo $(DL)# Do not edit this file - it is created by Make!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)# All your changes will be lost!!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)copyright "$(COPYR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)description "$(DESCR) $(notdir $(@:.def=)) Example"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)version $(VERSION)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef NLMTYPE
-	@echo $(DL)type $(NLMTYPE)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef STACK
-	@echo $(DL)stack $(STACK)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef SCREEN
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "$(DESCR) $(notdir $(@:.def=)) $(SCREEN)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "DEFAULT"$(DL) >> $@
-ifneq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-	@echo $(DL)debug$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)threadname "_$(notdir $(@:.def=))"$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef XDCDATA
-	@echo $(DL)xdcdata $(XDCDATA)$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LDRING),0)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 16$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LDRING),3)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 512$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),CLIB)
-	@echo $(DL)start _Prelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/threads.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/nlmlib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/socklib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module clib$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module ldapsdk ldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 4194304$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 64$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)pseudopreemption$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring posixpre,$(PRELUDE)),posixpre)
-	@echo $(DL)start POSIX_Start$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit POSIX_Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check POSIX_CheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)start _LibCPrelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _LibCPostlude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check _LibCCheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libc.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/netware.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module libc$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module lldapsdk lldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef MODULES
-	@echo $(DL)module $(MODULES)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef EXPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)export $(EXPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef IMPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)import $(IMPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring nlmconv,$(LD)),nlmconv)
-	@echo $(DL)input $(PRELUDE)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)input $(@:.def=.o)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef LDLIBS
-	@echo $(DL)input $(LDLIBS)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)output $(notdir $(@:.def=.nlm))$(DL) >> $@

+ 7 - 9

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 #                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign nostdinc
 CMAKE_DIST = CMakeLists.txt curl_config.h.cmake
-EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.m32 config-win32.h config-win32ce.h           \
- config-plan9.h config-riscos.h config-mac.h       \
- config-dos.h libcurl.plist libcurl.rc config-amigaos.h \
- makefile.amiga Makefile.netware nwlib.c nwos.c config-win32ce.h    \
- config-os400.h setup-os400.h                                       \
- config-tpf.h mk-ca-bundle.vbs $(CMAKE_DIST)        \
- config-vxworks.h Makefile.vxworks    \
- setup-win32.h .checksrc
+EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.m32 config-win32.h config-win32ce.h config-plan9.h    \
+ config-riscos.h config-mac.h config-dos.h     \
+ libcurl.plist libcurl.rc config-amigaos.h makefile.amiga config-win32ce.h  \
+ config-os400.h setup-os400.h config-tpf.h mk-ca-bundle.vbs \
+ $(CMAKE_DIST) config-vxworks.h Makefile.vxworks          \
+ setup-win32.h .checksrc

+ 0 - 725

@@ -1,725 +0,0 @@
-#                                  _   _ ____  _
-#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
-#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
-#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
-#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 2004 - 2015, 2021, Guenter Knauf
-# Copyright (C) 2001 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at
-# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
-# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
-# KIND, either express or implied.
-## Makefile for building libcurl.nlm (NetWare version - gnu make)
-## Use: make -f Makefile.netware
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Novell NDK.
-ifndef NDKBASE
-NDKBASE = c:/novell
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources.
-ifndef ZLIB_PATH
-ZLIB_PATH = ../../zlib-1.2.8
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package.
-OPENSSL_PATH = ../../openssl-1.0.2a
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your LibSSH2 package.
-ifndef LIBSSH2_PATH
-LIBSSH2_PATH = ../../libssh2-1.5.0
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your libidn package.
-LIBIDN_PATH = ../../libidn-1.18
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your librtmp package.
-LIBRTMP_PATH = ../../librtmp-2.3
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your nghttp2 package.
-ifndef NGHTTP2_PATH
-NGHTTP2_PATH = ../../nghttp2-0.6.7
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your fbopenssl package.
-FBOPENSSL_PATH = ../../fbopenssl-0.4
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your c-ares package.
-LIBCARES_PATH = ../ares
-ifndef INSTDIR
-INSTDIR = ..$(DS)curl-$(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR)-bin-nw
-# Edit the vars below to change NLM target settings.
-TARGET  = libcurl
-DESCR   = curl libcurl $(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR) ($(LIBARCH)) -
-STACK   = 64000
-SCREEN  = none
-# Uncomment the next line to enable linking with POSIX semantics.
-# POSIXFL = 1
-# Edit the var below to point to your lib architecture.
-ifndef LIBARCH
-# must be equal to NDEBUG or DEBUG, CURLDEBUG
-ifndef DB
-# Optimization: -O<n> or debugging: -g
-ifeq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-  OPT = -O2
-  OBJDIR = release
-  OPT = -g
-  OBJDIR = debug
-# The following lines defines your compiler.
-ifdef CWFolder
-  METROWERKS = $(CWFolder)
-  # MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support
-  MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support/Metrowerks Support
-  CC = mwccnlm
-  CC = gcc
-PERL = perl
-# Here you can find a native Win32 binary of the original awk:
-AWK = awk
-CP  = cp -afv
-MKDIR = mkdir
-# RM = rm -f
-# If you want to mark the target as MTSAFE you will need a tool for
-# generating the xdc data for the linker; here's a minimal tool:
-MPKXDC = mkxdc
-# LIBARCH_U = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print toupper(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-LIBARCH_L = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print tolower(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-# Include the version info retrieved from curlver.h
--include $(OBJDIR)/
-# Global flags for all compilers
-ifeq ($(CC),mwccnlm)
-  LD = mwldnlm
-  LDFLAGS = -nostdlib $(PRELUDE) $(OBJL) -o $@ -commandfile
-  AR = mwldnlm
-  ARFLAGS = -nostdlib -type library -o
-  LIBEXT  = lib
-  #RANLIB =
-  CFLAGS  += -msgstyle gcc -gccinc -inline off -opt nointrinsics -proc 586
-  CFLAGS  += -relax_pointers
-  #CFLAGS += -w on
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.o
-    endif
-    CFLAGS += -align 4
-  else
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    PRELUDE = "$(MWCW_PATH)/libraries/runtime/prelude.obj"
-    # CFLAGS += -include "$(MWCW_PATH)/headers/nlm_clib_prefix.h"
-    CFLAGS += -align 1
-  endif
-  LD = nlmconv
-  AR = ar
-  ARFLAGS = -cq
-  LIBEXT  = a
-  RANLIB  = ranlib
-  CFLAGS  += -m32
-  CFLAGS  += -fno-builtin -fno-strict-aliasing
-  ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(CC)),gcc)
-    CFLAGS  += -fpcc-struct-return
-  endif
-  CFLAGS  += -Wall # -pedantic
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.gcc.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.gcc.o
-    endif
-  else
-    PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.gcc.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    #
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_ROOT)/pre/prelude.o
-    CFLAGS += -include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/genlm.h
- endif
-ifndef NDK_CLIB
-NDK_CLIB = $(NDK_ROOT)/nwsdk
-ifndef NDK_LIBC
-NDK_LIBC = $(NDK_ROOT)/libc
-ifndef NDK_LDAP
-NDK_LDAP = $(NDK_ROOT)/cldapsdk/netware
-CURL_INC = ../include
-CURL_LIB = ../lib
-ifeq ($(findstring -static,$(CFG)),-static)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ares,$(CFG)),-ares)
-ifeq ($(findstring -rtmp,$(CFG)),-rtmp)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssh2,$(CFG)),-ssh2)
-WITH_SSH2 = 1
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssl,$(CFG)),-ssl)
-ifeq ($(findstring -srp,$(CFG)),-srp)
-ifeq "$(wildcard $(OPENSSL_PATH)/outinc_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/openssl/srp.h)" "$(OPENSSL_PATH)/outinc_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/openssl/srp.h"
-ifeq ($(findstring -zlib,$(CFG)),-zlib)
-ifeq ($(findstring -idn,$(CFG)),-idn)
-ifeq ($(findstring -nghttp2,$(CFG)),-nghttp2)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ipv6,$(CFG)),-ipv6)
-ifdef WITH_ARES
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBCARES_PATH)/libcares.$(LIBEXT)
-ifdef WITH_SSH2
-  INCLUDES += -I$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.$(LIBEXT)
-  MODULES += libssh2.nlm
-  IMPORTS += @$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.imp
-ifdef WITH_RTMP
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBRTMP_PATH)/librtmp/librtmp.$(LIBEXT)
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/ssl.$(LIBEXT)
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/crypto.$(LIBEXT)
-  IMPORTS += GetProcessSwitchCount RunningProcess
-  INSTDEP += ca-bundle.crt
-ifdef WITH_ZLIB
-  ifdef LINK_STATIC
-    LDLIBS += $(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.$(LIBEXT)
-  else
-    MODULES += libz.nlm
-    IMPORTS += @$(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.imp
-  endif
-ifdef WITH_IDN
-  INCLUDES += -I$(LIBIDN_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBIDN_PATH)/lib/libidn.$(LIBEXT)
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NGHTTP2_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(NGHTTP2_PATH)/lib/libnghttp2.$(LIBEXT)
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/nks
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/winsock
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include/nlm
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include/nlm/obsolete
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),YES)
-  XDCOPT = -n
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),NO)
-  XDCOPT = -u
-ifdef XDCOPT
-ifeq ($(findstring /sh,$(SHELL)),/sh)
-DL  = '
-DS  = /
-PCT = %
-#-include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/
-DS  = \\
-PCT = %%
-# provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines
-OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(strip $(notdir $(CSOURCES)))) $(OBJDIR)/nwos.o
-OBJL = $(OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/nwlib.o $(LDLIBS)
-vpath %.c . vauth vtls
-all: lib nlm
-nlm: prebuild $(TARGET).nlm
-lib: prebuild $(TARGET).$(LIBEXT)
-prebuild: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)/ curl_config.h
-$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
-#	@echo Compiling $<
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-$(OBJDIR)/ $(CURL_INC)/curl/curlver.h $(OBJDIR)
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(AWK) -f ../packages/NetWare/get_ver.awk $< > $@
-install: $(INSTDIR) all $(INSTDEP)
-	@$(CP) $(TARGET).nlm $(INSTDIR)
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-	@-$(CP) ca-bundle.crt $(INSTDIR)/ca-bundle.crt
-	-$(RM) curl_config.h
-	-$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR)
-distclean vclean: clean
-	-$(RM) $(TARGET).$(LIBEXT) $(TARGET).nlm $(TARGET).imp
-	-$(RM) certdata.txt ca-bundle.crt
-	@$(MKDIR) $@
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@-$(RM) $@
-	@$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^
-ifdef RANLIB
-	@$(RANLIB) $@
-	@echo Linking $@
-	@-$(RM) $@
-	@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $<
-$(OBJDIR)/%.xdc: Makefile.netware
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(MPKXDC) $(XDCOPT) $@
-$(OBJDIR)/%.def: Makefile.netware
-	@echo $(DL)# DEF file for linking with $(LD)$(DL) > $@
-	@echo $(DL)# Do not edit this file - it is created by make!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)# All your changes will be lost!!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)copyright "$(COPYR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)description "$(DESCR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)version $(VERSION)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef NLMTYPE
-	@echo $(DL)type $(NLMTYPE)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef STACK
-	@echo $(DL)stack $(STACK)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef SCREEN
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "$(SCREEN)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "DEFAULT"$(DL) >> $@
-ifneq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-	@echo $(DL)debug$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)threadname "$(TARGET)"$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef XDCDATA
-	@echo $(DL)xdcdata $(XDCDATA)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 64$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),CLIB)
-	@echo $(DL)start _Prelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/threads.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/nlmlib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/socklib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module clib$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module ldapsdk ldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 4194304$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)pseudopreemption$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring posixpre,$(PRELUDE)),posixpre)
-	@echo $(DL)start POSIX_Start$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit POSIX_Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check POSIX_CheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)start _LibCPrelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _LibCPostlude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check _LibCCheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libc.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/netware.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module libc$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module lldapsdk lldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef MODULES
-	@echo $(DL)module $(MODULES)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef EXPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)export $(EXPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef IMPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)import $(IMPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring nlmconv,$(LD)),nlmconv)
-	@echo $(DL)input $(PRELUDE)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)input $(OBJL)$(DL) >> $@
-#ifdef LDLIBS
-#	@echo $(DL)input $(LDLIBS)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)output $(TARGET).nlm$(DL) >> $@
-curl_config.h: Makefile.netware
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@echo $(DL)/* $@ for NetWare target.$(DL) > $@
-	@echo $(DL)** Do not edit this file - it is created by make!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)** All your changes will be lost!!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)*/$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#ifndef NETWARE$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#error This $(notdir $@) is created for NetWare platform!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#endif$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define VERSION "$(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "a suitable curl mailing list =>"$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),CLIB)
-	@echo $(DL)#define OS "i586-pc-clib-NetWare"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define NETDB_USE_INTERNET 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRICMP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRNICMP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG2 char *$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG3 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_RETV int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG2 char$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG3 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG5 struct sockaddr$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG6 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_RETV int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_QUAL_ARG2$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG2 char *$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG3 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_RETV int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 4$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define pressanykey PressAnyKeyToContinue$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define OS "i586-pc-libc-NetWare"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LONGLONG 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRLCAT 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRLCPY 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRTOLL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG2 void *$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG3 size_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECV_TYPE_RETV ssize_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG2 void$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG3 size_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG5 struct sockaddr$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG6 size_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_RETV ssize_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define RECVFROM_TYPE_ARG2_IS_VOID 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_QUAL_ARG2$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG1 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG2 void *$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG3 size_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_ARG4 int$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SEND_TYPE_RETV ssize_t$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define _LARGEFILE 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
-	@echo $(DL)#define ENABLE_IPV6 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_AF_INET6 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_PF_INET6 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_FREEADDRINFO 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_SCOPE_ID 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRUCT_ADDRINFO 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_STRUCT_IN6_ADDR 16$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_MANUAL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_ASSERT_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_ERRNO_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_GETPROTOBYNAME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_INET_ADDR 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_IOCTL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_RECV 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_RECVFROM 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SELECT 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SEND 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SETJMP_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SIGNAL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SOCKET 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRDUP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRFTIME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRING_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRSTR 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_TIME_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_UNAME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_UTIME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_WRITEV 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_INT 4$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define SIZEOF_STRUCT_IN_ADDR 4$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define STDC_HEADERS 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define CURL_DISABLE_LDAP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define CURL_HAS_NOVELL_LDAPSDK 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LDAP_SSL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LDAP_SSL_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LDAP_URL_PARSE 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_CLOSESOCKET 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_BSD_SOCKETS 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKIO_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_NETDB_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_ARES
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_ARES 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_ZLIB
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LIBZ 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_OPENSSL 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_X509_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_RSA_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_PEM_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_ERR_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_SRP
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_TLS_SRP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_SPNEGO 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_SSH2
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_LIBSSH2 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LIBSSH2_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_IDN
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_LIBIDN 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_TLD_H 1$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef WITH_RTMP
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_LIBRTMP 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define USE_NGHTTP2 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#ifdef __GNUC__$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_GCC 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#else$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define HAVE_VARIADIC_MACROS_C99 1$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#endif$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#define CURL_CA_BUNDLE "$(CABUNDLE)"$(DL) >> $@
-$(EXPORTF): $(CURL_INC)/curl/curl.h $(CURL_INC)/curl/easy.h $(CURL_INC)/curl/multi.h $(CURL_INC)/curl/mprintf.h
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(AWK) -f ../packages/NetWare/get_exp.awk $^ > $@
-info: $(OBJDIR)/
-	@echo Configured to build $(TARGET) with these options:
-	@echo libarchitecture: $(LIBARCH)
-	@echo curl version:    $(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR)
-	@echo compiler/linker: $(CC) / $(LD)
-	@echo ca-bundle path:  $(CABUNDLE)
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-	@echo SSL support:     enabled (OpenSSL)
-	@echo SSL support:     no
-ifdef WITH_SRP
-	@echo SRP support:     enabled
-	@echo SRP support:     no
-ifdef WITH_SSH2
-	@echo SSH2 support:    enabled (libssh2)
-	@echo SSH2 support:    no
-ifdef WITH_ZLIB
-	@echo zlib support:    enabled
-	@echo zlib support:    no
-	@echo http2 support:   enabled
-	@echo http2 support:   no
-ifdef WITH_ARES
-	@echo c-ares support:  enabled
-	@echo c-ares support:  no
-ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
-	@echo IPv6 support:    enabled
-	@echo IPv6 support:    no
-	$(MAKE) -C $(LIBCARES_PATH) -f Makefile.netware lib
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@-$(PERL) $< -b -n $@

+ 0 - 8

@@ -619,14 +619,6 @@
 #  endif
-#ifdef NETWARE
-int netware_init(void);
-#ifndef __NOVELL_LIBC__
-#include <sys/bsdskt.h>
-#include <sys/timeval.h>
 #if defined(HAVE_LIBIDN2) && defined(HAVE_IDN2_H) && !defined(USE_WIN32_IDN)
 /* The lib and header are present */
 #define USE_LIBIDN2

+ 1 - 7

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
- * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -168,12 +168,6 @@ static CURLcode global_init(long flags, bool memoryfuncs)
-#ifdef NETWARE
-  if(netware_init()) {
-    DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Warning: LONG namespace not available\n"));
-  }
   if(Curl_resolver_global_init()) {
     DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Error: resolver_global_init failed\n"));
     goto fail;

+ 0 - 327

@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- *                                  _   _ ____  _
- *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
- *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
- *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
- *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
- *
- * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
- * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
- * are also available at
- *
- * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "curl_setup.h"
-#ifdef NETWARE /* Novell NetWare */
-#ifdef __NOVELL_LIBC__
-/* For native LibC-based NLM we need to register as a real lib. */
-#include <library.h>
-#include <netware.h>
-#include <screen.h>
-#include <nks/thread.h>
-#include <nks/synch.h>
-#include "curl_memory.h"
-/* The last #include file should be: */
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct libthreaddata {
-  int     _errno;
-  void    *twentybytes;
-struct libdata {
-  int         x;
-  int         y;
-  int         z;
-  void        *tenbytes;
-  NXKey_t     perthreadkey;   /* if -1, no key obtained... */
-  NXMutex_t   *lock;
-int         gLibId      = -1;
-void        *gLibHandle = (void *) NULL;
-rtag_t      gAllocTag   = (rtag_t) NULL;
-NXMutex_t   *gLibLock   = (NXMutex_t *) NULL;
-/* internal library function prototypes... */
-int  DisposeLibraryData(void *);
-void DisposeThreadData(void *);
-int  GetOrSetUpData(int id, struct libdata **data,
-                    struct libthreaddata **threaddata);
-int _NonAppStart(void        *NLMHandle,
-                 void        *errorScreen,
-                 const char  *cmdLine,
-                 const char  *loadDirPath,
-                 size_t      uninitializedDataLength,
-                 void        *NLMFileHandle,
-                 int         (*readRoutineP)(int conn,
-                                             void *fileHandle, size_t offset,
-                                             size_t nbytes,
-                                             size_t *bytesRead,
-                                             void *buffer),
-                  size_t      customDataOffset,
-                  size_t      customDataSize,
-                  int         messageCount,
-                  const char  **messages)
-  NX_LOCK_INFO_ALLOC(liblock, "Per-Application Data Lock", 0);
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#pragma unused(cmdLine)
-#pragma unused(loadDirPath)
-#pragma unused(uninitializedDataLength)
-#pragma unused(NLMFileHandle)
-#pragma unused(readRoutineP)
-#pragma unused(customDataOffset)
-#pragma unused(customDataSize)
-#pragma unused(messageCount)
-#pragma unused(messages)
-  /*
-   * Here we process our command line, post errors (to the error screen),
-   * perform initializations and anything else we need to do before being able
-   * to accept calls into us. If we succeed, we return non-zero and the NetWare
-   * Loader will leave us up, otherwise we fail to load and get dumped.
-   */
-  gAllocTag = AllocateResourceTag(NLMHandle,
-                                  "<library-name> memory allocations",
-                                  AllocSignature);
-  if(!gAllocTag) {
-    OutputToScreen(errorScreen, "Unable to allocate resource tag for "
-                   "library memory allocations.\n");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  gLibId = register_library(DisposeLibraryData);
-  if(gLibId < -1) {
-    OutputToScreen(errorScreen, "Unable to register library with kernel.\n");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  gLibHandle = NLMHandle;
-  gLibLock = NXMutexAlloc(0, 0, &liblock);
-  if(!gLibLock) {
-    OutputToScreen(errorScreen, "Unable to allocate library data lock.\n");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return 0;
- * Here we clean up any resources we allocated. Resource tags is a big part
- * of what we created, but NetWare doesn't ask us to free those.
- */
-void _NonAppStop(void)
-  (void) unregister_library(gLibId);
-  NXMutexFree(gLibLock);
- * This function cannot be the first in the file for if the file is linked
- * first, then the check-unload function's offset will be nlmname.nlm+0
- * which is how to tell that there isn't one. When the check function is
- * first in the linked objects, it is ambiguous. For this reason, we will
- * put it inside this file after the stop function.
- *
- * Here we check to see if it's alright to ourselves to be unloaded. If not,
- * we return a non-zero value. Right now, there isn't any reason not to allow
- * it.
- */
-int _NonAppCheckUnload(void)
-    return 0;
-int GetOrSetUpData(int id, struct libdata **appData,
-                   struct libthreaddata **threadData)
-  int                 err;
-  struct libdata      *app_data;
-  struct libthreaddata *thread_data;
-  NXKey_t             key;
-  NX_LOCK_INFO_ALLOC(liblock, "Application Data Lock", 0);
-  err         = 0;
-  thread_data = (struct libthreaddata_t *) NULL;
-  /*
-   * Attempt to get our data for the application calling us. This is where we
-   * store whatever application-specific information we need to carry in
-   * support of calling applications.
-   */
-  app_data = (struct libdata *) get_app_data(id);
-  if(!app_data) {
-    /*
-     * This application hasn't called us before; set up application AND
-     * per-thread data. Of course, just in case a thread from this same
-     * application is calling us simultaneously, we better lock our application
-     * data-creation mutex. We also need to recheck for data after we acquire
-     * the lock because WE might be that other thread that was too late to
-     * create the data and the first thread in will have created it.
-     */
-    NXLock(gLibLock);
-    app_data = (struct libdata *) get_app_data(id);
-    if(!app_data) {
-      app_data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct libdata));
-      if(app_data) {
-        app_data->tenbytes = malloc(10);
-        app_data->lock     = NXMutexAlloc(0, 0, &liblock);
-        if(!app_data->tenbytes || !app_data->lock) {
-          if(app_data->lock)
-            NXMutexFree(app_data->lock);
-          free(app_data->tenbytes);
-          free(app_data);
-          app_data = (libdata_t *) NULL;
-          err      = ENOMEM;
-        }
-        if(app_data) {
-          /*
-           * Here we burn in the application data that we were trying to get
-           * by calling get_app_data(). Next time we call the first function,
-           * we'll get this data we're just now setting. We also go on here to
-           * establish the per-thread data for the calling thread, something
-           * we'll have to do on each application thread the first time
-           * it calls us.
-           */
-          err = set_app_data(gLibId, app_data);
-          if(err) {
-            if(app_data->lock)
-              NXMutexFree(app_data->lock);
-            free(app_data->tenbytes);
-            free(app_data);
-            app_data = (libdata_t *) NULL;
-            err      = ENOMEM;
-          }
-          else {
-            /* create key for thread-specific data... */
-            err = NXKeyCreate(DisposeThreadData, (void *) NULL, &key);
-            if(err)                /* (no more keys left?) */
-              key = -1;
-            app_data->perthreadkey = key;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    NXUnlock(gLibLock);
-  }
-  if(app_data) {
-    key = app_data->perthreadkey;
-    if(key != -1 /* couldn't create a key? no thread data */
-        && !(err = NXKeyGetValue(key, (void **) &thread_data))
-        && !thread_data) {
-      /*
-       * Allocate the per-thread data for the calling thread. Regardless of
-       * whether there was already application data or not, this may be the
-       * first call by a new thread. The fact that we allocation 20 bytes on
-       * a pointer is not very important, this just helps to demonstrate that
-       * we can have arbitrarily complex per-thread data.
-       */
-      thread_data = malloc(sizeof(struct libthreaddata));
-      if(thread_data) {
-        thread_data->_errno      = 0;
-        thread_data->twentybytes = malloc(20);
-        if(!thread_data->twentybytes) {
-          free(thread_data);
-          thread_data = (struct libthreaddata *) NULL;
-          err         = ENOMEM;
-        }
-        err = NXKeySetValue(key, thread_data);
-        if(err) {
-          free(thread_data->twentybytes);
-          free(thread_data);
-          thread_data = (struct libthreaddata *) NULL;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(appData)
-    *appData = app_data;
-  if(threadData)
-    *threadData = thread_data;
-  return err;
-int DisposeLibraryData(void *data)
-  if(data) {
-    void *tenbytes = ((libdata_t *) data)->tenbytes;
-    free(tenbytes);
-    free(data);
-  }
-  return 0;
-void DisposeThreadData(void *data)
-  if(data) {
-    void *twentybytes = ((struct libthreaddata *) data)->twentybytes;
-    free(twentybytes);
-    free(data);
-  }
-#else /* __NOVELL_LIBC__ */
-/* For native CLib-based NLM seems we can do a bit more simple. */
-#include <nwthread.h>
-int main(void)
-  /* initialize any globals here... */
-  /* do this if any global initializing was done
-  SynchronizeStart();
-  */
-  ExitThread(TSR_THREAD, 0);
-  return 0;
-#endif /* __NOVELL_LIBC__ */
-#else /* NETWARE */
-#ifdef __POCC__
-#  pragma warn(disable:2024)  /* Disable warning #2024: Empty input file */
-#endif /* NETWARE */

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- *                                  _   _ ____  _
- *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
- *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
- *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
- *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
- *
- * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
- * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
- * are also available at
- *
- * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
- *
- * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- * KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "curl_setup.h"
-#ifdef NETWARE /* Novell NetWare */
-#ifdef __NOVELL_LIBC__
-/* For native LibC-based NLM we need to do nothing. */
-int netware_init(void)
-  return 0;
-#else /* __NOVELL_LIBC__ */
-/* For native CLib-based NLM we need to initialize the LONG namespace. */
-#include <nwnspace.h>
-#include <nwthread.h>
-#include <nwadv.h>
-/* Make the CLIB Ctx stuff link */
-#include <netdb.h>
-/* Make the CLIB Inet stuff link */
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-int netware_init(void)
-  int rc = 0;
-  unsigned int myHandle = GetNLMHandle();
-  /* import UnAugmentAsterisk dynamically for NW4.x compatibility */
-  void (*pUnAugmentAsterisk)(int) = (void(*)(int))
-          ImportSymbol(myHandle, "UnAugmentAsterisk");
-  /* import UseAccurateCaseForPaths dynamically for NW3.x compatibility */
-  void (*pUseAccurateCaseForPaths)(int) = (void(*)(int))
-          ImportSymbol(myHandle, "UseAccurateCaseForPaths");
-  if(pUnAugmentAsterisk)
-    pUnAugmentAsterisk(1);
-  if(pUseAccurateCaseForPaths)
-    pUseAccurateCaseForPaths(1);
-  UnimportSymbol(myHandle, "UnAugmentAsterisk");
-  UnimportSymbol(myHandle, "UseAccurateCaseForPaths");
-  /* set long name space */
-  if((SetCurrentNameSpace(4) == 255)) {
-    rc = 1;
-  }
-  if((SetTargetNameSpace(4) == 255)) {
-    rc = rc + 2;
-  }
-  return rc;
-/* dummy function to satisfy newer prelude */
-int __init_environment(void)
-  return 0;
-/* dummy function to satisfy newer prelude */
-int __deinit_environment(void)
-  return 0;
-#endif /* __NOVELL_LIBC__ */
-#endif /* NETWARE */

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 #                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ NROFF=env LC_ALL=C @NROFF@ @MANOPT@ # figured out by the configure script
 EXTRA_DIST =                                     \
  Makefile.m32 macos/curl.mcp.xml.sit.hqx macos/MACINSTALL.TXT          \
  macos/src/curl_GUSIConfig.cpp macos/src/macos_main.cpp makefile.amiga \
- curl.rc Makefile.netware CMakeLists.txt
+ curl.rc CMakeLists.txt
 # Use absolute directory to disable VPATH

+ 0 - 474

@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-#                                  _   _ ____  _
-#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
-#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
-#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
-#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
-# Copyright (C) 2004 - 2014, Guenter Knauf
-# Copyright (C) 2001 - 2021, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at
-# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
-# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
-# KIND, either express or implied.
-## Makefile for building curl.nlm (NetWare version - gnu make)
-## Use: make -f Makefile.netware
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Novell NDK.
-ifndef NDKBASE
-NDKBASE = c:/novell
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources.
-ifndef ZLIB_PATH
-ZLIB_PATH = ../../zlib-1.2.8
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package.
-OPENSSL_PATH = ../../openssl-1.0.2a
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your LibSSH2 package.
-ifndef LIBSSH2_PATH
-LIBSSH2_PATH = ../../libssh2-1.5.0
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your libidn package.
-LIBIDN_PATH = ../../libidn-1.18
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your librtmp package.
-LIBRTMP_PATH = ../../librtmp-2.3
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your nghttp2 package.
-ifndef NGHTTP2_PATH
-NGHTTP2_PATH = ../../nghttp2-0.6.7
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your fbopenssl package.
-FBOPENSSL_PATH = ../../fbopenssl-0.4
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your libexpat package.
-LIBEXPAT_PATH = ../../expat-2.1.0
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your libXML2 package.
-ifndef LIBXML2_PATH
-LIBXML2_PATH = ../../libxml2-2.8.0
-# Edit the path below to point to the base of your c-ares package.
-LIBCARES_PATH = ../ares
-ifndef INSTDIR
-INSTDIR = ..$(DS)curl-$(LIBCURL_VERSION_STR)-bin-nw
-# Edit the vars below to change NLM target settings.
-TARGET  = curl
-STACK   = 64000
-SCREEN  = $(TARGET) commandline utility
-# Comment the line below if you don't want to load protected automatically.
-# LDRING = 3
-# Uncomment the next line to enable linking with POSIX semantics.
-# POSIXFL = 1
-# Edit the var below to point to your lib architecture.
-ifndef LIBARCH
-# must be equal to NDEBUG or DEBUG, CURLDEBUG
-ifndef DB
-# Optimization: -O<n> or debugging: -g
-ifeq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-  OPT = -O2
-  OBJDIR = release
-  OPT = -g
-  OBJDIR = debug
-# The following lines defines your compiler.
-ifdef CWFolder
-  METROWERKS = $(CWFolder)
-  # MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support
-  MWCW_PATH = $(subst \,/,$(METROWERKS))/Novell Support/Metrowerks Support
-  CC = mwccnlm
-  CC = gcc
-PERL = perl
-# Here you can find a native Win32 binary of the original awk:
-AWK = awk
-CP  = cp -afv
-MKDIR = mkdir
-# RM = rm -f
-# If you want to mark the target as MTSAFE you will need a tool for
-# generating the xdc data for the linker; here's a minimal tool:
-MPKXDC = mkxdc
-# LIBARCH_U = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print toupper(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-LIBARCH_L = $(shell $(AWK) 'BEGIN {print tolower(ARGV[1])}' $(LIBARCH))
-# Include the version info retrieved from curlver.h
--include $(OBJDIR)/
-# Global flags for all compilers
-ifeq ($(CC),mwccnlm)
-  LD = mwldnlm
-  LDFLAGS = -nostdlib $(OBJS) $(PRELUDE) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ -commandfile
-  LIBEXT  = lib
-  CFLAGS  += -gccinc -inline off -opt nointrinsics -proc 586
-  CFLAGS  += -relax_pointers
-  #CFLAGS += -w on
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.o
-    endif
-    CFLAGS += -align 4
-  else
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    PRELUDE = "$(MWCW_PATH)/libraries/runtime/prelude.obj"
-    # CFLAGS += -include "$(MWCW_PATH)/headers/nlm_clib_prefix.h"
-    CFLAGS += -align 1
-  endif
-  LD = nlmconv
-  LIBEXT  = a
-  CFLAGS  += -m32
-  CFLAGS  += -fno-builtin -fno-strict-aliasing
-  ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(CC)),gcc)
-    CFLAGS  += -fpcc-struct-return
-  endif
-  CFLAGS  += -Wall # -pedantic
-  ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-    ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/posixpre.gcc.o
-    else
-      PRELUDE = $(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libcpre.gcc.o
-    endif
-  else
-    # PRELUDE = $(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clibpre.gcc.o
-    # to avoid the __init_* / __deinit_* woes don't use prelude from NDK
-    #
-    PRELUDE = $(NDK_ROOT)/pre/prelude.o
-    CFLAGS += -include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/genlm.h
-  endif
-ifndef NDK_CLIB
-NDK_CLIB = $(NDK_ROOT)/nwsdk
-ifndef NDK_LIBC
-NDK_LIBC = $(NDK_ROOT)/libc
-ifndef NDK_LDAP
-NDK_LDAP = $(NDK_ROOT)/cldapsdk/netware
-CURL_INC = ../include
-CURL_LIB = ../lib
-ifeq ($(findstring -static,$(CFG)),-static)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ares,$(CFG)),-ares)
-ifeq ($(findstring -rtmp,$(CFG)),-rtmp)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssh2,$(CFG)),-ssh2)
-WITH_SSH2 = 1
-ifeq ($(findstring -ssl,$(CFG)),-ssl)
-ifeq ($(findstring -zlib,$(CFG)),-zlib)
-ifeq ($(findstring -idn,$(CFG)),-idn)
-ifeq ($(findstring -nghttp2,$(CFG)),-nghttp2)
-ifeq ($(findstring -ipv6,$(CFG)),-ipv6)
-  LDLIBS = $(CURL_LIB)/libcurl.$(LIBEXT)
-ifdef WITH_ARES
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBCARES_PATH)/libcares.$(LIBEXT)
-  MODULES  = libcurl.nlm
-  IMPORTS = @$(CURL_LIB)/libcurl.imp
-ifdef WITH_SSH2
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/include
-  ifdef LINK_STATIC
-    LDLIBS += $(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.$(LIBEXT)
-  else
-    MODULES += libssh2.nlm
-    IMPORTS += @$(LIBSSH2_PATH)/nw/libssh2.imp
-  endif
-ifdef WITH_RTMP
-  ifdef LINK_STATIC
-    LDLIBS += $(LIBRTMP_PATH)/librtmp/librtmp.$(LIBEXT)
-  endif
-ifdef WITH_SSL
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(OPENSSL_PATH)/outinc_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/ssl.$(LIBEXT)
-  LDLIBS += $(OPENSSL_PATH)/out_nw_$(LIBARCH_L)/crypto.$(LIBEXT)
-  IMPORTS += GetProcessSwitchCount RunningProcess
-ifdef WITH_ZLIB
-  ifdef LINK_STATIC
-    LDLIBS += $(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.$(LIBEXT)
-  else
-    MODULES += libz.nlm
-    IMPORTS += @$(ZLIB_PATH)/nw/$(LIBARCH)/libz.imp
-  endif
-ifdef WITH_IDN
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(LIBIDN_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(LIBIDN_PATH)/lib/libidn.$(LIBEXT)
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NGHTTP2_PATH)/include
-  LDLIBS += $(NGHTTP2_PATH)/lib/libnghttp2.$(LIBEXT)
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),LIBC)
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/nks
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_LIBC)/include/winsock
-  INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include/nlm
-  # INCLUDES += -I$(NDK_CLIB)/include
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),YES)
-  XDCOPT = -n
-ifeq ($(MTSAFE),NO)
-  XDCOPT = -u
-ifdef XDCOPT
-ifeq ($(findstring /sh,$(SHELL)),/sh)
-DL  = '
-DS  = /
-PCT = %
-#-include $(NDKBASE)/nlmconv/
-DS  = \\
-PCT = %%
-# provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines
-OBJX := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(notdir $(strip $(CURLX_CFILES))))
-OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.o,$(strip $(CURL_CFILES)))
-OBJS += $(OBJX)
-vpath %.c $(CURL_LIB)
-all: prebuild $(TARGET).nlm
-prebuild: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJDIR)/
-$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
-#	@echo Compiling $<
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-$(OBJDIR)/ $(CURL_INC)/curl/curlver.h $(OBJDIR)
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(AWK) -f ../packages/NetWare/get_ver.awk $< > $@
-install: $(INSTDIR) all
-	@-$(CP) ../docs/$(TARGET).pdf $(INSTDIR)
-	@-$(CP) ../docs/$(TARGET).html $(INSTDIR)
-	@$(CP) $(TARGET).nlm $(INSTDIR)
-ifeq "$(wildcard tool_hugehelp.c.cvs)" "tool_hugehelp.c.cvs"
-	-$(RM) tool_hugehelp.c
-	-$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR)
-distclean vclean: clean
-	-$(RM) $(TARGET).nlm
-	@$(MKDIR) $@
-$(TARGET).nlm: $(OBJS) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).def $(XDCDATA)
-	@echo Linking $@
-	@-$(RM) $@
-	@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET).def
-$(OBJDIR)/%.xdc: Makefile.netware
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(MPKXDC) $(XDCOPT) $@
-$(OBJDIR)/%.def: Makefile.netware
-	@echo $(DL)# DEF file for linking with $(LD)$(DL) > $@
-	@echo $(DL)# Do not edit this file - it is created by make!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)# All your changes will be lost!!$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)#$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)copyright "$(COPYR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)description "$(DESCR)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)version $(VERSION)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef NLMTYPE
-	@echo $(DL)type $(NLMTYPE)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef STACK
-	@echo $(DL)stack $(STACK)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef SCREEN
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "$(SCREEN)"$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)screenname "DEFAULT"$(DL) >> $@
-ifneq ($(DB),NDEBUG)
-	@echo $(DL)debug$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)threadname "$(TARGET)"$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef XDCDATA
-	@echo $(DL)xdcdata $(XDCDATA)$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LDRING),0)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 16$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LDRING),3)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 512$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(LIBARCH),CLIB)
-	@echo $(DL)start _Prelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/clib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/threads.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/nlmlib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_CLIB)/imports/socklib.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module clib$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/clib/imports/ldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module ldapsdk ldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(POSIXFL),1)
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 4194304$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)flag_on 64$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)pseudopreemption$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring posixpre,$(PRELUDE)),posixpre)
-	@echo $(DL)start POSIX_Start$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit POSIX_Stop$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check POSIX_CheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)start _LibCPrelude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)exit _LibCPostlude$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)check _LibCCheckUnload$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/libc.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LIBC)/imports/netware.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module libc$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapsdk.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapssl.imp$(DL) >> $@
-#	@echo $(DL)import @$(NDK_LDAP)/libc/imports/lldapx.imp$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)module lldapsdk lldapssl$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef MODULES
-	@echo $(DL)module $(MODULES)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef EXPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)export $(EXPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef IMPORTS
-	@echo $(DL)import $(IMPORTS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifeq ($(findstring nlmconv,$(LD)),nlmconv)
-	@echo $(DL)input $(PRELUDE)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)input $(OBJS)$(DL) >> $@
-ifdef LDLIBS
-	@echo $(DL)input $(LDLIBS)$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo $(DL)output $(TARGET).nlm$(DL) >> $@
-	@echo Creating $@
-	@$(CP) tool_hugehelp.c.cvs $@
-	$(MAKE) -C $(LIBCARES_PATH) -f Makefile.netware lib

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 .\" *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
 .\" *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
 .\" *
-.\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+.\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2022, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
 .\" *
 .\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 .\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ store the info in a 'setup' file, which it will look for on each invoke. Use
 \fI--name\fP, \fI--email\fP, \fI--configure\fP and \fI--desc\fP instead.
 .IP "--target=[your os]"
 Specify your target environment. Recognized strings include 'vc', 'mingw32',
-\&'borland' and 'netware'.
+and \&'borland'.
 First you make a checkout from git (or you write a script that downloads daily
 snapshots automatically, find inspiration in

+ 1 - 20

@@ -161,16 +161,6 @@ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $targetos) {
       $libext = '.a';
-  elsif ($targetos =~ /netware/) {
-    $configurebuild = 0;
-    $binext = '.nlm';
-    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
-      $libext = '.lib';
-    }
-    else {
-      $libext = '.a';
-    }
-  }
 if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'msys') &&
@@ -562,19 +552,10 @@ if ($configurebuild) {
 } else {
   logit "copying files to build dir ...";
-  if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') && ($targetos !~ /netware/)) {
+  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
     system("xcopy /s /q \"$CURLDIR\" .");
-  elsif ($targetos =~ /netware/) {
-    system("cp -afr $CURLDIR/* .");
-    system("cp -af $CURLDIR/Makefile.dist Makefile");
-    system("$make -i -C lib -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
-    system("$make -i -C src -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
-    if (-d "$CURLDIR/ares") {
-      system("$make -i -C ares -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
-    }
-  }
   elsif ($^O eq 'linux') {
     system("cp -afr $CURLDIR/* .");
     system("cp -af $CURLDIR/Makefile.dist Makefile");