Browse Source

proxy: http2 proxy tunnel implementation

- currently only on debug build and when env variable
  CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2 is present.
- will ALPN negotiate with the proxy server and switch
  tunnel filter based on the protocol negotiated.
- http/1.1 tunnel code moved into cf-h1-proxy.[ch]
- http/2 tunnel code implemented in cf-h2-proxy.[ch]
- tunnel start and ALPN set remains in http_proxy.c
- moving all haproxy related code into cf-haproxy.[ch]

VTLS changes
- SSL filters rely solely on the "alpn" specification they
  are created with and no longer check conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn.
- checks on which ALPN specification to use (or none at all) are
  done in vtls.c when creating the filter.

- added a nghttpx forward proxy to the pytest setup that
  speaks HTTP/2 and forwards all requests to the Apache httpd
  forward proxy server.
- extending test coverage in test_10 cases
- adding proxy tests for direct/tunnel h1/h2 use of basic auth.
- adding test for http/1.1 and h2 proxy tunneling to pytest

Closes #10780
Stefan Eissing 1 year ago

+ 6 - 0

@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ LIB_CFILES =         \
   bufq.c             \
   bufref.c           \
   c-hyper.c          \
+  cf-h1-proxy.c      \
+  cf-h2-proxy.c      \
+  cf-haproxy.c       \
   cf-https-connect.c \
   cf-socket.c        \
   cfilters.c         \
@@ -235,6 +238,9 @@ LIB_HFILES =         \
   bufq.h             \
   bufref.h           \
   c-hyper.h          \
+  cf-h1-proxy.h      \
+  cf-h2-proxy.h      \
+  cf-haproxy.h       \
   cf-https-connect.h \
   cf-socket.h        \
   cfilters.h         \

+ 1186 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP)
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+#ifdef USE_HYPER
+#include <hyper.h>
+#include "urldata.h"
+#include "dynbuf.h"
+#include "sendf.h"
+#include "http.h"
+#include "http_proxy.h"
+#include "url.h"
+#include "select.h"
+#include "progress.h"
+#include "cfilters.h"
+#include "cf-h1-proxy.h"
+#include "connect.h"
+#include "curl_log.h"
+#include "curlx.h"
+#include "vtls/vtls.h"
+#include "transfer.h"
+#include "multiif.h"
+/* The last 3 #include files should be in this order */
+#include "curl_printf.h"
+#include "curl_memory.h"
+#include "memdebug.h"
+typedef enum {
+    TUNNEL_INIT,     /* init/default/no tunnel state */
+    TUNNEL_CONNECT,  /* CONNECT request is being send */
+    TUNNEL_RECEIVE,  /* CONNECT answer is being received */
+    TUNNEL_RESPONSE, /* CONNECT response received completely */
+} tunnel_state;
+/* struct for HTTP CONNECT tunneling */
+struct tunnel_state {
+  int sockindex;
+  const char *hostname;
+  int remote_port;
+  struct HTTP CONNECT;
+  struct dynbuf rcvbuf;
+  struct dynbuf req;
+  size_t nsend;
+  size_t headerlines;
+  enum keeponval {
+  } keepon;
+  curl_off_t cl; /* size of content to read and ignore */
+  tunnel_state tunnel_state;
+  BIT(chunked_encoding);
+  BIT(close_connection);
+static bool tunnel_is_established(struct tunnel_state *ts)
+  return ts && (ts->tunnel_state == TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED);
+static bool tunnel_is_failed(struct tunnel_state *ts)
+  return ts && (ts->tunnel_state == TUNNEL_FAILED);
+static CURLcode tunnel_reinit(struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                              struct connectdata *conn,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data)
+  (void)data;
+  Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->rcvbuf);
+  Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->req);
+  ts->tunnel_state = TUNNEL_INIT;
+  ts->keepon = KEEPON_CONNECT;
+  ts->cl = 0;
+  ts->close_connection = FALSE;
+  if(conn->bits.conn_to_host)
+    ts->hostname = conn->;
+  else if(ts->sockindex == SECONDARYSOCKET)
+    ts->hostname = conn->secondaryhostname;
+  else
+    ts->hostname = conn->;
+  if(ts->sockindex == SECONDARYSOCKET)
+    ts->remote_port = conn->secondary_port;
+  else if(conn->bits.conn_to_port)
+    ts->remote_port = conn->conn_to_port;
+  else
+    ts->remote_port = conn->remote_port;
+  return CURLE_OK;
+static CURLcode tunnel_init(struct tunnel_state **pts,
+                            struct Curl_easy *data,
+                            struct connectdata *conn,
+                            int sockindex)
+  struct tunnel_state *ts;
+  CURLcode result;
+  if(conn->handler->flags & PROTOPT_NOTCPPROXY) {
+    failf(data, "%s cannot be done over CONNECT", conn->handler->scheme);
+  }
+  /* we might need the upload buffer for streaming a partial request */
+  result = Curl_get_upload_buffer(data);
+  if(result)
+    return result;
+  ts = calloc(1, sizeof(*ts));
+  if(!ts)
+    return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  ts->sockindex = sockindex;
+  infof(data, "allocate connect buffer");
+  Curl_dyn_init(&ts->rcvbuf, DYN_PROXY_CONNECT_HEADERS);
+  Curl_dyn_init(&ts->req, DYN_HTTP_REQUEST);
+  *pts =  ts;
+  connkeep(conn, "HTTP proxy CONNECT");
+  return tunnel_reinit(ts, conn, data);
+static void tunnel_go_state(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                            struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                            tunnel_state new_state,
+                            struct Curl_easy *data)
+  if(ts->tunnel_state == new_state)
+    return;
+  /* leaving this one */
+  switch(ts->tunnel_state) {
+    data->req.ignorebody = FALSE;
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  /* entering this one */
+  switch(new_state) {
+  case TUNNEL_INIT:
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'init'"));
+    tunnel_reinit(ts, cf->conn, data);
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'connect'"));
+    ts->tunnel_state = TUNNEL_CONNECT;
+    ts->keepon = KEEPON_CONNECT;
+    Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->rcvbuf);
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'receive'"));
+    ts->tunnel_state = TUNNEL_RECEIVE;
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'response'"));
+    ts->tunnel_state = TUNNEL_RESPONSE;
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'established'"));
+    infof(data, "CONNECT phase completed");
+    data->state.authproxy.done = TRUE;
+    data->state.authproxy.multipass = FALSE;
+    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+    if(new_state == TUNNEL_FAILED)
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'failed'"));
+    ts->tunnel_state = new_state;
+    Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->rcvbuf);
+    Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->req);
+    /* restore the protocol pointer */
+    data->info.httpcode = 0; /* clear it as it might've been used for the
+                                proxy */
+    /* If a proxy-authorization header was used for the proxy, then we should
+       make sure that it isn't accidentally used for the document request
+       after we've connected. So let's free and clear it here. */
+    Curl_safefree(data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd);
+    data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd = NULL;
+#ifdef USE_HYPER
+    data->state.hconnect = FALSE;
+    break;
+  }
+static void tunnel_free(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                        struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct tunnel_state *ts = cf->ctx;
+  if(ts) {
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_FAILED, data);
+    Curl_dyn_free(&ts->rcvbuf);
+    Curl_dyn_free(&ts->req);
+    free(ts);
+    cf->ctx = NULL;
+  }
+static CURLcode CONNECT_host(struct Curl_easy *data,
+                             struct connectdata *conn,
+                             const char *hostname,
+                             int remote_port,
+                             char **connecthostp,
+                             char **hostp)
+  char *hostheader; /* for CONNECT */
+  char *host = NULL; /* Host: */
+  bool ipv6_ip = conn->bits.ipv6_ip;
+  /* the hostname may be different */
+  if(hostname != conn->
+    ipv6_ip = (strchr(hostname, ':') != NULL);
+  hostheader = /* host:port with IPv6 support */
+    aprintf("%s%s%s:%d", ipv6_ip?"[":"", hostname, ipv6_ip?"]":"",
+            remote_port);
+  if(!hostheader)
+    return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, conn, STRCONST("Host"))) {
+    host = aprintf("Host: %s\r\n", hostheader);
+    if(!host) {
+      free(hostheader);
+      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    }
+  }
+  *connecthostp = hostheader;
+  *hostp = host;
+  return CURLE_OK;
+#ifndef USE_HYPER
+static CURLcode start_CONNECT(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data,
+                              struct tunnel_state *ts)
+  struct connectdata *conn = cf->conn;
+  char *hostheader = NULL;
+  char *host = NULL;
+  const char *httpv;
+  CURLcode result;
+  infof(data, "Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to %s:%d",
+        ts->hostname, ts->remote_port);
+    /* This only happens if we've looped here due to authentication
+       reasons, and we don't really use the newly cloned URL here
+       then. Just free() it. */
+  Curl_safefree(data->req.newurl);
+  result = CONNECT_host(data, conn,
+                        ts->hostname, ts->remote_port,
+                        &hostheader, &host);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  /* Setup the proxy-authorization header, if any */
+  result = Curl_http_output_auth(data, conn, "CONNECT", HTTPREQ_GET,
+                                 hostheader, TRUE);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  httpv = (conn->http_proxy.proxytype == CURLPROXY_HTTP_1_0) ? "1.0" : "1.1";
+  result =
+      Curl_dyn_addf(&ts->req,
+                    "CONNECT %s HTTP/%s\r\n"
+                    "%s"  /* Host: */
+                    "%s", /* Proxy-Authorization */
+                    hostheader,
+                    httpv,
+                    host?host:"",
+                    data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd?
+                    data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd:"");
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, conn, STRCONST("User-Agent"))
+     && data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT])
+    result = Curl_dyn_addf(&ts->req, "User-Agent: %s\r\n",
+                           data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT]);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, conn, STRCONST("Proxy-Connection")))
+    result = Curl_dyn_addn(&ts->req,
+                           STRCONST("Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"));
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  result = Curl_add_custom_headers(data, TRUE, &ts->req);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  /* CRLF terminate the request */
+  result = Curl_dyn_addn(&ts->req, STRCONST("\r\n"));
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  /* Send the connect request to the proxy */
+  result = Curl_buffer_send(&ts->req, data, &ts->CONNECT,
+                            &data->info.request_size, 0,
+                            ts->sockindex);
+  ts->headerlines = 0;
+  if(result)
+    failf(data, "Failed sending CONNECT to proxy");
+  free(host);
+  free(hostheader);
+  return result;
+static CURLcode send_CONNECT(struct Curl_easy *data,
+                             struct connectdata *conn,
+                             struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                             bool *done)
+  struct SingleRequest *k = &data->req;
+  struct HTTP *http = &ts->CONNECT;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  if(http->sending != HTTPSEND_REQUEST)
+    goto out;
+  if(!ts->nsend) {
+    size_t fillcount;
+    k->upload_fromhere = data->state.ulbuf;
+    result = Curl_fillreadbuffer(data, data->set.upload_buffer_size,
+                                 &fillcount);
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+    ts->nsend = fillcount;
+  }
+  if(ts->nsend) {
+    ssize_t bytes_written;
+    /* write to socket (send away data) */
+    result = Curl_write(data,
+                        conn->writesockfd,  /* socket to send to */
+                        k->upload_fromhere, /* buffer pointer */
+                        ts->nsend,          /* buffer size */
+                        &bytes_written);    /* actually sent */
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+    /* send to debug callback! */
+    Curl_debug(data, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT,
+               k->upload_fromhere, bytes_written);
+    ts->nsend -= bytes_written;
+    k->upload_fromhere += bytes_written;
+  }
+  if(!ts->nsend)
+    http->sending = HTTPSEND_NADA;
+  if(result)
+    failf(data, "Failed sending CONNECT to proxy");
+  *done = (http->sending != HTTPSEND_REQUEST);
+  return result;
+static CURLcode on_resp_header(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                               struct Curl_easy *data,
+                               struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                               const char *header)
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  struct SingleRequest *k = &data->req;
+  (void)cf;
+  if((checkprefix("WWW-Authenticate:", header) &&
+      (401 == k->httpcode)) ||
+     (checkprefix("Proxy-authenticate:", header) &&
+      (407 == k->httpcode))) {
+    bool proxy = (k->httpcode == 407) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+    char *auth = Curl_copy_header_value(header);
+    if(!auth)
+      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT: fwd auth header '%s'", header));
+    result = Curl_http_input_auth(data, proxy, auth);
+    free(auth);
+    if(result)
+      return result;
+  }
+  else if(checkprefix("Content-Length:", header)) {
+    if(k->httpcode/100 == 2) {
+      /* A client MUST ignore any Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding
+         header fields received in a successful response to CONNECT.
+         "Successful" described as: 2xx (Successful). RFC 7231 4.3.6 */
+      infof(data, "Ignoring Content-Length in CONNECT %03d response",
+            k->httpcode);
+    }
+    else {
+      (void)curlx_strtoofft(header + strlen("Content-Length:"),
+                            NULL, 10, &ts->cl);
+    }
+  }
+  else if(Curl_compareheader(header,
+                             STRCONST("Connection:"), STRCONST("close")))
+    ts->close_connection = TRUE;
+  else if(checkprefix("Transfer-Encoding:", header)) {
+    if(k->httpcode/100 == 2) {
+      /* A client MUST ignore any Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding
+         header fields received in a successful response to CONNECT.
+         "Successful" described as: 2xx (Successful). RFC 7231 4.3.6 */
+      infof(data, "Ignoring Transfer-Encoding in "
+            "CONNECT %03d response", k->httpcode);
+    }
+    else if(Curl_compareheader(header,
+                               STRCONST("Transfer-Encoding:"),
+                               STRCONST("chunked"))) {
+      infof(data, "CONNECT responded chunked");
+      ts->chunked_encoding = TRUE;
+      /* init our chunky engine */
+      Curl_httpchunk_init(data);
+    }
+  }
+  else if(Curl_compareheader(header,
+                             STRCONST("Proxy-Connection:"),
+                             STRCONST("close")))
+    ts->close_connection = TRUE;
+  else if(!strncmp(header, "HTTP/1.", 7) &&
+          ((header[7] == '0') || (header[7] == '1')) &&
+          (header[8] == ' ') &&
+          ISDIGIT(header[9]) && ISDIGIT(header[10]) && ISDIGIT(header[11]) &&
+          !ISDIGIT(header[12])) {
+    /* store the HTTP code from the proxy */
+    data->info.httpproxycode =  k->httpcode = (header[9] - '0') * 100 +
+      (header[10] - '0') * 10 + (header[11] - '0');
+  }
+  return result;
+static CURLcode recv_CONNECT_resp(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                  struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                  struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                                  bool *done)
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  struct SingleRequest *k = &data->req;
+  curl_socket_t tunnelsocket = Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(cf, data);
+  char *linep;
+  size_t perline;
+  int error;
+#define SELECT_OK      0
+#define SELECT_ERROR   1
+  error = SELECT_OK;
+  *done = FALSE;
+  if(!Curl_conn_data_pending(data, ts->sockindex))
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  while(ts->keepon) {
+    ssize_t gotbytes;
+    char byte;
+    /* Read one byte at a time to avoid a race condition. Wait at most one
+       second before looping to ensure continuous pgrsUpdates. */
+    result = Curl_read(data, tunnelsocket, &byte, 1, &gotbytes);
+    if(result == CURLE_AGAIN)
+      /* socket buffer drained, return */
+      return CURLE_OK;
+    if(Curl_pgrsUpdate(data))
+    if(result) {
+      ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+      break;
+    }
+    if(gotbytes <= 0) {
+      if(data->set.proxyauth && data->state.authproxy.avail &&
+         data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd) {
+        /* proxy auth was requested and there was proxy auth available,
+           then deem this as "mere" proxy disconnect */
+        ts->close_connection = TRUE;
+        infof(data, "Proxy CONNECT connection closed");
+      }
+      else {
+        error = SELECT_ERROR;
+        failf(data, "Proxy CONNECT aborted");
+      }
+      ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+      break;
+    }
+    if(ts->keepon == KEEPON_IGNORE) {
+      /* This means we are currently ignoring a response-body */
+      if(ts->cl) {
+        /* A Content-Length based body: simply count down the counter
+           and make sure to break out of the loop when we're done! */
+        ts->cl--;
+        if(ts->cl <= 0) {
+          ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        /* chunked-encoded body, so we need to do the chunked dance
+           properly to know when the end of the body is reached */
+        CHUNKcode r;
+        CURLcode extra;
+        ssize_t tookcareof = 0;
+        /* now parse the chunked piece of data so that we can
+           properly tell when the stream ends */
+        r = Curl_httpchunk_read(data, &byte, 1, &tookcareof, &extra);
+        if(r == CHUNKE_STOP) {
+          /* we're done reading chunks! */
+          infof(data, "chunk reading DONE");
+          ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+        }
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(Curl_dyn_addn(&ts->rcvbuf, &byte, 1)) {
+      failf(data, "CONNECT response too large");
+      return CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+    }
+    /* if this is not the end of a header line then continue */
+    if(byte != 0x0a)
+      continue;
+    ts->headerlines++;
+    linep = Curl_dyn_ptr(&ts->rcvbuf);
+    perline = Curl_dyn_len(&ts->rcvbuf); /* amount of bytes in this line */
+    /* output debug if that is requested */
+    Curl_debug(data, CURLINFO_HEADER_IN, linep, perline);
+    if(!data->set.suppress_connect_headers) {
+      /* send the header to the callback */
+        (data->set.include_header ? CLIENTWRITE_BODY : 0) |
+        (ts->headerlines == 1 ? CLIENTWRITE_STATUS : 0);
+      result = Curl_client_write(data, writetype, linep, perline);
+      if(result)
+        return result;
+    }
+    data->info.header_size += (long)perline;
+    /* Newlines are CRLF, so the CR is ignored as the line isn't
+       really terminated until the LF comes. Treat a following CR
+       as end-of-headers as well.*/
+    if(('\r' == linep[0]) ||
+       ('\n' == linep[0])) {
+      /* end of response-headers from the proxy */
+      if((407 == k->httpcode) && !data->state.authproblem) {
+        /* If we get a 407 response code with content length
+           when we have no auth problem, we must ignore the
+           whole response-body */
+        ts->keepon = KEEPON_IGNORE;
+        if(ts->cl) {
+          infof(data, "Ignore %" CURL_FORMAT_CURL_OFF_T
+                " bytes of response-body", ts->cl);
+        }
+        else if(ts->chunked_encoding) {
+          CHUNKcode r;
+          CURLcode extra;
+          infof(data, "Ignore chunked response-body");
+          /* We set ignorebody true here since the chunked decoder
+             function will acknowledge that. Pay attention so that this is
+             cleared again when this function returns! */
+          k->ignorebody = TRUE;
+          if(linep[1] == '\n')
+            /* this can only be a LF if the letter at index 0 was a CR */
+            linep++;
+          /* now parse the chunked piece of data so that we can properly
+             tell when the stream ends */
+          r = Curl_httpchunk_read(data, linep + 1, 1, &gotbytes,
+                                  &extra);
+          if(r == CHUNKE_STOP) {
+            /* we're done reading chunks! */
+            infof(data, "chunk reading DONE");
+            ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+          }
+        }
+        else {
+          /* without content-length or chunked encoding, we
+             can't keep the connection alive since the close is
+             the end signal so we bail out at once instead */
+          DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT: no content-length or chunked"));
+          ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        ts->keepon = KEEPON_DONE;
+      }
+      DEBUGASSERT(ts->keepon == KEEPON_IGNORE
+                  || ts->keepon == KEEPON_DONE);
+      continue;
+    }
+    result = on_resp_header(cf, data, ts, linep);
+    if(result)
+      return result;
+    Curl_dyn_reset(&ts->rcvbuf);
+  } /* while there's buffer left and loop is requested */
+  if(error)
+    result = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+  *done = (ts->keepon == KEEPON_DONE);
+  if(!result && *done && data->info.httpproxycode/100 != 2) {
+    /* Deal with the possibly already received authenticate
+       headers. 'newurl' is set to a new URL if we must loop. */
+    result = Curl_http_auth_act(data);
+  }
+  return result;
+#else /* USE_HYPER */
+/* The Hyper version of CONNECT */
+static CURLcode start_CONNECT(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data,
+                              struct tunnel_state *ts)
+  struct connectdata *conn = cf->conn;
+  struct hyptransfer *h = &data->hyp;
+  curl_socket_t tunnelsocket = Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(cf, data);
+  hyper_io *io = NULL;
+  hyper_request *req = NULL;
+  hyper_headers *headers = NULL;
+  hyper_clientconn_options *options = NULL;
+  hyper_task *handshake = NULL;
+  hyper_task *task = NULL; /* for the handshake */
+  hyper_clientconn *client = NULL;
+  hyper_task *sendtask = NULL; /* for the send */
+  char *hostheader = NULL; /* for CONNECT */
+  char *host = NULL; /* Host: */
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  io = hyper_io_new();
+  if(!io) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't create hyper IO");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  /* tell Hyper how to read/write network data */
+  hyper_io_set_userdata(io, data);
+  hyper_io_set_read(io, Curl_hyper_recv);
+  hyper_io_set_write(io, Curl_hyper_send);
+  conn->sockfd = tunnelsocket;
+  data->state.hconnect = TRUE;
+  /* create an executor to poll futures */
+  if(!h->exec) {
+    h->exec = hyper_executor_new();
+    if(!h->exec) {
+      failf(data, "Couldn't create hyper executor");
+      result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  options = hyper_clientconn_options_new();
+  hyper_clientconn_options_set_preserve_header_case(options, 1);
+  hyper_clientconn_options_set_preserve_header_order(options, 1);
+  if(!options) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't create hyper client options");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  hyper_clientconn_options_exec(options, h->exec);
+  /* "Both the `io` and the `options` are consumed in this function
+     call" */
+  handshake = hyper_clientconn_handshake(io, options);
+  if(!handshake) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't create hyper client handshake");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  io = NULL;
+  options = NULL;
+  if(HYPERE_OK != hyper_executor_push(h->exec, handshake)) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't hyper_executor_push the handshake");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  handshake = NULL; /* ownership passed on */
+  task = hyper_executor_poll(h->exec);
+  if(!task) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't hyper_executor_poll the handshake");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  client = hyper_task_value(task);
+  hyper_task_free(task);
+  req = hyper_request_new();
+  if(!req) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't hyper_request_new");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(hyper_request_set_method(req, (uint8_t *)"CONNECT",
+                              strlen("CONNECT"))) {
+    failf(data, "error setting method");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  infof(data, "Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to %s:%d",
+        ts->hostname, ts->remote_port);
+    /* This only happens if we've looped here due to authentication
+       reasons, and we don't really use the newly cloned URL here
+       then. Just free() it. */
+  Curl_safefree(data->req.newurl);
+  result = CONNECT_host(data, conn, ts->hostname, ts->remote_port,
+                        &hostheader, &host);
+  if(result)
+    goto error;
+  if(hyper_request_set_uri(req, (uint8_t *)hostheader,
+                           strlen(hostheader))) {
+    failf(data, "error setting path");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(data->set.verbose) {
+    char *se = aprintf("CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", hostheader);
+    if(!se) {
+      result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+      goto error;
+    }
+    Curl_debug(data, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, se, strlen(se));
+    free(se);
+  }
+  /* Setup the proxy-authorization header, if any */
+  result = Curl_http_output_auth(data, conn, "CONNECT", HTTPREQ_GET,
+                                 hostheader, TRUE);
+  if(result)
+    goto error;
+  Curl_safefree(hostheader);
+  /* default is 1.1 */
+  if((conn->http_proxy.proxytype == CURLPROXY_HTTP_1_0) &&
+     (HYPERE_OK != hyper_request_set_version(req,
+                                             HYPER_HTTP_VERSION_1_0))) {
+    failf(data, "error setting HTTP version");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  headers = hyper_request_headers(req);
+  if(!headers) {
+    failf(data, "hyper_request_headers");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(host) {
+    result = Curl_hyper_header(data, headers, host);
+    if(result)
+      goto error;
+    Curl_safefree(host);
+  }
+  if(data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd) {
+    result = Curl_hyper_header(data, headers,
+                               data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd);
+    if(result)
+      goto error;
+  }
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, conn, STRCONST("User-Agent")) &&
+     data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT]) {
+    struct dynbuf ua;
+    Curl_dyn_init(&ua, DYN_HTTP_REQUEST);
+    result = Curl_dyn_addf(&ua, "User-Agent: %s\r\n",
+                           data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT]);
+    if(result)
+      goto error;
+    result = Curl_hyper_header(data, headers, Curl_dyn_ptr(&ua));
+    if(result)
+      goto error;
+    Curl_dyn_free(&ua);
+  }
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, conn, STRCONST("Proxy-Connection"))) {
+    result = Curl_hyper_header(data, headers,
+                               "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive");
+    if(result)
+      goto error;
+  }
+  result = Curl_add_custom_headers(data, TRUE, headers);
+  if(result)
+    goto error;
+  sendtask = hyper_clientconn_send(client, req);
+  if(!sendtask) {
+    failf(data, "hyper_clientconn_send");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  if(HYPERE_OK != hyper_executor_push(h->exec, sendtask)) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't hyper_executor_push the send");
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto error;
+  }
+  free(host);
+  free(hostheader);
+  if(io)
+    hyper_io_free(io);
+  if(options)
+    hyper_clientconn_options_free(options);
+  if(handshake)
+    hyper_task_free(handshake);
+  if(client)
+    hyper_clientconn_free(client);
+  return result;
+static CURLcode send_CONNECT(struct Curl_easy *data,
+                             struct connectdata *conn,
+                             struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                             bool *done)
+  struct hyptransfer *h = &data->hyp;
+  hyper_task *task = NULL;
+  hyper_error *hypererr = NULL;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  (void)ts;
+  (void)conn;
+  do {
+    task = hyper_executor_poll(h->exec);
+    if(task) {
+      bool error = hyper_task_type(task) == HYPER_TASK_ERROR;
+      if(error)
+        hypererr = hyper_task_value(task);
+      hyper_task_free(task);
+      if(error) {
+        /* this could probably use a better error code? */
+        result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+        goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  } while(task);
+  *done = (result == CURLE_OK);
+  if(hypererr) {
+    uint8_t errbuf[256];
+    size_t errlen = hyper_error_print(hypererr, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
+    failf(data, "Hyper: %.*s", (int)errlen, errbuf);
+    hyper_error_free(hypererr);
+  }
+  return result;
+static CURLcode recv_CONNECT_resp(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                  struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                  struct tunnel_state *ts,
+                                  bool *done)
+  struct hyptransfer *h = &data->hyp;
+  CURLcode result;
+  int didwhat;
+  (void)ts;
+  *done = FALSE;
+  result = Curl_hyper_stream(data, cf->conn, &didwhat, done,
+                             CURL_CSELECT_IN | CURL_CSELECT_OUT);
+  if(result || !*done)
+    return result;
+  if(h->exec) {
+    hyper_executor_free(h->exec);
+    h->exec = NULL;
+  }
+  if(h->read_waker) {
+    hyper_waker_free(h->read_waker);
+    h->read_waker = NULL;
+  }
+  if(h->write_waker) {
+    hyper_waker_free(h->write_waker);
+    h->write_waker = NULL;
+  }
+  return result;
+#endif /* USE_HYPER */
+static CURLcode CONNECT(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                        struct Curl_easy *data,
+                        struct tunnel_state *ts)
+  struct connectdata *conn = cf->conn;
+  CURLcode result;
+  bool done;
+  if(tunnel_is_established(ts))
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  if(tunnel_is_failed(ts))
+    return CURLE_RECV_ERROR; /* Need a cfilter close and new bootstrap */
+  do {
+    timediff_t check;
+    check = Curl_timeleft(data, NULL, TRUE);
+    if(check <= 0) {
+      failf(data, "Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout");
+      goto out;
+    }
+    switch(ts->tunnel_state) {
+    case TUNNEL_INIT:
+      /* Prepare the CONNECT request and make a first attempt to send. */
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT start"));
+      result = start_CONNECT(cf, data, ts);
+      if(result)
+        goto out;
+      tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_CONNECT, data);
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      /* see that the request is completely sent */
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT send"));
+      result = send_CONNECT(data, cf->conn, ts, &done);
+      if(result || !done)
+        goto out;
+      tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_RECEIVE, data);
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      /* read what is there */
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT receive"));
+      result = recv_CONNECT_resp(cf, data, ts, &done);
+      if(Curl_pgrsUpdate(data)) {
+        result = CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK;
+        goto out;
+      }
+      /* error or not complete yet. return for more multi-multi */
+      if(result || !done)
+        goto out;
+      /* got it */
+      tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_RESPONSE, data);
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT response"));
+      if(data->req.newurl) {
+        /* not the "final" response, we need to do a follow up request.
+         * If the other side indicated a connection close, or if someone
+         * else told us to close this connection, do so now.
+         */
+        if(ts->close_connection || conn->bits.close) {
+          /* Close this filter and the sub-chain, re-connect the
+           * sub-chain and continue. Closing this filter will
+           * reset our tunnel state. To avoid recursion, we return
+           * and expect to be called again.
+           */
+          DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT need to close+open"));
+          infof(data, "Connect me again please");
+          Curl_conn_cf_close(cf, data);
+          connkeep(conn, "HTTP proxy CONNECT");
+          result = Curl_conn_cf_connect(cf->next, data, FALSE, &done);
+          goto out;
+        }
+        else {
+          /* staying on this connection, reset state */
+          tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_INIT, data);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  } while(data->req.newurl);
+  DEBUGASSERT(ts->tunnel_state == TUNNEL_RESPONSE);
+  if(data->info.httpproxycode/100 != 2) {
+    /* a non-2xx response and we have no next url to try. */
+    free(data->req.newurl);
+    data->req.newurl = NULL;
+    /* failure, close this connection to avoid re-use */
+    streamclose(conn, "proxy CONNECT failure");
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_FAILED, data);
+    failf(data, "CONNECT tunnel failed, response %d", data->req.httpcode);
+    return CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* 2xx response, SUCCESS! */
+  tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED, data);
+  infof(data, "CONNECT tunnel established, response %d",
+        data->info.httpproxycode);
+  result = CURLE_OK;
+  if(result)
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_FAILED, data);
+  return result;
+static CURLcode cf_h1_proxy_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                    struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                    bool blocking, bool *done)
+  CURLcode result;
+  struct tunnel_state *ts = cf->ctx;
+  if(cf->connected) {
+    *done = TRUE;
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  }
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "connect"));
+  result = cf->next->cft->connect(cf->next, data, blocking, done);
+  if(result || !*done)
+    return result;
+  *done = FALSE;
+  if(!ts) {
+    result = tunnel_init(&ts, data, cf->conn, cf->sockindex);
+    if(result)
+      return result;
+    cf->ctx = ts;
+  }
+  /* TODO: can we do blocking? */
+  /* We want "seamless" operations through HTTP proxy tunnel */
+  result = CONNECT(cf, data, ts);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  Curl_safefree(data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd);
+  *done = (result == CURLE_OK) && tunnel_is_established(cf->ctx);
+  if (*done) {
+    cf->connected = TRUE;
+    tunnel_free(cf, data);
+  }
+  return result;
+static int cf_h1_proxy_get_select_socks(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                        struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                        curl_socket_t *socks)
+  struct tunnel_state *ts = cf->ctx;
+  int fds;
+  fds = cf->next->cft->get_select_socks(cf->next, data, socks);
+  if(!fds && cf->next->connected && !cf->connected) {
+    /* If we are not connected, but the filter "below" is
+     * and not waiting on something, we are tunneling. */
+    socks[0] = Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(cf, data);
+    if(ts) {
+      /* when we've sent a CONNECT to a proxy, we should rather either
+         wait for the socket to become readable to be able to get the
+         response headers or if we're still sending the request, wait
+         for write. */
+      if(ts->CONNECT.sending == HTTPSEND_REQUEST) {
+        return GETSOCK_WRITESOCK(0);
+      }
+      return GETSOCK_READSOCK(0);
+    }
+    return GETSOCK_WRITESOCK(0);
+  }
+  return fds;
+static void cf_h1_proxy_destroy(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                struct Curl_easy *data)
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "destroy"));
+  tunnel_free(cf, data);
+static void cf_h1_proxy_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data)
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "close"));
+  cf->connected = FALSE;
+  if(cf->ctx) {
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, cf->ctx, TUNNEL_INIT, data);
+  }
+  if(cf->next)
+    cf->next->cft->close(cf->next, data);
+struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_h1_proxy = {
+  "H1-PROXY",
+  0,
+  cf_h1_proxy_destroy,
+  cf_h1_proxy_connect,
+  cf_h1_proxy_close,
+  Curl_cf_http_proxy_get_host,
+  cf_h1_proxy_get_select_socks,
+  Curl_cf_def_data_pending,
+  Curl_cf_def_send,
+  Curl_cf_def_recv,
+  Curl_cf_def_cntrl,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_is_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_keep_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_query,
+CURLcode Curl_cf_h1_proxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
+                                       struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf;
+  CURLcode result;
+  (void)data;
+  result = Curl_cf_create(&cf, &Curl_cft_h1_proxy, NULL);
+  if(!result)
+    Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(cf_at, cf);
+  return result;

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP)
+CURLcode Curl_cf_h1_proxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                       struct Curl_easy *data);
+extern struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_h1_proxy;
+#endif /* HEADER_CURL_H1_PROXY_H */

+ 1388 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1388 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#if defined(USE_NGHTTP2) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
+#include <nghttp2/nghttp2.h>
+#include "urldata.h"
+#include "cfilters.h"
+#include "connect.h"
+#include "curl_log.h"
+#include "bufq.h"
+#include "dynbuf.h"
+#include "dynhds.h"
+#include "h2h3.h"
+#include "http_proxy.h"
+#include "multiif.h"
+#include "cf-h2-proxy.h"
+/* The last 3 #include files should be in this order */
+#include "curl_printf.h"
+#include "curl_memory.h"
+#include "memdebug.h"
+#define H2_NW_CHUNK_SIZE  (128*1024)
+#define H2_NW_RECV_CHUNKS   1
+#define H2_NW_SEND_CHUNKS   1
+#define HTTP2_HUGE_WINDOW_SIZE (32 * 1024 * 1024) /* 32 MB */
+#define H2_TUNNEL_WINDOW_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
+#define H2_TUNNEL_CHUNK_SIZE   (32 * 1024)
+typedef enum {
+    TUNNEL_INIT,     /* init/default/no tunnel state */
+    TUNNEL_CONNECT,  /* CONNECT request is being send */
+    TUNNEL_RESPONSE, /* CONNECT response received completely */
+} tunnel_state;
+struct tunnel_stream {
+  struct http_resp *resp;
+  struct bufq recvbuf;
+  struct bufq sendbuf;
+  char *authority;
+  int32_t stream_id;
+  uint32_t error;
+  tunnel_state state;
+  bool has_final_response;
+  bool closed;
+  bool reset;
+static CURLcode tunnel_stream_init(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                    struct tunnel_stream *ts)
+  const char *hostname;
+  int port;
+  bool ipv6_ip = cf->conn->bits.ipv6_ip;
+  ts->state = TUNNEL_INIT;
+  ts->stream_id = -1;
+  Curl_bufq_init2(&ts->recvbuf, H2_TUNNEL_CHUNK_SIZE, H2_TUNNEL_RECV_CHUNKS,
+                  BUFQ_OPT_SOFT_LIMIT);
+  Curl_bufq_init(&ts->sendbuf, H2_TUNNEL_CHUNK_SIZE, H2_TUNNEL_SEND_CHUNKS);
+  if(cf->conn->bits.conn_to_host)
+    hostname = cf->conn->;
+  else if(cf->sockindex == SECONDARYSOCKET)
+    hostname = cf->conn->secondaryhostname;
+  else
+    hostname = cf->conn->;
+  if(cf->sockindex == SECONDARYSOCKET)
+    port = cf->conn->secondary_port;
+  else if(cf->conn->bits.conn_to_port)
+    port = cf->conn->conn_to_port;
+  else
+    port = cf->conn->remote_port;
+  if(hostname != cf->conn->
+    ipv6_ip = (strchr(hostname, ':') != NULL);
+  ts->authority = /* host:port with IPv6 support */
+    aprintf("%s%s%s:%d", ipv6_ip?"[":"", hostname, ipv6_ip?"]":"", port);
+  if(!ts->authority)
+    return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  return CURLE_OK;
+static void tunnel_stream_clear(struct tunnel_stream *ts)
+  Curl_http_resp_free(ts->resp);
+  Curl_bufq_free(&ts->recvbuf);
+  Curl_bufq_free(&ts->sendbuf);
+  Curl_safefree(ts->authority);
+  memset(ts, 0, sizeof(*ts));
+  ts->state = TUNNEL_INIT;
+static void tunnel_go_state(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                            struct tunnel_stream *ts,
+                            tunnel_state new_state,
+                            struct Curl_easy *data)
+  (void)cf;
+  if(ts->state == new_state)
+    return;
+  /* leaving this one */
+  switch(ts->state) {
+    data->req.ignorebody = FALSE;
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  /* entering this one */
+  switch(new_state) {
+  case TUNNEL_INIT:
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'init'"));
+    tunnel_stream_clear(ts);
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'connect'"));
+    ts->state = TUNNEL_CONNECT;
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'response'"));
+    ts->state = TUNNEL_RESPONSE;
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'established'"));
+    infof(data, "CONNECT phase completed");
+    data->state.authproxy.done = TRUE;
+    data->state.authproxy.multipass = FALSE;
+    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+    if(new_state == TUNNEL_FAILED)
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "new tunnel state 'failed'"));
+    ts->state = new_state;
+    /* If a proxy-authorization header was used for the proxy, then we should
+       make sure that it isn't accidentally used for the document request
+       after we've connected. So let's free and clear it here. */
+    Curl_safefree(data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd);
+    break;
+  }
+struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx {
+  nghttp2_session *h2;
+  /* The easy handle used in the current filter call, cleared at return */
+  struct cf_call_data call_data;
+  struct bufq inbufq;  /* network receive buffer */
+  struct bufq outbufq; /* network send buffer */
+  struct tunnel_stream tunnel; /* our tunnel CONNECT stream */
+  int32_t goaway_error;
+  int32_t last_stream_id;
+  BIT(conn_closed);
+  BIT(goaway);
+/* How to access `call_data` from a cf_h2 filter */
+#define CF_CTX_CALL_DATA(cf)  \
+  ((struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *)(cf)->ctx)->call_data
+static void cf_h2_proxy_ctx_clear(struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx)
+  struct cf_call_data save = ctx->call_data;
+  if(ctx->h2) {
+    nghttp2_session_del(ctx->h2);
+  }
+  Curl_bufq_free(&ctx->inbufq);
+  Curl_bufq_free(&ctx->outbufq);
+  tunnel_stream_clear(&ctx->tunnel);
+  memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+  ctx->call_data = save;
+static void cf_h2_proxy_ctx_free(struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx)
+  if(ctx) {
+    cf_h2_proxy_ctx_clear(ctx);
+    free(ctx);
+  }
+static ssize_t nw_in_reader(void *reader_ctx,
+                              unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen,
+                              CURLcode *err)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = reader_ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  ssize_t nread;
+  nread = Curl_conn_cf_recv(cf->next, data, (char *)buf, buflen, err);
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "nw_in recv(len=%zu) -> %zd, %d",
+         buflen, nread, *err));
+  return nread;
+static ssize_t nw_out_writer(void *writer_ctx,
+                             const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen,
+                             CURLcode *err)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = writer_ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  ssize_t nwritten;
+  nwritten = Curl_conn_cf_send(cf->next, data, (const char *)buf, buflen, err);
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "nw_out send(len=%zu) -> %zd", buflen, nwritten));
+  return nwritten;
+static int h2_client_new(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                         nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  nghttp2_option *o;
+  int rc = nghttp2_option_new(&o);
+  if(rc)
+    return rc;
+  /* We handle window updates ourself to enfore buffer limits */
+  nghttp2_option_set_no_auto_window_update(o, 1);
+#if NGHTTP2_VERSION_NUM >= 0x013200
+  /* with 1.50.0 */
+  /* turn off RFC 9113 leading and trailing white spaces validation against
+     HTTP field value. */
+  nghttp2_option_set_no_rfc9113_leading_and_trailing_ws_validation(o, 1);
+  rc = nghttp2_session_client_new2(&ctx->h2, cbs, cf, o);
+  nghttp2_option_del(o);
+  return rc;
+static ssize_t on_session_send(nghttp2_session *h2,
+                              const uint8_t *buf, size_t blen,
+                              int flags, void *userp);
+static int on_frame_recv(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
+                         void *userp);
+static int on_stream_close(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
+                           uint32_t error_code, void *userp);
+static int on_header(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
+                     const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen,
+                     const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen,
+                     uint8_t flags,
+                     void *userp);
+static int tunnel_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
+                                int32_t stream_id,
+                                const uint8_t *mem, size_t len, void *userp);
+ * Initialize the cfilter context
+ */
+static CURLcode cf_h2_proxy_ctx_init(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                     struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks *cbs = NULL;
+  int rc;
+  DEBUGASSERT(!ctx->h2);
+  memset(&ctx->tunnel, 0, sizeof(ctx->tunnel));
+  Curl_bufq_init(&ctx->inbufq, H2_NW_CHUNK_SIZE, H2_NW_RECV_CHUNKS);
+  Curl_bufq_init(&ctx->outbufq, H2_NW_CHUNK_SIZE, H2_NW_SEND_CHUNKS);
+  if(tunnel_stream_init(cf, &ctx->tunnel))
+    goto out;
+  rc = nghttp2_session_callbacks_new(&cbs);
+  if(rc) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't initialize nghttp2 callbacks");
+    goto out;
+  }
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_send_callback(cbs, on_session_send);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_frame_recv_callback(cbs, on_frame_recv);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_data_chunk_recv_callback(
+    cbs, tunnel_recv_callback);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_stream_close_callback(cbs, on_stream_close);
+  nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_on_header_callback(cbs, on_header);
+  /* The nghttp2 session is not yet setup, do it */
+  rc = h2_client_new(cf, cbs);
+  if(rc) {
+    failf(data, "Couldn't initialize nghttp2");
+    goto out;
+  }
+  {
+    nghttp2_settings_entry iv[3];
+    iv[0].value = Curl_multi_max_concurrent_streams(data->multi);
+    iv[1].settings_id = NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
+    iv[1].value = H2_TUNNEL_WINDOW_SIZE;
+    iv[2].settings_id = NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH;
+    iv[2].value = 0;
+    rc = nghttp2_submit_settings(ctx->h2, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, iv, 3);
+    if(rc) {
+      failf(data, "nghttp2_submit_settings() failed: %s(%d)",
+            nghttp2_strerror(rc), rc);
+      result = CURLE_HTTP2;
+      goto out;
+    }
+  }
+  rc = nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size(ctx->h2, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, 0,
+                                             HTTP2_HUGE_WINDOW_SIZE);
+  if(rc) {
+    failf(data, "nghttp2_session_set_local_window_size() failed: %s(%d)",
+          nghttp2_strerror(rc), rc);
+    result = CURLE_HTTP2;
+    goto out;
+  }
+  /* all set, traffic will be send on connect */
+  result = CURLE_OK;
+  if(cbs)
+    nghttp2_session_callbacks_del(cbs);
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "init proxy ctx -> %d", result));
+  return result;
+static CURLcode nw_out_flush(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                             struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  size_t buflen = Curl_bufq_len(&ctx->outbufq);
+  ssize_t nwritten;
+  CURLcode result;
+  (void)data;
+  if(!buflen)
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "h2 conn flush %zu bytes", buflen));
+  nwritten = Curl_bufq_pass(&ctx->outbufq, nw_out_writer, cf, &result);
+  if(nwritten < 0) {
+    return result;
+  }
+  if((size_t)nwritten < buflen) {
+    return CURLE_AGAIN;
+  }
+  return CURLE_OK;
+ * Processes pending input left in network input buffer.
+ * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1 and error code will
+ * be assigned to *err.
+ */
+static int h2_process_pending_input(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                    struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                    CURLcode *err)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  const unsigned char *buf;
+  size_t blen;
+  ssize_t rv;
+  while(Curl_bufq_peek(&ctx->inbufq, &buf, &blen)) {
+    rv = nghttp2_session_mem_recv(ctx->h2, (const uint8_t *)buf, blen);
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf,
+                 "fed %zu bytes from nw to nghttp2 -> %zd", blen, rv));
+    if(rv < 0) {
+      failf(data,
+            "process_pending_input: nghttp2_session_mem_recv() returned "
+            "%zd:%s", rv, nghttp2_strerror((int)rv));
+      *err = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+      return -1;
+    }
+    Curl_bufq_skip(&ctx->inbufq, (size_t)rv);
+    if(Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq)) {
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "all data in connection buffer processed"));
+      break;
+    }
+    else {
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "process_pending_input: %zu bytes left "
+                    "in connection buffer", Curl_bufq_len(&ctx->inbufq)));
+    }
+  }
+  if(nghttp2_session_check_request_allowed(ctx->h2) == 0) {
+    /* No more requests are allowed in the current session, so
+       the connection may not be reused. This is set when a
+       GOAWAY frame has been received or when the limit of stream
+       identifiers has been reached. */
+    connclose(cf->conn, "http/2: No new requests allowed");
+  }
+  return 0;
+static CURLcode h2_progress_ingress(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                    struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  ssize_t nread;
+  bool keep_reading = TRUE;
+  /* Process network input buffer fist */
+  if(!Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq)) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "Process %zd bytes in connection buffer",
+                  Curl_bufq_len(&ctx->inbufq)));
+    if(h2_process_pending_input(cf, data, &result) < 0)
+      return result;
+  }
+  /* Receive data from the "lower" filters, e.g. network until
+   * it is time to stop or we have enough data for this stream */
+  while(keep_reading &&
+        !ctx->conn_closed &&               /* not closed the connection */
+        !ctx->tunnel.closed &&             /* nor the tunnel */
+        Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq) && /* and we consumed our input */
+        !Curl_bufq_is_full(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf)) {
+    nread = Curl_bufq_slurp(&ctx->inbufq, nw_in_reader, cf, &result);
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "read %zd bytes nw data -> %zd, %d",
+                  Curl_bufq_len(&ctx->inbufq), nread, result));
+    if(nread < 0) {
+      if(result != CURLE_AGAIN) {
+        failf(data, "Failed receiving HTTP2 data");
+        return result;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    else if(nread == 0) {
+      ctx->conn_closed = TRUE;
+      break;
+    }
+    keep_reading = Curl_bufq_is_full(&ctx->inbufq);
+    if(h2_process_pending_input(cf, data, &result))
+      return result;
+  }
+  if(ctx->conn_closed && Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq)) {
+    connclose(cf->conn, "GOAWAY received");
+  }
+  return CURLE_OK;
+ * Check if there's been an update in the priority /
+ * dependency settings and if so it submits a PRIORITY frame with the updated
+ * info.
+ * Flush any out data pending in the network buffer.
+ */
+static CURLcode h2_progress_egress(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                  struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  int rv = 0;
+  rv = nghttp2_session_send(ctx->h2);
+  if(nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "nghttp2_session_send error (%s)%d",
+                  nghttp2_strerror(rv), rv));
+    return CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
+  }
+  return nw_out_flush(cf, data);
+static ssize_t on_session_send(nghttp2_session *h2,
+                               const uint8_t *buf, size_t blen, int flags,
+                               void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  ssize_t nwritten;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  (void)h2;
+  (void)flags;
+  nwritten = Curl_bufq_write_pass(&ctx->outbufq, buf, blen,
+                                  nw_out_writer, cf, &result);
+  if(nwritten < 0) {
+    if(result == CURLE_AGAIN) {
+    }
+    failf(data, "Failed sending HTTP2 data");
+  }
+  if(!nwritten)
+  return nwritten;
+static int on_frame_recv(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
+                         void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  int32_t stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id;
+  (void)session;
+  if(!stream_id) {
+    /* stream ID zero is for connection-oriented stuff */
+    DEBUGASSERT(data);
+    switch(frame->hd.type) {
+      /* we do not do anything with this for now */
+      break;
+    case NGHTTP2_GOAWAY:
+      infof(data, "recveived GOAWAY, error=%d, last_stream=%u",
+                  frame->goaway.error_code, frame->goaway.last_stream_id);
+      ctx->goaway = TRUE;
+      break;
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "recv frame WINDOW_UPDATE"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "recv frame %x on 0", frame->hd.type));
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(stream_id != ctx->tunnel.stream_id) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] rcvd FRAME not for tunnel",
+                  stream_id));
+  }
+  switch(frame->hd.type) {
+  case NGHTTP2_DATA:
+    /* If body started on this stream, then receiving DATA is illegal. */
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv frame DATA", stream_id));
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv frame HEADERS", stream_id));
+    /* nghttp2 guarantees that :status is received, and we store it to
+       stream->status_code. Fuzzing has proven this can still be reached
+       without status code having been set. */
+    if(!ctx->tunnel.resp)
+    /* Only final status code signals the end of header */
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] got http status: %d",
+           stream_id, ctx->tunnel.resp->status));
+    if(!ctx->tunnel.has_final_response) {
+      if(ctx->tunnel.resp->status / 100 != 1) {
+        ctx->tunnel.has_final_response = TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv PUSH_PROMISE", stream_id));
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv RST", stream_id));
+    ctx->tunnel.reset = TRUE;
+    break;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv WINDOW_UPDATE", stream_id));
+    if((data->req.keepon & KEEP_SEND_HOLD) &&
+       (data->req.keepon & KEEP_SEND)) {
+      data->req.keepon &= ~KEEP_SEND_HOLD;
+      Curl_expire(data, 0, EXPIRE_RUN_NOW);
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] unpausing after win update",
+             stream_id));
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] recv frame %x",
+                  stream_id, frame->hd.type));
+    break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int on_header(nghttp2_session *session, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
+                     const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen,
+                     const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen,
+                     uint8_t flags,
+                     void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  int32_t stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id;
+  CURLcode result;
+  (void)flags;
+  (void)data;
+  (void)session;
+  DEBUGASSERT(stream_id); /* should never be a zero stream ID here */
+  if(stream_id != ctx->tunnel.stream_id) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] header for non-tunnel stream: "
+                  "%.*s: %.*s", stream_id,
+                  (int)namelen, name,
+                  (int)valuelen, value));
+  }
+  if(frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_PUSH_PROMISE)
+  if(ctx->tunnel.has_final_response) {
+    /* we do not do anything with trailers for tunnel streams */
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(namelen == sizeof(H2H3_PSEUDO_STATUS) - 1 &&
+     memcmp(H2H3_PSEUDO_STATUS, name, namelen) == 0) {
+    int http_status;
+    struct http_resp *resp;
+    /* status: always comes first, we might get more than one response,
+     * link the previous ones for keepers */
+    result = Curl_http_decode_status(&http_status,
+                                    (const char *)value, valuelen);
+    if(result)
+    result = Curl_http_resp_make(&resp, http_status, NULL);
+    if(result)
+    resp->prev = ctx->tunnel.resp;
+    ctx->tunnel.resp = resp;
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] status: HTTP/2 %03d",
+                  stream_id, ctx->tunnel.resp->status));
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if(!ctx->tunnel.resp)
+  result = Curl_dynhds_add(&ctx->tunnel.resp->headers,
+                           (const char *)name, namelen,
+                           (const char *)value, valuelen);
+  if(result)
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] header: %.*s: %.*s",
+                stream_id,
+                (int)namelen, name,
+                (int)valuelen, value));
+  return 0; /* 0 is successful */
+static ssize_t tunnel_send_callback(nghttp2_session *session,
+                                    int32_t stream_id,
+                                    uint8_t *buf, size_t length,
+                                    uint32_t *data_flags,
+                                    nghttp2_data_source *source,
+                                    void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  struct tunnel_stream *ts;
+  CURLcode result;
+  ssize_t nread;
+  (void)source;
+  (void)data;
+  (void)ctx;
+  if(!stream_id)
+  ts = nghttp2_session_get_stream_user_data(session, stream_id);
+  if(!ts)
+  DEBUGASSERT(ts == &ctx->tunnel);
+  nread = Curl_bufq_read(&ts->sendbuf, buf, length, &result);
+  if(nread < 0) {
+    if(result != CURLE_AGAIN)
+  }
+  if(ts->closed && Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ts->sendbuf))
+    *data_flags = NGHTTP2_DATA_FLAG_EOF;
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] tunnel_send_callback -> %zd",
+                ts->stream_id, nread));
+  return nread;
+static int tunnel_recv_callback(nghttp2_session *session, uint8_t flags,
+                                int32_t stream_id,
+                                const uint8_t *mem, size_t len, void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  ssize_t nwritten;
+  CURLcode result;
+  (void)flags;
+  (void)session;
+  DEBUGASSERT(stream_id); /* should never be a zero stream ID here */
+  if(stream_id != ctx->tunnel.stream_id)
+  nwritten = Curl_bufq_write(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf, mem, len, &result);
+  if(nwritten < 0) {
+    if(result != CURLE_AGAIN)
+    nwritten = 0;
+  }
+  DEBUGASSERT((size_t)nwritten == len);
+  return 0;
+static int on_stream_close(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
+                           uint32_t error_code, void *userp)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = userp;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct Curl_easy *data = CF_DATA_CURRENT(cf);
+  (void)session;
+  (void)data;
+  if(stream_id != ctx->tunnel.stream_id)
+    return 0;
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] on_stream_close, %s (err %d)",
+                stream_id, nghttp2_http2_strerror(error_code), error_code));
+  ctx->tunnel.closed = TRUE;
+  ctx->tunnel.error = error_code;
+  return 0;
+static CURLcode h2_submit(int32_t *pstream_id,
+                          struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                          struct Curl_easy *data,
+                          nghttp2_session *h2,
+                          struct http_req *req,
+                          const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec,
+                          void *stream_user_data,
+                          nghttp2_data_source_read_callback read_callback,
+                          void *read_ctx)
+  nghttp2_nv *nva = NULL;
+  unsigned int i;
+  int32_t stream_id = -1;
+  size_t nheader, j;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  (void)cf;
+  nheader = req->headers.hds_len + 1; /* ":method" is a MUST */
+  if(req->scheme)
+    ++nheader;
+  if(req->authority)
+    ++nheader;
+  if(req->path)
+    ++nheader;
+  nva = malloc(sizeof(nghttp2_nv) * nheader);
+  if(!nva)
+    goto out;
+  nva[0].name = (unsigned char *)H2H3_PSEUDO_METHOD;
+  nva[0].namelen = sizeof(H2H3_PSEUDO_METHOD) - 1;
+  nva[0].value = (unsigned char *)req->method;
+  nva[0].valuelen = strlen(req->method);
+  nva[0].flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
+  i = 1;
+  if(req->scheme) {
+    nva[i].name = (unsigned char *)H2H3_PSEUDO_SCHEME;
+    nva[i].namelen = sizeof(H2H3_PSEUDO_SCHEME) - 1;
+    nva[i].value = (unsigned char *)req->scheme;
+    nva[i].valuelen = strlen(req->scheme);
+    nva[i].flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
+    ++i;
+  }
+  if(req->authority) {
+    nva[i].name = (unsigned char *)H2H3_PSEUDO_AUTHORITY;
+    nva[i].namelen = sizeof(H2H3_PSEUDO_AUTHORITY) - 1;
+    nva[i].value = (unsigned char *)req->authority;
+    nva[i].valuelen = strlen(req->authority);
+    nva[i].flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
+    ++i;
+  }
+  if(req->path) {
+    nva[i].name = (unsigned char *)H2H3_PSEUDO_PATH;
+    nva[i].namelen = sizeof(H2H3_PSEUDO_PATH) - 1;
+    nva[i].value = (unsigned char *)req->path;
+    nva[i].valuelen = strlen(req->path);
+    nva[i].flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
+    ++i;
+  }
+  for(j = 0; i < nheader; i++, j++) {
+    struct dynhds_entry *e = Curl_dynhds_getn(&req->headers, j);
+    if(!e)
+      break;
+    nva[i].name = (unsigned char *)e->name;
+    nva[i].namelen = e->namelen;
+    nva[i].value = (unsigned char *)e->value;
+    nva[i].valuelen = e->valuelen;
+    nva[i].flags = NGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONE;
+  }
+  if(read_callback) {
+    nghttp2_data_provider data_prd;
+    data_prd.read_callback = read_callback;
+    data_prd.source.ptr = read_ctx;
+    stream_id = nghttp2_submit_request(h2, pri_spec, nva, nheader,
+                                       &data_prd, stream_user_data);
+  }
+  else {
+    stream_id = nghttp2_submit_request(h2, pri_spec, nva, nheader,
+                                       NULL, stream_user_data);
+  }
+  if(stream_id < 0) {
+    failf(data, "nghttp2_session_upgrade2() failed: %s(%d)",
+          nghttp2_strerror(stream_id), stream_id);
+    result = CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
+    goto out;
+  }
+  result = CURLE_OK;
+  Curl_safefree(nva);
+  *pstream_id = stream_id;
+  return result;
+static CURLcode submit_CONNECT(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                               struct Curl_easy *data,
+                               struct tunnel_stream *ts)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result;
+  struct http_req *req = NULL;
+  infof(data, "Establish HTTP/2 proxy tunnel to %s", ts->authority);
+  result = Curl_http_req_make(&req, "CONNECT", NULL, ts->authority, NULL);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  /* Setup the proxy-authorization header, if any */
+  result = Curl_http_output_auth(data, cf->conn, req->method, HTTPREQ_GET,
+                                 req->authority, TRUE);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  if(data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd) {
+    result = Curl_dynhds_h1_cadd_line(&req->headers,
+                                      data->state.aptr.proxyuserpwd);
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+  }
+  if(!Curl_checkProxyheaders(data, cf->conn, STRCONST("User-Agent"))
+     && data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT]) {
+    result = Curl_dynhds_cadd(&req->headers, "User-Agent",
+                              data->set.str[STRING_USERAGENT]);
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+  }
+  result = Curl_dynhds_add_custom(data, TRUE, &req->headers);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  result = h2_submit(&ts->stream_id, cf, data, ctx->h2, req,
+                     NULL, ts, tunnel_send_callback, cf);
+  if(result) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "send: nghttp2_submit_request error (%s)%u",
+                  nghttp2_strerror(ts->stream_id), ts->stream_id));
+  }
+  if(req)
+    Curl_http_req_free(req);
+  if(result)
+    failf(data, "Failed sending CONNECT to proxy");
+  return result;
+static CURLcode inspect_response(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                 struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                 struct tunnel_stream *ts)
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  struct dynhds_entry *auth_reply = NULL;
+  (void)cf;
+  DEBUGASSERT(ts->resp);
+  if(ts->resp->status/100 == 2) {
+    infof(data, "CONNECT tunnel established, response %d", ts->resp->status);
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED, data);
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  }
+  if(ts->resp->status == 401) {
+    auth_reply = Curl_dynhds_cget(&ts->resp->headers, "WWW-Authenticate");
+  }
+  else if(ts->resp->status == 407) {
+    auth_reply = Curl_dynhds_cget(&ts->resp->headers, "Proxy-Authenticate");
+  }
+  if(auth_reply) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT: fwd auth header '%s'",
+                  auth_reply->value));
+    result = Curl_http_input_auth(data, ts->resp->status == 407,
+                                  auth_reply->value);
+    if(result)
+      return result;
+    if(data->req.newurl) {
+      /* Inidicator that we should try again */
+      Curl_safefree(data->req.newurl);
+      tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_INIT, data);
+      return CURLE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Seems to have failed */
+static CURLcode CONNECT(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                        struct Curl_easy *data,
+                        struct tunnel_stream *ts)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  DEBUGASSERT(ts->authority);
+  do {
+    switch(ts->state) {
+    case TUNNEL_INIT:
+      /* Prepare the CONNECT request and make a first attempt to send. */
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "CONNECT start for %s", ts->authority));
+      result = submit_CONNECT(cf, data, ts);
+      if(result)
+        goto out;
+      tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_CONNECT, data);
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      /* see that the request is completely sent */
+      result = h2_progress_ingress(cf, data);
+      if(!result)
+        result = h2_progress_egress(cf, data);
+      if(result) {
+        tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_FAILED, data);
+        break;
+      }
+      if(ts->has_final_response) {
+        tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_RESPONSE, data);
+      }
+      else {
+        result = CURLE_OK;
+        goto out;
+      }
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      DEBUGASSERT(ts->has_final_response);
+      result = inspect_response(cf, data, ts);
+      if(result)
+        goto out;
+      break;
+      return CURLE_OK;
+    case TUNNEL_FAILED:
+      return CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  } while(ts->state == TUNNEL_INIT);
+  if(result || ctx->tunnel.closed)
+    tunnel_go_state(cf, ts, TUNNEL_FAILED, data);
+  return result;
+static CURLcode cf_h2_proxy_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                    struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                    bool blocking, bool *done)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
+  struct cf_call_data save;
+  timediff_t check;
+  struct tunnel_stream *ts = &ctx->tunnel;
+  if(cf->connected) {
+    *done = TRUE;
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Connect the lower filters first */
+  if(!cf->next->connected) {
+    result = Curl_conn_cf_connect(cf->next, data, blocking, done);
+    if(result || !*done)
+      return result;
+  }
+  *done = FALSE;
+  CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data);
+  if(!ctx->h2) {
+    result = cf_h2_proxy_ctx_init(cf, data);
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+  }
+  DEBUGASSERT(ts->authority);
+  check = Curl_timeleft(data, NULL, TRUE);
+  if(check <= 0) {
+    failf(data, "Proxy CONNECT aborted due to timeout");
+    goto out;
+  }
+  /* for the secondary socket (FTP), use the "connect to host"
+   * but ignore the "connect to port" (use the secondary port)
+   */
+  result = CONNECT(cf, data, ts);
+  *done = (result == CURLE_OK) && (ts->state == TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED);
+  cf->connected = *done;
+  CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save);
+  return result;
+static void cf_h2_proxy_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  if(ctx) {
+    struct cf_call_data save;
+    CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data);
+    cf_h2_proxy_ctx_clear(ctx);
+    CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save);
+  }
+static void cf_h2_proxy_destroy(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  (void)data;
+  if(ctx) {
+    cf_h2_proxy_ctx_free(ctx);
+    cf->ctx = NULL;
+  }
+static bool cf_h2_proxy_data_pending(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                     const struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  if((ctx && !Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq)) ||
+     (ctx && ctx->tunnel.state == TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED &&
+      !Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf)))
+    return TRUE;
+  return cf->next? cf->next->cft->has_data_pending(cf->next, data) : FALSE;
+static int cf_h2_proxy_get_select_socks(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                        struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                        curl_socket_t *sock)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  int bitmap = GETSOCK_BLANK;
+  struct cf_call_data save;
+  CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data);
+  sock[0] = Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(cf, data);
+  bitmap |= GETSOCK_READSOCK(0);
+  /* HTTP/2 layer wants to send data) AND there's a window to send data in */
+  if(nghttp2_session_want_write(ctx->h2) &&
+     nghttp2_session_get_remote_window_size(ctx->h2))
+    bitmap |= GETSOCK_WRITESOCK(0);
+  CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save);
+  return bitmap;
+static ssize_t h2_handle_tunnel_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                      struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                      CURLcode *err)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  ssize_t rv = 0;
+  if(ctx->tunnel.error == NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] REFUSED_STREAM, try again on a new "
+                  "connection", ctx->tunnel.stream_id));
+    connclose(cf->conn, "REFUSED_STREAM"); /* don't use this anymore */
+    *err = CURLE_RECV_ERROR; /* trigger Curl_retry_request() later */
+    return -1;
+  }
+  else if(ctx->tunnel.error != NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR) {
+    failf(data, "HTTP/2 stream %u was not closed cleanly: %s (err %u)",
+          ctx->tunnel.stream_id, nghttp2_http2_strerror(ctx->tunnel.error),
+          ctx->tunnel.error);
+    *err = CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  else if(ctx->tunnel.reset) {
+    failf(data, "HTTP/2 stream %u was reset", ctx->tunnel.stream_id);
+    *err = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  *err = CURLE_OK;
+  rv = 0;
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "handle_tunnel_close -> %zd, %d", rv, *err));
+  return rv;
+static ssize_t tunnel_recv(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data,
+                           char *buf, size_t len, CURLcode *err)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  ssize_t nread = -1;
+  *err = CURLE_AGAIN;
+  if(!Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf)) {
+    nread = Curl_bufq_read(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf,
+                           (unsigned char *)buf, len, err);
+    if(nread < 0)
+      goto out;
+    DEBUGASSERT(nread > 0);
+  }
+  if(nread < 0) {
+    if(ctx->tunnel.closed) {
+      nread = h2_handle_tunnel_close(cf, data, err);
+    }
+    else if(ctx->tunnel.reset ||
+            (ctx->conn_closed && Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->inbufq)) ||
+            (ctx->goaway && ctx->last_stream_id < ctx->tunnel.stream_id)) {
+      *err = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+      nread = -1;
+    }
+  }
+  else if(nread == 0) {
+    *err = CURLE_AGAIN;
+    nread = -1;
+  }
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "tunnel_recv(len=%zu) -> %zd, %d",
+                len, nread, *err));
+  return nread;
+static ssize_t cf_h2_proxy_recv(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                char *buf, size_t len, CURLcode *err)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  ssize_t nread = -1;
+  struct cf_call_data save;
+  CURLcode result;
+  if(ctx->tunnel.state != TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED) {
+    *err = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data);
+  if(Curl_bufq_is_empty(&ctx->tunnel.recvbuf)) {
+    *err = h2_progress_ingress(cf, data);
+    if(*err)
+      goto out;
+  }
+  nread = tunnel_recv(cf, data, buf, len, err);
+  if(nread > 0) {
+    DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] increase window by %zd",
+                  ctx->tunnel.stream_id, nread));
+    nghttp2_session_consume(ctx->h2, ctx->tunnel.stream_id, (size_t)nread);
+  }
+  result = h2_progress_egress(cf, data);
+  if(result) {
+    *err = result;
+    nread = -1;
+  }
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h2sid=%u] cf_recv(len=%zu) -> %zd %d",
+                ctx->tunnel.stream_id, len, nread, *err));
+  CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save);
+  return nread;
+static ssize_t cf_h2_proxy_send(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                const void *mem, size_t len, CURLcode *err)
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  struct cf_call_data save;
+  ssize_t nwritten = -1;
+  const unsigned char *buf = mem;
+  size_t start_len = len;
+  int rv;
+  if(ctx->tunnel.state != TUNNEL_ESTABLISHED) {
+    *err = CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  CF_DATA_SAVE(save, cf, data);
+  while(len) {
+    nwritten = Curl_bufq_write(&ctx->tunnel.sendbuf, buf, len, err);
+    if(nwritten <= 0) {
+      if(*err && *err != CURLE_AGAIN) {
+        DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "error adding data to tunnel sendbuf: %d",
+               *err));
+        nwritten = -1;
+        goto out;
+      }
+      /* blocked */
+      nwritten = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+      DEBUGASSERT((size_t)nwritten <= len);
+      buf += (size_t)nwritten;
+      len -= (size_t)nwritten;
+    }
+    /* resume the tunnel stream and let the h2 session send, which
+     * triggers reading from tunnel.sendbuf */
+    rv = nghttp2_session_resume_data(ctx->h2, ctx->tunnel.stream_id);
+    if(nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {
+      *err = CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
+      nwritten = -1;
+      goto out;
+    }
+    *err = h2_progress_egress(cf, data);
+    if(*err) {
+      nwritten = -1;
+      goto out;
+    }
+    if(!nwritten && Curl_bufq_is_full(&ctx->tunnel.sendbuf)) {
+      size_t rwin;
+      /* we could not add to the buffer and after session processing,
+       * it is still full. */
+      rwin = nghttp2_session_get_stream_remote_window_size(
+                                        ctx->h2, ctx->tunnel.stream_id);
+      DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "cf_send: tunnel win %u/%zu",
+             nghttp2_session_get_remote_window_size(ctx->h2), rwin));
+      if(rwin == 0) {
+        /* We cannot upload more as the stream's remote window size
+         * is 0. We need to receive WIN_UPDATEs before we can continue.
+         */
+        data->req.keepon |= KEEP_SEND_HOLD;
+        DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "pausing send as remote flow "
+               "window is exhausted"));
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  nwritten = start_len - len;
+  if(nwritten > 0) {
+    *err = CURLE_OK;
+  }
+  else if(ctx->tunnel.closed) {
+    nwritten = -1;
+    *err = CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
+  }
+  else {
+    nwritten = -1;
+    *err = CURLE_AGAIN;
+  }
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "cf_send(len=%zu) -> %zd, %d ",
+         start_len, nwritten, *err));
+  CF_DATA_RESTORE(cf, save);
+  return nwritten;
+struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_h2_proxy = {
+  "H2-PROXY",
+  cf_h2_proxy_destroy,
+  cf_h2_proxy_connect,
+  cf_h2_proxy_close,
+  Curl_cf_http_proxy_get_host,
+  cf_h2_proxy_get_select_socks,
+  cf_h2_proxy_data_pending,
+  cf_h2_proxy_send,
+  cf_h2_proxy_recv,
+  Curl_cf_def_cntrl,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_is_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_keep_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_query,
+CURLcode Curl_cf_h2_proxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                       struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf_h2_proxy = NULL;
+  struct cf_h2_proxy_ctx *ctx;
+  CURLcode result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+  (void)data;
+  ctx = calloc(sizeof(*ctx), 1);
+  if(!ctx)
+    goto out;
+  result = Curl_cf_create(&cf_h2_proxy, &Curl_cft_h2_proxy, ctx);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(cf, cf_h2_proxy);
+  result = CURLE_OK;
+  if(result)
+    cf_h2_proxy_ctx_free(ctx);
+  return result;
+#endif /* defined(USE_NGHTTP2) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY) */

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#if defined(USE_NGHTTP2) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
+CURLcode Curl_cf_h2_proxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                       struct Curl_easy *data);
+extern struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_h2_proxy;
+#endif /* defined(USE_NGHTTP2) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY) */
+#endif /* HEADER_CURL_H2_PROXY_H */

+ 262 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+#include "urldata.h"
+#include "cfilters.h"
+#include "cf-haproxy.h"
+#include "curl_log.h"
+#include "multiif.h"
+/* The last 3 #include files should be in this order */
+#include "curl_printf.h"
+#include "curl_memory.h"
+#include "memdebug.h"
+typedef enum {
+    HAPROXY_INIT,     /* init/default/no tunnel state */
+    HAPROXY_SEND,     /* data_out being sent */
+    HAPROXY_DONE      /* all work done */
+} haproxy_state;
+struct cf_haproxy_ctx {
+  int state;
+  struct dynbuf data_out;
+static void cf_haproxy_ctx_reset(struct cf_haproxy_ctx *ctx)
+  ctx->state = HAPROXY_INIT;
+  Curl_dyn_reset(&ctx->data_out);
+static void cf_haproxy_ctx_free(struct cf_haproxy_ctx *ctx)
+  if(ctx) {
+    Curl_dyn_free(&ctx->data_out);
+    free(ctx);
+  }
+static CURLcode cf_haproxy_date_out_set(struct Curl_cfilter*cf,
+                                        struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct cf_haproxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result;
+  const char *tcp_version;
+  if(cf->conn->unix_domain_socket)
+    /* the buffer is large enough to hold this! */
+    result = Curl_dyn_addn(&ctx->data_out, STRCONST("PROXY UNKNOWN\r\n"));
+  else {
+#endif /* USE_UNIX_SOCKETS */
+  /* Emit the correct prefix for IPv6 */
+  tcp_version = cf->conn->bits.ipv6 ? "TCP6" : "TCP4";
+  result = Curl_dyn_addf(&ctx->data_out, "PROXY %s %s %s %i %i\r\n",
+                         tcp_version,
+                         data->info.conn_local_ip,
+                         data->info.conn_primary_ip,
+                         data->info.conn_local_port,
+                         data->info.conn_primary_port);
+  }
+#endif /* USE_UNIX_SOCKETS */
+  return result;
+static CURLcode cf_haproxy_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                   struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                   bool blocking, bool *done)
+  struct cf_haproxy_ctx *ctx = cf->ctx;
+  CURLcode result;
+  size_t len;
+  if(cf->connected) {
+    *done = TRUE;
+    return CURLE_OK;
+  }
+  result = cf->next->cft->connect(cf->next, data, blocking, done);
+  if(result || !*done)
+    return result;
+  switch(ctx->state) {
+    result = cf_haproxy_date_out_set(cf, data);
+    if(result)
+      goto out;
+    ctx->state = HAPROXY_SEND;
+    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+    len = Curl_dyn_len(&ctx->data_out);
+    if(len > 0) {
+      ssize_t written = Curl_conn_send(data, cf->sockindex,
+                                       Curl_dyn_ptr(&ctx->data_out),
+                                       len, &result);
+      if(written < 0)
+        goto out;
+      Curl_dyn_tail(&ctx->data_out, len - (size_t)written);
+      if(Curl_dyn_len(&ctx->data_out) > 0) {
+        result = CURLE_OK;
+        goto out;
+      }
+    }
+    ctx->state = HAPROXY_DONE;
+    /* FALLTHROUGH */
+  default:
+    Curl_dyn_free(&ctx->data_out);
+    break;
+  }
+  *done = (!result) && (ctx->state == HAPROXY_DONE);
+  cf->connected = *done;
+  return result;
+static void cf_haproxy_destroy(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                               struct Curl_easy *data)
+  (void)data;
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "destroy"));
+  cf_haproxy_ctx_free(cf->ctx);
+static void cf_haproxy_close(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                             struct Curl_easy *data)
+  DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "close"));
+  cf->connected = FALSE;
+  cf_haproxy_ctx_reset(cf->ctx);
+  if(cf->next)
+    cf->next->cft->close(cf->next, data);
+static int cf_haproxy_get_select_socks(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                       struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                       curl_socket_t *socks)
+  int fds;
+  fds = cf->next->cft->get_select_socks(cf->next, data, socks);
+  if(!fds && cf->next->connected && !cf->connected) {
+    /* If we are not connected, but the filter "below" is
+     * and not waiting on something, we are sending. */
+    socks[0] = Curl_conn_cf_get_socket(cf, data);
+    return GETSOCK_WRITESOCK(0);
+  }
+  return fds;
+struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_haproxy = {
+  0,
+  0,
+  cf_haproxy_destroy,
+  cf_haproxy_connect,
+  cf_haproxy_close,
+  Curl_cf_def_get_host,
+  cf_haproxy_get_select_socks,
+  Curl_cf_def_data_pending,
+  Curl_cf_def_send,
+  Curl_cf_def_recv,
+  Curl_cf_def_cntrl,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_is_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_conn_keep_alive,
+  Curl_cf_def_query,
+static CURLcode cf_haproxy_create(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
+                                  struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = NULL;
+  struct cf_haproxy_ctx *ctx;
+  CURLcode result;
+  (void)data;
+  ctx = calloc(sizeof(*ctx), 1);
+  if(!ctx) {
+    result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+    goto out;
+  }
+  ctx->state = HAPROXY_INIT;
+  Curl_dyn_init(&ctx->data_out, DYN_HAXPROXY);
+  result = Curl_cf_create(&cf, &Curl_cft_haproxy, ctx);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  ctx = NULL;
+  cf_haproxy_ctx_free(ctx);
+  *pcf = result? NULL : cf;
+  return result;
+CURLcode Curl_conn_haproxy_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
+                               struct connectdata *conn,
+                               int sockindex)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf;
+  CURLcode result;
+  result = cf_haproxy_create(&cf, data);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  Curl_conn_cf_add(data, conn, sockindex, cf);
+  return result;
+CURLcode Curl_cf_haproxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
+                                      struct Curl_easy *data)
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf;
+  CURLcode result;
+  result = cf_haproxy_create(&cf, data);
+  if(result)
+    goto out;
+  Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(cf_at, cf);
+  return result;
+#endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_PROXY */

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ *                                  _   _ ____  _
+ *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+ *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+ *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+ *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ * are also available at
+ *
+ * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+ * KIND, either express or implied.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "curl_setup.h"
+#include "urldata.h"
+#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
+CURLcode Curl_conn_haproxy_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
+                               struct connectdata *conn,
+                               int sockindex);
+CURLcode Curl_cf_haproxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
+                                      struct Curl_easy *data);
+extern struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_haproxy;
+#endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_PROXY */

+ 22 - 9

@@ -283,21 +283,31 @@ void Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
   *pnext = tail;
-void Curl_conn_cf_discard(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data)
+bool Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                              struct Curl_cfilter *discard,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data,
+                              bool destroy_always)
-  struct Curl_cfilter **pprev = &cf->conn->cfilter[cf->sockindex];
+  struct Curl_cfilter **pprev = &cf->next;
+  bool found = FALSE;
-  /* remove from chain if still in there */
+  /* remove from sub-chain and destroy */
   while (*pprev) {
     if (*pprev == cf) {
-      *pprev = cf->next;
+      *pprev = discard->next;
+      discard->next = NULL;
+      found = TRUE;
     pprev = &((*pprev)->next);
-  cf->cft->destroy(cf, data);
-  free(cf);
+  if(found || destroy_always) {
+    discard->next = NULL;
+    discard->cft->destroy(discard, data);
+    free(discard);
+  }
+  return found;
 CURLcode Curl_conn_cf_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
@@ -405,10 +415,8 @@ bool Curl_conn_is_ip_connected(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex)
   return FALSE;
-bool Curl_conn_is_ssl(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+bool Curl_conn_cf_is_ssl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf)
-  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = conn? conn->cfilter[sockindex] : NULL;
   for(; cf; cf = cf->next) {
     if(cf->cft->flags & CF_TYPE_SSL)
       return TRUE;
@@ -418,6 +426,11 @@ bool Curl_conn_is_ssl(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
   return FALSE;
+bool Curl_conn_is_ssl(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
+  return conn? Curl_conn_cf_is_ssl(conn->cfilter[sockindex]) : FALSE;
 bool Curl_conn_is_multiplex(struct connectdata *conn, int sockindex)
   struct Curl_cfilter *cf = conn? conn->cfilter[sockindex] : NULL;

+ 16 - 5

@@ -254,11 +254,16 @@ void Curl_conn_cf_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
                                struct Curl_cfilter *cf_new);
- * Discard, e.g. remove and destroy a specific filter instance.
- * If the filter is attached to a connection, it will be removed before
- * it is destroyed.
- */
-void Curl_conn_cf_discard(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data);
+ * Discard, e.g. remove and destroy `discard` iff
+ * it still is in the filter chain below `cf`. If `discard`
+ * is no longer found beneath `cf` return FALSE.
+ * if `destroy_always` is TRUE, will call `discard`s destroy
+ * function and free it even if not found in the subchain.
+ */
+bool Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                              struct Curl_cfilter *discard,
+                              struct Curl_easy *data,
+                              bool destroy_always);
  * Discard all cfilters starting with `*pcf` and clearing it afterwards.
@@ -292,6 +297,12 @@ CURLcode Curl_conn_cf_cntrl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
                             bool ignore_result,
                             int event, int arg1, void *arg2);
+ * Determine if the connection filter chain is using SSL to the remote host
+ * (or will be once connected).
+ */
+bool Curl_conn_cf_is_ssl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf);
  * Get the socket used by the filter chain starting at `cf`.
  * Returns CURL_SOCKET_BAD if not available.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 #include "strerror.h"
 #include "cfilters.h"
 #include "connect.h"
+#include "cf-haproxy.h"
 #include "cf-https-connect.h"
 #include "cf-socket.h"
 #include "select.h"

+ 7 - 0

@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
 #include "connect.h"
 #include "http2.h"
 #include "http_proxy.h"
+#include "cf-h1-proxy.h"
+#include "cf-h2-proxy.h"
+#include "cf-haproxy.h"
 #include "cf-https-connect.h"
 #include "socks.h"
 #include "strtok.h"
@@ -160,6 +163,10 @@ static struct Curl_cftype *cf_types[] = {
 #if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
 #if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP)
+  &Curl_cft_h1_proxy,
+#ifdef USE_NGHTTP2
+  &Curl_cft_h2_proxy,
 #endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_HTTP */

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 7 - 1011

+ 9 - 18

@@ -25,34 +25,25 @@
 #include "curl_setup.h"
-#include "urldata.h"
-#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
+#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP)
+#include "urldata.h"
-#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP)
 /* Default proxy timeout in milliseconds */
 #define PROXY_TIMEOUT (3600*1000)
-CURLcode Curl_conn_http_proxy_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
-                                  struct connectdata *conn,
-                                  int sockindex);
+void Curl_cf_http_proxy_get_host(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                 struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                 const char **phost,
+                                 const char **pdisplay_host,
+                                 int *pport);
 CURLcode Curl_cf_http_proxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
                                          struct Curl_easy *data);
 extern struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_http_proxy;
-#endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_HTTP */
-CURLcode Curl_conn_haproxy_add(struct Curl_easy *data,
-                               struct connectdata *conn,
-                               int sockindex);
-CURLcode Curl_cf_haproxy_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
-                                      struct Curl_easy *data);
-extern struct Curl_cftype Curl_cft_haproxy;
-#endif /* !CURL_DISABLE_PROXY */

+ 4 - 0

@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ typedef unsigned int curl_prot_t;
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "splay.h"
 #include "dynbuf.h"
+#include "dynhds.h"
 /* return the count of bytes sent, or -1 on error */
 typedef ssize_t (Curl_send)(struct Curl_easy *data,   /* transfer */
@@ -1066,6 +1067,9 @@ struct connectdata {
                                     (ftp) */
   unsigned char alpn; /* APLN TLS negotiated protocol, a CURL_HTTP_VERSION*
                          value */
+  unsigned char proxy_alpn; /* APLN of proxy tunnel, CURL_HTTP_VERSION* */
   unsigned char transport; /* one of the TRNSPRT_* defines */
   unsigned char ip_version; /* copied from the Curl_easy at creation time */
   unsigned char httpversion; /* the HTTP version*10 reported by the server */

+ 5 - 30

@@ -1090,33 +1090,6 @@ static int cb_h3_deferred_consume(nghttp3_conn *conn, int64_t stream3_id,
   return 0;
-/* Decode HTTP status code.  Returns -1 if no valid status code was
-   decoded. (duplicate from http2.c) */
-static int decode_status_code(const uint8_t *value, size_t len)
-  int i;
-  int res;
-  if(len != 3) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  res = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-    char c = value[i];
-    if(c < '0' || c > '9') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    res *= 10;
-    res += c - '0';
-  }
-  return res;
 static int cb_h3_end_headers(nghttp3_conn *conn, int64_t stream_id,
                              int fin, void *user_data, void *stream_user_data)
@@ -1167,8 +1140,10 @@ static int cb_h3_recv_header(nghttp3_conn *conn, int64_t stream_id,
     char line[14]; /* status line is always 13 characters long */
     size_t ncopy;
-    stream->status_code = decode_status_code(h3val.base, h3val.len);
-    DEBUGASSERT(stream->status_code != -1);
+    result = Curl_http_decode_status(&stream->status_code,
+                                     (const char *)h3val.base, h3val.len);
+    if(result)
+      return -1;
     ncopy = msnprintf(line, sizeof(line), "HTTP/3 %03d \r\n",
     DEBUGF(LOG_CF(data, cf, "[h3sid=%" PRId64 "] status: %s",
@@ -2539,7 +2514,7 @@ out:
   *pcf = (!result)? cf : NULL;
   if(result) {
-      Curl_conn_cf_discard(udp_cf, data);
+      Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(cf, udp_cf, data, TRUE);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ out:
   *pcf = (!result)? cf : NULL;
   if(result) {
-      Curl_conn_cf_discard(udp_cf, data);
+      Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(cf, udp_cf, data, TRUE);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ static CURLcode bearssl_connect_step3(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
   DEBUGASSERT(ssl_connect_3 == connssl->connecting_state);
-  if(cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+  if(connssl->alpn) {
     const char *proto;
     proto = br_ssl_engine_get_selected_protocol(&backend->ctx.eng);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ static CURLcode gtls_verifyserver(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
     goto out;
-  if(cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+  if(connssl->alpn) {
     gnutls_datum_t proto;
     int rc;

+ 2 - 3

@@ -852,14 +852,13 @@ static void HandshakeCallback(PRFileDesc *sock, void *arg)
   struct Curl_cfilter *cf = (struct Curl_cfilter *)arg;
   struct ssl_connect_data *connssl = cf->ctx;
   struct Curl_easy *data = connssl->backend->data;
-  struct connectdata *conn = cf->conn;
   unsigned int buflenmax = 50;
   unsigned char buf[50];
   unsigned int buflen;
   SSLNextProtoState state;
-  if(!conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+  if(!connssl->alpn) {
@@ -2096,7 +2095,7 @@ static CURLcode nss_setup_connect(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
   if(SSL_OptionSet(backend->handle, SSL_ENABLE_ALPN,
-                   cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE)
+                   connssl->alpn ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE)
       != SECSuccess)
     goto error;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -3950,7 +3950,7 @@ static CURLcode ossl_connect_step2(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
     /* Sets data and len to negotiated protocol, len is 0 if no protocol was
      * negotiated
-    if(cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+    if(connssl->alpn) {
       const unsigned char *neg_protocol;
       unsigned int len;
       SSL_get0_alpn_selected(backend->handle, &neg_protocol, &len);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2796,7 +2796,7 @@ check_handshake:
-    if(cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+    if(connssl->alpn) {
       if(__builtin_available(macOS 10.13.4, iOS 11, tvOS 11, *)) {
         CFArrayRef alpnArr = NULL;
         CFStringRef chosenProtocol = NULL;

+ 56 - 49

@@ -130,6 +130,33 @@ static bool blobcmp(struct curl_blob *first, struct curl_blob *second)
   return !memcmp(first->data, second->data, first->len); /* same data */
+#ifdef USE_SSL
+static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H10 = {
+  { ALPN_HTTP_1_0 }, 1
+static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H11 = {
+  { ALPN_HTTP_1_1 }, 1
+#ifdef USE_HTTP2
+static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H2_H11 = {
+  { ALPN_H2, ALPN_HTTP_1_1 }, 2
+static const struct alpn_spec *alpn_get_spec(int httpwant, bool use_alpn)
+  if(!use_alpn)
+    return NULL;
+  if(httpwant == CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0)
+    return &ALPN_SPEC_H10;
+#ifdef USE_HTTP2
+  if(httpwant >= CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2)
+    return &ALPN_SPEC_H2_H11;
+  return &ALPN_SPEC_H11;
+#endif /* USE_SSL */
 Curl_ssl_config_matches(struct ssl_primary_config *data,
@@ -291,7 +318,7 @@ static bool ssl_prefs_check(struct Curl_easy *data)
 static struct ssl_connect_data *cf_ctx_new(struct Curl_easy *data,
-                                           const struct alpn_spec *alpn)
+                                     const struct alpn_spec *alpn)
   struct ssl_connect_data *ctx;
@@ -1733,7 +1760,8 @@ static CURLcode cf_ssl_create(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
-  ctx = cf_ctx_new(data, Curl_alpn_get_spec(data, conn));
+  ctx = cf_ctx_new(data, alpn_get_spec(data->state.httpwant,
+                                       conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn));
   if(!ctx) {
     result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     goto out;
@@ -1774,6 +1802,7 @@ CURLcode Curl_cf_ssl_insert_after(struct Curl_cfilter *cf_at,
 static CURLcode cf_ssl_proxy_create(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
                                     struct Curl_easy *data,
                                     struct connectdata *conn)
@@ -1781,8 +1810,17 @@ static CURLcode cf_ssl_proxy_create(struct Curl_cfilter **pcf,
   struct Curl_cfilter *cf = NULL;
   struct ssl_connect_data *ctx;
   CURLcode result;
+  bool use_alpn = conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn;
+  int httpwant = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
-  ctx = cf_ctx_new(data, Curl_alpn_get_proxy_spec(data, conn));
+#if defined(USE_HTTP2) && defined(DEBUGBUILD)
+  if(conn->bits.tunnel_proxy && getenv("CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2")) {
+    use_alpn = TRUE;
+    httpwant = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2;
+  }
+  ctx = cf_ctx_new(data, alpn_get_spec(httpwant, use_alpn));
   if(!ctx) {
     result = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     goto out;
@@ -1851,15 +1889,16 @@ void *Curl_ssl_get_internals(struct Curl_easy *data, int sockindex,
 CURLcode Curl_ssl_cfilter_remove(struct Curl_easy *data,
                                  int sockindex)
-  struct Curl_cfilter *cf = data->conn? data->conn->cfilter[sockindex] : NULL;
+  struct Curl_cfilter *cf, *head;
   CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
-  for(; cf; cf = cf->next) {
+  head = data->conn? data->conn->cfilter[sockindex] : NULL;
+  for(cf = head; cf; cf = cf->next) {
     if(cf->cft == &Curl_cft_ssl) {
       if(Curl_ssl->shut_down(cf, data))
         result = CURLE_SSL_SHUTDOWN_FAILED;
-      Curl_conn_cf_discard(cf, data);
+      Curl_conn_cf_discard_sub(head, cf, data, FALSE);
@@ -1943,42 +1982,6 @@ struct Curl_cfilter *Curl_ssl_cf_get_ssl(struct Curl_cfilter *cf)
   return NULL;
-static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H10 = {
-  { ALPN_HTTP_1_0 }, 1
-static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H11 = {
-  { ALPN_HTTP_1_1 }, 1
-#ifdef USE_HTTP2
-static const struct alpn_spec ALPN_SPEC_H2_H11 = {
-  { ALPN_H2, ALPN_HTTP_1_1 }, 2
-const struct alpn_spec *
-Curl_alpn_get_spec(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn)
-  if(!conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn)
-    return NULL;
-  if(data->state.httpwant == CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0)
-    return &ALPN_SPEC_H10;
-#ifdef USE_HTTP2
-  if(data->state.httpwant >= CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2)
-    return &ALPN_SPEC_H2_H11;
-  return &ALPN_SPEC_H11;
-const struct alpn_spec *
-Curl_alpn_get_proxy_spec(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn)
-  if(!conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn)
-    return NULL;
-  if(data->state.httpwant == CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0)
-    return &ALPN_SPEC_H10;
-  return &ALPN_SPEC_H11;
 CURLcode Curl_alpn_to_proto_buf(struct alpn_proto_buf *buf,
                                 const struct alpn_spec *spec)
@@ -2031,32 +2034,34 @@ CURLcode Curl_alpn_set_negotiated(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
                                   size_t proto_len)
   int can_multi = 0;
+  unsigned char *palpn = Curl_ssl_cf_is_proxy(cf)?
+                           &cf->conn->proxy_alpn : &cf->conn->alpn;
   if(proto && proto_len) {
     if(proto_len == ALPN_HTTP_1_1_LENGTH &&
             !memcmp(ALPN_HTTP_1_1, proto, ALPN_HTTP_1_1_LENGTH)) {
-      cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
+      *palpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
     else if(proto_len == ALPN_HTTP_1_0_LENGTH &&
             !memcmp(ALPN_HTTP_1_0, proto, ALPN_HTTP_1_0_LENGTH)) {
-      cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
+      *palpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
 #ifdef USE_HTTP2
     else if(proto_len == ALPN_H2_LENGTH &&
             !memcmp(ALPN_H2, proto, ALPN_H2_LENGTH)) {
-      cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2;
+      *palpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2;
       can_multi = 1;
 #ifdef USE_HTTP3
     else if(proto_len == ALPN_H3_LENGTH &&
        !memcmp(ALPN_H3, proto, ALPN_H3_LENGTH)) {
-      cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3;
+      *palpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3;
       can_multi = 1;
     else {
-      cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE;
+      *palpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE;
       failf(data, "unsupported ALPN protocol: '%.*s'", (int)proto_len, proto);
       /* TODO: do we want to fail this? Previous code just ignored it and
        * some vtls backends even ignore the return code of this function. */
@@ -2066,12 +2071,14 @@ CURLcode Curl_alpn_set_negotiated(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
     infof(data, VTLS_INFOF_ALPN_ACCEPTED_LEN_1STR, (int)proto_len, proto);
   else {
-    cf->conn->alpn = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE;
     infof(data, VTLS_INFOF_NO_ALPN);
-  Curl_multiuse_state(data, can_multi? BUNDLE_MULTIPLEX : BUNDLE_NO_MULTIUSE);
+  if(!Curl_ssl_cf_is_proxy(cf))
+    Curl_multiuse_state(data, can_multi?
+                        BUNDLE_MULTIPLEX : BUNDLE_NO_MULTIUSE);
   return CURLE_OK;

+ 0 - 52

@@ -65,58 +65,6 @@ CURLsslset Curl_init_sslset_nolock(curl_sslbackend id, const char *name,
 #define CURL_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32 /* fixed size */
-/* see */
-#define ALPN_HTTP_1_1_LENGTH 8
-#define ALPN_HTTP_1_1 "http/1.1"
-#define ALPN_HTTP_1_0_LENGTH 8
-#define ALPN_HTTP_1_0 "http/1.0"
-#define ALPN_H2_LENGTH 2
-#define ALPN_H2 "h2"
-#define ALPN_H3_LENGTH 2
-#define ALPN_H3 "h3"
-/* conservative sizes on the ALPN entries and count we are handling,
- * we can increase these if we ever feel the need or have to accommodate
- * ALPN strings from the "outside". */
-#define ALPN_NAME_MAX     10
-#define ALPN_ENTRIES_MAX  3
-struct alpn_spec {
-  const char entries[ALPN_ENTRIES_MAX][ALPN_NAME_MAX];
-  size_t count; /* number of entries */
-struct alpn_proto_buf {
-  unsigned char data[ALPN_PROTO_BUF_MAX];
-  int len;
-CURLcode Curl_alpn_to_proto_buf(struct alpn_proto_buf *buf,
-                                const struct alpn_spec *spec);
-CURLcode Curl_alpn_to_proto_str(struct alpn_proto_buf *buf,
-                                const struct alpn_spec *spec);
-CURLcode Curl_alpn_set_negotiated(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
-                                  struct Curl_easy *data,
-                                  const unsigned char *proto,
-                                  size_t proto_len);
- * Get the ALPN specification to use for talking to remote host.
- * May return NULL if ALPN is disabled on the connection.
- */
-const struct alpn_spec *
-Curl_alpn_get_spec(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn);
- * Get the ALPN specification to use for talking to the proxy.
- * May return NULL if ALPN is disabled on the connection.
- */
-const struct alpn_spec *
-Curl_alpn_get_proxy_spec(struct Curl_easy *data, struct connectdata *conn);
 char *Curl_ssl_snihost(struct Curl_easy *data, const char *host, size_t *olen);
 bool Curl_ssl_config_matches(struct ssl_primary_config *data,
                              struct ssl_primary_config *needle);

+ 39 - 1

@@ -29,17 +29,55 @@
 #ifdef USE_SSL
+/* see */
+#define ALPN_HTTP_1_1_LENGTH 8
+#define ALPN_HTTP_1_1 "http/1.1"
+#define ALPN_HTTP_1_0_LENGTH 8
+#define ALPN_HTTP_1_0 "http/1.0"
+#define ALPN_H2_LENGTH 2
+#define ALPN_H2 "h2"
+#define ALPN_H3_LENGTH 2
+#define ALPN_H3 "h3"
+/* conservative sizes on the ALPN entries and count we are handling,
+ * we can increase these if we ever feel the need or have to accommodate
+ * ALPN strings from the "outside". */
+#define ALPN_NAME_MAX     10
+#define ALPN_ENTRIES_MAX  3
+struct alpn_spec {
+  const char entries[ALPN_ENTRIES_MAX][ALPN_NAME_MAX];
+  size_t count; /* number of entries */
+struct alpn_proto_buf {
+  unsigned char data[ALPN_PROTO_BUF_MAX];
+  int len;
+CURLcode Curl_alpn_to_proto_buf(struct alpn_proto_buf *buf,
+                                const struct alpn_spec *spec);
+CURLcode Curl_alpn_to_proto_str(struct alpn_proto_buf *buf,
+                                const struct alpn_spec *spec);
+CURLcode Curl_alpn_set_negotiated(struct Curl_cfilter *cf,
+                                  struct Curl_easy *data,
+                                  const unsigned char *proto,
+                                  size_t proto_len);
 /* Information in each SSL cfilter context: cf->ctx */
 struct ssl_connect_data {
   ssl_connection_state state;
   ssl_connect_state connecting_state;
   char *hostname;                   /* hostname for verification */
   char *dispname;                   /* display version of hostname */
-  int port;                         /* remote port at origin */
   const struct alpn_spec *alpn;     /* ALPN to use or NULL for none */
   struct ssl_backend_data *backend; /* vtls backend specific props */
   struct cf_call_data call_data;    /* data handle used in current call */
   struct curltime handshake_done;   /* time when handshake finished */
+  int port;                         /* remote port at origin */
+  BIT(use_alpn);                    /* if ALPN shall be used in handshake */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ wolfssl_connect_step2(struct Curl_cfilter *cf, struct Curl_easy *data)
 #ifdef HAVE_ALPN
-  if(cf->conn->bits.tls_enable_alpn) {
+  if(connssl->alpn) {
     int rc;
     char *protocol = NULL;
     unsigned short protocol_len = 0;

+ 11 - 3

@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ import pytest
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.'))
-from testenv import Env, Nghttpx, Httpd
+from testenv import Env, Nghttpx, Httpd, NghttpxQuic, NghttpxFwd
 def env(pytestconfig) -> Env:
@@ -68,7 +67,16 @@ def httpd(env) -> Httpd:
 def nghttpx(env, httpd) -> Optional[Nghttpx]:
-    nghttpx = Nghttpx(env=env)
+    nghttpx = NghttpxQuic(env=env)
+    if env.have_h3():
+        nghttpx.clear_logs()
+        assert nghttpx.start()
+    yield nghttpx
+    nghttpx.stop()
+def nghttpx_fwd(env, httpd) -> Optional[Nghttpx]:
+    nghttpx = NghttpxFwd(env=env)
     if env.have_h3():
         assert nghttpx.start()

+ 0 - 1

@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List
 from testenv import Env, Httpd, Nghttpx, CurlClient, Caddy, ExecResult
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

+ 8 - 13

@@ -46,37 +46,34 @@ class TestBasic:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'http://{env.domain1}:{env.http_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_get(url=url)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        assert r.response['status'] == 200
+        r.check_response(http_status=200)
         assert r.json['server'] == env.domain1
     # simple https: GET, any http version
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
     def test_01_02_https_get(self, env: Env, httpd):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain1}:{env.https_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_get(url=url)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        assert r.response['status'] == 200
+        r.check_response(http_status=200)
         assert r.json['server'] == env.domain1
     # simple https: GET, h2 wanted and got
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
     def test_01_03_h2_get(self, env: Env, httpd):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain1}:{env.https_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_get(url=url, extra_args=['--http2'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        assert r.response['status'] == 200
-        assert r.response['protocol'] == 'HTTP/2'
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, protocol='HTTP/2')
         assert r.json['server'] == env.domain1
     # simple https: GET, h2 unsupported, fallback to h1
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
     def test_01_04_h2_unsupported(self, env: Env, httpd):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain2}:{env.https_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_get(url=url, extra_args=['--http2'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        assert r.response['status'] == 200
-        assert r.response['protocol'] == 'HTTP/1.1'
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, protocol='HTTP/1.1')
         assert r.json['server'] == env.domain2
     # simple h3: GET, want h3 and get it
@@ -85,7 +82,5 @@ class TestBasic:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain1}:{env.h3_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_get(url=url, extra_args=['--http3'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        assert r.response['status'] == 200
-        assert r.response['protocol'] == 'HTTP/3'
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, protocol='HTTP/3')
         assert r.json['server'] == env.domain1

+ 19 - 38

@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(http_status=200)
     # download 2 files
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -70,8 +69,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data.json?[0-1]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=2, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=2)
     # download 100 files sequentially
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -82,10 +80,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data.json?[0-99]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)
-        r.check_stats(count=100, exp_status=200)
-        # http/1.1 sequential transfers will open 1 connection
-        assert r.total_connects == 1
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=100, connect_count=1)
     # download 100 files parallel
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -99,14 +94,13 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--parallel', '--parallel-max', f'{max_parallel}'
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=100, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=100)
         if proto == 'http/1.1':
             # http/1.1 parallel transfers will open multiple connections
-            assert r.total_connects > 1
+            assert r.total_connects > 1, r.dump_logs()
             # http2 parallel transfers will use one connection (common limit is 100)
-            assert r.total_connects == 1
+            assert r.total_connects == 1, r.dump_logs()
     # download 500 files sequential
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -119,14 +113,13 @@ class TestDownload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data.json?[0-499]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=500, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=500)
         if proto == 'http/1.1':
             # http/1.1 parallel transfers will open multiple connections
-            assert r.total_connects > 1
+            assert r.total_connects > 1, r.dump_logs()
             # http2 parallel transfers will use one connection (common limit is 100)
-            assert r.total_connects == 1
+            assert r.total_connects == 1, r.dump_logs()
     # download 500 files parallel
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
@@ -141,10 +134,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--parallel', '--parallel-max', f'{max_parallel}'
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
-        # http2 parallel transfers will use one connection (common limit is 100)
-        assert r.total_connects == 1
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=count, connect_count=1)
     # download files parallel, check connection reuse/multiplex
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
@@ -159,8 +149,7 @@ class TestDownload:
                                with_stats=True, extra_args=[
             '--parallel', '--parallel-max', '200'
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(http_status=200, count=count)
         # should have used at most 2 connections only (test servers allow 100 req/conn)
         # it may be just 1 on slow systems where request are answered faster than
         # curl can exhaust the capacity or if curl runs with address-sanitizer speed
@@ -177,8 +166,7 @@ class TestDownload:
                                with_stats=True, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         # http/1.1 should have used count connections
         assert r.total_connects == count, "http/1.1 should use this many connections"
@@ -191,8 +179,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data-1m?[0-{count-1}]'
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
     def test_02_09_1MB_parallel(self, env: Env,
@@ -205,8 +192,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
     def test_02_10_10MB_serial(self, env: Env,
@@ -217,8 +203,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data-10m?[0-{count-1}]'
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
     def test_02_11_10MB_parallel(self, env: Env,
@@ -233,8 +218,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
     def test_02_12_head_serial_https(self, env: Env,
@@ -247,8 +231,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2'])
     def test_02_13_head_serial_h2c(self, env: Env,
@@ -261,8 +244,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--head', '--http2-prior-knowledge', '--fail-early'
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
     def test_02_20_h2_small_frames(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
         # Test case to reproduce content corruption as observed in
@@ -288,8 +270,7 @@ class TestDownload:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto="h2", extra_args=[
             '--parallel', '--parallel-max', '2'
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         srcfile = os.path.join(httpd.docs_dir, 'data-1m')
         for i in range(count):
             dfile = curl.download_file(i)

+ 5 - 10

@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ class TestGoAway:
         assert httpd.reload()
         r: ExecResult = self.r
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         # reload will shut down the connection gracefully with GOAWAY
         # we expect to see a second connection opened afterwards
         assert r.total_connects == 2
@@ -101,16 +100,14 @@ class TestGoAway:
         assert nghttpx.reload(timeout=timedelta(seconds=2))
         r: ExecResult = self.r
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
+        # this should take `count` seconds to retrieve
+        assert r.duration >= timedelta(seconds=count)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200, connect_count=2)
         # reload will shut down the connection gracefully with GOAWAY
         # we expect to see a second connection opened afterwards
-        assert r.total_connects == 2
         for idx, s in enumerate(r.stats):
             if s['num_connects'] > 0:
                 log.debug(f'request {idx} connected')
-        # this should take `count` seconds to retrieve
-        assert r.duration >= timedelta(seconds=count)
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200, exp_exitcode=0)
     # download files sequentially with delay, reload server for GOAWAY
     def test_03_03_h1_goaway(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, repeat):
@@ -133,11 +130,9 @@ class TestGoAway:
         assert httpd.reload()
         r: ExecResult = self.r
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200, connect_count=2)
         # reload will shut down the connection gracefully with GOAWAY
         # we expect to see a second connection opened afterwards
-        assert r.total_connects == 2
         for idx, s in enumerate(r.stats):
             if s['num_connects'] > 0:
                 log.debug(f'request {idx} connected')

+ 4 - 8

@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ class TestStuttered:
                f'/curltest/tweak?id=[0-{count - 1}]'\
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download 50 files in 100 chunks a 100 bytes with 10ms delay between
     # prepend 100 file requests to warm up connection processing limits
@@ -75,8 +74,7 @@ class TestStuttered:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url1, urln], alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=warmups+count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=warmups+count, http_status=200)
         assert r.total_connects == 1
         t_avg, i_min, t_min, i_max, t_max = self.stats_spread(r.stats[warmups:], 'time_total')
         if t_max < (5 * t_min) and t_min < 2:
@@ -98,8 +96,7 @@ class TestStuttered:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url1, urln], alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=warmups+count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=warmups+count, http_status=200)
         assert r.total_connects == 1
         t_avg, i_min, t_min, i_max, t_max = self.stats_spread(r.stats[warmups:], 'time_total')
         if t_max < (5 * t_min):
@@ -121,8 +118,7 @@ class TestStuttered:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url1, urln], alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=warmups+count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=warmups+count, http_status=200)
         assert r.total_connects == 1
         t_avg, i_min, t_min, i_max, t_max = self.stats_spread(r.stats[warmups:], 'time_total')
         if t_max < (5 * t_min):

+ 2 - 2

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TestErrors:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--retry', '0'
-        r.check_exit_code_not(0)
+        r.check_exit_code(False)
         invalid_stats = []
         for idx, s in enumerate(r.stats):
             if 'exitcode' not in s or s['exitcode'] not in [18, 56, 92]:
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class TestErrors:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--retry', '0', '--parallel',
-        r.check_exit_code_not(0)
+        r.check_exit_code(False)
         assert len(r.stats) == count, f'did not get all stats: {r}'
         invalid_stats = []
         for idx, s in enumerate(r.stats):

+ 7 - 13

@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, "h3")}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=['--http3-only'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         assert r.stats[0]['http_version'] == '3'
     # download using only HTTP/3 on missing server
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, "h3")}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=['--http3-only'])
-        r.check_exit_code(7)  
+        r.check_response(exitcode=7, http_status=None)
     # download using HTTP/3 on missing server with fallback on h2
     @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_h3(), reason=f"missing HTTP/3 support")
@@ -70,8 +69,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, "h3")}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=['--http3'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         assert r.stats[0]['http_version'] == '2'
     # download using HTTP/3 on missing server with fallback on http/1.1
@@ -81,8 +79,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain2, "h3")}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=['--http3'])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         assert r.stats[0]['http_version'] == '1.1'
     # make a successful https: transfer and observer the timer stats
@@ -90,8 +87,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, "h2")}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln])
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         assert r.stats[0]['time_connect'] > 0.0
         assert r.stats[0]['time_appconnect'] > 0.0
@@ -102,8 +98,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=[
             '--resolve', f'{env.https_port}:'
-        r.check_exit_code_not(0)
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=0)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=0, exitcode=False)
         assert r.stats[0]['time_connect'] > 0.0    # was tcp connected
         assert r.stats[0]['time_appconnect'] == 0  # but not SSL verified
@@ -114,8 +109,7 @@ class TestEyeballs:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], extra_args=[
             '--resolve', f'{1}:'
-        r.check_exit_code_not(0)
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=0)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=None, exitcode=False)
         assert r.stats[0]['time_connect'] == 0     # no one should have listened
         assert r.stats[0]['time_appconnect'] == 0  # did not happen either

+ 13 - 24

@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
         assert respdata == [data]
@@ -74,8 +73,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-0]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
         indata = open(fdata).readlines()
         respdata = open(curl.response_file(0)).readlines()
         assert respdata == indata
@@ -92,8 +90,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == [data]
@@ -112,8 +109,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == [data]
@@ -130,10 +126,9 @@ class TestUpload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         indata = open(fdata).readlines()
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == indata
@@ -150,10 +145,8 @@ class TestUpload:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         indata = open(fdata).readlines()
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == indata
@@ -172,8 +165,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=data, alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == [data]
@@ -192,8 +184,7 @@ class TestUpload:
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{fdata}', alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         self.check_download(count, fdata, curl)
     # PUT 100k
@@ -209,10 +200,9 @@ class TestUpload:
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         exp_data = [f'{os.path.getsize(fdata)}']
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == exp_data
@@ -230,10 +220,9 @@ class TestUpload:
         url = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/curltest/put?id=[0-{count-1}]&chunk_delay=10ms'
         r = curl.http_put(urls=[url], fdata=fdata, alpn_proto=proto,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         exp_data = [f'{os.path.getsize(fdata)}']
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         for i in range(count):
             respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
             assert respdata == exp_data

+ 11 - 22

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.has_caddy(), reason=f"missing caddy")
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
 class TestCaddy:
     @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
@@ -71,8 +72,7 @@ class TestCaddy:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain1}:{caddy.port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download 1MB files sequentially
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -86,10 +86,7 @@ class TestCaddy:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.domain1}:{caddy.port}/[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
-        # sequential transfers will open 1 connection
-        assert r.total_connects == 1
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200, connect_count=1)
     # download 1MB files parallel
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -105,13 +102,12 @@ class TestCaddy:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         if proto == 'http/1.1':
             # http/1.1 parallel transfers will open multiple connections
-            assert r.total_connects > 1
+            assert r.total_connects > 1, r.dump_logs()
-            assert r.total_connects == 1
+            assert r.total_connects == 1, r.dump_logs()
     # download 5MB files sequentially
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
@@ -125,10 +121,7 @@ class TestCaddy:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.domain1}:{caddy.port}/[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        assert r.exit_code == 0
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
-        # sequential transfers will open 1 connection
-        assert r.total_connects == 1
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200, connect_count=1)
     # download 10MB files sequentially
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['h2', 'h3'])
@@ -142,10 +135,7 @@ class TestCaddy:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.domain1}:{caddy.port}/[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
-        # sequential transfers will open 1 connection
-        assert r.total_connects == 1
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200, connect_count=1)
     # download 10MB files parallel
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2', 'h3'])
@@ -161,11 +151,10 @@ class TestCaddy:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         if proto == 'http/1.1':
             # http/1.1 parallel transfers will open multiple connections
-            assert r.total_connects > 1
+            assert r.total_connects > 1, r.dump_logs()
-            assert r.total_connects == 1
+            assert r.total_connects == 1, r.dump_logs()

+ 148 - 26

@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@
+import filecmp
 import logging
 import os
+import re
 import pytest
-from testenv import Env, CurlClient
+from testenv import Env, CurlClient, ExecResult
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -37,13 +39,33 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class TestProxy:
     @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
-    def _class_scope(self, env, httpd):
+    def _class_scope(self, env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd):
         push_dir = os.path.join(httpd.docs_dir, 'push')
         if not os.path.exists(push_dir):
+        if env.have_nghttpx():
+            nghttpx_fwd.start_if_needed()
+        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-100k", fsize=100*1024)
+        env.make_data_file(indir=env.gen_dir, fname="data-10m", fsize=10*1024*1024)
+    def set_tunnel_proto(self, proto):
+        if proto == 'h2':
+            os.environ['CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2'] = '1'
+            return 'HTTP/2'
+        else:
+            os.environ.pop('CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2', None)
+            return 'HTTP/1.1'
+    def get_tunnel_proto_used(self, r: ExecResult):
+        for l in r.trace_lines:
+            m = re.match(r'.* CONNECT tunnel: (\S+) negotiated$', l)
+            if m:
+                return
+        assert False, f'tunnel protocol not found in:\n{"".join(r.trace_lines)}'
+        return None
     # download via http: proxy (no tunnel)
     def test_10_01_proxy_http(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
@@ -53,13 +75,13 @@ class TestProxy:
                                  '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
                                  '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download via https: proxy (no tunnel)
     @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
                         reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
-    def test_10_02_proxy_https(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_02_proxy_https(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, repeat):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
@@ -68,8 +90,7 @@ class TestProxy:
                                  '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxys_port}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download http: via http: proxytunnel
     def test_10_03_proxytunnel_http(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
@@ -81,27 +102,27 @@ class TestProxy:
                                  '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
                                  '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download http: via https: proxytunnel
     @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
                         reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
-    def test_10_04_proxy_https(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_04_proxy_https(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, repeat):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
-                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxys_port}/',
-                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxys_port}:',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download https: with proto via http: proxytunnel
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
     def test_10_05_proxytunnel_http(self, env: Env, httpd, proto, repeat):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json'
@@ -112,28 +133,129 @@ class TestProxy:
                                  '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
                                  '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
-        exp_proto = 'HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1'
-        assert r.response['protocol'] == exp_proto
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200,
+                         protocol='HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1')
     # download https: with proto via https: proxytunnel
     @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
                         reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
     @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
-    def test_10_06_proxy_https(self, env: Env, httpd, proto, repeat):
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_06_proxytunnel_https(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, proto, tunnel, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
-        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json'
+        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json?[0-0]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto, with_stats=True,
-                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxys_port}/',
-                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxys_port}:',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200,
+                         protocol='HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1')
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(r) == exp_tunnel_proto
+        srcfile = os.path.join(httpd.docs_dir, 'data.json')
+        dfile = curl.download_file(0)
+        assert filecmp.cmp(srcfile, dfile, shallow=False)
+    # download many https: with proto via https: proxytunnel
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fname, fcount", [
+        ['data.json', 100],
+        ['data-100k', 20],
+        ['data-1m', 5]
+    ])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_07_pts_down_small(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, proto,
+                                  tunnel, fname, fcount, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        count = fcount
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/{fname}?[0-{count-1}]'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto, with_stats=True,
+                               with_headers=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200,
+                         protocol='HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1')
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(r) == exp_tunnel_proto
+        srcfile = os.path.join(httpd.docs_dir, fname)
+        for i in range(count):
+            dfile = curl.download_file(i)
+            assert filecmp.cmp(srcfile, dfile, shallow=False)
+    # upload many https: with proto via https: proxytunnel
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("fname, fcount", [
+        ['data.json', 50],
+        ['data-100k', 20],
+        ['data-1m', 5]
+    ])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_08_upload_seq_large(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx, proto,
+                                    tunnel, fname, fcount, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        count = fcount
+        srcfile = os.path.join(httpd.docs_dir, fname)
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/curltest/echo?id=[0-{count-1}]'
+        r = curl.http_upload(urls=[url], data=f'@{srcfile}', alpn_proto=proto,
+                             extra_args=[
+                               '--proxytunnel',
+                               '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                               '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
+                               '--proxy-cacert',,
+                             ])
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(r) == exp_tunnel_proto
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
+        indata = open(srcfile).readlines()
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
+        for i in range(count):
+            respdata = open(curl.response_file(i)).readlines()
+            assert respdata == indata
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_10_09_reuse_ser(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, tunnel, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url1 = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json'
+        url2 = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url1, url2], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               with_headers=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
-        exp_proto = 'HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1'
-        assert r.response['protocol'] == exp_proto
+        r.check_response(count=2, http_status=200)
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(r) == exp_tunnel_proto
+        if tunnel == 'h2':
+            # TODO: we would like to reuse the first connection for the
+            # second URL, but this is currently not possible
+            # assert r.total_connects == 1
+            assert r.total_connects == 2
+        else:
+            assert r.total_connects == 2

+ 4 - 4

@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ class TestUnix:
                                  '--unix-socket', uds_faker.path,
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=1, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
     # download https: via unix socket
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
     def test_11_02_unix_connect_http(self, env: Env, httpd, uds_faker, repeat):
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         url = f'https://{env.domain1}:{env.https_port}/data.json'
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class TestUnix:
                                  '--unix-socket', uds_faker.path,
-        r.check_exit_code(35)  
+        r.check_response(exitcode=35, http_status=None)
     # download HTTP/3 via unix socket
     @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_h3(), reason='h3 not supported')
@@ -124,4 +124,4 @@ class TestUnix:
                                  '--unix-socket', uds_faker.path,
-        r.check_exit_code(96)  
+        r.check_response(exitcode=96, http_status=None)

+ 3 - 4

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=Env.curl_uses_lib('bearssl'), reason='BearSSL too slow')
+@pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_ssl_curl(), reason=f"curl without SSL")
 class TestReuse:
     # check if HTTP/1.1 handles 'Connection: close' correctly
@@ -52,8 +53,7 @@ class TestReuse:
         curl = CurlClient(env=env)
         urln = f'https://{env.authority_for(env.domain1, proto)}/data.json?[0-{count-1}]'
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto)
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         # Server sends `Connection: close` on every 2nd request, requiring
         # a new connection
         assert r.total_connects == count/2
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ class TestReuse:
         r = curl.http_download(urls=[urln], alpn_proto=proto, extra_args=[
             '--rate', '30/m',
-        r.check_exit_code(0)  
-        r.check_stats(count=count, exp_status=200)
+        r.check_response(count=count, http_status=200)
         # Connections time out on server before we send another request,
         assert r.total_connects == count
         # we do not see how often a request was retried in the stats, so

+ 193 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#                                  _   _ ____  _
+#  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
+#                             / __| | | | |_) | |
+#                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
+#                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
+# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at
+# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
+# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
+# KIND, either express or implied.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
+import filecmp
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import pytest
+from testenv import Env, CurlClient
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+                    reason=f"missing: {Env.incomplete_reason()}")
+class TestProxyAuth:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
+    def _class_scope(self, env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd):
+        if env.have_nghttpx():
+            nghttpx_fwd.start_if_needed()
+        httpd.clear_extra_configs()
+        httpd.set_proxy_auth(True)
+        httpd.reload()
+        yield
+        httpd.set_proxy_auth(False)
+        httpd.reload()
+    def set_tunnel_proto(self, proto):
+        if proto == 'h2':
+            os.environ['CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2'] = '1'
+            return 'HTTP/2'
+        else:
+            os.environ.pop('CURL_PROXY_TUNNEL_H2', None)
+            return 'HTTP/1.1'
+    def get_tunnel_proto_used(self, curl: CurlClient):
+        assert os.path.exists(curl.trace_file)
+        for l in open(curl.trace_file).readlines():
+            m = re.match(r'.* == Info: CONNECT tunnel: (\S+) negotiated', l)
+            if m:
+                return
+        return None
+    # download via http: proxy (no tunnel), no auth
+    def test_13_01_proxy_no_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=407)
+    # download via http: proxy (no tunnel), auth
+    def test_13_02_proxy_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxy-user', 'proxy:proxy',
+                                 '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
+                        reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_13_03_proxys_no_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=407)
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
+                        reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    def test_13_04_proxys_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, nghttpx_fwd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxy-user', 'proxy:proxy',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port()}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
+    def test_13_05_tunnel_http_no_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
+                               ])
+        # expect "COULD_NOT_CONNECT"
+        r.check_response(exitcode=56, http_status=None)
+    def test_13_06_tunnel_http_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, repeat):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'http://localhost:{env.http_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto='http/1.1', with_stats=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy-user', 'proxy:proxy',
+                                 '--proxy', f'http://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.proxy_port}:',
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200)
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
+                        reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    def test_13_07_tunnels_no_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, proto, tunnel, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto, with_stats=True,
+                               with_headers=True, with_trace=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        # expect "COULD_NOT_CONNECT"
+        r.check_response(exitcode=56, http_status=None)
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(curl) == exp_tunnel_proto
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.have_nghttpx(), reason="no nghttpx available")
+    @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not Env.curl_has_feature('HTTPS-proxy'),
+                        reason='curl lacks HTTPS-proxy support')
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("proto", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("tunnel", ['http/1.1', 'h2'])
+    def test_13_08_tunnels_auth(self, env: Env, httpd, proto, tunnel, repeat):
+        if tunnel == 'h2' and not env.curl_uses_lib('nghttp2'):
+            pytest.skip('only supported with nghttp2')
+        exp_tunnel_proto = self.set_tunnel_proto(tunnel)
+        curl = CurlClient(env=env)
+        url = f'https://localhost:{env.https_port}/data.json'
+        r = curl.http_download(urls=[url], alpn_proto=proto, with_stats=True,
+                               with_headers=True, with_trace=True,
+                               extra_args=[
+                                 '--proxytunnel',
+                                 '--proxy-user', 'proxy:proxy',
+                                 '--proxy', f'https://{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}/',
+                                 '--resolve', f'{env.proxy_domain}:{env.pts_port(tunnel)}:',
+                                 '--proxy-cacert',,
+                               ])
+        r.check_response(count=1, http_status=200,
+                         protocol='HTTP/2' if proto == 'h2' else 'HTTP/1.1')
+        assert self.get_tunnel_proto_used(curl) == exp_tunnel_proto

+ 5 - 0

@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@
+import pytest
+pytest.register_assert_rewrite("testenv.env", "testenv.curl", "testenv.caddy",
+                               "testenv.httpd", "testenv.nghttpx")
 from .env import Env
 from .certs import TestCA, Credentials
 from .caddy import Caddy
 from .httpd import Httpd
 from .curl import CurlClient, ExecResult
 from .nghttpx import Nghttpx
+from .nghttpx import Nghttpx, NghttpxQuic, NghttpxFwd

+ 109 - 48

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+import pytest
 import json
 import logging
 import os
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ import re
 import shutil
 import subprocess
 from datetime import timedelta, datetime
-from typing import List, Optional, Dict
+from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Union
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
 from .env import Env
@@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ class ExecResult:
     def stderr(self) -> str:
         return ''.join(self._stderr)
+    @property
+    def trace_lines(self) -> List[str]:
+        return self._trace if self._trace else self._stderr
     def duration(self) -> timedelta:
         return self._duration
@@ -159,53 +164,97 @@ class ExecResult:
     def add_assets(self, assets: List):
-    def check_exit_code(self, code: int):
-        assert self.exit_code == code, \
-            f'expected exit code {code}, '\
-            f'got {self.exit_code}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-    def check_exit_code_not(self, code: int):
-        assert self.exit_code != code, \
-            f'expected exit code other than {code}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-    def check_responses(self, count: int, exp_status: Optional[int] = None,
-                        exp_exitcode: Optional[int] = None):
-        assert len(self.responses) == count, \
-            f'response count: expected {count}, ' \
-            f'got {len(self.responses)}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-        if exp_status is not None:
-            for idx, x in enumerate(self.responses):
-                assert x['status'] == exp_status, \
-                    f'response #{idx} status: expected {exp_status},'\
-                    f'got {x["status"]}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-        if exp_exitcode is not None:
-            for idx, x in enumerate(self.responses):
-                if 'exitcode' in x:
-                    assert x['exitcode'] == 0, \
-                        f'response #{idx} exitcode: expected {exp_exitcode}, '\
-                        f'got {x["exitcode"]}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-        if self.with_stats:
-            self.check_stats(count)
+    def check_exit_code(self, code: Union[int, bool]):
+        if code is True:
+            assert self.exit_code == 0, f'expected exit code {code}, '\
+                                        f'got {self.exit_code}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        elif code is False:
+            assert self.exit_code != 0, f'expected exit code {code}, '\
+                                                f'got {self.exit_code}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        else:
+            assert self.exit_code == code, f'expected exit code {code}, '\
+                                           f'got {self.exit_code}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+    def check_response(self, http_status: Optional[int] = 200,
+                       count: Optional[int] = 1,
+                       protocol: Optional[str] = None,
+                       exitcode: Optional[int] = 0,
+                       connect_count: Optional[int] = None):
+        if exitcode:
+            self.check_exit_code(exitcode)
+            if self.with_stats and isinstance(exitcode, int):
+                for idx, x in enumerate(self.stats):
+                    if 'exitcode' in x:
+                        assert int(x['exitcode']) == exitcode, \
+                            f'response #{idx} exitcode: expected {exitcode}, '\
+                            f'got {x["exitcode"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
-    def check_stats(self, count: int, exp_status: Optional[int] = None,
-                    exp_exitcode: Optional[int] = None):
+        if self.with_stats:
+            assert len(self.stats) == count, \
+                f'response count: expected {count}, ' \
+                f'got {len(self.stats)}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        else:
+            assert len(self.responses) == count, \
+                f'response count: expected {count}, ' \
+                f'got {len(self.responses)}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        if http_status is not None:
+            if self.with_stats:
+                for idx, x in enumerate(self.stats):
+                    assert 'http_code' in x, \
+                        f'response #{idx} reports no http_code\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+                    assert x['http_code'] == http_status, \
+                        f'response #{idx} http_code: expected {http_status}, '\
+                        f'got {x["http_code"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+            else:
+                for idx, x in enumerate(self.responses):
+                    assert x['status'] == http_status, \
+                        f'response #{idx} status: expected {http_status},'\
+                        f'got {x["status"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        if protocol is not None:
+            if self.with_stats:
+                http_version = None
+                if protocol == 'HTTP/1.1':
+                    http_version = '1.1'
+                elif protocol == 'HTTP/2':
+                    http_version = '2'
+                elif protocol == 'HTTP/3':
+                    http_version = '3'
+                if http_version is not None:
+                    for idx, x in enumerate(self.stats):
+                        assert x['http_version'] == http_version, \
+                            f'response #{idx} protocol: expected http/{http_version},' \
+                            f'got version {x["http_version"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+            else:
+                for idx, x in enumerate(self.responses):
+                    assert x['protocol'] == protocol, \
+                        f'response #{idx} protocol: expected {protocol},'\
+                        f'got {x["protocol"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        if connect_count is not None:
+            assert self.total_connects == connect_count, \
+                f'expected {connect_count}, but {self.total_connects} '\
+                f'were made\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+    def check_stats(self, count: int, http_status: Optional[int] = None,
+                    exitcode: Optional[int] = None):
+        if exitcode is None:
+            self.check_exit_code(0)
         assert len(self.stats) == count, \
-            f'stats count: expected {count}, got {len(self.stats)}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-        if exp_status is not None:
+            f'stats count: expected {count}, got {len(self.stats)}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        if http_status is not None:
             for idx, x in enumerate(self.stats):
                 assert 'http_code' in x, \
-                    f'status #{idx} reports no http_code\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-                assert x['http_code'] == exp_status, \
-                    f'status #{idx} http_code: expected {exp_status}, '\
-                    f'got {x["http_code"]}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
-        if exp_exitcode is not None:
+                    f'status #{idx} reports no http_code\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+                assert x['http_code'] == http_status, \
+                    f'status #{idx} http_code: expected {http_status}, '\
+                    f'got {x["http_code"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
+        if exitcode is not None:
             for idx, x in enumerate(self.stats):
                 if 'exitcode' in x:
                     assert x['exitcode'] == 0, \
-                        f'status #{idx} exitcode: expected {exp_exitcode}, '\
-                        f'got {x["exitcode"]}\n{self._dump_logs()}'
+                        f'status #{idx} exitcode: expected {exitcode}, '\
+                        f'got {x["exitcode"]}\n{self.dump_logs()}'
-    def _dump_logs(self):
+    def dump_logs(self):
         lines = []
         lines.append('>>--stdout ----------------------------------------------\n')
@@ -252,6 +301,10 @@ class CurlClient:
     def download_file(self, i: int) -> str:
         return os.path.join(self.run_dir, f'download_{i}.data')
+    @property
+    def trace_file(self) -> str:
+        return self._tracefile
     def _rmf(self, path):
         if os.path.exists(path):
             return os.remove(path)
@@ -272,6 +325,7 @@ class CurlClient:
                       with_stats: bool = True,
                       with_headers: bool = False,
                       no_save: bool = False,
+                      with_trace: bool = False,
                       extra_args: List[str] = None):
         if extra_args is None:
             extra_args = []
@@ -292,12 +346,14 @@ class CurlClient:
         return self._raw(urls, alpn_proto=alpn_proto, options=extra_args,
-                         with_headers=with_headers)
+                         with_headers=with_headers,
+                         with_trace=with_trace)
     def http_upload(self, urls: List[str], data: str,
                     alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None,
                     with_stats: bool = True,
                     with_headers: bool = False,
+                    with_trace: bool = False,
                     extra_args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
         if extra_args is None:
             extra_args = []
@@ -310,12 +366,14 @@ class CurlClient:
         return self._raw(urls, alpn_proto=alpn_proto, options=extra_args,
-                         with_headers=with_headers)
+                         with_headers=with_headers,
+                         with_trace=with_trace)
     def http_put(self, urls: List[str], data=None, fdata=None,
                  alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None,
                  with_stats: bool = True,
                  with_headers: bool = False,
+                 with_trace: bool = False,
                  extra_args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
         if extra_args is None:
             extra_args = []
@@ -333,7 +391,8 @@ class CurlClient:
         return self._raw(urls, intext=data,
                          alpn_proto=alpn_proto, options=extra_args,
-                         with_headers=with_headers)
+                         with_headers=with_headers,
+                         with_trace=with_trace)
     def response_file(self, idx: int):
         return os.path.join(self._run_dir, f'download_{idx}.data')
@@ -379,15 +438,16 @@ class CurlClient:
                  - start,
-    def _raw(self, urls, intext='', timeout=10, options=None, insecure=False,
+    def _raw(self, urls, intext='', timeout=None, options=None, insecure=False,
              alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None,
-             with_headers=True):
+             with_headers=True,
+             with_trace=False):
         args = self._complete_args(
             urls=urls, timeout=timeout, options=options, insecure=insecure,
             alpn_proto=alpn_proto, force_resolve=force_resolve,
-            with_headers=with_headers)
+            with_headers=with_headers, with_trace=with_trace)
         r = self._run(args, intext=intext, with_stats=with_stats)
         if r.exit_code == 0 and with_headers:
             self._parse_headerfile(self._headerfile, r=r)
@@ -398,14 +458,15 @@ class CurlClient:
     def _complete_args(self, urls, timeout=None, options=None,
                        insecure=False, force_resolve=True,
                        alpn_proto: Optional[str] = None,
-                       with_headers: bool = True):
+                       with_headers: bool = True,
+                       with_trace: bool = False):
         if not isinstance(urls, list):
             urls = [urls]
         args = [self._curl, "-s", "--path-as-is"]
         if with_headers:
             args.extend(["-D", self._headerfile])
-        if self.env.verbose > 2:
+        if with_trace or self.env.verbose > 2:
             args.extend(['--trace', self._tracefile, '--trace-time'])
         elif self.env.verbose > 1:
             args.extend(['--trace', self._tracefile])

+ 19 - 2

@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ class EnvConfig:
             'https': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
             'proxy': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
             'proxys': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
+            'h2proxys': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
             'caddy': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
             'caddys': socket.SOCK_STREAM,
@@ -229,10 +230,18 @@ class Env:
     def incomplete_reason() -> Optional[str]:
         return Env.CONFIG.get_incomplete_reason()
+    @staticmethod
+    def have_nghttpx() -> bool:
+        return Env.CONFIG.nghttpx is not None
     def have_h3_server() -> bool:
         return Env.CONFIG.nghttpx_with_h3
+    @staticmethod
+    def have_ssl_curl() -> bool:
+        return 'ssl' in Env.CONFIG.curl_props['features']
     def have_h2_curl() -> bool:
         return 'http2' in Env.CONFIG.curl_props['features']
@@ -371,13 +380,21 @@ class Env:
         return self.https_port
-    def proxy_port(self) -> str:
+    def proxy_port(self) -> int:
         return self.CONFIG.ports['proxy']
-    def proxys_port(self) -> str:
+    def proxys_port(self) -> int:
         return self.CONFIG.ports['proxys']
+    @property
+    def h2proxys_port(self) -> int:
+        return self.CONFIG.ports['h2proxys']
+    def pts_port(self, proto: str = 'http/1.1') -> int:
+        # proxy tunnel port
+        return self.CONFIG.ports['h2proxys' if proto == 'h2' else 'proxys']
     def caddy(self) -> str:
         return self.CONFIG.caddy

+ 48 - 19

@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ class Httpd:
     MODULES = [
         'log_config', 'logio', 'unixd', 'version', 'watchdog',
-        'authn_core', 'authz_user', 'authz_core', 'authz_host',
+        'authn_core', 'authn_file',
+        'authz_user', 'authz_core', 'authz_host',
+        'auth_basic', 'auth_digest',
         'env', 'filter', 'headers', 'mime',
         'rewrite', 'http2', 'ssl', 'proxy', 'proxy_http', 'proxy_connect',
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ class Httpd:
     MOD_CURLTEST = None
-    def __init__(self, env: Env):
+    def __init__(self, env: Env, proxy_auth: bool = False):
         self.env = env
         self._cmd = env.apachectl
         self._apache_dir = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'apache')
@@ -68,7 +70,9 @@ class Httpd:
         self._logs_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'logs')
         self._error_log = os.path.join(self._logs_dir, 'error_log')
         self._tmp_dir = os.path.join(self._apache_dir, 'tmp')
+        self._passwords = os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'passwords')
         self._mods_dir = None
+        self._proxy_auth = proxy_auth
         self._extra_configs = {}
         assert env.apxs
         p =[env.apxs, '-q', 'libexecdir'],
@@ -103,6 +107,9 @@ class Httpd:
     def clear_extra_configs(self):
         self._extra_configs = {}
+    def set_proxy_auth(self, active: bool):
+        self._proxy_auth = active
     def _run(self, args, intext=''):
         env = {}
         for key, val in os.environ.items():
@@ -146,6 +153,7 @@ class Httpd:
         r = self._apachectl('stop')
         if r.exit_code == 0:
             return self.wait_dead(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
+        log.fatal(f'stopping httpd failed: {r}')
         return r.exit_code == 0
     def restart(self):
@@ -211,6 +219,9 @@ class Httpd:
                 'server': f'{domain2}',
+        if self._proxy_auth:
+            with open(self._passwords, 'w') as fd:
+                fd.write('proxy:$apr1$FQfeInbs$WQZbODJlVg60j0ogEIlTW/\n')
         with open(self._conf_file, 'w') as fd:
             for m in self.MODULES:
                 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._mods_dir, f'mod_{m}.so')):
@@ -223,9 +234,6 @@ class Httpd:
                 f'ErrorLog {self._error_log}',
                 f'LogLevel {self._get_log_level()}',
-                f'LogLevel http:trace4',
-                f'LogLevel proxy:trace4',
-                f'LogLevel proxy_http:trace4',
                 f'H2MinWorkers 16',
                 f'H2MaxWorkers 128',
                 f'H2Direct on',
@@ -284,30 +292,33 @@ class Httpd:
             conf.extend([  # http forward proxy
                 f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.proxy_port}>',
                 f'    ServerName {proxy_domain}',
-                f'    Protocols h2c, http/1.1',
+                f'    Protocols h2c http/1.1',
                 f'    ProxyRequests On',
                 f'    ProxyVia On',
                 f'    AllowCONNECT {self.env.http_port} {self.env.https_port}',
-                f'    <Proxy "*">',
-                f'      Require ip',
-                f'    </Proxy>',
+            ])
+            conf.extend(self._get_proxy_conf())
+            conf.extend([
+                f'',
             conf.extend([  # https forward proxy
                 f'<VirtualHost *:{self.env.proxys_port}>',
                 f'    ServerName {proxy_domain}',
-                f'    Protocols h2, http/1.1',
+                f'    Protocols h2 http/1.1',
                 f'    SSLEngine on',
                 f'    SSLCertificateFile {proxy_creds.cert_file}',
                 f'    SSLCertificateKeyFile {proxy_creds.pkey_file}',
                 f'    ProxyRequests On',
                 f'    ProxyVia On',
                 f'    AllowCONNECT {self.env.http_port} {self.env.https_port}',
-                f'    <Proxy "*">',
-                f'      Require ip',
-                f'    </Proxy>',
+            ])
+            conf.extend(self._get_proxy_conf())
+            conf.extend([
+                f'',
         with open(os.path.join(self._conf_dir, 'mime.types'), 'w') as fd:
@@ -316,13 +327,31 @@ class Httpd:
+    def _get_proxy_conf(self):
+        if self._proxy_auth:
+            return [
+                f'    <Proxy "*">',
+                f'      AuthType Basic',
+                f'      AuthName "Restricted Proxy"',
+                f'      AuthBasicProvider file',
+                f'      AuthUserFile "{self._passwords}"',
+                f'      Require user proxy',
+                f'    </Proxy>',
+            ]
+        else:
+            return [
+                f'    <Proxy "*">',
+                f'      Require ip',
+                f'    </Proxy>',
+            ]
     def _get_log_level(self):
-        #if self.env.verbose > 3:
-        #    return 'trace2'
-        #if self.env.verbose > 2:
-        #    return 'trace1'
-        #if self.env.verbose > 1:
-        #    return 'debug'
+        if self.env.verbose > 3:
+            return 'trace2'
+        if self.env.verbose > 2:
+            return 'trace1'
+        if self.env.verbose > 1:
+            return 'debug'
         return 'info'
     def _curltest_conf(self) -> List[str]:

+ 98 - 25

@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Nghttpx:
-    def __init__(self, env: Env):
+    def __init__(self, env: Env, port: int, name: str):
         self.env = env
+        self._name = name
+        self._port = port
         self._cmd = env.nghttpx
-        self._run_dir = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, 'nghttpx')
+        self._run_dir = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, name)
         self._pid_file = os.path.join(self._run_dir, '')
         self._conf_file = os.path.join(self._run_dir, 'nghttpx.conf')
         self._error_log = os.path.join(self._run_dir, 'nghttpx.log')
@@ -76,27 +78,7 @@ class Nghttpx:
         return True
     def start(self, wait_live=True):
-        self._mkpath(self._tmp_dir)
-        if self._process:
-            self.stop()
-        args = [
-            self._cmd,
-            f'--frontend=*,{self.env.h3_port};quic',
-            f'--backend=,{self.env.https_port};{self.env.domain1};sni={self.env.domain1};proto=h2;tls',
-            f'--backend=,{self.env.http_port}',
-            f'--log-level=INFO',
-            f'--pid-file={self._pid_file}',
-            f'--errorlog-file={self._error_log}',
-            f'--conf={self._conf_file}',
-            f'--cacert={}',
-            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.domain1).pkey_file,
-            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.domain1).cert_file,
-        ]
-        ngerr = open(self._stderr, 'a')
-        self._process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stderr=ngerr)
-        if self._process.returncode is not None:
-            return False
-        return not wait_live or self.wait_live(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
+        pass
     def stop_if_running(self):
         if self.is_running():
@@ -146,7 +128,7 @@ class Nghttpx:
         curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir)
         try_until = + timeout
         while < try_until:
-            check_url = f'https://{self.env.domain1}:{self.env.h3_port}/'
+            check_url = f'https://{self.env.domain1}:{self._port}/'
             r = curl.http_get(url=check_url, extra_args=['--http3-only'])
             if r.exit_code != 0:
                 return True
@@ -159,7 +141,7 @@ class Nghttpx:
         curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir)
         try_until = + timeout
         while < try_until:
-            check_url = f'https://{self.env.domain1}:{self.env.h3_port}/'
+            check_url = f'https://{self.env.domain1}:{self._port}/'
             r = curl.http_get(url=check_url, extra_args=[
                 '--http3-only', '--trace', 'curl.trace', '--trace-time'
@@ -184,3 +166,94 @@ class Nghttpx:
                 '# do we need something here?'
+class NghttpxQuic(Nghttpx):
+    def __init__(self, env: Env):
+        super().__init__(env=env, name='nghttpx-quic', port=env.h3_port)
+    def start(self, wait_live=True):
+        self._mkpath(self._tmp_dir)
+        if self._process:
+            self.stop()
+        args = [
+            self._cmd,
+            f'--frontend=*,{self.env.h3_port};quic',
+            f'--backend=,{self.env.https_port};{self.env.domain1};sni={self.env.domain1};proto=h2;tls',
+            f'--backend=,{self.env.http_port}',
+            f'--log-level=INFO',
+            f'--pid-file={self._pid_file}',
+            f'--errorlog-file={self._error_log}',
+            f'--conf={self._conf_file}',
+            f'--cacert={}',
+            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.domain1).pkey_file,
+            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.domain1).cert_file,
+            f'--frontend-http3-window-size=1M',
+            f'--frontend-http3-max-window-size=10M',
+            f'--frontend-http3-connection-window-size=10M',
+            f'--frontend-http3-max-connection-window-size=100M',
+        ]
+        ngerr = open(self._stderr, 'a')
+        self._process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stderr=ngerr)
+        if self._process.returncode is not None:
+            return False
+        return not wait_live or self.wait_live(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
+class NghttpxFwd(Nghttpx):
+    def __init__(self, env: Env):
+        super().__init__(env=env, name='nghttpx-fwd', port=env.h2proxys_port)
+    def start(self, wait_live=True):
+        self._mkpath(self._tmp_dir)
+        if self._process:
+            self.stop()
+        args = [
+            self._cmd,
+            f'--http2-proxy',
+            f'--frontend=*,{self.env.h2proxys_port}',
+            f'--backend=,{self.env.proxy_port}',
+            f'--log-level=INFO',
+            f'--pid-file={self._pid_file}',
+            f'--errorlog-file={self._error_log}',
+            f'--conf={self._conf_file}',
+            f'--cacert={}',
+            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.proxy_domain).pkey_file,
+            self.env.get_credentials(self.env.proxy_domain).cert_file,
+        ]
+        ngerr = open(self._stderr, 'a')
+        self._process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stderr=ngerr)
+        if self._process.returncode is not None:
+            return False
+        return not wait_live or self.wait_live(timeout=timedelta(seconds=5))
+    def wait_dead(self, timeout: timedelta):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir)
+        try_until = + timeout
+        while < try_until:
+            check_url = f'https://{self.env.proxy_domain}:{self.env.h2proxys_port}/'
+            r = curl.http_get(url=check_url)
+            if r.exit_code != 0:
+                return True
+            log.debug(f'waiting for nghttpx-fwd to stop responding: {r}')
+            time.sleep(.1)
+        log.debug(f"Server still responding after {timeout}")
+        return False
+    def wait_live(self, timeout: timedelta):
+        curl = CurlClient(env=self.env, run_dir=self._tmp_dir)
+        try_until = + timeout
+        while < try_until:
+            check_url = f'https://{self.env.proxy_domain}:{self.env.h2proxys_port}/'
+            r = curl.http_get(url=check_url, extra_args=[
+                '--trace', 'curl.trace', '--trace-time'
+            ])
+            if r.exit_code == 0:
+                return True
+            log.debug(f'waiting for nghttpx-fwd to become responsive: {r}')
+            time.sleep(.1)
+        log.error(f"Server still not responding after {timeout}")
+        return False

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff